Introduction To Computer: Information Technology

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Information Technology

Amolika Patel Information Technology

IT or information technology refers to the development, maintenance, and use
of computer software, systems, and networks. It includes their use for the
processing and distribution of data. Data means information, facts, statistics,
etc., gathered together for reference, storage, or analysis.
The word technology on its own refers to the application of scientific knowhow
for practical purposes.
According to Information Technology Trends in 2019:
“Information technology refers to anything related to computing technology.
The Internet, for example, comes under the umbrella term IT. So does computer
hardware, software, and networking.”
Software includes all the computer programs – codes and instructions – within a
computer. Computers do not work without software. Hardware, in this context,
refers to the physical components of a computer system. The screen (monitor),
mouse, and motherboard, for example, are hardware items. has the following definition of the term:
“Information technology is the design and implementation of computer
networks for data processing and communication.”
“This includes designing the hardware for processing information and
connecting separate components, and developing software that can efficiently
and faultlessly analyse and distribute this data.”
According to Valforex, the term Information Technology first appeared in the
English language in 1958 in a Harvard Business Review article.
Introduction to Computer
A computer is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and
operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program. It
has the ability to accept data (input), process it, and then produce outputs.
Computers can also store data for later uses in appropriate storage devices, and
retrieve whenever it is necessary.
Modern computers are electronic devices used for a variety of purposes ranging
from browsing the web, writing documents, editing videos, creating
applications, playing video games, etc.
They are designed to execute applications and provide a variety of solutions by
combining integrated hardware and software components.
Techopedia explains Computer
The earliest digital electronic device that could be defined as the first modern
computer is the Colossus. Built in 1943-44, the Colossus was devised to crack
the Lorenz SZ 40/42, a German encryption machine used to support military
communications during World War II.
The device used 2,400 vacuum tubes to perform multiple boolean logical
operations to decode encrypted data.
Modern computers come in all shapes and sizes to perform a broad range of
different functions. Although the first ones that come to mind are desktop and
laptop computers, many other less-assuming devices — such as grocery
scanners, ATMs, and smart TVs — are computers as well.
The diffusion of smartphones, game consoles, wearables, and smart appliances
made computers much more readily available in our daily life.
A computer is made up of multiple parts and components that facilitate user

Classification of Computer



Definition – Microcomputer is known as personal computer like as small
computer. Microcomputers are designed with microprocessor as well as it
consists single chip that is CPU (Central Processing Unit), data memory (RAM,
ROM), and I/O buses; these are connected on the motherboard.

In the technical form, meaning of the microcomputer is a micro controller. It is

used in the home appliances such as microwaves, TV, refrigerator, and more.

In Business:
Microcomputers are playing vital role in every sectors of business because due
to use of this computer, massive paperwork has been reduced. Every
organization needs microcomputer to process of massive data such as each
bank’s employees use computer to perform their task in short duration. Other
sectors where to use microcomputer such as graphic design, architecture firms,
film studios, and more.
It is used in the retail sector as software, and it reduces headache because it can
manipulate several complex calculations in few time durations like as tax
returns, manage invoices and sort out payroll.
Microcomputer has more importance due
to their numerous features such as –
 Affordable cost
 Small size
 Used by single user
 No need well training for using it
 Less power consuming
 Mostly designed for personal usage
 Use single integrated semiconductor chip
 Less processing power
 Produce less heat
 Mostly microcomputers are portable

Definition: A minicomputer is also known as mini. It is a class of small
computers that was introduced into the world in the mid-1960s. A
minicomputer is a computer which has all the features of a large size
computer, but its size is smaller than those. A minicomputer lies between
the mainframe and the microcomputer because its size is smaller than the
former one and larger than the latter one. A minicomputer is also called
as a mid-range computer. Minicomputers are mainly multi-users systems
where more than one user can work simultaneously. Minicomputer
examples: IBM’s AS/400e, Honeywell200, TI-990.

Minicomputer can support multi-users at a time or you can say that

minicomputer is a multiprocessing system. Also, the power of processing
of minicomputers is not larger than the power of mainframe and
supercomputers. These minicomputers can do time-sharing, batch
processing, and online processing.

Characteristics of a minicomputer
• Its size is smaller than a mainframe or supercomputer.
• It is less expensive than mainframe or supercomputer.
• It is less powerful than mainframe or supercomputer and more powerful
than microcomputers and workstations.
• It can do several tasks at once.
• It can be used by many people at one time.
• It is used by small enterprises.

Applications of minicomputer
1 Minicomputer was used in business accounting.
2 A network of minicomputers can be created which allows a large
library with its different-2 branches to build its own internal network and
this network is more powerful than those handled by large-scale
computer installations.
3 It is used by the various sub-departments of the companies so that they
can unload the task of mainframe computers.
4 The areas where minicomputers have been traditionally applied in
information handling are:
• Circulation
• Cataloguing
• Series control
• Management
• Acquisitions
• Communications
• Information retrieval

Definition & Meaning – Mainframe computer likes as a big centralized
machine that contains the large memory, huge storage space, multiple
high-grade processors, so it has ultra-processing power compare to
standard computer systems. So, mainframe computer system’s
importance is increasing for large scale organization, scientific research,
consumer statistics, and census data, because it is capable to execute
multiple complex programs concurrently at the ultra-speed. Today, most
eminent vendors of mainframe computers are IBM, Hitachi, Amdahl,
and Unisys.
UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I) mainframe computers
was first developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly in USA, in
Z operating system is used with 64-bit O/S especially to IBM mainframe
computer, and it is designed by IBM organization.

Types of Z Series Mainframe Computer

 IBM z15
 IBM z14
 IBM System z13
 IBM z Enterprise System
 IBM System z10
 IBM System z9

Other Types of Mainframe Computer

 Tianhe-1A; NUDT YH Cluster
 Jaguar; Cray XT5
 Nebulae; Dawning TC3600 Blade
 TSUBAME 2.0; HP Cluster Platform 3000SL
 Hopper; Cray XE6
 System z9
 System z10 servers
 HP mainframe
 IBM 370, S/390
 Fujitsu’s ICL VME
 Hitachi’s Z800
 I Series System
 AS/400 System
 34/36 System

A supercomputer is a computer that performs at or near the
currently highest operational rate for computers. Traditionally,
supercomputers have been used for scientific and engineering
applications that must handle very large databases or do a great
amount of computation (or both). Although advances like multi-
core processors and GPGPUs (general-purpose graphics processing
units) have enabled powerful machines for personal use (see:
desktop supercomputer, GPU supercomputer), by definition, a
supercomputer is exceptional in terms of performance.

At any given time, there are a few well-publicized supercomputers

that operate at extremely high speeds relative to all other
computers. The term is also sometimes applied to far slower (but
still impressively fast) computers. The largest, most powerful
supercomputers are really multiple computers that perform parallel
processing. In general, there are two parallel processing
approaches: symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and massively
parallel processing (MPP).

As of June 2016, the fastest supercomputer in the world was the

Sunway TaihuLight, in the city of Wixu in China. A few statistics
on TaihuLight:

40,960 64-bit, RISC processors with 260 cores each.

Peak performance of 125 petaflops (quadrillion floating-point
operations per second).
32GB DDR3 memory per compute node, 1.3 PB memory in total.
Linux-based Sunway Raise operating system (OS).

Top supercomputers of recent years:

Year Supercomputer Peak speed Location

201 Sunway TaihuLight 93.01 PFLOPS Wuxi, China


201 NUDT Tianhe-2 33.86 PFLOPS Guangzhou, China


201 Cray Titan 17.59 PFLOPS Oak Ridge, U.S.


201 IBM Sequoia 17.17 PFLOPS Livermore, U.S.

201 Fujitsu K computer 10.51 PFLOPS Kobe, Japan

201 Tianhe-IA 2.566 PFLOPS Tianjin, China


200 Cray Jaguar 1.759 PFLOPS Oak Ridge, U.S.


2008 IBM Roadrunner 1.026 PFLOPS Los Alamos, U.S.

1.105 PFLOPS

TOP 10
Vulcan (US)

Juqueen (Germany)

Stampede (US)

Shaheen II (Saudi Arabia)

Piza Daint (Switzerland)

Mira (US)

K Computer (Japan)

Sequoia (US)

Titan (US)

Tanhe 2 (China)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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