Delft University of Technology: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.02.001
Delft University of Technology: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.02.001
Delft University of Technology: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.02.001
Kapetas, Leon; Vincent-Bonnieu, Sebastien; Danelis, S; Rossen, Bill; Farajzadeh, Rouhi; Eftekhari, Ehsan;
Mohd Shafian, SR; Kamarul Bahrim, RZ
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Accepted author manuscript
Published in
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Citation (APA)
Kapetas, L., Vincent-Bonnieu, S., Danelis, S., Rossen, B., Farajzadeh, R., Eftekhari, E., Mohd Shafian, SR.,
& Kamarul Bahrim, RZ. (2016). Effect of temperature on foam flow in porous media. Journal of Industrial
and Engineering Chemistry, 36, 229-237.
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Authors: L. Kapetas1, S. Vincent Bonnieu2, S. Danelis1, W.R. Rossen1, R. Farajzadeh1,2, A.A. Eftekhari1, S. R.
3 3
Mohd Shafian , R. Z. Kamarul Bahrim
1. Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2.Shell Global Solutions
International BV, 3. PETRONAS Research Sdn Bhd
Foam can increase sweep efficiency within a porous medium, which is useful for oil-recovery processes[1]. The flow of foam
in porous media is a complex process that depends on properties like permeability, porosity and surface chemistry, but also
temperature. Although the surface activity of surfactants as a function of temperature is well described at the liquid/liquid or
liquid/ gas interface, data on the effect of temperature on foam stability is limited, especially in porous media.
In this work, we tested a surfactant (AOS) at different temperatures, from 20°C to 80°C, in a sandstone porous medium with
co-injection of foam. The pressure gradient, or equivalently the apparent viscosity, was measured in steady-state experiments.
The core-flood experiments showed that the apparent viscosity of the foam decreased by 50% when the temperature
increased to 80°C. This effect correlates with the lower surface tension at higher temperatures. These results are compared to
bulk foam experiments, which show that at elevated temperatures foam decays and coalesces faster. This effect, however, can
be attributed to the faster drainage at high temperature, as a response to the reduction in liquid viscosity, and greater film
permeability leading to faster coarsening.
Our results using the STARS foam model show that one cannot fit foam-model parameters to data at one temperature and
apply the model at other temperatures, even if one accounts for the change in fluid properties (surface tension and liquid
viscosity) with temperature. Experiments show an increase in gas mobility in the low-quality foam regime with increasing
temperature that is inversely proportional to the decrease in gas-water surface tension. In the high-quality regime, results
suggest that the water saturation at which foam collapses fmdry increases and Pc* decreases with increasing temperature.
Foam is a dispersion of gas bubbles in a continuous liquid medium where bubbles are separated by thin films called lamellae.
Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) aims at controlling gas mobility and dealing with phenomena such as gas gravity
override, viscous fingering and preferential channeling due to reservoir heterogeneity [2–4]. Despite the fact that active
research on foam for EOR has been on the rise, relatively few field or pilot applications have been developed. In the field,
foam can be injected by co-injection of gas and surfactant or by surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) injection. SAG injection
with large slugs of liquid and gas injected at the maximum allowable pressure is the preferred approach for field injection to
minimize gravity override and time of injection [5].
Bulk foam experiments present foam which is not in contact with the rock, and generally in a tube. Although there is no
consensus on the link between bulk and core-floods tests, bulk foam experiments can serve to evaluate foam stability with
respect to oil and surfactant type and concentration [6,7], gas composition [8] or temperature. Maini et al. [9] showed that
the half-life for foam volume decay in a tube declined dramatically with increasing temperature; sulfonates were found to be
clearly superior, and in particular the relative performance of long-chain alpha olefin sulfonates improved with increasing
temperature. In their study, Sharma et al. [10] found that the surface tension and bubble size decreased as the temperature
increased. With increasing temperature, initial foam volume increased whereas foam half-life (or foam stability) decreased;
the difference was more pronounced in the range 20 to 40°C than between 40 and 80°C. The foam film permeability, which
is a measure of foam stability, increases with increasing temperature [11]. Foam behavior within a porous medium at
reservoir conditions can significantly vary from the bulk experiments, particularly under different thermodynamic conditions
Laboratory core-floods represent a more realistic prediction tool for foam EOR and can serve to quantify foam-model
parameters [13]. SAG core-floods can be difficult to interpret because of uncertainties they can introduce: slow foam
dynamics in the laboratory due to slow foam generation can introduce significant bias in the results, since local-equilibrium
conditions do not apply [14]. Moreover, averaging pressure gradients (or, equivalently, apparent viscosity) throughout the
entire core length can introduce bias as separate segments of the core exist at different states; an entrance region can exist
where foam never reaches its full strength, and also a capillary end effect can be present at the core outlet controlling liquid
saturation which, in turn, influences foam behavior [15].
Steady state co-injection core-floods can be divided in two main categories: (a) constant velocity foam scans, which
obtain data at a fixed total superficial velocity while varying gas and liquid superficial velocities [16,17], and (b) experiments
which scan the whole liquid velocity vs. gas velocity map. In the latter case the aim is to identify two regimes. In the so-
called “low quality” regime the pressure drop is independent of liquid velocity, and in the “high quality” regime the pressure
drop is independent of gas velocity. These experiments are time-consuming and relatively few in the literature; examples of
the two regimes are found in the studies [18,19]. The two regimes are reflected also in the constant-velocity foam scans
(option (a) above), which was the experimental method chosen for this study.
In modeling foam, Implicit Texture (IT) models are used in most commercial simulators, e.g. STARS (2007)[20]. These
models represent the effects of bubble size implicitly through parameters that regulate gas mobility as a function of phase
saturations pressure gradient and other factors. These models assume that local steady state is attained instantaneously
everywhere in the porous medium. For the purpose of this work only IT models are described and used. They model the
effect of foam on mobility by applying a mobility reduction factor (MRF) to the gas relative permeability (or equivalently by
increasing gas apparent viscosity). The MRF is a product of different factors/functions which account for the effect of
different processes that affect foam behavior, e.g. the presence of oil, surfactant concentration, water saturation or non-
Newtonian shear effects (see Appendix A). These functions include a number of parameters. The modeling methods of
Boeije and Rossen [21] and Ma et al. [16] have been developed to derive values for some of such parameters by fitting
models to the constant velocity foam scan experimental datasets.
This paper investigates the effect of temperature on foam in oil-free core-floods, as well as on bulk foam. The testing
hypothesis is that as temperature changes, several effects can take place concurrently which can influence foam performance:
modification of interfacial rheology, gas-liquid surface tension, and changes in liquid viscosity are expected to influence
foam behavior. For the systems studied, we correlate foam behavior in the core-floods with bulk experimental results.
The bulk foam experiments were carried out at four different temperatures. The experiment was conducted in a Foamscan
apparatus (Teclis instruments), a tube with 3 cm inside diameter with a double wall coupled with a circulating bath
controlling the temperature in the column. The surfactant solution was Alpha Olefin Sulfonate (AOS, Bio-Terge 14-16C,
Stepan Chemical Co.) 14-16C at 1% active concentration in a 1%w/w NaCl (Merck) solution. The foam was created by
sparging gas though a porous glass frit (3 mm thickness with pores size in the range of 100 µm-160 µm)) into 50 ml of
surfactant solution which created foam in the tube. During foam generation the gas was injected at a fixed rate of 50 ml/min
(standard conditions) and stopped automatically when the foam volume reached 200 ml. Then the liquid fraction in the foam
and the foam volume were monitored.
A pair of electrodes at the bottom of the column, immersed in the liquid, measures the drained liquid volume below the
foam. The total volume (foam + liquid) was measured with a camera and the volume of the foam at any time was calculated
by subtracting the liquid volume from the total volume. Another pair of electrodes were located above the liquid level to
measure the liquid fraction in the foam. The electrodes were calibrated with the surfactant solution at the targeted
temperature. A temperature sensor inside the tube allowed the measurement of the temperature there.
Surface tension measurements were performed using an EZ-Piplus tensiometer (Kibron Inc.) employing a Du Noüy ring
with a microsize probe of 0.51 mm diameter. The instrument was connected to a circulating bath to control the temperature.
Once the instrument reached the targeted temperature, the surfactant solution was maintained at that temperature for 30 min
before starting the measurements. The surface tension was measured using the Du Noüy method with a microsize probe of
0.51mm diameter.
The core-flood experimental setup is schematically shown in Figure 1. Core-flood experiments were carried out using a
Bentheimer sandstone core (Kocurek Industries Inc.) of permeability K = 1700 mD, and porosity φ= 0.24. The core was 17
cm long with a diameter of 3.8 cm. The procedure is as follows. A confining pressure is applied to the core for the duration
of the experiment. Pressure taps allow pressure-drop measurements in the middle 6.5 cm section of the core. This eliminates
entrance-region and capillary end effects. The PEEK core holder is placed in an oven (Memmert) which maintains the
temperature constant at the desired value (±0.1oC). When temperature is changed between experiments a minimum of
approximately 1h was allowed to let the core-holder system attain the new temperature. The heat-transfer calculations are
decribed in the report of Danelis[13]. A back-pressure regulator controlled the downstream pressure to a nearly constant
value of 20±0.3 bar.
The protocol before initiating the foam experiments consisted of the following steps: (i) connection and leakage testing
under 20 bar with Helium, (ii) injection of several pore volumes (PV) of CO2 to displace the air inside the core, (iii)
displacement of CO2 with 6 PV brine at 20 bar back-pressure and (iv) flooding with 5 PV of AOS solution to ensure that
adsorption of surfactant on the sandstone was satisfied. Permeability was measured during the last two steps and the foam
flooding was then initiated.
Foam quality was controlled by varying the relative rates of injection of N2 gas and AOS solution, at a constant total
superficial velocity. Steady state was considered to be established at a new foam quality when the recorded pressure drop
reached a constant value and did not fluctuate (variations less than = ±0.2 bar in a period of 2 h). A mass balance at the
effluent location was used to confirm stable saturation once steady state was attained. Pressure drop measurements allow the
calculation of the apparent viscosity: this is the value of the pressure gradient normalized with respect to the permeability and
the total flux of surfactant solution and gas [16]. Reported apparent viscosity values in this work are calculated based on the
pressure drop in the middle section of the core. Gas velocity was calculated from its nominal value by applying two
corrections: (i) with respect to the injection pressure set on the Mass Flow Controller, (ii) with respect to the compressibility
factor due to deviation from ideal-gas behavior. The calculation was performed by applying the Jacobsen-Stewart equation of
state [22].
Once measurements were completed at a certain temperature, the temperature was raised to the next desired value. A
control experiment was carried out with an surfactant solution aged at 80oC. No precipitation was observed and the aged
solution was used for a foam scan at 20oC. Aging did not influence the results; hence the surfactant is deemed stable and non-
degradable up to 80oC.
Relative permeability for N2 gas and (surfactant free) brine solution was measured with the unsteady displacement
method [23] which allowed the estimation of the Corey parameters, water saturation at residual gas conditions Sgr, and
connate water saturation, Swc. Values are reported in Table 1.
Figure 1. Core-flooding experimental setup: Elements include valves, injection points, core in oven, back-pressure regulator, and
effluent collection and weighing.
Parameter Value
Swc 0.25
Sgr 0.20
nw 2.86
ng 0.70
krw0 0.39
krg 0.59
Table 1. Relative permeability (Corey) parameters.
Mobility reduction factor (MRF) is the reduction in gas mobility caused by foam, relative to gas mobility at the same water
saturation in the absence of foam. Foam apparent viscosity is related to MRF by equation 1:
µapp ( Sw ) =
krw ( Sw ) krg ( Sw )
µw MRF × µg
.............................................................................................................. (1)
In the presence of surfactant and absence of oil the STARS foam model [20] in turn relates MRF (its inverse called FM in
STARS) to two functions of water saturation and capillary number:
where fmmob is the reference mobility factor, F2 is a function of water saturation and describes coalescence, and F5 is a shear-
thinning function. Appendix A provides a more detailed description of the model functions F2 and F5 and the parameters in
those functions. The capillary number, Nca, which represents the balance of viscous forces against surface tension is defined
in equation 3:
= .................................................................................................................................................................. (3)
where σwg is the surface tension between the liquid and the gas and u is the total superficial velocity within the porous
medium. The calculation of the capillary number at different temperatures serves to normalize the value of the apparent
viscosity with respect to surface tension and velocity.
Fitting of the experimental foam scan data was carried out using a constrained non-linear least-squares minimization
approach in MATLAB, which simultaneously computes all 5 foam parameters. For this, an initial guess and an allowed range
is required for each parameter. Equal weights were assigned to all experimental data during fitting.
Effect of temperature on properties of the surfactant solution. The surface tension and viscosity of the surfactant solution
varied remarkably with temperature. As expected [24], the surface tension and viscosity decrease when temperature increases
(Figure 2). It is noted that the surface tension measurements were not performed at the exact temperature that the core-flood
was conducted. Thus, when used later in this section, the surface tension values are interpolated and extrapolated from the
curve fitted to data in Figure 2.
1.2 30
0.8 20
0.6 15
0.4 10
y = -0.0009x2 - 0.0814x + 30.025
0.2 5 R² = 0.9981
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature [˚C] Temperature [°C]
Figure 2. Effect of temperature on the viscosity (left) and the surface tension (right) of the surfactant solution. The size of the
markers is larger than the measurement accuracy.
Effect of temperature on bulk foam. The foamability, drainage and stability of the foam were tested using the same
surfactant solution and procedure for each temperature.
Foamability. The foamability is the ability to create foam. The foam was created by injecting gas until it reached a volume
Vmax (200 ml) corresponding to a time tmax. The foamability is represented by the Foaming Index (FI), where FI is the ratio of
foam volume to injected gas volume. The injected gas arrived in the experimental tube at room temperature and was warmed
up when it came into contact with the surfactant solution. The injected gas volume was corrected with the ideal gas law,
accounting for the temperature difference. With this correction, the FI was not influenced by the temperature (Figure 3a).
Foam stability. The foam stability is represented by the foam volume (V) normalized by the maximum volume of the foam
column (Vmax) (Figure 4). The foam volume does not depend on temperature at the beginning of the experiments, for times
smaller than 200 seconds. After 200 seconds, the foam volume decreases strongly for higher temperatures. The two curves at
53°C are similar at the beginning of the experiment but differ after some time. In one of the two experiments, foam collapses
abruptly before the other one. The collapse is due to a cascade of bubbles bursting. In general, the foam volume drops slowly
with time at the beginning and dramatically drops at a certain time. The time of the sudden drop fluctuate from one
experiment to the other. Despite that foam collapse is not a smooth process, our experiments shows that foam collapse
increases with increasing temperature (schematically shown by the arrow in Figure 4). Previous works have shown that the
foam stability is influenced by the coupling of coarsening and drainage [25] and also by surface elasticity [26].
Drainage. The foam becomes dryer faster when drainage rate increases, thus destabilizing the foam more rapidly. The effect
of the drainage is illustrated by the normalized foam liquid fraction in Figure 3b. It appears that drainage rate hardly depends
on temperature at the beginning of the experiments, for times below 200 sec. After 200 seconds, the foam liquid fraction
dries out faster with increasing temperature, indicating that the drainage rate increases with temperature. The liquid fraction ε
is a power law function of time: ε~tβ [27]. The exponent β usually has a value around (-3) to (-1). tβ with an exponent β=-2 is
represented in Figure 3b for comparison with the experiments. Previous work showed that the drainage rate increases with
decreasing viscosity of the liquid [27]. In our work, Figure 2a shows that the viscosity of the surfactant decreases with
increasing temperature. The increase of the drainage rate can be explained by the decrease of viscosity of the surfactant
Coarsening. Coarsening is due to the pressure differences between the bubbles which results in increasing the average
bubbles size. Coarsening increases the drainage rate [27]. The coarsening can be quantified by the critical coarsening time tc=
L02/[2Defff(ε0)] where Deff is the effective film permeability (in our case is 1.67.10-5), L0 is the bubble edge length (0.02cm in
our experiments) and f(ε0)=(1-1.52ε00.5)2 is the function of the liquid fraction ε0 (typically 20%) which is discussed in detail in
[28]. The critical coarsening time, tc, quantifies the importance of coarsening by representing the time above which the
coarsening effect is significant. The calculated value of tc in our experiment is 118 sec. This value of tc suggests that
coarsening is limited during the foaming time because tc is of the same order as the foaming time, about 200 seconds. Thus,
the effect of the coarsening is expected to be significant after 200 seconds. This is observed in Figures 3b and 4, where the
effect of temperature is significant after 200 seconds. Furthermore, coarsening is expected to be accelerated at higher
temperatures because the foam films' permeability to gas, measured by the film permeability constant, increases with
increasing temperature [11]. In others words, temperature increases the films permeability which in turn increases the
coarsening of the foam.
To summarize, the bulk foam tests show that the temperature rise increases the drainage rate and destabilizes the foam.
These effects can be explained as the effects of temperature on the surfactant viscosity and foam coarsening. The temperature
effect on the surface rheology has not been investigated.
Foaming Index[-]
0 20 40 60 80
Temperature [°C]
(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Foaming Index FI as a function of temperature; each point represents one experiment. (b) Liquid fraction in foam as a
function of time for different temperatures. The dashed line represents a power law of time, t-2, for comparison.
Figure 4. Normalized foam volume as a function of time for different temperatures. Each series represents an experiment.
(in cP) in order to compare the experiments. For example, pressure drops range from 0.3 to 0.5 MPa for the coreflood of
Bentheimer rock at 20oC. In general the viscosity increase first with foam quality and then decrease sharply. This is because,
under steady-state conditions, foam exhibits two flow regimes depending on gas fractional flow (i.e. foam quality) [19]. In
the so-called low-quality regime (low gas fraction), the pressure gradient increases as the gas saturation rises because the
foam volume increases. As the quality increases, the capillary pressure increases [29]. Foam collapses at the transition
between regimes (at the maximum of apparent viscosity occurs because the capillary pressure exceeds the critical capillary
pressure Pc*. Transition happens at the critical water saturation Sw* (the water saturation corresponding to Pc*). In the
high quality regime (high gas fraction), the capillary pressure exceeds Pc* which destabilize the foam, decreasing the
apparent viscosity. For the low-quality regime (portion of data to left of maximum), it is noted that as temperature increases
from 20 to 80oC the measured apparent viscosity of the foam decreases. The size of the decrease, between the experiments
carried out at 20 and 80oC, is of the order of 50%. It is possible that the lowering of the surface tension (Figure 2b, Table 2)
allows a less-restricted flow of the foam.
Figure 5. Measured apparent viscosity against foam quality for constant-velocity foam scans at different temperatures (data-points).
Lines represent models fitted using the least-squares minimization method (a) by adjusting all foam parameters, (b) by keeping their
values constant and equal to their optimized value for the experiment at 20oC, among all temperatures and (c) by treating only fmcap
as an adjustable parameter; all other foam parameters were kept constant and equal to their optimized value for the experiment at
20oC (see text for the model parameterization approach).
Parm/T 20 oC 40 oC 60 oC 80 oC
u (ft/day) 3.92E+00 4.16E+00 4.29E+00 4.58E+00
µw (mPaˑs) 1.08E+00 7.30E-01 5.80E-01 5.70E-01
σ (mNt/m) 2.80E+01 2.53E+01 2.19E+01 1.78E+01
Table 2. Mean velocity values at the middle section of the core (for all the different foam qualities, see Figure 6), surface tension and
liquid viscosity for each temperature used as measured input parameters to the STARS foam model using the least-squares
minimization method.
The transition foam quality (i.e., quality at the peak in apparent viscosity), fg*, is approximately the same for all
temperatures, i.e. 0.93±0.03. The decreasing slope of the curves as foam quality increases towards fg* reflects shear thinning
behavior of foam in the low-quality regime. Increasing pressure gradient allows gas to flow more easily in pores already
opened to flow [30] and in additional pores opened to flow by the higher pressure gradient [31]. Thus apparent mobility is
shear-thinning with respect to gas flow rate both due to increasing pore pathways available for flow as pressure gradient
increases and the shear-thinning rheology along each pathway [32].
Gas compressibility caused actual gas superficial velocity to deviate from intended values, especially at the largest
pressure drops (largest apparent viscosities), as shown in Figure 6. The largest pressure drops along the core in our
experiments as about 1.3 MPa , though the pressure rise in the cenral section in which pressure-differences were measured
was less. The deviations were less at higher temperatures. Mean velocity values for the middle section of the core for each
temperature are reported in Table 2, with a maximum difference of 17% between experiments at 20 and 80oC. Viscosity
values reported (Figure 5) where computed based on the velocity (accounting for gas compression) obtained at each
individual foam quality and temperature. For a shear-thinning foam, a velocity decrease can lead to an increase in viscosity.
Thus, since a shear-thinning behavior is observed in our experiments we expect that it partially contributes to the reduction of
apparent viscosity in the higher-temperature experiments.
Increasing temperature induced a reduction in surface tension, which in turn affects the capillary number, Nca, of the
displacement; Figure 7a presents the experimental results of Figure 5 in terms of Nca. Notably, the product of apparent
viscosity and Nca collapses onto a single curve, which suggests that apparent viscosity is proportional to surface tension in our
experiments, once results are normalized for velocity (as by definition done in the capillary number calculation). The effect
of the surface tension on the apparent viscosity could be explained by the variation of film elasticity which is related to
surface tension as proposed in previous works [7,33]. The apparent viscosity observed in the coreflood could also be related
to the force required to stretch the foam film (called surface elasticity). The apparent viscosity in the coreflood would
increase as the elasticity increases. In our experiment, the elasticity was not measured but we could speculate the elasticity
varies like surface tension [4]. Figure 7b presents this relationship between apparent viscosity and measured surface tension
(at the experimental temperature values) for a 60% foam quality: the monotonic relationship is clear.
Figure 6. Liquid vs. gas velocity for the experimental data of Figure 5 obtained at different temperatures. Straight line represents a
constant total flow rate of 4.64 ft/day. Actual superficial velocities deviate somewhat from the nominal values.
Figure 7. (a) Capillary number vs. foam quality at different temperatures; data are from Figure 5. (b) Apparent viscosity at fixed foam
quality, fg = 0.60, vs. surface tension as affected by changes in temperature.
Modelling. The foam-model equations, as presented in Section 2 and Appendix A, are used to provide an interpretation
of the effect of temperature on foam mobility. More specifically, we aim to establish the effect of temperature on foam-model
parameters. Three different approaches were followed to fit the experimental data:
(1) All foam-model parameters were treated as adjustable. Their optimal values are shown in Table 3 and plotted in the
figure 8. The results obtained were robust: the initial guess and range values provided did not influence the parameter values,
suggesting a global optimum solution. The liquid viscosity and the surface tension were adjusted to their experimentally
measured values (Table 2). The former is used in the calculation of the water relative permeability and the latter is used in the
calculation of Nca within function F5. Figure 5a presents the model fits. The models provide a good fit to all datasets under
this fitting approach. The change of apparent viscosity in the high-quality regime (to the right of the maximum) can be
effectively represented by a single straight line through (fg = 1, µapp = 0) for all temperatures (cf. [21]). The trend of fitted
parameters with temperature is shown in Figure 8. Parameter fmdry (the water saturation around which foam collapses)
decreases slightly (from 0.277 to 0.267), but these values are close to irreducible water saturation (Table 1); therefore this
decrease is enough to make a difference of almost a factor of 4 in water relative permeability in the high-quality regime.
The modeling results of Figure 5a are in close agreement with the results obtained using the method of Boeije and
Rossen [21] (see Appendix B). Their method requires a large value of epdry. The least-squares minimization method used
here is able to fit data with smaller values of epdry, allowing a smoother transition between the low- and high-quality
regimes. Like the method of Boeije and Rossen, the method can accommodate shear-thinning behavior in the high-quality
(2) To investigate the ability of the model to predict the effect of surface tension alone on the apparent viscosity, a
second fitting exercise was conducted as follows. All foam model parameters were kept constant between experiments at
different temperatures, equal to the values obtained by fitting the model to the 20oC data in Table 3. Surface tension and
liquid viscosity were adjusted for the effect of temperature using Figure 2. Figure 5b shows that the models at 40, 60 and
80oC do not provide good fits. In the low-quality regime, apparent viscosity is overestimated. Moreover, in the high-quality
regime, the model deviates from the data; holding fmdry fixed does not account for the nearly fourfold change in krw in this
regime as temperature increases. One cannot fit these foam model parameters at one temperature and apply them with
confidence to other temperatures, even if one accounts for the effect of temperature on surface tension and liquid viscosity.
(3) A third modeling approach investigates the effect of temperature on specific parameters. In this case, for the model
fitting of the experimental data at 40, 60, 80 oC, values for all the parameters were kept constant and equal to the optimized
parameters obtained at 20oC (Table 3), except for fmcap (the only fitted parameter). This is equivalent to adjusting fmmob,
since only the product of these two parameters fmmob×F5 matters in Eq. A1. The model fits are shown in Figure 5c. The
rationale for treating fmcap as an adjustable parameter is to identify if a direct correlation between temperature and a foam
parameter exists. In this case fmcap is predicted to decrease with increasing temperature with values of 2.53x10-4, 2.44x10-4,
2.15x10-4, and 1.82x10-4 for the 20, 40, 60, 80oC experiments respectively. The model fits are as good as in Figure 5a in the
low-quality regime. Because of the equivalence of adjusting fmcap and fmmob in this model, in effect, these results suggest
that fmmob is inversely proportional to gas-water surface tension. In the high-quality regime, they deviate from the data
because they do not account for the decrease in fmdry and water relative permeability.
In the STARS foam model, parameter fmdry is related to the collapse of foam at the limiting capillary pressure Pc*
[29,34]. In the limit of large epdry, fmdry is the water saturation at Pc*. In our model fits, fmdry decreases slightly with
increasing temperature, but its value is close to irreducible water saturation. A constant value of fmdry, together with the
decrease in surface tension (Figure 2) would imply a reduction in Pc* by about a 25% from 20°C to 80°C; in other words,
foam is less stable at higher temperature. However, we don't know how sensitive capillary pressure is to water saturation so
close to irreducible water saturation, so the trend of Pc* with temperature cannot be determined from these data with
confidence. One can conclude that fmdry, the parameter needed to represent foam flow directly, does decrease with
increasing temperature in these data; the poor fit to the high-quality regimes in Figures 2b and 2c make this clear.
Figure 8. Changes in the five foam parameters with respect to temperature changes for Bentheimer sandstone
We gratefully acknowledge Shell Global Solutions International and PETRONAS for granting the permission to publish this
work. We also thank Siân Jones and Reza Bagheri for their careful reading of the draft of the manuscript and the technical
support of Michiel Slob at the Laboratory Geoscience & Engineering of TU Delft.
SI units are assumed for all parameters used in calculations.
Foam parameter controlling shear thinning
Foam parameter controlling abruptness of foam collapse
fmcap Foam parameter assumed equal to smallest expected capillary number
Reference mobility reduction factor
Critical water saturation at which foam collapses
FI Foaming Index
Mobility Reduction Factor
!"# Relative permeability of gaseous phase in absence of foam
!"# End-point relative permeability of gaseous phase
!"% Relative permeability of aqueous phase
!"% End-point relative permeability of aqueous phase
Nca Capillary number
&# Exponent in !"# curve
&% Exponent in !"% curve
'#" Residual gas saturation
'% Water saturation
'% Connate water saturation
( Time (s)
) Darcy velocity (ft/day)
V Volume (mL)
ε Liquid fraction
φ Porosity
+# Viscosity of gas (cP)
+% Viscosity of water (cP)
µapp Average apparent foam viscosity for middle core section (cP)
σwg Surface tension (mN/m)
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Appendix A.
The Local Equilibrium STARS model used in this study is described by [20,21,34]. The STARS model introduces the MRF
function (inverse of mobility factor FM in STARS) which describes the reduction in gas mobility by foam (Eq. 1). The full
version of the MRF function is given by
MRF = 1 + fmmob F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 ...................................................................................................................... (A1)
The parameter fmmob is the reference gas mobility-reduction factor for wet foams. This parameter corresponds to the
maximum attainable mobility reduction. The functions , - - are constrained to values less than or equal to 1, so that each
function can only reduce the gas mobility-reduction factor, i.e. increase gas mobility. The functions model the effect of
surfactant concentration ( , ), effect of water saturation on foam properties ( ), oil saturation ( . ), gas velocity ( / ),
capillary number ( ) and the critical capillary number ( - ). In the present work and are considered and defined with
equations A2 and A3 respectively:
arctan ( epdry ( S w − fmdry ) )
F2 = 0.5 +
π ............................................................................................................................... (A2)
12 3 73 3
=0 6 .......................................................................................................................................................... (A3)
Thus the foam model we use contains five parameters, namely fmmob, epdry, fmdry, fmcap and epcap.
• epdry controls the abruptness of the foam collapse as a function of water saturation. Small values give a gradual transition
between the two regimes, while larger values yield a sharper, albeit still continuous, transition.
• If the transition between regimes is abrupt, the parameter fmdry is equal to '%∗ , the water saturation at the limiting
capillary pressure Pc*, i.e. the water saturation at which foam collapses [35].
• fmcap represents the lowest capillary number expected in the simulation and below this value shear thinning behavior is
not expected. Thus fmcap is not considered a foam parameter per se. Parameter epcap controls the significance of shear
thinning; the larger it is, the stronger the shearing thinning behavior becomes.
Appendix B.
A comparison between the model fitting results of the least-squares minimization method and the method of Boeije and
Rossen [21] is provided in more detail in this section. The latter method assumes an abrupt collapse at the critical capillary
pressure condition. We model the experimental data with both methods and proceed to a comparison of the parameter values.
Figure B1 shows that the two model fits are in good agreement with each other and with the experimental data set. The same
conclusion is reached for the experimental data at the higher temperatures (results not shown). As fmcap is not a foam
parameter per se, its value is fixed between the two methods (equal to its adjusted value from the least-squares minimization
method, see Table B1). The value of fmdry is predicted to be the same by the two methods. The values of fmmob and epcap
are in close agreement, which is also suggested by the model fits; the former mostly controls the magnitude of the model
apparent viscosity in the low-quality regime and the latter the shear thinning behavior. epdry is not calculated with the model
of Boeije and Rossen [21]; rather it is assumed to be large enough to lead to an abrupt foam collapse during regime transition
as mentioned above. Its value optimized using the least-squares minimization method suggests the transition is relatively
Figure B1. Comparison between the model fits of Boeije and Rossen [21] and least-squares minimization to the experimental data of
the foam scan conducted at 20oC.
Parm Boeije and Rossen Least-squares
fmmob 1.03E+05 1.14E+05
epdry high 2.36E+03
fmdry 2.77E-01 2.77E-01
fmcap 2.53E-04 2.53E-04
epcap 1.21E+00 1.33E+00
Table B1. Comparison between optimized foam parameters obtained with the methods of Boeije and Rossen [21] and least-squares
minimization, fitted to the data of Figure B1.