Influence of Intelligence and Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students of Lucknow City
Influence of Intelligence and Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students of Lucknow City
Influence of Intelligence and Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students of Lucknow City
Abstract: This present study examines the influence of Intelligence and gender on Academic achievement of
secondary school students of Lucknow city. The sample of the study consisted of 614 students (358 males and
256 females) from ninth and tenth class of fourteen schools of Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh (India).
Intelligence was measured by Dr.G.C.Ahuja‘s Group Test of Intelligence. The board Results of Class X was
used for collecting data for academic achievement. The findings of the study reveal that there is a significant
influence of Intelligence on academic achievement whereas gender has not significantly influenced the
academic achievement .T-Test; ANOVA and F- value were used for analyzing the data.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Gender, Intelligence
I. Introduction
With a change in scenario and thrust on modern materialistic achievement, the education has
undergone a drastic change. A person‟s education has become an indicator of his status in society. The scores in
examination decide about the level of intelligence whereas the education is linked to the life chances, income
and well being (Battle Lewis, 2002). In our society academic achievement is considered as a key criterion to
judge one‟s total potentiality and capacity. Hence academic achievement occupies a very important place in
education as well as in the learning process. Studies repeatedly show that the performance on intelligence tests
is correlated with school achievement (N.Brody, 1997; Gustafsson & Undheim, 1996; Sattler, 2001). As far as
intelligence is concerned , males and females appear to be equal. The differences are related to specific abilities
or specific traits. Males on an average show superiority over females in the ability to reason and to detect
similarities in certain aspect of general information. Girls on an average show some superiority in memory,
language and aesthetic comparisons. Alan Feingold (1992) focused on male-female differences in average
performance and observed that males score higher than females on tests of general knowledge mechanical
reasoning and females scored higher than males on tests of language usage. There was no notable sex
differences in general verbal ability, abstract reasoning and memory span.
The intelligence is a concept which has affected the life of every individual in all spheres of life. It is
responsible for the academic outcome and finally the success in life. It helps us in combating the challenges of
life and be a winner. There are individual differences in educational outcomes and to predict these differences,
the first broad test of cognitive ability (Binet 1905 Zenderland 1998) was developed. Zimmerman, Barbara,
Zaman (1981) did a study of individual differences and learning and an important implication of the study was
that there are hereditary factors which are responsible for one‟s intelligence. The intellectual development at any
stage is the inheritance from parents and sharing of experiences due to environmental exposures. Since we
cannot control or modify the genetic factor hence a conducive environment must be provided for the intellectual
development of the children. A child can make use of his intellectual capacities to the optimum if he gets a
conducive environment.
II Previous Studies
Extensive researches have been conducted to examine the role of various factors on academic
achievement. According to Watkins, Lei & Canivez (2007), some researches show intelligence and academic
achievement as highly correlated, others believe that it is reciprocal. Some believe that it is casually related to
achievement . Radha Rahi (1992) revealed that sex differences existed in Academic achievement and boys and
girls showed a non-significant positive relationship between intelligence and work activity. Archana Agarwal
(2002) studied some correlates of Academic achievement and a significant positive relationship was found
between academic achievement and intelligence. Brunietal (2006) examined the relationship between academic
achievement and demographic and psychology factors. The finding of the study indicated significant differences
between males and females. According to this study, females had higher academic achievement as compared to
males. However other studies found there was no gender differences in achievement (Herbert & stipek, 2005).
Naderi, Abdullah, Hamid & Sharir (2008) examined intelligence and gender as predictors of academic 9 | Page
Influence Of Intelligence And Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students Of
achievement among undergraduate Iranian students. They found that intelligemnce & gender explain only 0.019
of the variance in academic achievement [CGPA Scores]. Partial correlations between academic achievement
and IQ Scores and gender were non-significant at 0.05. Coefficients also show there is no significance between
academic achievement and IQ and gender at 0.05. Edmore Mutekwe, Maropeng, Modiba and Cosmas Maphosa
(2012) conducted a study to explore girl students‟ perceptions of gender and academic achievement in the
Zimbabwean schools. The study found that female students believe that they were not at par with boys in terms
of treatment. Female high school students held certain perceptions which they believe negatively affected their
academic achievement. The study recommends that gender sensitivity should be taken seriously in schools and
in homes as well as in society at large for improved academic attainment. Deary, Strand, Smith & Fernandes
(2007) found a strong and positive relationship between intelligence and academic achievement.
We still find few gaps in our knowledge about relationship between Intelligence gender and academic
achievement. There are studies which support a strong relationship between these three variables whereas there
are other studies which have propounded against the relationship between gender, intelligence and academic
achievement. The present study aims at achieving the following objectives.
1. To study the influence of gender on academic achievement of secondary school students.
2. To study the influence of intelligence on academic achievement of secondary school students.
1. There is no significant difference between male and female secondary school students on academic
2. There is no significant difference between IQ and academic achievement of secondary school students.
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of high & average IQ category secondary
school students
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of average and low IQ category
secondary school students
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of high and low IQ category secondary
school students
III. Methodology
The present research is descriptive in nature. It is conducted in Lucknow city, Uttar Pradesh in India.
The sample comprises of 614 students (Male 358, Female 256) from 14 secondary schools of Lucknow city,
Uttar Pradesh. Purposive sampling was used to collect the sample of the study. The age ranged from 13 – 17
years for both males & females. Sample was collected from 14 schools of Lucknow city
IV. Tools
G.C.Ahuja Group Test of Intelligence for assessment of Intelligence by Dr. G.C.Ahuja (2008) and
Socio-economic Status scale for assessment of (SES) Socio-economic status by Dr. Meenakshi (2004) were
used. The Board results of students were recorded from school for measuring academic achievement. 10 | Page
Influence Of Intelligence And Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students Of
Table 1
Significance of the Difference Between Means of Academic Achievement of Male and Female
Gender N Mean S.D. S.Em t-value
Males 330 67.63 12.089 .666
Females 284 68.84 12.087 .717 1.235 **
200 Male
150 Female
N Mean Standard Standard
deviation Error Mean
Table 2
Significance of the Difference Between Means of Academic Achievement of High IQ and
Average IQ Students
IQ Category N Mean S.D. S.Em. t-value
High 52 78.27 9.547 1.324
Average 466 68.92 11.576 .536 6.543*
df=516,* Significant at 5%
The above table shows that there are 52students in High IQ Category. The mean score of high IQ category
students on Academic Achievement is78.27 and S.D. is 9.547. The S. Em of High IQ category on Academic
achievement is 1.324.The number of Average IQ Category Students are 466. The mean score on academic
achievement is 68.92 and S.D. is 11.576. The t-value between High and Average IQ Category Students is 6.543
at 516 degree of freedom.,which is significant at .05 level of significance, hence hypothesis is rejected. It means
that there is significant difference between High and Average IQ Category secondary school students on
Academic Achievement This table also reveals that there are more students in the average IQ category as
compared to High IQ category .Due to their IQ differences the respective academic achievement also varies.
The Students with High IQ have higher academic achievement. The high IQ child will grasp the concept in less
time as compared to average child and will definitely perform better than the average child. Figure2 also depicts
the result. 11 | Page
Influence Of Intelligence And Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students Of
200 Average
Table 3
Significance of the Difference Between Means of Academic Achievement of Average IQ and
Low IQ Students
IQ Category N Mean S.D. S.Em. t-value
Average 466 68.92 11.576 .536
Low 96 59.19 9.935 1.014 8.487*
df = 560, * Significant at 5%
The above table shows that there are 466 students in Average IQ Category. The mean score for average IQ
category students on Academic Achievement is 68.92 and S.D. is 11.576. The S. Em. on Academic achievement
is .536. There are 96 students in Low IQ Category. The mean score on Academic achievement is 59.19 and S.D.
is 9.935. The S .Em. on Academic achievement is 1.014. The t-value between Average and Low IQ Category
students is 8.487 at 560 degree of freedom. The T value is significant at .05 level of significance, hence
hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is significant difference between Average and Low IQ Category
secondary school students on Academic Achievement. There are less number of students in low IQ category as
compared to average IQ category. An average student will grasp the concept in a better way as compared to low
IQ students. Hence the academic achievement of average IQ students is better than the low IQ students.
200 Low
Table 4
Significance of the Difference Between Means of Academic Achievement of High IQ & Low IQ
IQ Category N Mean S.D. S.Em. t-value
High 52 78.27 9.547 1.324
Low 96 59.19 9.935 1.014
df = 146, *Significant at 5% 12 | Page
Influence Of Intelligence And Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students Of
The above table shows that the total number of high IQ category students is 52. The mean score on academic
achievement is 78.27 and S.D. is 9.547. The S.Em. on Academic achievement is 1.324.The low IQ category
number of students are 96. The mean score is 59.19 and S.D. is 9.935.The S.Em. on Academic achievement is
1.014. The t-value between high IQ and low IQ is 11.443 at 146 degree of freedom. The T- value is significant
at .05 level of significance., hence hypothesis is rejected . It means that there is a significant difference between
high IQ and low IQ category students on academic achievement. The result shows that academic performance
needs intelligence. The students who are able to understand their studies well, grasp it well, and perform better
in examinations as compared to low IQ students. The low IQ students need more time to grasp the concept as
they have poor learning power and so it is obvious that their academic achievement is low. The findings of
Srivastava (1980), Mehrotra (1986), Mishra (1986) also support this result that intelligence positively affects
the academic achievement of the students.
Table 5
Summary of Analysis of Variance in respect to Intelligence and Academic achievement
Academic Achievement Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 13897.082 2 6948.541 56.042* .000
Within Groups 75756.241 611 123.987
sTotal 89653.322 613
*Significant at 5%
Table 6
Comparison of Academic Achievement scores of Low Average and High IQ Students
T- Value
Variable N Mean Standard Deviation High Average Low
High IQ 54 78.24 9.371 ------- 6.543 11.443
Average IQ 458 69 11.605 6.543 ------- 8.487
Low IQ 102 59.25 9.727 11.443 8.487 -------
Total 614 68.19 12.094
Table 5 compares the Academic Achievement scores of High, Average & Low IQ students. The total numbers
of students in Low IQ category are 102, in Average IQ category are 458 & in High IQ category are 54. The
mean value of Academic Achievement for Low IQ is 59.25% while for Average IQ is 69%, whereas for High
IQ it is 78.24%. The Standard Deviation for Low IQ is 9.727%, for Average IQ it is 11.605% and for High IQ
students it is 9.371%. The F Value in Table 6 is highly significant at 56.042. The null hypothesis is rejected.
Hence there is a significant influence of Intelligence on Academic Achievement. 13 | Page
Influence Of Intelligence And Gender On Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students Of
education. Initially decades back, female children were made to do household works and look after younger
siblings. They were made to help out in household chores. But now the time has changed. Equal opportunity and
status is being provided to the girl child as well. She is provided facilities like tuitions and coaching for her
academic excellence. Hence no difference is found between the male and female child in relation to educational
opportunities. That is why gender has no influence on academic achievement.
The result of the study reveals that intelligence influences the academic achievement of the student.
The child with High IQ has better academic achievement than the child with Average IQ. The high IQ Child
will have better grasping power, retention, recall and higher understandability as compared to an average child.
So he will definitely perform better in academics. A bright child will get high marks and will show good
performance. The results of the study show that the average IQ children perform better than the low IQ children.
The average IQ child will be better learner in comparison to a slow learner. Hence the academic achievement of
Average IQ child will be higher than the Low IQ child.
The result of the study shows that the High IQ child will score better than the Low IQ child. Low IQ
child will be a slow learner. A child with high IQ is fast learner. He will understand, grasp and learn the
concepts in a better way. Academic performance needs intelligence.
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