English Education For Young Learners

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English Education for Young Learners


The goal of this program is to explore general theories and research methods of
English education for young learners for teachers in kindergarten and elementary
schools and foster teaching professionals in the field of English education for young
learners. Especially, this program intends to teach in-service teachers in
kindergarten and elementary schools about theories and research methods of
English education for young learners used in foreign countries. This program
focuses on retraining teachers and producing English teaching professionals for
young learners to apply these theories in the classroom.

*Course Overview

This program is designed for pre-service and in-service teachers in the field of
English education in kindergartens and elementary schools. In-service teachers can
learn various theories about English education in the field of childhood education
through practical curriculum designed according to these theories. Students can
choose courses to fit their needs.

The curriculum consists of studies on individual school subjects and subject

contents. The courses provide theories of education and the application to foster
teaching professionalism. The curriculum consists of the following:

1. Subject contents consist of English linguistics (phonology, syntax) relative to the

system of English language, subjects for language skills (listening, speaking,
reading, writing), and English literature as the basis for British and American
culture. Teachers of English should have knowledge of these subjects.

2. Studies of individual subjects consist of principles of teaching and learning

English and research methods, including theories of language acquisition, learning
theories, teaching methodology, curriculum and materials development, evaluation,
language development, teaching methodology for four language skills, teaching
vocabulary, teaching grammar, and teaching pronunciation. Additionally, there are
subjects such as field work and classroom supervision.

*Course Content

-Curriculum for In-service Teachers

Course Title
Classification No. HourCredit
Korean English
Major Teaching
1 어린이영어발음지도 pronunciation to 2 2
Theories of ESL/EFL
2 어린이영어교육론 2 2
education for children
Introduction to British
3 영문학 개론 2 2
& American literature
Introduction to English
4 영어학 개론 2 2
Theory and practice
5 어린이영어교수법 for teaching ESL/EFL 2 2
to children
Materials development
6 어린이영어교재연구 for teaching English to 2 2
Practical English
7 중급실용영어 2 2
(Intermediate level)
English language
8 영어습득론 2 2
Practical English
9 고급실용영어 2 2
(Advanced level)
Teaching ESL/EFL
10 어린이영어읽기, 쓰기지도법 reading & writing to 2 2
English language
11 어린이영어평가방법론 assessment for 2 2
English conversation
12 영어 회화 및 작문Ⅰ 2 2
& composition
13 어린이영어교육연구방법론Ⅰ Research 2 2
Teaching ESL/EFL
14 아동문학지도법 through children's 2 2
Seminar on English
15 어린이영어교육세미나Ⅰ 2 2
education for childrenⅠ
Seminar on English
16 어린이영어교육세미나Ⅱ education for 2 2
17 멀티미디어영어교육 2 2
English education
Teaching ESL/EFL
18 어린이영어 어휘, 문법지도 vocabularies & 2 2
grammar to children
Early childhood
19 어린이영어습득론 English language 2 2
어린이영어교육 연구방법론 Research
20 2 2
Ⅱ methodologyⅡ
Teaching speaking &
21 어린이영어듣기, 말하기지도 2 2
listening to children
understanding and
22 영미문화이해 및 지도 teaching of English- 2 2
speaking cultures to
English conversation
23 영어회화 및 작문Ⅱ 2 2
& composition Ⅱ
ESL/EFL classroom
24 수업장학 2 2
Teaching fables &
25 신화 및 우화지도 2 2
fairy tales to children
ESL/EFL curriculum
26 어린이영어교육과정개발 development for 2 2
27 이중언어교육론 Bilingualism 2 2
ESL/EFL literacy
28 어린이영어 문자언어발달 development in 2 2
29 멀티미디어 어린이영어교육 Multimedia-assisted 2 2
English education for
young learners
English Writing
30 영어쓰기연습 2 2


*Course Description

Teaching pronunciation to children

This course deals with principles of teaching pronunciation and appropriate

methods for teaching pronunciation to children.

Theories of ESL/EFL Education for Children

Students study general learning theories and research methods relative to English
education such as psychology, sociology, and theories of language acquisition.

Introduction to British & American Literature

In order to understand the literary backgrounds of English language, Students study

literary works to gain knowledge of history, general characteristics, and literary
customs of British and American literature.

Introduction to English linguistics

This course includes general linguistic theories of English linguistic systems such as
phonetics, phonology, syntax and semantics.

Theories and practice for teaching ESL/EFL to children

This course helps students to apply various English teaching methods and skills in
the classroom based on principles and learning theories of foreign language
Materials development for teaching English to children

Students compare domestic and foreign curriculum for teaching English to children
and learn about development, analysis and use of teaching materials for teaching
English to children.

Practical English - Intermediate level

Students practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for the topics and
situations relative to daily life.

English language acquisition

Students study the differences between first language acquisition and foreign
language acquisition as well as the differences between language acquisition and
learning. They also explore the personal and social factors and their meanings in
English education.

Practical English - Advanced level

Students practice an advanced level of English for enabling them to communicate in

various situations on professional topics.

Teaching ESL/EFL Reading & Writing to Children

This course deals with theories of literacy development in children and appropriate
teaching methods for teaching reading and writing to children.

English Language Assessment for Children

Students explore appropriate assessment methods for children and their applications
based on various assessment theories and analyze their influences on the cognitive
and affective developments of children.

English Conversation & Composition

Students practice English conversation and writing for daily life.

Research MethodologyⅠ

Students analyze the trends in English education for young learners and study
quantitative approaches to research design and treatment analysis.

Teaching ESL/EFL through children's literature

Students study the influence of literature on English education for young learners
and its application in the EFL environment.

Seminar on English Education for ChildrenⅠ

Students analyze the international trends in English education for young learners
and find out their implications for EFL classrooms.

Seminar on English Education for childrenⅡ

Students analyze research trends and their application to various topics in English
education for children.

Multimedia-Assisted English Education

Students study the learning theories regarding the use of various types of
multimedia such as computers, videos, and e-learning. They also study the
influences of those media and how to apply these theories in practice.

Teaching ESL/EFL Vocabulary & Grammar to Children

This course deals with principles and teaching methodology of vocabulary

acquisition. Students understand the meaning of teaching grammar and its
application in English education for young learners.

Early Childhood English Language Acquisition

This course deals with the differences between first language acquisition and
second language acquisition. It also includes general theories and issues of language
acquisition for successful foreign language acquisition such as social, cultural, and
personal factors and the characteristics in the language development procedure.

Research MethodologyⅡ

Students practice various research methods based on the knowledge of the

principles and values of qualitative research and apply them in field research.

Teaching Speaking & Listening to Children

Students study the characteristics and development of oral language and learn
teaching and learning methods for listening and speaking.

Cross-Cultural Understanding and Teaching of English-Speaking Cultures to children

Students learn the differences between the cultures of English speaking countries
and other countries. This course also includes verbal and nonverbal characteristics
of English language reflecting cultural elements and teaching methods for cultural

English Conversation & Composition Ⅱ

Students practice English conversation and composition on specific topics.

ESL/EFL Classroom Supervision

Students learn theories of classroom supervision and various skills needed for
classroom supervision (observation, interview, anecdotal report, and analysis of
teacher’s language). Based on this knowledge, they practice classroom supervision.

Teaching Fables & Fairytales to Children

Students analyze the characteristics of fables and fairytales and carry out analysis of
teaching materials and teaching methodology.
ESL/EFL Curriculum Development for Children

This course deals with comparison of English curriculum in different countries,

curriculum developments and application in classroom based on the characteristics
and principles of English curriculum.


Based on the concepts of bilingualism, students compare bilingual education

programs in different countries and analyze the influence of bilingual education on
foreign language acquisition and development of children.

ESL/EFL Literacy Development in Children

Students learn theories of English literacy development, characteristics and

developmental phases of English literacy and seek appropriate teaching methods for
literacy in children.

Multimedia-Assisted English Education for Young Learners

Students learn how to use various types of multimedia in English education for
young learners. This course includes textbook development, program and
evaluation tools using multimedia and their applications in classroom.

English Writing Practice

Students learn basic principles and various writing skills based on the knowledge of
vocabulary, morphemes, syntax and stylistics. They improve writing skills through
practicing composition.

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