Weld Defect Extraction and Classification
Weld Defect Extraction and Classification
Weld Defect Extraction and Classification
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This paper contains two parts: In the first part, we show the effectiveness of using neural paradigms
to detect edges in X-Ray images which are used in Non Destructive Testing. The developed classifier
consisted of a multilayer feed forward network window in which the center pixel was classified using
gray scale information within the window. The aim of the work in the second part, is to construct a set
of weld defect descriptors in X-ray images and their recognition by the neural classifier. These
descriptors are based on the geometric invariant moments which are insensitive regarding usual
geometrical transformations. Once the geometric invariant features computed, a neural network
classifier trained by back-propagation has to classify the defect-images in planer or volumetric defect
Key words: X-Ray images, Weld defects, Artificial Neural networks, Edge detection, Invariant
1. Introduction
We intend by Nondestructive Testing (NDT) any examination of industrial materials and assemblies
using methods that don't alter their structure, permitting further utilization. Each method is specific
and is destined to measure certain properties or to make conspicuous certain types of defects.Then,
they have to be chosen in terms of examined material and the property or the imperfection we want
detect. One of the most techniques used in NDT is Radiography which is based on the transmission of
X-rays or gamma-rays through an object to produce an image on radiographic film. This method is
used for inspecting several types of welded assemblies such as pipe-lines, boilers, pressure vessels
etc. Inspected zones may present multifarious defects such as porosity, inclusions, cracks, lack of
penetration, lack of fusion etc.,repertoried by official norms of NDT [1].
This radiogram is examined by radiography interpreters whose the task consist in detect, recognize
and quantify eventual defects, but the radiogram quality, the welding over-thickness, the bad
contrast, the noise and the weak sizes of defects make difficult their job [2]. The defect quantification
in these conditions is submitted to human judgement and subjective considerations, such as,
capabilities and experience of the interpreter because, it takes time to train a film interpreter. In
addition, human interpretation of weld quality based on film radiography is very subjective,
inconsistent, labor intensive, and sometimes biased. It is thus desirable to develop some forms of
computer-aided systems to assist the human interpreter in evaluating the quality of welded joints.
This involves the digitization of film radiography and the development of algorithms to extract welds
and to identify flaws in them. Therefore, we try to apply the digital image processing and artificial
intelligence technologies for the defect classification [3].
One of the essential processes in computer vision consists in reduce the huge quantity of information,
contained in image of objects which we have to recognize by preserving, only the most important
points. Therefore, generally, the edge detection is the first stage we apply before the recognition
stage [4].
In the second stage, namely, image analysis, we use geometric invariant moments for feature
extraction of the defect-images. The main interest of the moments thus computed is their invariance
regarding usual geometric transformations (translation, rotation, scale change) [5]. This, is very
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Weld Defect Extraction and Classification in Radiographic Testing Based Artificial Neural Networks
important in the case of our application, because the aim of the radiographic control automation is to
identify, firstly, the different types of welding defects, in spite their emplacement, orientation or size.
For example, a fissure is always identified as being a fissure, in spite its orientation or dimension.
The past decade has seen a rapid growth of interest in the computer programming techniques of
artificial intelligence. One such area that has become particularly topical is that of artificial neural
networks. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computational representations based on the biological
neural architecture of the brain [6],[7]. The early work in this field dates back to 1943, although most
investigation has taken place recently as computers have become more widespread and computing
speeds and memory have increased, thus allowing the simulation of realistic problems. ANNs have
been successfully applied to a wide range of engineering and scientific applications such as signal and
image processing [8], data analysis, process control and prediction. Thus, it is expected that neural
networks based techniques would perform better in image processing, pattern recognition and
classification problems.
In the first part of this paper, we propose the application of Artificial Neural Networks in the edge
detection of X-ray images containing defects of welding. After a description of the ANN configuration
dedicated to the X-ray edge detection task, will succeed the discussion of results deriving from this
In the second part we propose the application of the neural networks, trained by the back-
propagation, to the preliminary classification of the weld defects in X-ray images, through image
analysis by geometric invariant moments. Thus, after a definition of the used features and the
corresponding neural networks architecture, results will be presented and commented.
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Weld Defect Extraction and Classification in Radiographic Testing Based Artificial Neural Networks
Fig. 2. illustrates the architecture of the network and the way of its application to the image.
Fig 4
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Weld Defect Extraction and Classification in Radiographic Testing Based Artificial Neural Networks
Fig 6
Once, contours are extracted, they can present discontinuities. Then, we can use closing edge
algorithms in order to prepare the recognition and classification stages. On the other hand, we have
tested the network on noised images, as shown in Fig. 5.a . We ascertains that the network detects
the contours and eliminate the noise (See Fig. 5.b). Thus, the network plays the double role : edge
detection operator and noise filter. By there, we show the robustness of the proposed network
regarding the noise.
Fig 5
2.3. Conclusion
The obtained results show the effectiveness of using neural paradigms to detecting edges in X-ray
images which are used in Non Destructive Testing. It has therefore succeeded to deliver directly
contours of welding defects present in radiograms without the application of filtering techniques,
contrarily to classic edge detection operators. Indeed, the proposed neural segmentation technique
has provided satisfying results on noised or variable luminance images. However, the inconvenience of
this technique resides in its speed of execution that is slow enough. This is why, in this type of
applications, powerful and rapid computers are recommended. Currently, our work focuses on the
validation of the proposed approach by other neural models such as Kohonen and Hopfield ANNs.
The regular moments m pq of a digital image pattern represented by f(x,y) are defined as :
p,q = 0,1,2,..
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Weld Defect Extraction and Classification in Radiographic Testing Based Artificial Neural Networks
The following normalized central moments are invariant under a scale change :
p+q = 2,3, . . .
The following moments Æ 1 , Æ 2 , . . . ,Æ 7 , are invariant under translation, rotation and scaling :
We defined seven normalized values of Æ i (i=1,2,...,7) which are applied in the input layer of neural
network [11].
The two neurons in the output layer correspond to the number of pattern classes (defect classes),
and the number of neurons in the middle layer was heuristically specified as 10 [12]. There are
unknown rules for specifying the number of nodes in the internal layers of a neural network, so this
number generally is based either on prior experience or simply chosen arbitrarily and then refined by
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Weld Defect Extraction and Classification in Radiographic Testing Based Artificial Neural Networks
Fig 7: Training set of the ANNs and invariant moment performance a. Planer defect
b. Volumetric defect
In the major classification problems, we are interested by the classification accuracy which
corresponds to the outperform classified defect-images into the test set, or to the misclassification
rate which corresponds to misclassified or non classified defects. In terms of classification accuracy,
the simulation results are very satisfying and the two-class classification is well accomplished for the
presented testing set. The results are summarized in Table 1.
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Weld Defect Extraction and Classification in Radiographic Testing Based Artificial Neural Networks
Fig 8: Some tested defects from the testing set of the neural network
3.4. Conclusion
In this paper, artificial neural network based approach for the classification of 2D dimensional welded
defect images represented by translation, scale and rotation invariant region representation were
introduced. ANN approach employing supervised learning represented by a multilayer ANN was
utilized. The error back-propagation algorithm was used for the training of the multilayer ANN.
Through experimentation with the defect-images for the classification problem, we show the feasibility
of the proposed feature extraction and neural network paradigms, which are very promising in
radiography inspection of welding joints. Presently, the use of a large bank of defects (porosity, leak
of fusion, inclusions, etc.) as ANN training data is under investigation.
4. References
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