Configuring Ohs and Essbase With SSL For Obiee

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Configure SSL to Oracle Http Server (OHS) to be the

Web Server for OBIEE 11g and Essbase shipped in
along with OBIEE 11g

What do we need?
1. SSL Certificates

 CA Root Certificate

 CA Intermediate Certificate

 CA Signed OHS Server Certificate

2. Create an Oracle Wallet

 Using Oracle Wallet Manager (GUI mode)

 Using orapki command line tool (cmd line interface)

 Convert jks Keystore to Oracle Wallet

3. OHS Configuration Steps for OBIEE Full SSL Deployment

 httpd.conf

 ssl.conf

 mod_wl_ohs.conf

4. Configuration Steps for OBIEE SSL termination at Web Server (OHS)

 httpd.conf

 ssl.conf

 mod_wl_ohs.conf

5. Configuring Essbase Server in SSL Mode

 Creating Oracle Wallet (created by converting jks Keystore file to wallet)

 Configuring Essbase Server

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Creating Oracle Wallet for OHS Using Wallet Manager

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 Click No  Right Click Trusted Certificates and add your CA intermediate and root certificates

Create the Certificate Request either for the ohs server name or for the website name

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Send the CSR to the Certification Authority and get it signed.

Import the CA Signed OHS Server Certificate into the OHS Wallet.

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Select Save As, and save the certificate to


Saved to C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\wallet & created the certificate for

Once Auto Login is checked cwallet.sso file is created.

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Creating Oracle Wallet for OHS using orapki command

line tool

Create an auto-login wallet and use the wallet:

orapki wallet create -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\eWallet -auto_login -pwd Oracle123

We need a key pair for the Server Certificate Signing Request:

Unfortunately we will fail validating the java key store if we use anything other than orapki.

So we have to use the wallet. The signing request will be created along:

Command: orapki wallet add -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\eWallet -dn "CN=, OU=CEAL, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US" -keysize
2048 -pwd Oracle123 -validity 365

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Export the CSR from the wallet:

Command: orapki wallet export -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\eWallet -dn "CN=, OU=CEAL, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US" -request

Send the CSR to the Certification Authority and get it signed.

Import the CA Signed OHS Server Certificate into the OHS Wallet.

Import CA Inter, CA Root, brownbag (ohs) certificates into the wallet

Command: orapki wallet add -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\eWallet -pwd Oracle123 -

trusted_cert -cert C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\CAInter.pem

Command: orapki wallet add -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\eWallet -pwd Oracle123 -

trusted_cert -cert C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\CARoot.pem

Command: orapki wallet add -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\eWallet -pwd Oracle123 -

user_cert -cert C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\brownbag.pem

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Open the wallet in Oracle Wallet Manager and validate it

Creating a Oracle Wallet by converting jks Keystore

You want to create a wallet containing your server cert and private key provided by your PKI administrator as a
yourcert.p12 file.

Let’s assume the password for the private key is "mypassword".

One way is to convert this p12 to jks

keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore yourcert.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore yournewkeystore.jks -

deststoretype JKS

You must use the same password for the new jks and the private key = "mypassword"

Import in this keystore, the intermediate and root certs for your server cert. This is required to create a valid wallet.

keytool -import -alias Root -keystore yournewkeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file root.cer

keytool -import -alias Intermediate -keystore yournewkeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file intermediate.cer

Validate all entries are there using keytool -list -keystore yournewkeystore.jks

Since we already have a jks file which is created in the Config SSL for OBIEE
Steps, let us ignore the above steps.
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Using the jks file let us create a wallet:

Create an empty wallet with auto login:
C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\bin\orapki wallet create -wallet C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl -
auto_login -pwd Oracle123

Convert the jks to a wallet:

C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\bin\orapki wallet jks_to_pkcs12 -wallet
C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\eWallet -pwd Oracle123 -keystore
C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\myIdentity.jks -jkspwd Oracle123

Make sure the private key password and the wallet password match = Oracle123

Your wallet is ready to be used for OHS and Essbase. But remember this
wallet will be having OHS Server Certificate created with OHS Server Name
and not the Website Name.

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Configure SSL for OHS for OBIEE Full SSL Deployment


Add ServerName as


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Add (WLProxySSL ON, WLForwardUriUnparsed OFF, KeepAliveEnabled ON)
NOTE: Since its OBIEE Full SSL deployment, the OBIEE WebLogic Port will be SSL port i.e. 9804
NOTE: If OBIEE WebLogic Servers are also running in SSL Mode then add SecureProxy ON

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# NOTE : This is a template to configure mod_weblogic.

LoadModule weblogic_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"

# This empty block is needed to save mod_wl related configuration from EM to this file when changes are
made at the Base Virtual Host Level

<IfModule weblogic_module>
WLSSLWallet "C:\Oracle\Middleware\ssl\ohs\wallet"
WLForwardUriUnparsed OFF
KeepAliveEnabled ON
DynamicServerList Off
WLTempDir C:\tmp
WebLogicPort 9704 #This port value should be 9804 if OBIEE WebLogic Mqanaged Server is running in SSL Mode
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
SecureProxy OFF #This Value should be ON if OBIEE WebLogic Mqanaged Server is running in SSL Mode
WLLogFile C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_WT1\instances\instance2\diagnostics\logs\OHS\ohs1\ohs_log.log
#Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the BI_SERVERn Managed Servers


# BI Office
<Location /bioffice>
SetHandler weblogic-handler

<Location /biofficeclient>
SetHandler weblogic-handler

<Location /wsm-pm>
SetHandler weblogic-handler

# BIEE Analytics
<Location /analytics>

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SetHandler weblogic-handler
WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 600

<Location /mapviewer>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 600

<Location /analytics-ws>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 600

<Location /bimiddleware>
SetHandler weblogic-handler

# BI Publisher
<Location /xmlpserver>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 600



Configure SSL for OHS (Terminating SSL at Web Server)

Differences between Full SSL and Terminating SSL at Web Server will be
only at mod_wl_ohs.conf file


Change from ON in Full SSL to OFF in this Config (WLProxySSL OFF, SecureProxy OFF)

NOTE: Since its SSL termination at Web Server, the WebLogic Port will be non-SSL port i.e. 9704

And in httpd.conf file we need to add Header Location to redirect https requests to https only.

Note: In case of https to http fails add in httpd.conf:

Header edit Location ^http://(.*)$ https://$1


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Configure SSL for Essbase Server (Shipped in with OBIEE)

NOTE: From FMW Control we can Configure SSL for all BI Components but
we cannot Configure SSL for shipped in Essbase Server Component

Essbase Server to run in SSL needs Oracle Wallet, so create an Oracle Wallet by converting
an existing jks Keystore into an Oracle Wallet.

Please refer this section in this document “Creating an Oracle Wallet by converting jks
Or follow any of the steps used to create a Oracle Wallet for OHS (Web Server)

In essbase.cfg file: add few ssl parameters as below:

Essbase.cfg can be found under

**********************************Add below line after existing text**********************************

WalletPath C:\\Oracle\\Middleware\\ssl\\essbase
EnableClearMode FALSE ;deactivates http
EnableSecureMode TRUE ;activates SSL
AgentSecurePort 9799 (if any port is free use it, if not comment the non-ssl port and use it for ssl)
ClientPreferredMode SECURE ;always prefer secure communication

Restart Essbase Server
Check if Essbase is successfully running in ssl mode at 9799 port in opmnctl status / in EM SSL Report

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