Guide DPM en
Guide DPM en
Guide DPM en
The first edition of “Medicinal products registration guide for human use” published in 2004 has
been reviewed to meet the evolution of this activity at the national and international level.
The second edition describes on first part the registration procedure of the drugs for human
use as well as the composition of the Marketing Authorization Application files (MAA) and the
post-marketing period applications (renewals,transfer...).
The file includes all the modules to be submitted related to the application in compliance to the
CTD requirements (Common Technical Document).The references to the different guidelines
are mentioned in this document in order to help the applicant to provide the different parts of
his file.
The second part will deal with the requirements for medicinal products for veterinary use.
This document has been prepared by Meriem Ben Ghorbal with the collaboration of Mohamed
Haltiti, Samiha Toumi, Jihene Khlif, Fatma Ghalla, Ismahane Soulaimi, Imène Zemni,
Soumaya Miled, Yasmina Ben Hammouda, Sameh Bent Khayat, Olfa Ben Smida, Zeineb Ben
Othman, Mohamed Imed Lassoued, Dalel Kamoun, Mustapha Harsi, Narjess Harzallah, Ahlem
Ben Mohamed, and Ines Fradi.
The section related to the Module 3 has been written by Rim Kesraoui, Hanène Oueslatiand
Kais Nassrallah.This document has been checked by Kais Nassrallah, Chiheb Ben Rayana,
Samira Zghal and Amor Toumi.
The authors would like to thank Riadh Daghfous, Mohamed Lakhal, and Radhouen Ouhichi for
their valuable cooperation.
The authors would like also to thank the authors of the First edition Amor Toumi, Kamel Iddir,
Amel Guizani Ben Rachid, Myriam Najjar, Mohamed Imed Lassoued, Dalila Ghila and Youssef
2.1. Registration procedure
2.1.1. Appointment booking
2.1.2. Submission file
2.1.3. Clinical and pre-clinical data assessment
2.1.4. Data quality assessement of Medicinal products
2.1.5. Assessment of the Marketing Authorization application by CTSP:
2.1.6. Marketing Authorization Grant
2.1.7. Prioritization requests
The manufacturing sites of medicinal products work under conditions providing safeguards for
all the public health.The Good Manufacturing Practices requirements of medicinal products,
their quality control, their packaging, their labeling, their trade names, as well as their
advertising are regulated by a decree law (Reference Act n° 85-91 of 22nd November 1985).
EXPORTING COUNTRY: The exporting country is the country from which the finished product
is exported to Tunisia (Reference circular N° 80 on the origin of medicinal products).
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: The country of origin of the medicinal product is the country where the
manufacturing site is located and where one of the following pharmaceutical steps is carried
out: The manufacturing, the packaging and the control of the finished product (Reference
circular N°80 on the origin of medicinal products).
THE REFERENCE PRODUCT: Any pharmaceutical product which obtained the marketing
authorization with a file including all the necessary and sufficient data required for its
assessment. (Reference Act N°2008-32 of 13rd May 2008 amending and supplementing the
law N°73-55 of 03/08/1973).
THE GENERIC PRODUCT: Any pharmaceutical product having the same pharmaceutical
form and the same qualitative and quantative composition in active ingredients as well as the
reference product, and for which bioequivalence with the reference medicinal product, has
been demonstrated by appropriate bioequivalence studies.The scientific criteria defining the
exemption of bioequivalence studies are set by the decree law of the Ministry of Health.
(Reference Act N°2008-32 of 13 May 2008 amending and supplementing the law N°73-55 of
The different oral pharmaceutical forms with immediate release are considered as the same
pharmaceutical form. Similarly, any salts, esters, ethers, isomers, mix of isomers, complexes
or derivatives of the active ingredients are considered as having the same composition in
active ingredient, except if they show significantly different properties regarding the safety or
the efficacy. In such case, additional information providing proof of safety and efficacy of the
different salts, esters or derivatives of the authorized active ingredient must be provided by the
applicant for the marketing authorization (Reference Frensh Public Health Code).
This document applies to all medicinal products intended for human and veterinary use.The
provisions related to the registration of specific medicinal products such as biosimilars,
homeopathic medicinal products, radiopharmaceuticals and herbal medicinal products are
provided in specific documents.
No medicinal product can be provided for free or against payment without receiving a
Marketing Authorization from the Ministry of Health after the committee consultation.This
Marketing Authorization is issued for a 5 years period and renewable for a 5 years period.This
requirement results from the act n°85-91 of 22nd November 1985, regulating the manufacture
and the registration of medicinal products intended for human use in Tunisia.
The different steps of the registration procedure of the medicinal products intended for human
use can be summarized in the figure below:
Assessment of the
administrative and technical
Technical committee of
pharmaceutical specialities
Decision of the
Minsiter of Health
The assessment of the technical and administrative eligibility of the file will be carried out at the
DPM at the time of the submission. A discharge will be provided to the applicant, only for
eligible files, in order to allow the offical registration of the application at the Central registry of
the Ministry of Health.
For the non eligible files, a list of the documents to complete will be provided to the applicant at
the end of the assessment session, and will be sent by regular mail to the applicant of the
Marketing Authorization holder.
The application files for registration have to be submitted at latest three months before the
meeting date of the concerned specialized committee.
A calendar with planned meetings of the specialized commitees is published on the DPM
website every year, in order to enable the applicant laboratories to submit their files within the
applicable time frames.
The dossier is sent for study to one or several expert members of the concerned Specialized
Committee which will be in charge to send a report to the DPM by regular mail.
In accordance with article 4 of the decree of the Minister of Health of 15th October 2002, the
Specialized Commitees are made for all different therapeutic areas.The members of these
Specialized Commitees are appointed by the Minister of Health among the specialists of the
health disciplines.The Specialized Commitees assess the files taking into account the
therapeutic benefit and the undesirable effects observed as well as the cost-effectiveness.
The president, the rapporteur or a member of the specialized committee, may be invited to
present to the Technical Committee of Pharmaceutical Specialities the conclusions of his
Specialized Committee.
* List ofcommittees:
Number of
1- Specialized Committee of the regulators of the cardio-vascular and kidney
2-Specialized Committee of anesthesia, intensive care and nutrition 1
3-Specialized Committee of antibiotics , antifungals and anti-parasitic drugs 1
4- Specialized Committee of phytotherapy and alternative therapeutic
5- Specialized Committee of gastro-enterology 1
6- Specialized Committee of ENT and stomatology 1
7- Specialized Committee of carcinology 2
8- Specialized Committee of hematology 2
9- Specialized Committee in rhumatology and antalgics 1
10- Specilaized Committee of dermatology 1
11- Specilaized Committee of pneumology and immuno-allergology 1
12- Specialized Committee of ophtalmology 1
13- Specialized Committee of endocrinology and metabolism 1
14- Specialized Committee of neurology and psychiatry 1
15- Specialized Committeeof radiology 1
16- Specialized Committee of vaccines, serumsand immunoglobulin 1
17- Specialized Committee of gynecology 1
The files of the generics are exempted from this step except for the case where the reference
product is not registred in Tunisia.
The Technical committee for Pharmaceutical Specialities (CTSP) study the conclusions
reached by the specialized committee, and the LNCM as well as the suggested price of the
specialities applying for a new marketing authorization and will propose to the Minister of
Health, according to the case, to approve the registration of a medicinal product, toreject it or
to ask for further scientific or medical assessement.The rejection must be justified.
The composition and the functioning of the Technical Committee are defined by the provisions
of the decree of the Minsiter of Health of 7th March 2005 amending the act of 15thoctorber
The Technical Committee is made of 21 members who are nominally appointed by a decision
of the Minsiter of Health.The Minister, may also appeal to an expert person in the field of the
medicinal product in order to participate, in an advisory capacity, in the committee work.
The internal guidelines of the Technical Committee are available on the website of the DPM.
A prioritization for the treatemnt of the Marketing Authroizationfiles by the LNCM might be
granted in the cases below:
- Products requiring call for tender
- New product of major public health benefit / orphan medicinal product
- First generic of a reference product
- Transfer to local manufacturing
- Launching of a new local manufacturer (during its first year)
- Justified major variations (Send the application directly to theLNCM)
The number of the prioritized files cannot exceed 4 molecules (4 INNs) per company and per
year. It is applicable for any object of prioritization except for the launch of a new local
manufacturer or the extension of a new unit of a manufacturer already in place where the
request of prioritization may concern maximum 8 molecules.These 8 molecules must be
submitted whithin the first year from the date of the submission of the first marketing
authorization application.
The written requests of prioritization for the Marketing Authorization file shall be submitted to
the DPM.They will be assessed jointly with the LNCM and with the Central Pharmacy of
Tunsia, if required.
An answer is sent to the applicant.
The requests of prioritization are applicable only for the eligible dossiers.
M2 Summary of the file Summary of the file
(M3, M4, M5) (M3, M5)
Pharmaceutical and chemical
M3 Pharmaceutical and chemical data (Quality) LNCM
For the new marketing authorization applications regarding the line extension (new
pharmaceutical form, strength, or content of container), the modules to be submitted are listed
in table 2.
A request for priorization to be submitted to the DPM is possible for these applications.
When it is planned to stop the sale of the first container content, the change of the container
content is considered as a variation to the terms of the Marketing Authroization (see appendice
Module to be submitted
New strength M1 - M2 - M3 - M5
The table 3 explains the number of copies and the media type required for each module.
Table3: Number of copies and media type required for each part
M1 2 -
Clinical 3 CD seperately
M3 1 2 CD seperately
M4 - 2 CD seperately
M5 - 3 CD seperately
The submitted files shall be separated by modules.The different parts of module 2 shall be
separated as indicated in table 3. MODULE 1:
Module 1 concerns administartive information and those related to the prescription. In this part
of the file, we will find the following sections:
1.4.3. Samples
The applicant company has to submit a written application request in triplicate (see annex) in
the name of the Minister of Health, signed and dated by:
-The head pharmacist or where required after his prior approval, by the regulatory affairs
pharmacist for the medicines locally manufactured,
- The regulatory affairs pharmacist in the native country or where required, after his prior
approval by the local representative (having a scope statement signed by the Minstry of
Health) for the imported products.
A detailed table of content shallbe provided for each type of request, including all the modules
sections in the frame of the concerned request.Each module has to be provided with its own
table of content.The table of content shall be detailed in «Granularity Document» (Annex of the
document of ICH« Organisation of The Common Technical Document for the Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use M4 »).
For Module 1:cf paragraph a)Module1.
N.B:If no information is available or necessary under a specific heading “No object” or “Not
applicable” by keeping the title of the section and thenumbering.If necessary, a justification of
the absence of a study must appear in the Quality Overall Summary (QOS),No clinical
overview,and the clinical overview.
The request application form (see annexII) shall be duly filled, signed and dated by the same
persons who sign the application letter.
The application file shall be accompanied by copies of the establishment licence for:
Note: For the imported medicinal products, if the marketing authorization holder is not a site
manufacturing drugs, the following documents shall be provided:
- Extract from the commercial register of this company or the authorization to open it
- Solidarity commitement between the marketing authorization holder and the manufacturer(s)
defining the different pahrmaceutical liabilities for each site (production, primary packaging,
secondary packaging, control, batch release).
The application file shall be provided with copies of the Certificate of compliance to current
Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) of:
- The marketing authorization holder
- Site(s) ensuring the last step of the manufacturing of the active ingredient (AI)
- Establishment(s) involvedin the manufacture of the finished product
- Establishment(s) involved in the primary and secondary packaging
- Establishement(s) involved in the control
- Establishment(s) involved in the batch release of the medicinal product
For the products manufactuerd in Tunsia, the subcontracted operations shall be authorized by
the competent services of the Ministry of Health, beforehand.
In such case, each part (the holder of the MA and the sub-contractor) shall be a holder of
establishment manufacturer’s authorisation of pharmaceutical products in Tunsia.
Reference: Circular N 15/99 and the decision of DPM N01/2003 and its amending.
For any new application, a Summary of Product Charcateristics (SPC), and a labelling shall be
Annexes III, IV, V and VI may be used as a model in the elaboration of the SmPC and the
labelling (the recommendations to be followed for these models are available on annex VII).
A word and a PDF versions of the SmPC as proposed for Tunsia shall be provided separately
on a CD in order to be uploaded on the web site of the DPM.
The files shall be provided in Arab and/or French version.
The excipients known to have a recognised action or effect shall be mentioned as indicated in
the annex ‘List of excipients known to have a recognised action or effect, update of the List
and the labels as per the Euroepan Guideline’.
N.B.: For the imported products, it is required to enclose the SmPC of the exporting country.
A PDF version of the PIL and labelling project shall be provided on a separate CD.
1.4.3. Samples:
The samples of the starting material (Active Ingredient(s) and, if needed (antimicrobial
preservatives and anti-oxidants) and the sale model samples of the finished products (primary
packaging, secondary packaging and PIL) provided with their certificates of analysis (CoAs),
shall be provided as described in table 4, unless an exemption is granted by the DPM. For the
imported medicinal products, the model marketed in the exporting country is required.
The shelf-life date of the samples shall be over 1 year from the date of submission of the file.
The applicant company has to be able to provide additional samples if needed, and all the
reagents and the required analytical control tools of the medicinal product (reference
substances of the AI and those of the impurities of the finished product specified in the
The chromatography columns necessary for the control of the finished product may be also
required.They will be returned to the applicant company once the analysis is completed.
For the imported medicinal products, the applicant company has to provide the following
The applicant has to provide a valid copy of the Marketing Authorization of the product,
delivered by the competent authorities in the exporting country along with the variation
The marketing authorization shall be provided in the mother tongue language with Arabic,
French or the English translations carried by a certified translator.
The applicant has to submit the current Certificate of the Medicinal Products following the
recommended model by the WHO delivered by the competent authorities in the exporting
N.B: The CMPs cannot be older than one year from the issue date (unless other specification
in the CMP)
The applicant has to submit the list of all the countries where the product is submitted,
registered and marketed.
For the reference drugs or generics manufactured under licence, the following documents shall
be provided:
The applicant has to provide the licence agreement between the licensor and the
manufacturer, or, the certification of the licensor authorizing the company to manufacture.
The applicant has to submit the current CMP if applicable, according to the model
recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) delivered by the competent authorities
in the exporting country.
N.B: the CMPs cannot be older than a year from the issue date (unless other specification in
the CMPs).
1. 5. 1. Price proposal:
For products manufactured locally, the applicant has to provide a price proposal including all
Forthe imported products, a cost and freight price proposal (CIF) shall be submitted.
The modes of fixing prices are described in the internal regulation of the Technical Committee
of the Medicinal Products (CTSP) published on the website of the DPM (
The applicant has to provide in a table form the daily cost and/or per cure for each required
1.5.4. List of the price in the other countries where the product is marketed (imported
medicinal products):
The applicant has to submit the price, when it is marketed in the following countries: France,
Germany, Spain, Italy, Morocco and Algeria.
The refund status and the corresponding rate in the exporting country need to be specified at
the time of the submission.
The Marketing Authorization applicant has to provide a detailed description (or a summary) of
the pharmacovigilance procedure which will be implemented, and if possible, a risk
management plan.
A Risk Management Plan(RMP), in accordance with the format described in « GVP For Arab
Countries », describing the risk management procedure which will be implemented for the
concerned medicinal product, shall be submitted for all the marketing authorization
applications regarding the medecinal products with a Risk Management Plan (RMP) in
progress in their countries or following a request from the authorities. For further details, refer
to Module V of « GVP For Arab Countries » and their summaries in English and French
versions, available on the website of the National Centre for Pharmacovigilance(NCPV)
Any marketing authorization application shall be provided with a proof of a payment of a fixed
fee for which the rates and the refund methods are set by joint order issued by the Ministries of
Finance and Health, in accordance with the current regulations. (see annex of the act 8th of
September 2011).
The payment is done to the accounting agent of the National Laboratory Of the Control Of
Medicament. Module 2: Module 3:
3.2.S.1.1. Nomenclature
3.2.S.1.2. Structure
3.2.S.2. Manufacture
3.2.S.2.1. Manufacturer(s)
3.2.S.3. Characterisation
3.2.S.3.2. Impurities
3.2.S.4.1. Specification
3.2.S.7. Stability
3.2.P.2.1.2. Excipients
3.2.P.2.2.2. Overages
3.2.P.2.6. Compatibility
3.2.P.3. Manufacture
3.2.P.3.1. Manufacturer(s)
3.2.P.4.1. Specifications
3.2.P.5.1. Specification(s)
3.2.P.8. Stability
The applicant has to join the table of content to the module 3 by considering the annex of the
ICH M4 guideline with the mention of the adopted numbered pagination.
The documents to be provided depend on whether the active ingredient is subject of a CEP or
a DMF,
AI subject of a CEP:
- A valid copy of the CEP with all annexes in which the declaration of access needs to be duly
filled and the retest date clearly mentioned, otherwise a complete stability study needs to be
The competent authority can request any additional information necessary for the
assessement of the AI quality,
AI subject of a DMF :
A declaration of access shall be provided (to be sent in the name of the LNCM).
3.2.S.1.1. Nomenclature
Theguidelines CPMP: Chemistry of New Active Substance” et “Chemistry of the Active Substance”
The structural formula including the relative and absolute stereochemistry, the molecular
formula and the molecular mass shall be provided.
The guidelines CPMP: Chemistry of the New Active Substance” et “Chemistry of the Active Substance”
The main physico-chemical characteristics and other relevant properties shall be provided. In
particular, a physical descripition of the active ingredient such as the appearance, the color
and the physical state, solubility, hygroscopy, crystalline form, pH/pKa, the chirality or any
other relevant property.
Theguidelines CPMP: Chemistry of the New Active Substance” and“Chemistry of the Active
The Guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria forNew Drug
Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”
3.2.S.2. Manufacture
3.2.S.2.1. Manufacturer(s)
The name and the address of the manufacturer(s) shall be stated by specifying the
responsibilities of each site (site involved in the production and/or the control of the drug
substance or the alternative sites, including the subcontracting)
The Guidelines CPMP: Chemistry of the New Active Substance” and “Chemistry of the Active
A flowchart of the synthesis process shall be provided with the molecular formula, the
molecular weights, yield ranges, chemical structures of starting materials and intermediates, as
well as the stereochemistry. The operating conditions, reagents and solvents shall be
A narrative description of the manufacturing process shall be provided including the quantities
of raw materials, solvents, catalysits and reagents required for batch scale for commercial
It is important to identify the critical steps of the process and the process control, it is also
required, whenever appropriate, to mention the non isolated intermediates.
The applicant has to identify and justify the choice of the active ingredient which is considered
as a starting material, the name and the manufacturer address of the starting material(s) shall
be provided, the synthesis data in the form of figures may be useful for the assessement of the
relevance of the control specifications.
It is necessary to discuss the stereochemistry of the starting materials, if the chiral compounds
are involved.
The alternative process shall be justified and described using the same details as the principal
The guidelines CPMP: Chemistry of the New Active Substance” and “Chemistry of the Active
It is required to enumerate all the raw materials required for the manufacturing of the drug
substance and/where they are involved in the manufacturing process.
The guidelines CPMP: “Chemistry of the New Active Substance” and “Chemistry of the Active
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug
Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”,
3.2.S.2.3 is a closed part which is not required but it might be requested by the laboratory of
For the critical steps: It is required to provide the control tests (along with justifications and
experimental data carried out during the critical steps of the process which have been
identified in 3.2.S.2.2 by specifying the acceptation criteria.
For the intermediates, it is required to provide information regarding the quality control of the
isolated intermediate products during the process.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: Chemistry of the New Active Substance” et “Chemistry of the Active
The guidelines Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and
New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”
3.2.S.2.4. is a closed part which is not required but it might be requested by the laboratory of
The validation and/or the evaluation studies for aseptic process and sterilization shall be
provided. a closed part which is not required but it might be requested by the laboratory of
It is required to describe and justify the significant change made to the manufacturing process
of the drug substance in case of scaling-up product batches.
3.2.S.2.6. is a closed part which is not required but it might be requested by the laboratory of
3.2.S.3. Caracterisation
The structure of the molecule of the drug substance shallbe confirmed on the basis of the route
of synthesis and the spectral studies (NMR, IR, mass spectrometry, UV spectrum…).
Information related to potential isomerism and polymorphism shall be also provided, in the
case of the existence of several polymorphic forms, the manufacturer has to proove that the
synthesis flowchart provides the same form of polymorph on 3 industrial batches.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug
Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances
the guidelines CPMP: “Chemistry of the New Active Substance” and “Chemistry of the Active
3.2.S.3.2. Impurities
All data related to impurities shall be provided. These impurities can be related to the
substance (raw materials, intermediates ,chiral impurities, degradation products, organic or
non-organic) or related to the process –(residual solvents, catalysts or reagents). The choice
of impurities to be included in the control of drug substance monography and the acceptance
crieteria shall be justified.
It should be noted that the monographs of phamacopeia have been developed to control the
specific impurities with considered synthesis routes during the elaboration of the monograph,
and the specific impurities with other synthesis routes are not necessarily controlled.
The manufacturer has to demonstrate that the monography enables the control of the
impurities which are related to the used synthesis route.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Impurities testing guideline: impurities in new drug substances”,
“Impurities: residual solvents, “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New
Drug Substances and New Drug Products –Chemical Substances”,
3.2.S.4.1. Specifications
The guidelines of the drug substance shall be indicated, specifying the used tests and their
acceptance criteria.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug
Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”,
The guidelines CPMP: “Chemistry of the New Active Substance”, “Chemistry of the Active Substance”
and “Control of Impurities of Pharmacopoeial Substances”
All the analytical procedures used for the control of the drug substance shall be described in
details. Indicate the references to the pharmacopeia (European, member state, USA,
international or Japan), provide a detailed description for undescribed methods of the above
mentioned pharmacopeia, whenever appropriate.
The procedures of analyses adopted by the manufacturer of the medicinal product shall be
If the drug substance is tested according to the monography of a pharmacopeia, a copy of this
pharmacopeia needs to be provided.
The reports of the validation of the analytical procedures used for the control of the drug
substance needs to be provided.
When analytical procedures applied by the manufacturer of the medicinal product are different
from those used by the manufacturer of the active ingredient, a validation shall be provided.*
The guidelines PA/PH/OMCL (05) 47 DEF –OMCL Guideline on validation of Analytical Procedures
Batches description (n°, size, date and place of manufacture) and the results of analyses
carried out on 3 consecutive industrial batches shall be provided.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Impurities testing guideline: impurities in new drug substances”,
“Impurities: residual solvents”, “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New
drug substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”,
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Impurities testing guideline: impurities in new drug substances”,
“Impurities: residual solvents”, “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New
Drug Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”,
The certificate of analysis of the reference substances used for the control of the drug
substanceshall be provided.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug
Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”
The applicant has to describe the primary packaging of the drug substance specifying the
nature and the specifications of each component.The specifications shall include an
identification test.The choice of the material shall be justified for its intended use (protection
from humidity, light, in case of need compatibility with the active ingredient…).
It is also required to specify the dimensions of the packaging and to provide a technical
description sheet. The secondary packaging shall be briefly described.
A summary table of the conducted stability studies, of the protocol and of the specifications
adopted as well as the obtained results, shall be provided.
The numbers and the size of the tested batches, their respective manufacture date, and the
primary packaging used in the stability studies, need to be specified.
All the analytical methods applied during the stability study (e.gforced degradation studies,
accelerated conditions, intermediateand long-term conditions) shall be described.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Stability testing guidelines: stability testing of new drug substances and
products”, “Stability testing: photostability testing of new drug substances and products”, ”,
“Evaluation of stability data”, “On stability testing for a type II variation to a marketing
The guidelines CPMP: “Chemistry of the New Active Substance” “Chemistry of the Active Substance”,
"On the declaration of storage conditions for medicinalproducts in the products particulars and for
active substances", “on stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products”
The stability protocol to be followed after the Marketing Authorization grant shall be provided. A
commitment to provide the stability study results as they become available, shall be submitted.
Theguidelines CPMP-ICH: “Stability testing guidelines: stability testing of new drug substances and
products”, “On stability testing for a type II variation to a marketing authorisation”,
The guideline CPMP: “on stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products”.
The results of the stability studies on, at least, 3 industrial batches shall be presented in a
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Stability testing guidelines: stability testing of new drug substances and
products”, “Stability testing: photostability testing of new drug substances and products”, “Validation
of analytical methods: definitions and terminology”, “Validation of analytical procedures:
methodology”, “On stability testing for a type II variation to a marketing authorisation”, “Evaluation
of stability data”,
The guideline CPMP: “on stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products”
The applicant has to describe and present the finished product and the following data:
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug
Substances and New Drug Products –Chemical Substances”,
The applicant has to to provide the development studies carried out, justify the choice of the
galenic form, of the formulation, of the manufacturing process,of the container closure
system,and identify the critical parameters which may affect the quality ,the reproductibility of
the batches of the finished product.
The data or results from specific studies or published in the literature can be presented in
support of the galenic development.
In the case of sterile products, the adopted strategy to guarantee the sterility of the products
shall be justified.
For dry forms of the generics, an in vitro comparative dissolution study with the reference
product according to annex 1 of the guideline CPMP/ EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev1 Corr* is
The applicant has to discuss the compatibility of the active ingredient with the excipients, as
well as their physicochemical characteristics, (hygroscopy, particle size, solubility, water
content, polymorphism), which may affect the process quality of the finished product.
In the case of the combination of two or several active ingredients, it is required to discuss and
provide the compatibility studies with each other.
3.2.P.2.1.2. Excipients
The applicant has to justify the choice of the excipients, their concentrations, their
characteristics and their functions.
The guidelines CPMP: "Excipients in the Dossier for application for marketing authorisation of a
medicinal product".
The applicant has to provide a description of the product development taking into account the
proposed route of administration and usage.
The choice of the definitive formulation and the difference with the formulations used for the
clinical tests, must be justified.
The choice and the optimization of the manufacturing process (described in 3.2.P.3.3.) must
be justified, especially the critical parameters. If applicable, the sterilization method shall be
explained and justified.
If other manufacturing process have been used for example for the clinical tests, the
differences with the adopted process shall be addressed and explained.
The applicant has to justify the choice of the container closure system (refer to 3.2.P.7), used
for the storage and the transportation of the finished product.The justification shall take into
account the nature of the materials, of the protection from humidity and light, the safety of the
materials and their performances.
Guideline on Plastic Immediate Pakaging Materials. Note for guidance on development pharmaceutics.
CommitteFor Medicinal Product For Human Use”EMEA, London 2005.
The applicant has to justify, in appropriate cases, the absence of microbiological tests for non
mandatory sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms.
For the sterile products, the efficacy of the packaging to prevent the microbial contamination
shall be demonstrated.
The Guidelines CPMP: "Guideline on the use of antioxidants and preservatives in medicinal products"
In the case of a reconstitued product, the applicant has to provide the interaction of the
finished product with the solvent of reconstitution and/or the medical device used for the
administration (the product solubility, absorption, stability of the reconstituted solution).The
recommendations arising from this study must be indicated on the labelling.
3.2.P.3.1. Manufacturer(s)
The applicant has to mention the name and the address of all the manufacturing sites
participating in the production of the finished product including the subcontractors and any
other alternative site involved in the production and/or the control of the finished product.
The applicant has also to mention the operations carried out in each site (manufacturing,
packaging, labeling, control, release, etc.) and the sites involved in specific steps
(Manufacturing of an intermediate product).
The applicant has to provide a definitive fomulation selected for an industrial manufacturing
batch, for a pilot batch and for a unique dose. He has to indicate the function of each
component, their respective quantities and the refrence of their standard quality.
The size of the pilot batch needs to be at least equal to 1/10 of the industrial batch.This size
shall correspond at least to the minimal capacity of the equipment used for the manufacturing.
In such case, the type of equipment, the minimum and maximum capacity must be mentioned.
In case of use of equipments for manufacturing of mini batches different from those used on
industry, a scale-up transposition protocol shall be provided.
The applicant has to provide a flowchart including the different steps of the manufacturing
process, showing when the raw materials are added. The intermediate tests carried out during
the process must be identified.
It is also required to describe in details all steps of the manufacturing process including the
packaging, stating the production scale.
Any new technology or packaging operation which may affect the product quality must be
The applicant has also to provide a list of the equipments and identify the type and the
capacity of each device, when relevant.
It is also required to identify the parameters to control during the process (time, temperature,
pH). The numeric values or norms related to tests will be provided.
In some cases, the humidity ratio may be relevant and must be specified (sensitive principle
ingredient, effervescent tablet…).
Critical steps: it is required to provide the control tests (with justifications and experimental
data) carried out during the critical steps of the process, which have been identified in
3.2.P.3.3 by specifying the acceptation criteria.
composition, the manufacturing, the quality control and the stability of the semi-finished
The applicant has to provide a protocol on 3 industrial batches describing the critical steps, the
equipment and the process parameters which may affect the product quality.The applicant has
also to define the parameters to be monitored, the sampling plans, the analytical procedures
and the acceptation criteria.
For sterile products, it is required to provide the sterilization process or aseptic filling.
For the local manufacture, in case if no manufacturing validation process is performed, the
applicant has to present, a commitment from the head pharmacist to provide the results and a
detailed process validation report of 3 industrial batches.
The guidelines CPMP: «On Manufacture of the finished dosage form", “Process Validation”,
“Parametric Release”
The applicant has to define the specifications for each excipient, to indicate the reference to
pharmacopeia (European, of a member state, of USA or international or Japan) and to attach
the certificate of analysis of the manufacturer of the finished product.
For excipients not decribed in the above stated pharmacopeia, it is required to indicate their
specifications and to attach the certificates of analysis of the supplier of the excipient.
The guidelines CPMP: "Excipients in the Dossier for application for marketing authorisation of a
medicinal product", "Guideline on the use of antioxidants and preservatives in medicinal products"
Reference CPMP-ICH Guidelines: “Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New
Drug Substances and New Drug Products – Chemical Substances”,
The applicant has to provide the analytical procedures used for the control of excipients.
The applicant has to provide, if applicable, the analytical validations (along with the data and
the experimental results) of the procedures of control of excipients.
Justifications shall be provided for the specifications proposed for the control of excipients.
The applicant has to demonstrate that the product is manufactured in compliance with the
guideline on the risk of transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
For the excipients from animal or human origin, the manufacturer has to provide data relative
to adventitious agents (source, specifications, description of carried tests, viral safety data).
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: "Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products Derived from Cell
Lines of Human or Animal Origin”, “Derivation and Caracterisation of Cell Substrates Used For
Production of Biotechnological/Biological Products”, “Specifications-Test Procedures and Acceptance
Criteria for Biotechnological, Biological Products.”
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: "Note for Guidance on Minimising the Risk of Transmitting Animal
Spongiform Encephalopathy Agents via Human and Veterinary Medicinal Products."
For the excipients used for the first time in the manufacturing of the finished product or for a
new administration route, it is required to provide details related to the production,
caracterisation and the control with references related to safety data (clinical or nonclinical).
3.2.P.5.1. Specifications
The applicant has to provide the specifications of the finished product: a list of analyses, the
references to analytical methods and acceptation criteria to judge the results.
The average dosage specifications limits fall within 95-105%, unless justified.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: "Impurities in new drug products", “Specifications –Test Procedures and
Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products– Chemical Substances”,
The applicant has to provide the validation of the analytical procedures of control of the
finished product with results. These reports shall include a detailed description of the used
validation protocol, and the analytical procedures for each of the validation parameters and a
discussion of results.
PA/PH/OMCL (05) 47 DEF –OMCL Guideline on validation of Analytical Procedures (current version)
The applicant has to provide a description of the provided sample batch (number, size, date
and place of manufacture) and the results of the carried analyses.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: "Impurities in new drug products", » Impurities: residual solvents",
“Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug
The information related to impurities must be documented if not described in section 3.2.S.3.2
Impurities or if the data are required for the assessement of product security.
“Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug
Products – Chemical Substances”.
The applicant has to justify specifications proposed for the control of the finished product.
The applicant has to indicate the reference standards or materials (active ingredients and
impurities) used for the control of the finished product, and to provide the corresponding
certificate of analysis in the case where the standard is subject to an inhouse monograph.
The applicant has to describe the primary packaging, and to desmonstrate that the used
packaging is suitable for the storage, the transportation and the use.
The applicant has to provide a description and present the specifications for all or a part of the
container/closure system in direct contact with the product.
It is required to identify the nature, the origin and the specifications of each component.The
specifications shall include an identification test. The absence of interaction container/content
will be demonstrated, if required.
It is required to indicate the dimensions of the packaging and to attach a safety data sheet.
The methods of control not listed in a pharmacopeia shall be described.
It is mandatory to describe and provide the specifications of each medical device associated to
the packaging and used for the administration of the finished product and attach a diagram.
It is required to provide the food certificates, the supplier certificates of analysis of the
packaging and the certificates of analysis of the packaging of the manufacturer of the finished
It is also required to describe and address specifications of the reconstitution solvent of the
finished product. If the secondary packaging is uneffective and doesn’t bring additional
protection to the product, then a short description will be enough.
3.2.P.8. Stability
The applicant has to provide a summary in a table, with stability studies conducted, protocol
studies, the adopted specifications and the obtained results
The applicant has to mention the numbers and the tested batches size, their date of
manufacture, their stability testing and their primary packaging used in the stability studies.
It is mandatory to describe the general methods of the used tests (e.g: forced degradation
studies, accelerated conditions, intermediate and long-term conditions).
This summary shall include the conclusions related to the storage conditions and the required
shelf-life period. If applicable, the storage conditions during the product use will be specified.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Stability testing guidelines: stability testing of new drug substances and
products”, “Stability testing: photostability testing of new drug substances and products”, "Impurities
in new drug products",
"Specifications – Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug
Products -Chemical Substances".
The guidelines CPMP: "on stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products ",
"On maximum shelf-life for sterile products for human use after first opening or following
reconstitution", "On the declaration of storage conditions for medicinal products in the products
particular and for active substances", “In-Use stability testing of human medicinal products”.
The applicant has to provide the stability protocol to be followed after the marketing
authorization grant.
For the locally manufactured products, it is required to present the commitments to provide the
stability results when they become available. If the batches under stability conditions are pilot
batches, then the applicant has to present a commitment to provide the stability results of the 3
first industrial batches.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Stability testing guidelines: stability testing of new drug substances and
The guideliensCPMP: «on stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products»
The applicant has to provide the results of the stability studies presenting them in tables and to
complete them with text and graphics.
The stability study of the finished product shall be performed on at least 3 industrial batches for
the whole claimed preservation period under real time and 6 months under accelerated
For the locally manufactured product, a study on at least 2 pilot batches for a minimum period
of 6 months under real conditions and 6 months under accelerated conditions is required, at
the time of the submission.
NB: At the time of submission, a minimum period of 3 months under real conditions and 3
months under accelerated conditions might be accepted, however the marketing authorization
won’t be granted before submitting the stability testing results over 6 months minimum period.
The used analytical procedures along with their validations shall be included.
The applicant has to provide a description of batches (number, size, date and place of
manufacture) and to indicate the climatic conditions (temperature, relative humidity) adopted
according to the above mentioned references.
The guidelines CPMP-ICH: “Stability testing guidelines: stability testing of new drug substances and
products”, “Stability testing: photostability testing of new drug substances and products”, “Validation
of analytical methods: definitions and terminology”,“Validation of analytical procedures:
methodology”, “on stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products ", “In-
Use stability testing of human medicinal products”. Module 4:
The Module 4 shall be provided in accordance with the ICH M4 guideline entitled ‘Organisation
Of The Common Technical Document For The Registration Of Pharmaceuticals For Human
Use’ (M4S). Module 5:
The Module 5 shall be presented according to the ICH M4 guideline called ‘OrganisationOf
The Common Technical Document For The Registration Of Pharmaceuticals For Human Use’
For the locally manufactured medicinal products, the bioequivalence studies are required for:
- The extended release dosage forms (ER): when the manufacturing process of a locally
manufactured ER is limited to capsule filling or a compression in bulk which shows ER
properties, the bioequivalence study of another product manufactured from the same
bulk, might be accepted.
- Narrow Therapeutic Range drugs(NTR)
- Immunosuppressive medicinal products
The Technical Commitee for Medicinal Products (CTSP) remains sovereign to require
bioequivalence studies when they deem it necessary.
It is noteworthy that, following the amendment to act n° 90—1401 of 3rd September 1990,
laying down the modalities of medical or scientific experimentation of medicines intended for
human use, a procedure specifying the date from which the bioequivalence studies will be
required for the locally manufactured generics and the eligibility criteria for the biowaiver,are
under preparation.
Where required, the bioequivalence study shall be evaluated in compliance with Reference
CPMP Guidelines: ‘Guideline on the Investigation of Bioequivalence’.
- Minor variation: a variation is minor when the impact on the quality, safety or efficacy of the
concerned product is minimal or non-existant.
Such variations do not require a prior authorization. It only needs to be notified at the DPM by
the holder before their implementation in Tunisia.
- Major variation: a variation is major when it has a significant impact on the quality, safety and
efficacy of the concerned product.
Such variations need to be approved by the DPM before their implementation in Tunisia.
N.B: An application for major variation can be submitted for a marketing authorization dossier
under registration.
For each variation, the classification is minor or major, the necessity to submit the samples, the
payment entitlement, and the structure or the committee concerned by the assessment of the
variation, are specified in the table ‘Requirements for the different categories of modification of
a marketing authorization for medicines for human use(see appendice X)’.
N.B: the dossiers of variations application are assessed in accordance with the
Communication of the EC— Guidelines regarding the characteristics of the different categories
of the variations to the terms of a marketing aurhorization for medicinal products for human
use and veterinary medicinal products.
1. Quality variations affecting the drug substance and entering into the composition
of one or several products independently from the form. A single right to payment
is applicable.
- Required documents:
For the dossiers of variations applications, the sections of the module concerned by the
changes shall be submitted, by respecting the table of content of the CTD format.
1. Module 1
1.4. 5. Medicinal products manufactured under licence (if applicable, MA and CPP)
2. Module 2
- Application letter
- Table of content
- Application form (including the comparative - Copy of the MA variation of holder /
“Approval” or “application form” related
table and the document history of variations to the exporting country for minor
submitted in Tunisia) variations.
- Sections of the CTD file concerned by the
changes - valid CPP
For any application for the transfer of a marketing authorization, the required documents shall
1. Application letter
*When it comes to under licence products locally manufactured, the approval of the
licensor in the country of origin, is required for any transfer application.
*for the imported products: 2 sale model samples in the exporting country along with the
corresponding certificates.
10. Attestation from the applicant on the change or not of the summary of the
pharmacovigilance system.
11. A commitment from the applicant to comply with the terms under which the marketing
authorization was granted, and, in particular, to meet the methods of manufacture and
12. Attestation signed by the head pharmacist certifying that no change affecting the
materials suppliers, the primary packaging, the composition, the shelf-life period, the
indications or the sites of manufacture (except the batch release site), has occured.
16. *Price certificate from the exporting country, for the imported products
In the case where the transfer application is accompanied by one or several changes, refer to
paragraph 2.2.2 variation of MA, for the documents necessary to complete and for the required
samples. The new MA will be edited only after the validation of the variations submitted for
The marketing authorization is delivered for 5 years period; it is renewed for a 5 years period.
An application for a renewal shall be submitted at the earliest 6 months before the expiration
date of the marketing authorization.The applications for renewal are treated at the DPM.
For any application for renewal, the following documents need to be submitted:
1. Application letter
2. Application form
*For the imported products : 2 sale model samples in the exporting country and 2
sale model samples in Tunisia
A derogation can be granted by the DPM for the products of calls for tender. In
such case, a mock-up shall be provided and 2 samples shall be submitted in
case the product is retained.
11. * Pre-tax wholesale price certificate from the exporting country endorsed by the
competent authority for the imported products.
In case of refusal to grant the marketing authorization, the applicant can submit an appeal
application to the DPM.
The application shall be accompanied by detailed arguments related to the reason of refusal,
and the price receipt. Besides, the marketing authorization applicant has to provide the
updated dossier if applicable, or the head pharmacist commitment that no change has
occurred compared with the initial dossier submitted.
The withdrawal of the marketing authorization of a medicinal product is decided by the Minster
of Health after consultation with the technical committees laid down in article 5 of the n°85-91
of 22nd November 1985, regulating the manufacture and the registration of medicinal products
intended for human use, when it is established, in particular that:
a) The medicinal product has not anymore the qualitative or quantitative declared composition
witthout prejudice to the application of the penal provisions provided by the legislation on fraud
c) The controls on materials, products on the process of manufacturing or finished product are
not normally performed,
d) The marketing authorization holder has not proceeded to the commercialization of the
medicinal product within one year from the date of obtention of this authorization.
In case where the medicinal product proves to be dangeroeus to the health, the Minister of
Health, may decide urgently to withdraw it from the market and to destroy it.
The withdrawal and the destruction of the medicinal product does not give a rise to
compensation of any nature.The decision to withdraw may be subject to all advertising
measures deemed necessary by the Minister of Health.
The marketing authorization may be also revoked upon the request of the manufacturer.
In such case the applicant may adress a request letter to the central registry of the Minstry of
Health explaining the reasons of withdrawal.
2.5.1. Language:
Documents which are not drafted in Arabic or if applicable in French or English, shall be
accompanied by a translation in one of the above mentioned languages carried out by a sworn
The word and PDF version of the SmPC, PIL, labeling shall be drafted in Arabic and/or French.
2.5.2. Organization:
The submitted documents shall be seperated by module.The different parts of module 2 shall
be seperated as specified in table 3(cf paragraph B.1).
All the documents belonging to the same module should be related, whetherthermosealed or
by “spiral binding”of good quality with possibility to separate them into volumes.
2.5.4. Font:
Times New Roman, size 12 is recommended for the text and Times New Roman, from 9 to 10
for the text content of tables.
The trade name may be whether an invented name or an INN accompanied by the name of
the manufacturer, the applicant for the authorization.
For the imported products, the name of the product shall be the same as the one of the
exporting country.
N.B: the invented name must be different from the name of an already approved medicinal
product (marketed or not) by,at least 3 letters
<ZIP code><Town>
Pharmacy and Drug Directorate
31, Rue de Khartoum
Belvédère-1002 Tunis
<Place and date>
Subject: Application for a Marketing Authorization for the <trade name, INN, pharmaceutical form,
strength, presentation>
Dear Sir,
We have the honour to seek « New application / Variation/ Renewal, …», with the characteristics stated as
follows :
Trade name:
Pharmaceutical form and strength:
Pack size:
Date of first submission: (if application for appeal)
The dossier shall include the following volumes and copies:
Number of electronic
Number of volume Number of paper copies
copies (CD)
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
SmPC/ Mock-
4. Advertising agency
NO/ YES Responsible for samples
5. Nature of application
□ Application for a MA (Marketing □ Re-introduction
Authorisation) of a reference drug product
□ Appeal
□ Application for a MA of a generic
□ MA transfer
□ Application for a MA of biosimilar
□ Line extension
□ Renewal of a MA
□of presentation
□ Minor variation
□of strength
□ Major variation
□ of pharmaceutical form
6. Type of variation
Administrative variation Quality variations: Variations related to safety, efficacy
□Corporate name □ Drug substance and pharmacovigilance
□INN □ Finsihed product □ Indications
□ Contra-Indications
□Other: …… □ CEP/Monographs
□ Special Warnings and precautions
□ Changes specific to for use
vaccines and blood □ Interaction with other medicinal
derivatives products and other forms of interaction
□ Others: …. □ Pregnancy and lactation
□ Effects on ability to drive and use
□ Undesirable effects
□ Conditions of prescription
□Table of poinsonous substances
□ Posology and method of
□Other: ……
Therapeutic indications:
3- Licensor
(for under licence production)
8-Control Site(s)
(For any variation/ MA transfer, the applicant should fill the tables below):
Application type Decision of the competent authority Decision date
<The score line is only to facilitate the tablet intake, not to divide into equal doses.>
<The scoreline is not intended to break the tablet.>
<The tablet can be divided into equal doses.>
4.3. Contraindications
<Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient(s) or to any excipient mentioned on section 6.1 <or {name(s) of
4.5. Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
<No interaction study has been performed.>
<Pediatric population>
<Interaction studies have been performed only in adults.>
<Contraindicated combinations>
<Unrecommended combinations>
<Combinations subject to precautions for use>
<Combinations to be taken into account >
4.9. Overdose
<Pediatric population>
< Effects were observed in animal only at exposures considered sufficiently in excess of the maximum human
exposure indicating little relevance to clinical use.>
<Adverse reactions not observed in clinical studies, but seen in animals at exposure levels similar to clinical
exposure levels and with possible relevance to clinical use were as follows.>
6.2. Incompatibilities
<Not applicable.>
<In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.>
<This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in section
6.6><and in section><12>.>
6.3. Shelf-life
<…><6 months><...><1 year><18 months><2 year><30 months><3 years><…>
<Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with the existing regulation.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Excipient(s) known to have a recognised action or effect:
See the Patient Information Leaflet for further information.>
Keep out of the reach and sight of children
<Not relevant.>
[Shelf life of medicinal product<reconstituted><dilued>:]
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
Batch {number}
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
Batch {number}
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
<Not relevant.>
[ ] (square brackets) Draft recommendation. These sentences shall not be kept in the body of the text.
TITLES AND Conventionally, the titles constituting the structure of the document shall be written in
NUMBERING blue.This enables to identify them more easily and to preserve their integrity: they shall
not in any case be modified, or deleted.
Do not modify the wording of the titles of the sections highlighted in blue. Do not delete
the titles or sections. Nonetheless, when the section is not notified, it should be
systematically completed by the mention “Not relevant”.
The numbering and the classification of the sections proposed in the sample must be
abiden by.
REFRENCING In case of referencing or cross referencing in the SmPC, it is recommeded to only report
the number of the section and not the totality of its title.
DENOMINATION The long medicinal product name « XXX »: (Invented) NAME strengh, pharmaceutical
form: is applied to all sections 1. MEDICINAL PRODUCT NAME (SmPC / Leaflet /
Labelling), as well as to the titles and the subtitles of the PIL. The short name « X »:
(Invented) NAME: is applied only to the body of the text.
<Zip code><Town>
Pharmacy and Drug Directorate
31, Rue de Khartoum
Belvédère-1002 Tunis
<Place and date>
Subject: Statement of no modification related to the medicinal product <name of the medicinal product,
INN, pharmaceutical form, strength, content of container>
Dear Sir,
I undersign, « name and title », that no modification has been occured to the product elements provided in the
initial application outside the variations submitted in Tunisia.
Yours Faithfully
<Phone n°>
<Email >
Annex X : Requirements for the different catogories of variations to the terms of the marketing authorization of
medicinal products for human use
I. Active ingredients
a) Manufacture
b) Control of active ingredient
c) Container closure system
d) Stability
e) Design space
III. CEP/TSE/monographs
A.1. Change in the name and/or address of the marketing authorization 1
Min - DPM
holder box
A.2. Change in the (invented) name of the medicinal product Min - DPM
A.3. Change in the name of the active substance 1
Min - DPM
A.4. Change in the name and /or the address of a manufacturer (without
change in the site) or a supplier of the active substance, starting material,
reagent, or an intermediate used in the manufacture of the active susbtance Min - - DPM
(where specified in the technical dossier).
Min : Minor changes
DPM: Pharmacy and Drug Directorate
B.I.a) Manufacture
B.I.a.1. Change in the manufacturer of a starting material, a reagent or an intermediate product used in the
manufacturing process of the active substance or change in the manufacturer of the active substance
(including where relevant quality control testing sites), where no Ph.Eur.Certificate of Suitability is part of
the approved dossier.
a) The proposed manufacturer is part of the same pharmaceutical group as Min - HT LNCM
the currently approved manufacturer.
f) Changes to quality control testing arrangements for the active substance- Maj - HT LNCM
replacement or addition of a site where batch control/testing takes place
d) The change relates to a herbal medicinal product and concerns the Maj - HT
geographical source, the manufacturing process or the production LNCM
e) Minor change to the restricted part of an Active substance Master File Maj - HT LNCM
B.I.a.3. Change in batch size (including batch size ranges) of active substance or intermediate
a) Up to 10-fold increase compared to the originally approved batch size Min - HT LNCM
d) More than 10-fold increase compared to the originally approved batch Maj - HT LNCM
B.I.a.4 Change to in-process tests or limits applied during the manufacture of the active substance
d) Widening of the approved in-process test limits, which may have a Maj - HT LNCM
significant effect on the overall quality of the active substance
e) Deletion of an in-process test which may have a significant effect on Maj - HT LNCM
the overall quality of the active substance
B.I.a.5. Changes to the active substance of a seasonal, prepandemic or pandemic vaccine against human
a) Replacement of the strain(s) in a seasonal, prepandemic or a pandemic Maj - HT LNCM
vaccine against human influenza
Maj :Major Change
HT :Half Tariff
LNCM : National Laboratory of Medicinal Products Control
B.I.b.1. Change in the specification parameters and/or limits of an active substance, starting material,
intermediate, reagent used in the manufacturing process of the active substance
e) Change outside the approved specifications limits range for the active
substance Maj - HT LNCM
B.I.b.2. Change in test procedure for active substance or starting material, reagent, intermediate used in
the manufacturing process of the active substance
e) Other changes to a test procedure (including replacement or addition) for Maj - HT LNCM
the active substance, a starting material or intermediate
B.I.c.1. Change in immediate packaging of the active substance
B.I.c.2. Change in the specification parameters and/or limits of the immediate packaging of the active
B.I.c.3. Change in test procedure for the immediate packaging of the active substance
B.I.d) Stability
B.I.d.1. Change in the re-test period/storage period or storage conditions of the active substance
1. Reduction
2. Extension of the retest period based on extrapolation of stability data not in
accordance with ICH guidelines Maj - HT LNCM
b) Storage conditions
B.I.e.1. Introduction of a new design space or extension of an approved design space for the active substance,
B.II.a.1. Change or addition of imprints, bossing or other markings including replacement, or addition of
inks used for product marking.
a) Immediate release tablets, capsules, suppositories and pessaries
b) Gastro-resistant, modified or prolonged release pharmaceutical forms and Cf
scored tablets intended to be divided into equal doses Maj Tab FT LNCM
6. Replacement of a single excipient with a comparable excipient with the Cf
same functional solubility characteristics and at a similar level Min Tab FT LNCM
B.II.a.4. Change in coating weight of oral dosage forms or change in weight of capsule shells
a) Solid oral pharmaceutical forms
b) Gastro-resistant, modified or prolonged release pharmaceutical forms Cf
where the coating is a critical factor for the release mechanism Maj Tab FT LNCM
B.II.a.5. Change in concentration of a single-dose, total use Cf
parenteral product, where the amount of active substance per unit dose Maj Tab FT LNCM
(i.e. the strength) remains the same 4
FT : Full Tariff
TC : Technical Commitee
Cf.Tab 4: to refer to table 4 P.21 to identify the quantity of samples to be submitted.
B.II.b) Mmanufacture
B.II.b.1. Replacement or addition of a manufacturing site for part or all of the manufacturing process of
the finished product
release, batch control, primary and secondary packaging, for non sterile Tab 4
medicinal products
f) Site where any manufacturing operation(s) takes place, except batch Maj Cf HT LNCM
release, batch control, and secondary packaging, for sterile medicinal Tab 4
products that are aseptically manufactured excluding biological/
immunological medicinal products
B.II.b.2. Change in batch release arrangements and quality control testing of the finished product
B.II.b.4. Change in the batch size (including batch size ranges) of the finished product
b) Downscaling down to 10-fold
c) The change requires assessment of the comparability of a
biological/immunological medicinal product Maj - HT LNCM
B.II.b.5. Change to in-process tests or limits applied during the manufacture of the finished product
e)Widening of the approved IPC limits, which may have a significant effect
on overall quality of the finished product Maj - HT LNCM
an obsolete parameter)
B.II.c.4. Change in synthesis or recovery of a non pharmacopoeial excipient (when described in the
B.II.d.1. Change in the specification parameters and/or limits of the finished product
B.II.e.1. Change in immediate packaging of the finished product
b) Container type
1.Solid, semi-solid and non-sterile liquid pharmaceutical forms Maj Cf Tab HT LNCM
2. Sterile medicinal products and biological or immunological medicinal Maj Cf Tab HT LNCM
products 4
B.II.e.2. Change in the specification parameters and/or limits of the immediate packaging of the finished
B.II.e.3. Change in test procedure for the immediate packaging of the finished product
B.II.e.4. Change in shape or dimensions of the container or closure (immediate packaging)
1. Change within the range of the currently approved pack sizes limits
(without change in the immediate packaging) Maj 3boxes FT DPM
2.Change outside the range of the currently approved pack sizes limits
(with change in the immediate packaging nature (Type/ Material/ Cf Tab
Supplier))* 4
B.II.e.6. Change in any part of the primary packaging material not in contact with the finished product
formulation (such as colour of flip-off caps, colour code rings on ampoules, change of needle shield
(different plastic used))
c) Any change to suppliers of spacer devices for metered dose inhalers
d) Any change to suppliers of liquid forms bags in contact with plastic
B.II.f) Stability
B.II.f.1. Change in the shelf-life or storage conditions of the finished product
B.II.g.1. Introduction of a new design space or extension of an approved design space for the finished
product, excluding biological products concerning:
B.III.2.Change to comply with Ph. Eur. or with a national pharmacopoeia of a Member State
a) Change of specification(s) of a former non EU Pharmacopoeial substance to fully comply with the Ph. Eur. or
with a national pharmacopoeia of a Member state
1. Active substance
2. Excipient/active substance/ starting material
b) Change to comply with an update of the relevant monograph of the Ph.
Eur. or national pharmacopoeia of a Member State Min - HT LNCM
a) Addition of a new therapeutic indication or modification of an approved
one Maj - HT
b) Deletion of a therapeutic indication
Min - - DPM
b) a strength
Min - - DPM
C.I.6. Introduction of a new pharmacovigilance system
Min - - CNPV
C.I.7. Change(s) to an existing pharmacovigilance system
CNPV : National Pharmacovigilance Centre
SC :Specialised Committee