Crystallization in Ternary Systems

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Crystallization in Ternary Systems

I. Equilibrium Crystallization Where all 2 Component Systems are Binary Eutectic

Figure 1 shows a three
dimensional representation of the
three component (ternary) system
ABC. Note that composition is
measured along the sides of the
basal triangle and temperature (or
pressure) is measured vertically.
The top of the figure shows a
surface with contour's
representing lines of constant
temperature. These contours are
called isotherms. Note that the
eutectic points in each of the
binary systems project into the
ternary systems as lines. These
lines are called boundary curves,
and any composition on one of
these curves will crystallize the
two phases on either side of the
Figure 2 shows the same figure
in two dimensions as seen from
above. The boundary curves and
isotherms are also shown
projected onto the basal triangle.
Note how the temperature
decreases toward the center of
the diagram

In Figure 3 we trace the

crystallization of composition X.
Figure 3 is the same as Figure 2,
with the isotherms left off for
greater clarity.
Note that the final solid must consist
of crystals A + B + C since the initial
composition is in the triangle ABC.

At a temperature of about 980° the

liquid of composition X would
intersect the liquidus surface. At this
point it would begin to precipitate
crystals of C. As temperature is
lowered, crystals of C would continue
to precipitate, and the composition of
the liquid would move along a
straight line away from C. This is
because C is precipitating and the
liquid is becoming impoverished in C
and enriched in the components A +

At a temperature of about 820°, point L in Figure 3, we can determine the relative proportion of
crystals and liquid.

% crystals = a/(a+b)*100

% liquid = b/(a+b)*100

With further cooling, the path of the liquid composition will intersect the boundary curve at
point 0. At the boundary curve crystals of A will then precipitate. The liquid path will then
follow the boundary curve towards point M. The bulk composition of the solid phase
precipitated during this interval will be a mixture of A + C in the proportion shown by point P.

At point M, the bulk composition of the solid phases so far precipitated through the cooling
history lies at point N (the extension of the straight line from M through the initial composition
X). At this time the % solid will be given by the distances :


and the % liquid by the distances:


Note, however, that the solid at this point consists of crystals of A and crystals of C. So, we
must further break down the percentages of the solid. This is done as follows: The percentage of
the solid that is A will be given by the distance from C to N relative to the distance between A
and C; i.e. by the formula:

%A in solid = (distanceNC/distanceAC)*100
Similarly, the percentage of the solid consisting of crystals of C is given by the formula:

%C in solid = (distanceAN/distanceAC)*100

We can now calculate the exact percentage of all phases present in composition X at a
temperature of 660° (where the liquid composition is at point M). The following formulae apply:

%A crystals = %A in the solid * %crystals/100


%A = (distanceNC/distanceAC)*100 * (distanceMX/distanceMN)


%C crystals = %C in the solid * % crystals/100


%C = (distanceNA/distanceAC)*100 * distanceMX/distanceMN

Note also that we can determine the composition of all phases present in the system at this
point. The composition of the liquid is given by reading the composition of point M off the
basal triangle. Since it is a mixture of A, B, and C, it will have a composition expressed in terms
of the percentages of A, B, and C. The composition of the solids are 100%A and 100% C; i.e.
they are pure solid phases (not mixtures).

With further cooling, the liquid composition will move to the ternary eutectic, E, at a
Temperature of about 650°, at which point crystals of B will precipitate. The temperature will
remain constant until all of the liquid is used up. The final crystalline product will consist of
crystals of A + B + C in the proportions given by the initial composition X.

Crystallization will proceed in an analogous manner for all other compositions in the ternary

To summarize, we can express the path of crystallization for composition X in an abbreviated

form as follows:

T > 980° All Liquid

980°-680° Liq + C

680°-650° Liq + C + A
T = 650° Liq + C + A + B

T < 650° C+ A + B (all solid)

At any temperature an isothermal

planecan be constructed through the
system that will show the phases
present for all compositions in the
ternary system. Such an isothermal
plane for the system ABC at 700° is
shown in Figure 4.

II. Crystallization in Ternary Systems that Contain a Compound that Melts Congruently.

A ternary system that has a binary system with a compound that shows congruent melting
(melts to a liquid of its own composition) is shown in Figure 5. Also shown is the binary system
X-Y that contains the intermediate compound W. The result of the addition of this intermediate
compound is essentially that the ternary system XYZ is divided into two smaller ternary
systems represented by triangles WYZ and XWZ.
Crystallization in this system is illustrated in Figure 6, where the isotherms have been removed
for simplicity.
We first note that any composition
within the triangle WYZ must end up
with crystals of W + Y + Z in the final
crystalline product, compositions in
the triangle XWY will end up with
crystals of X + W + Y, and
compositions on the line WZ must end
up with crystals of W + Z only.

Consider first crystallization of

composition A in Figure 6.
Crystallization begins at about 1160°
with separation of crystals of Z. The
composition of the liquid then changes
along a straight line away from Z.
When the temperature reaches about
680°, the liquid composition has
intersected the boundary curve at point

At this time, crystals of W begin to separate and with further lowering of temperature, the liquid
moves along the boundary curve, B-E1, precipitating crystals of Z + W. When the liquid
reaches the ternary eutectic, E1, crystals of X begin to separate along with crystals of W and Z.
The temperature remains constant at 640° until all of the liquid is used up leaving a final product
of crystals of X + W + Z in the proportions of the original composition, A.

We can summarize this crystallization history in abbreviated form as follows:

T > 1160° All liquid

1160°-680° Liq + Z

680°-640° Liq + Z + W

T = 640° Liq + Z + W + X

T < 640° Z + W + X (all solid)

Now consider the crystallization of composition M which lies on the binary system W-Z. Since
this is a binary system, only phases W and Z will be found in the final crystalline product. Thus,
crystallization will stop when the liquid composition reaches the point O, which is equivalent to
the binary eutectic in the system W-Z.

Again, we can construct

isothermal planes showing
the phases present in any part
of the system at any
temperature of interest. Such
an isothermal plane at 700°
for the system XYZ is shown
in Figure 7.

III. Crystallization in Ternary Systems Containing an Incongruently Melting Compound.

A. Equilibrium Crystallization

Figure 8 shows the ternary system ABC and one of the binary systems AB that contains a
compound, D, that melts incongruently. Note that incongruent melting of D continues into the
ternary system.

We will consider equilibrium crystallization of compositions P, Q, S, T and X, as all will

behave somewhat differently.

1. Crystallization of composition P

Since composition P lies in the triangle ADC, it must end up with crystals of A + D + C
in its final crystalline product. As the temperature is lowered, at about 1090°, crystals of
A will begin to precipitate. With continued cooling, the composition of the liquid will
change along the line away from A toward T, meanwhile, crystals of A continue to

When the temperature reaches 800°, at point T, crystals of D will precipitate along with
crystals of A.

With further cooling, the liquid will change composition along the boundary curve
toward R while the liquid reacts with crystal of A to produce crystals of D. Finally when
the temperature reaches about 680° at point R, crystals of C will begin to precipitate
while the liquid would react with some of the crystals of A until all the liquid is used up.
Crystallization would then cease, and temperature would drop below 680°, leaving a
mixture of crystals of A + D + C in the original proportion of composition P.

2. Composition Q, which lies on the join between D and C must end up with only crystals
of D + C. Crystallization of Q would follow a similar path as that of composition P, first
precipitating crystals of A from Q to T, then liquid reacting with A to make D while the
liquid composition moves along the boundary curve to R. At R, all of the previously
precipitated A would be used up to make crystals of D, and crystals of C would separate.

Crystallization would cease at point R leaving crystals of D + C in the original

proportion as composition Q.

3. We next consider crystallization of composition S which lies in the triangle DBC. Thus,
complete crystallization of composition S will result in a final assemblage of crystals of
D + B + C. Crystallization begins at a temperature of about 850° with separation of
crystals of A. This continues as the liquid composition changes from S to T as the
temperature drops to 800°. At 800° (T) the liquid begins to react with crystals of A to
form crystals of D. The liquid composition then changes along the boundary curve
towards point U as the temperature is reduced further. By the time point U is reached, all
of the crystals of A have been remade to crystals of D. The composition of the solid
phase precipitating is now pure D, as indicated by the line from the liquid composition at
U through the initial composition S. The liquid path then leaves the boundary curve at U
and moves across the field where pure D is crystallizing. When the liquid composition
reaches point N on the boundary curve between D + LIQ and C + LIQ, crystals of C
begin to form. The liquid then moves along the boundary curve toward the eutectic, E.
At E, crystals of B begin to separate and the temperature remains constant until all of the
liquid is gone. The final assemblage consists of crystals of B + D + C in the proportion
of the original composition.

Note that all compositions in the triangle DBC will reach the ternary eutectic, E, while
those compositions in the triangle ADC will reach only the ternary peritectic, R.
4. Note also that a composition, such as T will leave a boundary curve when the line
through the liquid composition and the original composition intersects the intermediate
compound, D. This occurs almost immediately after crystallization begins. The path of
crystallization for composition T is listed below:

T > 800° All Liquid

T = 800° Liq + D + A

800°-690° Liq + D

690°-580° Liq + D + B

T = 580° Liq + D + B + C

T < 580° D + B + C

5. The crystallization path of the composition x is shown in abbreviated form below.

T > 860° All Liquid

860°-810° Liq + D

810°-580° Liq + D + B
T = 580° Liq + D + B + C

T < 580° D + B + C

B. Fractional Crystallization

We next consider what might happen under conditions of fractional crystallization in the
system. As you recall, fractional crystallization occurs when a crystalline phase is somehow
removed from the system and is thus prevented from reacting with the liquid to form different

Consider now fractional crystallization of composition P in Figure 8. Under equilibrium

conditions, composition P would follow the path discussed above, becoming completely solid at
the ternary peritectic, R, with an assemblage of crystals of A + D + C.

We will consider fractional crystallization in steps for this example. That is at various points we
will imagine all of the previously precipitated crystals are somehow removed. At 1090°
composition P begins to crystallize. Crystals of A separate from the liquid. On cooling to point
Q, we remove all of the previously precipitated crystals of A, our system now has composition
Q, since we have removed part of the system that has already crystallized as crystals of A.

Cooling to point S, more crystals of A precipitate, and again are removed from the system. Note
that at this point, the system has the composition S. Further cooling of composition S, without
removing any more crystals from the system, would result in the liquid composition following
the equilibrium crystallization path of composition S, as discussed above. Note that composition
S is in the triangle D-C-B, and would end up crystallizing D, C, and B, in contrast to the
assemblage that would have crystallized from composition P (A, D, and C) if it had crystallized
under equilibrium conditions. Thus fractional crystallization of composition P would result in
not only a different final crystalline assemblage, but a final liquid composition which is very
different from the final liquid composition that would result from equilibrium crystallization.

If we continue our fractional crystallization of composition P, starting with the liquid (and
system) having a composition of S, further cooling to point T on the boundary curve, results in
further precipitation of A. If we remove all crystals of A, the system now has a composition T.
Because no crystals are present to react with the liquid to form crystals of D, the liquid
composition will not change along the boundary curve towards R, but instead will move directly
across the field where only D is precipitated. When the temperature reaches 680°, at point V,
crystals of B form and the liquid composition changes along the boundary curve toward E. At E,
crystals of C form and our final assemblage consists of crystals of D + B + C. Note how
fractional crystallization has allowed the liquid to become enriched in B, while under
equilibrium conditions no crystals of B could have formed.

The system discussed above is very similar to the behavior of the system Mg2SiO4 - SiO2 -
CaAl2Si2O8, where A = Forsterite, B = Quartz, C = Anorthite, and D = Enstatite. Thus,
knowledge of the crystallization behavior of such a system is in many ways analogous to what
may happen in magmas and shows how a basaltic magma, that would normally only crystallize
forsterite, enstatite, and plagioclase, could change to a rhyolitic magma that would crystallize
IV. Ternary System with a Binary Solid Solution.
Figure 9 shows the ternary
system Albite - Anorthite -
Diopside. As you recall, albite
and anorthite form a complete
solid solution series (the
plagioclase series). Anorthite
and diopside form a eutectic
system, as do albite and
diopside. However, the eutectic
in the system albite-diopside is
very close to pure albite. The
solid solution between albite
and anorthite continues into the
ternary system and is expressed
by the boundary curve
connecting the two binary
eutectics. Note that this
boundary curve forms a
"temperature valley" in the
ternary system.
We will now consider equilibrium crystallization of 2 compositions on the plagioclase side of
the boundary curve. It must be noted that geometrical methods will not predict the exact path of
equilibrium crystallization in systems of this type. We here give an approximate path consistent
with experimental results.
First, consider crystallization of
composition D, in Figure 10,
which is 27% Albite, 46%
Anorthite and 28% diopside. The
final product should consist of
pure diopside and a plagioclase of
composition 63% Anorthite.

At a temperature of about 1325°

the liquid begins to crystallize
with separation of plagioclase of
composition 99% anorthite. As
the liquid is cooled, it moves
along the curved path D-P, while
continually reacting with the
previously precipitated
plagioclase to form a more albitic

By the time the liquid composition has reached point P, the Plagioclase has the composition
98% anorthite. this is found by extending a line from the liquid composition through the initial
composition (D) back to the base of the triangle.

With continued cooling, the liquid composition will eventually reach the boundary curve at
point M, at which time the plagioclase has the composition S (90% anorthite).

We now construct what is known as a three phase triangle. It is shown in the figure by the
straight line connecting the three phases in equilibrium, Di (solid), liquid (point M) and
plagioclase solid solution (Point S).

With continued cooling, the liquid composition changes along the boundary curve towards pure
albite. Meanwhile the plagioclase solid solution is continually made over to more albitic

Crystallization ceases when the base of the three phase triangle intersects the original
liquid composition, D. Such a three phase triangle with apices Di, I, F, is shown in the figure. It
indicates that the last liquid has the composition I, and is in equilibrium with pure diopside and
a plagioclase composition of 70% anorthite (point F).

Crystallization of composition P will be similar to that of D. Note, however that the liquid
composition will follow a different path and intersect the boundary curve at point L. The liquid
composition will then change along the boundary curve until the base of the three phase triangle
Di, H, G, intersects the initial composition P. The final assemblage will then consist of pure
diopside and plagioclase of composition G (60% anorthite).

We now consider what would happen if the solid material were removed somehow, and
prevented from reacting with the liquid. This is the case of fractional crystallization. Suppose
we start again with composition D and cool it to a point where the liquid has the composition P.
If we now remove all of the plagioclase that has crystallized up to this point, our liquid, and thus
our entire system (without the removed crystals) now has the composition P. As we saw in the
example above, composition P follows a different path of crystallization than composition D,
and will produce a plagioclase of more albitic composition that of composition D. Thus, by
continually removing plagioclase from contact with the liquid, it is possible, under perfect
fractionation conditions to produce an almost pure albitic plagioclase from a liquid which would
give a very calcic plagioclase under perfect equilibrium conditions.

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