Gabriel Rusu AS1 Drafts

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Date April 2020

AS1: Portfolio of Learning.

Submitted by Gabriel Rusu – Student ID: 18411084.

Submitted to Nayyer Samad Module Leader MKT2001 - Tactical and Strategic Marketing.

1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................2
2. Portfolio entries....................................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Puma...............................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Audi................................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Miele..............................................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Wycombe Medical.........................................................................................................................................7
1. Introduction
2. Portfolio entries

2.1 Puma

Workshop date: 05-10-20 (Week 2).

Case study: PUMA

Workshop activity and outcome: During the second week of the academic year 2020-21 we have

analysed Puma as our first case study. According to the case study, in 2010 Puma has unveiled a

reusable bag made from cardboard and used as shoeboxes, that is to its plan to become “the most

sustainable” sportswear company in the world, as a result, creating extra value for customers and have

an ethical advantage on competitors. Puma also said that at least 50% of its other products, with time,

would be produced from recycled or organic products. Our group discussed about the issues that the

company is addressing and what is management orientation of Puma. We figured out that the main

issues that Puma is trying to solve is sustainability, environmental ethics and climate change. Puma

had the ability to forecast future customer needs and trends back in 2010, that is the need to change

into a sustainable and green society in order to not tackle climate change and not affect future

generations. They wanted to resolve these issued by reducing plastic consumption and using

sustainable or recyclable materials to deliver their products to customers. We believe that Puma has a

societal marketing orientation approach, that is because Puma considered people’s future needs and

wants, the company requirements and society’s long-term benefits.

Care of the

People needs
Key Learning:

The world nowadays is facing a wide range of problems and it is asking for help. People are

responsible for most of its problems, such as climate change, plastic islands, and global temperature

that continue to rise due to greenhouse gases produced by people (Mastandrea et al., 2014).

Fortunately, our society is becoming aware that these issues could impact our lives and humanity

future existence. Data from globalwebindex (2018) reveal that Millennials more than any other

generation would pay more for eco-friendly products. About the Puma case study and discussions

with my group I have learnt that our society and people needs are changing, we want more eco-

friendly choices to be available in the market, including me, and we want to make sure that we will

leave a better place to future generations.

Reference list:

Globalwebindex (2018) The Rise of Green Consumerism: What do Brands Need to Know?. Globalwebindex

[online]. Available from: [Accessed

on 25 October 2020].

Mastrandrea et al. (2014) Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability – IPCC WGII AR5

summary for policymakers. Cambridge University Press. pp.9-18.

2.2 Audi
Workshop date: 26-10-2020 (Week 5).

Case study: Audi

Workshop activity and outcome:

During week 5 our group had mainly two tasks, including why has Audi started to conduct consumer

clinics and why in mega cities. Audi is a automobile manufacturer born in Germany that engineers,

designs, produces, markets and distributes elegant/premium vehicles with high performance and

advance technology (Audi, 2020). According to the case study, Audi in 2010 was planning to develop

an innovative version of its A2 model, that would allow people to download “apps” and personalize

the car’s features, interior, and driving style. The car would be a “megacity” electric car and

constructed with ultra-lightweight materials including magnesium and carbon fibre.

According to Nyukorong (2017) market researches and clinics are the main tools that companies can

get feedback on their products from existing and potential customers. In response to why Audi wanted

to do consumer clinics on the A2 model, we believe that the main objective was to investigate and

analyse how people responds to innovation and new product features, so that Audi could then

understand if people would like to adapt the new features or not.

Moreover, Audi is a global and affirmed brand and in order to survive it must always look into the

future and try to anticipate customers’ needs and wants, and one of the ways to do this is with

customer clinics.

We have agreed that there are a few options for choosing Megacities, one could be to differentiate its

products, and another factor could be that the population in Megacities is higher compared to small

cities, as a result, there could be higher salaries and potentially more purchasing power. Not only that,

according to ESPAS (2019), by 2030 two-thirds of the world will live in cities and megacities, and we

estimate that eventually more and more people will need fast and electric-lightweight cars. Audi will

be there to satisfy their needs.

Key Learning:

During the Audi case study, I have learnt the importance for companies to do customer clinics to

understand customer opinions of new products or services. I also thought about the fact that

companies in order to survive must always adapt to changes and invest time and money on

researching and predicting future customer needs. By reading the material provided by EPSAS (2019)

I have understood different global trends to 2030 for Europe, one of them being the urbanization

towards cities and megacities and the increase in use of renewable energy sources such as solar


Reference List:

Audi (2020) Future is an attitude. Audi [online]. Available from:

attitude.html [Accessed 30 October 2020].


and Policy Analysis System.

Nyukorong, R. (2017) Conducting Market Research: An Aid to Organisational Decision Making. European

Scientific Journal. 13, pp. 1-7.

2.3 Miele

Workshop date: 16-11-20 (Week 8).

Case study: Miele

Workshop activity and outcome:

In the week 8 of our Tactical and Strategic Marketing we have analysed the company Miele, which is
a German manufacturer of high-end domestic appliances and commercial tools founded in 1899 by
Carl Miele and Reinhard Zinkann (Miele, 2021). We wanted to understand what were the key
resources that have made Miele a successful enterprise, what were the Marketing assets of Miele and
which of their resource provide them with a competitive advantage.

To start, Miele has always been a family-owned company divided into two families. The 49 percent of
the company was owned by Zinkann Family and the rest 51% belonging to Miele Family. We have
agreed that the most important resource that made the company successful is the superior quality of
their products. Competitive Advantages and the ability to achieve long-term objectives can be
enhanced by Marketing Resources, which are divided into Assets and capabilities (Akroush, 2006).
We have identified a few Assets, those being in-house supply chain because most of their products
come from their factories, technical skills because they have a wide range of expertise from
Marketing to Engineering, Company name and reputation because Miele it is a successful historic
brand known for its quality, and to conclude they have Access to an international Market.

Miele has different competitors, for example Whirlpool or Electrolux, but the company has a
sustainable competitive advantage that keeps the brand into a winning position, that is making their
own components in their own factories in Germany. Most brands rely on low-cost suppliers, instead
Miele try to make as many in-house products as possible, and that helps the company make better
products because they can manage their own production and design easily, eliminating shipping fees
and waiting times.
Key Learning:

The main outcome that I can take from this case study is the importance of having the production
facilities in a person’s own country, because it allows individuals to manage in real time the progress
and development of the products and making a superior quality result. Also, sometimes when it comes
to family run businesses, personal problems can impact the success of a business, therefore, it is
important to keep a peaceful and harmonious environment.


Miele (2021) About us. Miele [online]. Available from:

2065.htm [Accessed 01 January 2021].

Akroush, M. N. (2006) Effects of Marketing Assets and Capabilities on Performance: An Empirical Investigation
of Banks Operating in Jordan. Research Gate. 2, pp. 440-442. Available from:
rformance_An_Empirical_Investigation_of_Banks_Operating_in_Jordan [Accessed on 3 January 2021].
2.4 Wycombe Medical

Workshop date: 11-07-20 (Week 11)

Case study: Wycombe Medical

Workshop activity and outcome:

In the week 11, we have analysed Wycombe Medical, a company that was set up in 1988 by Chris

We were divided into different groups and we were asked to read the case study and understand, in
what business is Wycombe Medical in, then suggest a mission statement for the company based on
what the company offers, and lastly to apply one mission framework for the mission statement.
The outcome of our discussion is that Wycombe Medical operate in the Medical and Healthcare
sector, specifically in the Colostomy bag sector, which according to marketsandmarkets (2020) the
market size of this sector is projected to reach USD 3.5 billion by 2025. Wycombe Medical makes
colostomy bags which biodegrade when in contact with water, for people that had colonic cancer and
similar diseases.

Our suggestion for Wycombe Medical mission statement is the following. Our mission is to make
people lives easier and improve quality of health for people with disabilities, colonic cancer and
similar diseases. We aim to continue reach a wide range of individuals by helping people all around
the globe. We believe in sustainability and quality and we want to offer people more sustainable and
affordable ways of getting rid of bags.

Key Learning:

I was surprized by the hard work and effort that our group have put to analyse the company during the

workshop. Before the session I did not know about Wycombe Medical, and colostomy bags. By doing

research I have understood that colostomy bags are plastic bags that collects faecal matter directly

from people’s abdominal wall. Also, one interesting topic that I have learnt is the Ashridge Mission
model, in fact, during my group meeting me and my colleagues have identified one mission

framework to use and that is the Ashridge Diamond, which is a model and tool for creating a mission

statement (Noel et al., 2013). The model requires four elements from a mission statement, values,

purpose, strategy and behavioural norms (Noel et al., 2013).


Noel, M. Nyasha, K. Golden, M. Alick, M. (2013) A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ZIMBABWEAN MISSION


[online]. 3, pp.97-99. Available from: [Accessed on 08 January


Marketsandmarkets (2020) Stoma/Ostomy Care Market by Product (Bags (Surgery Type (Ileostomy,
Colostomy, Urostomy), System (One, Two-Piece), Usability (Drainable, Closed), Shape (Flat, Convex)),
Accessories (Powder, Deodorant)), End User and Region - Global Forecast to 2025.
Marketsandmarkets [online]. Available from:
%5D%20The%20global,4.4%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period. [Accessed on 08 January

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