Parkson Holdings Berhad (89194-P) (Incorporated in Malaysia)

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(Incorporated in Malaysia)
1. PURPOSE…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….………………………………………….. 2
2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD…………….…………….………………………………………….. 2
2.1 Board’s Role
2.2 Board’s Principal Responsibilities
2.3 Matters Reserved for Decision of the Board
2.4 Board’s Ethics and Conduct
2.5 Board’s Powers
2.6 Delegation to Board Committees
2.7 Relationship with Management
3.1 Composition
3.2 Independence
3.3 Diversity
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR …………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………………………………….. 7
5.1 The Role of Chairman
5.2 The Role of Individual Directors
5.3 The Role of Managing Director/Executive Director
5.4 The Role of Non-Executive Directors
5.5 The Role of Independent Directors
5.6 The Role of Senior Independent Director
6.1 Supply and Reliance of Information
6.2 Company Secretary
7. PROCESSES OF THE BOARD ……….…………….…………….…………….…………….………………………………….. 9
7.1 Board Meetings
7.2 Conflict of Interest
7.3 Voting
7.4 Committee Meetings
7.5 Financial Reporting
7.6 Compliance Monitoring
8.1 Identification and Recruitment of Directors
8.2 Time Commitment
8.3 Independence of Director
8.4 Directors’ Remuneration
8.5 Board Effectiveness Assessment
9. DIRECTORS’ TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ………….…………….…………….…………….………………….. 13
9.1 Information Pack
9.2 Induction Program
9.3 Training and Development
10. DEALING IN SECURITIES …………………..………….…………….…………….…………….……………………………… 13
11. CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLOSURE ………….…………….…………….…………….………………………………. 14
12. SUCCESSION PLANNING ………….…………….…………….…………….………………………………………………….. 14
13. RISK MANAGEMENT ………….…………….…………….…………….……………………………………………………….. 14
14. INTERNAL AUDIT FUNCTION …………………..………….…………….…………….…………….………………………. 15
15. SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT ………….…………….…………….…………….…………………………………….. 15
17. REVIEW ………….…………….…………….…………….……………………………………………………………………………. 16

(Incorporated in Malaysia)



(a) The Board of Directors (“Board”) believes that sound corporate governance is imperative for
delivering sustainable value to shareholders and safeguarding the interests of stakeholders,
promoting business integrity and maintaining investors’ confidence towards the Group’s
delivery of its corporate objectives and vision.

(b) The Board is accountable to all stakeholders for the corporate governance and performances
of the Group and is committed to attaining a high standard of business integrity, ethics and
professionalism across the Group’s activities.

(c) In carrying out its responsibilities under this Charter, the Board will be cognizant of the
requirements of all legislation, regulations and statutory standards. In particular these will
include, but are not limited to, the provisions of the Companies Act 2016 (“Companies Act”),
Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (“CMSA”), Securities Commission Act 1993, Malaysian
Code on Corporate Governance 2017 (“MCCG”) and Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa
Securities”) Main Market Listing Requirements (“Listing Requirements”) that apply to the
Group and its operations.

(d) This Charter has been endorsed by the Board and is subject to periodic review by the Board
to ensure the Group conforms to the best practices in corporate governance.


1.1 The purpose of this Charter is to set out the principal roles of the Board, the demarcation of
the roles, functions, responsibilities and powers of the Board and the Board Committees and
the Management.

1.2 It further defines the specific accountabilities and responsibilities of the Board to enhance
coordination, communication and facilitation between the Management and the Board and
ultimately, to reinforce the overall accountability of both the Board and the Management
towards the Company and the stakeholders.

1.3 To serve as reference criteria for the Board in the assessment of its own performance and of
its individual Directors and the Board Committees.


2.1 Board’s Role

The Board’s principal role is to govern, rather than manage, the Group, by ensuring that
there is proper governance framework in place to promote and protect the Group’s interests
for the benefit of its shareholders and other stakeholders.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

2.2 Board’s Principal Responsibilities

2.2.1 The Board is entrusted with the responsibility in leading and directing the Group
towards achieving its strategic goals and realising long-term shareholders’ value.
The Board is also responsible for monitoring the implementation of strategy and
plans by the Management. Ensuring proper running of the Group underpins the
fundamental function of the Board requiring collective experience and expertise of
the Board members combined with objectivity and independence expected in the
Board’s decision making process and conduct.

2.2.2 The Board provides stewardship to the Group by fulfilling, among others, the
following principal responsibilities:

(i) Providing business direction for the Group.

Provides feedback on the Group’s and/or Key Operating Companies (“KOCs”)

strategies and business plans.

(ii) Overseeing the conduct of the Group’s businesses.

Reviews and evaluates the management and performance of the Group’s

businesses and operations against appropriate objectives.

(iii) Identifying principal risks and ensuring the implementation of internal controls
and mitigation measures.

Monitors and evaluates the implementation of appropriate systems to manage

principal risks of the Group and/or KOCs. The management of risks is aimed at
striking a balance between the risks that the Group is exposed to and the
returns to the Group and its stakeholders.

(iv) Reviewing the adequacy and integrity of the Group’s system of internal controls.

Reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s system of internal

controls in safeguarding the Group’s best interest and ability to achieve its
objectives via conformance to the Group’s values, structured delegation of
authority and accountability, managing conflict of interest, compliance with
applicable laws, regulations and the Group’s policies and procedures, protection
of the Group’s assets, information and intellectual property, management of
relations with key stakeholders, whistleblowing and maintenance of good
discipline. The Board must ensure that appropriate frameworks are in place to
implement the necessary controls. The Board also reviews the assessment and
management of internal control issues as reported by the Internal Audit function
to obtain assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the system of internal

(v) Ensuring effective communications with stakeholders.

Ensures that the Group has appropriate channels for effective communications
with stakeholders.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

2.3 Matters Reserved for Decision of the Board

2.3.1 Board Structure

(i) Appointment and recommendation for removal of directors;
(ii) Appointment and removal of Secretaries;
(iii) Establishment of Board Committees and approval of terms of reference; and
(iv) Appointment of members of Board Committees.

2.3.2 Remuneration Matters

(i) Recommendation of the directors’ fee and other emoluments;
(ii) Approval of remuneration packages for Managing Director (“MD”) and Executive
Directors (“ED”); and
(iii) Approval of any proposed employees’ share option scheme, subject to other
approvals that may be required by law or regulations.

2.3.3 Group Operations

(i) Approval of KOCs’ business strategies and plans; and
(ii) Approval of major investment or divestment in a company/joint
ventures/property/capital project/business undertakings.

2.3.4 Financial
(i) Approval of interim and annual financial statements;
(ii) Approval and release of Annual Directors’ Report and Statutory Audited
(iii) Approval of the release of financial statements, Annual Directors’ Report and
Statutory Accounts (including for announcements to Bursa Securities and
Securities Commission);
(iv) Approval of banking facilities and authority limits for its operations;
(v) Approval of payments of dividends;
(vi) Approval of changes in financial year end; and
(vii) Recommend for shareholders’ approval at the general meeting the appointment
of Auditors and approval of Auditors’ remuneration.

2.3.5 Other Matters

(i) Review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s system of risk
management and internal controls;
(ii) Granting of power of attorney by the Company;
(iii) Entering into indemnities or guarantees by the Company;
(iv) Recommendation for new Constitution of the Company including any
amendments thereof;
(v) Purchase of own shares by the Company;
(vi) Resale of treasury shares held by the Company;
(vii) Issue of any debt instruments;
(viii) Scheme of reconstruction or restructuring;
(ix) Any other matters requiring the convening of a general meeting of shareholders
or any class of shareholders or debt securities holders; and
(x) Any other matters as may be required by the laws or the governing authorities.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

2.4 Board’s Ethics and Conduct

2.4.1 Board members are expected to observe a high standard of ethical behaviour at all
times. The Board members are guided by the codes of ethics as reflected in the
following regulations and guidelines in discharging their roles and responsibilities:

(i) Code of Ethics for Company Directors issued by the Companies Commission of
(ii) The provisions of the Companies Act;
(iii) The principles of the MCCG; and
(iv) The Group’s Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (“CoBEC”).

2.4.2 The CoBEC sets forth ethical values which provide guidance for a proper standard of
conduct and relations with the Group’s various stakeholders for all Directors and

2.4.3 The Board shall review the CoBEC as and when appropriate in keeping with new
developments in regulatory requirements, business environment and its assessment
of the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s system of internal control.

2.5 Board’s Powers

The Directors will exercise the powers of the Company as conferred on them by the various
Acts in particular the Companies Act, the Constitution of the Company and any other relevant

2.6 Delegation to Board Committees

2.6.1 The Board may from time to time and as required establish committees appropriate
to assist it in carrying out its fiduciary duties and responsibilities. The Board delegates
certain functions to the following committees in the execution of its responsibilities:

(a) Audit Committee;

(b) Nomination Committee; and
(c) Remuneration Committee.

2.6.2 The committees operate under approved terms of reference and are authorised by
the Board to deal with and deliberate or to advise and recommend to the Board on
matters delegated to them within their terms of reference.

2.6.3 The Chairman of the respective committees reports to the Board on the conclusions
of the committee meetings and the minutes of such committee meetings will be
noted by the Board. For matters that are reserved for the Board’s decision, the
respective committees, having deliberated the matters, would include the
committees’ recommendations in their reports to the Board for the Board’s decision.

2.6.4 The terms of reference of each committee are published in the Annual Report and
the Company’s website.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

2.7 Relationship with Management

2.7.1 The Board shall delegate to the MD or the ED (or such other principal officer or such
other description - of the Company in charge of the management of the Company);
the authority and powers of executive management of the Company and its
businesses within levels of authority specified from time to time. The MD/ED may
delegate aspects of his or her authority and powers but remains accountable to the
Board for the Company’s performance and is required to report regularly to the
Board on the progress being made by the Company’s business units and operations.

2.7.2 The Management will have in place financial and performance management systems
like financial and operational forecasting, budgeting, tracking, targets, key result
areas and key performance indicators to measure and monitor performance
attainments or variances.

2.7.3 The system of delegation of authority to such committees and Management, the
exercise of that delegated authority is predicated on an assumption that the Board is
kept appropriately and fully informed on all material issues. Appropriate and
sufficiently detailed financial, management and operational reports are furnished at
regular intervals in such form, manner and quality to enable the Board to discharge
its duties and responsibilities effectively.


3.1 Composition

3.1.1 The Board consists of qualified individuals with diverse experience, background and
perspective to enable them to discharge their duties and responsibilities effectively.
The composition and size of the Board is such that it facilitates the decision-making
of the Board as a whole.

3.1.2 At any one time, at least half of the Board, must comprise independent Directors.

3.2 Independence

The basis for the presence of an independent voice on the Board is to ensure that objectivity in
decision-making of the Board is achieved and that no single party can dominate such decision-
making in the Company.

3.3 Diversity

3.3.1 The Board shall at all times promote and welcome diversity, equal opportunities and
gender mix in its composition with due recognition and weightage to the skills,
experience and business acumen of the directorship candidatures.

3.3.2 The Board will review the appropriate mix of skills, experience, age, gender, cultural
background and knowledge required of the Board members, in the context of the
needs of the Company’s and the Group’s businesses and strategies. The Board will
review its composition and size from time to time to ensure its appropriateness to
the business of the Group.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

3.3.3 The Board, via the Nomination Committee, ensures that a set of criteria is
consistently applied in its processes.



In promoting balance of authority, increased accountability and greater capacity for

independent decision-making; the above roles and functions are to be distinct and separate
with clear division of responsibilities and should be held by different individuals of whom the
Chairman should be a non-executive member.

Given the knowledge and extensive involvement of the Chairman in the business driving from
his wealth of experience and industry goodwill benefitting directly from the Group; the above
roles and functions remain vested in the Chairman. Nevertheless, functionally and for all
purposes and intent, the responsibilities of the MD are executed by delegated authority to the
ED and designated Senior Management to ensure that division and accountability in essence
are separated. Further, all decisions on matters reserved for the Board are made after due
deliberation by the Board and the Board Committees, where required.


5.1 The Role of Chairman

5.1.1 The Chairman assumes the leadership role with regard to the conduct of the Board
and its relations to shareholders and other stakeholders.

5.1.2 The duties of the Chairman are to:

to provide leadership to the Board;
to oversee the Board in the effective discharge of its fiduciary duties;
to lead and ensure efficient and effective conduct of the Board’s Meetings;
(iv)to promote constructive and respectful relations between Board Members and
between the Board and Management; and
(v) to commit time necessary to discharge effectively his role as Chairman.

5.2 The Role of Individual Directors

5.2.1 Each director shall at all times exercise his power for a proper purpose and in good
faith in the best interest of the Company and shall exercise reasonable care, skill and
diligence in the discharge of the fiduciary and statutory duties as a director of the

5.2.2 In exercising his powers as a director, he should have regard to the following:

a) Use of good judgement;

b) His responsibilities as director;
c) His responsibilities for actions of delegate; and
d) Prohibition against improper use of the Group’s assets, property, information,
position, corporate opportunity or competing with the Group.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

5.3 The Role of Managing Director/Executive Director

5.3.1 The MD/ED facilitates the flow of information between the Management and the

5.3.2 The MD/ED also assumes the overall responsibility for the implementation of the
Group’s strategies and in carrying out the Board’s mandates, manages the Group’s
businesses and drives performance towards achieving the strategic goals and
commercial/financial objectives.

5.4 The Role of Non-Executive Directors

5.4.1 Non-Executive Directors ensure that a high level of corporate governance is observed
in providing the necessary checks and balances in the performance of duties by the

5.4.2 Non-Executive Directors may be classified as Directors who are not under any
employment with the Group and are not involved in the active management of the
Group’s business and/or operations but have pecuniary interest in the Group, either
as shareholders or otherwise and whether direct or indirect.

5.5 The Role of Independent Directors

5.5.1 An independent Director is independent of Management and free of any business or

other relationship that could materially interfere with the exercise of unfettered and
independent judgement.

5.5.2 The independent Directors provide independent judgement, experience and

objectivity without being subordinated to operational considerations. They help to
ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are indeed taken into account by the
Board and that the relevant issues are subjected to objective and impartial
consideration by the Board.

5.5.3 The tenure of an independent Director should not exceed a cumulative term of nine
(9) years. However, upon completion of the nine (9) years, an independent Director
may continue to serve on the Board subject to the Director being re-designated as a
non-independent Director.

5.5.4 The procedures to retain Independent Directors whose tenure have exceeded a
cumulative terms of either nine (9) years or twelve (12) years are conducted in
accordance with the applicable practices under MCCG which include provision of
justification by the Board and obtaining shareholders’ approval at general meeting.

5.6 The Role of Senior Independent Director

5.6.1 The Board, at its discretion and as allowed by the relevant provisions in the
Corporate Governance Guide issued by Bursa Malaysia Berhad, identifies a Senior
Independent Director. The Board may factor in criteria such as seniority in terms of
years spent on the board and relevant industrial experiences, or any other criterion
that the Board thinks fit, in determining the eligibility of a Director as a Senior
Independent Director in view of the size and complexity of the Group’s businesses.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

5.6.2 The Senior Independent Director act as the intermediary for other Directors in the
event of difference of opinion as well as the contact point of any concern by
shareholders or other stakeholders.


6.1 Supply and Reliance of Information

6.1.1 The Board, as a whole and its members in their individual capacities, have
unrestricted access to complete information on a timely basis in the form and quality
necessary for the discharge of their duties and responsibilities. Prior to each Board
meeting, all Board members are furnished with the relevant documents and
sufficient information to enable them to obtain a comprehensive understanding of
the issues to be deliberated upon. Senior management of the Group are also invited
to attend Board meetings to provide their professional views, advice and explanation
on specific items on the agenda in order for the Board to arrive at an informed

6.1.2 Besides direct interactions with the Management, external independent professional
advisers are also made available at the Company’s expense to render their
independent views and advice to the Board whenever deemed necessary and under
appropriate circumstances or at the request of the Board.

6.2 Company Secretary

6.2.1 The Company Secretary plays an important advisory role and to ensure that the
Company Secretary fulfills its function, the Company Secretary must be suitably
qualified or licensed under the prevailing statutory requirements and is competent
and shall be a senior position with adequate authority and experience to discharge
his/her duties described herein.

6.2.2 The Company Secretary’s appointment and removal shall be approved by the Board.

6.2.3 The Company Secretary is a central source of information and advice to the Board
and its Committees on their duties and obligations, and the appropriate
requirements, disclosures and procedures to be complied with. The Company
Secretary is also responsible in ensuring that Board meeting procedures are followed
and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with.


7.1 Board Meetings

7.1.1 Proceeding - The Directors meet for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise
regulate their meetings as appropriate. On a quarterly basis, amongst others, the
Board reviews the financial performance of the Group and approves the financial
results of the Group at its meeting.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

7.1.2 Notice of Meeting - Unless otherwise determined by the Directors, notice in

accordance with the Constitution and/or the Companies Act, shall be given to all

7.1.3 Quorum - In accordance with the Constitution.

7.1.4 Attendance - The office of a Director shall become vacant if a Director is absent from
more than 50% of the total number of Board meetings held in any one financial year.

7.2 Conflict of Interest

7.2.1 The Companies Act, the Listing Requirements, CMSA and such other applicable
legislation may subject Directors to disclosure requirements.

7.2.2 Directors shall comply with these legislations (in particular, the Companies Act, the
Listing Requirements and the CMSA) in connection with disclosure of shareholding
and interests in the Group and/or the Company and interest in any contract or
proposed contract with the Company, which include the nature, character and extent
of any office or possession of any property, whether directly or indirectly duties or
interests that might be created in conflict with his/her duty or interest as a Director
of the Company.

7.2.3 General notice given by a Director is tabled at the Board meetings and the
declarations made are recorded in the minutes of the Board meetings in compliance
with the Companies Act.

7.3 Voting

7.3.1 Any question arising at a Board meeting is decided by a majority of votes of Directors
present and the Chairman has a casting vote. A Director is required to abstain from
deliberations and voting in respect of any contract or proposed contract or
arrangement in which he/she has direct or indirect interest.

7.3.2 The Chairman and the Board may, if deemed necessary and appropriate request an
interested Director to excuse himself/herself from the deliberation.

7.4 Committee Meetings

The Board Committees shall meet as prescribed under the terms of reference of the respective
committee and as and when the need arises, to deliberate on matters under their purview.

7.5 Financial Reporting

The Board is responsible to ensure that the financial statements are prepared for each
financial year and that it gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs, results and cash flow
of the Group. The Audit Committee ensures that the financial statements comply with
applicable financial reporting standards and the provisions of the Companies Act.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

7.6 Compliance Monitoring

The Group Compliance Framework lays down mechanisms and tools to ensure consistency and
efficiency in identifying, managing and mitigating compliance risks within the Group. Reviews
are conducted by the Group Compliance Committee to assess the degree of compliance with
regulatory requirements by the Group and its businesses and operations. The Audit Committee
is provided with compliance reports at agreed intervals to facilitate the Board with a holistic
and overview of all compliance matters.


8.1 Identification and Recruitment of Directors

8.1.1 The Nomination Committee is responsible for identifying, evaluating and nominating
suitable candidates for appointments and re-appointments to the Board for approval,
either to fill vacancies or as addition to meet the demands and changing needs of the

8.1.2 The Nomination Committee sets and conducts the evaluation, interaction and
assessment of candidatures based on the following broad Fit & Proper and
Independence Criteria:

(i) Specific knowledge, skills and relevant working experience (capability);

(ii) Training and qualifications (competence);
(iii) Time commitment of the candidate;
(iv) Independence and conflicts of interest;
(v) External directorship of the candidate;
(vi) Probity, integrity and reputation; and
(vii) Personal financial integrity.

8.1.3 The process for identifying and nominating new candidates for appointment as
Director; and re-election and re-appointment of existing Directors entails the
following steps:

(i) Skills & Gaps Analyses;

(ii) Identification/Selection;
(iii) Meet Fit & Proper Criteria;
(iv) Nomination Committee deliberation; and
(v) Recommendation for Board approval.

8.2 Time Commitment

8.2.1 A Director shall notify the Chairman of the Board of his/her acceptance of any new
directorship in public listed companies. In any event the maximum number of
appointments in public listed companies shall be limited to five (5) or any other
number as set out in the Listing Requirements.

8.2.2 The notification shall include an assurance of his/her continued time commitment to
serve the existing Board and that his/her other appointments shall not be in conflict
or compete with the existing appointment with the Company.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

8.3 Independence of Director

The Board and the Nomination Committee assess the independence of its independent
Directors upon appointment, annually and when any new interest or relationship develops.

8.4 Directors’ Remuneration

8.4.1 The remuneration policy ensures that the Group attracts and retains the necessary
and well qualified Directors to manage the Group’s and the Company’s businesses
and operations effectively.

8.4.2 Directors do not participate in decisions regarding their own remuneration. The
remuneration of the EDs and the MD are based on Key Performance Indicators linked
to the Group’s and the individual’s performances.

8.4.3 The Board approves the remuneration packages, including service contract for the

8.4.4 The Board recommends the Directors’ fees, benefits in kind and allowances for
Directors for approval by shareholders at the annual general meeting.

8.4.5 Remuneration of Directors are disclosed in the annual report.

8.4.6 The non-executive Directors’ fees are reflective of market competitiveness and
responsibilities undertaken by such Directors.

8.5 Board Effectiveness Assessment

8.5.1 The Board shall annually review and assess the effectiveness of the Board and the
Board Committees as well as individual Directors based on the criteria set out in this
Charter and according to the fulfilment of the Board Committee’s terms of reference.

8.5.2 Questionnaires based on these criteria are self-declared and peer validated to gauge
their continuing fulfilment or gaps identified in fulfilling them. The criteria include:

(i) Fit & Proper and Independence Criteria;

(ii) Board Composition and Diversity and discharge of Board’s roles and
(iii) Terms of Reference of Committees – fulfilling and implementing the
(iv) Time Commitment; and
(v) Corporate Governance by the Board and Board Committees on implementing
risk management, compliance and audit recommendations.

8.5.3 Their responses are collated and their summary of findings and recommendations
will be submitted to the Nomination Committee for deliberation, after which, the
findings and recommendations shall be escalated to the Board for further review and

(Incorporated in Malaysia)


9.1 Information Pack

Directors receive an information pack giving details of this Charter and the disclosures the
Directors are required to make in order to comply with the various laws and regulations and
other relevant corporate information pertaining to the Group.

9.2 Induction Program

New Directors will attend a familiarisation programme which is tailored to the needs of their
appointment. This includes meeting key senior management to better understand the
businesses and operations of the Group. This also serves as a platform to establish effective
channel of communication and interaction with Management.

9.3 Training and Development

9.3.1 Directors are required to undergo the Mandatory Accreditation Programme under
the requirements of Bursa Malaysia at least once after being appointed on the board
of a public listed company.

9.3.2 Directors are encouraged to undergo continuous training to equip themselves for
effective discharge of their duties as a Director.

9.3.3 The Company Secretaries and the Group Compliance facilitate in organising on-going
internal and external training sessions, briefing updates and workshops or seminars
to update and assist Directors in keeping abreast of new legislations, regulations,
corporate governance and leadership development.


The Directors, principal officers of the Group including persons who have access or are privy to
price-sensitive information must not deal in the Company’s securities, and when dealing in the
securities of the Company, must strictly observe the provisions of the Listing Requirements as
to dealings in securities during Closed Period and Outside Closed Period, where relevant.

(Incorporated in Malaysia)


11.1 Directors are required to always act in the best interests of the Company. They also
have a duty of confidentiality in relation to the Group’s or the Company’s confidential

11.2 A Director shall disclose to the Board:

(i) any material personal interest the Director has in a matter which relates to the
affairs of the Company; and

(ii) any other interest (direct or indirect) which the Director believes is appropriate
to disclose in order to avoid any conflict of interest or the perception of a
conflict of interest.

11.3 The disclosure should be made as soon as practicable after the Director becomes
aware of the interest. Details of the disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of
the meeting at which the disclosure is made or the meeting held following the


12.1 Succession planning for the Board is under the purview of the Nomination
Committee and for Management under the Group Human Resource.

12.2 Succession planning for key management staff includes various programmes – talent
pools, senior management development and individual development plans.
Experienced and key senior management staff contribute to the pool of potentials for
executive-Directorship appointments.


13.1 The Group adopts an Enterprise Wide Risk Management (ERM) framework in its
Corporate Risk Management System to manage its key and principal risks together
with a Compliance Risk Self-Assessment (CRSA) to evaluate and monitor compliance

13.2 The ERM framework requires the Group to identify, evaluate, monitor, mitigate,
control, report and track all material and key risks associated with its businesses and
operations to the Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee. The CRSA in
turn assesses the level of compliance risks, internal controls and level of compliance.

13.3 These ERM and CRSA methodologies enable the Board with a tool to anticipate and
manage both existing and potential risks, taking into account the changing risks
profiles, operating and economic environments, business strategies and regulatory

(Incorporated in Malaysia)


The Board has established an internal audit function within the Group to provide assurance on
the effectiveness of risk, control and governance processes. Oversight of the internal audit
function is delegated to the Audit Committee to ensure that there are sufficient resources and
internal audits are carried out objectively, effectively and independently.


15.1 The Board in discharging its governance role shall be guided to ensure that the
Group’s and Company’s business strategies and businesses promote sustainability.
This includes due attention to and consideration of the Environmental, Social and
Governance aspects of the businesses and operations which underpin sustainability.

15.2 Within the Group, there has been established various on-going environmental
management systems and programmes such as reduction of emission from
manufacturing entities, ISO certifications, stringent Health & Safety standards,
eco-systems property developments, eco-friendly and reusable packaging and so
other green initiatives.

15.3 The Group has also established two charitable foundations for scholarships and
promotion of education, and medical assistance respectively.

15.4 The Group as a responsible employer promotes sustainability of its businesses and
new business ventures taking cognizance of the livelihood of its employees as


The Group is committed to ensuring that stakeholders are well-informed of all major
developments affecting the state of affairs of the Group has amongst others, the following

(i) timely release of announcements and disclosures to Bursa Securities, which include
quarterly financial results, material contracts and any other material information that
may affect the stakeholders’ decision-making;

(ii) conducts regular dialogues with institutional investors, fund managers and analysts as a
means of effective communication that enables the Board and Management to convey
information relating to the Group’s performance, corporate strategy and other matters
affecting stakeholders’ interests;

(iii) media releases are issued and/or press conferences held when deemed necessary, and
responding to press queries on issues of interest or concern regarding the Group’s

(iv) attends to queries from shareholders on matters relating to their shareholding, and
clarification on announcements and disclosures by the Group where applicable;

(Incorporated in Malaysia)

(v) encourages participation of shareholders at all general meetings;

(vi) advises shareholders on their right to demand for a poll at general meetings;

(vii) the Group invites the external auditors to attend the annual general meetings and be
available to provide clarification on the auditors’ reports;

(viii) shareholders can gain access to information about the Group including information
released to Bursa Securities, dividend, Annual Reports, media releases through the
Company’s website at; and

(ix) The Board has identified the Company Secretaries to whom concerns may be conveyed
and who would bring the same to the attention of the Senior Independent Non-
Executive Director.


This Charter is to be reviewed at least once every 3 years or as and when required.


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