Emergency Approaches To Neurosurgical Conditions
Emergency Approaches To Neurosurgical Conditions
Emergency Approaches To Neurosurgical Conditions
Emergency Approaches
to Neurosurgical
Emergency Approaches
to Neurosurgical Conditions
Abhishek Agrawal • Gavin Britz
Emergency Approaches
to Neurosurgical
Abhishek Agrawal, M.D Gavin Britz
Department of Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery
and Radiology Methodist Neurological Institute
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Houston, TX
Harvard Medical School USA
Boston, MA
Abhishek Agrawal
Gavin Britz
x Contents
Index..................................................................................... 201
xii Contributors
CT Computed tomography
DTI Diffusion tensor imaging
IDH Isocitrate dehydrogenase
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
NF2 Neurofibromatosis type 2
PCV Procarbazine carmustine and vincristine
SRS Stereotactic radiosurgery
WHO World Health Organization
Non-malignant tumors of the brain and central nervous sys-
tem occur at an incidence of 17.9 per 100,000 in the United
States [25, 26]. The most common primary non-malignant
tumors are gliomas and meningiomas [25, 26]. Gliomas are
tumors intrinsic to the brain that arise from glial cells (sup-
porting cells), and include astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma,
Low-Grade Gliomas
a b
Risk Factors
The underlying cause of low-grade gliomas in adults is largely
unknown and thought to be multifactorial. Though infectious,
environmental, immunological, and genetic factors have been
implicated, the majority of studies lack large enough study
populations to establish causation [86]. The only known
modifiable risk factor for the development of low-grade
Chapter 1. Non-malignant Brain Tumors 5
a b c
Physical Findings
a b
Figure 1.3 FLAIR sequence axial MRIs show right frontal diffuse
astrocytoma (a) before and (b) after surgical resection. (c) Axial
non-contrast head CT shows hyperdensity consistent with calcifica-
tion typical in oligodendroglioma
The decision to offer treatment to patients with non-malignant
brain tumors must balance operative risk with the natural his-
tory of the tumor and its propensity to transform and grow over
time. Mounting evidence places maximal safe surgical resection
10 S.L. Hervey-Jumper and M.S. Berger
a b
Figure 1.4 (a) Axial and (b) coronal brain MRIs show a broad,
contrast-enhancing dural-based lesion consistent with meningioma.
(c) Cerebral angiography reveals dural feeders to the tumor with a
“blush” of vascularity (arrows)
Figure 1.5 Axial MRI with DTI shows left frontal tumor. DTI imag-
ing helps identify motor (red) and language pathways (green and
blue) for both preoperative planning and intraoperative navigation
a b
Motor tongue
Adjuvant Therapies
100 %
Cumulative survival 0.8
90–99 %
<40 %
0.4 41–89 %
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Survival (years)
Figure 1.7 Survival curves for total, subtotal, and partial resections
for low-grade gliomas (Adapted with permission [105])
Non-malignant brain tumors are a fairly common diagnosis,
and patients can live for decades after treatment. Low-grade
gliomas are slow-growing tumors originating from supporting
glial cells, while meningiomas grow attached to dural surfaces
outside of the brain. Prior radiation exposure is the only
known risk factor. Surgical resection plays a critical role.
Maximal safe resection using techniques such as neuronavi-
gation, functional MRI, DTI, and stimulation mapping allow
for preservation of neurological function while reducing
tumor burden. Subsequent radiotherapy can improve
progression-free survival for recurrent tumors and residual
disease. Targeted chemotherapeutic agents against specific
pathways necessary for tumor growth are currently being
1. Alexander AL, Lee JE, Lazar M, Field AS. Diffusion tensor
imaging of the brain. Neurotherapeutics. 2007;4(3):316–29.
2. Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Kruchko C. Meningiomas: causes and risk
factors. Neurosurg Focus. 2007;23(4):E2.
3. Bauman G, Fisher B, Watling C, Cairncross JG, Macdonald D. Adult
supratentorial low-grade glioma: long-term experience at a single
institution. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2009;75(5):1401–7.
4. Baumert BG, Stupp R. Low-grade glioma: a challenge in thera-
peutic options: the role of radiotherapy. Ann Oncol.
18 S.L. Hervey-Jumper and M.S. Berger
Clinical Presentation
The most common symptoms of brain tumors are headache,
seizures, and progressive neurological deficit. Headaches can
be caused by increased intracranial pressure, invasion or
Chapter 2. Malignant Brain Tumors 29
The diagnosis of a brain tumor is based on a combination of
the patient’s clinical symptoms and a neurological examina-
tion performed by a neurologist or a neurosurgeon. In addi-
tion, a diagnostic imaging test is always necessary, usually
either computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) are used. MRI not only confirms the diagno-
32 L. Rangel-Castilla and R.F. Spetzler
Treatment of a malignant brain tumor is complex and
requires the efforts of a multidisciplinary team of special-
ists. The team consists of a neuro-oncologist, neurosur-
geon, neuropathologist, neurologist, oncologist, radiation
oncologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and
speech pathologist. The role of the neurosurgeon includes
biopsy of the tumor for the purpose of diagnosis, reduction
of the tumor mass to the greatest extent possible with pres-
ervation of neurological function, and application of adju-
vant therapies on the basis of clinical and laboratory
observation [4].
Medical Therapy
Postoperative Phase
Adjuvant Therapy
Factors that can affect a patient’s length of survival include
age, overall quality of life, tumor size and location, and even
marital status. Unfortunately, the prognosis for patients with
malignant brain tumors (high-grade glioma) is poor. The
median survival is less than 2 years. For patients with anaplas-
tic glioma (WHO Grade III) the median survive is 2–5 years.
Only a small number of patients with high-grade gliomas
have lived longer than 2 years. After extensive surgery and
treatment, recurrence is inevitable, and patients will eventu-
ally succumb to this disease [3, 5].
1. Binello E, Green S, Germano IM. Radiosurgery for high-grade
glioma. Surg Neurol Int. 2012;3:S118–26.
2. Bradley D, Rees J. Updates in the management of high-grade
glioma. J Neurol. 2014;261(4):651–4.
3. Greenberg MS. Handbook of neurosurgery. New York: Thieme;
4. Hart MG, Garside R, Rogers G, Stein K, Grant R. Temozolomide
for high grade glioma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;(4),
5. Quinones-Hinojosa A. Malignant gliomas: anaplastic astrocy-
toma, glioblastoma multiforme, gliosarcoma. In: Winn HR, editor.
Youman’s neurological surgery. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2011.
Chapter 3
Pituitary Tumors
David S. Baskin
Blood levels exert regulatory influences upon the anterior pituitary gland and the hypothalamus
ADH and oxytocin
Releasing hormones
Nerve tracts
Portal system
Posterior pituitary
Anterior pituitary
diur ess
Anti p r
A D H, v
Adrenal Thyroid
gland gland
Figure 3.1 The pituitary gland and it effect and regulation of other
body tissues. The pituitary gland is responsible for regulating many
body tissues. Breast function in females, steroid production by adre-
nal glands, thyroid function, bone growth and health, sexual function
in men and women, fluid and electrolyte and water balance, and
contraction of the uterus during childbirth are just some of the func-
tions that it regulates. There is a complex balance of feedback loops
between the various body organs and the pituitary that enables the
body to function optimally
Table 3.1 Pituitary hormones and their functions and effects on the
Anterior lobe Function
Thyroid stimulating Causes the thyroid gland to grow and
hormone (TSH) release thyroid hormones (called T4
and T3)
Adrenocorticotropic Causes adrenal gland to release several
hormone (ACTH) hormones. The major one is cortisol.
Several others are also released
Growth hormones The main hormone for general body
(GH) growth. Growth hormone regulates many
metabolic functions including how the
body handles glucose
Follicle stimulating Stimulates ovulation in women and the
hormone (FSH) production of sperm in men.
Luteinizing hormone Stimulates ovulation in women and
(LH) testosterone production in men.
Prolactin (PRL) Causes breast enlargement and breast
milk. Too much causes infertility in women
and impotence in men
Posterior lobe Function
Antidiuretic Controls thirst and the amount fluid
hormone (ADH) reabsorbed into the bloodstream and the
amount of urine produced by the kidneys.
Oxytocin Stimulates uterine contractions in women.
Its function in men is unknown, if any.
This chart summarizes the effects of the hormone of the pituitary
gland on various bodily functions. Each hormone has a number of
very specialized effects, and this chart only summarizes these com-
plicated hormonal interactions. There is a delicate cycle of secretion
and regulation of these functions that varies by time of day and the
degree to which a person is physically and psychologically stressed.
Each of these hormones can be tested using a variety of different
types of studies. They can be tested by simply measuring the indi-
vidual hormone levels in the blood, but they can also be tested by
stimulation or suppression tests that tell the doctors how well the
body’s balance and regulation of these hormones is working
40 D.S. Baskin
Figure 3.2 Visual problems from pituitary tumors. There are many
different types of visual problems that can occur when a pituitary
tumor grows upwards and presses on the optic nerves or their connec-
tions. The most common problem is to lose vision in the outer fields,
called a bitemporal hemianopsia. Often patients do not notice this, as
they correct for the problem by moving their head back and forth.
Doctors perform an examination called a visual field test in order to
detect what quadrants of vision may not be functioning correctly
Treatment Options
Most pituitary tumors can be cured or at least very well con-
trolled with the treatments that are available. Treatment
options include observation over a period of time to see if
treatment is needed, treatment with drugs, radiation therapy,
and surgery
42 D.S. Baskin
Surgery is the preferred method of treatment for most pitu-
itary tumors. Two types of operations are done for the
removal of pituitary tumors. One, called a craniotomy, is
44 D.S. Baskin
directed through the skull above the eye. The other, called a
transsphenoidal operation, is directed through the nose. The
craniotomy operation involves making an incision on the
scalp near the top of the head. A piece of bone is then lifted
out and the coverings over the brain are opened. The lower
part of the brain is gently lifted to expose and remove the
tumor. The piece of bone is then replaced and the scalp is
closed with stitches or staples. In most cases, the incision on
the head can be placed so that the hair hides the scar. This
type of operation is usually not needed for a pituitary tumor,
but it is sometimes necessary if the tumor is very large and/or
it cannot be reached through the nose by a transsphenoidal
The transsphenoidal operation is the most common opera-
tion for a pituitary tumor [6] (Fig. 3.3). The surgical approach
for this operation is through the nose. There is no incision on
the face. This surgical approach provides the best exposure of
the tumor at the lowest risk. The operation normally takes 2 or
3 h. Following the operation, most patients spend one day in
the intensive care unit before returning to their hospital room.
Patients usually stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days following
the operation. In some cases, patients are sent home the day
after surgery. The best form of transsphenoidal surgery today
is called endoscopic endonasal surgery [6] (see Fig. 3.4)
Risks of Surgery
Certain risks exist with both the craniotomy and the transs-
phenoidal operation. With either operation there is a small
risk to life (less than 1 %) as occurs with any anesthesia and
major surgery. With either operation there is a risk to
developing problems with vision because the nerves to the
eyes are located in the area of the tumor. When there has
been a distinct loss of vision before the operation due to pres-
sure from the tumor, vision is often greatly improved by the
operation. The degree of recovery of vision after the opera-
tion depends on how much damage has been done to the
nerves of the eye by the tumor before the operation.
Chapter 3. Pituitary Tumors 45
Pituitary Gland
Location of Tumor
Sella Turcica
Sphenoid Sinus
A. Sublabial
B. Transseptal
C. Endonasal
Transsphenoidal Operation
Most pituitary tumors are removed by the surgical procedure
called a transsphenoidal operation (See Fig. 3.3).Transsphenoidal
means the operation is directed through the sphenoid bone and
sinus. The sphenoid is a small bone in the back of your nose
located just below the pituitary gland. It often contains a large
air filled cavity called the sphenoid sinus. In the past the trans-
sphenoidal operation was begun by making a 1–2 in. incision
under your lip at the top of your upper gum in the sublabial
modification of the transsphenoidal approach (See Fig. 3.4a) or
within the nose in the transseptal modification. (See Fig. 3.4b).
In recent years the operation has been modified so that there is
no need for an incision under the lip or in the front part of the
nose in most patients. The new procedure is called an endonasal
procedure because the tumor is approached through the nasal
cavity without an incision under the lip or in the front part of
the nose. There is no incision on the face. The tumor is reached
by working through one nostril, and making a hole at the back
of the nose (See Fig. 3.4c) into the sphenoid sinus and then
exposing the pituitary gland. The tumor is then removed. The
endonasal endoscopic procedure reduces the time required in
the operating room by as much as 2 h. The newer approach has
proven to be as effective as the older approach in reaching the
pituitary gland, and the benefits are greater. Patients can resume
a normal diet sooner after surgery, and the swelling of the face
and risk of injury to the upper lip and teeth is markedly reduced.
Post-operative discomfort is decreased and hospitalization has
been shortened by as much as 2 days.
48 D.S. Baskin
A small piece of fat is often removed from just below the skin
on your abdomen to fill the cavity created by the tumor removal.
The bottom of the skull is closed with a piece of bone or bone
substitute. This will help to prevent leakage of cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF), a fluid that surrounds the brain, spinal cord, and
pituitary gland. At times a drain may be inserted into the spine
while you are asleep to keep the pressure low and prevent leak-
ing after surgery. The drain may also be used to push to tumor
down by injecting fluid into it while you are under anesthesia.
In the endoscopic procedure, there is no need for stitches
to close the area since no incision has been made in the nose
or mouth. There is no need for gauze packing in the nose as
is used when incisions have been made in the nose or mouth.
There is minimal swelling, usually not noticeable.
Nasal Drainage
As mentioned previously under the description of the opera-
tion, a small piece of fat is removed from just under the skin
over the abdomen to “plug” the opening in the back of your
Chapter 3. Pituitary Tumors 49
Figure 3.5 Fluid and electrolyte balance. After surgery, doctors will
carefully monitor the amount of fluid going into your veins as well
as your urine output. A flexible plastic catheter called an intrave-
nous catheter or IV will be used to give you additional fluids. This is
because the pituitary gland regulates water balance in the body
through a hormone called antidiuretic hormone. This hormone bal-
ance can be temporarily disturbed, causing too high or too low levels
of sodium and other important minerals in the blood. Carefully
monitoring your fluid balance with periodic blood tests will enable
the doctors to ensure that your recovery is smooth and that there
are no problems with water balance
similar to the ones that were done before the surgery. Often
the doctors in your community can do these tests. The
endocrinologist will test how well the pituitary gland is func-
tioning by checking hormone levels in the blood. If the levels
are not high enough for everyday activities the doctor may
prescribe hormone replacement therapy. The ophthalmolo-
gist will evaluate any changes in your vision after the surgery.
Chapter 3. Pituitary Tumors 51
Discharge Instructions
If your tumor is small you will probably not have to take any
hormone replacement after you are discharged from the hos-
pital. Patients with decreased pituitary gland function can still
lead a normal life by taking medication each day to replace
the normal hormones in the body. If your tumor is large you
may be given a medication called Hydrocortisone. This medi-
cation helps to protect your body from the effects of stress. If
you need hydrocortisone after discharge, you may be
instructed to increase the dose if you are stressed by fever,
infection, surgery, or other illness. Other medications that
may be needed for decreased pituitary function are thyroid
medications; estrogen or progesterone in the female; and
testosterone in the male.
Follow-Up Care
A follow-up appointment will be scheduled. Laboratory tests
may be done at that time to check the hormone levels in your
blood and urine. Some patients develop a low sodium level in
the blood during the first week or two after surgery because
the pituitary gland over compensates by producing too much
antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The excess ADH causes the
body to retain fluid thus diluting the serum sodium to low
levels. The treatment for this is fluid restriction and replace-
ment of sodium either by salt tablets or intravenously. For
that reason you may be asked to obtain several sodium or
electrolyte levels after leaving the
The decision to use radiation therapy is usually made at
the time of a MRI scan several months after surgery. In most
cases, a follow up appointment will be scheduled 4–6 months
after the first follow-up appointment done approximately 6
52 D.S. Baskin
1. Melmed S. Medical progress: acromegaly. N Engl J Med.
2. Lake MG, Krook LS, Cruz SV. Pituitary adenomas: an overview.
Am Fam Physician. 2013;5:319–27.
3. Newell-Price J. Diagnosis/differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syn-
drome: a review of best practice. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol
Metab. 2009;23 Suppl 1:S5–14.
4. Klibanski A. Clinical practice. Prolactinomas. N Engl J Med.
5. Colao A, Savastano S. Medical treatment of prolactinomas. Nat
Rev Endocrinol. 2011;7(5):267–78.
6. Rotenberg B, Tam S, Ryu WHA, Duggal N. Microscopic versus
endoscopic pituitary surgery: a systematic review. Laryngoscope.
Chapter 4
Pediatric Brain Tumors
Mihir Gupta and Gerald A. Grant
M. Gupta, BA
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
e-mail: gupta5@stanford.edu
G.A. Grant, MD, FACS ()
Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University Medical Center/
Lucile Packard Children’ Hospital, Standord, CA, USA
e-mail: ggrant2@stanford.edu
While each individual will experience different symptoms,
tumors often produce patterns of symptoms depending
upon their location in the brain. This is because each part
of the brain controls unique functions or parts of the body.
Common symptoms of tumors in each major area are
listed in Table 4.1. Symptoms may appear on the opposite
side of the body than the tumor is located, because some
parts of the brain control the opposite side of the body.
Speech and language is most often on the left side of the
Embryonal Tumors
These tumors arise from cells that normally help to form the
brain early on in development.
•Medulloblastoma: once thought to be a single type of tumor, but
molecular studies showed there are at least four distinct sub-
types based on molecular markers:SHH (or ‘Sonic Hedgehog’),
WNT, Group 3 and Group 4. Chemotherapy and surgery regi-
mens will likely be tailored specifically for each subtype.
• Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET): generally
removed with surgery, followed by radiation and chemo-
therapy in many instances.
58 M. Gupta and G.A. Grant
There are also several other types of brain tumors that are
more rare than those outlined above. Your treatment team
will be able to provide information on the type of tumor as
well as the treatment plan.
Treatment Teams
Hospital stays may last for several days. Many hospital sys-
tems will have resources available to provide families a place
to stay during that time. The case manager or social worker
on the team can work with families to arrange housing.
Radiation Therapy
It is sometimes possible to use focused radiation such as
x-rays or gamma rays to target tumor cells. Radiation may be
given in small doses over a period of time, often alongside
chemotherapy or surgery. Side effects of radiation therapy
may include nausea, fatigue, hair loss and brain swelling.
Other Medications
After Treatment
Some hospitals may also have secure online systems that can
be used to view test results or communicate with the treat-
ment team. You may also be able to have digital copies of
imaging results loaded onto a CD.
Hydrocephalus, or fluid on the brain, may be associated with a
variety of conditions, including bleeding following premature
birth, infection, trauma, tumors, or from other congenital mal-
formations, such as myelomeningocele, as discussed above. The
infant head normally grows in response to the growing brain.
As fluid accumulates in hydrocephalus, the head size increases
more rapidly, and the head size is seen to rise above the normal
growth curve. The infant’s skull soft spot is fuller, and firm,
from increased pressure inside the skull. The infant may be
irritable, or lethargic. Vomiting may occur, and the eyes may be
seen to be looking down (sunsetting sign). The evaluation of
Chapter 5. Congenital Neurosurgical Problems 67
Chiari Malformations
Chiari malformations involve the inferior portion of the skull
and upper portion of the spine, along with the brainstem,
spinal cord, and cerebellum. In the Chiari 1 malformation, the
cerebellar tonsils protrude through the hole at the base of the
skull through which the brainstem exits. Since this portion of
the skull and spine is shaped like a funnel, the herniation of
the tonsils into the upper portion of the spine results in com-
pression of the junction of the brainstem and spinal cord, and
interference with the normal flow of spinal fluid across this
region. Symptoms of Chiari 1 malformation include headache
at the base of the skull, especially with coughing, sneezing, or
straining, numbness or weakness in the hands, and difficulty
swallowing. A syrinx, or fluid pocket, may develop in the
upper portion of the spinal cord. Evaluation of patients with
Chiari 1 malformation includes MRI scanning. A Chiari mal-
formation may cause, or be caused by, hydrocephalus. The
treatment of Chiari 1 malformation is surgical, most often
involving decompression.
Chiari 2 (or Arnold-Chiari) malformation is seen in
patients with myelomeningocele, and represents a more
68 H.E. Fuchs
Arachnoid Cysts
Arachnoid cysts are fluid filled balloons occurring within
the arachnoid layer covering the brain. The normal arach-
noid is one of three covering layers of the brain and spinal
cord, and is the layer that encloses the spinal fluid spaces.
An arachnoid cyst arises early in development, when a sepa-
rate pocket containing fluid forms. This balloon may com-
press adjacent areas of the brain, or may not cause any
significant issues. For larger cysts causing neurologic prob-
lems, surgery is indicated. Such surgery may range from
shunting the cyst, to endoscopic approaches to communi-
cate the cyst space to the normal spinal fluid spaces, or to
open surgery for cyst removal.
Encephaloceles are congenital defects of the coverings of
the brain including the skull, which allow herniation of por-
tions of the brain anywhere between the nose and back of
the head. There may or may not be skin coverage of the
herniated brain. Hydrocephalus is associated more com-
monly with encephaloceles more at the back of the head.
Treatment of an encephalocele is surgical, with the intent to
repair the defects in the covering layers of the brain, includ-
ing the skull.
Chapter 5. Congenital Neurosurgical Problems 69
The normal infant skull is composed of multiple plates of
bone. Where these plates come together, the joints are called
sutures. Where multiple sutures come together, are the soft
spots, the most well known of which is the anterior fontanelle,
just above the forehead. The sutures are the sites of skull
growth. When a suture closes too early, growth at this site is
lost, and the remainder of the skull must grow disproportion-
ally to allow enough room for the growing brain. This condi-
tion is called craniosynostosis, and closure of a suture results
in characteristic alterations in head shape, which may be
diagnosed visually or with x-ray or CT scans. Closure of a
single suture is associated with an 8–10 % chance of increased
pressure on the developing brain, due to lack of adequate
skull growth. Several genetic syndromes are associated with
closure of multiple cranial sutures, with more severe
deformities, and much greater chances of increased pressure
on the brain. The treatment of craniosynostosis is surgical.
For older infants, complex reconstructions of major portions
of the skull may be performed usually in conjunction with a
craniofacial team involving pediatric plastic surgery and neu-
rosurgery. For infants diagnosed prior to 3–6 months, less
invasive operations are possible. Over the last decade,
increased emphasis has been placed on the potential for
endoscopic surgeries to utilize much smaller incisions, fol-
lowed by the use of specialized molding helmets to modify
the abnormal head shape, with very encouraging results.
Hydrocephalus is the abnormal accumulation of cerebrospi-
nal fluid (CSF) within the ventricles (i.e., the fluid filled cavi-
ties within the brain) and subarachnoid spaces (i.e., the fluid
filled space around the brain). It is often associated with dila-
tation of the ventricular system and increased intracranial
pressure (ICP; i.e., increased pressure within the brain). The
incidence of pediatric hydrocephalus as an isolated congeni-
tal disorder is approximately 1/1,000 live births. Pediatric
hydrocephalus is often associated with numerous other con-
ditions, such as myelomeningocele, tumors and infections.
Hydrocephalus is almost always a result of an interruption of
CSF flow and is rarely because of increased CSF production.
In this chapter, we will discuss the clinical features, diagnosis,
and treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus.
Clinical Features
Signs and symptoms of progressive hydrocephalus depend on
age. The following outlines the signs and symptoms of hydro-
cephalus in premature infants, full-term infants, and older
Premature Infants
Full-Term Infants
The common causes of hydrocephalus in full-term infants
include aqueductal stenosis, Dandy-Walker syndrome, arach-
noid cysts, tumors, and cerebral malformations. Symptoms
include irritability, vomiting, and drowsiness. Signs include
macrocephaly, a convex and full anterior fontanelle, distended
scalp veins, cranial suture splaying, frontal bossing, cracked pot
sound on percussing over dilated ventricles (positive Macewen’s
sign), poor head control, and the “setting-sun” sign, in which
the eyes are inferiorly deviated (Table 6.1).
Older Children
Hydrocephalus can be diagnosed by cranial ultrasonography in
infants with open scalp fontanelles, and by CT and MR imaging,
which will demonstrate increased ventricular size, as well as the
site of pathological obstruction if present (e.g., tumors that
obstruct the ventricles and produce ventriculomegaly).
The treatment of hydrocephalus can be divided into non-
surgical approaches and surgical approaches, which in turn
can be divided into non-shunting or ventricular shunting
74 A.M. Avellino
Non-surgical Options
CSF shunts are silicone rubber tubes that divert CSF from the
ventricles to other body cavities where normal physiologic
processes can absorb the CSF. Shunts typically have three
components: a proximal (ventricular) catheter, a one-way
valve that permits CSF flow out of the ventricular system, and
a distal catheter that diverts the CSF to its eventual destina-
tion (i.e., peritoneal, atrium or pleural space). The most com-
mon type of ventricular shunt in use today is the ventricular
to peritoneal shunt (i.e., shunt tubing from the ventricles to
the peritoneal cavity which is the potential space around the
organs in the abdomen).
Valves come in a variety of different pressure and flow set-
tings depending on the manufacturer. However, a recent
advance in shunt valve technology has been the introduction
76 A.M. Avellino
Shunt Complications
Shunt Infection
Despite the numerous measures used to decrease the risk of
infection, in general, approximately 1–15 % of all shunting
procedures are complicated by infection. Approximately
three-quarters of all shunt infections become evident within
1 month of placement. Nearly 90 % of all shunt infections are
recognized within 1 year of the last shunt manipulation, as it
is believed that most bacteria are introduced at the time of
The most effective and widely used treatment of a shunt
infection is to remove the infected shunt hardware and place
an external ventriculostomy drain (i.e., placement of a tube
within the ventricles and connecting it to an external sterile
collection bag outside one’s body). The patient is then treated
with the appropriate intravenous antibiotics based on culture
and sensitivity results. When the infection is cleared, a new
ventricular shunt system is implanted, and the external ven-
triculostomy is removed.
Chapter 6. Hydrocephalus 77
Shunt Obstruction
Signs and symptoms of progressive hydrocephalus depend on
age. Symptomatic ventricular shunt malfunction should be
evaluated, recognized and treated promptly to avoid undue
morbidity. Ventricular shunt infection currently occurs in
1–15 % of children who have shunts placed or revised, and
the majority of infections are detected within the first
1–6 months after a shunt procedure. The prognosis of pediat-
ric hydrocephalus is dependent primarily on the underlying
brain morphology (i.e., a child with relatively normal brain
organization has a better outcome than a child with abnormal
Suggested References
1. Avellino AM. Chapter 4. Hydrocephalus. In: Singer HS, Kossoff
EH, Hartman AL, Crawford TO, editors. Treatment of pediatric
neurologic disorders. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group; 2005.
p. 25–36 (Portions of this chapter were reprinted/republished
with permission of Taylor & Francis Group LLC Books; permis-
sion conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc).
2. Albright AL. Chapter 6. Hydrocephalus in children. In:
Rengachary SS, Wilkens RH, editors. Principles of neurosurgery.
1st ed. London: Wolfe Publishing; 1994. p. 6.1–6.23.
Chapter 7
Chiari Syndrome
Samuel Braydon Harris and Richard G. Ellenbogen
S.B. Harris
Columbia University,
116th St and Broadway,
New York, NY 10027, USA
spinal canal and crowd the spinal cord and brainstem. This
part of the cerebellum, the tonsils, can block the normal flow
of fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) around the brain. At
the same time the tonsils can compress the cervical spinal
cord and brainstem, which are essential for normal brain
Chiari II malformation is associated with the birth defects,
spina bifida (myelomeningocele) and hydrocephalus. Chiari II
malformation (CMII) involves descent the middle structure of
the cerebellum, the vermis, with descent of the brainstem
below the foramen magnum. Chiari type III (and IV) malfor-
mations are severe and exceedingly rare varieties of the Chiari
malformation. Only the more common CMI malformation will
be discussed in this chapter, as its treatment is much different
than the treatment for the other Chiari malformations.
The cause of the CMI brain malformation is unknown and
is discovered in a wide range of ages from under 3 years of
age to those over 60 years of age. The increased availability of
MRI has increased the diagnosis of this condition, which was
once thought to be rare. CMI is not as rare as once thought.
If the cerebellum escapes more than 5 mm below the fora-
men magnum and the patient has typical clinical symptoms,
than the patient may fit the diagnostic criteria for CMI. The
exact incidence of the malformation is unknown, but in one
hospital based study perhaps, 1/1,280 people or more had
CMI based on MRI. We still do not know whether or not any
person affected with CMI will pass it to their child. Although
some cases have a genetic basis with more than on family
member affected with CMI, this occurrence is quite rare.
Thus siblings of CMI patients do not need an MRI unless
they are suffering the same symptoms of CMI.
A simplified way of explaining the CMI to young
patients is to describe it as a “size 10 brain stuck in a size 9
skull, ” even though most of the patients do not suffer from
a misshapen or small skull. There are two main pathological
or abnormal events that are observed in each patient who
has a CMI. There is 1) “escape” or herniation of the cere-
Chapter 7. Chiari Syndrome 81
Sleep disturbances
which they feel fatigued all the time. Some of that fatigue
may be attributed from the incessant pain associated with
headaches that start whenever the patient strains. It is impor-
tant to note that a significant percentage of people with CMI
suffer no symptoms and are diagnosed following an MRI for
an unrelated clinical reason. These patients may remain
asymptomatic for much of their life and the “natural history”
(i.e., do they get symptoms later) of patients who do not
receive treatment is still being studied.
Patients with syringomyelia associated with CMI can have
severe symptoms, which include motor, sensory, pain and
major dysfunction of their nervous system (See Table 7.2).
The motor symptoms range from mild weakness to wasting of
muscles. It is common for children with syringomyelia to have
scoliosis as well. Syringomyelia can cause loss of feeling in the
hands and feet or even the opposite. Patients can suffer exag-
gerated, hypersensitivity to touch, which is painful. The pain
quality may be burning and occur in the arms and trunk.
There may be joint pain in the shoulders that occurs from
slow destruction of the joint. The major dysfunction of the
nervous system may include incontinence of the bladder or
bowel. There may be “autonomic” symptoms, which include
wide swings in blood pressure, fainting or sweating. CMI
patients with associated syringomyelia are rarely asymptom-
atic but their natural history is often one of progressively
worse symptoms slowly over time.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) diagnosis of CMI sets
the threshold for diagnosis by measuring the amount the cer-
ebellar tonsils escape below the foramen magnum. Descent
of 5 mm or greater is consistent with CMI. The MRI uses the
interaction between strong magnetic fields produced by the
machine and molecules in the body to produce high defini-
tion images of the body’s internal structure. The advantage to
using this technique is that in addition to the high resolution
Table 7.2 Neurologic signs in syringomyelia associated with chiari malformation [3]
Motor Sensory Pain Sphincter Autonomic
Weakness of hands and Decreased feeling Midline pain Urinary Wide swings in blood pressure
upper extremities in hands and arms incontinence
Atrophy of hands or Decreased Burning pain in Bowel Syncope of fainting
arms sensation in torso arms and torso incontinence
Increased tone or upper Hypersensitivity Joint pain Male Profuse sweating
S.B. Harris and R.G. Ellenbogen
of the brain and spinal cord it provides, it does not require the
use of X-ray radiation that in large or cumulative doses can
cause harm. To this date we do not have scientific proof that
MRI can cause damage to the brain or spinal cord.
An MRI of the brain and spinal cord will be ordered if a
CMI and syringomyelia are suspected based on symptoms.
Some centers will add a CSF flow study in which the MRI
evaluates the flow of CSF above and below the foramen mag-
num. A “CSF flow” study is not essential. Surgeons use it to
obtain a baseline and gauge the amount obstruction of CSF
flow by the tonsils. If a CMI/syringomyelia patient does not
improve their symptoms after surgery, and the CSF flow is
not improved it may change the management of that patient.
Flow studies are also helpful for an uncommon entity called
Chiari 0 malformation. These are patients with a syringomy-
elia but no cerebellum below the foramen magnum. The flow
studies may demonstrate and obstruction of flow across the
foramen magnum from something other than the tonsils,
which causes the syringomyelia. Those patients can be
improved with surgery.
Treatment of CMI is primarily surgical as there is no effective
medical treatment for this malformation [4]. However, the
first and most important question is to determine whether or
not surgery is required. In asymptomatic patients who may
have borderline descent of their cerebellum (less than 5 mm),
surgery may not be indicated for three reasons. The first rea-
son is the patient’s natural history may be one in which they
stay asymptomatic throughout their life. Second, the MRI is a
safe and cost effective tool to follow asymptomatic patients.
And three, even in the most experienced and skilled neuro-
logical surgeons hands, the CMI operation is not without risks,
albeit the risks may be low. So, who should get the surgery?
The surgery is indicated for patients who have, (1) lifestyle
limiting symptoms such as tussive headaches with a CMI on
86 S.B. Harris and R.G. Ellenbogen
1. Armonda RA, Citrin CM, Foley KT, Ellenbogen RG. Quantitative
cine-mode MRI of chiari I malformations: an analysis of CSF
dynamics. Neurosurgery. 1994;35(2):214–24. PMID: 7969828.
2. Toldo I, Tangari M, Mardari R, Perissinotto E, Sartori S, Gatta M,
Calderone M, Battistella PA. Headache in children with chiari I
malformation. Headache. 2014;54:899–908. doi:10.1111/head.12341.
3. Milhorat TH, Chou MW, Trinidad EM, Kula RW, Mandell M,
Wolpert C, Speer MC. Chiari I malformation redefined: clinical
and radiographic findings for 364 symptomatic patients.
Neurosurgery. 1999;44:1005–17.
4. Ulrich B, editor. Chiari malformation and syringomyelia. American
Syringomyelia and Chiari Alliance Project. Web. 26 June 2014. -
Chapter 8
Brain Aneurysms
Yi Jonathan Zhang, Virendra Desai, Orlando Diaz,
Richard P. Klucznik, and Gavin Britz
Aneurysms are focal, weakened dilations of blood vessel
walls. Most common aneurysms occur in the brain or along
the aorta, where aneurysms affecting those vessels supplying
the brain are called cerebral aneurysms. These dangerous
dilations can cause life threatening bleeding from aneurysmal
rupture and occasionally lead to symptoms by compressing
adjacent neural structures. Many times, the very first bleeding
from a brain aneurysm may lead to death. After rupturing
once, aneurysms have a very high chance of rerupturing and
rebleeding. Therefore, urgent treatment is of paramount
importance in saving a salvageable patient’s life. When a
brain aneurysm is detected before any bleeding, careful
evaluation should be made to determine whether and how to
treat the potentially devastating abnormality.
Y.J. Zhang, MD
Department of Neurosurgery, Methodist Neurological Institute,
Houston, TX, USA
V. Desai, MD • O. Diaz, MD • R.P. Klucznik, MD • G. Britz, MD ()
Department of Neurosurgery, Houston Methodist Hospital,
Houston, TX, USA
e-mail: gbritz@houstonmethodist.org
Before any symptom onset, most patients are not aware that
they have an aneurysm. The prevalence of unruptured
cerebral aneurysms in the general adult population ranges
from 1.8 to 3.2 % [1, 2]. Of these, the overall risk of rupture
is 1 % per year, although this risk depends significantly on
age, type of aneurysm (symptomatic versus asymptomatic),
size and location of the aneurysm [3]. In the U.S., there
are approximately 30,000 cases of aneurysmal bleeding
annually [4].
Risk Factors
Symptoms of Compression
a b
Conventional Treatment
a b
a b
Figure 8.3 (a) The aneurysm depicted in Fig. 8.2 has now been coil
embolized – note the dark coils placed inside the aneurysm. (b)
Another view of the aneurysm in Fig. 8.2 after coil embolization
a b
a b
Figure 8.5 (a) The aneurysm in Fig. 8.4 has now been treated with
a clip (front view). Note the jaws of the clip have an “open” portion
that allows it to wrap around one of the anterior cerebral arteries
without occluding it and still seal off the aneurysm (***keep image
aspect ratio when enlarge***). (b) Same aneurysm after clip ligation
when viewed from the side
a b
c d
a b
Figure 8.7 (a) Cerebral angiogram of the images in Fig. 8.6 after
coil embolization of the aneurysms (front view). (b) Cerebral angio-
gram of the images in Fig. 8.6 after coil embolization of the aneu-
rysms (side view)
a b
a b
Figure 8.9 (a) 62 year-old suffered vision loss and was found to have
a right ophthalmic artery aneurysm. 3D reconstruction of a giant
ophthalmic artery aneurysm (front view). (b) Cerebral angiogram of
a giant ophthalmic artery aneurysm (front view). (c) 3D reconstruc-
tion of a giant ophthalmic artery aneurysm (side view). (d) Cerebral
angiogram of a giant ophthalmic artery aneurysm (side view)
a b
Figure 8.10 (a) Cerebral angiogram of the images in Fig. 8.9 after
coil embolization of the aneurysm with the help of a pipeline stent,
which can be noted as the smaller c-shaped structure contained
within the internal carotid artery below the aneurysm (close-up
view). (b) Cerebral angiogram of the images in Fig. 8.9 after coil
embolization of the aneurysm with the help of a pipeline stent,
which can be noted as the smaller c-shaped structure contained
within the internal carotid artery below the aneurysm (close-up
a b
Before 1995 [5], after subarachnoid hemorrhage from a
ruptured aneurysm, 50 % of patients died with another 20 %
dependent on others for activities of daily living (such as
cooking, cleaning, dressing oneself, etc.). Over the last decade,
the outcome has improved significantly, although brain aneu-
rysm rupture continues to be a devastating condition. The
most important factors in predicting outcome is the patient’s
age and condition prior to treatment.
1. Vernooij MW, Ikram MA, Tanghe HL, Vincent AJPE, Hofman
A, Krestin GP, Niessen WJ, Breteler MMB, van der Lugt A.
Incidental findings on brain MRI in the general population. N
Engl J Med. 2007;357:1821–8.
2. Vlak MHM, Algra A, Brandenburg R, Rinkel GJE. Prevalence
of unruptured intracranial aneurysms, with emphasis on sex, age,
comorbidity, country, and time period: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Lancet Neurol. 2011;10:626–36.
3. Rinkel GJE, Djibuti M, Algra A, van Gijn J. Prevalence and risk
of rupture of intracranial aneurysms: a systematic review. Stroke.
4. Singer RJ, Ogilvy CS, Rordorf G. Etiology, clinical manifesta-
tions, and diagnosis of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
UpToDate.com. Wolters Kluwer; 2012.
5. Ruigrok YM, Rinkel GJE. Genetics of intracranial aneurysms.
Stroke. 2008;39:1049–55.
6. Moore SP, Psarros TG. The definitive neurological surgery board
review. Marceline: Walsworth Publishing; 2005. Print.
7. Krex D, Schackert HK, Schackert G. Genesis of cerebral aneu-
rysms – an update. Acta Neurochir. 2001;143:429–49.
Chapter 8. Brain Aneurysms 101
AVM Arteriovenous malformation
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CT Computed tomography
CTa Computed tomography angiography
DCA Diagnostic cerebral angiography
MRa Magnetic resonance angiography
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
Arteries and veins are pipes, or blood vessels, by which blood
is circulated throughout the body. Blood serves to carry nutri-
ents to tissues and organs and takes waste products away
from them. The heart serves as the pump that circulates blood
Figure 9.1 In these side (a) and front (b) views of an artist’s impres-
sion of a brain AVM, note the abnormal tangle of vessels, nidus, with
feeding arterial vessels and draining veins (Courtesy, The Aneurysm
and AVM Foundation. © 2013 The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation.
All Rights Reserved)
Chapter 9. Brain Arteriovenous Malformations 105
106 A.B. Shaw et al.
within the nidus (Fig. 9.2). These vessels cannot tolerate the
high-pressure of blood flow from arterial feeding vessels and
can rupture. Brain hemorrhage is the most common reason
for patients with AVMs to seek medical attention. The most
common age to bleed is between 15 and 20 years [2]. AVM
hemorrhages can cause seizures, headache, neck stiffness, and
symptoms of a stroke, such as weakness, numbness, and prob-
lems speaking, depending on the location within the brain
(Fig. 9.3). In the worst scenarios, hemorrhages can cause
Chapter 9. Brain Arteriovenous Malformations 107
Initially, emphasis is placed on previous medical history and
physical examination in those seeking medical attention. This
will guide the clinician to order the appropriate studies. In an
emergency setting a computed tomography (CT) scan of the
brain is obtained to look for evidence of bleeding. This tech-
nology utilizes “x-rays” to take snapshots of the body in cross
sections. CT scans can be used to provide information about
the vasculature by means of an intravenous dye called CT
angiography (CTa) (Fig. 9.4). CT scans do have limitations in
revealing details of the brain and requires exposure to radia-
tion. In the setting of an AVM, it will allow doctors to identify
bleeding, its source, and location, and it can be performed in
conjunction with a CTa. Depending on the results, further
diagnostic imaging studies may be obtained. This includes a
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain (Fig. 9.5).
This imaging modality has the benefit of avoiding radiation
and providing greater detail of the brain. This technology
uses magnetic fields to differentiate different aspects of tis-
sues. MRI has acquired new applications since its inception,
and magnetic resonance angiography (MRa) can be
performed. Similar to CTa, MRa provides information about
Chapter 9. Brain Arteriovenous Malformations 109
and AVM (Fig. 9.7). The DCA can provide information about
the AVM size, arterial inflow to the nidus, and venous out-
flow. This is an invasive study with risks of radiation, kidney
injury from the dye, and blood vessel injury from the cathe-
ters, and is reserved for cases where the AVM needs to be
better characterized after CT or MRI.
A definitive measure to “cure” an individual of their AVM is
surgical removal. Patients are put under general anesthesia
and an incision in the scalp overlaying the brain AVM is
made. After a “bone window”, or craniotomy, is made to
expose the underlying brain, the AVM is delicately
112 A.B. Shaw et al.
Figure 9.7 Images from side (a) and front (b) projections of a DCA
demonstrate the feeding arteries (white arrow), the AVM nidus
(encircled), and the draining vein (white arrowhead). This remains
the “gold standard” diagnostic study
114 A.B. Shaw et al.
AVMs are rare lesions composed of abnormal connections
between arteries and veins. Individuals with these lesions
have variable symptoms and the prognosis varies depending
on characteristics of the AVM. Diagnostic and therapeutic
options continue to evolve, and treatment is individualized
based on several factors. Patients with AVMs and their fami-
lies should be aware of common symptoms and previous
treatment in case of an emergency. This information is
extremely useful in the emergency setting.
Chapter 9. Brain Arteriovenous Malformations 119
1. Ondra SL, Troupp H, George ED, Schwab K. The natural history
of symptomatic arteriovenous malformations of the brain: a
24-year follow-up assessment. J Neurosurg. 1990;73:387–91.
2. Perret G, Nishioka H. Report on the cooperative study of intra-
cranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Section VI.
Arteriovenous malformations. An analysis of 545 cases of cranio-
cerebral arteriovenous malformations and fistulae reported to
the cooperative study. J Neurosurg. 1966;25:467–90.
3. Crawford PM, West CR, Chadwick DW, Shaw MD. Arteriovenous
malformations of the brain: natural history in unoperated
patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1986;49:1–10.
4. Spetzler RF, Hargraves RW, McCormick PW, Zabramski JM,
Flom RA, Zimmerman RS. Relationship of perfusion pressure
and size to risk of hemorrhage from arteriovenous malforma-
tions. J Neurosurg. 1992;76:918–23.
5. Stapf C, Mast H, Sciacca RR, Choi JH, Khaw AV, Connolly ES,
et al. Predictors of hemorrhage in patients with untreated brain
arteriovenous malformation. Neurology. 2006;66:1350–5.
6. Amar AP, Teitelbaum GP, Larsen DW. A novel technique and
new grading scale for the embolization of cerebral vascular mal-
formations. Neurosurgery. 2006;59:S158–62; discussion S3–13.
7. Lunsford LD, Niranjan A, Kano H, Kondziolka D. The technical
evolution of gamma knife radiosurgery for arteriovenous malfor-
mations. Prog Neurol Surg. 2013;27:22–34.
Chapter 10
Moyamoya Disease
Teresa E. Bell-Stephens and Gary K. Steinberg
Moyamoya Disease
Moyamoya causes progressive narrowing and closure in the
intracranial ICAs and their branches (anterior and middle
cerebral arteries). It usually affects both sides, but is sometimes
unilateral [14, 24, 26]. The result is often temporary or perma-
nent neurological symptoms including transient ischemic
attacks (TIAs), strokes, headaches, seizures, abnormal uncon-
trolled movements and/or various other symptoms [23, 24, 31]
(Table 10.1). Adults have a greater risk of stroke from bleeding
than do children. Initially thought to be limited to those of
Asian heritage, moyamoya is now recognized as affecting all
ethnicities (Fig. 10.1). Once considered extremely rare, moy-
amoya diagnoses in the United States have increased with
improved awareness. One study showed that 1 of every 200,000
hospital admissions in the United States was due to moyam-
oya, and this number has increased over time [27]. Symptoms
can start at any age, but there are peaks in childhood around
age 5 and in the fourth decade of life [26]. Some associated
T.E. Bell-Stephens, RN, BSN, CNRN • G.K. Steinberg, MD, PhD ()
Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School
of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford, CA 94305-5327, USA
e-mail: tbell-stephens@stanfordhealthcare.org;
Natural History
The natural history of moyamoya is not completely
understood, although there is inevitable progression in the
majority of patients. The rate of progression, however, is
unpredictable. Two-thirds of patient have symptomatic pro-
gression over 5 years and the outcome is poor without treat-
ment [6, 19, 20]. Those with unilateral presentation often
124 T.E. Bell-Stephens and G.K. Steinberg
Moyamoya diagnosis involves taking careful histories and
evaluating several radiology studies. Patients are asked in-
depth questions about the onset, frequency, location, duration
and severity of any neurological symptoms in order to deter-
mine if they are related to moyamoya and which side of the
brain might be affected. Moyamoya can initially be confused
with other neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis [7],
Chapter 10. Moyamoya Disease 125
a b
Moyamoya is sometimes treated with antiplatelet or antico-
agulation therapy in an attempt to improve blood flow to the
brain. However, as previously mentioned, medical therapy
alone is ineffective. The goal of treatment is to improve blood
flow to the brain and prevent future stroke. Placement of
stents, often effective against intracranial atherosclerosis, are
ineffective against moyamoya long-term due to its lack of
atherosclerotic etiology and progressive nature [16]. As most
patients are young when moyamoya is diagnosed, surgery is
usually recommended when symptomatic.
Surgical procedures include direct and indirect revascular-
ization techniques. The direct bypass is known as the
superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery (STA-
MCA) bypass. This involves attaching a scalp artery (STA)
directly into a brain artery (MCA) on the outer surface of the
brain. Patients benefit from an immediate improvement in
their blood flow when the bypass is completed as well as
reduced risks of stroke. Indirect bypasses (encephalo-duro-
synangiosis [EDAS], encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis
[EDAMS], pial synangiosis) involve placing a scalp artery or
vascular muscle or tissue on the outer surface of the brain for
gradual growth of blood supply inwards to areas in need. At
least several months are required for ingrowth of new blood
supply as well as stroke risk reduction using this method
Determining which procedure to use at our institution is
based on artery size at the time of surgery. Since 1990 Dr.
Steinberg has performed 1,132 revascularization procedures
in 703 moyamoya disease patients. Direct bypass is always the
first option considered and, when possible, our preference is
to perform a combined direct and indirect during the same
surgery (Fig. 10.8). We reserve indirect revascularization pro-
cedures for young children (<5 years old) whose arteries are
generally less than 7 mm in diameter or too fragile, making
direct bypass less feasible [9].
130 T.E. Bell-Stephens and G.K. Steinberg
a b
c d
e f
a b c
Increasing awareness over the past 20 years of moyamoya
symptoms and diagnosis has improved access to care for
patients. Excellent surgical options are available to treat moy-
amoya, and surgery has been shown to be superior to medical
therapy alone at preventing strokes, with excellent overall
long term outcomes and minimal interruptions in lifestyle. We
strongly advocate increased patient education and awareness
of moyamoya, and encourage patients to be actively engaged
with the treatment team to optimize long-term outcomes.
Funding Sources Josef Huber Family Moyamoya Fund, Stanley and
Alexis Shin, Reddy Lee Moyamoya Fund, William Randolph Hearst
Foundation, Bernard and Ronni Lacroute, Russell and Elizabeth
1. Abla AA, et al. Surgical outcomes for moyamoya angiopathy at
barrow neurological institute with comparison of adult indirect
encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis bypass, adult direct superficial tem-
poral artery-to-middle cerebral artery bypass, and pediatric bypass:
154 revascularization surgeries in 140 affected hemispheres.
2. Achrol AS, et al. Pathophysiology and genetic factors
in moyamoya disease. Neurosurg Focus. 2009;26(4):E4.
3. Achrol AS, et al. In reply. The genetics of moyamoya disease:
recent insights into the pathogenesis of the disease. Neurosurgery.
2013;72(2):E321–322. doi:10.1227/NEU.0b013e31827bc1c1.
4. Calviere L, et al. Executive dysfunction in adults with moyam-
oya disease is associated with increased diffusion in frontal white
matter. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2012;83(6):591–3.
5. Chiu D, et al. Clinical features of moyamoya disease in the
United States. Stroke. 1998;29(7):1347–51.
6. Choi JU, et al. Natural history of moyamoya disease: comparison
of activity of daily living in surgery and non surgery groups. Clin
Neurol Neurosurg. 1997;99 Suppl 2:S11–18.
Chapter 10. Moyamoya Disease 135
What Is a Stroke?
The two major types of stroke are classified as ischemic stroke
or hemorrhagic stroke. An ischemic stroke happens when the
blood flow to the brain is stopped by narrowing or blockage of
an artery by a blood clot or by cholesterol. As a result, the
brain does not get blood or oxygen and some parts of the brain
Complications of Strokes
Depending on the parts of the brain affected by the patient’s
stroke, the stroke survivor may experience ongoing effects
that limit their ability to bathe, dress, eat, walk, and toilet
without assistance. Table 11.2 provides a brief summary of
common terms used to describe problems that stroke survi-
vors may encounter. Problems with communication may
also occur as a result of strokes. Communication problems
may involve trouble saying the right words or being able to
write or read. Often the person knows what they want to
communicate but simply “cannot get the words out”. This
can be very frustrating for the person as well as their loved
ones. In can also involve slurring or unclear speech. The
person may say the right words but the speech can be hard
to understand. Sometimes the muscles used to swallow cor-
rectly are affected by strokes, making choking a very real
concern. If a person has difficulty swallowing, he or she may
not be able to eat a normal diet. Sometimes the person may
require thickened fluids and soft foods so that they do not
Chapter 11. Medical Management of a Stroke 145
National Stroke Association
9707 East Easter Lane
Suite B
Centennial, CO 80112-3747
Tel: 303-649-9299 800-STROKES (787–6537)
American Stroke Association: A Division of American
Heart Association
7272 Greenville Avenue
Dallas, TX 75231-4596
148 M. Guhwe et al.
Tel: 1-888-4 STROKE (478–7653)
Brain Aneurysm Foundation
269 Hanover Street, Building 3
Hanover, MA 02339
Tel: 781-826-5556 888-BRAIN02 (272–4602)
National Aphasia Association
350 Seventh Ave.
Suite 902
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-267-2814 800-922-4NAA (4622)
1. Caplan LR. Caplan’s stroke: a clinical approach. 4th ed.
Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2009.
2. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
rt-PA Stroke Study Group. Tissue plasminogen activator for
acute ischemic stroke. N Engl J Med. 1995;333(24):1581–7.
3. Jauch EC, Saver JL, Adams HP, Bruno A, Connors JJ,
Demaerschalk BM, et al. On behalf of the American Heart
Association Stroke Council, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing,
Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Council on Clinical
Cardiology Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients
With Acute Ischemic Stroke. A guideline for healthcare profes-
sionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke
Association. Stroke. 2013;44:870–947.
4. Hickey JV. The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgi-
cal nursing. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
5. Baird MS, Bethel S. Manual of critical care nursing: nursing
interventions and collaborative management. 6th ed. St. Louis:
Elsevier Mosby; 2011.
6. Vahedi K, Vicaut E, Mateo J, Kurtz A, Orabi M, Guichard J-P,
Boutron C, Couvreur G, Rouanet F, Touze E, Guillon B,
Carpentier A, Yelnik A, Georg B, Payen D, Bousser M-G. A
Chapter 11. Medical Management of a Stroke 149
Incidence of Stroke
Each year almost 800,000 people suffer a new or recurrent
stroke. Of these, 87 % ischemic strokes, due to a blockage of
vessels going into the brain. About 55,000 more women suffer
from strokes a year, and in general women are more likely to
have a stroke [1]. Ischemic strokes are most commonly caused
by either a rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, or by a blood
clot that forms in another part of the body (most commonly
the heart) and travels into the blood vessels of the brain.
I. Chaudry, MD
Department of Radiology, Medical University of South Carolina,
Charleston, SC, USA
Symptoms of Stroke
Ischemic strokes can occur suddenly and can lead to devas-
tating consequences. Timely recognition and response is criti-
cal. The American Stroke Association has created the F.A.S.T.
mnemonic to aid the diagnosis of an ischemic stroke and to
facilitate delivery of patients to the hospital. F.A.S.T stands
for “(F)acial droop, (A)rm weakness, (S)peech difficulty, (T)
ime to call 911.”The first three letters represent some of the
most common symptoms of an ischemic stroke, and stress the
urgency of quickly transporting patients to the nearest hospi-
tal for evaluation and possible transfer to a stroke center.
1. Go AS, Mozaffarian D, Roger VL, Benjamin EJ, Berry JD, Blaha
MJ, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics–2014 update: a report
from the American Heart Association. Circulation.
2014;129(3):e28–292. PubMed PMID: 24352519.
2. Hacke W, Kaste M, Bluhmki E, Brozman M, Davalos A, Guidetti
D, et al. Thrombolysis with alteplase 3 to 4.5 hours after acute
ischemic stroke. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(13):1317–29.
3. Levy EI, Ecker RD, Horowitz MB, Gupta R, Hanel RA,
Sauvageau E, et al. Stent-assisted intracranial recanalization for
acute stroke: early results. Neurosurgery. 2006;58(3):458–63; dis-
cussion −463. PubMed PMID: 16528185.
4. Nogueira RG, Lutsep HL, Gupta R, Jovin TG, Albers GW, Walker
GA, et al. Trevo versus Merci retrievers for thrombectomy revas-
cularisation of large vessel occlusions in acute ischaemic stroke
(TREVO 2): a randomised trial. Lancet. 2012;380(9849):1231–40.
PubMed PMID: 22932714.
5. Saver JL, Jahan R, Levy EI, Jovin TG, Baxter B, Nogueira RG,
et al. Solitaire flow restoration device versus the Merci Retriever
in patients with acute ischaemic stroke (SWIFT): a randomised,
parallel-group, non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2012;380(9849):1241–
9. PubMed PMID: 22932715.
6. Turk AS, Spiotta A, Frei D, Mocco J, Baxter B, Fiorella D, et al.
Initial clinical experience with the ADAPT technique: a direct
aspiration first pass technique for stroke thrombectomy.
J Neurointervent Surg. 2014;6(3):231–7. PubMed PMID: 23624315.
7. Rha JH, Saver JL. The impact of recanalization on ischemic
stroke outcome: a meta-analysis. Stroke. 2007;38(3):967–73.
PubMed PMID: 17272772.
8. Sun CH, Nogueira RG, Glenn BA, Connelly K, Zimmermann S,
Anda K, et al. “Picture to puncture”: a novel time metric to
enhance outcomes in patients transferred for endovascular reper-
fusion in acute ischemic stroke. Circulation. 2013;127(10):1139–
48. PubMed PMID: 23393011.
Chapter 13
Symptoms and Signs to Look
for After a Spinal Cord Injury
Graham H. Creasey
At an Acute Hospital
The person will be assessed first in an emergency room to
determine whether they have any other injuries. They will
then be admitted to the hospital and may have an operation
to stabilize their spine. Their breathing and blood pressure
will also be stabilized. Their bladder will probably be drained
by a catheter initially, and their bowels should be emptied
regularly to avoid constipation. It is important for them to be
turned or moved every couple of hours to avoid prolonged
pressure on the skin over bony areas.
After being stabilized medical and surgically it is impor-
tant to go through comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation to
learn the skills of living with a SCI and to improve the pros-
pects of a good quality of life. Look for a SCI Unit or Center
specializing in this type of rehabilitation as described below.
Lists of such centers are available at the websites below [1, 2].
At Home
Maintaining health and maximizing function and quality of
life requires consistent attention to prevent complications of
SCI, such as the following.
Skin Breakdown
Urine Infection
The bladder often does not empty properly after SCI. The
urine in the bladder can become infected and this infection
can spread to the kidneys and the bloodstream and be seri-
ous. If a person has impaired sensation, they may not realize
this. Symptoms and signs of urine infection include feeling
generally unwell, urine that smells different or is cloudy, and
a raised temperature or pulse rate.
160 G.H. Creasey
After SCI the bones below the level of the injury become
weaker because of disuse. Fractures of the leg can occur with
Chapter 13. What to Look for After SCI 161
minor injuries, and may not be noticed for some time because
of the lack of sensation. Signs of such a fracture include swell-
ing around the knee or ankle, abnormal mobility or position
of the limb, and sometimes increased spasticity. In time the
skin may become bruised or red and may break down because
of pressure from the broken bones. It is important to immobi-
lize the limb with plenty of padding to protect the skin.
When Traveling
Look for seating that will not cause pressure ulcers and
relieve pressure regularly. Inform airlines or travel agencies
of any special needs, including transport of wheelchairs, and
allow extra time for boarding and transfers. Spinal cord injury
need not prevent you from traveling widely and having an
adventurous life! [6]
1. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Information Network. https://
2. Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders, US Department of Veterans
Affairs. www.sci.va.gov/index.asp.
3. Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems. http://www.msktc.org/sci/
4. VA Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Centers. http://www.sci.
5. International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries. www.icord.
6. Walsh A, editor. Able to travel: true stories by and for people with
disabilities. London: Rough Guides Ltd; 1994.
Chapter 14
Evaluation of Spinal
G. Alexander West
In the erect spine with the person standing the spine has
a specific alignment. From the front, the coronal plane, the
skull and spine should be straight. From the side, sagittal
plane, the spine has three main curves, with the shape of
two “S’s”. The top S curve in the cervical spine is lordotic.
The thoracic spine and sacrum are lordotic. The lumbar
spine is kyphotic. With normal posture and alignment the
curves should balance each other out such that the head is
in alignment with the pelvis, “normal sagittal” alignment
exists. Spinal alignment is important for humans for walk-
ing and standing. Efficient use of energy in walking
depends on good spinal alignment. In addition, when there
is normal alignment there is usually no pain with upright
posture and the muscles around the spine are less likely to
fatigue. When the head is aligned over the pelvis no extra
energy is needed in walking and the spine is considered
Chapter 14. Evaluation of Spinal Alignment 165
Cervical Cervical
Thoracic Thoracic
Lumbar Lumbar
Sacrum Sacrum
Coccyx Coccyx
Types of Scoliosis
Thoracic Lumbar
Normal Osteoporosis
Discs are named based upon their adjacent vertebrae. For
instance, the L4-L5 disc is the disc that lies between the
fourth lumbar and fifth lumbar vertebrae. They are up to
3/8 in. thick and 1 and 5/8 in. wide in the lumbar spine, but are
smaller in the cervical and thoracic regions [1]. The disc is
composed of an outer layer, the annulus fibrosis, and an inner
region, the nucleus pulposus. The annulus fibrosis is a leather-
like outer covering of the disc. The nucleus pulposus is the
gelatin like material within the disc which aids in cushioning
and distributing forces placed on the spine. If a tear occurs in
the annulus fibrosis and nucleus pulposus protrudes through
the tear, a herniation of the disc occurs.
Cervical Spine
The cervical spine is composed of seven vertebrae, and eight
paired cervical nerves exit at each level. The cervical spinal
cord occupies the spinal canal just behind the vertebrae and
discs. Herniated discs in this region can cause compression of
not only the nerve roots, but also of the spinal cord itself.
Symptoms of herniated cervical discs can cause cervical
radiculopathy, from compression of nerve roots, or myelopa-
thy, from compression of the spinal cord.
Cervical Radiculopathy
Cervical Myelopathy
Cervical myelopathy occurs when there is compression of the
spinal cord. This can result from herniated discs, bone spurs,
or from traumatic fractures with dislocation of the spine.
Symptoms of myelopathy include hand weakness, gait insta-
bility, and balance issues.
Thoracic Spine
The thoracic spine is composed of 12 vertebrae and 12 spinal
nerves. Each thoracic vertebrae has a corresponding rib
attached. This confers additional stability and less mobility to
the thoracic spine and is the reason disc herniations occur
much less frequently in this region. Thoracic disc herniations
comprise only 0.25 % of all herniated discs [3]. Herniated
discs usually occur at levels at or below T8 [4]. The first seven
ribs are directly attached to the sternum and therefore is the
more stable portion of the thoracic spine. Herniated thoracic
discs most commonly cause radiculopathy but can also cause
Thoracic radiculopathy is typically experienced as pain
radiating from the mid back around the ribcage. Sensory
changes, such as numbness and parasthesias (pins and nee-
dles sensation) can also occur. Muscle weakness is typically
not present as the thoracic nerves do not innervate muscles
of the arms or legs. Symptoms from myelopathy in the tho-
racic spine are similar to the symptoms from cervical myelop-
athy but affect only the legs.
172 B.D. Liebelt and J.B. Blacklock
Lumbar Spine
The lumbar spine is composed of five vertebrae and five
corresponding lumbar spinal nerves exit at each level. The
first sacral nerve root traverses the L5-S1 disc space and can
be compressed by a herniated disc at this level. Disc hernia-
tions in this region can result in symptoms of radiculopathy,
neurogenic pseudoclaudication, or cauda equina syndrome
depending on the size and location of the herniation.
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Neurogenic Pseudoclaudication
line incision is made in the lower back and the lamina of the
involved level is exposed. A small laminotomy, or opening in
the lamina, is made to allow enough room to access the
intervertebral disc. An operating microscope is often used to
allow for better visualization. The herniated disc fragment is
then removed, leaving the remainder of the disc in its ana-
tomic position between the vertebral bodies. Many times this
can be accomplished with a minimally invasive, outpatient
1. Raj PP. Intervertebral disc: anatomy-physiology-pathophysiology-
treatment. Pain Pract. 2008;8(1):18–44.
2. Mayfield FH. Cervical spondylosis: a comparison of the anterior
and posterior approaches. Clin Neurosurg. 1965;13:181–8.
3. El-Kalliny M, Tew Jr JM, van Loveren H, Dunsker S. Surgical
approaches to thoracic disc herniations. Acta Neurochir (Wien).
4. Stillerman CB, Chen TC, Couldwell WT, Zhang W, Weiss MH.
Experience in the surgical management of 82 symptomatic herni-
ated thoracic discs and review of the literature. J Neurosurg.
Chapter 16
Spinal Fusion
Paul J. Holman, Blake Staub, and Matthew McLaurin
Fusion surgery is indicated in a variety spine conditions
including degeneration, deformity, tumors, and trauma.
Degenerative conditions are the most common indication for
fusion surgery. Examples include degenerative disc disease,
spondylolisthesis (misaligned bones), and facet syndrome
(pain due to arthritis in spinal joints).
Surgical Techniques
The specific techniques used by surgeons to achieve a suc-
cessful spinal fusion have evolved significantly over the past
several years. Newer implants, minimally (MIS) invasive sur-
gery, and new bone grafting materials all continue to be
refined to give more consistent results and a quicker recovery
than in the past.
detector in the airport. And no, it does not ever need to come
out unless there is a complication.
Preoperative Considerations
Prior to any type of spinal fusion a patient should undergo a
full medical work-up to rule out or treat any potential under-
lying medical issue.
In addition, it is imperative that there is good communica-
tion between the patient and the surgeon in regard to both
the risks and benefits of the surgical procedure. No surgery
will be successful unless the patient and the surgeon expect
the same result.
Recovery from a spinal fusion does not happen overnight.
Patients must consider their social situation before undergo-
ing any surgical procedure. Large fusion operations can keep
a person out of work for months at a time and can take a
significant physical and emotional toll on families.
Postoperative Considerations
After the surgery has been completed, patients will be taken to
the post-anesthesia recovery unit to begin recuperating. Here
they are monitored for a safe recovery from anesthesia with
frequent assessment of vital signs and administration of pain
medication. Fusions done through a “posterior” approach
involve incisions in the rear of the neck or lower spine and
typically cause the most postoperative pain because of the
manipulation of the spinal muscles. Many surgeons choose
to initially treat the patient’s pain with a “PCA”, or Patient
Controlled Anesthesia system where safe doses of narcotics
are delivered into the bloodstream only when the patient
chooses to push a button. This helps patients to actively
participate in their recovery. Additional medications admin-
istered after surgery include muscle relaxers and sometimes
anti-inflammatory agents. The PCA is generally discontinued
178 P.J. Holman et al.
Determining Success
The success of a spinal fusion operation can be assessed by
both clinical and radiographic markers. The criteria for radio-
graphic success include formation of a solid bridge of bone
between the vertebrae included in the operation. This can
take 3–12 months to occur. This is typically confirmed by spi-
nal x-rays and a CT scan. A failure of fusion is referred to as
a “pseudoarthrosis” and can be identified by persistent
motion between the vertebral bones, loosening or breakage
of the hardware, and absence of new bone formation on post-
operative radiographs.
Clinical success for spinal fusion is determined by the
degree of improvement in both the symptoms affecting the
patient prior to surgery and in the improvement in quality of
life and function.
180 P.J. Holman et al.
Spinal fusion surgery is a safe and effective medical treat-
ment for a variety of spine conditions. New technology
emerges every year to make these procedures safer and less
A successful fusion requires not only the skill and knowl-
edge of the surgeon but also patient participation in the
Chapter 17
Spinal Cord Tumors
Robert E. Isaacs and Vijay Agarwal
A spine tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue from, or
surrounding, the spine. The cells of the tumor multiply in an
uncontrolled fashion. Tumors of the spine can involve either
the spinal cord or the vertebral bodies, the stacked bones in
the back that protect the spinal cord. Included in this cate-
gory are tumors of the layer covering the spinal cord, or the
meninges, and the cauda equina (latin for “horse’s tail”), or
the loose bundle of nerves as they progress downward from
the tip of the spinal cord. They can occur in the cervical
region (neck), the thoracic region (middle back), or the lum-
bosacral region (lower back). In addition, they are classified
according to whether they are in the front (anterior) or back
(posterior) of the spine. These types of tumors account for
2–4 % of all tumors of the central nervous system [1]. Even
though the spine is part of the central nervous system that
includes the brain, tumors in the spine are unique and have
their own diagnostic and treatment characteristics. However,
just as in the brain, tumors in the spine can be benign or
Tumors in the spine cause symptoms because of the impor-
tant and abundant nerves and nerve pathways that course
through the area. These nerves relay information to and
from peripheral parts of the body and the brain, and affect
movement, sensation, balance, and pain. One of the most
common symptoms is pain that causes the patient to
awaken from sleep; it is a gnawing and unremitting sensa-
tion, and may be able to indicate where the tumor actually
is [2]. However, pain can truly originate anywhere along the
long nerve pathways. Other symptoms include problems
with sensation, weakness of muscles, decreased sensitivity
to pain, heat, and cold, loss of bowel or bladder function, or
paralysis of various degrees. Difficulty with basic functions
that use these muscles, such as walking and lifting objects,
is often times affected. This is particularly dangerous
because it can lead to falls. Interestingly, these symptoms
may start on one side of the body, but as both sides of the
spinal cord become affected bilateral symptoms result.
Using broad categories, symptoms can be divided into pain
or neurologic deficits. Pain can be persistent or intermit-
tent, and is often not relieved by rest or medication.
Neurologic deficits are caused by nerve root compression
and/or spinal cord compression, and frequently include
altered gait. Classically, tumors in the cervical (neck)
Chapter 17. Spinal Cord Tumors 183
Risk Factors
Most spinal tumors have no known cause. Rarely, they can be
caused by exposure to certain cancer causing agents or chem-
icals. Lymphoma may occur in patients whose immune sys-
tem is compromised. There are two known genetic diseases
that can lead to spinal cord tumors. Neurofibromatosis Type
2 causes noncancerous growths to develop on or near nerves.
Some people with this disease may develop tumors in the
spinal cord. Von Hippel-Lindau disease is a rare disorder of
noncancerous blood vessel tumors known as hemangioblas-
tomas in the brain, retina, and spinal cord. A prior history of
cancer, of any type, can put a person at risk for spread to the
spine. However, the cancers with the highest rates of spread
to the spine include breast, lung, prostate, and multiple
184 R.E. Isaacs and V. Agarwal
Laboratory Findings
Most often, laboratory findings in patients with spinal cord
tumors do not show specific abnormalities. However, there
are some specific types of tumors that are exceptions to this.
These would include a high protein content in the blood in
multiple myeloma, an increase in the enzyme acid phospha-
tase in prostate cancer metastasis, an increase in the catechol-
amine metabolite vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) in the urine
in neuroblastoma, an increase in the enzyme alkaline phos-
phatase in osteosarcoma, and increased blood counts in
Intramedullary Tumors
Tumors in this category arise from the spinal cord itself
(Fig. 17.1). As mentioned, these tumors only make up ~10 %
of the total number. The majority of tumors in this location
are “gliomas”. They are called this because under a micro-
scope they resemble a type of cell called the glial cell. These
cells form the outer coat of neurons in the nervous system,
and provide support and protection. The types of glial tumors
Extradural Tumors
Tumors in this category most often arise from the vertebral
bodies (Fig. 17.3). As discussed, metastasis can occur any-
where in the spine, but will most often arise here, and are the
most common extradural spine tumor. The most common
metastasis in this area include prostate cancer, breast cancer,
and lung cancer. This location is also home to several uncom-
mon primary tumors. Tumors found here include: chordomas
(rare bone tumors), sarcomas (usually in younger patients),
lymphoma, plasmacytomas and multiple myeloma, and eosin-
ophilic granuloma (Langerhans cell histiocytosis). Benign
(nonmalignant) tumors in this category include: osteoid
osteomas (found in long bones, <2 cm in size), osteoblasto-
mas (>2 cm in size), osteochondromas (which has both bone
and cartilage), chondroblastomas (arises from immature car-
tilage), giant-cell tumors, vertebral hemangiomas (composed
of thing-walled blood vessels, and rarely cause symptoms),
and aneurysmal bone cysts.
Figure 17.3 MRI scan showing extradural spinal cord tumor (blue
arrows) on side view (sagittal, left image) and top view (axial, right
image) of spine
Chapter 17. Spinal Cord Tumors 187
An x-ray can show the basic bony structure of the spine, and
the outline of the joints. It is often a good way to eliminate
causes other than tumors for back pain, such as fractures.
However, x-rays are not a very reliable way to diagnose spine
tumors. Computed Tomography (CT scan) is used to create an
image of the spine to show the general shape and size of the
spinal canal and the structures around it. A CT scan is often
the best modality to visualize bony structures. Magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) uses magnetics to produce 3-D images of
the spine. An MRI can show the spinal cord, nerve roots, spinal
degeneration, and a higher level of details than a CT scan. It is
the best imaging to obtain to diagnose a spinal cord tumor.
Treatment for these spine tumors depends on what the pre-
liminary diagnosis is. Often, after confirmation of tumor with
an MRI, it is necessary to obtain a small piece to test, known
as a biopsy. This can be done through a very small hole to
obtain a small piece of tissue to determine benign versus
malignant, and the exact type. The treatment your doctor will
choose depends on multiple factors, such as the location and
specific type of the tumor. Sometimes, surgery can be cura-
tive. Other times, options may include a combination of sur-
gery and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is much less
commonly used.
1. Chamberlain MC, Tredway TL. Adult primary intradural spinal
cord tumors: a review. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2011;11(3):
188 R.E. Isaacs and V. Agarwal
2. Symptomatic
(a) Genetic or developmental conditions
(i) Childhood epilepsy syndromes
(ii) Progressive myoclonic epilepsies
(iii) Neurocutaneous syndromes
(iv) Single gene or chromosomal disorders
(v) Developmental cerebral structural anomalies
(b) Acquired conditions
(i) Hippocampal sclerosis
(ii) Trauma
(iii) Tumor
(iv) Infection
(v) Vascular insult
(vi) Immunological disorders
(vii) Psychiatric disorders or dementias
3. Provoked
(a) Provoking factors
(i) Fever
(ii) Menstrual disorders
(iii) Metabolic or endocrine disturbances
(b) Reflex epilepsies
(i) Photosensitive epilepsy
(ii) Startle-induced epilepsy
(iii) Reading/auditory/eating or hot water-induced
4. Cryptogenic, i.e. unknown causes
The consequences of epilepsy include seizures, cognitive
deficits, psychological issues and social/economic issues.
Epilepsy patients have poorer self-esteem and higher levels
of anxiety and depression, lower rates of marriage and
greater rates of social isolation [5]. Some, but not all, epilepsy
patients feel stigmatized by their condition [5]. Additionally,
epilepsy patients have lower employment rates (one half),
Chapter 18. Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy 191
1. Greenberg MS. Handbook of neurosurgery. 7th ed. Thieme;
2010. Print.
2. Fisher RS, Boas WVE, Blume W, Elger C, Genton P, Lee P, Engel Jr
J. Epileptic seizures and epilepsy: definitions proposed by the
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International
Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). Epilepsia. 2005;46(4):470–2.
200 T.S. Trask and V. Desai
Astrocytomas Chemotherapy
malignant brain tumors, malignant brain tumors, 34
27–28 non-malignant brain tumors,
non-malignant brain 15
tumors, 2 pediatric brain tumors, 60
Atrial fibrillation, 140 Chiari II malformation (CMII),
Autograft, 176 80
AVM. See Arteriovenous Chiari I malformation (CMI)
malformation (AVM) cause, 80
cerebellar tonsils herniation,
B cerebellum/brainstem, 79
Biopsy, 32, 63 cerebrospinal fluid, 80
Bleeding. See Hemorrhagic characteristics, 79
stroke diagnosis, 83–85
Bone-grafting, 176 pathology, 80–81
Bone marrow aspirate (BMA), symptoms
176 nystagmus, 82
Bone morphogenic proteins syringomyelia, neurologic
(BMPs), 176 signs, 83, 84
Brain ischemia. See Stroke tussive headaches, 82
Bromocriptine, 42 syringomyelia, 81
Bruit, 108 treatment
Bypass surgery, 98–100 decompression surgery, 86
goals of surgery, 86
pain medications, 87
C patients indication, 86–87
Cabergoline, 42 Chiari malformations, 67–68
Capillaries, 104 Clotting. See Ischemic stroke
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Coil embolization, 93
(CPR), 118 Computed tomography (CT)
Cauda equina syndrome, 173 arteriovenous malformation,
Cerebral angiogram, 8, 10 108–109
bilobed aneurysm, 95 non-malignant brain tumors,
cerebral arteries, 93 8–9
coil embolization, 96, 99 spinal alignment, 167
3D reconstruction, 95 spinal cord tumors, 187
giant ophthalmic artery Computed tomography
aneurysm, 98 angiography (CTa)
moyamoya disease, 125, 127 artery aneurysm, 94
pipeline-treated giant AVM nidus, 108–109
aneurysm, 99 moyamoya disease, 125, 127
Cervical spine Congenital neurosurgical
myelopathy, 170 problems
radiculopathy, 170 arachnoid cysts, 68
treatment, 170–171 chiari malformations, 67–68
Index 203
Electroencephalography, 193 Germ cell tumors and cysts, 58
Embryonal tumors, 57 Glioblastoma, 28
Emergency rooms, 138, 161 Gliomas, 57
Encephaloceles, 68
(EDAS), 129 H
Endoscopic endonasal surgery, Hemicraniectomy, 140
44, 46 Hemispherectomy, 199
Epilepsy Hemorrhage, 104, 106
antiepileptic medications, 191 Hemorrhagic stroke,
complication, 195 91, 141–142
204 Index
Urine infection, 159–160