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Ex-post facto research that examines past occurrences in order to understand a
current state. Although this type of design involves both a dependent variable
and an independent variable, the investigator cannot manipulate the latter. For
example, a researcher who is interested in determining the effectiveness of a
particular television advertisement on consumer behaviour may recruit a group
of participants who saw the advertisement and a group of participants who did
not, yet the researcher has no control over which specific people actually
viewed the advertisement. Ex post facto comes from a Latin word that means
“after the event.”
AN ex-post facto research can be defined as an empirically based investigation
which does not involve the researchers’ direct control over the independent
variables because they have already led to effects which can no more be
manipulated. The conclusions regarding the relationship between the variables
are inferred without intervening or varying the independent or dependent
The term ex-post facto according to Landman (1988: 62) is used to refer to an
experiment in which a researcher, instead of finding a treatment, examines the
effect of a naturally occurring treatment after it has occurred. In other words, it
is a study that attempts to discover the pre-existing causal conditions between

The ex-post factor research, it is also known as ‘causal comparative research’.
The ex-post facto research has certain characteristic which distinguishes it from
other different types of researches.
• The behaviour, action, event or the treatment or the independent
variable of the research cannot be manipulated or changed
as the ex-post research is a kind of study which tries to predict the causes on the
basis of actions that have already occurred, the researcher cannot manipulate or
change the already occurred actions or behaviour.
• The research focuses on the effects
Since the researcher tries to analyse and predict the reasons behind the
occurrence of an event or phenomena, their first attempt is to focus on the event
or the phenomena that has already occurred. Only after having a detailed study
of the phenomena or the event, the researcher tries to determine the causes
behind such an event or phenomena.
• The research tries to analyse the ‘how’ and ‘what’ aspect of an event
Since the researcher tries to understand the causal effects behind a phenomenon,
the research basically focuses on how and what reasons that has led that
phenomenon to occur.
• Explores possible effects and causes
with the help of an ex-post facto research, the researcher tries to analyse the
cause-and-effect phenomena of an event, action or behaviour.

Steps in ex post facto research

The process of ex-post facto research is systematic and follows a definite
sequence. As mentioned by Isaac and Michael (1971), the following are the
steps involved in the ex post facto research—
Step 1. Determining the problem.
in an ex-post facto research, it is necessary for the researcher to focus on the
problem that he or she needs to study. They not only need to find out a problem,
they also need to determine, analyse and define the problem which they will be
dealing with.
Step 2. Literature Review
Before trying to predict the causal relationships, the researcher needs to study
all the related or similar literature and relevant studies, which may help in
further analysis, prediction and conclusion of the causal relationship between
the variables under study.
Step 3. Formulation of hypothesis
The third step of the ex-post facto research is to propose the possible solutions
or alternatives that might have led to the effect. They need to list out the
assumptions which will be the basis of the hypothesis and procedure of the
Step 4. Designing the approach
Once the problem has been defined and the hypothesis has been postulated, the
researcher needs to select the sample which fits the criteria of the study. They
also need to select the scale or construct instrument for collecting the required
information / data. Once the designing is all finalised, the researcher analyses
the relationship between the variables.
Step 5. Validity of the research
The researcher needs to validate the significance of their research. They need to
be cautious regarding the extent to which their findings would be valid and
significant and helpful in interpreting and drawing inferences from the obtained
Step 6. Interpretation of the conclusion Finally, the researcher needs to
analyse, evaluate and interpret the information collected. It is on basis of this
step only; the researcher selects the best possible alternative of causes which
might have led the effect to occur.

Differences Between An Experimental and Ex-Post Facto

both the experimental research and the ex-post facto research try to investigate
relationships between the existing variables, the conclusions of both are
logically as well as empirically valid and reliable, yet there are certain basic
differences between both of them. They can be pointed out as follows:
Experimental research Ex post facto research
Control over In an experimental In an ex-post facto
independent Variable research, the researcher research, the researcher
can directly manipulate cannot directly
the independent manipulate the
variable/s (that is, the independent variable/s
cause) in order to (that is, the cause) as he
examine its effect on the or she predicts the cause
dependent variable (that on basis of the
is, the effect) dependent variable (that
is, the effect).
Principle of The researcher can use The researcher cannot
randomisation the principle of use the principle of
randomisation in an randomisation in an ex-
experimental research post facto research as
on basis of which they the researcher has no
can conclude or infer direct control over the
that other thing cause and so they infer
remaining equal/ the possibilities of the
constant/controlled the causes on basis of the
effect is a result of existing effect.
manipulation of the
Manipulation of The researcher can The researcher cannot
variables manipulate variables in manipulate variables in
an experimental an ex-post facto
research research.
Interpretation It is easier to interpret or It is difficult to interpret
infer relationships or infer relationship
between the independent between the independent
and dependent variables and dependent variables
as they can manipulate as there can be more
the independent variable than one possibility or
and see its effect on cause for a particular
dependent variable effect.

Strengths and weaknesses of Ex-post Facto Research

No research can be perfect in itself. All methods have their strengths as well as
weaknesses. The same is applicable in the case of ex-post factor research too.
The strengths of the ex-post facto research are:
1. It is considered as a very relevant method in those behavioural researches
where the variables cannot be manipulated or altered. The examples of
such researches can include many sociological (e.g., delinquency) as well
as educational variables (e.g., achievements).
2. It is more useful than an experimental research as it can be used in
analysing a cause on basis of the effect, which is impossible in an
experimental research.
3. It is less time consuming as well as economical.
4. It gives a chance to the researcher to analyse on basis of his personal
opinion and then come out with the best possible conclusion.
The weaknesses as well as the limitations of the ex-post facto research are:
1. In an ex-post facto research, the researcher cannot manipulate the
independent variables.
2. The researcher cannot randomly assign the subjects to different groups.
3. The researcher may not be able to provide a reasonable explanation for
the relationship between the independent and dependent variables under

It can therefore be concluded that the ex-post facto research holds a very good
position in the field of behavioural sciences. It is the only method which is
retrospective in nature, that is, with the help of this method one can trace the
history in order to analyse the cause/ reason/action from an effect/behaviour/
event that has already occurred. Although it is a very significant method, yet it
has certain limitations as well. The researcher cannot manipulate the cause in
order to see the alterations on its effect. This again marks a question on the
validity of the findings of the research. Equally the researcher cannot randomly
assign the subjects in to groups and has no control over the variables. Yet, it is
one of the very useful methods as it has several implications in the field of
applied research as well as behavioural sciences. The investigator can predict
the relationship between the variables on basis of an already existing output or

Singh, A.K. (2008). Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural
Sciences. New Delhi :Bharti Bhawan.
Goodwin, C. J. (2005). Research in psychology: Methods and design. Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Kothari, C.R. (2004) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. 2nd
Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.

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