Affidavit of Waiver and Quitclaim
Affidavit of Waiver and Quitclaim
Affidavit of Waiver and Quitclaim
That I, Angeli G. Villanueva Filipino, of legal age, a resident of 143 Roda 20 Project 8 Quezon
City, after having been sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state that:
3. That my father is still alive yet very ill and currently cannot affix his signature on any
4. That because of this, we are opting to use my signature alone to effect the trade of the
aforementioned RTBs.
6. I declare that I have fully understood the contents of this document, and that the document
has been explained to me in a dialect / language I understand.
7. I further declare that I voluntarily and willingly executed and signed this Release, Waiver and
Quitclaim with full knowledge of my rights under the law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at _________, this 19th day of July 2021.
Angeli G. Villanueva
_____________________ ____________________
Witness Witness
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public in and for Pasay City, Philippines, this 19th
day of July, 2021 came and appeared the affiant with _____ID______issued on _______ at ______
and valid until ______________.
_________________________ _________________________
________________________) S.S.