Records Disposal Schedule For ACT Health Clinical Records
Records Disposal Schedule For ACT Health Clinical Records
Records Disposal Schedule For ACT Health Clinical Records
Guide to using this document.....................................................................................................3
Section 1 – Patient/Client Registration and Identification.........................................................4
Section 2 – Treatment and Care Records...................................................................................7
Section 3 – Patient Diagnosis – Imaging Services.....................................................................16
Section 4 – Patient Diagnosis – Pathology and Laboratory Services........................................17
Section 5 – Pharmaceutical Supply and Administration...........................................................21
Section 6 – Notifications – Data Collection...............................................................................22
Section 7 – Patient Finance and Property Management..........................................................23
Section 8 – Research Management..........................................................................................24
Section 9 – Digitised Records (duplication/scanning)..............................................................26
Section 10 – Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) Records...................................................27
Section 11 – Summary of the Destruction Process...................................................................27
Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Legislation........................................................28
Definition of Terms...................................................................................................................29
Search Terms.............................................................................................................................30
Appendix A – TRO Records Disposal Concurrence Form......................................................32
Appendix B – Index...............................................................................................................34
The purpose of this document is to present the detail contained in the approved Territory
Records Office (TRO) - Health Treatment and Care - Records Disposal Schedule in a more
useable format for ACT Health staff. This document in itself does not provide the legal
authority to destroy ACT Government records, but it does reference the Disposal Class
numbers from the approved Disallowable Instrument so can be reliably used as a guide
when sentencing Health Records.
This document has been developed in accordance with the Territory Records (Records
Disposal Schedule – Health Treatment and Care Records) Approval 2017 (No 1) – Notifiable
instrument NI2017—629.
The retention periods specified in this document are minimum retention periods only and
records can be kept for a longer period if considered necessary for business requirements.
Territory Records Office (TRO) approval is required prior to any sentencing and destruction
of ACT Health clinical records by submission of a Records Disposal Concurrence Form
(Appendix A) completed by the Director Clinical Records Services in consultation with the
Business Area.
Staff must not dispose of any records where they are aware of possible legal action for which
the records may be required as evidence or if there is a current records disposal freeze in
effect. Information regarding current records disposal freezes can be obtained from the
ACT Government Territory Records Office.
To confirm if legal action is pending contact the Medico Legal Coordinator, Clinical Safety
and Quality Unit on 6205 6955 or the Manager of the Insurance and Legal Liaison Unit on
6205 0928.
Advice from the ACT Government Solicitor in 2016 indicated that where the Division or
Service can be defined as “an entity” under the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997
their records can be destroyed in accordance with the Territory Records Disposal Schedule
for Health Treatment and Care Records which can be found on the ACT Legislation Register.
This document applies to all health records created or maintained by ACT Health and applies
to records in any format, including paper records, electronic records, photographs, visual or
audio recordings etc. It pertains to all ACT Health staff who are involved in the creation, use,
management and disposal of health records.
If a patient’s clinical record contains documentation from more than one record category,
always apply the longest relevant retention period to the entire record.
This alternate grouping retains the Disposal Class Entry Numbers (or TRO Ref No.) while
conforming to national health information management principles, to assist in sentencing
health records in a clinical setting. To ensure synchronisation, this document can only be
modified/updated in conjunction with the approved TRO Records Disposal Schedule i.e.
Territory Records (Records Disposal Schedule – Health Treatment and Care Records)
Approval 2017 (No 1) – Notifiable instrument NI2017—629.
Records relating to the registration, admission, transfer and discharge of new or readmitted
patients/clients and the identification of patients/clients and the treatments or procedures
performed on them. Any registers, indexes and related records in electronic form must be
maintained in a readily accessible format for as long as they are required to be retained as
per the disposal action period.
Sedation and
1.1.8 Emergency Lists details of patients attending the Retain as Territory
019.026.008 Department Emergency Department. Archives
1.1.9 Patient Master The Patient Master Index (PMI) or Number Retain as Territory
019.026.001 Index (PMI) or Register is the key to locating an individual Archives
Number patient record in the medical records filing
Register system, providing a link between the name
of the patient and the facility’s medical
record number.
1.1.10 Physicians Index A recording for each medical practitioner Destroy 15 years
019.026.003 (If Held) with admitting rights and the details of after last entry
each patient admitted under the
practitioner during the period covered by
the index.
1.1.11 Register of Includes duplicates of records of Destroy 15 years
019.026.012 surgically accountable items used in operating after last action
implanted theatres e.g. instruments and swab counts
devices where they are used as the register.
1.1.12 Surgical Recording details of each surgical Retain as Territory
019.026.011 Procedures procedure carried out. Archives
Register Includes Operation Register or Theatre
Register. Can be in hard copy or electronic
1.1.13 Ward Register Records name of patient and date of Destroy 7 years
019.026.010 reception of individual patients into a ward after last action
1.2.1 Admission Lists, Where the Admission or Discharge Register Destroy 2 years
019.026.015 Transfer Lists does not exist, sentence in accordance after last entry
and Discharge with 1.1.1 019.026.004 Admission &
Lists Discharge Register.
1.2.2 Clinical lists Including outpatient lists, attendance Destroy 1 year
019.026.018 books etc. after last entry
1.2.3 Death lists Note: Where a Death Register does not Destroy 2 years
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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register
Retention periods in this disposal authority reflect minimum clinical, legal or statutory
requirements. Before any destruction takes place, services must ensure that all legal
requirements for the records as evidence and local clinical needs are considered and that
the value of the records for research purposes has been assessed in consultation with the
relevant health professionals or Service Unit.
Imaging procedures and tests performed for the purposes of patient/client diagnosis.
Includes diagnostic radiology, tomography, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, magnetic
resonance imaging and related diagnostic digital imaging procedures.
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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register
Records of procedures and tests performed on body specimens for the purposes of
patient/client diagnosis.
The retention periods for these records reflect current minimum standards considered
acceptable for good laboratory practice in relation to the retention of laboratory records and
diagnostic material established by the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council
The retention periods for these records also reflect current minimum standards
established by the GMP Code and the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory
Council (NPAAC), as required by the current Pathology Services Accreditation
(General) Regulations 2001.
4.4.1 Diagnostic results and Destroy 10 years
019.169.046 reports relating to blood after last action or
and blood products after donor reaches
the age of 30 years,
whichever is the
4.4.2 Laboratory records of Records of administration Destroy 20 years
019.169.047 administration of blood should be included in the after last action or
and blood products Clinical Record. donor reaches age
30, whichever is the
4.4.3 Registers of blood products Containing details of fresh Destroy 20 years
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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register
Records relating to conduct of clinical and non-clinical research. This includes records or
documentation relating to the collection of data, data analysis, preliminary findings, surveys
and results.
Note: Originals of records that have been imaged or duplicated in a way that does
not comply with the requirements of the Evidence Act 2011 or the Electronic
Transactions Act 2001 will need to be retained and disposed of in accordance with
the requirements for the type of records they comprise.
9.1.3 Working, reference Retain until no longer required Destroy 6 months after
or superseded copies for administrative purposes or last action
of imaged records until reference ceases, then
9.1.4 Affidavits and Retain until the master copy of Destroy when no longer
documentation the records to which they relate required
relating to records is destroyed or superseded.
According to Territory Records Advice No 2, Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) allows for
the destruction of transitory, ephemeral or duplicate material that has limited or short term
value, as part of normal agency practices and procedures.
3. Update and maintain your Control Records to reflect the disposal decision and date e.g.
Track relevant volumes to “DESTROYED” within ACTPAS Document Tracking.
4. Ensure that no restrictions to destruction apply including:
a. Current or known pending litigation (confirm with the Insurance and Legal Liaison
b. Records subject to a TRO Records Disposal Freeze (check the TRO website
5. Assist the Clinical Record Service to complete a formal Notification to TRO of Records
Destroyed form (Appendix A) with a listing of all sentenced records (URN only - patient
names not required)
6. Ensure the records are securely destroyed.
The Records Disposal Schedule will supersede the previous version once published on the
ACT Health policy and Plans Register and communicated to staff via the Policy notification
A range of policies relevant to the management of records must be applied alongside this
policy, including:
Clinical Record Management Policy
Data Quality Framework, DGC14-006
ACT Public Service Code of Conduct
ACT Public Service Code of Ethics
ACT Health Clinical Record Digitisation Plan
Clinical Record Management Operational Procedures
Electronic Transactions Act 2001
Epidemiological Studies (Confidentiality) Act 1992
Evidence Act 2011
Financial Management Act 1996
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1989
Health Act 1993
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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register
Administrative Record Classes - Are those TRO record classes based on the Territory Whole
of Government Thesaurus which primarily reflects the functions and activities within the
Business Classification Scheme for administrative records. These include “Audit”,
“Committee”, “Control”, “Inventory”, “Procedures”, “Public Reaction” etc.
Agency - The Executive, an ACT Court, the Legislative Assembly Secretariat, an administrative
unit, a Board of Inquiry, a Judicial or Royal Commission, any other prescribed authority, or an
entity declared under the regulations of the Territory Records Act 2002 to be an agency.
Control Records - Are those records used to assist in recording/tracking the location and
status of records, e.g. Registers, tracer cards, computerised record tracking systems etc.
Health Record - defined in the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 as:
Any record, or any part of a record:
a. held by a health service provider and containing personal information; or
b. containing personal health information
Health Service - (a) any activity that is intended or claimed (expressly or by implication), by
the person providing it, to assess, record, improve or maintain the physical, mental or
emotional health of a consumer or to diagnose or treat an illness or disability of a consumer;
or (b) a disability, palliative care or aged care service that involves the making or keeping of
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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register
personal health information; but does not include any service declared by regulation to be
an exempt service.
Health Service Provider - An entity that provides a health service in the ACT.
Record - defined in the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 as:
Means a record in documentary or electronic form that consists of or includes personal
health information in relation to a consumer (other than research material that does not
disclose the identity of the consumer), and includes—
a. a photograph or other pictorial or digital representation of any part of the consumer;
b. test results, medical imaging materials and reports, and clinical notes, relating to the
consumer; and
c. any part of a record; and
d. a copy of a record or any part of a record.
Territory Archives - Records retained indefinitely to preserve them for the benefit of present
and future generations.
TRO Ref No. - The TRO Ref No. refers to the disposal class Entry Number allocated by the
Territory Records Office (TRO) in the approved TRO Records Disposal Schedule i.e. Territory
Records (Records Disposal Schedule – Health Treatment and Care Records) Approval 2017 (No 1) -
Notifiable instrument NI2017—629. This number must be quoted when seeking approval for
Disclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, Canberra Hospital and Health Services
specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any
third party is at his or her own risk and Health Directorate assumes no responsibility whatsoever.
The records on the attached list have met their minimum retention period and are ready for final
disposal. ACT government organisations must ensure that records have been correctly identified for
destruction and are no longer required for any business purpose, including for reasonably foreseeable
legal purposes, including Freedom of Information requests, before the records are destroyed. The
Territory Records Office must also be consulted before records are destroyed.
If your business unit has no ongoing business or legal need to retain these records, please sign all
relevant areas of this form to indicate that you approve of their disposal.
Approval from: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Business Unit/Area: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Legal Officer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
FOI officer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
This section is to be completed by the organisation’s head of the records management unit or the
records manager
Name: Signature:
Position: Date:
This section is to be completed by the Territory Records Office
Record Disposal authorised EXCEPT where noted on the attached list:
Name: Signature:
Position: Date:
Appendix B – Index
Accountable items used in operating Dental records and x-rays.......................10
theatres...............................................17 Diagnostic genetics reports.....................20
ACTES - ACT Equipment Scheme............26 Diagnostic imaging records.....................17
Acute Hospital Inpatient clinical records. .8 Diagnostic pathology reports..................20
Admission and Discharge Register............4 Diagnostic radiology................................17
Admission Lists..........................................6 Diagnostic x-rays.....................................18
Admitted patient care records..................7 Diaries/appointment books......................6
Adoption..................................................11 Discharge Lists...........................................6
Affidavits relating to record authenticity 28 Discovery orders......................................15
Applications for aids, appliances and Disease and Operation Index....................4
disability services.................................26 Dispensing of pharmaceuticals...............22
Appointment books/registers...................6 DOA - Dead on arrival records...................9
ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology Dosimetry and calculation data..............12
records.................................................11 Draft documents......................................29
artificial insemination.............................11 Drug Registers.........................................23
Assisted Reproductive Technology Drugs of Dependence prescriptions........23
records................................................11 Duplicate documents..............................29
Autopsy reports/records........................19 Duplicate registration and index records..4
Birth Register.............................................4 Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT) Register
Birth registration records........................24 ...............................................................5
Blood and blood products.......................21 Electroencephalograms (EEGs)...............18
Bone marrow reports..............................19 Electronic Patient Information System.....7
Cancer Notification forms.......................25 Emergency Department records...............9
Cardiotocogram (CTGs)...........................18 Emergency Department Register..............5
Child at Risk Health Unit records.............12 Equipment Scheme.................................26
Child/Baby health care screening...........10 Ethics Committees...................................27
Clerical audit reports.................................6 Extract Health Records............................13
Clinical audit records...............................16 Extracted electronic data..........................7
Clinical lists................................................6 Gamete intrafallopian transfer..............11
Community Health Records................9, 10 Genetic or inherited disease records......11
Community-based care records................9 Genetics reports......................................20
Complaints...............................................15 Haematology reports..............................19
Correspondence......................................13 Handover notes.......................................29
Correspondence Register........................14 HC21 forms..............................................26
Cytotoxic Drug prescriptions...................23 Histopathology records/reports..............19
Data Collection Records..........................24 Home and Community Care (HACC)
Data Repository.........................................7 records.................................................26
Data Warehouse.......................................7 Hospital private patient claim forms.......26
Death certificates....................................24 Human Research Ethics Committee
Death lists..................................................6 Records................................................27
Death Register...........................................4 Human Research Ethics Committees.......27
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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register