Online Grocery Recommendation System: January 2016

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Online Grocery Recommendation System

Conference Paper · January 2016


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5 authors, including:

Suja Panicker
Maharashtra Institute of Technology


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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 04, 2016 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Online Grocery Recommendation System

Prof. Suja Panikar1 Prayag Mane2 Chetan Pakhale3 Shubham Fulzele4 Akshay Rathi5
Internal Guaide
Department of Computer Engineering
MIT, Pune
Abstract— Now a days there is a lot of trend of online .This special basket contains all those essential items desired
shopping. Almost all the products which are used in day to by a particular user. Take a case of mother and a nutritionist.
day life are available online especially grocery. So there are A special basket can be made for mother in which she can
many projects going on online grocery shopping systems. have all the items needed for her baby or a nutritionist can
And most of them have recommendation systems in them. make a special basket for health-concious people. The idea is
Recommendations are used for making the work of the providing everything at one place thus making easy for user
customer more easy and fast. This reduces their valuable time to search among thousands of items.
and also the efforts. For this the recommendations given to
the customer should be exact and should be fast. And most II. LITERATURE SURVEY
importantly they should none irritate the customer. These
recommendations are mostly given based on their necessity A. NOVA: Hybrid Book Recommendation Engine By
Dharmendra Pathak, Sandeep Matharia And C. N. S. Murthy
and their interest. Therefore the customer’s necessity can be
Chameli Devi School Of Engineering Indore, India:
predicted from their purchase history and customer’s interest
can be predicted from the people have interest same as that Here the main concepts of hybrid recommendation
customer. In our project of online grocery recommendation techniques have been extracted. It mainly describes
system, we are going to develop a recommendation system combining the advantages of algorithms to form into one
which will recommend the customer products of his interest useful and effective algorithms which gives an edge over its
and necessity. One more additional feature in our project is base algorithms .It helps to incorporate the information from
that the customer is recommended a special basket based on metadata into recommendation algorithms. Content based
his profile and also purchase history to some extent. inputs have been used from this paper. Content based
Key words: Online Grocery Recommendation System, generally consists the information about the user such as their
customer pro interests, name, address, age etc. This helps a lot to improve
the recommendation engine. This is done by providing more
I. INTRODUCTION information about users interest and basic information about
user which can be used by the recommendation engine to
Purchase of online grocery has been a boom in present life of
filter more items according to user interests. The accuracy
people. As this saves their time and energy of visiting
and precision of hybrid system is more as compared to basic
supermarket and grocery vendors. Thus this online grocery individual algorithms.
has relieved people by providing access to all groceries and
purchasing them just by sitting at home. These grocery items B. An Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation
may account to hundreds and making a perfect choice of Algorithm Using Slope One Scheme Smoothing, Dejia Zhang,
selecting them may become difficult for the user. This is Wenzhou Vocational And Technical College, Wenzhou
where Recommendation system comes into picture and plays 325035, China,2009:
a major role in sorting those items according to user needs. Collaborative filtering is one of the most important
As a result online grocery purchasing have become technologies in electronic commerce. With the development
more efficient and popular. Most of the e-commerce websites of recommender systems, the magnitudes of users and items
use recommendation systems. These recommendation grow rapidly, resulted in the extreme sparsity of user rating
systems work on specific algorithms. Most of the e- data set. Traditional similarity measure methods work poor in
commerce companies have their own algorithms of this situation, make the quality of recommendation system
generating recommendations of the items to the user. decreased dramatically. Poor quality is one major challenge
The concepts which are mostly used to develop in collaborative filtering recommender systems. Sparsity of
recommendation systems are collaborative filtering and users ratings is the major reason causing the poor quality. To
content based filtering. Both of these concepts uses its own address this issue, an item-based collaborative filtering
techinque to provide recommendation to user. Nevertheless, recommendation algorithm using slope one scheme
these techniques may have limitations and disadvantages of smoothing is presented. This approach predicts item ratings
their own .Therefore use of Hybrid recommendation system that users have not rated by the employ of slope one method,
is preferred over the individual techniques. The use of such and then uses Pearson correlation similarity measurement to
technique eliminates the limitations of individual algorithms find the target items neighbors, lastly produces the
and combines the advantages of these techniques to make one recommendations. The experiments are made on a common
effective algorithm. data set using different recommender algorithms. The results
In this paper we have included two effective show that the proposed approach can improve the accuracy
algorithms for building recommendation system. The first of the collaborative filtering recommender system.
being called as slope one algorithm which works on item to
item collaborative filtering and the second called as min hash
algorithm which generates result based on the user profile .
Also a new concept of special basket has been introduced

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Online Grocery Recommendation System
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 04/2016/081)

C. Similar Pair Identification Using Locality-Sensitive one Product is liked than another. One way to measure this
Hashing Technique, Kyung Mi Lee, Keon Myung Lee,2012: differential is simply to subtract the average rating of the two
Huge volumes of data stored pose many opportunities and Product.
challenges in business and information sector. The similar Slope one algorithms are easy to implement,
pair identification problem happens in various fields such as efficient to query, reasonably accurate, and they support both
image retrieval, near-duplicate document identification, online queries and dynamic updates, which makes them good
plagiarism analysis, entity resolution, and so on. With the candidates for real-world systems.
increasing number of items, it is not efficient to make pair- The basic slope one scheme is suggested as a new
wise similarity comparisons. To handle this problem in an reference scheme for collaborative filtering.
efficient way, various techniques have been developed. The
locality-sensitive hashing is one of such techniques to avoid
pair-wise comparisons in avoiding similar pairs. This paper
introduces a modified method of the projection-based locality
sensitive hashing technique. The proposed method reduces
the chances that similar pairs fall into different buckets which
is one of major drawbacks in the projection-based technique.
We have observed that the proposed method outperforms the
conventional projection-based method in that it gets better
recall rate with some additional memory and computation 1) Slope-One Algorithm:
costs.  Product to product recommendation.
 Use collaborative filtering technique.
D. Hybrid Recommender Systems, Vipul Vekariya and G.R.
 Calculate similarity of products between users.
2) Steps To Perform The Algorithm:
Recommender systems represent user preferred choices for Step 1: Prepare matrix of users and Product
the purpose of suggesting items to purchase or examine Step 2 : The number of comparisons required can be
whether to buy or not. They have become basic required calculated by the formula
applications in e-commerce and information access, n(n-1)/2
providing suggestions that effectively neglect large where, n = number of Product
information spaces so that users are directed toward those Step 3 : Assign the value 1 if the user has purchased the item
items that best meet their needs and preferences. A variety of Step 4 : Assign the value 0 if user has not purchased the item
techniques have been proposed for performing Step 5 : Calculate the similarity by using the formula
recommendation, including content-based, collaborative,
knowledge-based and other techniques. To improve
performance and to enhance the results of all these methods
have sometimes been combined in hybrid recommenders.
Hybrid recommender systems combine two or more
recommendation techniques to gain better performance with
fewer of the drawbacks of any individual one. Most Where, A and B are two Product
commonly, collaborative filtering is combined with some Step 6 : Calculate the similarity value for each pair of Product
other technique in an attempt to avoid the ramp-up problem. Step 7 : The Product are recommended as per the higher
Some of them are weighted, Switching. In these paper they similarity values
made a hybrid recommender for Hostels and shown the Step 8 : End
difference between the normal and hybrid one. Due to this Let consider an example
results it helped us to take the decision of making the hybrid Customer Product1 Product2 Product 3
recommendation. Chetan Bought it Didn't buy it Bought it
Prayag Didn't buy it Bought it Bought it
III. ALGORITHMS Shubham Didn't buy it Bought it Didn't buy it
There are two algorithms are used: Table 1:
1) Slope One  In this case, the cosine between Product 1 and 2 is:
2) Min Hash (1,0,0).(0,1,1) / ||(1,0,0)|| ||(0,1,1)|| = 0.
 The cosine between Product 1 and 3 is:
A. Slope One: (1,0,0).(1,1,0) / ||(1,0,0)|| ||(1,1,0)|| = 0.71
Slope One is a algorithm use for collaborative filtering. It is  Whereas the cosine between Product 2 and 3 is:
the simplest form of non-trivial item-based collaborative (1,0,0).(0,1,1) / ||(1,0,0)|| ||(0,1,1)|| = 0.5
filtering based on ratings. Their simplicity makes it especially  Hence, a user visiting Product1 would receive Product3
easy to implement them efficiently while their accuracy is as a recommendation.
often on par with more complicated and computationally  User visiting Product2 would receive Product3 as a
expensive algorithms. They have also been used as building recommendation.
blocks to improve other algorithms.  And finally, a user visiting Product3 would receive
Our Slope One algorithms work on the intuitive Product1 (and then Product2) as a recommendation.
principle of a “popularity differential” between Product for
users. In a pairwise fashion, we determine how much better

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Online Grocery Recommendation System
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 04/2016/081)

B. Min Hash Algorithm: where, number of rows = number of set, number of

Min Hash Algorithm is basically used to find the similarity columns = size of merge list
between two sets with the help of Jaccard coefficient and Step 5 : Now Populate the Min-Matrix from the merge list
Random Hash Value. The Jaccard similarity coefficient is a Step 6 : Now we have to consider Set A and merge list and
commonly used to indicate the similarity between two sets. find the common elements.
Suppose for sets A and B it is defined to be the ratio of the Step 7 : Substitute value in Min-Matrix of that element from
number of elements of their intersection and the number of that hash array ,repeat that for Set B also.
elements of their union: Step 8 : Count all the similar hash value elements from the
J (A, B) = |A ∩ B| / |A ∪ B| Min-Matrix .
Where, Step 9 : Now we will calculate the Jaccard Co-efficient.
Jaccard Co-efficient Range is from Zero to One.If Step 10 : Set the Threshold value
the value is close to zero it’s irrelevant and if close to one we Step 11 : Create a tuple which contains the items which have
get the more relevant value. Jaccard value more than the threshold value
With the help of these algorithm in our project we 2) EXAMPLE:
will use to compare the user profile of two different user in
which one will be the current user and other will be the
previous user’s. Then also we will get more computations in
the result for that we will set one threshold value to get more
fessible result as it will neglect all the result below that
treshold value.The output will be in the forn of tuples.
1) Steps to Perform The Algorithm:
Step 1 : Taking the sets of current user and other similar
previous visited users
Step 2 : Then prepare a merge list that contains all the details
of current user and one previous user
Step 3 : Now Build one hash array whose size is equal to that
size of the merge list
Step 4 : Then build a Min-Matrix
INDEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
INDEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
User1 10 20 30 40 50 NO 70 NO 90 NO 110 120
User2 NO 20 NO 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Table 2:

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(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 04/2016/081)

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