Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Keywords: Thermal catalytic and non catalytic degradation of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) were carried out in
Pyrolysis a batch reactor at 450 °C. The major product obtained from the non-catalytic pyrolysis of PE was 80 wt% of wax,
Polyethylene while the degradation of PP without any catalyst produced 85.5% of liquid. In catalytic degradation, ultra-stable
Polypropylene Y (USY) zeolite was used in a ratio of 1:10, with respect to PE and PP. In both cases, polymers were converted to
Catalytic cracking
liquid products with high yields (71 and 82 wt% respectively) and a low amount of coke deposit has appeared.
The liquid fraction derived from the catalytic pyrolysis of PE was a mixture of C5-C39 compounds and that of PP
Alternative fuels
was a mixture of C5-C30. This wide range of components suggests the separation of liquids into two phases in
order to use them as diesel-like and gasoline-like fuels. Three temperatures of separation (130, 150, 170 °C) were
tested and the physical properties were compared. Among the tested temperatures, 170 °C was the optimal
temperature of separation where the distillation curves and physical properties of the light and heavy phases
fitted completely those of gasoline and diesel fuels, respectively. After separation, the gasoline-like fuel which
represents 60.6% of the total oil of PP and 57% of that of PE had high octane numbers (RON = 96 and
RON = 97, respectively), while the diesel-like fuel which accounts for 36.5% of the total oil of PP and 35.3% of
that of PE have high calculated cetane numbers (52 and 53, respectively).
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Awad).
Received 31 January 2017; Received in revised form 3 August 2017; Accepted 6 September 2017
0165-2370/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: KASSARGY, C., Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2017),
C. Kassargy et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
C. Kassargy et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
C. Kassargy et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
3.2. Gas chromatography (GC–MS-FID) Fig. 3. As it can be seen, the liquid hydrocarbon products derived from
the non-catalytic pyrolysis were distributed in a wide range carbon
The GC–MS FID analysis of the liquid fuel sample obtained by cat- numbers (C8–C39) with a maximum fraction (C18-C21), while the liquid
alytic and non-catalytic pyrolysis of waste PP and PE was carried out to fraction derived from the catalytic pyrolysis was a mixture of C5-C39
analyze the compounds present in the fuel. Figs. 2 and 3 show the compounds with a maximum fraction (C10-C13). This changing in
difference in the pyrolysis liquids composition derived from non-cata- composition between non-catalytic and catalytic degradation can be
lytic and catalytic pyrolysis of PE and PP respectively, grouped ac- explained by the mechanisms that took place during the process.
cording to their carbon number. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, the liquid Thermal degradation of polyolefins has been reported to take place
obtained from non-catalytic PP pyrolysis contained hydrocarbons ran- through two mechanisms: (1) random scission to yield long-chain hy-
ging from C7-C30 with a maximum peak in C9 fraction. The use of the drocarbons; and (2) chain-end scission of the oligomers to yield low-
catalyst caused a shift of the products into lower molecular weights molecular weight products [25]. Following these two mechanisms, free
with products rich in C5–C11 compounds whose yields were as high as hydrogen radicals are formed from the scission of the polymer chain.
70%. On the other hand, the hydrocarbon composition of liquid oil Thereafter, a molecule with an unsaturated end and the other with a
derived from non −catalytic and catalytic pyrolysis of PE is shown in terminal free radical are formed through β-scission. Then, stabilization
C. Kassargy et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 3
Characteristics of liquid products obtained from non-catalytic and catalytic pyrolysis of PE and PP compared to the European standards.
Plastic type PE PP PE PP
Density (kg/m3) – 777 749 754 820–845 720–775
Viscosity (mm2/s) – 0.6 0.7 0.6 2–4.5 –
Lower heating value (LHV)(MJ/kg) – 44.9 45.1 45.8 43.4 44.4
of the free radicals occurs by hydrogen chain transfer reactions in- they represent more than 70% of the recovered oil. Olefins have much
cluding intermolecular transfer reaction and intra-molecular transfer higher reactivity over acidic catalysts than paraffins since they can be
reaction. The radical fragments were transformed into straight chain easily converted to carbocations on zeolite surface.
dienes, alkenes and alkanes. Termination reaction occurs by dis-
proportionation of the free radicals or combining of two free radicals
[26]. The formation of wax through non-catalytic pyrolysis of PE is 3.3. Physical properties of oil sample
related to the fact that PE consists of straight long carbon chains and
thermal degradation occurs by random-chain scission. Hydrocarbons From the Gas chromatograph analysis, there was a significant dif-
are decomposed through the homolytic rupture of covalent CeC bonds, ference among molecular weights of oils obtained by pyrolysis of PE
rather than CeH bonds. In this case, a relatively small proportion of and PP in the presence and absence of catalyst.
branched molecules are detected which accurate a homolytic me- The main properties of the pyrolysis oils obtained from the non-
chanism. catalytic and catalytic pyrolysis of PP and PE at 450 °C are summarized
We can notice that higher volatile compounds were obtained from in Table 3. The non-catalytic pyrolysis of PE gave a wax with a high
PP in contrast to PE, using the same pyrolysis parameters. This can be viscosity, while the non-catalytic pyrolysis of PP gave a less viscous
due to the difference in their structure since PP is a polymer whose liquid. Those properties are directly linked to the composition of those
chains present a greater cross-sectional area than PE, due to the pre- oils. Non-catalytic pyrolysis oil from PE is essentially composed of
sence of the methyl group substituent on alternate carbon atoms of the normal paraffins/olefins with high viscosity while pyrolysis oil from PP
chain. The presence of these methyl groups increase the number of is a mixture of branched paraffins/olefins with low viscosity. In non-
tertiary carbons in the molecule, which have considerably lower re- catalytic conditions, reaction time was too long and consumed a lot of
sistance against degradation and promotes the thermal cleavage of CeC energy, and produced a liquid which could not be recovered into va-
bonds and due to the branched structure, methyl, primary and sec- luable fuel oil. For this reason, the rest of the present study will be
ondary alkyl radicals are formed [27]. In fact, the mechanism of the focused on the catalytic pyrolysis of both PP and PE.
thermal degradation of polypropylene and polyethylene initiates by As it can be seen, liquids obtained by catalytic pyrolysis of waste PP
random chain scission with a formation of secondary and tertiary ra- and PE have LHVs in the range of gasoline and diesel. According to
dicals via rearrangement reactions (backbiting) and propagates through ASTMD 975, there are no limits for density of diesel fuel, but EN 590
the β-scission of the radicals [28]. The difference in the cracking me- specifies a density of 820–845 kg/m3 at 15 °C. Neither the liquid oil
chanism between PP and PE and the formation of secondary and ter- obtained from pyrolysis of PP (754 kg/m3) nor the liquid oil obtained
tiary radicals was explained by the lower degradation reaction time of from pyrolysis of PE (749 kg/m3) provided densities meeting the range
PP compared to that of PE. Transfer reactions play a minor role in specified in EN 590. On the other hand, both liquids densities meet the
polypropylene degradation compared to polyethylene degradation due range of gasoline specified in EN 228.
to the lower alkane concentration [29]. The specific carbon number Viscosities of both pyrolytic oils obtained from pyrolysis of PP
distribution presented in Fig. 2 with maximum at C9, C12, C15, C18 and (0.64 mm2/s) and from pyrolysis of PE (0.72 mm2/s), were out of the
C21 showed preferential cracking position, corresponding to the tertiary EN590 range and are very low compared to conventional diesel fuel
carbons. (2–4.5 mm2/s). This could be explained by the presence of light olefins
To explain the products observed from the catalytic cracking of PE and the presence of high branched isomers due to the carbon-chain
and PP over USY zeolite, two carbocationic mechanisms have been isomerization that takes place in the presence of catalysts [34].
suggested: (1) the classical bimolecular mechanism or β-cracking [30]
and (2) the monomolecular mechanism, through carbonium ions [31].
Table 4
Catalytic cracking of PE initiates with formation of free radicals along
Distillation properties of the produced oils according to EN 228 standard limits estab-
the polymer chains, which results in breakage of CeC bond. Due to lished for gasoline and En 590 standard limits established for diesel.
abstraction of hydride ion from the PE chain by USY, carbenium ion is
formed and undergoes isomerization, β-scission, and hydrogen transfer Distillation Properties Units limits EN228 Feedstock
to form smaller fragments [32]. Catalytic degradation of PP is known to
proceed by carbenium ion mechanism [33]. The catalytic degradation
of PP initiates by either the abstraction of hydride ion (by Lewis acid Evaporated @ 70 °C % (V/V) 20–48 10 9
sites) from the oligomer chains, or the attack of one Brønsted acid site Evaporated @ 100 °C % (V/V) 46–71 27 26
to the double bonds of the thermally degraded PP molecules. Fragments Evaporated @ 150 °C % (V/V) 75(min) 49 47
Initial boiling point (IBP) °C – 46.8 47.7
having lower molecular weights were produced in the catalytic de-
Final boiling point (FBP) °C 210 (max) 352 346
gradation of PP compared to that of PE, since the catalyst has a higher
catalytic cycle in order to degrade the PE chain than that of PP, and this
Distillation Properties Units limits EN590 Feedstock
is consistent with the higher degradation reaction time of PE than that
of PP. It is well known that the pyrolysis of PE and PP produce olefins PE PP
and paraffin but the use of USY catalyst modified their composition
while it is difficult to notice a variation in PP pyrolysis product, PE Recovered @ 250 °C % (V/V) 65 (max) 76 77
Recovered @ 350 °C % (V/V) 85 (min) 89 91
pyrolysis product were radically changed. There are no normal paraf- Temp @ 95% V/V rec °C 360 (max) 360 360
fins recovered in catalytic condition while in non catalytic cracking
C. Kassargy et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 5
Distillation and physical properties of the gasoline-like oil obtained after separation@
170°C according to EN 228 standard limits established for gasoline fuel.
Physical Properties
RON 95 (min) 97 96
Density @ 15 °C kg/m3 720–775 708 710
Vapour pressure kPa 45–60 (class A) 44.7 45
Table 6
Distillation and physical properties of the diesel-like oil obtained after separation @
170 °C according to EN 590 standard limits established for diesel fuel.
Physical Properties
Calculated cetane number 46 (min) 53 52
Fig. 4. Physical properties of (a,b) light phase and (c,d) heavy phase at different se- Density @ 15 °C kg/m3 820–845 797 800
paration temperatures. Viscosity @ 40 °C mm2/s 2–4.5 1.4 1.5
Flash point °C 55 (min) 54 49
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