Medical Certificate Proforma

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(To avoid disqualification, please do NOT use abbreviation. Fill it with CAPITAL LETTERS only.
Please do not attach any enclosure except where specifically asked for)

Name of the Patient: ...............................................................................................................

Relation of the Patient with employee (self / spouse / son / daughter): ................................
Date: ..........................................

I, Dr. ..................................................... with Medical Council Registration No. ........................,

hereby, certify that Shri / Smt / Ms. ......................................................... aged ......................................
Sex ........................ son / daughter / wife / husband of Shri / Smt. .........................................................
(Name of JNV teacher / employee) is suffering from the disease / diseases with the details as follows
and that the treatment of this disease is not at all available at this station or its vicinity:

A. In case of Carcinoma (Cancer):

1. Name of Carcinoma with organ (site affected):
2. Date, when it was detected first:
3. Brief History-Pathological Report with reference no. & dates:
4. T N M Classification (if applicable):
5. Evidence in support of uncontrolled growth:
6. Evidence in support of Metastasis:
7. Condition of neighbouring or surrounding structures:
8. Treatment being continued in brief:
9. Full name of Surgery / ies in undertaken with dates:

B. In case of Renal Failure:

1. Name of the disease causing Renal Failure:
2. Evidences in support of Chronic Irreversible Changes:
3. No. of Dialysis done with dates:
4. Single or both kidneys are involved:
5. Any Surgery including Renal transplantation done or not;

C. In case of Loss of Muscle Power (Paralytic Stroke):

1. How many extremities are affected:
2. Grading of Muscle power at present:
3. Grading of Muscle Power at the onset of disease:
4. Duration of Loss of Muscle power:
5. Any recovery after the onset till date:
6. Most direct cause of Loss of Muscle Power:

D. In case of Heart Disease:

1. Name of the surgical procedure undergone (CABG / Angioplasty):
2. Date of Surgical Procedure:
3. Name of Doctor-Surgeon:
4. Name of Hospital:

E. In case of Thalassemia:
1. Name of the disease(with specification-major or minor):
2. Date of first detection:
3. Whether blood transfusion required? YES / NO
4. If so, periodically / duration of blood transfusion / replacement required by the patient /
Chelation therapy:
5. Blood transfusion done last (DD / MM / YYYY):
F. In case of Parkinson’s Disease:
1. Date of detection of the disease:
2. Duration of treatment undergone:
3. Name and designation of treating neurologist:
4. Whether admitted in hospital and if so, details thereof:
5. Progressiveness of the disease-please specify:
(to be certified by a neurologist)
G. In case of Motor-neuron disease:
1. Date of detection of disease:
2. Duration of treatment undergone:
3. Name and designation of treating neurologist:
4. Result of EMG test report and MRI:
5. Grading of muscle power at present:

Signature of the signing Authority

Name of the Deptt:
Name & Signature of the patient Name of the Hospital
Name of the Patient: .....................................................................................................
Relation with the Employee (Self / Spouse / Son / Daughter): .....................................
(If the certifying doctor is below the rank of Civil Surgeon or equivalent, it should be countersigned
by a doctor of the rank of Civil Surgeon or equivalent).

Counter signature of the CMO / CMS / Civil Surgeon

Sign. of the Principal (for JNV Staff) / the Director, NLI (for NLI Staff) / the Deputy Commissioner
(For HQ/RO staff)
Principal (in case of JNV employees) / the Director, NLI (in case of NLI employees) and the DC (in case
of RO / HQ employees) should sign the certificate having been satisfied with all the clauses of
medical certificate being clearly mentioned and endorsed in context of the provisions of transfer
policy and guidelines.
Note : Medical Certificate, without having countersignature / endorsement of the Principal / DC /
Director of the concerned establishment, will be treated as null and void.

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