Pramenka Sheep Breed Types
Pramenka Sheep Breed Types
Pramenka Sheep Breed Types
Pramenka sheep breed types have arisen in quite specific area, the
Balkan peninsula. This region is situated at the cross-roads of the land and sea
routes between the east and the west. It is well known that peaty sheep was present
during the neolithic period in the Balkan area. This type of sheep was long tailed.
Around 3000 BC, the short tailed copper sheep was also present in the region. The
sheep group which is considered to be a descendent of these two and which is an
indigenous breed in the Western Balkan region is called pramenka.
Pramenka characteristics
Sheep’s coarse, open fleece hangs in open locks, from which pramenka breed
derives the name (lock = pramen). All pramenka types are frugal and hardy
animals, adapted to migratory life which keeps them outside all over the year with
poor reserve of supplementary feed. Pramenka sheep strains are late-maturing
(4-5 years of age). Sheep conformation is harmonious, but they may be rather
narrow in the body. The profile of face is straight, sometimes convex among ewes
and usually convex among rams. Generally, rams are horned and ewes are polled.
The face and legs are bare but top-knot may be present. In the past, flock size rarely
exceeded 200 animals; nowadays it ranges from 10 to 50.