InTech FOCUS Final Control Elements Dec2020

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An InTech e-edition covering the

NOVEMBER 2020 fundamentals of automation

Final Control
Remote Mounting of
Valve Positioners

IIoT-Enabled Control

Understanding Valve
Sensors and Switches

Hybrid Valve Actuator

for Subsea Production
intech focus


Digitalization of industrial processes covers a range of systems and devices including final control
elements such as valves, actuators and pumps. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology is
transforming or enabling formerly mechanical devices to become connected, communicative and
otherwise “smart,” and the benefits are being realized in industrial plants around the world. This
edition of InTech Focus concentrates on understanding the fundamentals of IIoT-enabled valve con-
trollers, including the range of sensors and switches that can make valves and instruments smart,
as well as the benefits of remotely mounting valve positioners. You can also get a early look at a
hybrid valve actuator that is enabling all-underwater oil and gas production.

InTech magazine is the official publication of ISA—The International Society of Automation. It is

published six times per year. InTech Focus is its counterpart, brought to you in conjunction with This series of electronic magazines focuses on the fundamentals of essential
automation components, such as instrumentation, final control elements, networks, drives, and
more. Six times a year, look for InTech Focus to learn how to choose instrumentation and control
solutions, as well as apply them, calibrate them, and optimize their contribution to efficient opera-

Find other ebooks in the series at


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Renee Bassett, Chief Editor

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intech focus

In This Issue

05 Benefits of Remote Mounting of Valve Positioners

By Bob Goodwin, Valve Accessories & Controls
Reduce the frequency of maintenance and downtime while improving precision of control
and reliability.

12 Transform Operations with IIoT-Enabled Control Valves

By Clint Schneider and Michael Lester, ISA Smart Manufacturing & IIoT Division
Plant production relies on the performance and availability of control valves, which makes
them a top priority in IIoT projects.

19 Sensors and Switches for Valves and Flowmeters

By Honeywell Sensing
Understand the wide range of sensor and switch options available.

25 A Look at the First Hybrid Actuator for the All-Subsea Factory

By Dr. Alexandre Orth, Bosch Rexroth
A new energy-efficient and safe alternative to commonly used hydraulic or electro-mechanical
actuators is now available.

Upcoming Issues: Account Managers:

January 2021: Flow & Level Chris Nelson

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March 2021: Temperature & Pressure

May 2021: Process Safety & Control Richard Simpson

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When it comes to the “Smart” choice...

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V 200

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best product for YOUR application.


intech focus | FINAL CONTROL

Benefits of Remote
Mounting of Valve
Positioners By Bob Goodwin

Reduce the frequency

of maintenance and
downtime while
improving precision of
control and reliability

ften, control valve pack-
ages are mounted in harsh
environments where re-
mote mounted positioners would
be beneficial. Remote mounting
is beneficial because it limits the
number of sensitive components
mounted directly to the valve pack-
age. The use of a remotely mount-
ed positioner offers a solution to a
tough control valve installation in
the facility. We have seen the use
of remote mounted positioners re-
duce the frequency of maintenance
and downtime. In these particular



circumstances, remote mounting improves precision of control and reliability, as well as increases the
quality of the process.

Remote mounting of valve positioners is not a new concept. The first remote mounting concept
was a pneumatic positioner that requires a 3-15psi input signal mounted directly to the valve with
an I/P module mounted remotely. This I/P module converts the electrical control input, typically
4-20mA at 24VDC, to a pneumatic output of 3-15psi for the valve positioner. This allows the I/P
module to be mounted where its electrical circuits and delicate mechanisms are not influenced by
the harsh conditions at the valve.

The I/P can be mounted free standing, or inside Selecting a remote positioner
a panel. Mounting the I/P inside a panel allows the To properly select a remote positioner,
enclosure to meet an electrical classification, to be the following factors must be addressed:
cooled in a high temperature area, or to be purged
with air or inert gas to prevent a corrosive environ- ● The electrical classifications of
ment from affecting it. With this solution, the only the valve location as well as the
connections that cross into the hazardous areas are surrounding area.
the two pneumatic lines—one to provide supply pres-
● The temperature of the valve and
sure to the pneumatic positioner to power the valve
surrounding area.
actuator, and one low pressure signal line from the
remotely mounted I/P module to the pneumatic po- ● Any environmental conditions that you
sitioner. need to overcome such as corrosion.

Using a pneumatic positioner with a remotely ● Any process conditions that you
mounted I/P allows the positioner to be constructed need to overcome such as shock or
of more durable materials and be designed to handle vibration.
high vibration and high temperatures (above 300°F)
that would not allow the use of electrical sensors.

Digital positioners change the game

With the introduction of digital positioners, the con-
cept of remote mounting has to be altered. Many
digital positioners are not available with construction
suitable for use in explosion-proof/flame-proof areas.
A potential solution to this is to isolate the sensor
from the digital positioner’s signal processing and air
handling portion (head unit) of the positioner. The
sensor may be a potentiometer, or Hall effect sensor.
These are small enough that they can be mounted
in existing enclosures suitable for use in hazardous Typical I/P used in a remote
electrical locations. The sensor is connected to the mount application.



positioner head unit with a low voltage cable. There will also be one more pneumatic line that
connects the head unit to the valve actuator to power it.

Such digital sensors are particularly resistant to high vibration; however, it is difficult to find one
to handle temperature higher than 210°F/100°C. That means very high temperature applications
may not be the best application for digital products.

Applications using remotely mounted digital positioners also offer advantages for staff safety.
One advantage a digital positioner can offer is full calibration capability without entering the haz-
ardous area. This can prevent the need for hot work permits or the use of specialty personal protec-
tive equipment. The need for fall protection, ladders, man lifts etc. can also be greatly reduced as
direct access to the valve location is not needed for calibration.

Digital positioner solutions are available in a variety of communication protocols with HART be-
ing the most prevalent. Other communication protocols include Foundation Fieldbus and Profibus.
They can also be configured without digital communication capabilities where the positioner is
microprocessor-based, but does not require your plant to have digital communication control sys-
tems or software installed.

The VAC line of quality positioner products includes the simple V100, versatile V200, the digital
D400 and D500 high tier digital positioner.



Remote mounting for linear applications

Another type of remotely mounted positioner, used mostly in linear applications, utilizes the digi-
tal positioner’s signal processing and air handling portion in conjunction with a third-party sensor.
These sensors are often mounted parallel to or embedded into the cylinder and can include linear
variable differential transformers (LVDT), inductive sensors powered by 4-20mA, or unpowered
linear variable resistors (linear potentiometers).

These systems allow any stroke length to be used, or for positioners to be applied to a wide variety
of equipment that uses pneumatic cylinders in modulating applications. They include dampers and
damper drives, knifegate valves, and specialty
equipment. The use of this style of linear sen-
If you have a persistent problem with sors will require a close relationship between
the positioner and actuator manufacturers
positioner life or control valve performance,
to provide a fully integrated solution where
consider a remotely mounted positioner the positioner and sensor in the actuator are
option as a solution. matched to provide the best performance for
your application.

Problems solved with remotely mounted positioners

Below are some examples of situations where offering a remotely mounted positioner has led to
a solution.

1. The positioner is not available in the correct electrical area classification.

Problem: A chemical plant has a control valve mounted within a Class 1, Division 1, Group B
Explosion-proof environment. The desired Digital Positioner is not available with a Class 1, Divi-
sion 1, Group B area classification.

Solution: Their Digital positioner head unit with a Class 1, Division 2 Group B-G can be mounted
outside the explosion-proof area perimeter. A sensor with the correct Class 1, Division 1, Group B
certification is mounted on the valve within the explosion-proof perimeter and installed using the
correct conduit and seal fittings to ensure that the installation also meets the area classification.

2. The damper is installed in a very hot environment.

Problem: With temperatures at the damper location averaging 250°F/121°C electrical and
electronic components fail rapidly or do not work at all.

Solution: A Pneumatic positioner constructed with a Nickle plated housing, and silicone elas-
tomers is mounted on the damper actuator. This construction allows the positioner to operate



continuously at temperatures up to 325°F/163°C. An I/P module is mounted in a cabinet nearby

that is cooled using a fresh air, or a vortex cooler. The I/P module receives the 4-20mA electrical
signal from the control system and outputs a 3-15psi pneumatic signal directly to the pneumat-
ic positioner mounted on the damper actuator.

3. High vibration in a pipe causes instability in a control valve.

Problem: High frequency pipeline vibration causes instability and oscillation of a control valve. Com-
ponent failure in both the electronic and pneumatic parts of the positioner causes this instability.

Solution: Separate the positioner head unit and its vibration sensitive components from the
much more durable sensor. The positioner head unit can be mounted up to 33ft/10m away
from the valve. The sensor is lighter more durable and able to withstand the vibration in the
pipeline restoring control to the process.

4. Very wet or corrosive environment with daily caustic wash down.

Problem: High pressure caustic wash down can cause corrosion and failure at electrical connections
and of electronic components. The wash down fluid infiltrates any less-than-perfect seal and cor-
rodes sensitive electrical/electronic components, causing excessive downtime and lost production.

Solution: Install a corrosion resistant pneumatic positioner with a remotely mounted I/P module
mounted in a tightly sealed cabinet located outside the wash down area. The Pneumatic Posi-
tioner with all O-ring seals aided by the natural purge effect of the bleed rate inherent in the
pneumatic positioner design eliminates the ingress of the caustic. Remotely mounting the I/P
modules moves them out of the wash down area preventing them from being damaged.

If you have a persistent problem with positioner life or control valve performance, consider a
remotely mounted positioner option as a solution. Your positioner supplier may want to survey the
location to ensure that you get the best possible solution for your needs.


With 24 years of experience in the valve and process industry, Bob Goodwin be-
gan as an inside salesman who then transitioned to outside sales. He has worked
as an inside salesman, a field service technician, a territory manager, and a valve
product manager. Bob first met Wayne Fleming, founder of VAC many years ago,
he was working with a company who was an early adopter of VAC’s V100.

As Bob transitioned through his career changes, he continued to market and sell
VAC products. With a background in valve automation, over the past 8 years with
VAC Bob has concentrated his experience around promoting valve positioners.



“A great thing about VAC is that titles don’t really matter. We are a small com-
pany and everyone works closely together to provide the best possible solutions to
our customers.”

One project Bob is proud of is being a part of converting an entire plastic plant to
VAC digital positioners. While it may take years to convert, the process of doing
so is rewarding knowing he was able to help and advise the end user. Bob takes
pride in being able to give our customers the creative, cost effective, and reliable
choices that VAC offers. He is a “sales guy, but also a tech”. His ability to deliver
satisfaction to the customer both on a business relationship level and technically
makes VAC proud to have him as our Eastern Regional Manager.

While Bob is out of the office and not traveling to visit customers, he could be
found working on old, classic cars. He enjoys going for afternoon drives with his
wife and dogs in his 1964 Buick Skylark. Bob also enjoys 3D printing. His 3D print-
ing skills come in handy in our industry. He has created a wrench for removing the
calibration port plug on a special version of the V200 positioner.

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intech focus | FINAL CONTROL

Transform Operations
with IIoT-enabled Control
Plant production relies on the performance and availability of
control valves, which makes them a top priority in IIoT projects
By Clint Schneider and Michael Lester

he promise of new technologies that help companies monitor their systems in real time,
as well as collect and analyze data that lead to actionable insights, is an attractive one.
With the constant pressure to increase plant profitability, how can organizations capture
profit-making opportunities when there are so many areas of operations that require full atten-
tion? Skilled resources are limited, expert product support can be difficult to access, unplanned
downtime and surprise repairs continue to deplete budgets, turnaround maintenance scope lists
always grow larger than planned, and information the team needs to make sound decisions is
disorganized or stranded at the component.

The answer lies in digitally transforming your existing systems and resources to enable a more
efficient, predictive approach to maintenance that yields both immediate and long-term benefits to

Technician using
RFID reader to
gather asset
management tag
information from
an installed control
Source: Emerson



The valve—one seemingly simple component in almost every production environment—can be

used to highlight the impact of digital transformation when the right technology is leveraged, and
problems are predictively identified to better manage the entire lifecycle of a component. The key
is to implement the level of digitalization that best fits your organization.

At a basic level, digital valve controllers enable valve calibration and positioning, and can per-
form in-the-field diagnostics. Taken a step further, digital valve controllers connected with software
can introduce alerts and alarms and gather data from sensors. But getting the data is only a start.
It is important to make sense of that data to drive real improvement. If skilled resources are limited,
valve digitization can seem like a waste. After all, who will analyze this data collected? It’s certainly
not feasible to have valve experts at all sites, but remote diagnostics through valve condition moni-
toring is feasible.

Valve condition monitoring

Fortunately, there’s a way to supplement your workforce expertise with an Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT) based service that strengthens valve reliability programs by collaborating with expert
resources as an extension of your team. Valve experts utilize software packages that leverage
empirical data models to guide end-user maintenance decision making.

How does it work? Diagnostic data is collected and securely sent to experts for further analysis.
These valve experts compile a report complete with issue identification and actionable recommen-
dations to work toward resolution. Additionally, technicians can come to your site to complete
maintenance or add items to an upcoming shutdown work scope. Plus, with newly implemented
technology innovations such as augmented reality, experts are available remotely for immediate
support—which is another part of an overall digital transformation strategy.

Expert utilizing
augmented reality
software to assist on
a control valve repair
Source: Emerson



Monitoring control valves using predictive tech-

nologies paired with the appropriate level of pre-
ventive maintenance and offline diagnostics offers Effective digital transformation requires
the most comprehensive solution for complete valve
personnel to have decision support tools
reliability. In-service valve analysis provides addition-
al insight by collecting data on vibration, acoustics, and analytics, which enable faster and
process variables and in-situ (online) diagnostics. higher-quality decisions.
Tools for time series analysis can provide teams
with the visibility to see the rapid increase of things
like travel deviation before the impact is felt on other equipment or the process. This provides more
time to analyze conditions that can cause travel deviation and allow for customers to capture more
incremental value by earlier identification. This increased access to actionable information enables
a reduction on maintenance spend, helps avoid process slowdowns or unplanned shutdowns, and
transforms the maintenance strategy into a predictive approach that helps get ahead of potential
problems before they impact operations.

Service efficiencies from IIoT technologies

When it comes to maintaining process equipment and repairing valves, a great deal of efficiencies
can be realized. Think of all the tasks that can increase risk to your timeline, budget, and most
importantly, people:

● locating valves in the field or in the stock yard;

● validating the construction of valve assemblies;

Experts analyzing
the Valve Condition
Monitoring report
which indicates valve
health and includes
Source: Emerson



● reading through written reports to determine work scope;

● shuffling through papers to find installation manuals;

● sending personnel into risky areas of the plant to find critical valves; and

● assembling and disassembling scaffolding to reach valves.

Integrating key technologies into these work practices can improve efficiency, safety, and effec-
tiveness. Two of these technologies are asset management tags and remote assistance.

Asset Management Tags

Data-driven decisions lead to optimized operations planning and better management of your
maintenance spend. Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology can gather that data and
help you make those decisions.

Asset management tags leverage RFID technology to give you the ability to store and retrieve
critical information about a valve’s
construction, service information, and
regulatory certification on a digital Experts support customer requests through an
chip that stays with the assembly. The
augmented-reality platform that leads a user
tags are intrinsically safe (FM, IECEx,
and ATEX certified) and rugged. through steps to install, configure or troubleshoot
Using a handheld RFID reader, the valve issues.
tag contents can be read and loaded
into other software for further analy-
sis. The data stored on the tag can be exported to a computerized maintenance management
system (CMMS) to give you a full view of your operation. Using asset management tags, you can
identify valves, record maintenance activities, and update re-certification dates more safely and

Remote Assistance
Effective digital transformation requires organizations to give personnel decision support tools
and analytics to enable faster and higher quality decisions. Leveraging embedded expertise to
provide actional insights will improve performance. Remote services, such as Emerson’s Remote
Assistance, is another IIoT-based option for supplementing and supporting your workforce.

As part of this service, Emerson’s experts are made available to support customer requests
through an augmented-reality platform designed to lead a user through the necessary steps to in-
stall and configure or troubleshoot valve issues. This virtual platform enables support from trained



experts located anywhere in the

world, without the travel time and
logistic costs typically associated
with such support. Expert annota-
tion is anchored in the on-site tech-
nician’s field-of-view, allowing them
to confidently execute the trouble-
shooting or maintenance activity.
Technicians can receive immediate,
expert support and better complete
Case Study: Middle East Hydrocarbon
repairs to specification.
Production Company Adopts Valve
When implementing IIoT-based Condition Monitoring
technology for your valves, infor-
mation availability to support de- Status Quo
cisions for shutdown planning or
An energy producing company in the Middle East used the
emergency maintenance is greatly
conventional, time-based plant maintenance practices. This
improved. Condition monitoring
means the valves in good condition were dropped and sent
paired with live subject-matter-
in for repair only based on a rotating calendar. Oftentimes,
expert support is effective at help-
valves that weren’t planned for repair had issues that weren’t
ing maintenance personnel focus
addressed because they
on the valves that need attention,
weren’t flagged for repair Company Profile
when they need it.
within the schedule. The
● Delivers 36.83 billion
These focused, flexible technol- producer couldn’t plan
cubic meters of natural
ogy solutions can be easily deployed for spare parts efficiently
gas to customers
into your existing plant workflows because they would have
and result in lower variability and to attend to the emergen- ● 3 compressor stations
increased reliability of your valves. cy repairs that were out of ● 23 gas supply stations
By empowering personnel with scope, per the schedule.
● 99.99% gas availability
data-rich insights, equipping them
The hurdles presented 57 gas delivery points
with the actionable information ●
with the time-based main-
they need to make informed deci- ● 7 suppliers feeding into
tenance led to delays for
sions that lead to measurable per- their network
plant startup. The producer
formance improvement in the areas
was experiencing increas- ● Gas delivery is 43%
of production, reliability, safety, and
ing reliability issues with OLNG, 25% Power
energy management.
control valves at its sites & desalination, 19%
and decided to investigate Industrial & commercial,
options to find a resolution. 13% Oil operations
Continued on page 17



ABOUT THE AUTHORS continued from page 16

Digital Transformation
The producer began to explore IIoT solutions and plant digiti-
zation, so they met with Emerson to define key performance
indicators from a Valve Condition Monitoring program. The
team performed a site walkdown to validate the installed
base and integrated the DVC6200 PD Digital Valve Control-
C. Schneider M. Lester lers and ValveLink software.

Clint Schneider and Michael Lester As a pilot, the team started monitoring eight valves at a
are ISA members and employees of single site. When all stakeholders realized the ease of imple-
automation and control systems ven- mentation and potential impact, the producer scaled up to
dor Emerson. He is the director of re- 62 critical valves across its four sites the following year. Em-
liability services for final control prod- erson’s experts delivered reports on a weekly basis to provide
ucts at Emerson. Lester is a member insight and predictive actions.
of ISA’s Smart Manufacturing & IIOT
Division, ISA’s Safety & Security Divi-
Business Results Achieved
sion, and more. He is the director of
cybersecurity strategy, governance, With Valve Condition Monitoring, the producer increased
and architecture for Emerson. safety by minimizing human exposure to the process through
reducing the frequency of plant walkdowns and identifying
Valve Condition Monitoring is part of emissions issues early—which also helps ensure compliance
Emerson’s Connected Services offer- with EPA standards. The producer eliminated unplanned
ing from its PlantwebTM digital eco- downtime by taking all actions suggested by Emerson’s ana-
system. Plantweb is a scalable and lysts in the condition monitoring report.
secure portfolio of transformational
The producer also optimized its inventory by identifying bad
technologies, software and services
actors and is able to identify turnaround work scope more
that provide relevant personnel with
accurately to enact a more effective parts procurement plan.
enhanced insight to enable actions
As a result, the producer has been able to extend the time
that drive operational excellence. To
between turnarounds by adjusting from time-based mainte-
learn more, visit
nance to condition-based maintenance.
The increase in predictive work decreased the emergency
work and reduced the overall maintenance spend. The pro-
ducer estimated the return on investment from Valve Condi-
tion Monitoring to be 40 percent of overhauling costs and
has identified four additional sites—which include more
than 100 valves—to be added to the monitoring scope the
next year.


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intech focus | FINAL CONTROL

Sensors and
Switches for Valves
and Flowmeters

Understand the wide range sensor By Honeywell Sensing

and switch options available

low meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric
flow is determined, and mass flow. Valves control or regulate the flow of gasses or fluids
by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. In many ap-
plications, they are operated manually by a lever, pedal, or wheel. Valves are often used in oil and
gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications.

Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, tem-
perature or flow.

A wide range of sensors and switches, from simple on/off switches to electronic sensors de-
signed to deliver system control, fluid level indication, temperature regulation, along with pro-
tection from overheating and starting/stopping the compressor are available. Various package
options are available, too, including stainless steel, and those designed for hazardous and harsh-
duty applications. There are also several main types of valves. This note describes the types of
sensors and switches available for common valve and flowmeter applications.



Types of Switches
Hazardous-location limit switches – These specialized switches perform a number of functions,
including monitoring the position of the valve stem, actuator or wheel position, providing on-off
position on manual process valves, providing real-time valve status information for improved pro-
ductivity and safety. As these limit switches are enclosed in an explosion-proof housing, any flame
path is extinguished inside which mitigates the risk of causing an explosion at the switch part.

These switch components provide feedback for the user to take action in order to prevent explo-
sions in hazardous environments. Hazardous- location switches are employed in valves in outdoor,
above-ground, potentially explosive environments such as oil and gas or water treatment applications.

Figure 1. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Manual Process Valves

Figure 2. Sensing and

Switching Products Used in
Manual Process Valves with



Limit Switches – Employed to monitor the position of the valve stem or actuator, limit switch-
es are primarily used on valves in non-explosive environments such as wastewater treatment
plants, power generation plant or other factory applications. They also allow users to remotely
monitor the valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and reduced
total installed cost in hazardous locations.

Wireless Limit Switches – Allows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or
wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an eco-
nomical wireless point-to-point solution.

Basic Switches – Snap-action switches monitor the position of the valve handle by indicating if
the switch is actuated. These switches are employed on valves used in both non-explosive environ-
ments such as wastewater treatment plants and/or other factory applications and also explosive/
hazardous applications. In valve monitoring applications, basic switches perform position sensing
on cams with no power consumption. In addition to valves, Honeywell’s V15W2 Series is suitable for
use in hazardous environments such as refrigeration, HVAC, appliances, and paint booths.

Hall-effect Speed Sensors and Sensor ICs – In flow meter applications Honeywell’s speed
sensors measure flow by monitoring revolutions of the impeller (an inside propeller). Each revolu-
tion of the impeller equates to the delivery of a certain amount of fluid. For example, if the user
sets a fluid level of five gallons per minute, the speed sensor counts the impeller rotation so that the
correct amount of fluid is delivered. In valve monitoring application, Hall-effect sensor ICS measure
position sensing on cams.
Figiure 3. Switches in Valve Actuators and Positioners
Position Sensors – In flow
meter applications, Hall-effect
magnetic position sensors are
used to determine valve posi-
tion. In valve monitors, posi-
tion sensors deliver continuous
position status with enhanced
reliability and accuracy.

Pressure Transducers and

Switches – In valve actuator
applications, pressure transduc-
ers and switches measure the
pressure of the diaphragm to
help regulate and control the
flow within the pipeline. The
sensors can measure differential
pressure by comparing values



across the valve. They can also give an indication of valve position related to opening and closing by
measuring the pressure value at that time.

Types of Valves
Specifically, there are several main types of valves: Manual process valves, valve actuators/position-
ers, valve monitors/ indicators, valves and flowmeters, and sanitary and food/beverage valves.

Manual Process Valves – Manual process valves in industrial facilities control the flow of
liquid, gas, slurry, or steam. Eighty percent require operators to manually open, close, or other-
wise control the valve. At any given time, users may not know the actual position of the valve.
Process plants, including refineries, chemical, pharmaceutical, and water treatment plants as well
as power generation installations, all need a better way to verify status with or without human
intervention, especially in hazardous or hard-to-reach locations. (See Figures 2 and 3)

Valve Actuators/Positioners – A valve actuator is a pneumatic or electric mechanism used

in process control systems to automatically open or close valves. Actuators can be used with ei-
ther linear or rotary valves in industrial, medical, food/beverage, and transportation applications.
In standard valves, when the valve is given a command to open to a certain point, there is no
feedback to verify that it has opened to that position. Valve positioners utilize a source of power
to operate and continuously adjust a valve. The power source can be a manual gearbox or an
electronic device with control and measuring devices; Available with hydraulic, pneumatic, and
electric operating mechanics, these are often used in pipelines, process plants and in remote ar-
eas. Postioners can be used for opening or closing a valve to control the rate of fluid flow based
on a signal from a central control system. With a valve positioner, the command is given and the
valve positioner reads the opening, verifies position, and readjusts (if necessary) to the exact posi-
tion needed which allows for excellent precision in the valve setting. (See Figure 4)

Valve Monitors/Indicators – Mechanical or electrical valve monitors and indicators are used
in process control to show valve position. They provide an electrical signal, and sometimes visual
feedback, to accurately monitor and verify that a valve is in the correct position. Valve monitors are
mostly used in conjunction with a valve positioner/actuator to provide information from remote
locations that are not easily accessed, or where power isn’t readily available. Potential applications
include chemical, pharmaceutical, power generation and oil and gas processes. (See Figure 4)

Valves and Flowmeters – Valves control or regulate the flow of gasses or fluids by partially
obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. Valves are often used in oil
and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. In many of these
applications, the valves are operated manually by a lever, pedal or wheel. Automatic valves with
diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.

Flowmeters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is
determined, and mass flow. The turbine flow meter translates the mechanical action of the turbine



rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The
turbine wheel is set in the path of a fluid stream. The flowing fluid impinges on the turbine blades,
imparting a force to the blade surface and setting the rotor in motion. Nearly all flow meters must
be installed so that there is a significant run of straight pipe before and after the location of the flow
meter. This is intended to allow the straight pipe run to “smooth out” any turbulence produced by
the presence of valves, chemical injectors and diffusers, and changes in pipe direction. (See Figure 5)

Sanitary and Food/Beverage Valves – Sanitary and food and beverage valves are engineered for
pressure control in sanitary (or “clean”) environments. They are usually manufactured with stain-
less steel for sanitary and high-purity applications. These valves are often constructed as a ball valve
around a fullbore design that ensures the product passes through the valve with no restrictions on
the flow with minimal pressure drop. Sanitary and food and beverage valves are often found in
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage, cosmetics, chemical and other industries where
sanitary process control is required for steam, gases, and liquids such as water-for-injection systems.


This article was originally published as an Application Note by Honeywell Sensing and Internet of
Things, Honeywell Sensing services its customers through a world-
wide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications,
pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit the website.

Figure 4. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valves and Flow Meters




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A Look at the First

Hybrid Actuator for the
All-Subsea Factory

A new energy-efficient and safe alternative

to commonly used hydraulic or electro-
mechanical actuators is now available.
By Dr. Alexandre Orth

ogether with leading equipment suppliers and operators, Bosch Rexroth has developed a
completely new concept for deep sea actuators. The best of electro-mechanics and elec-
tro-hydraulics in a compact unit for deep sea applications, the Subsea Valve Actuator (SVA)
provides up to SIL3 safety, consumes up to 75 percent less energy and is designed for 25-years of
operation. The system is suitable for use in the deep sea down to 3,000 meters and deeper, and
is designed for maintenance-free operation for 25 years—making it a key component to promote
the electrification of production systems in the deep sea.

For the first time, users can now use electrical underwater actuators with the field-proven safety
of mechanical springs without having to oversize the electro-mechanics as has been necessary in



the past. In addition, the SVA is more compact, lighter and simpler in design and reduces energy
consumption by up to three quarters. Furthermore, integrated continuous and automated moni-
toring of the system conditions significantly improves the diagnosis of the safety function.

The requirements for subsea production systems are extremely high: External pressure 300 bar,
compatible with a saltwater environment, 24-hour operation 365 days a year, 25-year lifetime, no
maintenance if possible. Operational safety is especially important for underwater systems that
produce oil and gas, to protect people and environments. Additionally, protecting the sea from the
pollution that intentional leakage of hydraulic fluid causes is now also a key priority.

Subsea Valve Actuators consume up to 75 percent

less power at peak performance.

For each well, a system is used in underwater plants. Because of its similarity to its namesake
plant, this type of system is known as a “Subsea Tree.” Each “tree” controls the oil and gas produc-
tion of its respective well via multiple process valves. The process valves are actuated by the SVAs,
which in turn, receive their electrical control signals from the Actuator Control Modules (ACM).
When required, they must safely close the respective process valve in every operating state, even
during power failure.

Self-contained axes with a hydrostatic drive

With the recently developed SVA, Bosch Rexroth provides an energy-efficient and safe alternative
to the previously used hydraulic or electro-mechanical actuators. SVAs are self-contained modules
with their own closed fluid circuit. A variable-speed motor drives a robust hydraulic pump, which
generates flow for the cylinder movements. A safety valve with a mechanical spring ensures the
cylinder also changes safely into the fail-safe position if the power fails, without any external power
supply. The cylinder, which opens and closes the well valve, can also be actuated externally by an
underwater robot via an override. All key components of the drive train are installed redundantly.
Altogether, SVAs provide safety on four levels with the redundant controls, the fail-safe spring and
the intervention options from outside.

The benefits are especially clear when the solution is compared with the current state of technol-
ogy. The vast majority of underwater actuators used around the world are still based on conventional
hydraulics. This common structure has proven its durability and long-term safety over the past 50
years. However, operators still want to reduce the effort needed because conventional hydraulics
require big, central hydraulic power units above water. These supply the actuators with fluid via lines,
known as umbilicals, that can be kilometers long. At a working depth of 3,000 meters, several hun-
dred liters of fluid accumulate in the lines alone. This is in addition to the demand for additional hy-
draulic accumulators and directional valves required for a complex subsea control module.



As the first alternative, equipment suppliers

tried to set up electromechanical solutions. These
only need to be supplied via power cables and
connected to the ACM via a data line. However,
because they have no external mechanical inter-
vention options for adjustments, electromechani-
cal solutions have safety-related disadvantages.
Due to their lower power density, they also re-
quire bigger housings and electrical batteries. The
design results in high friction, causing mechanical
wear on the power transmission and reducing the
required 25-year operating period.

For these reasons, electromechanical solutions

are at a critical disadvantage for subsea applica-
tions when a fail-safe emergency closure is needed.

Combines benefits of hydraulic and

electromechanical solutions
Rexroth’s SVA combines the benefits of both
hydraulic and electromechanical solutions and
eliminates the existing disadvantages. The decen-
tralized fluid circuit means the topside hydraulic
power unit (HPU), subsea hydraulic control mod-
ule and kilometer-long umbilical cords are no lon-
ger required for the fluid. The SVAs only require a The SVA is a self-contained actuator
power supply and a data line, like the electrome- for opening and closing process valves
chanical actuators. in the deep sea. The system consists of
an electrically controlled drive with a
Hydraulic pumps generate the flow rate for hydrostatic transmission, rather than a
conventional electro-mechanical axis.
the wear-resistant hydraulic gear. As a control
principle, Rexroth uses a displacement system
here, which regulates the flow rate with low friction from out of the rotation speed. This simplifies
the design because proportional valves are not required and significantly increases energy efficiency.
Compared with the purely electromechanical actuators, SVAs consume up to 75 percent less power
at peak performance.

Considering all the actuators used to operate a subsea field properly, a huge cost saver for the
electric infrastructure (power cable, transformer, frequency converters, etc.) can be obtained. The



motors can then be configured considerably smaller with the same adjustment force of the actua-
tors, which in turn saves installation space and costs.

As part of its condition monitoring capabilities, built-in sensor technology continuously records
the operating states within the actuator and reports them to the higher-level master controller.
Trends can then be analyzed, allowing deviations to be identified and solved early.

Condition monitoring enables higher safety integrity

levels, from SIL 2 to SIL 3

Self-contained industrial axes as a standard

Within the SVA, there are two bars of overpressure at every depth because of the redundant
pressure compensation system. This prevents the penetration of saltwater and the need for large
housings with a pressure-neutral design. Rexroth only uses underwater cables, even within the
axis. All electrical components are also encapsulated. Rexroth’s deep- sea specialists utilized the
principle of self-contained axes for industrial applications when developing the SVAs. Bosch
Rexroth produces the individual components in large-scale series. This reduces costs, creates long-
term availability and guarantees production with quality management systems such as ones used
in the automotive industry.

Where required, Bosch Rexroth has made modifications to the components for deep sea use.
The manufacturer can draw on available concepts here, which are qualified for depths up to 6,000
meters. The system and core components also meet the special requirements of different classifica-
tion societies for marine, offshore and subsea use.

Working closely with leading equipment suppliers and operators, Bosch Rexroth used the latest
simulation technology for the “proof of concept” and built prototypes for field trials. This innova-
tive drive technology combines the best of electromechanics and hydraulics to help ensure safe and
reliable conveyance technology on the seafloor and make the vision of an “all subsea factory” a
reality sooner.


Dr. Alexandre Orth is responsible for the Subsea Automation Systems at Bosch Rexroth. The
Subsea Valve Actuator (SVA) from Bosch Rexroth was awarded the “Spotlight on New Technol-
ogy Award” of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC 2020). Suitable for use in the deep
sea down to 3000 meters and deeper and is designed for maintenance-free operation for 25
years, the SVA is a key component to promote the electrification of production systems in the
deep sea. For more information visit,,,


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