Traditional Medicine - Approach and Practice

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The traditional medicine has lasted owing to the fact that it is born out of the countless
experiences of whole generations, from century to century, from millennium to millennium; it
is born out of traditions; it is actual and it comes from the beginning; it is as modern now in
its efficiency as it was back then. As present generation, it is our duty to keep intact this
treasury called traditional medicine and – if we are not able to improve and enrich it – it is our
duty to pass it in the same condition to the next generations, too.

A human being may prove that he exists

if he understands that there is white and
black, night and day, far and near, object
or shadow at the horizon, and he can tell
what all these are: reflection, colors,
lights or Creation; he understands and he
can make us understand what each of
them are in his turn. A human being may
choose to live in white or black. It is his
right to do it. The difference is that in
white you evolve, you work and you
create, while in black you rest yourself.

The first men went without sin into the Kingdom of Heaven. The next generation went
into the Kingdom of Heaven, task half-done and half-mistakes, because they hadn’t
understood exactly and they hadn’t assimilated the first men’s teaching faithfully. We, people
today, ignorant of tradition, we have erred insomuch that all that remains us to do is wait for
the Last Judgment, with all the consequences of our mistakes.

We took the liberty to forgive, we took the liberty to judge, we took the liberty to
usurp our fellows’ will, and we took the liberty to crucify, as well. After all these, we dared
believe in Redemption without giving any consideration to tradition and its stored treasure.

The development processes of a human being pertaining to the human race must be
approached in two ways and by two branches: psycho-somatic improvement and spiritual
evolution. In the first case we shall discuss about the integrity of the human being’s psychic
and body; in the latter one about the human being’s spiritual evolution, which depends on the
human being’s ideal and continuous searches. In this material I describe the human path
of psycho-dynamic evolution, namely the human being’s dynamics on the path of evolution
and his reactions to various experiences; and the somatic improvement, as well.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

The main causes triggering a person’s disorders are SADNESS and INSECURITY,
which have grown into CONSTANT WORRY.

Pain and various affections are a challenge for the human being, both as individual and
as science. We haven’t got any historical source that tells us how diseases appeared in the
world. We have diseases and we have treatments but we haven’t got either any scientific
research or any explanation as to how the phenomenon of disease occurred in the world. In
our century, the diseases with the highest mortality rate are: tuberculosis, myocardial
infarction, obesity, cancers, schizophrenia and depression of various types. The last two ones
existed in the past, too; they have existed since the beginning of human evolution. Most often
genetic mutations are the triggering factors of various affections. The external factors causing
genetic mutations are cosmic phenomena, major climatic changes and so on. The internal
factor is considered to be the structure alteration of leukocytes and erythrocytes.

There are other hypotheses, too, such as: the human being has been born (and used to
be) perfectly healthy and indestructible. Searching and searching, the human being found that
he had a spirit; ever since then there has been an incessant war fought between soul and spirit;
either they managed to become one or they would rot. In the course of time, body began to
lose battle to soul.

Or: in the way they are viewed, diseases are the

expression of a person’s different approaches
which are born out of a person’s various
conceptions, namely the pragmatic and the
spiritual one. In different ages, civilizations
like the Assyrians, the Mayans and the Greeks
stated that the various diseases were a
consequence of people’s mistakes; they were
gods’ punishment for people’s shameful acts.
As, from various reasons, the human being lost
his independence, the gods were born. With the
gods, were born the ruling factors of the human
civilization, namely: FEAR, OBEDIENCE

Thus being dominated by force, the human being lost the war and the certainty that
offered him stability; the strong and independent human being no longer existed; only the
human being turned into obeisant and vulnerable individual did. The above-mentioned
civilizations accepted as hypothesis the idea that diseases are accidental but necessary for the
human being; if the human being were not dejected and broken down, that would help him
change, evolve and adapt to the environmental changes. In old times, they thought that falling
ill was accident, fate and destiny at the same time and that you could prevail by your own
force alone; you could recover your health with the help of nature and of its produces and
change your destiny.

The human being may choose between contending with his condition and with his
subduing affections or wondering where the affections have come from; why they have
occurred to him of all people; how long he were to put up with the situation and whether he
should put up with it at all.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

A disease doesn’t just happen to strike out of clear blue sky. It settles little by little by
little, like an avalanche gathering the small mistakes we accumulate and never treat along
time. The avalanche once settled, it is hard to undo it. However it is possible, provided that we
should know how to do it. Through his own evolution, the human being who understands that
the resources of eternity are to be found in nature; who knows that disease is the teacher of
life for a person’s own weakness, can turn these weaknesses into a scourge against the
diseases and can become a strong and developed human.

Each human being must understand and realize that health is the harmony between
contraries. The person must also know that he cannot dissociate his disease from his spiritual
and emotional state. Those who treat the somatic condition alone are definitely wrong. Where
the person is psychosomatically balanced, no disease will occur, because there is no breach in
his defense. Therefore, the disease occurs because – from various reasons – the individual
protective shield has given in.

The physical disorder influences the person’s emotional state; but if the misbalance of
the latter one lasts too long, the physical condition will constantly decay, leading to death
eventually. It is a proven fact that – when a person lives in fear, depression, wrath and anger
for a long time (whether consciously or not), and in insecurity as well, worrying too long, his
body undergoes constant changes and wear, which sentence him to death. The continuous
insecurity destroys the immune system slowly and therefore it is easy to understand why we
are so vulnerable to all kinds of viruses and bacteria.

As regards our healing, especially in the very severe stages of various diseases, the
following factors are very important: finding the way to the perfect emotional balance, our
desire to get healthy, our belief in healing and our trust in those people in whose hands we
have put our life for them to cure us (physician and not in the least those who surround us:
family and friends). It is very interesting to know that the neuropsychological context helps
the somatic (body) balance fundamentally. In other words, if stress is avoided, body and
immune system will recover perfectly by themselves.

The fact that the emotional state is a decisive factor in being healthy or ill was proven
by the experiment with ten patients with cancer in terminal stage. Being asked what their
emotional condition was before and after they fell ill, they revealed a number of disorders in
their emotional state as well serious conflicts in their families. As the stressful factors were
removed, in seven of the cases the patients’ condition improved and they even get healed. In
the other three cases, it was proven that the patients didn’t believe either in themselves or in
the success of the treatment any more. The patients believed in the allopathic medicine and
they expected immediate results without having patience
and trust.

The traditional medicine, whose history is as old

as the planet and as nature, treats the cause, not the
effect. In this case, the herbs, the various acupuncture
techniques and other methods as well, take effect later,
but when they do, they treat all the affections,
irrespective of their gravity. In a patient’s curing process
there is one more thing that must be taken into
consideration apart from the psychological factors and
this is whether he will be able to go on with him life
without any psychological or financial threat, when he
returns into society a healthy man.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

If his living environment doesn’t change, too, and if he comes back to an economically
precarious living environment, then his fate is sealed.

Thus be the case, the patient could be trained psychologically very well, so that he
should ignore the precarious economical condition and to open himself to new horizons,
values and an ideal that he would follow until he begins to evolve himself. In this rests the
complexity of traditional medicine – it heals and guides a person towards life and towards a
complex ideal.

One third of the affections that a human being has to bear are unavoidable. However,
two thirds occur as a result of our wrong deeds and enterprises, which are nonexistent,
insignificant and almost unnoticeable to the Universe, because a human being who does not
evolve does not present any interest; or, if he does not present any interest it is as if he had
never existed and if he had never existed what is the point of healing a null one? You let him
become part of the natural cycle.

The policy in traditional medicine is that we must learn to see how much we have
done ourselves so that we should not be affected by various diseases; how we think; how we
respect our fellow men, the rest of the species and the nature, as well; all these in order to
know what to expect for ourselves and where we stand in our relation with nature and with
everything else that surrounds us. In the life of a disoriented human being, hatred and
resignation before fate complete each other; consequently, depression follows, which leads to
total misbalance and to the unavoidable decay and death.

Before death, the last stage of a person’s lack of evolution is the destruction of faith
and love, or a person does not exist without them and that person’s fate is well deserved. It
was proven that the human being who does not make any effort to evolve hates himself in the
first place and next he hates everything and everyone surrounding him. Such beings commit
suicide by carelessness, namely alcohol abuse, drugs, smoking, speeding, overworking and by
many other things, too, because they do not hold themselves in high esteem.

In the traditional medicine it is a known fact that the persons lying in their sickbed too
long are attacked by various deities of the Inferno, who rejoice over having another fallen
victim which they attack until their final victory. The deities of hatred are enraged with the
human beings who win their liberty of proving themselves human beings of the human
species. The human being who does not know the nature; who does not use and know the
herbs and their benefits is often a certain victim in the struggle with various diseases.

Beside that one, there is one more category: persons who indulge themselves in their
illness and, instead of fighting, they expect everyone else to do everything for them. In psycho
dynamic language, this state is called mental decay and psycho emotional depression.

The temperament of the affected person is very important in this case, to ensure
healing or failure. A balanced person, full of life, can get healthy very quickly, but a listless
and slack one only hardly will or not at all.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

When treating a patient, we must approach him
with maximum seriousness; in addition, diagnosing and
treatment must be done accurately. If we pay enough
attention, we are well trained and have the patient’s full
cooperation, there is no way we can fail in traditional
medicine. In traditional medicine, the physician must
have upper training, because the fate of a human being
is in his hands. His skill will snatch his patient out of the
fire. Where the wrong man asks for funds, they will
only mislead the patient and they will be wrongly
invested. Therefore the physician is very important.

Sometimes, a treatment is health for one patient but poison for another; therefore it is
crucial that the physician should be skilled and well trained. Obviously, the traditional
medicine provides countless ways to the success of a treatment, provided that the treatment
should be done properly, with love and faith. There is no human being who does not need
help. This help must be accepted when needed. They say about those people who are always
healthy that both God and the Devil have turned their backs on them. This means they have
never existed and they never will. However, the important thing is that there is God, there is
nature and there is traditional medicine. The traditional medicine is a treasure. Those people
who find it will guard and treasure it in their turn. Those who don’t find it, well, diseases of
all kind will find them.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

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