Examining World Market Segmentation

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Journal of Consumer Marketing

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies

Salah S. Hassan, Stephen Craft,
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Salah S. Hassan, Stephen Craft, (2012) "Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies", Journal of
Consumer Marketing, Vol. 29 Issue: 5, pp.344-356, https://doi.org/10.1108/07363761211247460
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Examining world market segmentation and
brand positioning strategies
Salah S. Hassan
The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA, and
Stephen Craft
University of Montevallo, Montevallo, Alabama, USA

Purpose – This paper aims to examine the conceptual as well as empirical linkages between segmentation bases and brand positioning strategies in
the context of discussing practical implications for firms operating in increasingly globalizing markets.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper empirically examines an inventory of market segmentation factors in relation to four global strategic
positioning decision options.
Findings – The two studies reported suggest that a combined use of macro and micro-bases to segment world markets is significantly linked to the
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perceived positioning strategies of global top brands, whereas firms seeking more localized positioning strategies use only micro-bases to segment.
Practical implications – The conceptual and empirical findings reported in this paper pave the way for embarking on promising and relevant future
research that is needed to substantiate and enrich the academic understanding and managerial practice of segmentation and strategic brand
positioning decisions in world markets.
Originality/value – This paper is unique in identifying a link between global brand positioning and segmentation factors.

Keywords Market segmentation, Brand positioning strategy, Global marketing, Brand management, International marketing, Globalization

Paper type Research paper

An executive summary for managers and executive the need for companies to make strategic positioning
readers can be found at the end of this article. decisions on leveraging brand equity and achieving
economies of scale. In short, the strategic necessity does not
Segmentation of world markets is a frequent topic of stop at the selection of desirable market segments, but also
discussion and research among both marketing academics includes the need to effectively position brands relative to
and practitioners. The increasing importance of segmentation market segments. Toward that end, the purpose of this paper
decisions is attributed, at least in part, to its ability to enhance is to empirically examine the relationship between bases of
the strategic position of the brand. There is consensus among segmentation and strategic brand positioning strategies in
practitioners and academics that the time and expense of world markets. Additionally, this paper explores appropriate
conducting segmentation studies and implementing scenarios where a company would use different segmentation
international segmentation systems is justified by the and positioning strategies.
contribution of segmentation to effective brand positioning The decision to segment world markets lies in
and performance (Özsomer and Prussia, 2000; Aurifeille et al., understanding the degree of globalization achieved in a
2002; Schuiling and Kapferer, 2004; Cova et al., 2007; Hung given market. If there are no more mass markets in most
et al., 2007). However, there has been limited attention given individual countries one should hardly expect a single
in the literature to identifying the dimensions used to form universal marketing strategy to be effective in worldwide
international market segments (Steenkamp and Hofstede, markets (Schuiling and Kapferer, 2004; Cova et al., 2007;
2002). For example, can world markets be segmented based Hung et al., 2007). However, if segmentation criteria or bases
on geographical factors alone or just on behavioral and exist for market segmentation that cut across national
lifestyle variables? In an increasingly global and technology boundaries, then marketing strategies might be developed
savvy marketplace where customer segments are becoming that will work for similar segments around the globe (Solberg,
homogenized across national boundaries, behavioral and 2002; Wright and Nancarrow, 1999; Aurifeille et al., 2002).
lifestyle segmentation may be a necessary addition to The existence of these inter-market segments might create
geographical segmentation in world markets (Aulakh and important opportunities and challenges for firms seeking to
Kotabe, 1993; Helsen et al., 1993; Nachum, 1994). establish brand positions in multiple markets – an
Complicating the segmentation issues in world markets is increasingly common strategic goal.

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
www.emeraldinsight.com/0736-3761.htm Literature on segmentation of world markets
Most early segmentation research efforts were based on macro
considerations that include factors such as economic (Kotler,
Journal of Consumer Marketing 1986); cultural (Whitlock, 1987; Hofstede, 2001); geographic
29/5 (2012) 344– 356
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 0736-3761]
(Daniels, 1987) and technological (Huszagh et al., 1986).
[DOI 10.1108/07363761211247460] Current research found that these pre-determined country

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

bases are inadequate for segmentation when considered recent study, Hofstede et al. (1999) empirically verified that a
without behavioral bases (Helsen et al., 1993; Nachum, segmentation model can integrate both country factors and
1994). For example, pre-determined country clusters will be consumer characteristics to better form segments that share
inadequate without a full account for the degree of consumption patterns versus traditional models employing
homogeneity related to buyers’ responsiveness to the global country factors alone. However, the study stopped well short
marketing program (Agarwal, 2003). Several segmentation of addressing the nature of segmentation bases or the linkage
studies criticized limiting segmentation decisions to macro between segmentation bases and brand positioning. While
bases alone. For example, Hassan and Katsanis (1991) their research did not seek empirical support for or document
suggested that world market segmentation based on macro- the international segmentation decision process, the findings
bases has three major limitations: reinforce within-country examination of market segment
1 segmentation decision is based on country-specific bases as a key step in the international segmentation strategy
geographical variables not consumer-behavior variables; decision process. Steenkamp and Hofstede (2002) proposed a
2 it assumes total homogeneity of consumer behavior within similar two-step process of first clustering countries by their
country segments; and cultural and socio-economic traits, then grouping individuals
3 it overlooks the existence of homogeneous segments that within these clusters, but selecting customers without regard
transcend across national boundaries. to geographic boundaries.
This inter-market segmentation approach refers to “ways of
Wind and Douglas (1972) described “macro” segmentation describing and reaching market segments that transcend
Downloaded by Universidad Nacional de Colombia At 15:05 10 February 2018 (PT)

as groups of countries that are classified and targeted based on national boundaries or that cut across geographically defined
national market characteristics while “micro” segmentation is markets” (Hassan and Blackwell, 1994). This approach
based on analyzing and sub-dividing each qualifying target emphasizes that inter-market segments are based on variables
country by customer characteristics to form localized market other than national boundaries (Agarwal, 2003). A hybrid
segments. approach that considers both macro bases, as well as micro
There are a number of studies that acknowledge the bases, is found to be more realistic (Hsieh, 2002). The
growing homogeneity of needs among consumers on a existence of inter-market segments is a key condition for the
worldwide basis and the opportunity this represents to success of global marketing strategy (Hassan and Craft,
identify global customer segments (Solberg, 2002; Nelson 2005). For some consumers, the purchase of a global brand is
and Hye-Jin, 2007). For example, Domzal and Unger (1987) seen as a “passport to global citizenship” (Strizhakova et al.,
suggest that similar global customer segments can be 2008).
identified across countries and regions based on
psychographic and lifestyle analyses, while others have
focused on attitudes toward imported products and country Segmentation and strategic brand positioning
of origin effects (Crawford et al., 1988). Marketing based on a broader view of world markets requires
Despite the growing homogeneity of needs among a careful examination of complex decisions related to strategic
consumers on a worldwide basis, some researchers still positioning in conjunction with segmentation. Does a firm
focus on the adaptation of products and marketing efforts on want its brand to be positioned the same way in all markets?
a country-by-country basis, as opposed to the standardization Should uniform brand image be a goal of global branding
of products and marketing efforts on a global basis (Kotler, strategies? What portfolio of brand positioning strategies can
1986; Sheth, 1986). Others concede that selective be employed in world markets?
standardization on a global basis may be strategically A review of contemporary research on international market
advantageous and espouse hybrid strategies of adaptation segmentation reveals considerable shortage of empirical
and globalization (Porter, 1986; Daniels, 1987). This studies that examine the link between segmentation and
approach assumes that globalization is feasible with certain global brand positioning. Yet, many segmentation researchers
products and that it is possible to cluster countries based on have stressed the critical importance of the relationship
the similarity of target customer groups within each country between segmentation and positioning decisions (Douglas
(Huszagh et al., 1986). Similarly, Douglas and Wind (1987) and Craig, 1995; Wind, 1986) and some find that
concluded that a firm’s international operations may consist segmentation and positioning decisions are central to the
of a mix of strategies, including global products and brands as development of global branding strategy (Özsomer and
well as some regional and country specific products and Altaras, 2008; Douglas et al., 2001). The term
brands. Thus, customer segments may be global, country “positioning” often is used to refer to the firm’s decision to
specific, or based on clusters of countries with similar determine the place that its brand and corporate image
characteristics. “Firms focusing on a global market segment occupy in a given market including the type of benefits to be
often can effectively use the same capabilities and skills to stressed and the type of segments to be targeted (Douglas and
target that segment throughout the world” (Craig and Craig, 1995; Ries and Trout, 1986; Ries, 1996). In an
Douglas, 2000). international marketing context, the literature is consistent on
Kale and Sudharshan (1987) propose a three-step analysis. the need to base positioning decisions on a broader scope that
First, select the appropriate countries to enter based on provides an understanding of differences and similarities from
factors such as political climate and communications one market to another (Solberg, 2002). Therefore,
infrastructure. Second, identify specific customer segments positioning is described as strategy to identify and direct
to serve within each country based on product and marketing marketing resources among intended market segments.
mix factors. Finally, select customer segments across a range Under this strategy that we term “segment-based strategic
of countries that may be served with a common marketing positioning,” the firm would foster the development of
mix without regard to geographic boundaries. In a more homogeneous responses for demand that differs from

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

responses received from other market segments. The strategic and Craig, 1995). In effect, the company developed a uniform
positioning options can be illustrated best in a two- image worldwide within this international segment.
dimensional representation of degrees of homogeneity and Cell 2 represents a market “focused strategy” as favored by
heterogeneity among market segments to be addressed as the Miele brand strategists. Miele’s reputation for focusing on
bases for this research design (Broderick et al., 2007; Douglas quality is appealing to European value of durability. American
et al., 2001). consumers have different appliance expectations – they treat
One theoretical connection between international appliances almost as “disposable,” replacing them with a new
segmentation and brand positioning strategy is the ability of color or model when they change homes or when the
the firm to standardize brand appeal and marketing programs appliance breaks down. An appeal to 20-year durability is
to a segment and thereby achieve economies of scale (Levitt, unlikely to be successful with American consumers. The
1983). However, the key connection between international American consumer will desire a maintenance free appliance
segmentation and brand positioning strategy is the degree to with a wide variety of designs and styles. So while Miele may
which the firm meets its own objectives for aligning the brand seek to sell identical products on a global basis to enhance
with consumers. Recent studies seeking to draw a specific link global competitive advantage through supply-side economies,
it faces great difficulty in the USA unless it positions the
between the scale of segment management and brand position
brand to acknowledge the cultural and behavioral differences
have reached conflicting results (Özsomer and Prussia, 2000).
between European and American customers. This way Miele
Several studies have found that standardization of products to
was able to develop an effective focused strategy. Miele
global or regional market segments is positively related to
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focused on the same segment of customers in Europe and

brand position (Kotabe and Omura, 1989, Johansson and America, but positioned the same product in two different
Yip, 1994) while others failed to find any relationship between ways to account for the cultural differences in appealing to
brand position and scale of segmentation (Samiee and Roth, American consumers’ desire for variety of designs and styles.
1992). Cavusgil and Zou (1994) found that the segment Cell 3 represents similar strategic positioning for different
management scale sometimes contributes to brand segments or “multinational strategy.” Many European firms
performance for very inexperienced and very experienced choose same brand appeal for products marketed to US
firms but not universally. The link between scale of consumers in order to leverage market leadership or unique
segmentation and brand position remains unresolved image. Mercedes Benz and BMW position their products as
(Özsomer and Prussia, 2000, p. 27). high quality, expensive, prestige brands. However, prestige
Figure 1 displays the interaction of market segmentation image may not always be what consumers want. Gillette
and strategic positioning decisions in the 2 by 2 matrix. The adopted this multinational strategy (cell 3) that provided a
first dimension is “same” or “different” market segments worldwide appeal based on stimulating primary market
meaning that the firm may choose to target “same” or demand for shaving through providing a host of products
“different” segments across multiple markets globally. The for different segments. This multinational strategy of Gillette
second dimension in Figure 1 represents “same” or has been attributed to enhancing the company’s performance
“different” strategic positioning options, meaning that the in dominating the market worldwide. Other examples of
firm may seek to achieve similar or differentiated image in a companies that provide a portfolio of products for different
given world market. segments worldwide are Coca-Cola, Kodak and Nike.
Cell 1 offers the “global strategy” option of substantially Cell 4 is the “multi-local strategy” option and probably
similar brand positioning to substantially similar global exists only as a greenfield entry strategy rather than a market
segments (Ries, 1996). The Body Shop developed a expansion strategy (Douglas and Craig, 1995). New market
uniform position for its cosmetic lines among entry or investment in different brands marketed to different
environmentally conscious consumers. This uniform strategy segments would probably be the only justification for such a
helped the firm to leverage its image internationally among strategy. For example, when Nestlé “glocalized” its Nescafe
consumers with similar attitudes and usage patterns (Douglas coffee brand, they recognized what coffee means to a culture,
when it is consumed and how often it is consumed, varies
throughout different cultures. Nestlé is distributed almost
Figure 1 Segment-based strategic brand positioning matrix everywhere acknowledging that coffee plays different roles
around the world. Coffee cultures such as the USA and
Germany did not automatically accept instant coffee. In some
countries, Nescafe marketing efforts concentrated on
overcoming the mistaken belief that instant coffee is made
from synthetic materials instead of real coffee. Nescafe’s
competitive success against other European leaders, such as
Jacobs and Tchibo, is based on understanding how aroma,
warmth, and the ritual of coffee drinking touch deeply-held
consumer values. Conscious effort to relate Nescafe
“coffeeness” to different types of coffee drinkers and usage
occasions allowed consumers to determine the brand’s
meaning and appeal in many regions around the globe.
Firms that chose to position brands differently in
accordance with local market realities may represent future
challenges to the organization. As the brand matures in the
market, the organization finds itself in need to optimize the

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

success achieved in one market to reach more global Research hypotheses

consumers. In this case, to target similar market segments
elsewhere, creating a broader market position in other Four hypotheses were developed to examine the relationship
markets requires more research and development. For between three types of segmentation bases and brand
Nestlé to build a successful brand in the US market meant positioning. The first three hypotheses examine the level of
focusing on loyalty as a primary segmentation base. Instant utilization of segmentation bases (hybrid-, micro-, and macro-
coffee by Nestlé leveraged its success in non-coffee consuming levels) and the choice of brand positioning strategy options for
cultures to appeal to attitude and usage patterns of other world markets. Hypothesis four examines perceived degrees of
world cultures. similarities in targeting world segments in association with the
As previously stated, there is a clear desire in the existing perceived degree of harmonization in the choice of a firm’s
literature to connect brand positioning and segmentation in brand positioning strategy:
world markets. In order to better define the parameters of this H1. Hybrid bases of segmentation that include both
relationship, two empirical studies were conducted to examine relevant macro-level (i.e. geographical and economic)
the interaction of brand positioning and segmentation as well as appropriate micro-level variables (i.e. lifestyle
decisions in world markets. and behavioral) will be significantly related to global
brand positioning strategy.
Research model and hypotheses H2. Micro-level bases of segmentation that include relevant
variables (i.e. lifestyle and behavioral) alone will be
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The appeal of similar brand benefits, similar patterns of significantly related to Multi-local brand positioning
purchase and consumption behavior, and specific shared strategy.
values should be the focus of strategic response to market H3. Macro-level bases of segmentation that include
segments that transcend the geographical boundaries globally.
relevant variables (i.e. geographical and economic)
Global marketers often target lifestyle similarities. For
alone will not be significantly related to any of the
example, targeting outdoor lifestyles allows Weber barbecues
brand positioning strategy options.
to enjoy great popularity in Los Angeles and Johannesburg.
H4. Perceived degrees of similarities in targeting world
Those who love outdoor cooking may live in diverse regions
segments are associated with the perceived degree of
characterized by very different value systems, but similarities
harmonization in the choice of a firm’s brand
should dominate comparisons of segment members.
positioning strategy.
Figure 2 illustrates a research framework of the integrated
approach to link segmentation bases with strategic brand This research model is reflective of the following major
positions. developments in the literature:

Figure 2 Research framework linking segmentation bases with brand positions

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

Integrating country variables with behavior patterns level segmentation bases from the literature (see list in
(Hsieh, 2002). Table II). The respondents were asked to rate how each factor
Not assuming total homogeneity of the country segment is used on a seven-point scale with 1 representing “never
(Agarwal, 2003). used” and 7 representing “always used.” The study (n ¼ 107)
Acknowledging the existence of a degree of similarity established the scale as having high reliability with a
across national boundaries (Hung et al., 2007). Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.9040. The respondents were
Considering the bases of segmentation to be dynamic in asked to rate how often each factor is used as part of their
nature (Broderick et al., 2007). international segmentation decisions.
Defining brand positioning strategy options as a matter of Also, the questionnaire utilized 22 micro-level segmentation
degree (Ha et al., 2009). bases drawn from the literature (see list in Table III). The
The integrated research framework presented here (see respondents were asked to rate each within-country bases on a
Figure 2) assumes that treating each country as a totally seven-point scale with 1 representing “never used” and 7
homogeneous market is not realistic (Jain, 1989). The basic representing “always used.” The study (n ¼ 98) established
ideas of the integrated approach are: the scale as having high reliability with a Cronbach alpha
It assumes various degrees of heterogeneity and score of 0.9217. In addition, the study captured the utilization
homogeneity in buyers’ preferences for global brands. of the four brand positioning strategies corresponding to the
Any degree of preference heterogeneity or homogeneity matrix in Figure 1. Each respondent was asked to rate each
for global brands can be attributed to both macro-bases brand positioning strategy option on a seven-point scale with
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(i.e. country factors), micro-bases (i.e. behavioral 1 representing “never used” and 7 representing “always
variables), and any combinations of interactions. used.”
Any degree of preference heterogeneity can be addressed
by introducing adaptive variations in the marketing
The first step in the data analysis was conducted via principle
Research study one components analysis – a form of factor analysis. The resulting
factors were rotated via Varimax rotation and Kaiser
This research study consisted of a mail survey targeted to Normalization for the purpose of aiding analysis. As a
high-level managers involved in segmentation decisions with a condition of running the factor analysis, coefficient alpha was
focus on the international arena. A structured questionnaire used to assure interim reliability.The current research
was mailed to 1,097 segmentation decision makers drawn identified three underlying macro-level segmentation bases
from a list provided by the Institute for International including:
Research. The contact names were selected at random from 1 macroeconomics;
a listing of over 150,000 managers who are listed in the 2 geo-demographics; and
segmentation section of the Institute’s database. 3 macro-cultural factors.
Respondents received a three-step integrative mailing
beginning with a warning letter asking for participation, a In addition, there appear to be four underlying micro-level
letter accompanying the questionnaire, and a post-card segment bases including
reminder. Respondents were provided with a postage-paid 1 demographics;
business reply envelope. As an incentive, a charitable 2 attitude and usage;
contribution of one dollar was made to the respondent’s 3 micro-culture; and
choice of three charitable organizations for each completion. 4 brand loyalty.
In addition, the respondents could request a summary report
As will be discussed, the results of the current research holds
of the results of the data collection. The study resulted in 112
important implications for understanding segmentation in the
completions for a response rate of 10.2 percent.
global market and for the strategic positioning of brands
Table I provides a summary of the experience level of the
relative to defined market segments.
participants in the study. It is noteworthy that the
The next step in the analysis was to determine the
participants’ average in excess of 12 years’ experience in
international marketing and just less than 10 years’ experience relationship between segmentation bases and strategic brand
in their respective organizations. positioning option as per the study research design presented
in Figure 2. Toward that end, four regression models were
Key measures constructed utilizing the seven segmentation bases derived
The study captured the degree of use of macro-level from the factor analyses as the independent variables and each
segmentation bases. The questionnaire utilized 14 macro- strategic positioning option presented in Figure 2 as
dependent variables. The results of the regression analyses
are presented in Table IV.
Table I Characteristics of study participants
Std Discussion of study one findings
n Mean deviation Global market segmentation can be viewed as the process of
Years involved in international marketing 112 12.05 8.15 identifying segments whether they are country groups or
Number of years with organization 112 9.55 6.85 individual buyer groups, of potential customers with
Years in current position 112 4.25 3.42 homogeneous attributes who are likely to exhibit similar
Years in industry 112 15.27 10.05 buying behavior patterns. There are four different approaches
for global segmentation:

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

Table II Factor loadings of macro-level segment bases – rotated component matrix

Questionnaire Items Macroeconomic Macro-cultural factors Geo-demographics
Country level of economic development 0.848
Country legal/regulatory environment 0.789
Level of industrialization 0.777
Form of government 0.759
Political stability 0.755
Country level of technological innovation 0.730
Country per-capita income 0.651
Communication infrastructure 0.618
Market-orientation of economy 0.597
Type of dominant religion 0.811
Language of country 0.718
Cultural identity 0.576
Geographic location 0.775
Population demographics 0.714
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Reliability measure (alpha) 0.9148 0.6621 0.4678

Notes: Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis; Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization; A rotation converged in six iterations; Loadings
below 0.46 have been suppressed

Table III Factor loadings of micro-level segment bases – rotated component matrix
Questionnaire items Micro-demographics Attitude and usage Micro-culture Brand loyalty
Age 0.850
Income 0.815
Gender 0.781
Education 0.768
Family size 0.747
Lifestyle 0.708
Occupation 0.651
Buyer needs 0.877
Buyer wants 0.867
Segment size 0.676
Product benefits 0.674
Attitude toward product 0.631
Religion 0.838
Ethnicity 0.771
Regional identity 0.721
Urbanization of dwellings 0.583
Language 0.528
Social class 0.472
Degree of existing loyalty 0.843
Degree of potential loyalty 0.823
Frequency of product use 0.651
Personality 0.467
Reliability measure (alpha) 0.8646 0.7470 0.3673 0.8233
Notes: Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis; Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization; A rotation converged in seven iterations;
Loadings below 0.46 have been suppressed

1 Identifying similar world markets that demand similar 3 Identifying similar segments present in many or most
brands (that is, “global strategy” giving more weight to countries (that is, “focused strategy” striking a hybrid
hybrid bases of segmentation factors). balance between micro-culture and usage behavior).
2 Targeting different segments in different countries with 4 Emphasizing on different segments that demand different
the same brand (that is, “multinational strategy” brands (that is, “multi-local strategy” where strong local
emphasizing geo-demographic factors plus attitudinal brand loyalty is unique in terms of product attributes and
factors) (Takeuchi and Porter, 1986). usage patterns).

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

Table IV Regression analysis of strategic positioning options and segmentation bases

Dependent variable
Independent variables Similar positioning to Similar positioning to Different positioning to Different positioning to
(standardized beta similar segments different segments similar segments different segments
coefficient) (global strategy) (multinational strategy) (focused strategy) (multi-local strategy)
Macroeconomic 0.240 * 0.065 0.011 2 0.145
Macro-cultural factors 2 0.181 2 0.021 2 0.203 0.073
Geo-demographics 2 0.006 2 0.239 * 2 0.005 2 0.036
Micro-demographics 0.018 0.208 * * 0.132 0.176
Attitude and usage 0.241 * 0.426 * 0.259 * 0.192
Micro-culture 0.307 * 0.071 0.199 * * 0.036
Brand loyalty 0.135 0.092 0.147 0.105 *
R2 0.247 0.210 0.128 0.081
F 3.935 * 3.187 * 1.760 * * 1.056
Df 7 7 7 7
Notes: * Significant at 0.05; * * significant at 0.10
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This hybrid segmentation framework looks at both similarities demographics, attitudinal/usage, and micro-culture. In effect,
and differences across world markets. The traditional the firms that are aiming to achieve unified strategic brand
international segmentation that prevailed in international positions in world markets are using both macro-level
business literature emphasized geographical differentiation by segmentation bases as well as micro-level segmentation bases.
grouping country and regional clusters (i.e. tendency to Therefore, firms with similar brand positioning are using
minimize similarities and highlight differences). This study both macro-country segmentation bases as well as behavioral
points to a clear relationship between the choice of brand bases. Across cells 2 and 4 which represent different strategic
positioning strategy and the types of segmentation bases on brand positions, micro-level bases of segmentation were the
which to form target market segments. The hybrid only significant factors. The data suggest that a firm’s decision
segmentation approach, which utilizes both macro and regarding the types of bases to be utilized in segmentation
micro-level variables has been shown to be significantly may, in fact, indicate the positioning strategy that this
particular firm is undertaking. Consequently, firms must
related to the Global strategy, thus supporting H1.
evaluate the types of segmentation bases utilized in order to
Additionally micro-level variables, and only micro-level
have a better emphasis on the intended strategic market
variables were significantly related to the Multilocal strategy,
thus supporting H2. Supporting H3, in no instance were
macro-level variables alone found to be significant.
Figure 3 overlays the statistically significant segment bases Research study two
(Table IV) within the appropriate cells based on the four The second study utilized a convenience sample of
strategic brand positioning options. Comparing the brand segmentation decision makers from firms representing a
positioning strategy with segment bases yields some important wide range of industries. The study used a key informant
insights. For example, cells 1 and 3 represent achieving methodology where respondents were independently screened
similar brand positions in world markets through “global as to their ability to respond. Key informants are not selected
strategy” and “multinational” strategy options, they utilized to be statistically representative but are chosen because they
segmentation variables that include macro-economic, geo- possess unique knowledge on the topic of interest (Kumar
et al., 1993). Utilizing key informants in strategy research is
Figure 3 Segment-based strategic brand positioning matrix appropriate in circumstances where the likelihood of
randomly locating respondents with in-depth knowledge is
low (Seidler, 1974). This study is based on a panel of
international marketing experts composed of 30 informants
from diverse industries like fast moving consumer goods,
marketing research consulting, services, and manufacturing.
Özsomer and Altaras (2008) note that a person unfamiliar
with global brands may have the “somewhat abstract idea that
global brands are the same everywhere”. To avoid such
perception biases, the panel was selected to include globally
knowledgeable participants that represent’s five different
countries from four continents.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the perceived
association between global brand positions and world market
segments. Each expert panel participant received an online
survey where he/she was confronted with a list of the “100
Best Global Brands” by Interbrand/BusinessWeek. This list of

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

companies included images of corporate brands with minimums of 5 (position) and 5 (segment). The correlation
hyperlink to the web site of the BusinessWeek listing on how coefficient of individual panel member ratings is 0.396
each brand is ranked globally. Each panel expert was asked to (p , 0:001). Therefore we can conclude that perceived
provide responses on a scale ranging from 1 to 10 on how they similarities in targeting world segments are associated with
rate these brands related to the following two questions: the perceived harmonized brand positioning strategies (H4).
1 On a scale ranging from 1 to 10, please rate how the Coupling these results with the fact that the brands are the top
following corporate brands target world-market segments global brands as judged by Kiley and Helm (2009), we can
– where: “10” ¼ very similar market segments across the conclude there is a benefit to the best brands or harmonizing
globe and “1” ¼ very different market segments across the brand positioning and segmentation strategies.
globe. When these results are taken in conjunction with study 1,
2 On a scale ranging from 1 to 10, please rate how the the main outcome that can be safely concluded as a valid
following brands are positioned on a world-wide basis – interpretation of this paper’s theoretical and empirical
where: “10” ¼ very similar brand position across the analysis is that there is a positive association between
globe and “1” ¼ very different brand position across the global positioning and world market segmentation strategies
globe. and with the globalization of the world markets, there are
Each panellist was asked to assign a value of “0” to I do not more opportunities to create market potential through
know answers or was allowed to skip the question. This way a stimulating demand for brands with universal appeal. The
respondent who is unfamiliar with either the brand association between intended strategic brand positions with
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positioning or the brand’s segmentation strategy would not market segmentation decisions is a methodology in which a
influence the findings. global perspective can be adopted to enhance brand appeals
This method of surveying expert panellists was validated, worldwide. The objective is to reveal in different countries,
deemed valuable, and responses were ranked using the regions and/or clusters of countries, groups of buyers having
Amabile (1996) consensus assessment technique (CAT) the same expectations and requirements vis-à-vis brand
where higher scores define the most consciences agreement strategies, despite cultural and national differences, in other
as assessed by this expert panel. The total scores (N) were words, targeting the changing global consumers. Those
2,344 for positioning and 2,307 for segmentation. A segments, even if they are relatively small in size within each
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test indicates that the distributions of country/region/cluster, may represent in total a very
these scores were approximately normal (positioning ¼ p-value attractive market opportunity for the global marketer. To
0.01 and segmentation ¼ p-value 0.01), while the scatter plot adjust to local discrepancies, the physical product or
chart (see Figure 4) shows the average expert rating form a essential aspects of a service package can be customized
consensus agreement skewed to the upper left quadrant. This through peripheral services, accessories, or inexpensive
is consistent with prior research and confirms that aligning modifications. The potential for globalization is not the
brands with broader and more homogenous global segments same for each product category and different approaches
will achieve higher levels of performance in the marketplace as can be adapted.
evident in the top status of “100 Best Global Brands” (Kiley
and Helm, 2009). Discussion of study two findings
Of the four strategic brand positioning options, “global
Findings of study two strategy” and “multinational strategy” are argued to be the
With position and segment scores averaging 7.3 and 7.0 most likely to give the firm a significant competitive
respectively, both scores are found to be significantly larger advantage, because unified brand image can be leveraged
(p , 0:01) than the critical values of the global strategy cell across markets (that is, globally transcending distinctive
competency). This gives the brand a perceived reputation and
Figure 4 Scatter plot of results from the expert panel coherence in image and positioning which is internationally
reinforced. The other two positioning strategies have the
merit of taking into consideration differences among target
markets and of introducing adaptations to accommodate
these differences or focusing their marketing offerings to excel
in a specific segment(s) (Lambin, 1997). Nevertheless, the
later strategies (i.e. “focused” and “multi-local”) could
exhibit disadvantages of either high cost of differentiation or
limited economies of scale focusing along with running the
risk of vulnerability to drastic local market changes.

This paper addressed a key aspect of global branding strategy.
It is concluded that bases of segmentation can indicate brand
positioning strategies and subsequently have an effect on the
brand perception in world markets. This paper investigated
how a battery of segmentation bases whether they are country
factors or buyer behavior variables are likely to exhibit
influence on brand positioning strategies perceived positions

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

in world markets. There are four different strategic result with the emergence of inter-market segments such as
approaches for global brand positioning: global teenagers and socioeconomic elite. Finally, enhancing
1 Developing a homogenous market position for the brand our understanding of global market segmentation strategies will
through identifying and targeting buyers, wherever they pave the way for more effective brand management decisions
are in the world, that exhibit similar behavioral responses that may result in better market performance.
toward the brand.
2 Targeting different segments in different countries with Future research
the same brand appeal. The conceptual and empirical findings of this paper pave the
3 Aligning the brand with segments present in many or most way for embarking on promising and relevant research that is
countries based on locally defined segmentation bases. needed to substantiate and enrich the academic
4 Focusing on different segments that demand uniquely understanding and managerial practice of aligning the global
differentiated brand. brand positioning strategies with market segmentation
The traditional segmentation approach that emphasizes options. Consequently, four main research frontiers can be
nation-based geo-demographic factors was found to recommended based on this study to extend the boundaries of
minimize similarities and highlight differences. The hybrid the area of global brand positioning and address the concerns
approach actively seeks homogeneity in the positioning of the of market segmentation researchers and strategists aiming to
brand, image, marketing tools and advertising message, while comprehend and utilize effective global strategies.
First, why and when should global marketers pursue hybrid
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the multi-local approaches to global market segmentation

maintains emphasis on differences from market to market. segmentation strategies? This research question addresses the
The ultimate agenda, however, is not to have an identically rationale underlying hybrid global market segmentation and
uniform brand positioning worldwide, rather the strategic would be expected to produce analytical tools for the
marketing end is to come up with a brand positioning that is evaluation of each market’s different needs and its
as standardized as possible, while recognizing that allowances corresponding product offerings. Such research ought to be
for some local conditions are sometimes both necessary and conducted with a view toward making economic and
desirable (Keegan and Schlegelmich, 1999). managerial sense of global market segmentation strategies
with special reference to the dimensions of accessibility
Managerial implications (i.e. market segmentation transaction costs) and substantiality
The two reported studies have clear managerial implications (i.e. segmentation-related economies of scale).
for firms involved in marketing outside of their home country. Second, how can global marketers achieve the logical design
First, the literature reviewed shows that buyer needs are of hybrid market segmentation that will facilitate establishing
converging in key markets across national boundaries. This a coherent positioning strategy? This research stream would
represents both a challenge and opportunity for marketing be expected to tackle the “know-how” issues of hybrid global
organizations. One means to address this convergence is to market segmentation. Such research efforts should strive to
target buyers who share important characteristics relative to pinpoint how the features of segmentation bases, targeting
the firms’ products and brands that transcend across agendas, and targeting techniques can be conceptualized and
countries. The current study clearly suggests to managers adopted on empirically-grounded policy guidelines to
that global strategies for brand positioning might be targeting augment positioning decisions made and translated into a
segments based on hybrid factors as demonstrated through relevant and effective marketing mix designs.
research frameworks in Figures 1 and 2. The two studies also Third, what are the implementation issues relevant to the
provide specific empirical evidence for the critical importance adoption of hybrid global market segmentation? Answering
of aligning the strategic position of the brand with world this research question should happen through examination of
market segments based on a battery of multidimensional the success or failure of adopting hybrid global market
factors used as identifiers. segmentation strategies. Such research should be expected to
Many managers involved in segmentation use a single set of raise a number of issues related to the effectiveness of global
segmentation basis when making segmentation decisions. marketing research and marketing information systems that
There are several good reasons for not limiting segmentation help support the implementation of segmentation and
design to a single type of variable, and to integrate positioning strategies.
multidimensional criteria supported by this research. A Fourth, how can hybrid global market segmentation and
segmentation scheme based solely on a single strategic basis positioning strategy be monitored, benchmarked, and
may have comparatively limited utility to the firm. The effective evaluated? This final research stream should address the
use of hybrid bases or multidimensional segmentation factors vital need to measure the differing contributions of hybrid
in conjunction with an appropriate brand positioning strategy global market segmentation strategies to positioning
may have clear positive implications to enhance the leadership effectiveness and the firm’s other strategic marketing ends.
role of the brand in global markets. The strategic implications
of effective alignment between the intended brand position and
the segmentation strategy are fourfold. First, effective
segmentation will lead to cost efficiencies resulting from Agarwal, M. (2003), “Developing global segments and
reduced duplication of effort in multiple markets where similar forecasting market shares: a simultaneous approach using
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Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

Schuiling, I. and Kapferer, J. (2004), “Executive insights: real Academy of Marketing Science. In recognition of his research
differences between local and international brands: strategic on strategic brand management, he was hosted by the US
implications for international marketers”, Journal of Embassy in Germany to speak on nation branding at an
International Marketing, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 97-112. international symposium organized by the Institute for
Seidler, J. (1974), “On using informants: a technique for Cultural Diplomacy and recently was hosted by the US
collecting quantitative data and controlling for Embassy in Copenhagen to give a keynote address at a
measurement error in organizational analysis”, American conference on nation branding and tourism development. Also,
Sociological Review, Vol. 39, pp. 816-31. he was invited by the University of Birmingham Thought
Sheth, J. (1986), “Global markets or global competition?”, Leaders Conference to speak on strategic brand management;
Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 3 No. 2, p. 9. by Kellogg School of Management to speak on unlocking
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standardization of international marketing communication: Innovations Workshop to speak on harnessing user innovations.
organizational contingencies and performance”, Journal of Dr Hassan has published well over 70 articles and papers in
International Marketing, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 1-21. academic journals and trade periodicals. He was granted a
Steenkamp, J.E.M. and Hofstede, F. (2002), “International “Highly Commended” paper award by the Journal of Consumer
market segmentation: issues and perspectives”, International Marketing in 2004 for an article entitled “Understanding the
Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 185-213. new bases for global market segmentation.” Dr Hassan
Strizhakova, Y., Coulter, R. and Price, L. (2008), “Branded published two books; Globalization of Consumer Markets and
Downloaded by Universidad Nacional de Colombia At 15:05 10 February 2018 (PT)

products as a passport to global citizenship: perspectives Global Marketing Perspectives and Cases. Currently, Dr Hassan is
from developed and developing countries”, Journal of co-authoring an international edition of Marketing
International Marketing, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 57-85. Management, by Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, Pearson
Takeuchi, H. and Porter, M.E. (1986), “Three roles of Publishing (forthcoming, 2012).
international marketing in global industries”, in Porter, M.E. Dr Stephen Craft is Professor of Business and Dean of the
(Ed.), Competition in Global Industries, The Harvard Business Michael E. Stephens College of Business at the University of
School Press, Boston, MA. Montevallo. He has published widely and was recognized with
Whitlock, J.M. (1987), “Global marketing and the case for a “Highly Commended” paper award by the Journal of
international product standardization”, European Journal of Consumer Marketing in 2004 for an article entitled
Marketing, Vol. 21 No. 9, pp. 32-44. “Understanding the new bases for global market
Wind, Y. (1986), “The myth of globalization”, Journal of segmentation.” As a professor and consultant, Dr Craft has
Consumer Marketing, Vol. 3, Spring, pp. 23-6. advised the senior management of corporate, civic, and
Wind, Y. and Douglas, S.P. (1972), “International market nonprofit organizations. He has conducted or overseen over
segmentation”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 6, 150 research studies focused on best-practice governance,
Spring, pp. 17-25. strategic outcomes, and performance measures, often being
Wright, L.T. and Nancarrow, C. (1999), “Researching called on to measure seemingly un-measurable elements of
international ‘brand equity’: a case study”, International performance. Dr Craft has developed or strategically
Marketing Review, Vol. 16 Nos 4/5, pp. 417-31. repositioned brands for consumer products, business
services, and nonprofit causes. Dr Craft has tested messages
and audiences acceptance across a variety of print, online, and
Further reading broadcast media. Prior to academia, Dr Craft spent years in
Birnik, A. and Bowman, C. (2007), “Marketing mix industry holding positions responsible for sales, product
standardization in multinational corporations: review of development, customer segment management, and brand
the evidence”, International Journal of Management Reviews, management including positions as Senior Product Manager
Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 303-24. for First American Bank and Manager of Marketing Strategies
Green, P.E. and Krieger, A.M. (1991), “Segmentation for Freddie Mac. Dr Craft completed work on his PhD at
markets with conjoint analysis”, Journal of Marketing, The George Washington University (Washington, DC) where
Vol. 55 No. 4, pp. 20-31. he received his MBA. Stephen Craft is the corresponding
Kreutzer, R.T. (1988), “Marketing mix standardization: an author and can be contacted at: scraft@montevallo.edu
integrated approach in global marketing”, European Journal
of Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 10, pp. 19-30. Executive summary and implications for
Luqmani, M., Yavas, U. and Quraeshi, Z.A. (1994), “A
managers and executives
convenience-oriented approach to country segmentation”,
Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 29-40. This summary has been provided to allow managers and executives
Wind, Y. (1978), “Issues and advances in segmentation a rapid appreciation of the content of this article. Those with a
research”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XV, August, particular interest in the topic covered may then read the article in
pp. 318-37. toto to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of the
research undertaken and its results to get the full benefits of the
material present.
About the authors
Dr Salah S. Hassan is Chair and Professor of Strategic Brand One of the more common issues facing marketers in today’s
Management at the School of Business, The George global business environment is how to segment their markets
Washington University. He received his PhD in 1984 from across the world. Studies into this issue are time-consuming
The Ohio State University. Dr Hassan was recognized in 2005 and costly, yet essential to aims of improving performance and
with the “Outstanding Marketing Teacher” award by the successfully positioning the brand. The challenge is to identify

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

different segments and then position the brand relative to local market characteristics. Brand maturity could demand
each one. that such companies exploit their achievements in other
To date, most researchers have adopted a somewhat narrow markets in order to meet such challenges.
focus when considering international segments, often relying Hassan and Craft explore these issues further in two
mainly on geographical factors. But globalization has blurred studies. Hypotheses were developed in order to consider
national boundaries to an extent that marketers need to relationships between different approaches to segmentation
consider additional variables when creating segments. To this and brand positioning. Perceived levels of segment similarities
end, behavioral and lifestyle factors might be pertinent. and perceived levels of “harmonization” in the brand
According to some scholars, there are inherent limits in positioning strategy deployed were also investigated.
using macro-elements to segment markets. This approach In this research, it is not considered realistic to regard each
uses variables which are country-specific and does not nation as a “totally homogenous market”. Likewise, varying
consider behavioral differences within country segments. In degrees of heterogeneity or homogeneity are assumed in
addition, some homogenous segments transcend national consumer preferences for global brands. Either or both macro
boundaries but this is not accounted for either. and micro factors can be determinants of this.
Given these limitations, segmentation based on micro In the first study, top managers involved in internationally-
characteristics is regarded in some quarters as more feasible. oriented segmentation work were invited to complete a
Consumer-related aspects are at the core of this approach to structured questionnaire by mail. A total of 112 usable
segmentation. In part, such thinking has emerged in response responses were obtained. Subjects were asked to indicate how
Downloaded by Universidad Nacional de Colombia At 15:05 10 February 2018 (PT)

to belief that consumer needs are generally becoming more often they used various macro-level and micro-level factors
homogenous to a degree that the creation of global segments when making international segmentation decisions. Ratings
is a valid option. Marketers have thus considered segments for each brand positioning strategy were also obtained.
based on psychographic and lifestyle features, attitudes Macroeconomics, geo-demographics and macro-cultural
towards imported products and country-of-origin (COO) factors were identified as underlying bases for macro-level
effects. One consequence is an acknowledgement that segmentation. For micro-level segmentation, underlying bases
‘clusters of countries with similar characteristics’ can be the appeared to be demographics, attitude and usage, micro-
basis of some segments. culture and brand loyalty. Study data indicated that:
Consequently, researchers perceived that the best solution .
Hybrid segmentation bases containing macro-level
is to adopt a process of “selective standardization” to geographical and economic variables and micro-level
effectively target these segments and those which are global lifestyle and behavioral variables are strongly associated
or country-specific. Nations displaying similar cultural and with a global positioning strategy.
socio-economic features are ideal cluster partners. Firms can .
Micro-level segmentation using lifestyle and behavioral
then group individual consumers within these clusters, while factors alone is strongly related to a multi-local brand
ignoring geographical boundaries. positioning strategy.
A major challenge facing marketers is the task of aligning .
Segmentation based solely on geographical and economic
segmentation and strategic positioning decisions. It raises macro-level bases is not strongly linked to any of the brand
questions about uniformity of brand image across the world positioning strategies.
and whether brands should be positioned the same
Evidence suggested that companies striving to secure “unified
everywhere. A shortage of studies linking the two issues
strategic brand positions” in world markets utilize both macro
compounds the difficulty. However, gaining awareness of
and micro-level segmentation bases. For brand positions
between-market similarities and differences is seen as
different to these, only micro-level bases are significant. From
fundamental. Scholars also believe that companies can
this, the authors conclude that a clearer emphasis of the
achieve economies of scale if managing to “standardize
intended brand position can be achieved by carefully selecting
brand appeal and marketing programs” to international
which segmentation bases are utilized.
A panel of segmentation decision makers was used for the
Evidence is inconclusive about how the degree of
second study. The 30 subjects were chosen because of their
segmentation impacts on brand position. Researchers have
unique knowledge of the topic. Participants were “globally
identified and labeled various strategies used by leading
knowledgeable” and represented different industries, nations
organizations depending on their segmentation and
and continents. An online survey was used to elicit how
positioning objectives:
subjects evaluate the perceived connection between world
Global strategy, whereby the brand is similarly positioned
market segments and global brand positions. They were asked
to global segments which are broadly alike in nature.
to indicate their opinion of how leading corporate brands
Focused strategy. This could involve positioning the same
target world-market segments and how the brands are
product in different ways to account for cultural
positioned worldwide.
disparities between separate markets.
Following analysis of subject responses, the authors reason
With a multi-national strategy, companies can exploit
that global brands can profit from the harmonization of their
brand appeal to market the same brand to different
brand positioning and segmentation strategies. They also note
segments in different nations.
the “positive association between global positioning and world
. A multi-local strategy takes into account what a specific
market segmentation”. An additional observation is that
product means to different segments around the world to
market globalization has created extra opportunities for
position the brand accordingly.
brands boasting universal appeal.
Companies may find their most significant threats coming Exploiting this situation needs brand strategies that
from rivals that vary the position of their brands depending on effectively target consumers whose expectations and

Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies Journal of Consumer Marketing
Salah S. Hassan and Stephen Craft Volume 29 · Number 5 · 2012 · 344 –356

demands are similar regardless of any national or cultural characteristics deemed relative to the firm’s products and
differences. Such segments could span countries or regions brands. The authors assert that using these
and be comparatively small in size, yet might still represent a “multidimensional segmentation factors” together with
lucrative marketing option. Hassan and Craft suggest ways in suitable brand positioning can help improve the brand’s
which to customize the core product or service to satisfy local global profile.
idiosyncrasies. Aligning brand position and segmentation is: cost effective,
Attaining competitive advantage might be likelier with a source of opportunity to transfer the firm’s offerings across
global and multinational strategies that leverage a consistent national or regional boundaries, a platform for market
brand image across different markets. The focused and multi- expansion opportunities, and a means to further improve
local strategies do not provide the same scope to reinforce a brand management.
brand’s reputation as widely. High costs associated with Future research could ascertain the ideal conditions for
differentiation are another possible negative. using segmentation and positioning strategies, while also
This study highlights the limitation of a conventional examining design, implementation, monitoring,
segmentation approach reliant on country-specific benchmarking and evaluation issues.
demographic factors. The recommended alternative is
largely standardized brand positioning which permits some (A précis of the article “Examining world market segmentation and
adjustment for local conditions. Marketers should target brand positioning strategies”. Supplied by Marketing Consultants
consumers from different nations who share key for Emerald.)
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