Behavior Plan: Our Classroom Rules

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Behavior Plan

Mrs. Ray’s Classroom | Seward Elementary School

At all times, students are expected to behave in a manner that is

appropriate for a child of this age and that is conducive to a positive
learning environment. The following classroom rules are broad and easy to
understand. They set the tone for children to be learners and helpers. This
behavior plan promotes the type of learning climate that I believe all
students deserve.

Our Classroom Rules:

1. We use “I care” language.
2. Hands are for helping, not hurting.
3. We are respectful toward other people.
4. We are responsible for what we say and do.
5. We listen to each other.

How It Works:

Each child has a clothespin with his or her assigned number attached to a
behavior chart. Every day, children start with their clip on the “Right-On
Rhino” part of the board. When I notice caring, helping behavior, a
clothespin can be moved up the chart. When a child chooses inappropriate
behavior based on the above five rules, a clothespin can be moved down the
chart. The goal is to stay on “Right-on Rhino” (or higher) all day. If the child
moves either up or down the chart, there are consequences (see below). At
the end of each day, all children will record what level their clothespin sits
on in their behavior journal. When a child’s clothespin is below “Right-on
Rhino,” you will receive an “Oops” notice, which will be sent home with the

During the year, all children will receive frequent positive comments and
reinforcement about appropriate behaviors. The goal is for each child to
develop a positive outlook and sense of self-worth, which creates inward
motivation to grow as a kind, caring, and motivated human being. If you are
not receiving “Oops” notices, you can be confident that your child’s behavior
is appropriate. If you are receiving “Oops” notices, please consider
discussing with your child how he or she can make better choices and follow
the classroom rules. Please note that clothespins can be moved up or down,
consequences occur, and “Oops” notices can be sent home for unwanted
behaviors that occur outside of my classroom.

This year, our entire school has implemented a “no talk – quiet zone” policy in
the hallways at all times for all students. This is a new expectation, so
students who have been at Seward Elementary School in prior years will have
to adapt. We will be working hard to practice this and learn this new

If at any time you wish to talk with me about your child’s behavior, please e
- mail or call to set up an appointment. Research shows that a strong teacher
– parent team brings about positive results for the child in many aspects of
school life. On that note, I hope you will support my attempts to instill
positive behavior in your child.

So that I know you are aware of my policy, please complete the

signature page and return it to me as soon as possible.


Mrs. Ray

Consequence Behavior Chart
Hangs on the bulletin board on the north side of the classroom toward
the window.

Level Consequence
Marvelous Monkey Extra privileges (i.e., computer time, 10
minutes of free time, etc.)
Terrific Tiger Eat with a friend during lunch.
Jolly Giraffe Ray of Sunshine
Right-On Rhino Right on!
Listen Lion Reminder of appropriate behavior being
Endangered Elephant Phone call home. Sit apart from
Sad Snake Phone call home. Visit to Principal’s

Daily Behavior Journal
Each child has a behavior journal.

Oops Note
Today I landed on:

 
Listen Lion Endangered Elephant Sad Snake

The reason is that I:

Would not stay in my seat. Did not listen.

Would not wait my turn to talk. Would not finish my work.

Acted silly and played instead of

Would not follow directions.
being a learner.

Used uncaring language toward Misbehaved during P.E., Music, or

another person. Library.

Used my hands in a hurtful way

Misbehaved on the playground.
toward another person.

Used my hands in a hurtful way

Misbehaved during lunch.
toward an object.

Did not behave with respect

Misbehaved in the bathroom.
toward another person.

Showed irresponsibility. Talked in the hallway.

Did not work well during partner

Misbehaved during Computer Lab.
or team work.

I have read and understand the Behavior Plan that is being used
in Mrs. Ray’s Classroom.

____________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian signature Date

Name of Child

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