Proforma For Registration of Subjects For Dissertation: Appendix-Ic

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Febrile seizures are the most common neurologic disorder among infants and young

children. They are an age-dependent condition, occurring in 2 to 5 percent of children

younger than five years of age.

Simple febrile seizures, defined as generalized seizures lasting less than 15 minutes

and not recurring for 24-hour period. While they eventually recur in one-third of

children during their early childhood, otherwise they are benign condition. Febrile

seizures which are focal, prolonged, multiple within the first 24 hours are defined as

complex febrile seizures. Complex febrile seizures are a more heterogeneous cluster of

phenomena, associated with a greater risk of recurrence during early childhood and

an increased probability of afebrile seizures in the future.

Incidence of febrile seizure is between 2 % and 5% amongst Caucasian children, 5 to

10% in India and 8.8% in Japan . About 3 to 4% of all children had at least one

febrile seizure. The Peak of occurrence of febrile seizure is between 12-18 months of age.

Recurrence rate ranges from 21 to 29.3% in the third world. In the west the recurrence

rate was 30 to 50%. There were so many risk factors present for febrile seizure

recurrence. In the present study we try to investigate the effect of age, gender,

temperature, past history of seizure, developmental and family history, duration,

type and number of seizures on recurrence of febrile seizures.


Febrile seizure:

It is defined as seizure, which

 occur in children between the age of 6 months to 60 months with the temperature

of 100.4° F (38° C),

 are not due to central nervous system infection or any metabolic disturbance,

 occur in the absence of history of previous afebrile seizures. 1

Febrile status epilepticus:

It is a febrile seizure lasting more than 30 minutes. It is the most common type of

status epilepticus in children.

Simple febrile seizure plus:

It is defined as recurrent simple febrile seizures within 24 hours by some authors.

Classification: 2

Febrile seizures can be further divided into two categories, based on its clinical


1. Simple febrile seizure

2. Complex febrile seizure

Simple febrile seizure:

It is defined as a primary generalized tonic clonic seizure associated with fever, which

is lasting for a maximum of 15 minutes and not recur within a 24- h o u r period.

Simple febrile seizures are the commonest type of febrile seizures. As majority of the

simple febrile seizures lasts for less than five minutes, a maximum limit of 10 minutes

has been proposed as a more suitable threshold for distinguishing between simple and

complex .3

Complex febrile seizure:

It is defined as a seizure which is prolonged more than 15 minutes, is a focal seizure

and / or recurs within 24 hour .4


 Incidence of febrile seizure is between 2 % and 5% amongst Caucasian children

and 8% amongst Japanese children. 5,6,7,8

 The Peak of occurrence of febrile seizure is between 12-18 months of age. 9,10
 There is a slight male predominance, with an estimated male to female ratio

is 1.6:1 11

 Simple febrile seizure accounts for two thirds of the entire group of febrile

seizure. 10,12


Table 1: Causes and factors associated with febrile seizure: 13

Infections: Others:

Viruses: Familial:

Respiratory  Genetics

 Influenza virus A and B  Environmental

 Parainfluenza 1, 2, and 3 Channelopathies:

 Respiratory syncytial virus  Sodium, potassium, and calcium

 Adenovirus channels

Enteric  GABA-A

 Entero viruses Vaccination:

 Enterovirus 71  Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR)

 Coxsackieviruses group A  Pertussis

 Rotavirus Structural brain defects & perinatal events:

 Herpesviruses  Cerebral palsy (neurodevelopmental

 Human herpesvirus-6 and -7 disabilities)

 Cytomegalovirus  Cerebral dysgenesis

 Herpes simplex virus-1  Neonatal brain injury (low Apgar

Bacteria: scores; prematurity)

 Escherichia coli (urine)  Strokes

 Shigella dysenteriae (enteric)  Vascular malformations

 Streptococcus pneumoniae (upper  Tumors

respiratory) pH:

 Salmonella enteritidis (enteric)  Acidosis

 Alkalosis

 Water, electrolyte imbalance:

Sodium, potassium, chloride,

magnesium, calcium

 Cytokines.

Viral and bacterial infections are the most predominant causative factors of
febrile seizures 14.

Genetics and Environmental
Genetic risk factors have significantly contributed to the causation of febrile
seizures. It tends to occur in families and a first degree relative (parent or sibling) having a
history of febrile seizures is one of the primary risk factors. It has been reported that around
10- 20% of siblings with febrile seizures have a risk of developing febrile seizures. The
chances for development of febrile seizures amongst children are higher if one of the
parents had history of febrile seizures 17.

Mutations of the genes encoding various channels (SCN1B, SCN1A, and SCN2A for
sodium channel; and GABRG2 for GABA-A receptor).

Fever is the most anticipated side effect of immunizations. Both febrile and afebrile
seizures have been associated with vaccinations 19. They are most likely to occur after the
administration of certain live attenuated vaccines such as the mumps, measles,
rubella (MMR) vaccine, and toxin-containing or whole cell preparations, such as whole
cell pertussis vaccines 19. The substitution of whole cell pertussis vaccines with acellular
vaccines has brought down the incidence of adverse effects following pertussis
vaccination to approximately 1/3rd of whole cell preparations 20.

Structural Brain Defects and Perinatal Events

Neonatal and perinatal brain insults, low Apgar scores at 5 minutes of life, cerebral
palsies, cerebral dysgenesis, strokes, vascular malformations and tumors have been
known to cause febrile seizures. Premature birth, delayed discharge from the NICU and
developmental delay are potential markers for suboptimal brain functioning19.

pH (Acidosis and Alkalosis)

A rise in brain pH enhances neuronal excitability. The duration of the alkaline cortical
pH shift after injection of bicarbonate and the associated seizure activity are more brief (<
5 minutes) than those observed along with hyperthermia but are otherwise considered
similar 22.

Water and Electrolyte Imbalance

In 1953, Lennox suggested the mechanism of febrile seizures that which is possibly
associated with the importance of hydration and increased permeability of cell
membranes 23. An elevation of the ―threshold‖ to febrile seizures which occurs with
increasing age is associated with developmental changes in the balance of electrolytes
especially hyponatremia and water. 14,24


Pyrogenic cytokines such as IL-1ß are involved in the pathogenesis of febrile seizures.
A common viral component which promotes host cell immune responses is ds RNA.
Significantly greater levels of IL-1ß production from ds RNA-stimulated leukocytes in
febrile seizure patients in the absence of infection have been observed and it suggests that
the response of leukocytes to viral infection might be enhanced in patients who had
febrile seizures. Research during the past two decades has indicated that both astrocytes
and microglia secrete numerous cytokines, such as IL-1ß, TNFα, IL-6 25.

Serum and CSF zinc levels are shown to reduce in children with febrile seizures, and
zinc deprivation may play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of febrile seizure 26. IDA is
found to be commoner in children with febrile seizure than controls and may also be related
to the pathogenesis of FS 18. A possible immunological derangement in the cytokines and
interferon axis in FS may correlate with the pathogenesis of FS or of the fever 27.
Risk factors for first febrile seizure:

Four factors are associated with a greater risk of first febrile seizures in the childhood
 First- or second- degree relative with a history of febrile seizures

 Neonatal nursery stay of >30 days

 Developmental delay

 Attendance at day care

There is 28% chance of occurrence of at least one episode of febrile seizure
for children with any of the two of these factors28.

Significant independent risk factors 29:

1. Peak of the temperature

2. History of febrile seizures in a first- or second-degree relative

Gastroenteritis have a significant inverse (i.e., protective) association with febrile


Recurrent Febrile Seizures:

Febrile seizure recurs 30% of children after the first episode, 50% after two or more
episodes and 50% of infants less than one year old. 29. Half of recurrences occur within
six months following the first episode, 3/4 th of recurrences within 1 year and 90% occur
within 2 years of first episode. 29,30 There is no affirmation that febrile seizures or febrile
status epilepticus can lead to cerebral palsy, neurologic damage, mental retardation,
decrease in IQ and learning problems 31.

Approximately 1/3rd of children with a first episode of febrile seizure will have an
episode of recurrence; 10% will have 3 or more episodes of febrile seizures. The most
cardinal risk factors are family history of FS and onset of first febrile seizure at less than
12 months of age 9. Two other definitive risk factors for recurrence of FS are height of
the temperature and the time interval between the onset of fever and the episode of
seizure .
In general, if the temperature is very high, the chance of recurrence is low. In one
study, those with a temperature of 101°F had 42% risk for recurrence at 1 year, 29% risk
for those with a temperature of 103°F, and only 12% risk for those with a temperature of
105°F .

Second, if the extent of recognized fever is short, the chance of recurrence is high. The
recurrence risk at 1 year is 46% for those with a FS within one hour of recognized onset of
fever, compared with 25% risk for those having fever lasting for 1 to 24 hours, and 15%
risk for those having >24 hours of recognized fever prior to the event of febrile seizure.
Table 3: Risk factors for recurrence of febrile seizure: 33


Age < 1 year

Duration of fever < 24-hour

Fever 100.4 –102.2° F (38-39° C)


Family history of febrile seizure

Family history of epilepsy

Complex febrile seizure

Day care

Male gender

Low serum sodium at the time of presentation

Table 4 Recurrence risk

Risk factors Recurrence risk (%)

0 12

1 25-50

2 50-59

≥3 73-100
A recurrent febrile seizure is more likely to be prolonged if the first episode was a prolonged
episode. The correlation between the overall risk of recurrent febrile seizure and a family history
of unprovoked seizures appears to be uncertain. A large study in Rochester, Minnesota, found
out that there exists no difference in risk for recurrence of FS in a child with a family history of
epilepsy (25%) and those without such family history (23%). 31
Clinical features:


Febrile seizures occur in infants and children between the age group of 6 months and 5 years,
with the greater part appearing in children between 12 to 18 months of age. Febrile seizures have
been reported in children over six years of age, but in older children, febrile seizures should be
considered as a diagnosis of exclusion, as they are more possible than younger children with
febrile seizures to have subsequent afebrile seizures 43.

The majority of children may encounter their febrile seizures on the first day of illness, and
in some cases, it is the first manifestation of that child being ill. The degree of fever associated
with febrile seizures is variable and is dependent on the child's threshold convulsive temperature.
While the most commonly measured fever is often at or above 39ºC, approximately 25 percent of
events occur when the temperature is between 38ºC and 39ºC. 44

Seizure characteristics
Simple febrile seizures:
Simple febrile seizures are generalized, lasts for less than 15 minutes, and do not recur
in 24-hour period. The most common presentation is generalized tonic clonic, but atonic
and tonic spells can also present. The facial and respiratory muscles are commonly
involved. Although by definition the extent of a simple febrile seizure can be as long as
15 minutes, most simple febrile seizures get terminated much sooner, with a median
duration of three to four minutes 3.

Children typically return to baseline quickly after an episode of simple febrile seizure. As
with non-febrile seizures, the postictal phase can present with confusion or agitation and
drowsiness. Prolonged drowsiness is not classical of a simple febrile seizure and should consider
an alternative etiology like meningitis, structural brain pathology. Similarly, the presence of
persistently open and deviated eyes is an important clinical feature signifying ongoing seizure

Complex febrile seizures:

Complex febrile seizures (focal onset, prolonged, or recurrent within 24 hours) occur less
frequently, making up for roughly 20 percent of febrile seizures in most cases. Prolonged
seizures present in lesser than 10 % and focal features in fewer than 5 % of children with
febrile seizures. One episode of simple febrile seizure may be consecutively followed by
complex seizures, but a larger part of them who develop complex febrile seizures do so with
their first seizure. However, an initial complex febrile seizure does not indicate that all
subsequent seizures will be complex. A momentary episode of hemiparesis following a
febrile seizure (Todd's paresis), usually of complex or focal type, is rare, which is seen in 0.4 to
2 percent of cases 11,45.
Children presenting with complex febrile seizures are often younger and are more likely to
have an atypical and abnormal development pattern. In one study of 158 children with a first
febrile seizure, prolonged seizures (>10 minutes) occurred in 18 percent were associated with
developmental delay and younger age at first seizure 3.

Febrile status epilepticus:

Some patients experienced febrile status epilepticus (FSE), i.e., continuous seizures or
intermittent seizures without neurological recovery, lasting for 30 minutes or longer. One-third
of cases of FSE, the actual seizure duration is underestimated in the emergency department 46.
Important clinical clues that a seizure has ended include the presence of closed eyes and a deep
A multicenter prospective cohort study (FEBSTAT) described the characteristics of
prolonged (>30 minutes) febrile seizures in 119 children, aged one month through five years, as
follows 46:
 The median duration was 68 minutes

 The seizures were convulsive in all but one child

 The seizures were continuous in 52 percent and intermittent in 48 percent

 Two-thirds of seizures were partial

 This was the first febrile seizure in 76 percent of children

 Primary or reactivated human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B) infection was found in 32

percent of children
In the FEBSTAT cohort, the median peak temperature of onset was 103ºF (39.4ºC), most
patients presented with a defined viral or bacterial infection, and there was higher- than-expected
family history of epilepsy 46.

Differential diagnosis:
The differential diagnosis of febrile seizure includes nonepileptic events or movements,
provoked seizures following a central nervous system infection and rare forms of genetic
epilepsy in which seizures typically present with fever.
 Shaking chills
 Central nervous system infection
 Genetic epilepsies with febrile seizures
 Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome)
 Initial assessment:
The preliminary evaluation of children with seizure in the setting of fever must help in
distinguishing febrile seizure from other significant and more serious etiologies such as central
nervous system infections. This can be accomplished by taking a complete history and thorough
physical examination in most cases, along with neuroimaging and lumbar puncture in certain
instances. Children presenting with focal or prolonged febrile seizures may require more
extensive workup than those with simple febrile seizures, specifically at the time of the first
Diagnostic evaluation:

Febrile seizure is a clinical diagnosis, defined by the following features:

 A convulsion associated with an elevated temperature greater than 38°C

 A child older than three months and younger than six years of age

 Absence of central nervous system infection or inflammation

 Absence of acute systemic metabolic abnormality that may produce convulsions

 No history of previous afebrile seizures

Electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the outpatient

setting may help further stratify outcome of future epilepsy in children with complex febrile
seizures but are not usually necessary in an acute setting. The approach to outpatient evaluation
of a child presenting with complex febrile seizures is not standardized, and a specific plan for
each patient must be charted out by the treating physician, usually in consultation with a
pediatric neurologist for interpretation of atypical and abnormal test results.
Children younger than 12 months of age also warrant special consideration since signs and
symptoms of meningitis may be more subtle in this age group. The threshold for performing a
lumbar puncture (LP) in these patients must be relaxed, particularly if immunization statuses for
H. influenzae type b or Streptococcus pneumoniae are not up to date or cannot be verified.


Key elements of the seizure history in a child presenting with a febrile seizure include seizure
characteristics, duration of the seizure, and presence of focal features (e.g., shaking limited to
one limb or one side of the body). A witness to the seizure episode should be interviewed if
possible, keeping in mind that seizures are frightening to many witnesses, and specific
description of the seizure, including exact duration, may be difficult to elicit or at many times

A careful history must guide us towards any underlying medical or neurologic conditions that
further potentiate the child's risk of serious infections or underlying structural abnormality. The
history must include an assessment of the child ‘s immunization status, personal or family
history of seizure, and history of neurological conditions or developmental delay. A child with a
known neurologic condition may be more likely to encounter a seizure with fever, which would
not be classified as a simple febrile seizure.
Physical examination:

A general physical and neurologic examination should pay due attention to

 Vital signs

 Level of consciousness

 Presence or absence of meningismus

 Tense or bulging fontanelle

 Focal differences in muscle tone, strength

 Spontaneous movements.

The presence of any of these signs should immediately point towards an alternative etiology
such as meningitis or an already underlying structural abnormality. Likewise, children with
febrile seizures are usually well appearing, and post-ictal drowsiness typically resolves within
five to ten minutes, based on the duration and type of seizure. Encephalopathy beyond this time
period should prompt increased suspicion for possible central nervous system infection or severe
systemic infection.
 LP should be considered in infants between 6 and 12 months if the immunization status
for H. influenzae type b or Streptococcus pneumoniae is deficient or can‘t be
 LP should be considered when the patient is on antibiotics since antibiotic therapy can
mask the signs and symptoms of meningitis

LP should also be considered when febrile seizures present after the second day of illness,
based on history or examination, the clinician remains suspicious of a possible central nervous
system infection. Based on case series, but not included in the AAP guidelines, febrile status
epilepticus may be another possible indication for lumbar puncture 52,73.

Other laboratories:

A complete blood count and measurement of serum electrolytes 78, blood sugar, calcium, and
urea nitrogen carries very low yield in patients with simple febrile seizures; these parameters
may yield findings only when the patient has a history of vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal fluid
intake, or when physical findings of dehydration or
Edema co-exist 72. If a decision to perform an LP has been made, blood culture and serum
glucose testing should be performed concurrently.

In children presenting with complex febrile seizures, hyponatremia is found to be common and
has been concurrently associated with the potential for recurrent seizure during the index
illness. For this rationale, aggressive hydration with hypotonic fluids should generally be avoided
in children with febrile seizures. Measurement of the serum sodium levels was considered a
valuable investigation in the child with febrile seizure; the lower the serum sodium levels, the
higher the likelihood of recurrence of seizure 79,80.

Neuroimaging with computed tomography (CT) or MRI is not an essential necessity for
children with simple febrile seizures 72,81. Urgent neuroimaging (CT with contrast or MRI) is
mandated in children with abnormally large heads, a persistently abnormal neurologic
examination, specifically with focal signs, or signs and symptoms of increased intracranial
pressure 81,82


Routine electroencephalography (EEG) is not warranted, particularly in the setting of a

neurologically healthy child with a simple febrile seizure 72.
EEG changes typically obtained after the post ictal period include spikes, 4-6/sec slow
waves, or spike waves84-86. Specific abnormalities in EEG are more commonly seen in older
children, in child with multiple previous episodes, after focal seizures, and in those preexisting
motor abnormality 86. However, these abnormal EEG findings are neither predictive nor
prognostic of subsequent epilepsy or recurrences.
In children with complex febrile seizures, the requirement for an EEG depends on several
components and clinical judgment. A prolonged seizure, or the one that has focal signs,
warrants an EEG and neurologic follow-up since the chances of future epilepsy is greater. The
optimal timing of EEG is not well defined, but a study utilizing recordings performed within 72
hours of febrile status epilepticus suggests that this may be a useful timeframe for prognostic
purposes 87.

Acute management:

Emergency rescue therapy:

The majority of febrile seizures have terminated spontaneously by the time the child is being
evaluated for the first time, and the child is rapidly returning to the normal baseline. In such
cases, active intervention with benzodiazepines is not warranted. Fever should be treated

Intravenous benzodiazepines (diazepam 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg or lorazepam 0.05 to 0.1mg/kg) are
effective in aborting seizure in many cases. If the seizure persists, an additional dose may be
given. The child's respiratory and circulatory status should be monitored closely and an advanced
airway intervention (eg, bag-mask ventilation, laryngeal mask airway, definitive artificial
airway) must be undertaken if the spontaneous respiratory efforts or ventilation becomes

The efficacy and safety of intravenous benzodiazepines as first-line agents for the treatment of
seizures in children has been demonstrated in several randomized trials, primarily in children
with afebrile seizures or status epilepticus 88. In a randomized trial published, however, it was
concluded that lorazepam-treated children were more likely to be sedated (67 versus 50 percent)
When intravenous access is unavailable or cannot be achieved, buccal midazolam is an
effective alternative 90-92; a typical dose is 0.2 mg/kg, maximum dose 10 mg. A study concluded
that buccal or intranasal midazolam is as effective as intravenous diazepam in treating status
epilepticus, and buccal midazolam is superior to rectal diazepam in achieving seizure control 93.
Respiratory complications requiring assisted ventilation are similar, regardless of administration
route. 94,95.

Febrile status epilepticus:

Children with prolonged or recurrent seizures despite initial benzodiazepine therapy should
be treated promptly with additional anticonvulsant medications, as are other patients with status
epilepticus. The most commonly used drug in this setting is fosphenytoin (20 mg phenytoin
equivalents [PE]/kg intravenously). Efforts must be made to lower the temperature with
antipyretics and a cooling blanket.

Febrile status epilepticus rarely aborts spontaneously and often warrants the use of more than
one medication to control 71. In a prospective cohort study of 119 children presenting with
prolonged febrile seizures (>30 minutes), 70 percent of children required more than one
antiseizure drug, and delays in antiseizure drug administration were associated with longer
seizure duration 71.

Prehospital treatment:

Treatment of prolonged seizures by paramedics with either intramuscular midazolam or iv

lorazepam appears to be safe and effective in children with status epilepticus 97.
In a prospective study of children presenting to the emergency department with prolonged
febrile seizure (>15 minutes), 11 percent of those receiving rectal diazepam in the ambulance
responded, compared with 58 percent of patients treated with intravenous diazepam 96,71.

Discharge disposition:

Most children with simple febrile seizures may not necessarily require hospital admission and
can be discharged safely to home once they have attained the normal baseline and parents have
been educated about the possibility of recurrent febrile seizures.

Children with focal or prolonged seizures may warrant a more extended period of
observation, especially if there is a marked delayed in recovery to baseline or postictal focality.
In addition, they are at greater risk of having multiple seizures within the index illness. 98. 90%of
recurrences occurred within the first 24 hours.
Additional components to consider whether to admit a child include the compliance of the
outpatient follow-up (for focal or prolonged seizures), comfort level of the parents, and
severity of the underlying febrile illness (eg, hydration status, ability to take oral fluids).

Provision of home benzodiazepines:

In children having a history of prolonged febrile seizure, including febrile status epilepticus
(FSE), diazepam rectal gel (0.5 mg/kg) can be administered by parents at home if the episode
continues for longer than five minutes 99. Parents can be taught to safely administer the
medication at home, and one rectally administered dose will not lead to respiratory depression.

Whenever available, midazolam nasal spray is a safe alternative to rectal diazepam for home
administration. A comparison of midazolam nasal spray and rectal diazepam solution for
residential treatment of seizure exacerbations found that midazolam was equal in efficacy to
diazepam, and drowsiness occurred in more than 50 percent of administrations for both drugs 100.
In children with recurrent febrile seizures, those with long duration (defined as lasting longer
than 10 minutes) tend to have similar features in repeat episodes. Similarly, children who have
multiple risk factors for recurrent febrile seizures (focal onset, multiple seizures during the
episode) and have a prolonged febrile seizure often have prolonged recurrent febrile seizures 102.
Role of preventive therapy:

Prophylactic antiseizure drugs can reduce the incidence of recurrent febrile seizures, but
given the benign nature of most seizures, the risks of side effects generally outweigh the benefits
. Use of antipyretics at the first sign of fever does not seem to give protection from recurrent
febrile seizures.
Antiseizure therapy: 103,105
Children with febrile seizures are a greater risk for recurrent febrile seizures as well as the
development of afebrile seizures, suggesting a role for prophylactic therapy with chronic
antiepileptic drugs. However, there is a general consensus that risks of antiepileptic drug therapy
tremendously outweigh potential benefits for most patients.

The effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs was evaluated in a meta-analysis of studies for the
prevention of recurrent febrile seizures. While treatment with phenobarbital, valproate, or
intermittent oral or rectal diazepam was associated with reduced risk of recurrent seizures in the
short term (six months to two years) 104. The use of chronic antiepileptic drugs or the prevention of
recurrent febrile seizures is does not correlate with a reduced risk of epilepsy103.
A clinical practice guideline developed by the Committee on Quality Improvement,
Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures of the American Academy of Pediatrics concludes that neither
continuous nor intermittent anticonvulsive therapy is recommended for children with one or more
simple febrile seizures, depending upon the risk and benefits of effective therapies 103.

Treatment decisions should be individualized based upon underlying risk factors. However,
careful clinical history and review of the EEG in cases of complex febrile seizures or febrile status
epilepticus may reveal characteristics of an underlying epilepsy syndrome or potential risk for
developing a temporal lobe epilepsy, such as acute focal slowing on EEG or subsequent mesial
temporal sclerosis on MRI 83,87. The benefits of antiepileptic drug therapy may be more significant
than risks in such cases, particularly if caregiver‘s concern about recurrent seizures is high and the
risks of antiepileptic drug therapy are carefully considered.

For children who have had febrile seizures, treatment with antipyretics at the time of a
febrile illness may allay discomfort and be helpful in overall management, but it does not appear to
affect the recurrence rate of febrile seizures 103,104. In several clinical trials, it was found that
antipyretics were not effective at preventing the recurrence of febrile seizures. The potential
physiologic reasons why antipyretics do not prevent febrile seizures are antipyretics facilitate heat
loss but do not retard temperature elevation or lower the threshold convulsive temperature during
the initial stage of fever that triggers a seizure 11. Heat production is not inhibited by antipyretics,
but heat dissipation is augmented by increased peripheral blood flow and sweating 108.

Both acetaminophen and barbiturates decreases the body temperature by depression of the
central temperature regulatory mechanism. Phenobarbital inhibits heat production during the
pyrogenic stage of the fever, whereas acetaminophen facilitates heat loss at the height of the fever
or during its defervescence. The mechanism whereby phenobarbital reduces febrile seizure
recurrence may be related to both an antipyretic and anticonvulsant effect 11.

The prognosis for children with febrile seizures is favorable. While early reports had
suggested that febrile seizures were associated with greater risk of sudden death, the results from a
large population-based study signifies that the small excess in mortality among children with
febrile seizures is restricted only to those with complex febrile seizures 109.

Neurologic outcomes:
Neurological sequelae, including newer neurologic deficits, intellectual impairment, and
behavioral disorder, are infrequent following febrile seizures. Studies have proven that measures of
cognition, motor ability, and adaptive behavior in children were similar at one month after a first
febrile seizure and one year later 111. Whenever new deficits were reported, they have been
documented only after complex prolonged febrile seizures112.


To estimate the various risk factors for recurrence of febrile seizures in children aged 6
months to 60 months admitted in a tertiary care hospital.
 To investigate the effect of age, gender, temperature, past history of seizure,
developmental and family history, duration, type and number of seizures on recurrence
of febrile seizures.
 To describe the distribution of age, gender, duration of fever, type and duration of
seizure in occurrence of febrile seizure.
Descriptive o b s e r v a t i o n a l study

PICU department of Pediatrics RIMS Teaching Hospital, Raichur
The study period extended from Jan 2021 to dec 2021.

 Children aged 6 months to 60 months with both simple and complex febrile seizures
admitted in PICU department of Pediatrics RIMS Raichur.

Applied for institutional e t h i c a l committee approval.

 Children aged 6 months to 60 months with both simple and complex febrile seizures
admitted in PICU department of Pediatrics RIMS Raichur.

 Children with seizure suspected to have central nervous system infection

(meningitis, encephalitis) on first day itself and also diagnosed following LP.
 Children with seizure due to hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia

 Children with at least one episode of afebrile seizure

 Seizure following trauma, drug or toxin intake

 Seizure in children with CSOM


After getting informed written consent from the parents or care givers, Children of both
sexes from 6 months to 60 months of age having simple or complex febrile seizure were
admitted and investigated regarding various risk factors for recurrence of febrile seizure. Other
etiologies causing fever with seizure were excluded by history, clinical examination and
relevant investigations. Children with recurrent febrile seizures were reviewed with their old
records. All children either first episode or recurrence were followed up fortnightly in
specialty OPD during the study period. Missed children were followed up whenever they
had come to OPD.


They were asked about general information like name, age, sex, address and about
presenting complaints. If the complaints were fever with seizure, then they were
investigated regarding duration of fever prior to seizure, intensity of fever, type of
seizure, duration of seizure, number of seizures, associated other symptoms, past history of
febrile seizure, family history of febrile seizure and epilepsy and regarding developmental
mile stones. In case of children with past history of febrile seizure, they were also queried
about the age at initial febrile seizure, total episode of seizures. According to history, children
who had seizure associated with fever following trauma or drug / toxin intake were

Clinical examination:

After exclusion by history, the remaining children were examined for other causes of
fever associated with seizure mainly, features of increased ICP and CSOM. If any child
had the above- m e n t i o n e d features, he / she was excluded. The remaining
children were subjected to the following investigations.

Lab investigations:
o Hemoglobin
 If Hb level was less than 11 g / dl, it was considered as anemia.
o Random blood sugar
 Any child who had RBS less than 54 mg / dl, was excluded from this
o Renal function test
 Children with elevated RFT were also excluded. (urea > 40 mg / dl, Creatinine
> 1 mg / dl)

 Serum electrolytes:

o Serum sodium
Serum sodium level less than 135 meq / L was considered as low
sodium level.

o Serum Potassium
Children with K+ either < 3.5meq / L or > 5meq / L were considered
as having abnormal potassium level and excluded.
o Serum calcium.
Serum Calcium < 9 mg /dl was considered as hypocalcemia and
children having hypocalcemia were excluded from this study.

 Brain imaging and EEG were done in selected children when there was
suspicion of CNS infection or other seizure disorders. If the findings were
abnormal, then that child was excluded.

 CSF analysis was done in the following situations and the report was abnormal,
then the child was excluded from this study.

 LP was performed when there are meningeal signs or symptoms or other

clinical features suggestive of a possible meningitis or intracranial
 LP was considered in infants between 6 and 12 months if the
immunization status for H. influenzae type b or Streptococcus pneumoniae
is deficient or can‘t be determined.
 LP was considered when the patient is on antibiotics since antibiotic
therapy can mask the signs and symptoms of meningitis
After exclusion, the data was entered in the proforma. Then the children were categorized as

Categorization of Risk factors:

1. Age (<12 months, ≥12 months)

2. Gender (male, female)

3. Duration of fever (<24 hrs., ≥24 hrs.)

4. Intensity of temperature (<102.2°F, ≥ 102.2°F)

5. Type of febrile seizure (simple, complex)

6. Duration of seizure (< 5min, > 5 min)

7. Past history of febrile seizure (recurrence) (yes, no)

8. Number of recurrence (single, multiple)

9. Family history of febrile seizure (positive, negative)

10. Family history of epilepsy (positive, negative)

11. Developmental history (normal, delayed)

12. Hemoglobin (<11g/dl, ≥ 11g/dl)

13. Serum Sodium (<135meq, 135-145meq)


The data collected from the selected subjects were recorded in Master Chart.

The values analyzed with the help of SPSS version 16. Bivariate statistical

analysis of Chi – Square test was used to analyze and describe the effect of

various risk factors on recurrence febrile seizure.

‗ p ‘v a l u e less than 0.05 was considered to denote significant relationship.

Microsoft word & excel sheet were used to create tables, charts and graphs.
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Presenting complaints:

1.Fever 2.Seizures 3.Fever+Seizures 4.Any Other

Duration: 1. <24 hrs 2. >24hrs
Duration(minutes) :
1. < 1 2. 1-5 3. 6-10 4. 11-15 5. >15
Type :
1.Generalised 2. Focal
Number of episodes:

Past history
Previous febrile seizure : yes no

If yes total number :

Developmental history

Normal Delay

Family history

Febrile Convulsion: Yes No

If yes 1.Sibling 2. Parent
3.Cousin 4. Distant Relative

Clinical examination
Pedal oedema
Neurocutaneous markers




Height : Weight: HC:

Systemic examination:



Complete blood count



Serum electrolytes

serum calcium



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