m1112sp Iiia 1 Carino, Mylene

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process
by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

School BONIFACIO NHS Grade Level 11

Teacher CHENDY A. TOONG Learning Area STATISTICS &
Time & Dates Quarter 4TH

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of random
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply an appropriate random variable for a given
real-life problem ( such as in decision making and games of chance)
C. Learning Competencies / M11/12SP-IIIA-1
Objectives. The learners illustrates a random variable (discrete and continuous)
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Random Variables
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Probability & Statistics Books
Introductory Activity Group Activity: Gallery Walk
(5 minutes). This part The class will have 5 groups and apply brainstorming afterwards,
introduces the lesson consolidate their ideas about Random variable. Select one
content. Although at times representative to elaborate and identify what are common answers. (w/
optional, it is usually Rubric)
included to serve as a
warm-up activity to give the
learners zest for the
incoming lesson and an idea
about what it to follow. One
principle in learning is that
learning occurs when it is
conducted in a pleasurable
and comfortable
Activity/Strategy Simulation-Games:
(10minutes). This is an Every group will present games that are related to discrete and
interactive strategy to elicit continuous random variable.
learner’s prior learning
experience. It serves as a
springboard for new
learning. It illustrates the
principle that learning starts
where the learners are.
Carefully structured
activities such as individual
or group reflective exercises,
group discussion, self-or
group assessment, dyadic or
triadic interactions, puzzles,
simulations or role-play,
cybernetics exercise, gallery
walk and the like may be
created. Clear instructions
should be considered in this
part of the lesson.
Analysis (8 minutes). After the group presentation, the learners will come up to the concepts
Essential questions are of discrete and continuous random variable.
included to serve as a guide 1. What is the definition of discrete and continuous random
for the teacher in clarifying variable?
key understandings about 2. What is the difference between discrete and continuous random
the topic at hand. Critical variable?
points are organized to 3. Give 3 examples of discrete and continuous random variable in
structure the discussions our barangay.
allowing the learners to 4. How is it relevant to real-life situation?
maximize interactions and
sharing of ideas and
opinions about expected
issues. Affective questions
are included to elicit the
feelings of the learners
about the activity or the
topic. The last questions or
points taken should lead the
learners to understand the
new concepts or skills that
are to be presented in the
next part of the lesson.
Abstraction (15minutes). Group Activity:
This outlines the key Based on the questions above the learners will share and select one
concepts, important skills reporter to discuss their answers. They are allowed to ask questions to
that should be enhanced, the reporter. (w/ Rubric)
and the proper attitude that
should be emphasized. This Select 5 students to generalize what they have learned.
is organized as a lecturette
that summarizes the
learning emphasized from
the activity, analysis and
new inputs in this part of
the lesson.
Application (5minutes). This By pair:
part is structured to ensure Draw discrete and continuous variable in the field of:
the commitment of the Education,
learners to do something to environment ,
apply their new learning in society ,
their own environment. family, or

Assessment (7minutes). For

the Teacher to: Possible Activities
a) Assess whether learning Investigation, Role Play, Oral
objectives have been met Presentation, Dance, Musical
for a specified duration, Performance, Skill
b) Remediate and/or enrich Demonstration, Group
with appropriate strategies Activity (e.g. Choral Reading),
as needed, and c) Evaluate Debate, Motor &
whether learning intentions Psychomotor Games,
and success criteria have Simulation Activities, Science
been met. Experiment
(Reminder: Formative Divide the students into four groups. Hands-on Math Activities,
Assessment may be given Provide further examples of situations Written Work and Essay,
before, during, or after the where discrete and continuous Picture Analysis, Comic Strip,
lesson). variables affects their daily lives. Panel Discussion, Interview,
Choose any from the Create a model that represents your Think-Pair-Share, Reading
Assessment Methods below. answer and present in front of the
Worksheets for all subjects,
Essay, Concept Maps/Graphic
Organizer, Project, Model,
Artwork, Multimedia
Presentation, Product made
in technical-vocational
Skill Performance Test, Open-
Ended Question, Practicum,
Pen and Paper Test, Pre and
Post Test, Diagnostic Test,
Oral Test, Quiz
Assignment/Agreement Paper-pencil
(____ minutes). Fill-in
below any of the four Classify each if the following statements are related to discrete or
purposes continuous data by writing the data in the box provided for.
 Reinforcing /
strengthening the
day’s lesson
 Enriching / inspiring
the day’s lesson
 Enhancing /
improving the day’s
 Preparing for the new
V. REMARKS Re-teaching(Vacant time)
Indicate special cases Giving learning activity sheets (LAS).
including but not limited to Consists of Concept notes, examples and exercises.
continuation of lesson plan
to the following day in case
of re-teaching or lack of
time, transfer of lesson to
the following day, in cases
of class suspension, etc.
Reflect on your teaching and Learner’s performances were high and they really participate in group
assess yourself as a teacher. activities. The teaching pedagogies and assessment were aligned to the
Think about your student’s given objectives.
progress. What works?
What else needs to be done
to help the students learn?
Identify what help your
instructional supervisors can
provide for you so when you
meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
Indicate below whichever
is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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