ME Final Year Project Ideas

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Techno Engineering

College Banipur
College code : 244
Banipur College Road, Habra, North 24 PGS

ME 882
( Project Part - II )

: Affiliated To :
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of
Technology (MAKAUT)

Semester : VIII
: Project Name :
Pedal Powered Water
Pumping and Purification

Group Members Registration No. University Roll

Mayukh Saha 172440110118 24400717013
Ranit Saha 172440110123 24400717008
Amit Saha 172440110114 24400717017
Vishal Kumar 172440110130 24400717001
Md Majid Ali Khan 172440110119 24400717012

Mentor : Bidhan Chandra Das - TIC, Asst. Prof., Dept. of ME, TECB
: Acknowledgements :

I would like to acknowledge the sincere support provided by Mr. Bidhan

Chandra Das, Asst. Professor & TIC, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering , Techno Engineering College Banipur, in
completion of the project.
We are also thankful to Mr. Maloy Kumar Chandra, Principal, Techno
Engineering College Banipur, for his continuous support in the
completion of this project. Words alone cannot express the gratitude I
& my group has towards fabrication workshop staffs of Mechanical
Engineering Dept, in helping me to do my project work.
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: Index :
Content Page Number

Abstract 02-03

Introduction 04 - 06

Literature Survey 07

Materials & Cost’s 08

Working Principles 09 - 11

Flow Chart 12

Sample Photographs 13

CAD Diagram 14

Specification of Components 15

Calculations 16 - 17

Discussions & Analysis 18

Outcome Results 18

Conclusion 19
Future Scopes 20

References 21
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: Abstract :
This paper focuses on the design of a pedal powered water purifier which
can be used in rural areas for the filtration of water at small scale. It works
on the principle of alternate compression and relaxation of tube resulting
in negative pressure in the tube and creating a seal between suction and
discharge side of the pump. Upon restitution of the tube a strong vacuum
is formed drawing water into the pump and the roller passes along the
length of the tube totally compressing it and pushing the water through
the filter where adsorption takes place to purify the water. Thus, making
water purified without the help of the electricity. The proposed design
consists of a peristaltic pump powered by pedalling, a filter and a flexible
tube. This setup is optimized in such a way that it is user friendly and
produces no pollution. And also reduces the overall cost used in
transporting and sanitizing drinkable water.
This paper analyzes the design of a pedal powered purified water supply
device to be used by local dwellers. It consists of Centrifugal pump with
pedal power. It works on the principle of compression and sudden release
of a tube by creating negative pressure in the tube and this vacuum created
draws water from the sump into the pump while roller push the water
through to the filter where adsorption takes place to purify the water. This
paper proposes to take on challenges associated with the accessibility and
purity of water in developing countries by designing and building a
filtration and that are portable, durable, and cost effective. Pure water is
very much essential to survive, but now-a-days the water is getting
contaminated due to Industrialisation which leads to many water-related
diseases. A centrifugal pump will be used to pull salt water out of one
holding tank, pass through a filtration system (membrane), and onward
into a clean tank while the rider pedals the bicycle. Both the holding tanks
and the filtration system will be incorporated into the design of the entire
system that is portable and can be easily retrofitted to most standard
bicycles. Water is the most basic necessity for life and many of the people
in the world lack access to it. In many developing countries, people walk
many miles to reach a source of water that is not portable.
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The functionality of the pump and filter system needs to require as little
maintenance as possible. The design must also be user-friendly as the
assumption will be made that users will have no experience with any
vehicle of this type. Once the design is optimized, materials within the
build will be considered to find the most cost effective method of
manufacturing. This design will reduce the labour, cost and weariness
caused by transporting and sanitizing drinking water for use in the homes
of villages. In operation by pedalling the cycle, man power is converted
into mechanical energy which is further converted into hydraulic energy in
centrifugal pump.
PPWP will consist of a centrifugal pump operated by pedal power. The
centrifugal pump is positioned on its stand in such a way that driven shaft
of the centrifugal pump was butted to the bicycle wheel. By pedalling the
bicycle, the bicycle wheel rotates, thereby rotating the centrifugal pump
which in turns discharges water from the sump. PPWP provides drinking
water and irrigation in remote areas where electricity is not available.
PPWP is not only free from pollution but also provide healthy exercise.
PPWP reduces the rising energy costs. PPWP will design as a portable one
which can be used for irrigation in various places. The experimental
investigation was executed and performance of the PPWP had carried out
at different rpm. The results indicate that the PPWP will give a
considerable amount of discharge and head. The PPWP requires only
manual power thereby reducing the utility bill considerably. Experimental
result shows that discharge of about 0.0025m can be obtained for around
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: Introduction :
Pedal Powered Water Pump along with water purification (PPWP-WP) is
an eco-friendly system. The PPWP-WP works only on mechanical energy
without Electricity. PPWP-WP provides drinking water and irrigation in
remote areas where electricity is still a major problem. Along with
providing eco-friendly environment it also helps to regulate a good health
while pedalling PPWP is not only free from pollution but also provide
healthy exercise. PPWP-WP Produces the rising energy costs. PPWP-WP
was designed as a portable one which can be used for irrigation in various
places. PPWP-WP consists of a centrifugal pump operated by pedal power.
The centrifugal pump is positioned on its stand in such a way that driven
shaft of the centrifugal pump has butted to the bicycle wheel. By pedalling
the bicycle, the bicycle wheel rotates, thereby rotating the centrifugal
pump which in turns discharges water from the sump and transmitted to
pre filters which purify the water simultaneously.
Various statistics show that there are many villages in India that do not
have the facility of clean and safe drinking water. And that is because they
lack proper sources for the purpose of filtered water and one major source
is electricity. Water can contain many impurities, chemicals and various
bacteria’s. Such contaminants can cause serious health issues and thus is
totally unsafe for drinking. People have to walk miles just to reach to a
source of water and that too is not necessarily potable. Thus, the pedal
powered water purifier is a decent step towards helping people to get
purified water without much sources The pedal powered water filter works
mainly on mechanical energy thus cutting down the need of electricity for
the process of water filtration which make it more useful for the areas
where electricity is still a major issue. Pedalling is free from pollution, thus
it is an eco-friendly system and along with that it also provide healthy
exercise. The main objective of this water purifier is to provide clean water
by the means of converting the pedal energy into useful energy which can
be utilized to purify water. It basically consists of a Centrifugal pump.
Centrifugal pumps are used to transport fluids by the conversion of
rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The
rotational energy typically comes from an engine or electric motor. It can
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be used not only to purify water but also for irrigation purposes & always
possess a positive impact on health. The Reverse osmosis filter is used
which purifies the water to a greater extent & further more filters which
help purify it more. Further filters include sediment filter & activated
carbon filter. The experimental investigation can be carried out at different
rpm which can be helpful in determining the adequate flow rate required &
therefore, the amount of power required. Thus, manual power can be
harnessed to purify water & make it suitable for drinking purpose.
Developing countries around the world face challenges accessing safe and
clean drinking water. Alarming statistics led us to the idea that that we
could use a simple mechanism of transportation that is common in these
areas, such as the bicycle, to help aid their water and struggles. Our goal is
to design a bicycle attachment to purify and transport water from
contaminated sources that is active while the rider is pedalling. This
attachment, though not a permanent solution, would be a contribution to
the improvement of their quality of life. Our motivation from the idea of
quickly aiding those less fortunate areas, as well as providing a backup
should those regions run into contamination problems within their local
wells. Pedal Powered Water Purification is simplest form of water
purification and it is an eco friendly system. It works on the basis of
mechanical energy without electricity. It is a portable thing and can be
transferred to the various irrigation places. Pedal powered water
purification consists of centrifugal pump operated by pedal power. The
pump is mounted on the stand in such a way that the connecting rod of the
piston (centrifugal pump). By pedalling the crank, the crank rotates,
thereby rotating the centrifugal pump which in turns discharges water
from the container and transmitted to pre filters which purify the water
simultaneously. It can be also used as automatically with help of vehicle
Problem Statement –

 Use of chain drives increasing human effort.

 Centering of the axis of the driver to the driven causing whirling.

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 Effort getting waste to overcome the friction.

Problem Definition -
To overcome the above said problems belt drive is used instead of chain
drive which is utilizing maximum effort, previously which was going waste
in overcoming friction. Also, the whirling problem is resolved.
Proposed Methodology -
In this project we generally give mechanical power to the shaft, and the
shaft is connected to pump which is mounted on bicycle. The power
generated by pedaling is transferred to the rear sprocket as is done in
bicycle via chain drive. The Rear sprocket is connected to pulley, which is
connected to another pulley on the same shaft & axes. The power
generated is being supplied to the rear sprocket then to the pulley
connected, then to the second pulley connected mounted on the same
shaft. The power by this shaft is transferred to the pump. The inlet of the
pump is connected to the surge tank via pipe. Outlet of the pump is
connected to the water purifier for purification process. With the help of
this set up we can have a discharge to a certain head if required or we can
purify water when needed.

Figure – Sample Photo of a Pedal Powered Water Purifying Machine

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Literature survey is usually based on what earlier progress has been done
on this system and by closely studying it, what further modification can
be done to improve the output.
 Vishal Garg et. al (2013) worked on to reduce the effect of water
pump by using belt drives in bicycle. Belt drive is better way for
transmission of power from pedal to the shaft of centrifugal pump.
 Dhruv Duggal et al., (2014) worked on the enhancement of “Bicycle
operated pump filter”. Their main objective was to pump the water
with the help of centrifugal pump for the purpose of irrigation. By
pedaling the bicycle at particular rpm water can be lifted to a
certain height, thus can also be used at places where water is
present at lower ground levels. Physical parameters were
determined using various calculations.
 Pratik S. Nagrare et. al (2017) created the design of a filter operated
by pedaling the pedals attached on a frame by using the principle
of Bernoulli. The design was optimized such that it’s a stable frame
rather than a bicycle so that there would be no mechanical
disturbances during the filtration process
 Sanjay N. Havaldar et. al (2016) prepared the design of pump filter
by taking mathematic modeling into consideration. They
emphasized on the selection of materials based on the dependent
variables like flow rate, speed and power. Frictional head loss was
included to find out the nature of flow, turbulent or laminar.
Forces were resolved to calculate the exact power required to
overcome the friction. Designing by such parameters gave the
delivery by pump and thus an estimate time to filter the water.
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: Materials and Cost’s :

Serial No. Name of Type of Quantity Approx.

Material Material Cost

1. Bi Cycle Cast Iron 1 2200/-

2. Connecting Tube Rod 1 100/-


3. Pump Motor 1 1600/-

4. Container Plastic / Glass / 2 200/-


5. Piston Cast Iron 1 500/-

6. Filters POLYAMIDE, 1 1200/-

Total 5800/-
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: Working Principle :
There are only three major principles on which our working model
generally works:
 Power transmission through chain drive mechanism.

 Bernoulli’s equation.

 Power transmission through pulley belt arrangement.

Power Transmission through Chain Drive -

Chain drive is a way of transmitting mechanical power from one place to
another. It is often used to convey power to the wheels of a vehicle,
particularly bicycles and motorcycles. It is also used in a wide variety of
machines besides vehicles. Most often, the power is conveyed by a roller
chain, known as the drive chain or transmission chain, passing over a
sprocket gear, with the teeth of the gear meshing with the holes in the links
of the chain. The gear is turned, and this pulls the chain putting mechanical
force into the system.

Bernoulli's Principle -
In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli’s principle states that an increase in the speed of
a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the
fluid's potential energy. The principle is named after Daniel Bernoulli who
published it in his book Hydro-dynamical in 1738. Bernoulli's principle can be
applied to various types of fluid flow, resulting in various forms of
Bernoulli's equation; there are different forms of Bernoulli’s equation for
different types of flow. The simple form of Bernoulli’s equation is valid for
incompressible flows.

Power Transmission through pulley belt arrangement -

Belts are the cheapest utility of power transmission between shafts that
may not be axially aligned. Power transmission is achieved by specially
designed pulley and belt. They run smoothly and with little noise, and
cushion motor and bearings against load changes. This arrangement is
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made for power transmission and to reduce rpm as per requirements.

In working model of “Pedal powered water pumping and purification”
we are giving power to the shaft which is connected to the pump. The
pump is then connected to the purifier which simultaneously purifying
the water. Power which we are getting from pedaling is transmitted
from front to rare sprocket through chain drive mechanism, the same
rpm then transmitted to the pulley which is mounted on the same shaft.
This pulley transmitted power to the main shaft via belt drive
arrangement which is then connected to the pump. This pump’s outlet
is connected with the filter to purify the water.

1. Mechanism ~
A pedal powered water purification system is simplest form to purify
water. The main platform of the project is to convert salt water into
fresh water. The basic principle applied in the water purification is
Bernoulli’s principle and it states that an increase in the speed of a fluid
occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the
fluid's potential energy. During pedalling the mechanical energy is
converted into potential energy, where the pedal crank is fitted with the
connecting rod so that it connects the piston & cylinder, the flow of
water in the pipe and piston rod forces the water to through the
membrane and pure water be collected on the container. Flow rate of
this membrane is 10 LPH (below 1000 ppm) minimum which depend
upon pressure and input water quality. It can purify water 8 to 15 Litres
per hour. After completing 1 rotation 0.15 calories will burn. 600 rotation
= 90 calories.
2. Filtration Process ~
Activated carbon filter: It uses the phenomena of adsorption. The
water flowing through it contains impurities which are harmful for us.
The impurities in the low pressure water are adsorbed on the surface of
the activated carbon. The large surface area provided by the each
particle. Activated carbon also removes smells in water and makes
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cloudy water clear by removing colour causing compounds in the water.

While going through the activated carbon filter, each water molecule
gets sufficient space for adsorption. Pedal powered water filtration
system lowers down the turbidity & the TDS value under the acceptable
Sedimentation filter: It is used to reduce the turbidity of the water. Is
consists of suspended solids, such as silts, sand or clay. All the insoluble
impurities get separated by this filter.
3. Proposed Design ~
The exact model of the PPWP is still under progress, however, the
attachment of the centrifugal pump has been designed well. This is
shown in figure 1 & 2 with isotropic view. This attachment is attached on
the sprocket of the bicycle. Three long 10mm bolts can be used to attach
the attachment with sprocket. These rollers are in contact with the pip
that will be used to transport water. As the pedals rotate, & the rollers
move, negative pressure is created & the water is forced to move
forward, helping in reverse osmosis. The proper selection of the design
that provides the best overall benefit and versatility will consequently be
the one we choose.

Figure – i) Isotropic View Figure - ii) Front View

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: Flowchart :

• Contaminated water

• Centrifugal Pump

• Reverse Osmosis Fitration


• Pure water
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: Sample Photographs :
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: CAD Drawing of the Proposed Model (3-D) :

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: Specification of Components :
1. Diameter of sprocket - 0.168m (driven)
2. Diameter of sprocket - 0.065m (driver)
3. Centre distance between driver and driven - 0.48m
4. No. of teeth of driver - 45
5. No. of teeth on driven – 18
6. Casing diameter - 0.15
7. Discharge diameter - 0.02m
8. Suction diameter - 0.025m
9. Datum height - 0.9m
10. Delivery head - 1.03m
11. Suction length - 1.1m
12. Delivery length - 2m
13 i) Rotating Speed – 430 (N2) & 130(N1) (with load)
13 ii) Rotating Speed - 680(N2) & 150(N1) (no load)
14. Total distance - 0.86m
15. Shaft to pump - 0.77m
16. Diameter of small pulley (1) - 0.26m
17. Diameter of small pulley (2) - 0.12m
18. Crank radius - 0.18m
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: Calculation Results and Discussions :

1. Model calculation -
L1 = π (r1+r2) + 2x + (r1–r2)^2 /48
= π (8.2+3.2) + 2 * 48 + (8.2-3.2)^2/48
L1 = 1.32m
2. Calculation of chain -
Pitch of chain :
P = AB = 2 AO sin(Ѳ/2) = 2* (D/2) sin(Ѳ/2)
D= diameter of the pitch circle
T= No. of teeth on the sprocket
So, P = D sin (360/2T)
P = 16.8 sin (360/2*45)
P = 1.171
3. Pitch circle diameter -
D = p cosec (180/T)
P = D sin (180/T)
D=1.171 cosec (180/45)
D= 16.8cm
4. Length of chain -
L = K.P
K= No. of the chain links
P = Pitch of chain
The number of chain links –
K = (T1+ T2/2) + (2x/P) + {T2 – T1 / 2π} 2 (P/x)
= (45 + 18/2) + (2*48/1.17) + {18 – 45/2π}^2 (1.171/48)
K = 1.13m Therefore, L = K*P = 1.13*1.171, L = 1.32 m
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5. Discharge -
Discharge = 5 litre in 6.2 sec
6.2 = 5/1000 = 0.00080 m3/sec = 0.806 lit/sec
6. Velocity -
Velocity = discharge/area
Velocity = 0.00080/ ( π*r^2)
Velocity = 0.00080/ π (0.025/2)^2
d= diameter of suction
D= diameter of casing
{v2= 1.63 m/sec}
7. Calculation of coefficient of friction -
μ1 = 0.0008 + {0.05525/(5652125.279)^0.237}
μ1 = 0.0021
8. Head loss due to friction -
H2 = μ1v2L/2gd = 0.0021*3.1*(1.63)^2/(2*9.81*0.025)
H2 = 0.035m
9. Pressure -
P1= 0.08825 bar P2 = 0.29430 bar
10. Velocity -
V = 1.04 m3/sec
V = 1.63m3/sec
11. Torque -
= 48.54 Nm
12. Power delivered by pump -
P = ρgHp Ѳ = 1000*9.81*1119*0.0008
P = 8781.9W
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: Discussions :
 It is Low cost and helpful in rural areas.
 It will not need any types of electricity.
 Comfortable to use.

: Analysis :
 Capacity to purify : Minimum 50 Gallons or 200 litres per day.
 Water usage : Maximum need of capacity
 Pedalling time : Maximum minutes each for purifying water
 Total operation time : Maximum 20 minutes, which depend
upon pressure and input water quality
 Lifetime of structure : Membrane should be changed thrice a
 Capital cost : Rs. 5800/-

: Expected Outcome :
Suitable Level of TDS in Water
TDS Level Rating
< 300 mg Excellent
300 - 600 mg Good
600 - 900 mg Fair
900 - 1200 mg Poor
>1200 mg Unacceptable

The water that we take to purify has a general TDS of around

950, which after purification becomes around 350.
Level of pH: pH of impure water is generally around 6-8.5.
After purification, pH becomes 7.
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: Conclusion :

We know that electricity is still one of the major problem in rural area.
In summer days people struggles with the shortage of water. pedal
powered water pumping and purification meet these problem as this
system only works on pedal powered there is no need of electricity
neither to pump nor to purify the dirty water. of Pedal Powered Water
Pump along with its purification which is used for pure drinking water
supply and irrigation in remote areas. pedal powered water pumping
and purification is not only free from pollution but also provide healthy
exercise. pedal powered water pumping and purification reduces the
rising energy costs. Pedal powered water pumping and purification is
design as a portable one which can be use for irrigation in various places.
The experimental investigation was execute and performance of the
pedal powered water pumping and purification had carried out at
different rpm. So in this paper we have proposed that the pedal powered
water pumping and purification will give a considerable amount of
discharge and head.
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: Future Aspects of the Machine :

The future scope includes redesigning the structure of the

model and the type of pump to get higher pressure. The RO
filters can be made combinations with UV filters to get high
quality of pure water. By increasing the speed of cycling
action higher rate of water flow can be created. The model
can be redesigned in to movable model from stationary
model by using bicycle in which pump and filters can be
attached using suitable mechanism, and it can be even used
as a travelling device from one place to another place and
hence pure water can be collected in separate container by
the time the person reaches his destination.
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Journal ~
 Dhruv Duggal “Bicycle operated pump filter” Publisher IJMERR,
Vol. 3, No. 3 e-ISSN: 2278-0149(2014)
 Jayant Gidwani, Amit Kesheorey, Ratnesh Mishra “Pedal
powered water pumping and purification” Publisher IJSART-Vol.
2, Issue 5, e-ISSN: 2395-1052(2016)
 Vishal Garg, Neelesh Khandare, Gautam Yadav “Design and
experimental setup of pedal operated water pump” Publisher
IJERT-Vol.2, Issue 1, e-ISSN: 2278-0181(2013)
 Pratik S. Nagrare, Prajwal C. Gajbhiye, Nilesh M. Taksande, Sajal
Mishra “Bicycle powered water filtration system” Publisher
IJRISE, Special Issue 6-ICRTEST, e-ISSN: 2394-8299(2017)
 Sanjay N. Havaldar, Altaf Somani, Anusha Pikle, Yash Siriah,
Samiksha Patil “Pedal operated water filtration system”
Publisher IJCET, Special Issue-4, e-ISSN: 2277-4106(2016)

Books ~
 “Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines” By Dr. R.K.Bansal, Laxmi
Publications(p) Ltd.
 “A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics” By Rajput, S.Chand & Company Ltd.

Website ~

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