Question Paper Code: D3111: B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Examinations, June / July 2021
Question Paper Code: D3111: B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Examinations, June / July 2021
Question Paper Code: D3111: B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Examinations, June / July 2021
5. Classify the partial differential equation u xx = ut .
, n0
9. Find the z - transform of f (n) = n ! .
(b) (i) Obtain the partial differential equation by eliminating f and g from
z = f (2 x + y) + g (3x − y ) . (8)
(ii) Solve x 2 p 2 + y 2 q 2 = z 2 . (8)
−1 + x, − x 0
12. (a) (i) Determine the Fourier series for the function f ( x) = .
1 + x, 0 x
1 1 1
Hence deduce that 1 − + − + ... = . (8)
3 5 7 4
(ii) Find the Fourier cosine series for f ( x) = x in 0 x , show that
= . (8)
n =1 (2n − 1)
(b) Compute the first three harmonics of Fourier series of f ( x) given by the
following data (16)
13. (a) A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x = 0 and x = l is initially at rest
in equilibrium position. If it is set vibrating string giving each point a velocity x(l − x) ,
find the displacement of any point on the string at a distance ‘ x ’ from one end at any
time ‘ t ’. (16)
u u
(b) (i) Using the method of separation of variables solve = 2 + u where
x t
−3 x
u ( x, 0) = 6 e . (8)
(ii) A rod of length 20 cm is heated at both ends A & B with 0 c at end A and
100 c at end B until steady state condition prevail. Suddenly the temperature at end B
is reduced to 0 c . Find the temperature of the rod at any point with time ‘ t ’. (8)
1 − x 2 , | x | 1
14. (a) (i) Find the Fourier transform of f ( x) =
0, | x | 1
sin s − s cos s s
and hence deduce that
s 3 Cos ds .
(ii) Using Parseval’s Identity, Evaluate 2 dx . (8)
( x + a 2 )2
(b) Find Fourier sine transform and Fourier cosine transform of e−ax hence find
x a
Fourier sine transform of 2 and Fourier cosine transform of 2 . (16)
a +x 2
a + x2
15. (a) (i) State and prove Final value theorem. (8)
z ( z + 1)
(ii) Find z −1 3
by Residue method. (8)
( z − 1)
(b) (i) Using Convolution theorem, find z −1 2
. (8)
( z + a)
(ii) Using z - transform, solve y(n) + 3 y(n − 1) − 4 y(n − 2) = 0, n 2 given y(0) = 3 and
y(1) = −2 . (8)