Difficult Vocabulary Medical Area
Difficult Vocabulary Medical Area
Difficult Vocabulary Medical Area
Pulse-ox 98 percent.
A large-bore IV. Don´t let the blood hemolyze. Let´s go!
and head revealed cerebral edema CT
That means every test in the book: CT, CBC, chem-7, tox screen.
- Is he gorked?
Cristina you´re a labs. George, patient work-ups.
- Looks like
Nothing in the results explain her seizures = convulsiones
- The race bike claims his first victim.
- I´ll make my AAA repair after all
And I didn´t get stuck with someone this clueless.
- Do an EEG and confirmatory tests.
If I hadn´t taken that Hippocratic.
I´m in a dugout, about to be traded
Oath, I´d Kevorkian her with my bare hards.
- Skin grafting
You´ll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon = Vas a participar… - And use a coaster
- Izzie´s perky
She is a little groggy. - Alex, push the damn gurney! (camilla).
- Meredith, get cleared up and scrub in
Now invert the stump into the cecum. Cause one of you little sniveling no-good snot rags
The purse strings. He tripped and fell down a flight of stairs holding a nail gun.
You want films from three axis points and a c-arm in surgery
You´re filling with stool. She has adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Rates her abdominal
pain three out of ten.
Pansy-ass idiot Diarrhea, hematochezia, melena, afebrile with T-max 37-2 and
stable vital signs.
You have to dig out Lab significant for a total ability of seven.
Mr. Jones has junky veins, and he really needs antibiotis. Abdominal CT
She needs an enema, an ERCP for a stent and brush biopsy this
So because he saw you in a thong I´ve had a twinge in my back for a while.
Should I order the MRI?
My emasculation My legs went numb.
She´s jaundiced
She is DNR. You don´t resuscitate We´ll put you on a PCA pump
We have a 57-year-old male. He´s asystole.
You´ll be discharged today, ok? I´ve just looked at your MRI
It´s a benign systolic ejection murmur. It goes away with age. A HANDSOME MAN IS WHISKING ME AWAY = whisk
- OB nurse to Labor and Delivery. VERB 1 with object and adverbial of direction Take or
- Your Doppler was negative. move (someone or something) somewhere suddenly
- (about a baby) I saw him have a tet spell, and I think I hear a and quickly. ‘he whisked her off to Paris for a few days’
murmur. ‘his jacket was whisked away for dry-cleaning’ 2 with object
….. Beat or stir (a substance, especially cream or eggs) with a
My hands are numb.
It´s my pager number in this card light, rapid movement.
I think you´re cocky, arrogant, bossy and pushy. Look at the changes in her EKG
Her ICP´s doubled. Get OR!
Prep for craniotomy. -Get a cardiac cath
Let´s hang a mannitol. Take a blood gas -And the non sequitur award goes to…
I had to leave her skull flap off until the pressure in her brain goes dawn. -ICU patients are going to the south wing
Go scrub in when we´ve cracked the baby´s chest -Prep and drep the patient.
Emotions. Tuck them neatly away -I´ll need some lap pads, forceps, Metzenbaums and
I´m helming the TTTS case you guys admitted last week. (TTTS = TWIN-TWIN Satinsky clamps.
-They were really, really naughty. Saucy even.
Could´ve pinned him in a second
-Stick your hand in and bluntly dissect down.
Brag, champ, brag! You´ve earned it!
Who´s pathetic? Why don´t you just dump the
Spending my life popping zits
pig´s blood on me now and get it over with?
A standstill operation
- Baby you had food poisoning
IV nurse call ICU, extension 323 - I had one, lousy restaurant clam
….. Which means that your gallbladder may have to come out.
Wore my new lip gloss I´m giving you antibiotics and IV fluids to cool the gallbladder down.
Bilateral pleural effusion with evidence of subQ edema. I have a zit on my forehead and I am beginning to look how I feel.
You´re hovering And I stay while Plastics does a TRAM flap reconstruction.
Keep M. A. P. at greater than 60, please. (At the restaurant, a wine) What is a nice, oaky Chardonnay?
Are you really as shallow and callous as you seen? He said he had heartburn.
He was in PEA. There was no time We have a dissecting thoracic aorta. We need a CT cleared
that aren´t perfusing. CVP is sky-high. Start another large-bore IV. Continue high flow O2. Transport
He was on PEA, there was no time. Are you really as shallow and callous as you seem?
I know, you´re a flannel-wearing, wood-chopping fisherman. Multi-system organ failure, secondary to overwhelming sepsis.
RETURN OF 860 CC´S OF BLOOD Put the defib pads on him and give him 150.
It´s a focal, left-size seizure. Let´s get that diazepam running. “I chopped down the cherry tree” whatever.
I can´t afford to piss off Bailey anymore. You can see it in the eye. And the swagger.
You´ll just get edged out, blacklisted, passed over for chief She had her tricuspid valve replaced three years ago with a porcine valve.
Postoperative labs show a crit of 30 and normal. I can´t condone turfing patients onto other services.
coagulation. Chest-tube output has halted in the last two hours. Vicious, hyper devil-mutt is available and will pee on your bed.
The bolus injections. Complications of Boerhaave´s Syndrome. Pleural effusion, sepsis, shock.
Cardiac perfusionist, 4217. tachycardia to the 130´s. Started her on high flow O2.
There´s an AVM on his left temporal lobe. 25-year-old restrained driver, Noah Reynolds.
I´ll call an OB resident down to supervise. 22-year-old pregnant restrained passenger T-boned on her side.
Dr. Grim to ICU stat. Prolonged extrication in the field. BP 90 over 50. Pulse in the 80s.
To get a look inside the bladder. My GCS was 13. Why haven´t I had a CT?
Bill, you have a camera snaking up your mojo. Your LVAD battery is almost dead.
There´s definitely a growth protruding into the bladder. Pressure just bottomed out.
Four quadrant packing! Come on, Head CT and X-ray.
people, get me some lap pads. She presented with upper GI bleeding. And she had a TIPSS
Cross clamp the aorta. procedure last month for esophageal varices.
Frequent decels and loss of variability. I have a 34-year-old male with a blunt head trauma and severe OCD.
PH is down 7.1. Core temp 93 degrees. The incision begins along the left subcostal margin, across the
Still oozing. right rectus, and extending well into the flank.
And to help counteract the acid buildup. Definitely excise the endobronchial mets for symptomatic palliation
She´s in ICU. There´s nothing I can do. - What are his symptoms?
- Polydipsia, lethargy and vomiting
Some of the wounds are still oozing. - Any sign of fever or dehydration?
- Can you see the source of the bleed? Make sure you get her (pregnant woman) to the MRI.
- Internal paddles.
A CT to rule out intra-cerebral hemorrhage, contusion
We´re chasing our tails. Get Addison!
or cerebral edema.
Intracranial hemorrhaging.
My PVS case? He opened his eyes.
I´d start with an H and P and get a CT
There it is. On his pituitary, it´s a Rathke´s cleft cyst.
You have poison oak where nobody wants to have poison oak.
- How do you treat hyponatremia?
Excise his cardiothoracic mass. - Three percent hypertonic saline solution IV, 300 CCs over three
- She´ll be working with us
Acute dysrhythmia and CHF - The more, the merrier.
The best we can do is get him up to CICU He was acting all jittery and started slurring his words.
Titrate up his nitrate drip, then diuretics. We put in Lucy´s brain shunt yesterday and she´s doing well.
ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and start dobutamine. Dr Burke used a catheter to open Emily´s atrial septum last night.
She has a low-grade fever. They should have spent another eight weeks in the womb.
We were at the hotel Monaco having brunch. - BP´s low. She´s tachycardic.
Do an MRI. - Dropping on high-flow O2
-Tachycardic in the 140s.Systolic dipped to the 60s. Last was 72 over 40. hypoplasia of the ventricle?
Dislocation of the PIP joint, multiple fractures. -Stenosis or atresia of the mitral and aortic valves.
Last season I took a puck to the face, broke two teeth. -Why use the RV-PA conduit instead of the modified
Jesse Fannon, 32, unrestrained driver in a rear-end collision. -It limits diastolic runoff.
BP´s 120 palp. Pulse 75. -Well, you´ve done your homework.
You´re NPO. No food allowed. We´ve been doing CPR for 20 minutes.
- She´s coding Mr. Gaston is scheduled for resection non-small cell carcinoma
- Again? OK, turn up the epi drip.
today. He did well overnight, has remained afebrile.
ECMO is too dangerous. We´re gonna have to keep her going on epi.
He´ll be a smudge.
She had a restricted atrial septum and virtually no aorta.
Kelly Roche, in for an ETS for treatment of erythrophobia and hyperpyrexia.
I work my ass off doing CPR, pumping her full of every drug on the
planet. Any available IV nurse to the ER.
Her SATS are completely stable. Izzie, the Dr. Shepherds need an intern up in the NICU.
This is the CCU, there are not trees allowed in the CCU. -So, where is the mother
He´s in V-Fib. Charge the paddles to 100. -Gone. Stuck around long enough to get the kid strung out then took off.
I´m a farmer, OK? I´ve been drooling, puking, and crapping my pants. -How are her labs
I´m not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits -H&H are stable, chest X-rays show no acute process.
Basilar artery´s like a balloon. Subarachnoid bleeding, large aneurysm. -Side effects. Compensatory sweating of the back, abdomen, thighs and legs.
He is doing a standstill operation. Possible gustatory sweating. Horner´s syndrome occurs in under one percent
of patients.
I need a cerebral angio.
Brachial plexus injury, pneumothorax and hemothorax are highly unlikely.
LS (instrument of the OR)
Brachial plexus injury could cause paralysis of the arms.
IV nurse call ICU
Pneumothorax is a collapsed lung.
She´s got a good grip.
Right-angle clamp.
She´s got a resistant strain of pneumococcus.
She spiked a post-op fever.
CVP IS 241.
See. Bilateral pleural effusion with evidence of subQ edema.
The Shepherds´ preemie case is non-surgical.
En English please.
Get a gurney in here!
We´ve detected what looks like beginning heart failure in the twins.
Also, I want her started on a liter of LR wide open.
Watch cerebral perfusion pressures.
CT confirmed diverticulitis.
Keep M.A.P. at greater than 60, please.
It was an extrauterine pregnancy.
Male, 55, victim of a head-on collision. GCS is three. Depressed
The tube burst. She´s bleeding out.
skull fracture. Multiple internal injuries. ACLS protocol started,
Is he a candidate for the portable LVAD?
but his veins blew. We´ve pushed meds down the tube. PEA on arrival.
-THE COMPLICATIONS…. You´d be risking air embolus, v-fib. JACKPOT
Damn it. We got to tamponade. These burns should be debrided while he gets worked up.
See? See, his BUN and creatinine are increasing. She had a seizure and her heart stopped.
I am now removing the aneurysm from the nerve cluster. She´s having grand mal seizures.
Consult for an IVC filter. Initial B.P. was 90 over palp = presión inicial, 90 palpable.
You´re the spitting in age of your mother. After a bolus of N. S. = despues de solución salina.
They are cutting the government quite a bit of slack. A chest tube tray = una charola de intubación.
it´s early for ranting = es temprano para estar enojada. And, UH, maybe an L.P. KIT = un estuche para punción lumbar.
And when I kick ass at cardio= y cuando sea excelente en cardio. She was my rebound girl = ella fue por despecho.
These doors aren´t gonna budge = estos puestos no se pueden abrir Page em if any neuro deficits appear = llamame si aparecen nervios
Disguised as a vapid narcissist = narcisista insulsa
Her stitches are flawless = sus suturas son impecables.
Two weeks post-op from a cabg = 2 semanas operado de una derivación
de art. coronaria. It is a hairline fracture = es solo una fizura
Page Torres about the shrapnel in this man´s leg. = herida His E.S.R and C.R.P.s were elevated = 4-11
M.R.I = resonancia magnética. We had yo put him on low dose levofed = tuvimos que administrarle
una dosis baja de levofeda
I´m not clinging = no la necesito.
And he´s put out 350 cc´s from his chest tube = y escreto 350 cc de su
You know I have been fighting tooth and nail to get into her good tubo torásico.
Why did we do a spinal tap = una punción
A crash cart = un desfibrilador.
He had dyspnea on exertion = disnea de esfuerzo.
We´ll rise above = lo superaremos
I´m working him up for R.M.S.F. and doing Lyme titers = quiero
I was wrecked = quede devastada descartar fiebre moteada y enfermedad de Lyme.
Thank you for letting me crash in your cough = quedarme en tu sofa You´re a scrappy = eres un luchador.
All four limbs are moving And the temperatura is hovering right around 12 = y la temperatura
oscila en los 12 grados.
A positive collar sign.
While we get their castoffs = rechazados.
Your artery is shredding.
Bundle up = cubrete
We´re still rooting around in the primordial ooze.
A c-collar = un collarin.
Like the rest of the tree toads and slots = renacuajos y anfibios.
A concussion = una contusión
She´s wretched = inferior
They drag out their cigars =ellos fuman sus hábanos
Mean = mala
From an M.V.C. = de un accidente vehicular
I chopped it off last night = me lo corte (el pelo) anoche
Can be detected by Beck´s triad = Puede ser detectado con la triada de
You´re trolling = estan buscando Beck.
Lady on the streets tramp in the sheets. Increased J.V.P = aumento en pulso venoso
It´s dog-eat-dog Ronald. Suck it up = es lucha a muerte Ronald, ya no And muffled heart sounds = y ruidos apagados
Traumatic arrest = paro traumático
M.V.C., tachy and 160 = accidente vehicular Pulse in the 120s. obvious deformities to the right TIB/AB
And you triaged these men? = y atendió a esos hombres. Saw whirring
That graft = ese injerto. A twitch, I got a twitch on twin B´s gastro.
Impinging on the cord = afectando el cordón The N.G. TUBE HAS ERODED RIGHT.
He likes to berate and humiliate = desdeñar y humi.llar He bought these insane Yankees onesie
I can´t seem to get down the left bronchus = no puedo llegar al broun I´m the only one here under care of a shrink
Actually, it´s not a pap smear.
Vocal cords = cuerdas vocals
Silence is overrated
V-FIB = Fibrilación ventricular
Our expectations sell us short
F.F.P. = plasma congelado
A triple contrast abdominal C.T.
Do not harangue her
Looks like S.V.T.
The patient won´t be able to come off pump = el paciente no podra ser
desconectado Push 1 of EPI, a gram of MAG and an amp. of calcium.
60% of her skin sloughed off = se desprendio You peek, you´re trembling
Grab a bovie = cauterizador We´ll float a catheter up and embolize the area.
To sew the graft=que suture el ijerto Get yourself a bulb syringe, squeeze an isotonic solution
She had a massive C.V.A. the blow supply to her brain=accidente You´re the quack
She´s gonna exsanguinate
Push one of EPI
A clean slate
You cut his LVAD wires?
Severe frostbite but no obvious internal injuries
Heart rate 217.
Get him a Tet-Tox and push a gram of cefazolin I.V.
He is in S.V.T.
…. To start thawing his hands
See his B.U.N.
That was a flail chest
The prom
You can run another W.M.S.R.
It´s painful and hellish
You didn´t start an I.V.?
Severely hypothermic. Started two large-bore I.V.s
I´m with the I.D.C.
Alert O.B. to a possible D&C
Blunt trauma to the head
We have multiple M.V.C.s due any second
Backed over by her mom´s S.U.V.
Pressure dressings applied, two large bore I.V.s started.
I didn´t decannulate the heart by myself
an 18-gauge needle and a 20cc syringe
Plowed through the fish market at the warf
9-12 Vital signs stable. GCS is 14.
A stupid-high post excision mortality. Tom Hints, restrained passenger in a car with front-end damage.
Paramedics: fell off the damn ladder cleaning the damn gutter. Howen, restrained driver with major intrusion into his area of the
And I get to do an endocardial stripping of the left ventricle.
I´m betting his aorta is shredded beef.
To a pregnant woman: swollen gums, heartburn.
Elene, 17 weeks pregnant, hypotensive in the field, with abdominal
There was significant dashboard damage. bruising.
About a new patient: are knee injury, possible pelvis, c-spine. She is losing too much blood. More lap pads, now!
You don´t get to make little self-deprecating remarks. She has a new hematoma in the temporal lobe. Now why would that
cause her not to recognize her son?
Ker last AST WAS 23-42. INR WAS 6.
… causing her to experience symptoms of Capgras syndrome.
Hold CPR. Pulse is V-tach. Paddles. Charge to 200.
I´ll have to replace the mitral valve (at the heart).
Page peds, page cardio, start an IVIG right away.
Forty-year-old male logger versus chain saw. And his nose is pretty
much sliced off.
I cant crak.
I brought lackeys.
I need an ET tube.