Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae, c. 1080
Tr. Roman Hymnal, 1884 Choralmelodien zum Heiligen Gesänge, 1808
Stanzas 2 - 3 adapt. by M. Owen Lee, CSB Arranged by Richard Proulx
Moderately = 92
Introduction / Interlude
Man. Ped.
Stanza 1: organ doubles voices
Stanza 2: a capella
S, A
2. The
T, B
cause of joy to all be - low, O Ma - -
- ri - - a. Hail, Queen of mer - cy and of love, O Ma - -
- ri - - a. The spring through which all grac - es flow, O Ma - -
Copyright (C) 2004 by GIA Publications. All Rights reserved. Printed in the USA
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Reproduction of this publication without permission of the publisher is a violation of the U.S. Code of Law for which the responsible individual or instituition is subject to criminal persecution. No one
is exempt.
2 Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
- ri - - a. Tri - umph, all ye Cher - u - bim, Sing with us, ye
- ri - - a. An - gels, all your prais - es bring, Earth and heav - en,
Ser - a - phim, Heav’n and earth re - sound the hymn:
with us sing, All cre - a - tion ech - o - ing:
Soprano descant
*Organ introduction may be repeated as interlude after stanza 2
3. O gen - tle, lo - ving ho - ly one, O Ma - ri - - a,
3. O
gen - tle, lov - ing ho - ly one, O Ma - ri - - a. The
Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above 3
God, your Son, O Ma - ri - - a.
God of light be - came your Son, O Ma - - ri - - a.
Tri - umph, all ye Cher - u - bim, Sing with us, ye Ser - a - phim,
Tri - umph, all ye Che - ru - bim, Sing with us, ye Ser - a - phim,
re - sound the hymn: Sal - ve, Sal - ve,
Heav’n and earth re - sound the hymn: Sal - - ve, Sal - - ve,
4 Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
43 allarg.
Sal - - - - - ve, Sal - - ve, Re - gi - - na.
S2, A
Sal - ve, Re - gi - - na, Sal - - ve, Re - gi - - na.
T, B