Monti JM 2013
Monti JM 2013
Monti JM 2013
M. Monti · S.R. Pandi-Perumal
S. Chokroverty Editors
and Sleep
Molecular, Functional, and Clinical
Dopamine and Sleep
Jaime M. Monti S.R. Pandi-Perumal
S. Chokroverty
Jaime M. Monti S. Chokroverty
Department of Pharmacology Department of Neurology
and Therapeutics New Jersey Neuroscience Institute
School of Medicine Edison, NJ
Montevideo USA
S.R. Pandi-Perumal
Somnogen Canada Inc.
Toronto, ON
This first edition of Dopamine and Sleep: Molecular, Functional, and Clinical
Aspects provides comprehensive, yet up-to-date information pertaining to the role
of dopamine in sleep and wakefulness. The dopamine system is being increasingly
studied in the sleep field due to its prominent role in normal and aberrant brain
processes. Since dopamine plays a crucial role in brain processes such as alertness,
attention, cognitive organization, and mood regulation, it is particularly relevant to
understand how its actions affect sleep and wakefulness.
The study of dopamine has expanded markedly in recent years with the appli-
cation of electrophysiological, neurochemical, genetic, and neuropharmacological
techniques. These techniques are now being used successfully to help decipher the
role of dopamine in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness in health and disease.
The results are of great importance for the understanding and treatment of sleep
disruption in neurological and psychiatric disorders.
The editors believe that there is a current need to increase the awareness of the
latest developments in this multidisciplinary field. Hence, they have brought
together in the chapters of this volume a number of key studies with the overall aim
of summarizing and selectively presenting these developments. The contributors are
leading scientists in their respective fields.
The chapters in the first part of the book deal with preclinical studies on the role
of dopamine in the promotion of wakefulness and the inhibition of REM sleep. The
chapters in the second part relate to the effect of melanin-concentrating hormone
and orexin/hypocretin on dopaminergic neurons involved in the regulation of the
behavioral state. The third part of the volume focuses on the role of dopamine in
sleep disturbances in different disease conditions. These include Parkinson’s dis-
ease, narcolepsy, schizophrenia, depression, and restless legs syndrome. An attempt
is made also to see how a number of drugs that are used in these conditions produce
their effect by modifying dopamine function.
We have made every effort to ensure that the dosage recommendations are
accurate and in agreement with the standards and collective opinion accepted at the
time of publication. The formulations and usage described do not necessarily have
specific approval by the regulatory authorities of all countries. Since dosage
viii Preface
A few acknowledgments are in order. A project like this represents not the work of
one, but that of a community of scholars, and this is especially true of this volume.
The authoritative chapters of the book are written by some of the leading experts in
the field. We wish to thank these authors for their excellent contributions to this
volume. It was a great pleasure to compile this volume. We sincerely hope that it
will serve as an up-to-date and important source of information that covers the
recent trends in CNS drug discovery. As editors of this volume, we would like to
thank each other, because no coeditors could ever have been more patient,
understanding, and helpful. We treasure the friendship and respect that editing this
volume together has built.
We are grateful to our editor Beatrice Menz at Springer for her enthusiastic
support in bringing this undertaking to fruition. We also would like to thank the
staff at Springer for their enthusiastic support and guidance during the preparation
of the book. In particular, we would to thank Martina Himberger, Springer
Heidelberg, Germany, who inspired us to take up this project and set the publication
process in motion, and Abirami Purushothaman, SPS, Chennai, for coordinating the
publication process. They were wonderful to work with!
Finally, we would like to warmly thank our family for their support, encour-
agement, understanding, and especially patience. We also thank them for reminding
us that there are things in life beyond writing and editing volumes.
xii Contents
xiv Contributors
Abstract The dopamine (DA)-ergic neurons are primarily localized in the sub-
stantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the brainstem. These neu-
rons are involved in diverse functions including control of movements, reward,
sleep-wakefulness and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS). Loss of these DA-ergic
neurons is associated with different behavioral disorders, including Parkinson’s
disease, depression, REMS behavior disorder (RBD) and notably in all these dis-
orders sleep including REMS is affected. These neurons receive projections from
the locus coeruleus (REM-OFF) and laterodorsal/pedunculopontinetegmentum
(REM-ON), neurons, and these modulate REMS. However, how these DA-ergic
neurons regulate REMS largely remains unknown. Relevant literatures suggest that
the DA-ergic neurons may have an indirect modulatory role, which however needs
Keyword Dopamine
Dopamine receptors
Parkinson’s disease REMS
behavior disorder Substantia nigra Ventral tegmental area
DA Dopamine
DAT DA uptake transporter
EEG Electroencephalogram
EMG Electromyogram
EOG Electrooculogram
LC Locus coeruleus
LDT Latero-dorsal tegementum
NA Noradrenaline
PD Parkinson’s disease
PPT Pedunclo-pontinetegmentum
For the generation of REMS, the LC-REM-OFF neurons cease activity, while at the
same time the REM-ON neurons in LDT/PPT increase firing. The GABA-ergic
inputs from substantia nigra (SN) act pre-synaptically on the inhibitory NA-ergic
terminals from the LC-REM-OFF neurons onto the REM-ON neurons in PPT. This
GABA-ergic input withdraws inhibition from PPT neurons causing disinhibition
(activation) resulting in initiation of REMS (Pal and Mallick 2009; Kumar et al. 2012;
Mallick et al. 2012). Currently there are three models explaining mechanism of REMS
generation (McCarley and Hobson 1975; Lu et al. 2006b; Luppi et al. 2013).
The SN and VTA primarily possess dopamine (DA)-ergic and GABA-ergic
neurons which project (Chinta and Andersen 2005) and receive inputs from dif-
ferent brain areas including LC (Ungerstedt 1971; Isaias et al. 2011) and PPT
(Beckstead et al. 1979; Semba and Fibiger 1992). DA is involved in abstract
emotions, which are affected in many conditions including in altered psychological
states (e.g., mood disorder, depression) and therefore, it has been popularly termed
the ‘feel-good chemical’. DA is also implicated in coordinating muscle activity and
movements, which are affected in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and REMS behavior
disorder (RBD). REMS is significantly compromised qualitatively as well as
quantitatively in most such disorders and there are reports indicating DA-ergic
modulation of REMS (Lima 2013). Initial reports suggested that the lesion of
DA-ergic neurons produced akinetic behavior however, the EEG sleep-waking
pattern was retained (Morgane and Stern 1974). In this chapter we review the
literature, which suggests DA-ergic modulation of REMS.
4 M.A. Khanday et al.
4 Dopamine
Arvid Carlsson was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2000 for the discovery of DA as
an independent neurotransmitter. Studies have shown its role in motor coordination
(Double and Crocker 1995; Hemsley and Crocker 1998), hallucination (Kataoka
and Ueno 2014; Kiferle et al. 2014), motivation (Salamone et al. 2003; Wise
2004), emotion (Salimpoor et al. 2011), memory (Denenberg et al. 2004;
Chowdhury et al. 2012), and reward (Yim and Mogenson 1980). DA plays an
important role in various disorders like PD (Politis et al. 2011; Gröger et al. 2014),
schizophrenia (Grace 1991; Knable and Weinberger 1997), narcolepsy (Hublin
et al. 1994; Rinne et al. 1996; MacFarlane et al. 1997) and depression (Willner
1983; Perugi et al. 2001); and in most of these conditions sleep and REMS are
affected (Boeve et al. 2007).
6 Dopamine Receptors
include D1 and D5, while D2-like subtypes include D2, D3 and D4 (Gingrich and
Caron 1993). Normally, D1-like receptors enhance the activity of adenylate cyclase
leading to Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production and depolarization
of the neurons leading to their excitation. D2-like receptors activate outward
potassium currents and inhibit inward calcium current leading to hyperpolarization
and inhibition of the neurons (Lee 1996; Wang et al. 2015).The mRNA of the
postsynaptic DA-receptors is differentially expressed in different regions in the
central nervous system in rats. In LC and PPT while the expressions of D1 and D2
receptor-mRNA have been reported, D3, D4 and D5 receptor-mRNA are absent
(Civelli et al. 1993; Mansour and Watson 1995; Meador-Woodruff 1995;
Lachowicz and Sibley 1997; Missale et al. 1998). DA-ergic neurons in SN and
VTA do not express D1 and D5 receptor-mRNA (Monti and Monti 2007). D2
receptors are largely expressed on cell bodies and dendrites of SN and VTA neu-
rons where these serve as autoreceptors (Sesack et al. 1994; Cragg and Greenfield
1997; Tepper et al. 1997). D3 receptors are expressed in moderate-to-low levels in
SN and VTA neurons which are presumed to be autoreceptors, whereas D4
receptors are present in low level (Mansour and Watson 1995; Meador-Woodruff
1995; Missale et al. 1998).The genes encoding G-protein coupled receptors are
generally intronless; however, D2 receptors are an exception and contain multiple
introns. Consequently, there is alternate splicing giving rise to two variants of D2
receptors, D2-long (D2-L) and D2-short (D2-S); the former has an additional
29-amino acid insert. Recently it has been proposed that D2-L and D2-S represent
post-synaptic and D2-S pre-synaptic autoreceptors (Usiello et al. 2000).
8 DA in Depression
DA-ergic system has been reported to play an important role in modulation of the
pathophysiology of depression (Randrup and Braestrup 1977; Willner 1983).
Reduced behavioral activity for specific rewards has been correlated with decreased
level of DA in the nucleus accumbens in rodents (Salamone et al. 1999; Neill et al.
2002). Different DA-ergic agonists, e.g., piribedil (Post et al. 1978), bromocriptine
(Theohar et al. 1981) and amphetamine (Silberman et al. 1981) have been shown to
have antidepressant effects. Several studies have reported that tricyclic antide-
pressants (TCAs) act through DA-ergic system (De Montis et al. 1990; Brown and
Gershon 1993) as evidenced by an increment of DA-ergic activity after long-term
treatment with these agents. For example, concentration of DA in the nucleus
accumbens increases after treatment with TCA or Fluoxetine (Ichikawa and Meltzer
1995). Chronic administration of TCA (1) enhances efficiency of apomorphine (DA
agonist) increasing locomotor activity and stereotyped behaviors (Maj et al. 1984),
and (2) increases DA release by amphetamine (Brown et al. 1991; Nomikos et al.
1991). The extracellular concentration of DA significantly increases in the striatum
and prefrontal cortex during locomotor activity and dark periods (Feenstra et al.
2000). Reduced level of DA has been correlated with depression-like symptoms
(Dunlop and Nemeroff 2007) when REMS is reported to increase (Palagini et al.
2013). Whereas REMS deprivation (REMSD) has been used as a treatment for
depression (Gillin 1983). Based on the existing literature we propose that normally
DA increases waking and physical activity and exerts modulatory or biasing effect
on REMS. Reduced level of DA may possibly induce depression and associated
symptoms including increased REMS. Antidepressants may improve symptoms in
these patients by increasing DA level.
Most depressed patients suffer from sleep disturbance. Depressed patients show
increased REMS and REMSD ameliorates symptoms in these patients at least for
some time. Thus, behavioral REMSD has also been effectively used as an
Dopamine in REM Sleep Regulation 7
antidepressant (Gillin 1983) although the effects may not be long lasting. Depressed
patients may show altered EEG pattern, prolonged sleep latency, increased number
of intermittent awakenings, decreased NREMS, shortened REMS latency, increased
REMS frequency and duration. (Benca et al. 1997; Tsuno et al. 2005; Armitage
2007; Steiger 2007; David Nutt and Paterson 2008; Pillai et al. 2011).
Antidepressants may affect sleep architecture (e.g., reduction of REMS duration and
frequency and prolonged REMS onset) (Sandor and Shapiro 1994; Argyropoulos
and Wilson 2005; Tsuno et al. 2005; Wilson and Argyropoulos 2005; Steiger and
Kimura 2010). Thus, both NREMS and REMS are altered in depression and
antidepressants as well as DA-ergic agonists/antagonists modulate REMS, how-
ever, the relationship between their mechanism of action is unknown.
9 DA in Parkinson’s Disease
Several studies have shown the role of DA in modulation of sleep including REMS
and wakefulness (Wauquier 1985; Ongini and Longo 1989) L-dopa or DA agonist
stimulation of DA-ergic pathway increases wakefulness and decreases REMS
(Monti 1979; Cianchetti et al. 1980; Monti et al. 1989). Systemic administration of
selective D1 receptor agonist SKF 38393 enhanced grooming in the rat (Molloy and
Waddington 1987) and induced EEG desynchronization as well as behavioral
arousal in both rabbits and rats (Ongini et al. 1985). On the other hand, selective D1
receptor antagonist SCH 23390 produced sedation in the monkey and the rabbit
(Ongini et al. 1985; Bo et al. 1988) and enhanced REMS duration (Trampus and
Ongini 1990). D1 receptor agonist suppressed the amount of REMS in a
dose-dependent manner and enhanced wakefulness, while D1-receptor antagonists
increased REMS (Trampus et al. 1991).
Administration of D2 receptor antagonist, haloperidol,increased total time spent
in NREMS, but not in REMS (Monti 1983). It has been reported that the
intracerebro-ventricular injection of R-(-) 3(3-hydroxy-phenyl-npropyl-piperidine
hydrochloride ((-)-3PPP), a specific agonist of DA autoreceptors (Hjorth et al. 1981)
enhanced behavioral and electrocorticographic (ECoG) sleep in a dose dependent
manner, and reduced locomotor activity in freely moving rats (Bagetta et al. 1987).
Apomorphine or bromocriptine (D2 agonist) caused biphasic effects; low doses
reduced wakefulness and enhanced NREMS and REMS, whereas higher doses
reversed the effects in the rats. Pergolide (D2/D3 agonist) also showed biphasic
effects on wakefulness and NREMS, however, REMS was decreased irrespective of
the amount of the drug administered (Monti et al. 1988). It is notable that apo-
morphine injected bilaterally into the VTA produced behavioral and ECoG sleep in a
dose-dependent manner in the rats. The effects of apomorphine were prevented if its
local application was preceded by microinjection of a low dose of selective presy-
naptic D2 receptor antagonist, sulpiride (Bagetta et al. 1988). A low dose of quin-
pirole, a D2 receptor agonist, decreased wakefulness and tended to increase NREMS
and REMS, whereas a higher dose increased wakefulness and reduced NREMS as
well as REMS in the rats (Monti et al. 1989). In another similar study it was observed
that under conditions of low arousal, intra-cerebro-ventricular administration of
quinpirole promoted wakefulness (Isaac and Berridge 2003). On the other hand, D2
receptor antagonist YM-09151-2 although increased NREMS, it suppressed REMS
(Monti et al. 1989). Using [3H] YM-09151-2 binding, Hamdi et al. (1993) reported
that loss of REMS in rats was associated with a significant increase in the density of
DA-D2 receptor in the striatum. Significant decrease in wakefulness and increased
NREMS and REMS has been reported in D2 receptor knockout mice. Based on their
findings the authors concluded that DA receptors are involved in wakefulness and
not in sleep homeostasis regulation (Qu et al. 2010). Thus, it appears that D2
receptor modulates wakefulness, NREMS and REMS; however, changes in their
relative proportion or cause and effect relationship needs to be studied.
Dopamine in REM Sleep Regulation 9
Destruction of A9 and A10 neurons in cats showed reduced DA level and total lack
of behavioral arousal (Jones et al. 1973). By and large the firing patterns of DA
neurons did not show significant alterations during sleep and waking states, except
during orientation behavior (Steinfels et al. 1983). These findings led the authors to
infer that DA is responsible for waking. However, subsequently it was observed
that REMS was selectively suppressed in MPTP induced PD model in cats (Factor
et al. 1990). In addition to waking, NREMS and REMS were also disturbed in
patients where DA-ergic system was affected. There are several studies which
provide crucial information about the direct or indirect participation of SN and DA
in REMS regulation (Lena et al. 2005; Lima 2013). Studies have shown that
changes in the central DA-ergic synaptic transmission have been associated with
several neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders, including PD, schizophrenia,
depression (Carlsson 1987; Greenwood et al. 2006; Lima 2013). Subsequently SN
neurons were shown to increase firing during REMS as compared to NREMS and
waking states (Datta et al. 1991; Maloney et al. 2002; Dahan et al. 2007). The
extracellular levels of DA in different brain areas remained significantly elevated
during waking (Feenstra et al. 2000) as well as during REMS (Lena et al. 2005).
These observations support the role of SN and VTA areas in REMS regulation as
opposed to earlier views to the contrary (Steinfels et al. 1983). Dzirasa and his
colleagues also reported that DA plays a role in REMS regulation and such regu-
lation is mediated via the DA-D2 receptor. Diminishing the DA tone in normal and
DAT-KO mice decreased REMS and such effects were prevented exclusively by
the DA-D2 agonist (Dzirasa et al. 2006). In other studies electrophysiological
findings demonstrated that DA-D2 antagonist produced dramatic reduction of
REMS during the rebound phase after REMSD. This study also demonstrated that
REMSD selectively over-expressed DA-D2 receptors (Lima et al. 2008). Thus,
findings from independent studies suggest that DA may be involved in waking and
REMS. Although behaviorally the two states are quite different, the EEG is
desynchronized in both these states. It is possible that (but there is no direct evi-
dence) DA may be involved in EEG desynchronization.
It is also known that SN and VTA contain DA-ergic as well as GABA-ergic
neurons and receive projections from PPT and LC (Semba and Fibiger 1992;
Steininger et al. 1992; Ichinohe et al. 2000). DA-ergic neurons in VTA are active
during REMS recovery following REMSD (Maloney et al. 2002). Lu et al. (2006a)
showed that DA-ergic neurons in the ventral periaqueductal gray matter (adjacent to
the dorsal raphe nucleus), which is anatomically and functionally different from
VTA, are specifically active during spontaneous or induced waking. Ibotenic acid
lesion of those neurons decreased waking and increased sleep, particularly the
REMS (Lu et al. 2006a). It is important to note that midbrain ventral lesions,
including those of the A10 area, induced rather opposite effects on waking,
NREMS and REMS (Rye 2004). On the other hand, the GABA-ergic neurons from
10 M.A. Khanday et al.
SN have been reported to inhibit the cholinergic neurons in the PPT (Saitoh et al.
2003). Activation of PPT was shown to regulate muscle atonia in decerebrate cats
(Lai and Siegel 1990; Takakusaki et al. 2003) and muscle atonia is a characteristic
sign of REMS. In subsequent studies it was observed that although electrical
stimulation was ineffective, chemical stimulation of SNr increased REMS (Pal and
Mallick 2009). Further studies showed that chemical stimulation effect of SNr could
be mediated by modulation of GABA-ergic receptors in PPT. These findings
suggest that GABA-ergic inputs from SNr act presynaptically on NA-ergic inhi-
bitory terminals on PPT neurons to disinhibit PPT REM-ON neurons and thereby
increasing REMS (Pal and Mallick 2009; Mallick et al. 2012). Based on the present
knowledge we propose a simplified diagram (Fig. 1) showing possible connections
of SN neurons with those in LC and PPT for the regulation of REMS in normal and
disordered state. Finally, it appears that although SN neurons modulate REMS, the
specific roles of DA-ergic and GABA-ergic neurons and their interaction in REMS
regulation need to be carefully investigated. It is possible that DA-ergic neurons
could be responsible for EEG desynchronization, during waking and REMS.
13 Conclusion
REMS is a unique state and is essential for life; its regulation is very complex. Our
knowledge about its regulation is far from satisfactory. It is affected in most of the
psycho-somatic and neurodegenerative disorders. In many such disorders the
DA-ergic system is affected, however, in such cases we do not yet understand the
cause and effect relationship. So far the major focus of investigation on the regu-
lation of REMS has been to understand the complex interactions among NA, ACh,
GABA and glutamate. It is time that more attention be given to the study of role of
DA-ergic system in REMS regulation.
Acknowledgments MAK and RKY received UGC fellowship. Research funding from Indian
funding agencies viz. DBT-BUILDER, PURSE II and UPOE-II under Institutional support and
individual support under J.C. Bose fellowship and UGC to BNM are acknowledged.
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Dopamine in REM Sleep Regulation 17
Ritchie E. Brown
controls sleep and wakefulness remain somewhat mysterious, despite the common
use of dopaminergic agents in clinical practice to treat daytime sleepiness.
Chewing the leaves of Erythroxylum coca has been practiced in South America for
thousands of years as a means to boost energy, suppress sleep, inhibit appetite and
combat altitude sickness (Streatfeild 2001). When combined with an alkali, the
leaves of this plant release a low level of a natural stimulant, which has only been
known to us in the West since the 1504 report of the Spanish explorer, Amerigo
Vespucci (Streatfeild 2001). The main active ingredient, cocaine, was isolated in
Goettingen, Germany by Albert Niemann in 1859 and soon became the toast of
Europe and America, being incorporated into popular beverages such as Vin
Mariani and Coca-cola (Streatfeild 2001). Many prominent figures espoused its
wondrous properties, most notably, Sigmund Freud. Later, its addictive properties
and negative cardiovascular effects became more widely known, leading to its
removal from Coca-Cola and its classification as a restricted drug (Streatfeild 2001).
Amphetamine derivatives occur naturally in plants such as Khat, a plant used in
the Middle East as a stimulant for hundreds of years (Rushby 1999). Amphetamine
itself was first synthesized in 1887 but was not widely used until the 1930s when it
was introduced into the Benzedrine inhaler to treat asthma (Boutrel and Koob
2004). Amphetamines have been and are still being used in military settings to keep
soldiers awake, as well as for various medical uses (Boutrel and Koob 2004).
The most recently introduced of the psychostimulants, modafinil, was introduced
as a wake-promoting compound to treat narcolepsy in France in 1988 and was
approved by the FDA in the United States in 1998 (Wisor 2013). Unlike cocaine
and amphetamines it does not have a strong abuse potential and a pronounced sleep
rebound is not observed following its use.
The dramatic effects of drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine-like compounds and
modafinil on mood and arousal have been used and abused by many different
societies around the world. However, it is only in the past 50 or so years that we
have gained a better understanding of their effects on the brain and their potential
for treating disorders of arousal. Here I summarize our current state-of knowledge
of this exciting topic.
Biochemical studies in the 1960s and 1970s identified the mechanisms underlying
the release and synthesis of the catecholamines (Axelrod 1971). The rate-limiting
enzyme in the synthesis of all the catecholamines (Dopamine, noradrenaline and
Dopaminergic Transmission and Wake-Promoting Effects … 21
1996). Wisor and colleagues tested the effect of amphetamine and modafinil in a
strain of narcoleptic dogs which have a defective orexin/hypocretin type II receptor
and in dopamine transporter knock-out mice (Wisor et al. 2001). The
wake-promoting effects of these compounds were maintained in the narcoleptic
dogs, consistent with their effectiveness in promoting wakefulness in narcoleptic
humans with reduced levels of orexin/hypocretins. Thus, despite the increase in Fos
activity in orexin/hypocretin neurons in normal animals, the wake-promoting effect
does not depend on these neurons. Similarly, the effectiveness of modafinil is
maintained in mice lacking neuronal histamine due to knockout of the synthesizing
enzyme, histidine decarboxylase (Parmentier et al. 2007).
Thus, although, these substances affect several different neurotransmitter sys-
tems, the main wake-promoting effect of all the psychostimulants appears to be due
to the enhanced release of dopamine.
groups and constitutes a wake-active, wake promoting cell group (Lu et al. 2006).
Several groups of dopamine neurons are located in the hypothalamus (A11–A15)
but little is known about them with regards to control of the sleep-wake cycle. One
study suggested increased activity of the A11 cell group during REM sleep
deprivation suggesting they are wake-active (Leger et al. 2010). Dopamine-
containing neurons are also located in the retina and olfactory bulb.
Many studies of the dopaminergic system are performed in rodents. However, it
should be noted that while rodent dopamine systems closely resemble those in
primates, there are also differences which may impact the mechanism by which
dopamine affects arousal. In particular, in rodents there is only a scant dopaminergic
innervation of the thalamus, but this innervation is much more pronounced in
monkeys and humans, particularly amongst the mediodorsal and the midline nuclei
which participate in the dorsal arm of the ascending reticular activating system
(Sanchez-Gonzalez et al. 2005). In primates the dopaminergic innervation of the
thalamus is comparable to dopaminergic innervation of cortex (Sanchez-Gonzalez
et al. 2005). Notably, the dopamine transporter, DAT, is not expressed by all
dopamine neurons equally. High levels of mRNA are seen in the substantia nigra
and ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons whereas high levels of DAT protein
are noted in the projection targets in the dorsal and ventral striatum but low levels
are seen in dopamine neurons outside the midbrain (Cerruti et al. 1993; Ciliax
et al. 1995, 1999). Thus, midbrain dopamine neurons and their striatal targets are
likely to mediate the arousal promoting effects of psychostimulants which act to
inhibit DAT.
midline thalamus and the sleep-active VLPO neurons (Lu et al. 2006). Recent
in vitro electrophysiological recordings from these neurons showed that they have
similar intrinsic membrane properties as VTA dopamine neurons, including broad
action potentials and hyperpolarization-activated cation currents (Dougalis et al.
2012). Information on the neurotransmitter regulation of these neurons, which
might help explain their putative state-dependent firing is lacking at present, as are
in vivo electrophysiological recordings from these neurons correlating their dis-
charge with changes in behavioral state. In contrast to dopamine neurons in the SN
and VTA they exhibit low levels of DAT (Ciliax et al. 1995, 1999), suggesting that
they play a less prominent role in the arousing effects of psychostimulants.
region (Qiu et al. 2012). The nucleus accumbens contains high levels of both D2 and
adenosine A2a receptors, located on the somata and excitatory afferents to enkephalin
containing neurons projecting to the ventral pallidum and lateral hypothalamus
(Zhang et al. 2013). These two receptors have opposite effects on intracellular
signaling and sleep-wake behavior. A2a receptors stimulate adenylyl cyclase,
whereas activation of D2 receptors inhibits this signaling pathway. A2a receptors
promote sleep since antagonism of these receptors by caffeine promotes wakeful-
ness, an effect dependent on the nucleus accumbens (Lazarus et al. 2011). In con-
trast, D2 receptors inhibit adenylyl cyclase and promote arousal. Injection of a D2/D3
receptor agonist into the nucleus accumbens increased wakefulness, whereas an
antagonist increased sleep (Barik and de Beaurepaire 2005). These two receptors
have important functional interactions such that blockade or inhibition of one sub-
type affects the expression of the other subtype (Salmi et al. 2005), likely explaining
the enhanced response to caffeine in DAT knockouts which have reduced D2
receptors. One interesting feature of the nucleus accumbens is that it expresses
particularly high levels of dopamine D3 receptors, although to date the role of these
receptors in the control of sleep-wake has not been investigated in any detail.
In addition to the nucleus accumbens, other brain areas may contribute to the
wake-promoting effects of dopamine. In the dorsal raphe, activation of normally inhi-
bitory postsynaptic D2 receptors causes neuronal excitation via opening of non-selective
cation channels (Haj-Dahmane2001). In addition, at high concentrations, as will be
produced by psychostimulants, dopamine can act at adrenergic receptors. In vitro,
dopamine inhibits the activity of sleep-active melanin-concentrating hormone neurons
in the hypothalamus (Alberto et al.2011) and REM-active dorsal subcoeruleus nucleus
(Yang et al.2014) via a2 adrenoceptors. Surprisingly, in vitro studies also report that
dopamine inhibits orexin/hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus, either via activation
of a2 receptors (Yamanaka et al.2006) or via activation of D2 dopamine receptors (Li
and van den Pol 2005), an effect which should promote sleep.
Less is known about the location of D1 receptors which mediate the arousal
effects of dopamine in mammals. A preliminary in vitro study identified excitatory
effects of dopamine on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (Arrigoni and Saper
2003). Dopamine increased firing rate, caused depolarization and decreased after-
hyperpolarizations. These effects were mimicked by a D1 receptor agonist.
Dopamine D1 receptors are also highly expressed in the dorsal and ventral striatum
‘direct pathway’ neurons which project to the internal segment of the globus pal-
lidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata and release substance P.
Both D1 and D2 receptors are required for the arousing effects of modafinil (Qu
et al. 2008). Systemic administration of a D1 receptor antagonist (SCH23390,
30 µg/kg) or a D2 receptor antagonist (raclopride, 2 mg/kg) prior to low doses (22.5
or 45 mg/kg) of modafinil, completely blocked the arousing effect in wild-type
mice. At high doses (90 or 180 mg/kg) of modafinil, the effect was not blocked by
the D1 receptor antagonist and was only partly blocked by raclopride, suggesting
additional mechanisms mediate the effect at these doses. Modafinil-induced arousal
was blunted in D2 receptor knockout mice and the effect was completely blocked by
pretreatment with SCH23390.
Dopaminergic Transmission and Wake-Promoting Effects … 27
Sleep homeostasis refers to the process which increases the amount and intensity of
sleep following a period of extended wakefulness. Fly, rodent and human studies all
suggest that sleep deprivation affects dopaminergic neurotransmission. In
Drosophila, mutations in DAT, resulting in reduced dopamine clearance, showed a
greater sleep rebound following sleep deprivation (Greenspan et al. 2001). Effects
of dopamine on sleep homoestasis in this species appear to require downregulation
of A-type potassium channels of the Shaker family and upregulation of two-pore
leak potassium channels (Pimentel et al. 2016). In the basal forebrain of rats, levels
of dopamine metabolites are increased during SD (Zant et al. 2011). Sleep depri-
vation in humans was associated with a decrease in dopamine D2/D3 receptors in
the nucleus accumbens, which would be consistent with an increase in sleepiness, if
dopamine inhibits this sleep-promoting area via these receptors. In humans, there
are polymorphisms in DAT, associated with variable numbers of a 40 base pair
sequence, with 9 or 10 repeats being most common. 10 repeat allele homozygotes
have 15–20 % reduced DAT availability in the striatum when compared with
heterozygous and homozygous 9-repeat allele carries and show an increased
homeostatic response to sleep deprivation (increased NREM duration and intensity)
(Holst et al. 2014). Furthermore, 10 repeat carriers responded to the stimulating
effect of caffeine, whereas 9-repeat carriers did not. The altered homeostatic
response to sleep deprivation may involve D1-like receptors since homeostatic
regulation of sleep was unaltered in D2R KO mice (Qu et al. 2010).
Sleep loss impairs cognition in humans and animals (McCoy and Strecker 2011).
Dopaminergic stimulants counteract the negative effects of sleep deprivation on
cognitive performance in humans (Pigeau et al. 1995). Similarly in Drosophila,
activation of the dopaminergic system can counteract the effects of sleep loss
(Seugnet et al. 2008). This important action provides a rationale for the use of these
substances to treat sleep disorders causing excessive daytime sleepiness.
EEG pioneer, Hans Berger (Herning et al. 1985). Early EEG analysis was restricted
to frequencies below 30 Hz i.e., excluded the gamma range. More recent studies
have shown that gamma oscillations are important for a variety of high-level cog-
nitive functions and are abnormal in diseases involving impaired cortical activity
such as schizophrenia (Woo et al. 2010). In vitro and in vivo data suggest a possible
role for dopamine D4 receptors in the control of gamma (30–80 Hz) oscillations,
consistent with their preferential location in fast-spiking parvalbumin-positive cor-
tical interneurons (Mrzljak et al. 1996) involved in generating gamma oscillations
(Sohal et al. 2009). In hippocampal slices a selective D4 agonist, PD168077,
increased gamma oscillation power, due to increased synchronization of fast-spiking
interneurons (Andersson et al. 2012). Similarly, systemic administration of a D4
agonist, A-412996, in vivo enhanced beta and gamma power in the hippocampus
and in several different neocortical areas (Kocsis et al. 2014). In humans, poly-
morphisms in both DAT and the D4 receptor have been linked to variation in gamma
power (Demiralp et al. 2007). In particular the 10/10 genotype of DAT, which
reduces DAT expression and thereby increases extracellular dopamine, enhances
gamma band responses to target auditory stimuli. Together, these studies demon-
strate that in addition to promoting wakefulness, activation of the dopaminergic
system promotes higher-frequency oscillations required for cognition.
anesthesia (Chemali et al. 2012). Similar effects are produced by application of the
D1 receptor agonist, chloro-APB (Taylor et al. 2013) or by electrical stimulation of
the VTA (Solt et al. 2014) but not by the D2 receptor agonist, quinpirole (Taylor
et al. 2013) or by electrical stimulation of the SN (Solt et al. 2014).
Methylphenidate, chloro-APB and electrical stimulation of the VTA all decrease
EEG delta activity but there are differences observed in other frequency bands with
methylphenidate causing a marked increase in theta and beta activity, which was
less marked or absent with the other two manipulations. Overall, it appears that
dopaminergic stimulants may be useful in hastening the recovery from anesthesia,
at least in animal models.
Vegetative state/minimally conscious state (VS/MCS). Alterations in arousal
and consciousness produced by general anesthesia resemble those observed in
patients in comatose or vegetative states (Brown et al. 2010). Similar to their effects
on anesthesia in animals models, dopaminergic stimulants have shown beneficial
effects in a small number of brain-damaged patients, although appropriate diag-
nostic criteria for VS/MCS were not always applied. Matsuda and colleagues tested
the effect of L-DOPA in a small group of VS/MCS patients (4 in VS and one in
MCS) who had been in these states for 3–22 months (Matsuda et al. 2005). All 5
patients had suffered a closed head injury in a traffic accident. Remarkably, fol-
lowing the beginning of L-DOPA treatment, this small group of patients showed
evidence of emergence from VS/MCS within 4 days–1.5 months, improved motor
symptoms, an ability to communicate or to use objects functionally and the ability
to obey simple verbal commands. However, in a study such as this without a control
group it is not possible to determine if recovery might have occurred without drug
treatment. Similar to the effect of L-DOPA, the dopaminergic receptor agonist,
Bromocriptine, a potent agonist at D2/D3 receptors, as well as several other
monoaminergic receptors, improved functional recovery in a group of 5 VS patients
(Passler and Riggs 2001).
Another drug which acts on the dopamine system is amantadine. Amantadine
blocks dopamine re-uptake and facilitates dopamine synthesis. In addition, it acts as
an NMDA receptor antagonist. In an initial study in one patient who had been in a
MCS for 5 months, amantadine had a dose-dependent effect on arousal as assessed
by coma-near coma scores (Zafonte et al. 1998). More recently, in a
placebo-controlled trial, amantadine accelerated the pace of functional recovery in
patients with post-traumatic disorders of consciousness (Giacino et al. 2012). This
is currently the only pharmacological agent which has been shown to be effective in
improving clinical and motor function in VS/MCS in a well controlled clinical trial.
In one patient, a fast recovery from MCS was observed following administration
of the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine (Fridman et al. 2009), somewhat
reminscent of the effect of dopaminergic agents in promoting emergence from
anesthesia. Apomorphine acts on both D1-like and D2-like receptors at nanomolar
concentrations. This patient showed improvements in consciousness and respon-
siveness within a few hours on the first day of administration of apomorphine,
104 days post-injury, although the patient had previously been unsuccessfully
treated with two other dopaminergic stimulants, methylphenidate and bromocriptine.
Dopaminergic Transmission and Wake-Promoting Effects … 31
11 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the US Veterans Administration (Merit Award
I01BX001356) and by the US National Institutes of Health: NIMH R01 MH039683, R21
MH094803, NHLBI HL095491 and NINDS R21 NS093000. The contents of this review do not
represent the views of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Government.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no competing financial interests.
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The Effects of Dopamine Receptor
Agonists on the Sleep-Wake Cycle
1 Introduction
Dopamine (DA)-containing neurons have been described in the substantia nigra and
ventral tegmental area, both wake-related brain areas (Jones 2005; Smith and
Kieval 2000). The neurons in these nuclei send projections to the striatum, basal
A. Herrera-Solís O. Arias-Carrión
Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento y Sueño (TMS), Hospital General
Dr. Manuel Gea González, México D.F., Mexico
A. Sarro-Ramírez M. Salas-Crisóstomo E. Murillo-Rodríguez (&)
Laboratorio de Neurociencias Moleculares e Integrativas Escuela de Medicina,
División Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
A. Sarro-Ramírez M. Salas-Crisóstomo E. Murillo-Rodríguez
Grupo de Investigación en Envejecimiento, División Ciencias de la Salud,
Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
E. Murillo-Rodríguez
Grupo de Investigación Desarrollos Tecnológicos para la Salud, División de Ingeniería
y Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
D1-like receptors are located at the postsynaptic side of the synaptic cleft and are
coupled to the G protein, Gsa and Golf(Beaulieu et al. 2015; Rangel-Barajas et al.
2015). Gsa activates adenylyl cyclase leading to an increase in the intracellular
concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) (Brust et al. 2015;
Cooper 2015). Most of the pharmacological studies of D1 receptor agonists in sleep
have reported as wake-promoter(Dzirasa et al. 2006; Monti et al. 1990; Monti and
Jantos 2008; Monti and Monti 2007; Trampus et al. 1993). In this regard, systemic
administration of D1 receptor agonist SKF38393 suppressed rapid eye movement
sleep (REMS) (Monti et al. 1990). Moreover, the D1 receptor agonist SKF38393
and A68930 increased wakefulness, and reduce REMS at a dose-dependent fashion
The Effects of Dopamine Receptor Agonists on the Sleep-Wake Cycle 41
(Trampus et al. 1991, 1993).Regarding this issue, Isaac and Berridge (2003)re-
ported that actions of centrally administered D1 receptor agonist, SKF-82958 (2.5
and 25 nmol) dose-dependently increased time spent awake and suppressed slow
wave sleep (SWS), and REMS in the 2 h immediately post-injection.
Furthermore, sleep disturbances as in restless legs syndrome (RLS) are treated
using DA agonists such as rotigotine with selectivity for D1,D2 and D3 receptors.
For instance, if administered once a day using dosage of 0.5–4 mg/24 improved the
symptoms of RLS (Serafini et al. 2010). Similar results have been reported using
pramipexole (PPX) as therapy in an animal model and human studies of RLS. In
this regard, mice with the RLS were treated with PPX for a period of 28 and
84 days and they showed attenuated locomotor activities (Luo et al. 2011).Recently
it was demonstrated that selective D1 receptor agonist SKF38393 efficiently alle-
viated excessive daytime sleepiness and restored REM sleep in primate experi-
mental model of Parkinson’s disease (Hyacinthe et al. 2014).
The D2-like family receptors are coupled to the G protein Gia, which directly
inhibits the formation of cAMP by inhibiting the enzyme adenylyl cyclase
(Beaulieu et al. 2015; Rangel-Barajas et al. 2015).
The bromocriptine, a D2 receptor agonist administered systemically at doses that
selectively stimulate DA auto-receptors, induced an increase in SWS and decreased
wakefulness in rats (Monti et al. 1990). In contrast, the injection of quinipirole (a D2
receptor agonist) in rats promoted opposite effects: at low doses it diminished
42 A. Herrera-Solís et al.
The data regarding the role of D3 receptor agonist on sleep modulation is limited.
However, it has been shown that administrations of D3 agonist pramipexole (10–
500 lg/kg) displays pharmacological properties on sleep modulation. For example,
the 30 lg/kg dose increased SWS and REMS, and reduced wakefulness (W),
whereas the 500 lg/kg dose enhanced waking time (Lagos et al. 1998). Moreover,
D3receptor agonists 7-OH-DPAT and quinelorane showed an awakening effect
(Barik and de Beaurepaire 2005). The opposite results have suggested that higher
doses might be activating D2 receptors.
Fig. 2 Dopamine (DA) mediates sleep subgroups of DA receptors named D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5
or D1-like and D2-like. The D1-like receptor family includes D1 and D5 receptor subtypes, and the
D2-like family comprises D2, D3 and D4 subtypes. The D1-like receptors are coupled to stimulatory
G-proteins whereas D2-like receptors are coupled to inhibitory G-proteins. Activation of D1-like
receptors would increase activity of adenylcyclase while activation of D2-like receptors would
cause an opposite effect
7 Conclusions
The dopaminergic agonists effects on sleep-wake cycle are complex and depend on
several factors such as dosage, affinity to different types of receptors, etc. (Fig. 2).
Most of the DA agonists were developed to treat PD and RLS in the last decade.
Pharmacological effects on sleep of activation mostly of D1 receptor agonists have
been reported showing a wake-promoting profile. Pharmaceutical advances have
allowed to explore the neurobiological role of new drugs that are aimed to bind to
DA receptor family. However, further evidence is needed to understand the role of
D4/D5 receptor agonists since limited data are available regarding this issue. The
mechanisms of action of DA receptors are not completely understood, and any
44 A. Herrera-Solís et al.
design for novel treatment of sleep disturbances will require further understanding
how different DA signaling pathways work.
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Ding Y, Brambilla R, Fisone G, Jon Stoessl A, Bourdenx M, Engeln M, Navailles S, De
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Quik M, Morari M, Mellone M, Gardoni F, Tronci E, Guehl D, Tison F, Crossman AR,
Kang UJ, Steece-Collier K, Fox S, Carta M, Angela Cenci M, Bezard E (2015)
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Coria-Avila GA, Manzo J, Garcia LI, Carrillo P, Miquel M, Pfaus JG (2014) Neurobiology of
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Effect of ropinirole on sleep onset: a randomized, placebo-controlled study in healthy
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Centres (2011) Piribedil-induced sleep attacks in patients without Parkinson disease: a case
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sleep-wake parameters in experimental parkinsonism. Neurobiol Dis 63:20–24
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alterations in early psychosis. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discovery 7:236–242
The Effects of Dopamine Receptor Agonists on the Sleep-Wake Cycle 45
MCHergic and DAergic systems play an important role in the control of behavioral
Keywords Hypothalamus
Ventral tegmental area Substantia nigra
Melanin-concentrating hormone REM sleep
Details about dopamine (DA) and the DAergic system can be found in other
chapters of the book. Briefly, DA is a neurotransmitter with high clinical relevance,
since its reduction at striatal sites is related to the pathogeny of Parkinson’s disease
(Lima 2013). Moreover, DA is implicated in the mechanism of action of antipsy-
chotic drugs (Cooper et al. 1996). Although much of the attention has been given to
DA in locomotor activity, sensorimotor integration and motivation, DA plays also a
significant role in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness (W) (Monti and Monti
2007; Monti and Jantos 2008).
Molecular cloning techniques have enabled the characterization of two distinct
groups of DA receptors, D1-like and D2-like receptors (Meador-Woodruff 1994;
Lachowicz and Sibley 1997). The D1 subfamily includes the D1 and D5 receptors,
whereas the D2 subfamily comprises the D2, D3 and D4 receptors. The D1 and D2
receptors have a wider distribution and predominate in the central nervous system
(CNS) as compared with the D3 to D5 receptors. The D1 receptor is a postsynaptic
receptor that is coupled to adenylate cyclase, and its stimulation facilitates the
activity of the enzyme. DA receptors corresponding to the D2 subfamily are cou-
pled to the inhibition of adenylate cyclase. In addition, D2-like receptors increase
outward K + currents, inhibit inward Ca2+ currents, and modulate phosphoinosi-
tide metabolism. The D2 receptor has been characterized also on DAergic cell
bodies and dendrites in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and the ventral
tegmental area (VTA) (autoreceptor function).
The effects of DA released in the synaptic cleft are terminated in part by reuptake
through a membrane carrier. Alternatively, DA can be inactivated by the enzymes
monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
(Cooper et al. 1996).
The DAergic neuronal system relevant to sleep and W is located in the upper
mesencephalon. One group of DAergic neurons is located in the SNc and project
towards the dorsal striatum. A second group of DAergic neurons arises in the VTA
and projects either to the limbic system [septal area, olfactory tubercle, nucleus
accumbens (NAc), amygdaloid complex and piriform cortex] or the cerebral cortex
(medial prefrontal, cingulate and entorhinal areas). D1 and D2 receptors are present
within these structures.
Additionally, Lu et al. (2006) recognized by means of Fos immunoreactivity
(a marker of neuronal activity) and neurochemical lesions a group of DAergic
Functional Interactions Between MCHergic and Dopaminergic … 49
neurons in the ventral periaqueductal gray (vPAG) that may also have a critical role
in the generation of W.
In homoeothermic animals, sleep is divided into two main states: REM and
non-REM (NREM) sleep (Torterolo and Vanini 2010). NREM sleep is character-
ized by high voltage slow oscillations in the electroencephalogram
(EEG) associated with weak electromyographic (EMG) activity. During this state,
cognitive activity is scarce. During REM sleep, activity in the EEG is comparable to
W (high frequency and low voltage oscillations), and is associated with theta
rhythm in the hippocampus electrogram and muscle atonia. Dreams occur mostly
during REM sleep (Hobson 2009).
There is a reciprocal interaction between the DAergic neurons of the SNc/VTA
and other critical areas for W and REM sleep generation (Monti and Monti 2007).
These areas are the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR, serotonergic neurons), the locus
coeruleus (LC, noradrenergic neurons), the laterodorsal (LDT) and pedunculo-
pontine tegmental nuclei (PPT, cholinergic neurons), the tuberomammillary nucleus
of the hypothalamus (histaminergic neurons), the basal forebrain (BF, cholinergic,
glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons) and the postero-lateral hypothalamus
(hypocretinergic neurons). Hypocretinergic neurons are intermingled (but do not
co-localize) with the MCHergic neurons (Torterolo et al. 2006).
DAergic neurons of the VTA and SNc do not change their mean firing rate
across the sleep-wake cycle (Trulson et al. 1981; Miller et al. 1983; Trulson and
Preussler 1984; Trulson 1985). However, the temporal pattern of the discharge is
strongly modulated during the sleep-wake cycle. Accordingly, during W, DAergic
neurons discharge in burst in response to salient stimuli (Schultz et al. 1993). This
increase in bursting activity is accompanied by a substantial increase in DA
extracellular levels (Wightman and Robinson 2002). In this regard, microdialysis
studies by Lena et al. (2005) have shown that DA release is greater during W in
comparison to sleep both in the prefrontal cortex and NAc.
DAergic neurons do not modify their firing rate during REM sleep. However,
Dahan et al. (2007) demonstrated that there is a prominent burst firing increase in
VTA DAergic neurons during REM sleep, that resemble the bursting induced by
the consumption of palatable food. This is in line with previous findings that
described an increase in the number of Fos immunoreactive neurons during REM
sleep (Maloney et al. 2002). In addition, the release of DA both in the NAc and
prefrontal cortex increases during REM sleep in comparison to NREM sleep (Lena
et al. 2005). In this regards, DAergic VTA neurons participates in the promotion of
hippocampal theta rhythm, a prominent feature of REM sleep (Orzel-Gryglewska
et al. 2015). It is notable that ascending projections from the VTA have been
suggested to be critical for the generation of dreams (Solms 2000).
50 P. Torterolo et al.
Conservation of energy is one of the main functions of sleep (Siegel 2005). Since
MCHergic neurons are critical in the control of energy homeostasis, they should be
involved in sleep regulation. MCH, via regulation of the activating and somnogenic
systems, promotes sleep, especially REM sleep (reviewed by Peyron et al. 2009;
Torterolo et al. 2011; Monti et al. 2013; Konadhode et al. 2015; Torterolo et al.
MCHergic neurons send dense projections to activating and somnogenic
regions. Using retrograde tracers, we have characterized the MCHergic neuronal
projections to the nucleus pontis oralis, the executive area for REM sleep generation
(Torterolo et al. 2009). There is also a high density of MCHergic fibers in activating
regions such as the tuberomammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus, BF, LDT and
PPT, DR and LC (Bittencourt et al. 1992; Torterolo et al. 2008; Lagos et al. 2011b;
Yoon and Lee 2013). Regions of the limbic system involved in the control of
emotional states including amygdala, NAc, septum and hippocampus also receive
MCHergic fibers and express MCH receptors (Bittencourt et al. 1992; Hervieu et al.
2000; Chee et al. 2013). A wide distribution of MCHR1 has been also identified in
the CNS of the rat, which coincides with the distribution of MCHergic fibers
(Lembo et al. 1999; Saito et al. 2001; Spaethling et al. 2014; Devera et al. 2015).
Using the Fos protein as a marker of neuronal activity, Verret et al. (2003)
showed that MCHergic neurons are active during the REM sleep rebound that
followed 72 h of REM sleep deprivation in male rats. Thereafter, they showed that
52 P. Torterolo et al.
The data reviewed tend to indicate that DAergic and MCHergic systems have
opposite functions. Accordingly, while the DAergic system promotes motivational
arousal, the MCHergic system promotes consummatory behavior and
sleep. However, regarding REM sleep, the data suggest a more complex scenario.
In this sense, MCH induces REM sleep, and it is likely that the DAergic neurons
promote at least some aspect of this state such as hippocampal theta rhythm and/or
dreams. Although the available indirect data strongly suggest an interaction
between both systems in the regulation of W and sleep, there are not direct studies
aimed to test this hypothesis.
54 P. Torterolo et al.
The NAc is a main target of the mesolimbic DAergic neurons, and has been
proposed as the neural interface between the limbic and motor system (Mogenson
et al. 1980). The NAc plays a critical role in reward-seeking behavior for natural
rewards and drugs of abuse (Castro et al. 2015; Volkow and Morales 2015). This
nucleus is one of the main projections sites of the MCHergic neurons and has an
important MCHR1 density (Bittencourt et al. 1992; Hervieu et al. 2000).
In an attempt to elucidate the role of DA and MCH in the control of motivation,
several studies have focused their attention in the interactions between them.
MCHR1 is co-expressed with DAergic receptors in the shell of the NAc, which
raises the possibility that MCH and DA interact in NAc shell during motivated
responses, such as food or drug seeking behavior (Georgescu et al. 2005; Chung
et al. 2009). In a whole-cell patch-clamp recording from the NAc shell, adminis-
tration of MCH alone had no effect on spike firing, but the discharge rate showed an
increase when MCH was applied in combination with D1 or D2 agonists (Chung
et al. 2009; Hopf et al. 2013). Furthermore, biochemical analysis in NAc shell
explants showed that MCH signaling blocks DA-induced phosphorylation of the
AMPA glutamate receptor (Georgescu et al. 2005).
Functional Interactions Between MCHergic and Dopaminergic … 55
The medial preoptic area together with its interaction with components of the
mesolimbic dopamine system plays a critical role in motivational processes of
active maternal behavior (Stack et al. 2002; Miller and Lonstein 2005; Numan and
Stolzenberg 2009). It is notable that neurons of the medial preoptic area expressed
MCH only during the post-partum period (Rondini et al. 2010). Recently,
Benedetto et al. (2014) have shown that microinjections of MCH into this preoptic
area decrease active maternal behaviors. Hence, it would be important to know
whether a dysfunction of these MCH-containing neurons, or the interaction between
DA and MCH is related to emotional imbalances that take place in 75–80 % of
human mothers between 3 to 5 days after delivery (Lee 1998).
7.4 Narcolepsy
7.5 Obesity
MCH promotes sleep. In order to do that, several evidences suggest that one
plausible mechanism is that MCHergic systems tend to reduce DAergic activity
involved in arousal. In addition, the arousal-promoting DAergic system tends to
inhibit MCHergic neurons.
Both MCHergic and mesolimbic DAergic systems are active during REM sleep;
regretfully, there are no studies focused to search for a probable functional inter-
action between both systems during this behavioral state.
There is evidence suggesting a functional link between the MCHergic and
DAergic systems in the pathophysiology of several medical conditions including
Parkinson disease and depression. More research is needed in order to clarify this
58 P. Torterolo et al.
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Functional Interactions Between MCHergic and Dopaminergic … 63
1 Introduction
animals in 1999, and the subsequent discovery, in 2000, of hcrt/ox ligand deficiency
in idiopathic cases of human narcolepsy-cataplexy (Nishino et al. 2000).
Narcolepsy is a prototypical central hypersomnia characterized by excessive day-
time sleepiness (EDS) and dissociated manifestations of rapid eye movement
(REM) sleep, such as cataplexy, hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations, sleep
paralysis, automatic behavior (Nishino and Mignot 1997). Therefore, sleep researchers
immediately jumped into studying the roles of hcrt/ox in sleep/wake and REM sleep
regulations under both normal and pathological conditions (see Nishino 2011).
Although this article will mostly discuss the anatomical and functional inter-
actions between the hcrt/ox system and midbrain DAergic systems, it may be
difficult to specifically dissect these interactions since a series of anatomical and
functional studies demonstrated that the hcrt/ox system integrates and coordinates
multiple wake-promoting systems (such as monoamine and acetylcholine systems)
to keep subjects fully alert (Nishino et al. 2004; Espana and Scammell 2004). These
classical neurotransmitter systems are also involved as REM-on (a subset of
acetylcholine) and REM-off (most monoamine) neurons that regulate REM sleep
(Nishino et al. 2004; Espana and Scammell 2004).
In this review, we will thus first overview the (De Lecea et al. 1998) neurobi-
ology of wakefulness and (Sakurai et al. 1998) symptoms of narcolepsy, followed
by discoveries of the hcrt/ox system and hcrt/ox deficiency in narcolepsy.
We will then discuss the functional links between the VTA DAergic and hcrt/ox
systems by introducing the results of anatomical and functional (electrophysiological/
pharmacological results) studies.
Many neuroscientists are also interested in functional roles of the VTA DAergic
and hcrt/ox systems in reward-motivational behavior, food intake, and nociception,
and some of these results will also be briefly introduced.
In order to help with the understanding of the hcrt/ox and DAergic interactions in
vigilance control, current understandings of neurobiology of wakefulness will first
be discussed. Sleep/wake is a complex physiology regulated by brain activity, and
multiple neurotransmitter systems such as monoamines, acetylcholine, excitatory
and inhibitory amino acids, peptides, purines, and neuronal and non-neuronal
humoral modulators (i.e., cytokines and prostaglandins) (Jones 2005) are likely to
be involved. Monoamines are perhaps the first neurotransmitters recognized to be
involved in wakefulness (Jouvet 1972), and the monoaminergic systems have been
the most common pharmacological targets for wake-promoting compounds in the
past years. On the other hand, most hypnotics target the gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) ergic system, a main inhibitory neurotransmitter system in the brain
(Nishino et al. 2004).
Cholinergic neurons also play critical roles in cortical activation during wake-
fulness and during REM sleep (Jones 2005). Brainstem cholinergic neurons
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 67
The significant roles, first, of hcrt/ox deficiency and, subsequently, of postnatal cell
death of hcrt/ox neurons as the major pathophysiological process underlying nar-
colepsy with cataplexy, emerged from a decade of investigation, employing both
animal and human models. In 1998, the simultaneous discovery by two independent
research groups of a novel hypothalamic peptide neurotransmitter (named
“hypocretin” and “orexin” by each) proved pivotal (De Lecea et al. 1998; Sakurai
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 69
70 S. Nishino and N. Sakai
et al. 1998) (Fig. 1). These neurotransmitters are produced exclusively by thou-
sands of neurons, which are localized in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and project
broadly to specific cerebral regions and more densely to others (Peyron et al. 1998).
Within a year Stanford researchers used positional cloning of a naturally-occurring
familial canine narcolepsy model and identified an autosomal recessive mutation of
hypocretin receptor 2 (hcrtr 2) responsible for canine narcolepsy, characterized by
cataplexy, reduced sleep latency, and SOREMPs (Lin et al. 1999). This finding
coincided with the observation of the narcolepsy phenotype in hcrt/ox ligand deficient
mice (prepro-orexin gene knockout mice), characterized by cataplectic behavior and
sleep fragmentation (Chemelli et al. 1999). Together, these findings confirmed hcrt/ox
peptides as principal sleep-modulating neurotransmitters and prompted investigation
of the involvement of hcrt/ox system in human narcolepsy.
Although screening of patients with cataplexy failed to implicate hcrt/ox-related
gene mutation as a major cause of human narcolepsy, narcoleptic patients did
exhibit low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of hypocretin-1 (Nishino et al. 2000).
Post-mortem brain tissue of narcoleptic patients, assessed through immunochem-
istry, radioimmunological peptide assays, and in situ hybridization, revealed hcrt/ox
peptides loss and undetectable levels of hcrt/ox peptides or pre-hcrt/ox RNA.
Furthermore, melanin-concentrating hormone neurons, also expressed at the same
brain region (Peyron et al. 2000), were observed intact, indicating that damage to
hcrt/ox neurons and production is selective in narcolepsy rather than due to gen-
eralized neuronal degeneration.
Soon after the discovery of human hcrt/ox deficiency, researchers identified
specific substances and genes, such as dynorphin and neuronal activity-regulated
pentraxin (NARP) (Crocker et al. 2005) and most recently, insulin-like growth
factor binding protein 3 (IGF BP3) (Honda et al. 2009), which colocalize in neurons
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 71
containing hcrt/ox. These findings underscored selective hcrt/ox cell death as the
cause of hcrt/ox deficiency (as opposed to transcription/biosynthesis or hcrt/ox
peptide processing problems) because these substances are also deficient in the
postmortem brain lateral hypothalamic area of hcrt/ox deficient narcoleptic patients
(Crocker et al. 2005; Honda et al. 2009). Further, in view of the generally late
onsets of sporadic narcolepsy compared with those of familial cases, these studies
suggest that postnatal cell death of hcrt/ox neurons constitutes the major patho-
physiological process in human narcolepsy with cataplexy.
Narcolepsy is associated with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQB1*0602
allele (Mignot et al. 1997). Many have therefore hypothesized that narcolepsy is
caused by an autoimmune process that kills the hcrt/ox-producing neurons. This
perspective was further reinforced recently by the observation that narcolepsy is
also associated with a polymorphism in the T-cell receptor alpha gene (Hallmayer
et al. 2009), but still, direct evidence for an autoimmune process has been lacking.
Hcrt/ox levels increase during the active periods and are highest at the end of the
active period, with the levels declining at sleep onset. Furthermore, sleep depri-
vation increases hcrt/ox levels (Fujiki et al. 2001; Yoshida et al. 2001).
Electrophysiological studies have shown that hcrt/ox neurons are active during
wakefulness and reduce the activity during slow wave sleep (Lee et al. 2005). The
neuronal activity during REM sleep is the lowest, but intermittent increases in the
activity, associated with body movements or phasic REM activity, are observed
(Lee et al. 2005).
The interaction of hcrt/ox and DA is only one of the many important regulatory
systems involved in vigilance control. However, there are many experimental
evidences that directly and indirectly suggest significances of hcrt/ox and DA
interactions in vigilance and behavioral control in health and disease. These find-
ings in human narcolepsy (mostly hcrt/ox ligand deficiency) and familial nar-
coleptic dogs (i.e., hcrtr 2 mutated) are summarized.
1. Pharmacological data
Over 90 % of diagnosed narcoleptic patients are reported to take medications to
control symptoms (Nishino and Kotorii 2010). Pharmacological treatments for EDS of
narcolepsy include amphetamine-like central nervous system (CNS) stimulants and
modafinil and its r-enantiomer. Other less commonly used stimulants are compounds
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 73
with DA uptake inhibitions. In almost all cases, the effects on vigilance were found to
be mediated via the effects on the DA transporter (DAT), although the mode of action
of modafinil remains controversial (Nishino 2010; Nishino and Mignot 2005). These
compounds do not improve cataplexy and other REM sleep abnormalities (hypno-
gogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis), so antidepressants (monoamine uptake
inhibitors) are additionally used for the treatment of cataplexy and REM sleep
abnormalities. Sodium oxybate, an approved formula of gamma hydroxybutyrate
(GHB) in the USA, given at night improves both EDS and cataplexy (Nishino 2010).
Although improvement in sleepiness occurs relatively quickly, anti-cataplectic effects
appeared 1–2 weeks after the initiation of the treatment. The modes of actions of
Sodium oxybate on EDS and cataplexy are mostly unknown. Central actions of
sodium oxybate may be mediated by direct actions on GHB and/or GABAB receptors
or through its metabolite, GABA (Nishino 2010). Sodium oxybate also affects DA
release, and the effects vary depending on the dose.
Experiments in canine narcolepsy suggest a preferential involvement of NE rather
than 5HT reuptake inhibition in the anti-cataplectic properties of the drugs. DA
reuptake inhibition does not reduce cataplexy, but does significantly enhance wake-
fulness (Nishino and Mignot 1997; Nishino et al. 1998). In humans, compounds with
NE reuptake inhibition also reduce cataplexy. Recently, selective NE and NE/5-HT
(SNRI) reuptake inhibitors were introduced, and one of the SNRIs, venlafaxine, has
become the first line anticataplectic medication (Nishino and Kotorii 2010).
Pharmacological evaluations for mechanisms triggering cataplexy were inten-
sively studied using narcoleptic Dobermans (i.e., hcrtr 2 mutation) (Nishino and
Mignot 1997). We generally consider that cataplexy-enhancing effects are more
specific than cataplexy reducing effects for drug administration, as many drugs
when used at high doses generally reduce cataplexy. In contrast, only few classes of
compounds aggravate cataplexy.
Narcoleptic dogs are very sensitive to alpha-1b blockade and alpha-2 stimulation
as well as DA D2/D3 stimulation and exhibit cataplexy (ICSD-2 2005). Also, they
are sensitive to cholinergic M2/3 stimulation and exhibit cataplexy, and upregu-
lation of muscarinic receptors in the pons was reported (see ICSD-2 2005). Among
them, the cataplexy-enhancing effects by DA D2/D3 stimulation, such as by
quinpirole and 7-OH-DOPAT, is drastic, and very low doses of drugs induce
cataplexy even in dogs that rarely have spontaneous cataplexy. The effects are not
associated with any noticeable side effects except for very short-lasting vomiting
(ICSD-2 2005). Local drug perfusion experiments using microdialysis revealed that
the sites of D2/D3 agonists include the VTA, SN, and A11 (Honda et al. 1999; Reid
et al. 1996; Okura et al. 2004). Effects by D2/D3 mediation were selective among
other DA receptors, and D2 antagonists such as raclopride reduce cataplexy, while a
D1 agonist (SKF-38393), a D1 antagonist (SCH-23390) and DA uptake inhibition
(bupropion) had no effects on cataplexy (see Fig. 2 for the results of the SN
perfusion). Of note, VTA perfusion of quinpirole significantly increased the drowsy
state, while the SN perfusion did not modify sleep (Honda et al. 1999).
Induction of cataplexy by DA D2/D3 stimulation was also reported recently in
a mouse model of narcolepsy (i.e., hcrt/ox KO mice) by Burgess et al. (2010).
74 S. Nishino and N. Sakai
Quinpirole 7-OH-DPAT Raclopride SKF-38393 SCH-23390 Bupropion
Dose (10-2 M)
Fig. 2 Effects on cataplexy of bilateral perfusion of various dopamine compounds into the SNr.
The bar graphs represent the percent change in time spent in cataplexy during each drug session, as
compared to their respective baseline levels. Cataplexy was tested using the FECT during each
perfusion period. The dose (104 ±102 M) of drugs was increased every 40 min after the 40 min
baseline session when arti®cial CSF was perfused. The highest dose of quinpirole (D2a3 agonist)
and 7-OH-DPAT (D3 selective agonist) significantly aggravated canine cataplexy. In contrast, the
D2/D3 antagonist raclopride significantly reduced cataplexy. Neither the D1 agonist (SKF-38393)
nor the D1 antagonist (SCH-23390) mediated canine cataplexy. The DA uptake inhibitor,
bupropion, had no effect on cataplexy
These results are however puzzling if we contrast this with the effects of DAT
uptake inhibitors on cataplexy: DAT uptake inhibitors significantly promote
wakefulness, but have no effects on cataplexy and little effects on REM sleep
(Nishino et al. 1998). Remarkably, results in narcoleptic dogs suggested that cata-
plexy was significantly reduced by D2/D3 antagonists whereas REM sleep was not
(Okura et al. 2000). The results may suggest that DA by D2/D3 receptor mechanisms
are more specifically involved in regulation of cataplexy than regulation of REM
sleep inductions. In other words, D2/D3 mechanisms may be more closely related to
emotional triggering of cataplexy, whereas NE mechanisms may be more closely
related to the executive system for muscle atonia during REM sleep and cataplexy.
Mechanisms for cataplexy and REM sleep abnormalities associated with
impaired hcrt/ox neurotransmission have also been studied by several authors
(Kantor et al. 2009). Hcrt/ox significantly inhibits REM sleep in vivo, but activates
both brainstem REM-off LC and raphe neurons, REM-on cholinergic neurons as
well as local GABAnergic neurons in vitro, and this fact is somewhat puzzling.
Koyama (personal communication) suggested that disfacilitation of REM-off
monoaminergic neurons and disinhibition of REM-on cholinergic neurons, medi-
ated through disfacilitation of inhibitory GABAnergic interneurons (associated with
impaired hcrt/ox neurotransmission), are responsible for the occurrence of abnormal
REM sleep manifestations.
There are anecdotal reports indicating that narcoleptic humans might be resistant
to amphetamine abuse. In four studies totaling 251 narcoleptic patients receiving
amphetamine-like stimulants, there were only two cases of amphetamine psychosis
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 75
(one with addiction), two cases of hallucination, and three cases of addiction
(Akimoto et al. 1960; Parkes et al. 1975; Guilleminault et al. 1974; Passouant and
Billiard 1976). It was also reported that the majority of narcoleptic subjects reduced
their prescribed dosage of stimulants or had not taken any of the stimulants (Rogers
et al. 1997). These reports suggest that hct/ox deficient narcolepsy is an important
model to study the basic mechanism of psychostimulant abuse.
2. Neurochemical Data
Studies in humans with narcolepsy have shown a decrease in DA concentration
in the CSF (Montplaisir et al. 1982). Studies on hcrtr 2 mutated narcoleptic dogs,
performed before and after probenecid administration, demonstrated an altered
monoamine turnover with significantly less free homovanillic acid (HVA), dihy-
droxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG),
and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) (Lu et al. 1999).
Analyses of both human and animal narcoleptic brain tissue also suggest
DAergic dysfunction. In postmortem human autoradiographic studies, striatal DA
D2 receptor binding was increased more than D1 receptors in narcolepsy (Aldrich
et al. 1992). However, most in vivo studies with single-photon emission computed
tomography (Hublin et al. 1994) and positron emission tomography (Rinne et al.
1995) found no increase in striatal D2 receptor binding in narcolepsy.
Three independent studies reported altered catecholamine contents in the brains of
narcoleptic dogs (Faull et al. 1986; Mefford et al. 1983). These studies found increases
in DA and NE in many brain structures, especially DA in the amygdala and NE in the
pontis reticularis oralis (Faull et al. 1986; Mefford et al. 1983). These changes are not
due to a reduction in the turnover of these monoamines in the brain, since the turnover
of these monoamines is either high or not altered (Nishino et al. 2001). Considering
that the drugs which enhance DAergic neurotransmission (such as amphetamine-like
stimulants and modafinil [for EDS]) and NE neurotransmission (such as noradrenaline
uptake blockers [for cataplexy]) are needed to treat the symptoms in these animals
(Nishino and Mignot 1997), increases in DA and NE contents in the brain may be
compensatory; however, these findings are not consistent with the CSF findings.
Most of these abnormalities are likely secondary to the deficiency in hcrt/ox
neurotransmission, but alterations in these systems may actively mediate some of
sleep related symptoms of narcolepsy.
Uramura et al. (2001), Nakamura et al. (2000) is perhaps the first group to present
the results that hcrt/ox activates the VTA DA neurons and induces hyperlocomotion
and stereotyped behavior, by measuring phospholipase C- and protein kinase
C-mediated Ca2+ signaling of VTA DA neurons.
76 S. Nishino and N. Sakai
Fig. 3 Location of Fluorogold (FG) injections in the prelimbic region (PL) of the medial
prefrontal cortex and FG-labeled neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). a Sagittal scheme
shows all FG infusions in PL (n = 10; modified from Swanson 1998). b Coronal section showing
an FG deposit in PL using immunohistochemistry in one animal. (c, d) Representative coronal
brainstem drawings showing FG-immunolabeled neurons (red dots) in the VTA of one of the PL
group rats. e Nissl-stained section adjacent to the section shown in F, which delineates the
subdivisions of VTA. f Panoramic photomicrograph showing FG-labeled neurons in the
parabrachial subdivision (PBP) of VTA. g High magnification of box “G” from F showing
FG-labeled neurons in the PBP of VTA ipsilateral to the FG injection site. The peroxidase
immunoreaction product can be clearly observed in the cytoplasm of cell bodies and proximal
dendritic branches (arrow). h High magnification of box h from F, showing much weaker
FG-retrograde labeling (arrow) in the PBP of VTA contralateral to the FG injection. ac anterior
commissure; Cg1 cingular cortex; CLi caudal linear raphe nucleus; DRN dorsal raphe nucleus; Fm
forceps minor of the corpus callosum; fr fasciculus retroflexus; IF interfascicular subdivision of
VTA; IP interpeduncular nucleus; M2 secondary frontal cortex; mlf medial longitudinal fasciculus;
MO medial orbital cortex; ob olfactory bulb; mp mammillary peduncle; PAG periaqueductal gray;
PN paranigral subdivision of VTA; ri rhinal incisure; RLi rostral linear raphe nucleus; RN red
nucleus; rs rhinal sulcus; SC superior colliculus; SNc substantia nigra pars compacta; SNr
substantia nigra pars reticulata. Scale bars, B, 1 mm, E-F, 500 lm, G-H, 100 lm. (from Del
Cid-Pellitero and Garzon 2014 with a permission)
78 S. Nishino and N. Sakai
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 79
b Fig. 4 Cellular contacts established by Hcrt1/OxA-containing axons in the ventral tegmental area.
a Hcrt1/OxA-immunoreactivity is seen in large dense-cored vesicles (ldcv), dense-cored vesicles
(dcv) and in the cytoplasm of a varicosity (Hcrt1/OxA-V) that makes an asymmetric synapse
(curved arrow) with a Fluorogold-labeled dendrite (FG-den). The FG-den is identified by its
content in DAB-immunoperoxidase reaction product (black arrows). b Hcrt1/OxA-V establishes
an asymmetric synapse (curved arrow) with a FG-dendrite that receives convergent input from an
unlabeled axon terminal (Ter). c A VTA dendrite (Den) receives a synaptic contact (curved arrow)
from an Hcrt1/OxA-immunoreactive varicosity (Hcrt1/OxA-V) and an unlabeled Ter.
d Hcrt1/OxA-T makes an asymmetric synapse (curved arrow) on an unlabeled Den.
Hcrt1/OxA-T contains translucent small synaptic vesicles (ssv) near the synaptic specialization
while dcv are far from the synapse. e Bar graph showing the relative percentage of appositional
and synaptic contacts (asymmetric) established by Hcrt1/OxA-boutons with unlabeled- (un) or
FG-labeled (FG) dendrites according to the type of axonal bouton (varicosity, diameter < 0.7 lm
or axon terminal, diameter 0.7 lm) in the ventral tegmental area. Mean percentages and
standard errors were calculated based on the numbers obtained from 102
Hcrt1/OxA-immunoreactive boutons in 14 vibratome sections from six rat brains. f Bar graph
showing the percentage distribution of unlabeled and Fluorogold-labeled (FG) dendrites of
different sizes receiving asymmetric synapses (n = 22) from Hcrt1/OxA-immunolabeled axonal
boutons (terminals and varicosities; total sample: 616 boutons) in the ventral tegmental area. Mean
percentages and standard errors were calculated based on the numbers obtained from the
synapse-recipient 22 dendrites in 18 ultrathin sections from 6 rat brains. ANOVA (animal X
dendritic size) was done to determine in those dendrites significant variations in the formation of
asymmetric synapses with respect to their small (< 0.5 mm), intermediate (0.5–1.0 mm) or large
(> 1.0 mm) diameters [*p < 0.05; post hoc Fisher test]. Scale bar, 0.2 lm (from Del Cid-Pellitero
and Garzon 2014 with a permission
However, hcrt/ox does mediate some direct synaptic influence on VTA DA and
GABA neurons. Additional nonsynaptic effects are suggested by the presence of
numerous dense-core vesicles. Hcrt/ox neurons exert a direct synaptic influence on
mesocortical neurons that would possibly facilitate arousal.
2. Electrophysiological and pharmacological results
Korotkova et al. (2003, 2006) reported with single-unit extracellular and
whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of VTA DA neurons that hcrt/ox caused various
effects on VTA DA neurons: an increase in firing frequency, burst firing, or no
change in firing in different groups of VTA DA neurons. Neurons showing oscil-
latory firing in response to hcrt/ox had smaller afterhyperpolarizations than the
other groups of DA neurons. Hcrt/ox also increased the firing frequency of
non-DAergic neurons in the VTA. In the presence of tetrodotoxin, hcrt/ox depo-
larized both DAergic and non-DAergic neurons, indicating a direct postsynaptic
effect. Single-cell PCR experiments also showed that hcrt/ox receptors were
expressed in both DAergic and non-DAnergic neurons (Fig. 5).
Along with these reports, Narita et al. (2006) also reported that the levels of DA
and its major metabolites in the NAc were markedly increased by the microinjection
of hcrt 1/ox A and hcrt 2/ox B into the VTA, suggesting that hcrt/ox stimulate DA
transmission of VTA DA neurons.
Vittoz and Berridge (2006) evaluated the effect of intracerebroventricular infu-
sion of hcrt-1 (0.07, 0.7 nmol) on extracellular levels of DA within the prefrontal
80 S. Nishino and N. Sakai
cortex (PFC) and NAc in the unanesthetized rat. Hcrt-1 dose-dependently increased
PFC dialysate DA levels (but not NAc DA levels), and these increases were closely
correlated with increases in time spent awake. The authors also confirmed that
unilateral infusion of hcrt-1 (0.1, 1.0 nmol) within the VTA increased PFC, but not
NAc dialysate DA levels.
The same authors (Vittoz et al. 2008) also reported that hcrt/ox significantly
increased Fos-immunoreactive (Fos-ir) in the VTA DA (tyrosine hydroxylase
immunoreactive [TH-ir]) neurons, primarily in a restricted population of
small-to-medium-sized DA neurons located within the caudomedial VTA.
Furthermore, within this region of the VTA, PFC- and NAs-projecting TH-ir
neurons were more likely to contain Fos-ir than were NAc-projecting TH-ir neu-
rons. These results provide novel evidence that hcrt/ox selectively activates PFC-
and NAs-projecting DA neurons within the VTA, and suggest a potential role for
hcrt/ox in PFC- and NAs-dependent cognitive and/or affective process.
It is also well known that antipsychotic drugs alter the activity of DA neurons in
the VTA and SN (A9). Rasmussen et al. (2007) reported that acute administration
of SB-334867 (an hcrtr 1/Ox1R antagonist) alone did not alter the number of
spontaneously active A9 or A10 cells, but did reverse the following: (1) the increase
in the number of spontaneously active A9 and/or A10 DA cells caused by the acute
administration of haloperidol (1 mg/kg, subcutaneous) (2) the decrease in the
number of spontaneously active A9 and/or A10 DA cells caused by the chronic
administration of haloperidol (1 mg/kg/day 21 days, s.c.). These results indicate
that activation of hcrtr 1/Ox1R receptors plays an important role on the effects of
antipsychotic drugs on DA neuronal activity and may play an important role in the
clinical effects of antipsychotic drugs.
Modulations of Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) … 81
DA neurons also project to the LH, and regulation of hcrt/ox neurons by DA has
also been studied. Li and van den Pol (2005), Yamanaka et al. (2006) reported that
NE, DA, and epinephrine directly hyperpolarized hcrt/ox neurons. NE neurons also
project to the LH and regulate the hcrt/ox neurons. These authors also reported an
indirect inhibition of hcrt/ox neurons by NE through increased inhibitory GABA
input, but whether there are similar mechanisms by DA (i.e., indirect inhibition of
hcrt/ox neurons by DA) was not evaluated.
Bubser et al. (2005) reported that a mixed DA agonist apomorphine increased
Fos expression in hcrt/ox cells, with a greater effect on hcrt/ox neurons located
medial to the fornix. Both the selective D1-like agonist A-77636 and the D2-like
agonist quinpirole also induced Fos in hcrt/ox cells, suggesting that stimulation of
either receptor subtype is sufficient to activate hcrt/ox neurons. Consistent with this
finding, combined SCH 23390 (D1 antagonist)-haloperidol (D2 antagonist) pre-
treatment blocked apomorphine-induced activation of medial as well as LH hcrt/ox
neurons. In situ hybridization histochemistry revealed that LH/PFC cells rarely
express mRNAs encoding DA receptors, suggesting that hcrt/ox cells are transsy-
naptically activated by apomorphine.
Alberto et al. (2006) monitored pharmacologically isolated action potential-
independent miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSCs) [mEPSCs]. Bath
application of DA dose dependently induced a bidirectional effect on the excitatory
synaptic transmission. A low dose of DA (1 microM) increased mEPSC frequency,
which was blocked by the D1-like receptor antagonist SCH 23390, and mimicked
by the D1-like receptor agonist SKF 81297. In contrast, higher doses of DA (10–
100 microM) decreased mEPSC frequency, which could be blocked with the
D2-like receptor antagonist sulpiride. Quinpirole, a D2-like receptor agonist, also
reduced mEPSC frequency. None of these compounds affected the mEPSCs
amplitude, suggesting the locus of action was presynaptic. In addition, DA (1
microM) induced an increase in the action potential firing whereas DA (100
microM) hyperpolarized and ceased the firing of hcrt/ox neurons, indicating the
effect of DA on excitatory synaptic transmission may influence the activity of the
postsynaptic cell. These results suggest a reciprocal interaction between the hcr/ox
and VTA DAergic system, and these are also likely involved in conditioned
behavioral responses to reward-associated stimuli.
As discussed above, several authors reported that hcrt/ox selectively activates PFC-
and NAs-projecting DA neurons within the VTA and suggest a potential role for
hcrt/ox in PFC- and NAs-dependent cognitive and/or affective processes via actions
on the mesolimbic DA system.
Taslimi et al. (2012) investigated the effect of direct administration of orexin A
into the VTA and examined the role of intra-NAc DA receptors in development
82 S. Nishino and N. Sakai
10 Summary
selectively activates PFC- and NAs-projecting DA neurons within the VTA, and
suggest a potential role for hcrt/ox in PFC- and NAs-dependent cognitive and/or
affective processes via actions on the mesolimbic DA system.
Based on these results, many investigators also have studied addiction and the
role of interactions of hcrt/ox and mesolimbic DA systems in conditioned behav-
ioral responses to reward-associated stimuli. Although some of the findings are
anecdotal, it is conceivable that future research will provide scientific evidence that
hcrt/ox DA interactions play a critical role in reward-motivational behavior, high fat
intake, and antinociception.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Mari Matsumura for editing the manuscript.
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Alteration of Biological Rhythms
in Diseases of the Central Dopaminergic
System: Focus on Parkinson’s Disease
S. Perez-Lloret (&)
Cardiology Research Institute, University of Buenos Aires,
National Research Council (ININCA-UBA-CONICET),
Marcelo T. de Alvear 2270, C1122AAJ Buenos Aires, Argentina
D. Acuña-Castroviejo
Institute of Biotechnology, Biomedical Research Center,
Health Science Technology Park, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
V. Demaria-Pesce
Directeur de Recherche, Institut National de La Santé et de La Recherche Médicale
(INSERM), Paris, France
D. Cardinali
Department of Teaching and Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences,
Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina BIOMED-UCA-CONICET,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
to have some efficacy for sleep disorder treatment in PD and exhibit neuroprotec-
tion in animal models of PD. Bright light has also been effective for depression and
insomnia in PD patients. Novel chronobiological therapies might have a great
impact on the clinical management of PD.
1 Introduction
Cortex Cortex
Striatum Striatum
Brainstem Brainstem
Fig. 1 Normal basal ganglia circuit and its alteration in Parkinson’s disease and
Levodopa-induced dyskinesias. SNc Substantia nigra pars compacta. GPe/GPi Globus pallidus
pars externa or interna. STN Subthalamic nucleus. Rt Reticular thalamic nuclei. CM Centromedian
thalamic nucleus. VA/VL Ventral-anterior or lateral thalamic nuclei. Stimulatory connections are
shown in grey, while inhibitory ones are depicted in black
94 S. Perez-Lloret et al.
Fig. 2 Schematic representations of the potential cross-talk between the central biological
oscillating system and basal ganglia. Sites in which neurodegeneration or altered function have
been demonstrated in PD are signaled with a thunder. Potential connections are signaled by a
discontinued line. IGL Intergeniculate leaflet; ORX/MPOA Orexinergic neurons/median preoptical
anterior nuclei; PVN Paraventricular nuclei; SCG Superior cervical ganglion; SCN
Suprachiasmatic nuclei; SN/VTA Substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area
(see further on) between the basal ganglia and the structures responsible for cir-
cadian biological rhythms (see Sect. 2 and Fig. 2).
There are many features of PD that are unresponsive to levodopa, such as gait
disorders and cognitive impairment or dementia, indicating the involvement of
other neurotransmitter systems (Lim et al. 2009). In this regard, recent evidence
supports the occurrence of degeneration of adrenergic, serotoninergic and cholin-
ergic neurons, besides others (Lim et al. 2009). Furthermore, death of DA neurons
occurs late during the neurodegenerative process in PD. Indeed, it has been shown
that many non-motor symptoms such as REM-sleep behavior disorder, diurnal
somnolence, constipation or olfactory dysfunction precede motor dysfunction, thus
highlighting the importance of non-dopaminergic degeneration in PD (Goldman
and Postuma 2014). Alterations of biological rhythms could also precede motor
symptoms in PD (see Sect. 5.1).
Alteration of Biological Rhythms in Diseases … 95
Briefly, the central circadian system comprises three main elements: an endogenous
oscillator, which in mammals is located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei
(SCN), an entrainment agent (zeitgeber) and pathways that couple the internal clock
to rhythms in physiology and behavior (Golombek and Rosenstein 2010). The SCN
controls a number of peripheral oscillators throughout the body, which are other-
wise autonomous in terms of their rhythmic properties (Dibner et al. 2010).
DA neurotransmission, which is also important for motor control at the basal ganglia,
has been implied at several levels in the circadian system, starting with the photic input
pathway to the clock (Videnovic and Golombek 2013). In the retina, dopamine plays a
role in the regulation of sensitivity to light. Of note, neurodegeneration of the retinal
dopaminergic system has been recently demonstrated in PD patients (Adam et al. 2013).
The SCN also contains dopamine receptors, but their physiological role is unknown.
Notwithstanding, haloperidol has been found to increase expression of clock genes both
in vivo and in cultured SCN cells (Viyoch et al. 2005).
DA function in the basal ganglia also displays rhythms. Indeed, circadian
fluctuations in extracellular DA levels have been reported in the striatum and
nucleus accumbens, with maximal levels during the active phase (Hood et al. 2010;
Castaneda et al. 2004). In mice, however, DA and its metabolite, dihydrox-
yphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) exhibit opposite rhythms, the former peaking at nigh
(Khaldy et al. 2002). In another study it was observed that tyrosine hydroxylase and
cholecystokinin mRNA were upregulated in the substantia nigra and ventral
tegmental area in the course of the day (Weber et al. 2004). In the caudate and
putamen, the mRNA levels for DA D2 and adenosine 2A receptor, dynorphin, and
substance P were lower during the day than during the night, whereas the
expression of DA D1 receptor, encephalin, and somatostatin was stable (Weber
et al. 2004). These neurotransmitters are part of the indirect basal ganglia pathways,
which are overactive in PD and contributed to motor symptoms (Lang and Lozano
1998; Grace 2008). This intriguing observation suggest that the indirect inhibitory
pathway is less active during the day, when increased mobility is needed, fitting
well with predictions from the PD pathophysiological model discussed earlier.
Some results suggest that such DA circadian variations might be regulated directly
by the SCN (Mendoza and Challet 2014).
Other observations indicate that DA might also regulate the expression of PER2
clock gen in the dorsal striatum of the rat, without overt effects in the SCN (Hood et al.
2010). Furthermore, the exposure of human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) to
1-metyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), the toxic metabolite of MPTP, increased or
96 S. Perez-Lloret et al.
of the mean daily values as well as a phase advance. Heart rate rhythms also showed
decreased amplitude. Rats were maintained in Light:Darkness (L:D) 12:12.
The contribution of enucleation of the lateral hypothalamus to parkinsonism was
explored in the 6OHDA-lesioned rats in L:D 12:12 (Willis et al. 2008). This
manipulation disrupts the retino-hypothalamic tract and thus produces “functional
blindness” leading to altered biological rhythms. Hemi-enucleation ipsilateral to the
side of the 6OHDA lesions produced impairment of horizontal movement, limb
retraction, ambulation and spontaneous or levodopa induced turning. This impair-
ment was more severe than in rats with unilateral 6OHDA lesions alone. These
results highlight the potential role of the alterations of the central oscillator in the
pathophysiology of PD, as discussed earlier.
Alterations of autonomic rhythms were explored in eight unilateral
6-OHDA-lesioned rats in L:D 12:12, six with sham lesions and 16 without surgery
(Slack et al. 2010). Daily mean heart rate values were reduced in lesioned animals
with a notorious decrease during the night. No differences in activity or body
temperature rhythms were detected.
To explore how changes in endogenous levels of dopamine would affect the
normal rhythm of PER2 (one of the genes that control rhythms at a cellular level) in
the dorsal striatum, mRNA levels were measured in 6-OHDA treated rats and
saline-treated animals (Hood et al. 2010). The 6-OHDA injection severely blunted
the rhythm of PER2 expression in the lesioned hemisphere, but did not affect the
normal PER2 rhythm on the intact side or in the SCN. Injections of 6-OHDA to the
third ventricle, which would produce a widespread lesion of dopaminergic fibers
brought about similar results (Gravotta et al. 2011).
The effects of antiparkinsonian medications on biological rhythms in
6OHDA-lesioned rats have been studies in two trials. In the first one, lesioned rats
maintained in L:D 12:12 were treated with subcutaneous levodopa 100 mg/kg/day
(ie, a supratherapeutic dose) for 7 days (Simon et al. 2000). Levodopa increased mean
daily values of temperature and heart rate and increased the amplitude of temperature
but decreased the amplitude of heart rate. Thus, levodopa corrected some of the
alterations of diurnal rhythms of temperature and heart rate (Ben and Bruguerolle
2000). A second study with the same experimental paradigm confirmed the effects of
levodopa (Boulamery et al. 2010). Authors suggested that circadian infusions of
levodopa mimicking normal dopamine rhythm may be able to offer further benefits.
Effects of MPTP lesions on wheel running activity was explored in C57bl/6 mice in
L:D 12:12 (Leng et al. 2004). As expected after MPTP treatment C57bl/6 mice
showed reduced running wheel activity which lasted during the entire active phase
(20:00–08:00 h), recovered to baseline levels in the following two to four days and
remained stable up to the end of the experiment. Notably, a complete inversion of
the circadian rhythm was during the acute phase, which was not adequately char-
acterized by the authors.
Alteration of Biological Rhythms in Diseases … 99
Fifel and colleagues explored the effects of MPTP lesions in the same mice
model (Fifel et al. 2013). Activity rhythms and locomotor activity were assayed
under light-dark cycles, constant darkness, or constant light, re-entrainment to shifts
of the light-dark cycle, and a behavioral masking paradigm. No changes were
observed. These results are in contrast to those of Hayashi and colleagues, who
could show alterations of body temperature and locomotor activity rhythms in a
similar PD model (Hayashi et al. 2013).
Of note, the addition of ATP to the drinking water of MPTP-treated mice
attenuated neurodegeneration in dopaminergic neurons, suppressed AMPK acti-
vation and prevented circadian disruption. These results along with the findings that
inhibition of the AMPK could revert the alteration in clock gene expression in
neuroblastoma cells (Hayashi et al. 2013), suggest that AMPK is related to circa-
dian dysfunction in MPTP treated mice. It is not clear how these data can be
translated to humans. Further animal and clinical studies on the potential efficacy of
AMPK inhibitors for the treatment of circadian dysfunction in PD are needed.
Khaldy and colleagues studied the effects of melatonin and L-deprenyl, a
monoaminooxidase (MAO) B enzyme inhibitor in MPTP-treated C57bl/6 mice
(Khaldy et al. 2003). Melatonin alone did not alter hypoactivity after MPTP, but
synergized with L-deprenyl did enhance locomotor activity in treated animals.
Melatonin also synergized with L-deprenyl recovered DA levels, and tyrosine
hydroxylase activity; most important, melatonin alone recovered normal mito-
chondrial complex I activity, and (LPO) levels affected by MPTP. These data point
to a primary effect of melatonin to recover mitochondrial function, reducing
oxidative damage in the striatum.
3.7 Summary
In this section, we will review the compromise of the circadian timing system in PD
patients, as discussed in several. recent review articles (Videnovic and Golombek
2013; Videnovic and Willis 2016; Willison et al. 2013).
(Bolitho et al. 2014). There were no differences in the time of melatonin onset, but
the area under the curve was significantly higher in treated PD as compared to both
untreated PD patients and controls. PD treated patients did not differ from their
untreated counterparts in terms of PD severity, depression scores, age, or gender.
These results contrast with previous findings of normal melatonin levels coexisting
with a phase advance of the rhythm in levodopa-treated PD patients (Fertl et al.
1991) but not in de novo patients (Fertl et al. 1993). While this difference might
have been related to the way in which melatonin onset was measured, both studies
suggest that alterations of melatonin might be restricted to patients on dopaminergic
replacement therapy.
In another study of 239 newly diagnosed patients (mean time from onset of
symptoms to diagnosis 2.2 months) of whom 42 % were on dopaminergic
replacement therapy, area under the curve of the melatonin rhythm was found to be
significantly reduced as compared to controls (Breen et al. 2014). Reduced total,
daytime and nighttime melatonin levels were also found in a sample of 20 patients
with more advanced disease compared to the previous study (Videnovic et al.
2014). Furthermore, patients with daytime somnolence have lower melatonin levels
compared to PD without somnolence. These results contrast with previous reports,
and the reasons for such divergence remain undetermined. Videnovic et al. (2014)
suggested that methodological differences among the trials might be the cause for
this divergence. In particular, experimental protocols used in the previous studies
did not control for environmental conditions and behaviors, which are known to
affect melatonin rhythm. Further studies are needed to confirm these conclusions.
Circadian rhythm in light sensitivity has been assessed in PD and matched
healthy controls (Struck et al. 1990). Subjects remained at the clinical research
center during the whole period of study and they were subjected to their normal L:D
cycle. Results suggest reduced light sensitivity which was maximal at 2:30 p.m.
The efficacy of bright light therapy, which is supposed to activate the circadian
system by inhibiting melatonin secretion, has been assessed in some PD trials.
Willis and colleagues reported the results of an open-label, retrospective study
comparing PD with controls without other neurological diseases (Willis et al.
2012). Patients who continued on bright light therapy for the whole study period
(eight years) had lower depression and insomnia scores compared to those that quit
early or were not compliant. No differences in motor symptoms were observed, as
opposed to the results of a previous case series of 12 PD patients by the same
authors (Willis and Turner 2007).
Effects of bright light have also been assessed in a randomized, controlled study
in 36 PD patients (Paus et al. 2007). Illuminance was 7500 lx in the active treat-
ment group and 950 lx in the placebo group. Bright light led to significant
improvement of tremor, Unified PD Rating Scale part I (mentation and behaviour),
part II (Activities of daily living) and part IV (levodopa-related motor complica-
tions), and depression in the active treatment group but not in the placebo group.
Alteration of Biological Rhythms in Diseases … 105
4.8 Summary
5 Chronotherapeutic Aspects in PD
6 Future Directions
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Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake
1 Introduction
Fig. 1 EEG patterns from wakefulness into drowsiness and then into stages 1 through 4 NREM
sleep and into REM sleep. Sleep spindles and K complexes are noted in stage 2 sleep and
saw-tooth waves are seen in REM sleep (adapted from Hauri P. The sleep disorders. Curr Concepts
1982;7; with permission) (Hauri 1982)
centers are located predominantly in the diagonal band, substantia innominata and
median septal area [cholinergic/glutamatergic] (Monti 2013).
Pharmacologic agents that increase CNS dopamine release (e.g., amphetamines,
methylphenidate, modafinil/armodafinil) are some of the most potent
wake-promoting compounds available. These agents can enhance the release of
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 119
Fig. 2 Anatomy of wakefulness and hypocretin neural groups. a Dorsal and ventral reticular
formations are shown with the dorsal cholinergic system (blue) sending fibers into the thalamus
(green) and basal forebrain. The thalamus then projects out over the cortex by way of the
thalamocortical projections. The ventral aminergic pathway is associated with wakefulness. b The
hypocretin cell group in the lateral and posterior hypothalamus sends excitatory neurons to the
cholinergic and monoaminergic groups of the reticular formation (all awake promoting cell
groups). BF basal forebrain; VTA ventral tegmental area (adapted from Espana RA, Scammell TE).
From: Sleep neurobiology for the clinician. Sleep 2004;27:812; (with permission ) (Espãna and
Scammell 2004)
can occur. This model works for both the sleep/wake “switch” as well as for the
ultradian REM on and REM off “switch”. The result of the interaction of these
“switches” gives rise to orderly sleep state changes (the sum total of which is called
sleep architecture) with its transitions from wakefulness into Non REM sleep and the
appearance of REM sleep on average of every 90 min (Lu et al. 2006b). The
orchestration of the timing of onset and offset of the neural sleep and wakefulness
centers is governed in part by the timing of state specific firing of the neurons in each of
the previously described centers in the brainstem, hypothalamus and basal forebrain
with orexin presumably the master conductor (stabilizer) of this orchestra (Table 1).
Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease and its relationship to Sleep/Wake
The pathophysiologic explanation of the motor symptoms of PD has been well
characterized. It is now established that Lewy bodies (LBs) and Lewy neurites
(LNs), the characteristic intracellular proteinaceous inclusions of a-synuclein
located in the soma and neuronal processes does not start in dopaminergic neurons
within the substantia nigra (SN), but rather starts in the olfactory bulb, anterior
olfactory nucleus and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. Braak has
proposed a six-stage progression of neuropathologic changes leading to the char-
acteristic clinical entity, Parkinson’s disease. Additional work has shown that the
peripheral parasympathetic nervous system is affected in the earliest stages. The
clinical correlates (Stage 1) are olfactory dysfunction and constipation accounting
for some of the initial “pre-motor” non-motor symptoms. Stage 2 describes
pathologic changes at the level of the medullary brainstem and then ascending to
more rostral structures. The SN is affected only in Stage 3, and the first motor
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 123
Table 1 State-specific firing rates of brainstem, hypothalamic and cortical neuronal groups
Site Neurotransmitter Wakefulness Non-REM REM
sleep sleep
Basal forebrain Acetylcholine ++++ + ++++
LDT/PPT Acetylcholine ++++ +++!0 ++++
Dorsal and median 5-HT ++++ ++ 0
Locus coeruleus Norepinephrine ++++ ++ 0
TMN Histamine ++++ + 0
Ventrolateral preoptic GABA/galanin 0 ++++ ++++
area/median preoptic
Ventrolateral Dopamine ++++ ++ 0
gray/lateral pontine
Sublaterodorsal nucleus GABA/glutamate 0 0 ++++
Lateral hypothalamus Melanin-concentrating 0 0 ++++
Abbreviation GABA, c-aminobutyric acid (Swick 2012)
symptoms are usually noted when the pathologic process has entered Stage 4 by
which time most of the SN has already degenerated (Braak et al. 2003). This
sequence of pathologic changes may explain the earlier onset of many, if not all, of
the non-motor symptoms vis-à-vis the onset of the classic motor findings of PD and
other synucleinopathies (Grinberg et al. 2010) (Fig. 3).
As noted previously, sleep disturbances in PD are numerous and multifactorial.
In broad terms, they can be divided into those disturbances that occur during the
sleeping episode and those that occur during waking hours. The precise control of
the circadian sleep/wake cycle and the ultradian REM/non-REM cycle is still not
fully understood. However, there are generalizations that can be made and that have
solid scientific support.
Studies of sleep architecture in patients with PD have shown inconsistent or
absent abnormalities with the exception of reduced REM sleep atonia (Diederich
et al. 2013). The most consistent findings have been reduced sleep efficiency (SE),
increase in sleep fragmentation, and increased arousals (Tandberg et al. 1998;
Porter et al. 2008).
In a 2014 study (Joy et al. 2014) PSG evaluations were carried out in 30
drug-naïve newly diagnosed PD patients (M:F = 23:7) with a mean duration of
illness of 9.7 ± 9.5 months who were then started on levodopa. The Hoehn&Yahr
(H&Y) stage was 1.8 ± 0.4 and a mean UPDRS motor score at baseline was
27.7 ± 9.2. Disturbed sleep was noted in 18 patients; with difficulty falling asleep
in 12, increase in WASO (wakefulness after sleep onset) in 17 and early morning
awakening in 8. Two exhibited an increase is total sleep time (TST) and 2 had PSG
criteria for RBD. RLS/PLMD symptoms were present in 5. Nocturnal sleep as
124 T.J. Swick and W.G. Ondo
Fig. 3 Temporal evolution of a-synuclein pathology could explain the onset of RBD before
parkinsonism and/or dementia. Schematic of brainstem nuclei and connections pertinent to REM
sleep, movement, and cognition. As per the Braak staging scheme, the temporal sequence of
a-synclein pathology begins mainly in the medulla and then ascends to the cortex (6 stages). In
stage 1 (not shown), the dorsal IX/X motor nucleus, intermediate reticular zone and olfactory bulb is
affected, with presumably coexisting degenerative changes in these structures. In stage 2, there is
progression in the structures involved in stage 1, plus the caudal raphe nuclei, MCRF, Peri-LC
structures, and possibly SLD. RBD may evolve when sufficient degenerative changes have occurred
in the SLD, peri-LC structures and MCRF (denoted by red Xs within nuclei). In stage 3, there is
progression in the structures involved in stage 2, plus the PPN, SN, and NBM (denoted by red Xs
within nuclei). When sufficient degeneration occurs in the NBM (denoted by red Xs within nuclei).
When sufficient degeneration occurs in the NBM, then cognitive changes become manifest.
Additional a-synuclein pathology and neurodegeneration evolves in limbic and neocortical
structures over stages 4–6 (not shown)/This temporal sequence of pathology could explain why
RBD precedes Parkinsonism and dementia in many patients with Lewy body pathology. AHC
anterior horn cell, LC locus coeruleus, LDTN laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, LPT lateral pontine
tegmentum, MCRF magnocellular reticular formation, NBM nucleus basalis of Meynert, PC
pre-coeruleus, PPN pedunculopontine nucleus, SLD sublaterodorsal nucleus, SN substantia nigra,
vlPAG ventrolateral part of the periaqueductal grey matter. From Boeve et al. Brain 2007;
130:2770–2788. Reprinted with permission from Oxford University Press (Boeve et al. 2007)
assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was impaired in 10 (33 %).
The average ESS was 4.0 ± 3.4. PSG data revealed reduction in sleep efficiency
(SE); delay in sleep onset latency (SOL), and increase in stage 2 Non REM (N2)
latencies. There was a “slight” reduction in N2 and N3 (slow wave sleep).
The REM sleep latency was increased to a mean of 166.5 ± 101.7 min. The
average AHI was 8.3 ± 12.1 with an average oxygen saturation of 95.4 ± 2. With
the mean desaturation events/hour = 15.97 ± 20.92. Thirteen of 30 patients had an
elevated AHI (defined as >5 events/hour). The patients had a mean periodic limb
movement (PLM) index of 27.5 ± 49.05, with 17 of 30 having an abnormal PLM
index of >5.
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 125
In another study, 23 drug naïve PD patients and 31 age and gender matched
controls were compared using the Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale (PDSS) and the
ESS. A PSG was done on both groups of subjects. Of the 23 PD subjects, the 12 that
were started on levodopa were reassessed via scales and PSG. The results demon-
strated that the PD subjects had lower (worse) total PDSS scores than controls with
significantly lower PDSS 3 scores (difficulty in sleep maintenance), PDSS 6 (dis-
tressing nighttime dreams) PDSS 8 (nocturia) PDSS 11 (nocturnal muscle cramps)
PDSS 12 (painful dystonia), PDSS 13 (tremor on awakening) and PDSS 14
(non-refreshing nocturnal sleep). The sleep architecture changes were reduced N3
and R sleep stages and increased SOL and WASO. REM sleep behavior disorder by
history and/or the demonstration of REM sleep without atonia on PSG was found in
22 % of PD patients compared to 0 % in controls. Following 8 weeks of levodopa
therapy the subjects demonstrated improved SE with reduced SOL and WASO
coupled with improved PDSS scores. There was no statistical change in SWS (stage
N3) or REM sleep duration. Parenthetically, there was no change in daytime alert-
ness as noted by absence of any change on ESS (Ferreira et al. 2014).
The specific causes of these abnormalities are multifactorial and direct
clinico-pathological assessments are difficult. Sleep fragmentation has been asso-
ciated with longer disease duration, female gender and depression (Gjerstad et al.
2007). It is generally considered that sleep fragmentation in PD can be primary, i.e.,
the consequence of disrupted sleep architecture or secondary to the nocturnal
occurrence of PD symptoms (tremor, dystonia, rigidity), effect of medications, sleep
disordered breathing, RLS/PLMDs, or nocturia.
Thus far, only one study has tried to correlate pathologic changes in neural
groups with subjective “sleep problems” in PD patients (Kalaitzakis et al. 2013).
There was a statistically significant association between disturbed sleep in PD and
the presence of a-synuclein deposition in the LC (most robust) and the raphe nuclei;
hypothalamic areas including the paramamillary nuclei and posterior nucleus;
subcortical/limbic system including the amygdala, thalamus and entorhinal cortex
regions. In addition, there was a statistically significant increase of tau pathology in
the amygdala, CA2 sector of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Overall, the
more widespread the degree of pathology, the greater the reported sleep problems.
The PPN has also been posited to impact sleep/wake disruption, especially sleep
fragmentation, in PD. It is involved in sleep and REM cycling via cholinergic
ascending thalamic pathways (Monderer and Thorpy 2009). DBS stimulation of the
PPN, which is done to treat severe gait disorders, has been associated with
improvement in subjective sleep and increased REM sleep, (Amara et al. 2011;
Peppe et al. 2012) but specific pathologic confirmation is lacking.
Assessment of Clinical Sleep Disorders in PD
As with most aspects of PD management, obtaining careful history is the most
important diagnostic approach for sleep/wake disorders. It is necessary to carefully
evaluate the sleep patterns and the presence of abnormal movements and/or
behavior and their frequencies during the night. This information should be
obtained from the patient’s bed-partner (if available). Careful note of the number of
126 T.J. Swick and W.G. Ondo
awakenings and characterization of the daytime sleepiness e.g., whether the indi-
vidual experiences sudden sleep attacks or excessive drowsiness that interferes with
daytime functioning and whether the individual takes naps (how often and for how
long), need to be ascertained. In addition to obtaining a general medical history it is
important to inquire about all co-morbid conditions that can impact sleep-wake
regulation and perform a thorough review of the medications that the patient is
taking for their PD and any other conditions including over-the-counter drugs.
Polysomnograms are always justified if sleep apnea is considered. They can also
help differentiate PLMS and RBD from mimics, such as epilepsy or night terrors.
Multiple sleep latency tests can help partially quantify excessive daytime sleepiness
but are probably not superior to history unless true narcolepsy is suspected.
James Parkinson, in his Essay on the Shaking Palsy published in 1817, noted that
disturbed sleep, in addition to the motor symptoms, significantly affected many of
the patients he studied (Parkinson 1817). He described: “tremulous motion of the
limbs occur during sleep, and augment until they awaken the patient, and frequently
with much agitation and alarm.” In his description of “Case VI,” Parkinson wrote
that the patient’s attendants observed movements during sleep that increased until it
awakened him: “when he always was in a state of agitation and alarm” (Parkinson
1817). This may be the first description of RBD, a condition that has been asso-
ciated with PD; this non-motor symptom can start years, if not decades, before the
development of the classical clinical motor picture.
RBD is defined polysomnographically as the absence of muscle atonia during
REM sleep, demonstrated by sustained muscle activity (tonic activity) in REM
sleep and/or excessive transient muscle activity during REM sleep in the chin or
limb EMG (Berry et al. 2015) (Fig. 4).
This loss of muscle atonia can lead to physical dream enactment with potential
injury to the patient and/or bed partner. The identification of increased muscle
tone/activity on the PSG, in the absence of any behavioral component, is known as
REM sleep without atonia (RWA) (Gagnon et al. 2002). In the absence of any
associated neurological disorder, dream enactment is called idiopathic RBD.
When RBD occurs as a consequence of drugs or accompanies a separate identifiable
neurologic disorder, such as narcolepsy or a neurodegenerative disorder, it is
considered secondary or symptomatic RBD.
It is now accepted that RBD is strongly associated with the development of
synucleinopathies, including PD, multiple systems atrophy (MSA) and Dementia
with Lewy bodies (DLB). The association between RBD and clinically diagnosed
PD was described by Schenck et al. in 1996, where there was a delayed emergence
of parkinsonian symptoms in 38 % of the 29 men who were previously diagnosed
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 127
Fig. 4 Polysomnograms showing normal REM sleep epochs and REM sleep without Atonia.
Thirty-second epoch polysomnograms showing normal REM sleep (a) and REM sleep without
atonia-the electrophysiologic substrate for RBD (b). In A, note the absence of electromyographic
(EMG) activity in the submental (Chin 1-Chin 2), and limb (Leg EMG) derivations, whereas
increased EMG tone is present in the submental (Chin 1-Chin 3), upper limb (Left arm-Right
Arm), and lower limb (Left Leg-Right Leg) derivations in B (denoted by red arrows). From Boeve
et al. Brain 2007; 130:2770–2788. Reprinted with permission from Oxford University Press
(Boeve et al. 2007)
with RBD (mean interval, 3.7 years) (Schenck et al. 1996a). Since then, there have
been numerous reports corroborating the association of RBD and PD, with some
individuals developing RBD as long as 50 years before the onset of motor mani-
festations of PD (Claassen et al. 2010). In the longest followed series, 81 % of the
cohort (not lost to follow-up) developed parkinsonism a mean of 14 years after the
onset of RBD (Schenck et al. 2013). Primary RBD is associated with other
pre-motor features of PD including visual changes, olfactory deficits and consti-
pation (Postuma et al. 2006; Iwanami et al. 2010).
The frequency of RBD is between 33 and 60 % in patients with PD (Gagnon
et al. 2002). Within the PD population, RBD correlates with dementia, axial
symptoms (gait) and hallucinations (Pacchetti et al. 2005). It is postulated that the
brainstem degeneration responsible for RBD is also responsible for the intrusions of
dream mentation into wakefulness which are manifested as hallucinations (Comella
et al. 1993; Arnulf et al. 2000; Manni et al. 2002).
The association between RBD and PD is not exclusive. RBD has been associated
with other synucleinopathies:DLB (50–80 % of cases), MSA (80–95 % of cases),
and pure autonomic failure (PAF) (Boeve et al. 2007; Spillantini et al. 1998; Plazzi
et al. 1997) There also have been reports of RBD in patients with suspected pro-
gressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), spinocerebellar atrophy-type 3 (SCA-3), as well
as a case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and a case of Alzheimer’s disease
128 T.J. Swick and W.G. Ondo
(AD) (Arnulf et al. 2005; Friedman 2002; Sforza et al. 1997; Schenck et al. 1996b).
Of note, the non-synucleinopathies (PSP, SCA-3, and AD) usually have the onset
of RBD concurrently or after the onset of motor symptoms of parkinsonism,
whereas RBD typically starts years, if not decades, before the onset of cognitive and
motor symptoms of PD, DLB, MSA and PAF (Boeve et al. 2007).
The pathophysiology of REM without atonia is partially understood. The sub-
laterodorsal nucleus (SLD; also known as the subcoeruleus or peri-LCa), located
ventral to the LC,contains neurons that are both GABAergic and glutamatergic
(Sakai et al. 1979). The cells in the SLD have a subgroup of projections to the
medial medulla and the ventral horn of the spinal cord, and are most active during
REM sleep (Boissard et al. 2002; Verret et al. 2003; Lu et al. 2006b; Xi et al. 2004).
Studies have shown that activation of the SLD region produces atonia and
REM sleep–like EEG activity while inhibition of the SLD promotes wakefulness
and reduces REM sleep (Sakai et al. 1979; Lu et al. 2006b; Hendricks et al. 1982).
Lesions of the SLD suppress REM sleep atonia and reduce REM
sleep. Degeneration of neurons near the SLD has been reported in some patients
with RBD (Boeve et al. 2007). There is also strong evidence that the SLD neurons
are strongly inhibited by REM sleep–suppressing neurons in the midpons (Lu et al.
2006b; Boissard et al. 2003). These GABAergic cells are located in the ventral part
of the periaqueductal gray and extend out into the lateral pontine tegmentum
(vlPAG/LPT) (Boissard et al. 2003). The vlPAG/LPT inhibits the SLD, and the
SLD in turn inhibits the vlPAG, giving rise to the REM-on/REM-off flip-flop switch
(Espãna and Scammell 2011) (Figs. 5 and 6).
In the Braak schema, involvement of the pathologic process in PD affects the
SLD, the magnocellular reticular formation (MCRF), and the peri-LC alpha
structures as early as stage 2 (Braak et al. 2003), prior to involvement of
dopaminergic areas in the midbrain. As noted, these cell structures play a significant
role in not only regulating sleep/wake but also specifically modulating the
REM/non-REM states. During REM sleep, there is generalized loss of muscle tone
in all voluntary muscle with the exception of the diaphragm and the extra-ocular
muscles (teleologically to prevent the acting out of dreams with potential resultant
injury). In REM sleep without atonia there is loss of this protective mechanism.
Lesions of the subcoeruleus or peri-locus coeruleus, MCRF, PPT, and LDT in
cats and the SLD, which is equivalent to the subcoeruleus in rats, produced
behavioral abnormalities consisting of complex motor activity during REM sleep
consistent with the human syndrome of REM sleep without atonia (Boissard et al.
2003; Hendricks et al. 1982). Boeve et al. have proposed that the SLD in humans
with direct projections to the spinal interneurons, is the final common pathway that
normally inhibits skeletal muscle activity in REM sleep. They also propose that the
indirect route can contribute to loss of muscle tone acting through the MCRF.
Lesioning of the SLD results in reduced excitation of the MCRF thereby resulting
in a decrease in the inhibition of spinal motor neurons directly or via spinal
interneurons. It is not known if degeneration of the MCRF is sufficient to cause
RBD in humans (Boeve et al. 2007).
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 129
Fig. 5 Proposed nuclei involved in REM sleep control as shown on human brainstem templates.
Letters represent cross-sectional views through the brainstem, with A corresponding to the
pontomesencephalic junction, B to the upper/mid pons, C to lower/mid pons, and D just rostral to
the pontomedullary junction. The REM-off region is represented by the vlPAG and LDT in red,
and the REM-on region is represented by the PC and SLD in green. eVLPO extended part of the
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, LC locus coeruleus, LDTN laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, LPT
lateral pontine tegmentum, PC pre-coeruleus, PPN pedunculopontine nucleus, RN raphe nucleus,
SLD sublaterodorsal nucleus, vlPAG ventrolateral part of the periaqueductal grey matter. From
Boeve et al. Brain 2007; 130:2770–2788. Reprinted with permission from Oxford University Press
(Boeve et al. 2007)
Pathological examinations of patients with RBD have shown >90 % have Lewy
body pathology (Boeve et al. 2013). Other studies of primary RBD patients without
clinical signs of PD have shown intermediate Lewy body pathology further
strengthening the argument that RBD is associated with, and generally precedes the
onset of clinical synucleinopathies (Iranzo et al. 2010; Miyamoto et al. 2011; Shin
et al. 2013).
It is possible to exhibit the electrophysiologic signature of RBD (i.e., REM sleep
without atonia [RSWA]) on an overnight polysomnography (PSG) but not exhibit
oneiric (dream like) behavior. On the other hand, dream-enactment behavior has
been reported in other conditions, such as untreated obstructive sleep apnea,
sleep-walking and sleep terrors in adults, posttraumatic stress disorder, or as an effect
of alcohol, drugs, or drug withdrawal. Long-term follow-up will be needed to dif-
ferentiate these forms of oneiric behavior from RBD with subsequent development
of degenerative neurologic conditions (Manni et al. 2011). The International
Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic & Coding Manual e d.2 (ICSD-2) has
stipulated that to diagnose RBD there has to be RSWA on the overnight PSG and
either a history of injurious, potentially injurious, or disruptive behavior or abnormal
sleep behavior during the PSG (American Academy, 2014). It needs to be noted that
130 T.J. Swick and W.G. Ondo
RSWA is not the same as RBD. Even though RSWA may represent a precursor to
the development of clinical RBD, there is insufficient data in patients with RSWA to
convincingly prove progression to the clinical syndrome (Boeve et al. 2007).
However, it is generally assumed that RSWA is the “pathophysiologic” component
of RBD, most truly associated with PD.
An interesting observation concerning the quality of motor behaviors and speech
during the time of the motor/behavioral episodes of patients with RBD and PD has
been reported. Using nocturnal videography during PSG and bed partner
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 131
stage I, they found a 23 % loss whereas at H&Y stage 5 there was a 62 % loss. MCH
neural loss was lowest at stage 1at 12 % and highest at stage 5 at 74 %. The losses
were independent of disease duration. They posited that the sleepiness experienced
by patients with PD is due to a combination of loss of Hcrt cells as well as changes
that simultaneously occur in the dopaminergic, adrenergic, and serotonergic neurons
—all of which have wakefulness-producing effects.
Despite pathological Hcrt cell loss, CSF Hcrt levels have not been consistently
lower in PD (Bridoux et al. 2013; Wienecke et al. 2012; Compta et al. 2009;
Overeem et al. 2002).
In 1999, Frucht and colleagues reported on eight patients with PD who had
abrupt onset of sleep episodes (Frucht et al. 1999). The “sleep attacks” occurred
while the patients were driving and had taken either pramipexole (8 patients) or
ropinirole (1 patient). Five of the eight had no warning (i.e., no prodromal
sleepiness) and all episodes ceased with the withdrawal of the medications. Since
the publication of this observation, there were numerous reports of other patients on
all dopaminergic agents including pergolide, bromocriptine, carbergoline, apo-
morphine, lisuride, piribedil, levodopa, tolcapone, and entacapone, who reported
similar experiences (Hauser et al. 2000; Ryan et al. 2000; Ferreira et al. 2000;
Schapira 2000).
In 2001, Ondo et al. looked at 320 consecutive patients charts from a large
tertiary care movement disorder clinic over a three month time frame (17 charts
were eliminated) and found that the average ESS score was 11 (scores >10 are
considered to be consistent with excessive sleepiness) and further analysis found
that sleepiness correlated with longer duration of PD, male sex and use of any DA
agent (Ondo et al. 2001).
In 2002, Hobson et al. reported on the results of the Canadian Movement
Disorders group survey of 638 “consecutive highly functional PD patients without
dementia” to determine the frequency of and predictors for sudden-onset sleep, with
particular emphasis on sleep attacks while driving (Hobson et al. 2002). Utilizing
the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and a scale designed for this particular study
(the Inappropriate Sleep Composite Score), they found that EDS was present in
51 % of the respondents. There was no significant difference in ESS scores for any
of the dopaminergic agents that were used in terms of either composite scores or in
the risk of falling asleep while driving. Sixteen patients (3.8 %) had experienced at
least one episode of sudden sleep onset (without warning) while driving. An ESS
score of 7 or higher (scores of 10 or more are considered indicative of a greater
propensity to fall asleep) was the greatest predictor of episodes of falling asleep
behind the wheel. The conclusion of the study was that EDS is common in patients
with PD who are independent and do not have dementia, but they felt that the
sudden onset of sleep attacks was relatively uncommon.
Because of the limitations of survey results, Kaynak et al. studied 15 previously
untreated patients with PSG/MSLT (Multiple Sleep Latency Testing) before and
during treatment with a dopaminergic agent (DA). Before the initiation of DA
therapy, there was no subjective evidence of daytime sleepiness. The researchers
found that UPDRS subset III scores were significantly improved with DA
134 T.J. Swick and W.G. Ondo
although individual SCN cells have periods that vary from 23 to 28 h. The strongest
circadian entrainment signal comes from light stimulation of the melanopsin con-
taining retinal ganglion cells via the retino-hypothalamic tract directly into the
Dopamine and CLOCK genes, which regulate circadian control on the cellular
level, have a complex interaction. Dopamine production through tyrosine hydrox-
ylase gene activation (the rate limiting step in DA production) is controlled by
CLOCK genes (Yujnovsky et al. 2006). It is notable that D2/D3 agonists inhibit
mCLOCK and mPer1 gene expression, whereas D1 agonist stimulates these genes
(Imbesi et al. 2009). Of particular importance are studies that have demonstrated
that PD patients have a decrease in the expression of Bmal1 gene during the night,
further suggesting a blunted CLOCK system (Cai et al. 2010).
The treatment of insomnia in PD is remarkably unstudied. Generally sleep
hygiene principles apply. Awakening from wearing off (rigidity, tremor, etc.) can
sometimes benefit from more aggressive nocturnal dopaminergic dosing. Nocturia
is very common in PD and might improve with bladder relaxants and standard
strategies (reduced PM fluid/caffeine/alcohol intake).
The use of melatonin in PD patients with sleep maintenance difficulties has been
shown to be effective in terms of improving subjective assessments of sleep
quantity and daytime sleepiness (5 mg of pharmaceutical grade melatonin)
(Dowling et al. 2005). The use of short acting hypnotics such as the
non-benzodiazepine agonists (zolpidem, eszopiclone, and zaleplon) are often used
but carry risks of psychomotor impairment during the night if the patient awakens
and ambulates. The association of these non-benzodiazepines with confusional
arousals/automatisms also needs to be considered (Abe et al. 2005; Poceta 2011).
Quetiapine and clozapine, used to treat hallucinations, seem to improve sleep in
many patients (Miyasaki et al. 2006).
Several treatments for EDS have undergone controlled trials, but often with
mixed results. First, one needs to try to reduce any medications that are sedating if
possible. If they are taking dopamine agonists (DA) and experience EDS, they
should be warned not to drive or engage in hazardous activities. Down-titration or
discontinuation (if tolerated) of a DA often helps (Razmy et al. 2004). Improved
nocturnal sleep might help EDS in some cases.
In some patients, the addition of a psychostimulant during the day is recom-
mended. Modafinil, a medication that is FDA approved for the EDS of narcolepsy and
sleepiness associated with OSA and shift work sleep disorder has been demonstrated
to be well tolerated in PD patients but its alerting effect is modest (<33 % of patients
responded) (Ondo et al. 2005; Adler et al. 2003; Hogl et al. 2002). In a small trial,
nocturnally administered sodium oxybate, a drug that is used to treat both EDS and
cataplexy in narcoleptic patients, increased slow-wave sleep as a percentage of total
sleep time, and improved subjective nighttime and daytime sleep complaints in
patients with PD (Ondo et al. 2008). In one controlled trial, caffeine did not improve
EDS, but did improve some motor features of PD (Postuma et al. 2012).
Other Associated Sleep Disturbances with PD
136 T.J. Swick and W.G. Ondo
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurologic disorder that affects 4–10 %
of the general population (Ohayon and Roth 2002). The clinical manifestations
include uncomfortable or unpleasant sensations in the limbs (usually legs) that
begin or worsen during periods of inactivity, are transiently relieved by movement,
and worsen during the evening or night (Allen et al. 2003). RLS closely resembles
akathisia, also reported in PD, but differs in that the urge to move is isolated in the
limbs as opposed to the entire body, the urge to move is relieved with movement far
more successively than with akathisia, and RLS exhibits greater symptom at night
with near complete resolution of symptoms in the morning (Ondo 2014). In many,
but not all patients there is an accompanying motor component of periodic limb
movements (PLMs) that usually occur in sleep but can also occur during wake-
fulness (PLMW) (Pelletier et al. 1992). PLMS may occur in association with RLS
or independently. The robust efficacy of dopaminergic agents for the treatment of
RLS has been considered to support a relationship between RLS and PD.
The main pathology of idiopathic RLS is reduced CNS iron stores. CSF ferritin
is lower in RLS cases, MRI imaging and transcranial ultrasound show reduced iron
stores in the striatum, and Substantia Nigra and pathological studies show reduced
CNS iron staining. Earley et al. has proposed that low cellular iron alters one or
more of the dopaminergic synaptic dynamics (changes in postsynaptic receptors,
presynaptic receptors, synthesis and release or uptake of DA) but the exact rela-
tionship between observed pathology and a dopa-response symptomatology is
poorly understood (Earley et al. 2014).
There have been numerous cross-sectional studies examining the frequency of
RLS symptoms in patients with PD. The generally accepted frequency of RLS in
the PD population is 10–24 %, as reported in many studies of general PD popu-
lations (mostly treated). In a 2011 study, Gjerstad et al. looked at 200 patients with
early untreated PD and compared them to an appropriate community based sample
of controls (Gjerstad et al. 2011). They were unable to find a statistically significant
association between RLS in patients with PD versus controls. They found that the
patients with PD complained of leg motor restlessness (LMR) but did not have the
“urge to move” that characterizes the sensory phenomenon in patients with RLS.
Arnulf in an editorial accompanying the Gjerstad article wondered if the LMR
represents a forme fruste of RLS or is an unrelated phenomenon (Arnulf and
Morgan 2011). In fact, there is some evidence that idiopathic RLS may “protect”
against the subsequent development of PD (Dragan et al. 2015).
Idiopathic RLS is often treated with DA, however within the context of PD
patients who are already on DA, treatment with agents such as gabapentin
enacarbil, or opiates have also been used (Yaltho and Ondo 2010). There are no
controlled trials. It should be noted that caffeine, alcohol, central acting antihis-
tamines, dopamine antagonists, tricyclic antidepressants and serotoninergic reup-
take inhibitors can exacerbate RLS (Ekbom and Ulfberg 2009).
Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep/Wake Disturbances 137
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Regulation and Modulation
of Depression-Related Behaviours: Role
of Dopaminergic Neurons
Keywords Dopamine Depression VTA Sleep Circadian Serotonin Clock
genes LHb LH PPTg/LDTg MSN NAc Chronic social defeat Learned
helplessness D1 and D2 neurons Orexin
1 Introduction
2011; Rapaport et al. 2003; Trivedi et al. 2011). Furthermore, for those patients that
respond to treatment, alleviation of symptoms can take weeks or months to occur.
An understanding of the biological mechanisms of the various forms of depression
is critical, because it is predicted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a
leading contributor to the global burden of disease (GBD).
Mood disorders involve deficits in reward processing and motivation, where per-
ception of reward is blunted with a corresponding reduction in motivation to pursue
hedonic goals. Dopamine (DA) signaling in several brain regions has been implicated
in movement control and in modulating reward, behavioural, and motivational pro-
cesses such as emotional and contextual memory, decision-making, approach beha-
viour, and learning (Grace et al. 2007; Schultz 2013). Consequently, dopamine
receptors have been the target for designing clinical therapeutics for various movement
disorders and mental illnesses such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, and
Schizophrenia. Moreover, antagonists of dopamine receptors attenuate addiction
symptoms (Gong et al. 2016; Yue et al. 2012; Wang and Mantsch 2012). Recent
investigations into mapping the organization of the dopamine system in the brain led
to the conclusion that the dopamine system is diverse in terms of the neurochemical
structure and the distinct circuits made up of subpopulation of DA neurons with
different functions (Lammel et al. 2012).
The DA-producing neurons are mainly located in three regions: the retrorubral
field, the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) and the ventral tegmental area
(VTA) (Dunlop and Nemeroff 2007). Dopamine signaling in the reward pathways
in VTA has been implicated in regulating mood. The VTA is made up of
dopaminergic cells (*70 %), GABAergic cells (*30 %) and Glutamatergic cells
(*2–3 %) (Lammel et al. 2011; Ungless and Grace 2012). There are two dopamine
modes of signaling: phasic signaling due to the burst firing of DA neurons in VTA
in response to salient stimuli and tonic signaling due to the slow activity of
VTA DA neurons (Dunlop and Nemeroff 2007). There are three types of physio-
logical responses to reward identified in VTA neurons: type I DA neurons
(*52 %) show phasic responses to reward, type II DA neurons (*31 %) show
sustained excitation to the reward-predicting conditioned stimulus (CS), while type
III DA neurons show sustained inhibition to CS (Cohen et al. 2012). In general, the
in vitro characteristics of dopamine neurons consist of: broad action potential
waveforms lasting on average around 3–10 ms, slow firing rate (1–10 Hz), high
frequency activity or bursting. A subset of DA neurons exhibit a
hyperpolarization-activated inward current (Ih) mediated by G protein-gated
inwardly rectifying K+ channel (Ungless and Grace 2012). Observations that the
in vivo burst firing properties are absent in brain slice preparations suggest that
bursting activity is either induced or regulated by various projections to VTA
(Grace and Onn 1989). The DA neurons in the VTA are heterogeneous in their
electrophysiological profile such that some VTA dopamine neurons do not respond
to dopamine bath application and some have very small Ih currents (Lammel et al.
2008). Furthermore, DA neurons projecting to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and
to nucleus accumbens (NAc) medial shell lack a prominent Ih current (Lammel
et al. 2011). The VTA projections to lateral habenula (LHb) express tyrosine
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 149
VTA and the medial parts of the substantia nigra (Smith et al. 2013). DA neurons
with different projections form distinct subcircuits in the VTA as they receive
different inputs which likely leads to different functional roles in regulating beha-
viours (Polter and Kauer 2014).
Moreover, the experience-dependent modulation of the excitatory synapses of a
subpopulation of midbrain DA neurons are distinctly modified, after either an aversive
experience versus a rewarding cocaine experience, based on their projections to dif-
ferent target areas, where the change in the synaptic strength in the VTA was mea-
sured by the change in the amino-hydroxy-methyl-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor/N-
Methyl-D-aspartate receptor (AMPAR/NMDAR) ratio (Kauer and Malenka 2007).
For example, the synapses of DA neurons projecting to mPFC and NAc medial shell
were only modified during the aversive stimulus, whereas the synapses on DA cells
projecting to NAc lateral shell were modified by both the aversive and the rewarding
stimuli. Such findings suggest the encoding of the motivational stimulus and its
valence in the DA circuitry occur through parallel processing analogous to the
encoding of sensory stimuli in the sensory systems (Lammel et al. 2011). Such
heterogeneity of the dopamine system might explain the difference in the patho-
physiology associated with the various models depression as will be discussed in the
subsequent sections of this chapter.
High frequency dopamine neuronal activity and the resulting transients in dopamine
release are thought to comprise key learning signals in the brain (Schultz 2007;
Robinson and Wightman 2007) encoding information related to external rewards
and cues with resultant appetitive motivational behaviours. Dopamine transients
occur spontaneously in several brain regions and are most prominent at the pre-
sentation of unexpected stimuli (Robinson and Wightman 2007; Rebec et al. 1997),
rewards (Roitman et al. 2008) and social interaction considered as a rewarding
stimulus for social animals (Robinson et al. 2001, 2002). Social interaction is a
complex behaviour essential for stable social dynamics and ultimately survival in
many species. Impaired social interactions are a hallmark of several psychiatric
disorders including autism, schizophrenia, depression and social anxiety disorders.
In addition to congenital causes of impaired social interaction, external social stress
in humans and animals is considered a major risk factor in the onset and devel-
opment of neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression (Charney et al. 2004;
El-Sayed et al. 2015; Henriques-Alves and Queiroz 2015). The possible rewarding
effect of social interaction is demonstrated by the observed transient DA release that
has been measured directly in the NAc of rats exposed to novel rats using fast-scan
cyclic voltammetry (Robinson et al. 2011). More recent detailed analysis found that
DA signaling in VTA projections to the NAc modulated social behaviour
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 151
send projections to ventral pallidum, globus pallidum, VTA and substrantia nigra
(SN), while NAc D2-MSNs send projections to ventral pallidum (Lobo and Nestler
2011; Smith et al. 2013). These two neural populations work in concert to promote
normal behaviour while imbalance in one sub-type can promote dysfunctional
motivational states (Lobo and Nestler 2011; Francis et al. 2015; McDevitt et al.
2014; Shen et al. 2008). The network balance model demonstrates that activation of
D1-MSNs leads to positive reward behaviour while activation of D2-MSNs leads to
aversive behaviours (Lobo and Nestler 2011; Smith et al. 2013; Shen et al. 2008;
Hikida et al. 2010). Exposure to chronic social defeat was shown to differentially
induce expression of the transcription factor delta FosB in the NAc MSNs. Mice
susceptible to CSD stress expressed elevation of delta FosB in D2-MSNs while
those resilient to CSD stress expressed elevation of delta FosB in D1-MSNs (Vialou
et al. 2010). Furthermore, anhedonia following restrained stress is mediated by
decreased excitatory synaptic strength of NAc D1-, but not D2-MSNs (Lim et al.
2012). These findings were further extended in a recent study where mice sus-
ceptible to CSD exhibited decreased excitatory synaptic inputs into D1, but not
D2-MSNs and that chronic chemogenetic attenuation of D1-MSNs, but not
D2-MSNs, activity induced depressive-like behaviours in mice previously resilient
to CSD stress (Francis et al. 2015). Furthermore repeated optogenetic activation of
D2-MSNs induced depressive-like behaviour in mice exposed to a subthreshold
social defeat paradigm (Francis et al. 2015). These findings are exciting as it
demonstrates: (a) two distinct circuit mechanisms within the NAc encode for
depressive-like behaviours; and (b) changes in synaptic signaling in NAC MSNs
circuit most likely require long-term molecular changes in order for the expression
of depression-like behaviours since chronic, but not acute, optogenetic and
chemogenetic manipulations were required to induce susceptibility to stress. The
transcription factor delta FosB regulates transcription of numerous genes in the
NAc (Kelz et al. 1999; Vialou et al. 2010). Two target genes of delta FosB, AMPA
glutamate receptor subunit GluR2 and Sparc-like 1 (SC1) are upregulated in the
NAc of mice resilient to CSD stress (Vialou et al. 2010). Furthermore, CHIPsec
analysis showed significant binding of delta FosB on the GluR2 promoter and
qPCR analysis revealed sustained GluR2 mRNA in NAc of resilient mice (Vialou
et al. 2010). GluR2 subunit has profound effects on AMPA receptor function, where
GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors are Ca2+-permeable and show greater receptor
conductance and strong inward rectification, as compared to GluR2-containing
AMPA receptors (Liu et al. 2000; Bredt and Nicoll 2003). This switch to
GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors increases neuronal excitability (Isaac et al. 2007).
Electrophysiological measure showed decrease in both GluR2-mediated currents
and increased inward rectification in stress susceptible, but not stress resilient mice,
further implicating increased excitability, in a subset of NAc neurons, encodes for
depressive-like behaviour (Vialou et al. 2010). Several brain regions that mediate
aspects of motivated, goal-directed, behaviours such as the ventral subiculum of the
hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex send overlapping projections to the
NAc where these inputs are integrated under dopaminergic modulatory control
(Grace et al. 2007). These differential inputs onto MSNs together in addition to the
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 155
The plasticity related changes have been observed in the form of homeostatic
changes within neural circuits related to depression. Recent advances have high-
lighted possible mechanisms that determine the brain’s ability to cope with stress.
As described previously, multiple lines of evidence implicate dysregulation in the
brain’s reward circuit in depression (Blaze and Roth 2013; Valenti et al. 2012; Han
and Friedman 2012; Lobo and Nestler 2011; Maia and Frank 2011). Increased
activity of VTA DA neurons has been causally linked to depression-related beha-
viours (Chaudhury et al. 2013; Valenti et al. 2012; Han and Friedman 2012), where
for example increased activity of VTA DA neurons, in stress susceptible mice, is
intrinsically induced by up-regulation of Ih, an excitatory driving force of VTA DA
neurons (Chaudhury et al. 2013; Levine et al. 2012; Xie et al. 2013), while phar-
macological reduction of increased Ih in susceptible mice reverses depression
(Chaudhury et al. 2013). Furthermore, chronic antidepressant treatment with
fluoxetine normalizes this hyperexcitability and decreases Ih in these neurons
(Chaudhury et al. 2013). Together, these observations suggest that VTA DA neuron
hyperactivity and increased excitatory Ih are both pathophysiological changes in
mice susceptible to stress. A recent study confirmed that upregulation of Ih current
in VTA DA neurons induced increased activity in these neurons in stress suscep-
tible mice (Friedman et al. 2014). Surprisingly, while in resilient mice activity of
these neurons was found to be normal, Ih current was even higher, which was
observed in parallel with increased potassium (K+) current (Friedman et al. 2014).
The role of Ih current on mediating the resilient phenotype was determined by
overexpression of the hyperpolarization-activated and cyclic nucleotide-gated
channel 2 (HCN2), which mediates Ih current, in VTA DA neurons in susceptible
mice. The enhancement of Ih current in previously susceptible mice due to over-
expression of HCN2 channel is accompanied by compensatory upregulation of
inhibitory K+ currents, leading to normalization of the firing rate of the hyperactive
neurons in susceptible mice and inducing the resilient phenotype. Moreover,
repeated optogenetic activation of VTA DA neurons in susceptible mice, that
presumably exhibit hyperactivity, was shown to induce the resilient phenotype
together with associated decreased spontaneous activity and increased K+-currents
in these cells (Friedman et al. 2014). Furthermore, this was observed specifically in
VTA DA neurons projecting to NAc but not mPFC, which correlates with previous
projection-specific role in encoding for depression (Chaudhury et al. 2013).
Previous molecular analysis had shown that mice resilient to CSD stress exhibited
normalized firing activity in VTA DA neurons associated with a corresponding
increase in genes coding for subtype of K+ channels (Han and Friedman 2012). In
primary neuronal cultures, excessive hyperactivity has been shown to induce
homeostatic upregulation of inhibitory driving force K+-mediated currents (Zhang
and Shapiro 2012). Therefore, K+ channels have been considered as new thera-
peutic targets to naturally mediate active stress-coping or resilience. Overexpression
of KCNQ-type K+ channel opener or intra-VTA infusion of KCNQ openers lead to
normalization of the depressive-like behaviours an neuronal hyperexcitability
(Friedman et al. 2016). In line with these homeostatic plasticity changes related to
mood regulation, the previously discussed findings that chronic activation of
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 157
LC-VTA projection induces the resilient phenotype was shown to be caused by the
following homeostatic plasticity related to enhancing the excitatory current Ih and
the inhibitory K+-currents in VTA DA cells.
In conclusion, homeostatic plasticity plays a fundamental role in stabilizing
neuronal activity in response to excessive perturbations under both physiological
(Non et al. 2014; Meaney 2001) and disease conditions (Francis et al. 1999).
Observations that VTA DA neurons of resilient mice exhibit upregulation of the
excitatory driving force Ih and inhibitory driving force K+-current suggests
homeostatic plasticity plays a fundamental role in normalizing the neuronal
hyperactivity in promoting natural resilience to stress. Further investigations into
homeostatic adaptive mechanisms in DA pathway leading to natural resilience have
potential implication in the development of more naturalistic treatment strategies for
mental disorders such as depression.
Growing evidence implicates that mood disorders are closely linked to biological
rhythms that govern physiological and molecular processes at the cellular and
neural circuit level. A variety of neurotransmitters are implicated in mood disorders
including, but not just limited to 5-HT, orexin, noradrenaline, GABA, glutamate
and dopamine have been shown to undergo circadian oscillations and also play a
role in sleep-wake processes. We will first describe processes involved in circadian
rhythms and sleep, then integrate this into rhythmic regulation of Dopamine and
how it relates to mood disorders such as depression.
4 Circadian Clock
metabolism. Nearly every cell in the body genetically encodes a molecular clock
that generates an approximately 24-h internal timing in the absence of external cues
(Yamazaki et al. 2000). Furthermore, these molecular oscillatory clocks located
throughout the body are organized into a coherent, hierarchical system by a ‘master
clock’ located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus (Partch
et al. 2014; Ko et al. 2006). The SCN, a highly unified circadian network composed
of approximately 20,000 neurons (Partch et al. 2014; Mohawk and Takahashi
2011), is the only molecular clock to receive light input from the retina that syn-
chronizes internal clock timing to the external solar day which is then transmitted to
the secondary peripheral clocks via endocrine and systemic cues (Partch et al. 2014;
Buhr and Takahashi 2013; Dibner et al. 2010). The central circadian oscillations of
clock genes and their products within the suprachiasmatic nucleus generate daily
rhythms in behaviour and physiology (Weil and Nelson 2014). Studies in droso-
phila clock cells showed that circadian regulation of clock cell activity is via
increasing expression of voltage-independent sodium channels leading to increased
Na+ conductance and depolarization during the day and consequent increased
activity in clock neurons while at night, basal K+ current increases leading to
attenuation of clock neuron activity. Furthermore, CLOCK protein rhythmically
binds to and activates transcription of genes important for proper axonal localiza-
tion of Na+ channels (Flourakis et al. 2015). Though the molecular clock in the
SCN and secondary peripheral cells express similar molecular architecture and
ability to generate rhythms, a key difference between the SCN master clock and
peripheral oscillators in the rest of the brain and body is the high degree of inter-
cellular coupling between neurons of the SCN that is resistant to perturbations from
internal cues (Partch et al. 2014; Buhr and Takahashi 2013; Liu et al. 2007). In
contrast, rhythms in secondary oscillators are sensitive to signaling from the SCN
via circulating hormones, metabolic cues and systemic changes such as body
temperature (Ralph and Block 1990; Yang et al. 2007; Brown et al. 2002; Saini
et al. 2012). The circadian clock network ensures that the SCN robustly maintains
approximately 24-h timing to maintain temporal coordination with the external
solar cycle while secondary oscillators adept to reflect local metabolic status of the
tissue (Partch et al. 2014; Stratmann and Schibler 2006). Thus, input signals from
light to the clock leads to a synchrony between the physiology and the surrounding
natural events thus allowing an organism to optimally interact and be in phase with
its environment (Ralph and Block 1990). Once the circadian clock and the external
environment are out of phase, desynchronization of the different physiological
processes in the body occurs leading to disorders as depression and obesity (Hampp
et al. 2008).
Light activation of photoreceptors (rods and cones) on the retina enables us to
generate images of our world. There are also an additional subset of photoreceptors
in the retina that can influence behaviours and mood. Light modulation of mood
occurs through activation of a subset of non-imaging photoreceptors in the retina
called intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC). Retinal ganglion
cells are part of the retinal circuitry, the majority of which receive visual infor-
mation from photoreceptors via two intermediary neurons, the bipolar and amacrine
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 159
cells. A small minority of retinal ganglionic cells express the photopigment mel-
anopsin that have been shown to respond intrinsically to light in the absence of rods
and cones and are termed ipRGC. Evidence for the existence of these non-imaging
forming photoreceptors comes from observations such as (a) light exposure to blind
humans, who were unable to form images, could still inhibit melatonin secretion
(Czeisler and Dijk 1995; LeGates et al. 2014) (b) genetically modified mice lacking
image forming rods and cones were still able to photo-entrain to light (LeGates
et al. 2012, 2014; Freedman et al. 1999). The image forming retinal ganglionic cells
project to the visual cortex and associated image forming regions of the brain while
ipRGC project to the (a) the central circadian pacemaker the SCN, (b) ventrolateral
preoptic nucleus (vLPO) and lateral hypothalamus which are important in
sleep-wake regulation and (c) brain regions implicated in mood regulation (LeGates
et al. 2014; Schmidt et al. 2011). These diverse projections of the ipRGC highlight
a potential circuit, and thus cellular mechanism, by which light mediates effects on
several behaviours such as circadian rhythms, sleep, alertness and mood (LeGates
et al. 2014). The VTA, is part of the reward system (Ulery et al. 2006) and receives
indirect inputs from the SCN via a variety of pathways. For example circuit-tracing
studies found that (a) SCN indirectly projects to VTA via the medial preoptic
nucleus (MPON) (Gervasoni et al. 2000) and (b) the VTA neurons exhibited cir-
cadian rhythmicity in their activity such that VTA cells were selectively active
during the active circadian phase (Luo and Aston-Jones 2009). The MPON nuclei
are sleep active and given that majority of its projections are inhibitory, activation
of MPON during sleep leads to inhibition of VTA neurons. Conversely, during the
active phase (nocturnal for rodents) the decreased activity of MPON nuclei leads to
disinhibition of VTA cells leading to increased activity during awake state.
The VTA has been implicated in sleep-wake regulation where for example an early
study found that lesioning of VTA decreased arousal (Jones and Gubbins 1973),
while later studies showed that VTA neurons exhibited diurnal variability in
activity (Luo and Aston-Jones 2009) and also variability in activity in relation to
arousal states. A recent study showed in fact that VTA DA neurons exhibit
intra-diurnal rhythmic activity in anesthetized rats where basal activity was highest
at two time points between 07:00–11:00 h and 19:00–23:00 h while lowest activity
was measured between 11:00–15:00 h and 23:00–03:00 h (Dominguez et al. 2014).
The highest number of spontaneously active VTA DA neurons were measured
between 03:00–06:00 h, which is not too surprising as rodents are nocturnal and
they are most likely active at these time points.
The transcription of monoamine oxidase (MAOA), which catalyzes the oxida-
tion of monoamines such as dopamine, is regulated by circadian clock genes.
Specifically, circadian clock transcription factor proteins BMAL and NPAS2 reg-
ulated monoamine oxidase promoter. Per2 mutant mice exhibited decreased
expression of MAOA in mesolimbic DA neurons of the VTA. Per2 mutant mice
also exhibit increased DA levels in the NAc, most likely due to the attenuated
breakdown of DA because of decreased activity of MAOA (Hampp et al. 2008).
Earlier studies had shown that (glycogen synthase-3) GSK3 directly phosphorylates
5 core clock proteins (McClung 2007)—PER2, CRY2, CLOCK, BMAL1 and
160 B. Radwan et al.
Degradation Nucleus
Bmal1 Transcriptional
Rev-Erb BMAL Repression
Bmal1 TH Block Transcrption of TH
CRE Transcript Circadian
MAOA [Ca2+]i CAM CAM CREB P Clock Gene
E-box MAOA Cck CamkIV
Per2 Per2 Bmal1 NPA2 DA DA GSK-3β GSK Target
E-box K+ Channel
CcK Cck
CLOCK Nucleus
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm
K+ Channel AMPA receptor
CcK receptor NMDA receptor
P1 receptor D2 receptor
ATP ADP AMP Adenosine TrKB receptor Ih channel
Fig. 1 Graphical representation of some of the molecular pathways linking circadian and sleep-wake
signaling with the molecular pathways related to neural activity/plasticity that may result in regulation
of mood. Cck = Cholecystokinin, REV-ERBa = Circadian Clock Protein, BMAL1 = Circadian Clock
Protein, CLOCK = Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput Protein, CRY = Cryptochrome, PER =
Period, NPAS2 = Neural Pas Domain Protein, TH = Tyrosine Hydroxylase, K+ = Potassium Channel,
Ih = hyperpolarization-activated non-selective cation channel, NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor, AMPA = a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, MAOA = Monoamine
Oxidase A, DA = Dopamine, BDNF = Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor, GSK-3 = Glycogen
Synthase 3, D1 = Dopamine-1 Receptor, D2 = Dopamine-2 Receptor, CRF = Corticotropin-Releasing
Factor, CAM = Calmodulin, CamKIV = Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase IV, CREB =
cAMP Response Element Binding Protein, CRE = cAMP Response Elements, PP2A = Protein
Phosphatase 2A, AKT = Protein Kinase B, bArr2 = b-Arrestin
5 Sleep
Sleep is defined as a readily reversible state of reduced responsiveness to, and inter-
action with, the environment. Though clearly important, as evidenced by the fact that
all animals require sleep to some degree, the functional role of sleep is still not well
understood. Current evidence so far implicates a role for sleep in numerous processes
such as attention and problem solving, learning and long term memory formation, and
162 B. Radwan et al.
development and proper functioning of the immune system (Pellaprat et al. 2014).
Sleep is regulated by a combination of homeostatic and circadian processes (Borbely
1982; Daan et al. 1984). The oscillating output of the circadian system gives time
context to various physiological processes and behaviours including sleep, and ensures
proper entrainment of internal rhythms to the daily light-dark cycle such that the
distribution of sleep over the 24-h cycle is strongly determined by the circadian
system. In contrast to the internally generated and self-sustained oscillations of the
circadian clock, the homeostatic process of sleep regulation tracks sleep need such that
sleep need and the propensity to sleep increase during wakefulness and decrease
during sleep (Franken and Dijk 2009). The daily circadian-influenced rhythms in the
sleep-wake cycle would appear to make the homeostatic processes driving sleep-wake
as a 24-h rhythm though an important distinction is that the 24-h homeostatic influence
on sleep-wake cycle is driven by the distribution of sleep-wake states such that the
oscillation can be considered as an ‘hour-glass’ oscillator while the circadian rhythms
on sleep is a self sustained oscillation (Franken and Dijk 2009). Homeostatic sleep and
5-HT neuron
Mood GABA neuron
Dopamine neuron
Glutamate neuron
Vasopressin neuron
Acetylcholine neuron
Norepinephrine neuron
Fig. 2 Graphical representation of the neural circuit linking the circadian and major sleep-wake
centers to regions of the brain associated with mood regulation. SCN = Suprachiasmatic nucleus, SPZ
= Subparaventricular Zone, DMH = Dorsal Medial Nucleus of the Hypothalamus, vLPO =
Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus, VTA = Ventral Tegmental Area, LC = Locus Coeruleus, DR = Dorsal
Raphe, PPTg/LDTg = Pedunculopontine Tegmentum/Laterodorsal Tegmentum, RMTg =
Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus, LHb = Lateral Habenula
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 163
circadian sleep are generated independently but interact closely (Dijk and von Schantz
2005). The first conformation for this two-process model came from studies where
sleep-wake cycles of human subjects were forced to desynchronize from endogenous
circadian rhythms (Dijk and Czeisler 1994, 1995). Findings from these studies suggest
that the circadian system generates rhythms in sleep-wake propensity that is timed to
oppose the homeostatic changes in sleep drive such that we are able to stay awake and
alert throughout the day despite the accumulation of sleep need while conversely stay
asleep during the night despite the decrease of sleep need (Dijk and von Schantz
2005). Though sleep homeostasis and circadian systems are closely linked as
described in the two process model, experimental evidence suggests that they are also
functionally and anatomically autonomous processes. For example, lesion of the SCN
rendered animals arrhythmic but did not affect the sleep deprivation induced increase
in delta slow wave sleep (Franken and Dijk 2009; Larkin et al. 2004; Easton et al.
2004; Trachsel et al. 1992). Though there is evidence for separation of some aspects of
sleep and circadian rhythm, accumulating data suggest significant cross-talk between
the homeostatic and circadian processes. Figure 2 illustrates the overlap between both
circadian and sleep/wake centers in their projections to the brain areas of mood
regulation and their input. For instance, Hamsters exposed to sleep deprivation
(SD) during the dark, active phase show phase shifts in their circadian clock activity
(Antle and Mistlberger 2000). Furthermore, SCN neural activity is decreased during
NREM slow wave sleep (SWS) and is negatively correlated with EEG delta activity
(Deboer et al. 2007; Deboer et al. 2003). Furthermore, significant evidence of the close
association between sleep/wake cycle and circadian rhythms comes from numerous
findings that mutations in circadian clock genes affect aspects of sleep such as
(SWS) EEG activity patterns, sleep time and sleep pressure (Franken and Dijk 2009).
The sleep and circadian system are two independent yet closely linked systems
(Mistlberger 2005; Schwartz and Roth 2008; Fuller et al. 2006; Borbely et al.
2016a). Ultradian sleep-wake regulation controlled by basal forebrain/preoptic
(BF/POA) nuclei of hypothalamus while circadian oscillation is controlled by SCN.
The mechanism by which circadian oscillation is integrated with the ultradian
system is unclear. In vivo, neural activity exhibited diurnal rhythmicity and/or
sleep-wake dependence, while acute serotonin (5-HT) depletion in the dorsal raphé
nucleus (DRN) resulted in the decrease in diurnal rhythmicity in neural activity in
the BF/POA but not in SCN. Furthermore, local blockade of (5-HT) transmission in
BF/POA was sufficient to disrupt the diurnal sleep-wake rhythms of mice. This
evidence suggests that the 5-HT system enables the BF/POA to couple to the SCN.
In mammals, the sleep and wake states occur in a precise 24-h cycle that has
164 B. Radwan et al.
evolved as an adaptation to the solar cycle of light and dark (Moore 2007). The
circadian clock drives many physiological and behavioural processes and partitions
behaviours such as sleep to occur at a particular time of the day-night cycle. In
addition to circadian control of sleep, homeostatic mechanisms track sleep need.
Thus, the combination of circadian mechanisms and homeostatic drive determines
the length of sleep (LeGates et al. 2014). This 2-process model of sleep regulation
describes a system where the homeostatic process (Process S), which depending on
sleep and wake duration, interacts with the process controlled by the circadian
pacemaker (Process C), which determines the salient aspects of sleep (Borbely et al.
2016a). Process S, representing sleep debt, increases during wakefulness and
declines during sleep. Though the exact nature of homeostatic sleep debt and its
interaction with the circadian process is still unknown, a simplified model suggests
that during the awake periods accumulation of sleep-promoting substances leads to
an increase in the sleep-drive together with a subsequent decrease in circadian
arousal over the course of the day leading to the initiation of sleep (Borbely et al.
2016a; Moore 2007). The principal marker of Process S during sleep is non-rapid
eye movement (NREM) slow wave sleep activity (SWA) while theta brain activity
represents the decreasing sleep debt. The markers for Process C are rhythms in
physiological function such as core body temperature and melatonin secretion.
The CLOCK protein is a transcription factor that plays a pivotal role in the
molecular pathways that leads to the generation of circadian rhythmicity in the
master clock (the SCN) and other secondary oscillatory cells (Borbely et al. 2016b).
Clock-mutant mice have pronounced change in overall circadian rhythms.
Experiments were performed to determine whether genetic knockdown of CLOCK
affected sleep homeostasis. Findings showed that Clock-mutant mice did not entrain
to 12:12 Light/Dark (LD) cycle and had abnormal free running rhythms in
Dark/Dark (DD) (Naylor et al. 2000). Measurements of sleep homeostasis found
that heterozygote and homozygote Clock-mutants slept one and two hours less in
LD condition and had 25 and 51 % smaller increase, respectively, in REM sleep
during 24-h period sleep recovery following sleep deprivation. Previous data had
shown that clock genes contribute to homeostatic control of sleep regulation, thus
showing that circadian and sleep have reciprocal effects on each other. For example,
mutation in clock genes lead to changes in markers of sleep homeostasis while other
evidence has shown that increasing homeostatic sleep drive changes clock gene
expression (Mongrain et al. 2011). Furthermore, the effect of SD on clock gene
expression had shown that SD affects binding of Clock proteins to core-clock
transcription factors, which in turn can have a feedback effect on sleep and systems
related to learning and memory and mood disorders (Mongrain et al. 2011). Though
the sleep and circadian system are closely linked, evidence that SCN ablation
renders animals arrhythmic but does not disrupt sleep homeostasis (Borbely et al.
2016a) suggests that Process S and C are regulated by distinct mechanisms.
Investigations into the effect of SD induced reversal of depression on these 2
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 165
One cause for the increase in global depression may be the modern life-style with
increased exposure to artificial light, shift work and travel across time zones, all of
which can disrupt circadian rhythms and the sleep/wake cycle (McClung 2013).
Although it has been known since the 1950s that daily rhythms are disrupted in
patients suffering from depression (McClung 2013; Wirz-Justice and Van den
Hoofdakker 1999), the cellular and molecular mechanisms linking aberration in
circadian/sleep rhythms and mood disorders are still not understood. Patients with
psychiatric illness such as bipolar depression, characterized by extreme changes in
mood, exhibit irregularities in daily rhythms such as activity and numerous phys-
iological parameters (McClung 2007; Mukherjee et al. 2010; Goetze and Tolle
1987; Deshauer et al. 1999; Souetre et al. 1988; Bunney and Potkin 2008).
Maintaining patients on a regular sleep and social schedule has shown to be an
effective treatment strategy for bipolar disorders indicating that aberrations in cir-
cadian or sleep-wake cycle may contribute to mood disorders. Though it has been
known since the 1950s that daily rhythms are disrupted in patients suffering from
major depressive disorder (MDD) (McClung 2007; Wirz-Justice 2006), the
molecular mechanisms linking aberration in circadian/sleep rhythms and mood
disorders is still not well understood. In healthy humans, mood and reward are
modulated by circadian phase (Boivin et al. 1997; Birchler-Pedross et al. 2009).
Mood disorders involve deficits in reward processing and motivation where per-
ception in reward is blunted with a corresponding reduction in motivation to pursue
hedonic goals. Circadian oscillation of gene expression, neural firing, neurotrans-
mitter levels and receptor expression have been discovered in various brain regions
implicated in mood-regulation and reward of both rodents and humans (Sidor and
McClung 2014). The Social Zeitgeber theory of mood disorders proposes that
stressful life events change sleep/wake schedule that alters molecular and cellular
rhythms in vulnerable individuals, leading to mood disorders (Ehlers and Kupfer
1987). For example, chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) induced reversible change
in Per2 rhythms in the SCN (Jiang et al. 2011). Specifically CUS induced damp-
ening of Per2 rhythms in the SCN and two weeks after CUS, Per2 rhythms returned
to normal in SCN but mice still exhibited depressive-like behaviours suggesting
that dampening of Per2 rhythms leads to expression of depressive-like behaviours
but did not affect long-term expression of depression. Additionally, it would be
interesting to understand how the imbalance hypothesis between the D1 in mPFC
and D2 activity in striatum is involved in depression (Francis et al. 2015) and
166 B. Radwan et al.
medial lateral
LH Amyg
Lateral Medial Core
Shell Shell
Fig. 3 Graphical representation of neural circuits connecting the dopamine reward region, the
VTA (Ventral Tegmental Area), and regions associated with mood regulation. These reciprocal
connections illustrate how these various regions are able to regulate each other, such that
aberrations in signaling may lead to mood disorders such as depression. mPFC = medial Prefrontal
Cortex, LH = Lateral Hypothalamus, DR = Dorsal Raphe, PPTg = Pedunculopontine Tegmentum,
LDTg = Laterodorsal Tegmentum, RMTg = Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus, LHb = Lateral
Habenula, Hipp = Hippocampus, NAc= Nucleus Accumbens, BNST = Bed Nucleus of the Stria
Terminalis, VP = Ventral Pallidum, LC = Locus Coeruleus, OFC = Orbitofrontal Cortex, Ih =
hyperpolarization-activated non-selective cation current
ACh and 5-HT (Brunel and de Montigny 1987) have been detected in the hip-
pocampus. Finally circadian variations in hippocampal excitability and long-term
potentiation (LTP) have also been detected (Chaudhury et al. 2005), and it would be
interesting to explore whether these variations exist in the depressive phenotype.
Anatomical observations that the SCN projects to the hypothalamus (Bao et al.
2008; Buijs et al. 1993), locus coeruleus (Aston-Jones and Bloom 1981;
Aston-Jones et al. 2001), VTA (Luo and Aston-Jones 2009) and other brain regions
related to stress (Sylvester et al. 2002) together with molecular evidence of circa-
dian dysregulation following stress exposure further highlight potential targets for
the development of novel therapeutics.
Patients suffering from depression more commonly suffer from sleep disturbances
as well as shorter onset latency of REM sleep and longer REM sleep duration
(Schumann et al. 2001). Moreover, it was demonstrated that antidepressants reduced
REM sleep further indicating close association between depression and sleep (Vogel
1975; Slater et al. 1978). Several experiments point to a potential role of LHb in sleep
regulation since lesion in the LHb reduces the duration of REM sleep. Furthermore,
LHb projects to DR, which is a wake-promoting brain region and lesion of DRN
attenuated LHB effects on REM sleep (Aizawa et al. 2013). Additionally, the LHb
sends projections to PPTG and LDTG that send projections to VTA regions and are
implicated in REM sleep. It would be interesting to explore the effect of lesioning LHb
inputs to PPTG and LDTG activity and the effects on sleep.
Classical antidepressant therapies have shown to affect circadian clock functions.
For instance, chronic administration of mood stabilizer lithium in clock mutant
mice reverses the mania-like behaviour (Roybal et al. 2007). In light of the close
interaction between the circadian and sleep/wake rhythms it is therefore not sur-
prising that sleep deprivation therapy (SDT) rapidly alleviates depressive symptoms
(Bunney and Bunney 2012). Studies over several decades have confirmed that SDT
rapidly (within 24 h) reduces depressive symptoms in 40–60 % of patients
(Wirz-Justice and Van den Hoofdakker 1999; Wirz-Justice 2006; Benedetti et al.
2003; Wu and Bunney 1990). However, the drawback with SDT is that the majority
of patients report relapses of depressive symptoms after the first bout of sleep
(Bunney and Bunney 2013; Bunney et al. 2015). Though not yet determined, it is
thought that SDT resets the aberrant circadian clock in depressive patients resulting
in alleviation of symptoms (Bunney and Bunney 2013; Bunney et al. 2015). It is
most likely that a variety of neurotransmitters play a role in the SD induced reversal
of depression and in the context of this review it is interesting to note that DA
agonist prevents the antidepressant effects of SD, which highlight a role for DA
neurotransmission in SD induced reversal of depression (Benedetti et al. 1996).
Accumulating clinical evidence highlights potential changes in circadian clock gene
expression in depressed patients. Molecular analysis of clock genes in suicide
versus non-suicide cases in postmortem found significant downregulation of per1 in
suicide victims (Sequeira et al. 2012). Viral knock-down of mper1/2 gene alone
induced anxiety-like behaviour in mice, suggesting a causal link between aberration
of circadian clock gene expression and anxiety/depression. Stress exposed mice
also exhibited flattened diurnal locomotor activity returning to normal rhythms
168 B. Radwan et al.
seven days post-termination of stress (Slattery et al. 2012). Social defeat in the
middle of the light phase increased both NREM sleep intensity, and duration and
decreased REM sleep (Meerlo and Turek 2001). Though limited in numbers, the
few studies of SDon depression/anxiety have been promising. SD has been shown
to reverse CSD stress-induced anxiety (Meerlo et al. 1996) and induce phase shifts
in circadian clock gene expression (Lavebratt et al. 2010; Kavcic et al. 2011).
Molecular analyses of clock gene expression in mice following SD leads to elevated
Per1 and Per2 levels in cortex, basal forebrain and hypothalamus which returned to
normal levels following recovery sleep (Wisor et al. 2002; Wisor et al. 2008).
Furthermore, SD has been shown to alter (A) DNA binding of specific clock
proteins BMAL, CLOCK and NPAS2 (Mongrain et al. 2011), (B) expression of
various proteins known to be associated with depression such as GSK-3b, AMPA,
Glutamate and mTOR (Bunney et al. 2015) and (C) molecular pathways that have
been shown to play a role in VTA DA-dependent mood regulation. Additionally,
the rapidly acting antidepressant ketamine alters circadian gene expression (Bellet
et al. 2011), intracellular signaling molecule and neurotransmitter levels (Bunney
et al. 2015), and decreases aspects of REM sleep (Gottschlich et al. 2011).
The VTA has reciprocal connections with a variety of nuclei. The mPFC, sub-
thalamic nuclei and PPTg/LDTg nuclei send robust excitatory projections to the
VTA that modulates VTA DA cells. Activation of layer V pyramidal neurons that
project to the VTA leads to burst of activation of VTA DA cells, and results in
increased DA release in VTA target sites such as NAc and other forebrain areas
such as the thalamus basal forebrain bundle. In the VTA, glutamate binds to
ionotropic and metabotropic receptors in VTA DA cell bodies and dendrites
(Paquet et al. 1997). A variety of regions that undergo circadian and/or sleep/wake
control in neural dynamics such as the Lateral Hypothalamus (orexinergic), Dorsal
Raphe (5-HT), PPTg/LDTg (Glutamate/Ach), Locus Coeruleus (Noradrenergic)
and basal forebrain receive reciprocal connections with the VTA and input from
these regions onto VTA DA cells is able to influence the role of VTA DA cells on
wake states. Various inputs to VTA can differentially modulate VTA DA and
non-DA cells. For example Orexigernic inputs from the hypothalamus excite
VTA DA and non-DA cell (Korotkova et al. 2003), while the alpha-2 (a2) nora-
drenergic receptor activation converts irregular and burst activity of VTA DA
neurons to tonic pacemaker-like activity (Grenhoff and Svensson 1989). The 5-HT
on the other hand has a dose-dependent effect on VTA DA activity, where low
dosage of 5-HT increases VTA DA firing rate and bursting dynamics while high
doses of 5-HT decrease VTA DA activity (Pessia et al. 1994; Gervais and Rouillard
2000). The orexin neurons of the LH play an integral role in modulating the
sleep-wake cycle, by specifically modulating the monoaminergic pathways (LC,
tuberomammillary nucleus [TMN] and DRN) in the flip-flop model of sleep (Saper
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 169
et al. 2005). Typically, orexinergic neurons of the LH are active during wakeful-
ness, particularly during motor activity when animals are exploring their environ-
ment (Estabrooke et al. 2001; Mileykovskiy et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2005). Therefore,
it is intriguing to investigate the disturbance of the GABAergic input from LH onto
VTA and of the orexin input on the flip-flop circuits caused by sleep deprivation
and its effect on depression.
The role of DA in arousal was initially proposed by Jones et al. (Jones et al.
1973; Smith et al. 1998) who found that lesioning of DA cells in VTA and SNc of
cats induced behavioural states characterized by akinesia, hypertonus and decreased
arousal. However, due to the general lack in lesion specificity, it was hard to solely
ascribe a role for DA in these behaviours. More recent genetic targeting of DA
receptors has begun to unravel the specific roles of DA in regulating various aspects
of behaviour, in particular its role in modulating motivation, mood and sleep. For
example, knocking out D1 subtype receptors (D1 KO mice) induced decreased
movement initiation, reaction time to external stimuli and grooming bouts (Smith
et al. 1998; Cromwell et al. 1998). Knocking out D1 receptors decreased sponta-
neous activity and impaired motor coordination (Baik et al. 1995; Kelly et al. 1998;
Vallone et al. 2002). Overall findings from these studies implicate a role for D1 and
D2 receptors in modulating behavioural arousal. The role of DA in regulating sleep
has come from a variety of studies using: (a) transgenic mice lacking DAT trans-
porter thus resulting in increased DA activity in the synapse, (b) Neurotoxin
induced loss of DA cells in VTA and SNc and (c) pharmacological manipulation of
DA receptors. In studies where dopamine transporter (DAT) was knocked out in
mice both homozygous and heterozygous mice exhibited increased awake time and
decreased NREM sleep during the light phase (Wisor et al. 2001). Though sleep
was affected, it was observed that circadian rhythms in these mice could be
entrained to a 12:12 LD cycle, though wheel running was increased during the light
phase (Francis et al. 1999; Wisor et al. 2001). These observations that increasing
DA levels activity, by decreasing reuptake, affect sleep-wake cycle but not circa-
dian entrainment further suggest that the circadian and sleep-wake systems, though
overlapping, are separate systems. Furthermore, it is notable that increasing
synaptic DA levels in DAT KO mice also leads to robust antidepressant effects
when measured on the forced swim test (FST—decreased immobility and increased
climbing and swimming), tail suspension test (decreased immobility) and an
increase in sucrose preference i.e., reduced anhedonia (Perona et al. 2008). Thus,
observations that increasing synaptic DA levels affect sleep by increasing wake
time and reducing NREM sleep during the light phase while also alleviating the
depressive phenotype point to a possible mechanism by which sleep deprivation
leads to rapid alleviation of depressive symptoms. Pharmacological manipulations
have further highlighted the role of DA and the subtypes of receptors in sleep and
wake states. For example in rats, D1 agonist has been shown to desynchronize
EEG, increase wake states and arousal while at the same time decreasing slow wave
sleep and REM sleep (Coffin et al. 1989; Kropf and Kuschinsky 1993). Conversely,
D1 antagonist decreased wake states and increased SWS and REM (Monti et al.
1990). Administration of D1 agonist in human subjects leads to increase in NREM,
170 B. Radwan et al.
delta EEG and mean burst duration of sleep spindles though notably wake and
REM duration were not effected (Eder et al. 2003). D2 receptors can be pre- or
post-synaptic and pharmacological manipulation led to differential responses
depending on the subtype of D2 receptor activated. For example D2 pre-synaptic
autoreceptor activation leads to decreases in locomotor activity and increases in
behavioural sleep and EEG sleeping pattern (Monti et al. 1988). Furthermore, other
studies had shown that low doses of D2 agonist decreased wake states and
increased SWS and REM while high doses of D2 agonist increased wake states and
decreased SWS and REM (Monti et al. 1988, 1989). It is hypothesized that the
biphasic effect of D2 receptor activation is due to differential pre-synaptic autore-
ceptors or post-synaptic activation such that low doses activates D2 autoreceptors
leading to inhibition of further DA release while high doses activate post-synaptic
receptors that also leads to hyperpolarization of cell. Though D2 receptor activation
attenuates cell activity, a proposed mechanism by which D2 activation induces the
wake states involves D2 receptor activation on GABAergic MSN neurons pro-
jecting to the mPFC leading to removal of the inhibitory input to the mPFC and
increased activity in the mPFC (Seamans et al. 2001). Further evidence of the role
of dopamine in wake and arousal states is observed in Parkinson’s patients with
depletion of DA in SNc where these patients suffer from excessive sleepiness
(Pellaprat et al. 2014). Overall the findings that stimulation of PPTg/LDTg, DRN,
LC and LH induces waking in sleeping animals may in part be due to excitatory
modulating effects from these nuclei unto VTA DA cells that induce a change in
bursting activity in VTA DA cells (Monti and Monti 2007). Genetic evidence in
bipolar patients suggests that the central transcriptional activator of molecular
rhythms, CLOCK, may play a pivotal role in the disease (Yeim et al. 2015).
Furthermore, Clock-mutant mice express behavioural profiles similar to mania such
as hyperactivity, decreased sleep, lowered depression-like behaviour, lower anxiety
and increased cocaine and sucrose preference (Roybal et al. 2007). The effects of
social defeat stress on circadian rhythms and sleep have been investigated (Meerlo
and Turek 2001; Meerlo et al. 2002), where they found that 1-h social defeat in the
middle of the light phase (mouse sleeping time) lead to increased NREM sleep
intensity (for about 6 h) and NREM sleep duration (12 h) and suppression of REM
sleep (Meerlo and Turek 2001). One of the components of NREM sleep is SWS
that results in deep sleep. SD leads to rebound of SWS which may in part explain
the return of depressive phenotype reported by patients following rebound sleep
(after SD treatment). At the neural circuit level, during SWS, VTA GABA cells
activity is decreased which may lead to increased VTA DA cell activity (Lee et al.
2001). Thus, it is possible that attenuation of VTA GABA inhibitory neuron may
allow the VTA DA cell of depressive subjects to return to the baseline high fre-
quency firing following rebound sleep as observed in social defeat stress susceptible
mice. As mentioned previously, VTA DA neurons play a key role in modulating
depression-related behaviours (Krishnan et al. 2007; Chaudhury et al. 2013; Cao
et al. 2010; Friedman et al. 2014) and it is likely that aberrations in clock gene
expression in the VTA may play a role in depression-related behaviours.
Manipulation of Clock gene expression in the VTA modulates circadian rhythms,
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 171
VTA neural activity and the depressive phenotype (Mukherjee et al. 2010).
Previous work had shown that Clock-mutant mice exhibit increased preference for
cocaine and increased activity in VTA DA cells (Benca et al. 2009) Furthermore,
rescued expression of CLOCK protein via viral mediated gene transfer specifically
in the VTA rescued the behavioural abnormalities (Roybal et al. 2007). These early
findings point to an overlap in the mechanisms by which aberrations in clock gene
function can lead to mood disorders. More recent studies where clock gene
expression was targeted in the VTA alone resulted in altered circadian period an
amplitude suggesting a role of CLOCK in the VTA in regulating circadian rhythms.
Furthermore knock down of the transcription factor CLOCK in VTA DA cells
resulted in changes in expression of a variety of genes which most likely explains
the net increased activity observed in these cells following knock down of clock
gene expression and the consequent functional changes resulting in a mixed state of
mania and depression-like behaviour in these mice (Dupuis et al. 2010). It will be
interesting to determine whether there is a correlation between clock gene regula-
tion and changes in Ih and K+ channels in VTA DA neurons and whether sleep
deprivation induced reversal of depression leads to changes in cellular firing rate via
modulation of various clock genes and associated ion channels. A more recent
study extended the role of clock gene and the regulation of anxiety related beha-
viours. Clock mutant mice were found to exhibit rapid mood cycling across the
light-dark cycle such that the Clock mutants exhibited robust manic-like behaviour
compared to wild-type controls when tested in an open field-, forced swim- and
sucrose-preference test during the day (Sidor et al. 2015). Furthermore,
Clock mutant mice exhibited robust increases in both daytime tyrosine hydroxylase
expression and VTA DA neuron activity (Sidor et al. 2015). Moreover, further
evidence that the molecular components of the circadian timing system have a
critical role in mood regulation comes from numerous findings that mutations of
clock genes Bmal1 and Per2 induce mania-like behaviours in mice while knock-out
of Cryptochrome 1 and 2 genes induces altered anxiety-like behaviours (Hampp
et al. 2008; Kondratova et al. 2010; De Bundel et al. 2013). The circadian nuclear
receptor REV-ERBa, an important constituent of molecular circadian signaling that
serves as transcriptional repressors of the Bmal RNA, has recently been shown to
negatively regulate midbrain DA neuronal function via circadian modulation of
tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA transcription (Chung et al. 2014). REV-ERBa
knockout mice exhibit altered circadian rhythmicity in mood related behaviours
while conditional inhibition of REV-ERBa produces mania-like behaviour (Chung
et al. 2014). The ascending arousal system contains two branches consisting of
discrete cell populations and neurotransmitters (Saper et al. 2005). One branch
consists of the cholinergic projections from the PPTg/LDTg in the brain stem and
basal forebrain. These cholinergic projections, that innervate the thalamus, acti-
vating relay neurons and reticular nuclei essential for thalamocortical transmission,
are most active during wakefulness and REM sleep (Saper et al. 2001; Saper et al.
2010). Both the PPTg and LDTg innervate VTA DA cells, such that the PPTg sends
glutamatergic-cholinergic neurons to the VTA and is able to drive burst (phasic)
firing activity in VTA DA cells, while the cholinergic projection from the LDTg to
172 B. Radwan et al.
VTA DA cells provides the permissive gate that allows VTA DA cells to respond to
glutamatergic input from the PPTg and possible other glutamatergic inputs from the
mPFC and lateral pre-optic-rostral hypothalamic area (Grace et al. 2007; Geisler
and Zahm 2005). The previous findings that VTA DA neuron activity can encode
for the depressive phenotype and that PPTg/LDTg can modulate VTA DA activity
suggest a possible mechanism by which sleep deprivation may alleviate depressive
symptoms. The high activity of PPTg/LDTg during SD by keeping patients awake
may lead to increased phasic VTA DA activity and induce the sensation of reward
while decreasing the depressive episode. This possible mechanism is supported by
findings that activation of LDTg projections to VTA promotes conditioned place
preference and thus encodes rewarding behaviour (Shinohara et al. 2014). It should
be noted however that this mechanism is not as clear cut since we had earlier
described that VTA DA cell neural dynamics appear to have a complex role in
encoding for the depressive phenotype where in some studies robust extreme
stressful paradigms induces phasic firing that leads to encoding of the depressive
phenotype (Chaudhury et al. 2013), while chronic weaker stress paradigms induces
decreased VTA DA activity leading to encoding of the depressive phenotype (Tye
et al. 2013). A systematic study to determine the functional role of PPTg/LDTg on
micro-circuit modulation of VTA DA cell during strong and weak stressors at
different time of the sleep-wake cycle may help alleviate its role as a potential target
of SD induced reversal of depression. A second branch of the ascending arousal
system consists of projections from a number of monoaminergic cell populations
such as the norepinephric neurons of the LC, the serotoninergic neurons of Dorsal
and Medial Raphe, neurons of the periaqueductal grey matter and the histaminergic
neurons in the TMN (Saper et al. 2010). These monoaminergic nuclei are most
active during the wake cycle and quietest during NREM sleep (Fuller et al. 2006;
Aston-Jones and Bloom 1981; Steininger et al. 1999) and send projections to the
lateral hypothalamus, basal forebrain and cerebral cortex (Saper et al. 2001; Jones
2003; Saper 1985). In light of the role of the LH, basal forebrain and cortex in mood
regulation, understanding changes in these neural circuits regulating the wake cycle
may help us to better understand changes in sleep-wake cycle and depression.
A number of these wake promoting nuclei are linked to the VTA DA system. For
example the DR and VTA are reciprocally interconnected (Saper et al. 2001).
Selective lesion of DA in VTA leads to decreased firing of 5-HT neurons in DR
(Guiard et al. 2008). Thus this suggests that DA excite 5-HT cells in DR.
Furthermore selective lesion of 5-HT neurons in DR leads to increased activity in
36 % of VTA DA neurons suggesting that 5-HT neurons inhibit VTA DA neurons.
Classical monoamine antidepressants attenuate the reuptake dynamics of 5-HT
resulting in the alleviation of depressive symptoms by increasing the net effect of
5-HT on cells. A hypothesis by which SD may alleviate depression could be that
prolonged wakefulness leads to increased accumulation of 5-HT. The findings that
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram decreased firing activity
of VTA DA cells while the SSRI citalopram decreased burst firing only in VTA
cells (Dremencov 2009) provide further evidence for the role of VTA DA and DR
5-HT in depression. Apart from reciprocal modulation between VTA DA and DR
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 173
5-HT cells, recent evidence has highlighted a role for DR DA cells in modulating
social behaviours. The DR is made of heterogenous nuclei of serotonergic neurons,
as well as neurons that express GABA, Glutamate and Dopamine (Vasudeva et al.
2011). The functional role of DR DA neurons is not well known as it was shown
that DA neurons are not involved in rewarding behaviours such as intracranial
self-stimulation studies (McDevitt et al. 2014). A recent study indicates that DR DA
cells play a role in encoding for an animals experience of social isolation (Nieh
et al. 2016). Specifically this study showed that social isolation induced synaptic
potentiation of glutamatergic inputs onto DR DA cells and that optogenetic stim-
ulation of DR DA cells increased motivation for social preference, in previously
socially isolated mice. However, surprisingly optogenetic induction of these neu-
rons also induced place avoidance (Nieh et al. 2016). It has been hypothesized by
the authors that DR DA neurons in this pathway does not encode for the rewarding
phenomenon of social interaction, as observed in VTA DA cells (Gunaydin et al.
2014; Tsai et al. 2009) but rather modulates a “loneliness-like” state that regulates
social motivation. Furthermore, neural circuit analysis of DR DA projections have
shown that: (a) these neurons innervate the Bed nucleus of the Stria Terminalis
(BNST) and Central amygdala, two regions associated with anxiety and aversive
emotional states (Pellaprat et al. 2014) and (b) these neurons also co-release glu-
tamate which may explain in part the complex and differential effects of DR DA
neurons activity on social preference but not in the rewarding component. Though
the “lonelines” is a difficult concept to test in mice, these findings implicate a role of
the DR DA neurons in encoding for social behaviour which is affected in mood
disorders. Social isolation, social exclusion or feelings of social disconnection can
lead to loneliness which is a strong aversive emotional state in humans and detri-
mental to physical and mental well-being (Cacioppo et al. 2006; Holt-Lunstad et al.
2010; House et al. 1988). It would be interesting to determine whether the DR DA
neurons play a role in wake states and how these may affect social preference.
Depressed patients exhibit changes in sleep regulation in part due to hyperex-
citability and disregulation of the hypothalamus-adrenal (HPA) axis, causing
increased 24-h cortisol secretion due to increased corticotriphin releasing factor
(CRF) production in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (Hemmeter
et al. 2010; Holsboer 2000). Conversely, CRF-antagonist has been used to treat
depression and anxiety. Previous studies have shown that increased BDNF release
from VTA DA cells projecting to the NAc (mesolimbic reward pathway) encodes
for the depressive phenotype in mice susceptible to social defeat stress (Krishnan
et al. 2007; Chaudhury et al. 2013; Berton et al. 2006). Furthermore, CRF acti-
vation in the NAc gates VTA DA BDNF release onto post-synaptic neurons
encoding for the depressive phenotype (Walsh et al. 2014a). Therefore an under-
standing of the role of stress on sleep via the HPA axis and its effects on BDNF
signaling in VTA DA neurons may lead to a better understanding of the effects of
stress on sleep modulating mood disorders. BDNF is synthesized as prepro BDNF,
which is then cleaved to form Pre-BDNF to be cleaved further to make BNDNF.
Recent work suggests that pro-BDNF is secreted in activity-dependent manner
along with the enzyme tissue plasminogen activator, which cleaves pro-BDNF to
174 B. Radwan et al.
BDNF (Waterhouse and Xu 2009). Evidence also suggests that pro BDNF and
BDNF activate different intracellular pathways, where pro-BDNF activates low
affinity neurotrophin receptor 75 that is thought to be involved in apoptosis (Roux
and Barker 2002; Lessmann et al. 2003). BNDF on the other hand activates tro-
pomyosin related kinase B (TrkB) receptors where binding of BDNF to TrkB
induces dimerization of receptors leading to autophosphorylation and attenuation of
NMDA receptor currents and the subsequent activation of at least possible different
intracellular pathways. The first pathway regulates activity of PLCy leading to PKC
activation, the second pathway involves modulation of phosphatidyl inositol
3-kinase (PI3K) pathway leading to activation of serine/threonine kinase AKT and
the third pathway involves modulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK
aka ERK) which leads to activation of several downstream activators. Activation of
these different pathways leads to different functions in the cell (Mattson 2008;
Yoshii and Constantine-Paton 2010). In general, the PLCy pathway induced release
of intracellular Ca2+ leading to rapid synaptic and ion channel effects while PI3k
and MAPK pathway activation leads to longer lasting effects with a slower tem-
poral dynamics. BDNF is able to directly activate voltage gated sodium channels
leading to rapid depolarization of target neurons (Blum et al. 2002). Changes in
expression of BDNF have been observed in both human depressed patients and
animal models of depression. Human and animal studies have found depression
related decrease in BDNF levels in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
(Pellaprat et al. 2014). Since one of the main functions of BDNF is neurogenesis
where it regulates neuronal differentiation and growth (Benraiss et al. 2001; Pencea
et al. 2001), it is therefore not surprising that MDD leads to a corresponding
decrease in hippocampal and prefrontal cortical volume in patients (Bremner et al.
2000; Dwivedi et al. 2003; Castren 2004; Pandey et al. 2008). Not all regions of the
brain exhibit the same form of BDNF signaling during depression. For example,
human and animal studies show that depression leads to increased BDNF signaling
from VTA DA cell projections to the NAc (Krishnan et al. 2007; Berton and Nestler
2006) and in the amygdala (Pellaprat et al. 2014). Furthermore, the increased
BDNF in the amygdala is correlated with the observed hypertrophy in this region in
depressed patients (van Elst 2000; Frodl et al. 2002). Increased BDNF in the NAc
has been well established in the chronic social defeat paradigm of stress where
increased activity of VTA DA cells projecting to the NAc has been shown to be
related to increased BDNF levels in NAc (Krishnan et al. 2007). BDNF was shown
to be synthesized in the VTA and transported down and released from VTA DA
terminals in the NAc (Krishnan et al. 2007). Furthermore, it was shown that CRF
activity either into presynaptic VTA DA terminal in the NAc or acting on
NAc MSN neurons gated the effect of BDNF on encoding for susceptibility to
social defeat stress (Walsh et al. 2014a). Furthermore, in VTA DA cell projections
to amygdala, it is however, unclear whether the BDNF increase in the amygdala is
from the VTA or whether it is produced locally in the amygdala following stress
exposure (Autry and Monteggia 2012). The different effects of BDNF in the neural
circuitry related to depression may arise from a variety of factors. For example, as
mentioned above, Pre-BDNF and BDNF both have effects on cells and they interact
Regulation and Modulation of Depression-Related Behaviours … 175
with different receptors that lead to activation of different pathways in target cells. It
would be interesting to determine whether pro-BDNF is co-released from VTA DA
cells onto NAc MSN during during stress exposure in the chronic social defeat
paradigm. Activation of neurotrophin receptor 75 can cause cell death or change
synaptic transmission and axonal elongation. It is possible that high frequency
bursting activity of VTA DA inputs to NAc could lead to increased pro-BDNF
release, which upon activation of neurotrophin receptor 75 on NAc MSN’s, leads to
cell death or change in normal synaptic transmission. In addition, BDNF itself may
be activating different pathways in weighted effects on the PI3K, MAPK and PLCy
pathways in different circuits. Furthermore, differences in neural circuit connec-
tivity may play a role in the effects of BDNF on depression. As mentioned pre-
viously, BNDF input from the VTA DA cells onto NAC is gated via the stress
factor CRF, Likewise the amygdala receives input from the HPA axis that may play
a role in gating increased BDNF levels in depression, while a differential input to
mPFC and hippocampus may lead to decreased BDNF in encoding for the
depressive phenotype. Finally another possible and potential reason for the differ-
ential role of BDNF in these regions may be related to their potential differential
regulation by the circadian and sleep-wake systems of the brain. Transcriptional
studies show that genes that encode for proteins related to plasticity such as BDNF
are upregulated during wakefulness and down regulated during sleep (Gronli et al.
2013; Elliott et al. 2014; Tononi and Cirelli 2001; Porkka-Heiskanen 2003). It has
been shown that short term SD upregulates BDNF expression in some brain regions
(Cirelli and Tononi 2000; Fujihara et al. 2003; Guzman-Marin et al. 2006; Hairston
et al. 2004; Taishi et al. 2001). Therefore, a possible molecular mechanism for the
effect of SD on alleviating depressive symptoms is through induction of BDNF
release in regions such as the hippocampus and PFC while the simultaneous 5-HT
release from DR neurons onto VTA DA cells may ™decrease VTA DA neuronal
activity leading to decreased phasic VTA input to NAc and consequent decreased
BDNF release.
9 Conclusion
patterns are the cause or consequence of depression. The circadian and sleep-wake
rhythms are separate but closely linked systems and growing evidence shows from
neural circuit studies that these regions have close connection with regions of the
brain associated with mood disorders.
In our chapter, we have focused our main discussion on the role of dopamine
and other neurotransmitters in encoding for depression and attempt to highlight
some of the evidence of how the dopamine signaling, primarily, in the reward
pathway of the brain is linked to the circadian and sleep-wake rhythms. By high-
lighting the neural circuits together with cellular and molecular dynamics linking
these rhythmic processes with dopamine signaling we hope to develop a better
understanding of how changes in these systems can lead to depression.
Understanding these mechanisms that lead to depression has the great potential to
ultimately lead to the future development of rapidly acting antidepressant therapies.
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Depression, Sleep Disorders, and DA
And yet in certain of these cases there is mere anger and grief
and sad dejection of mind…they are suspicious of poisoning or
flee to the desert from misanthropy or turn suspicious or
contract a hatred of life. Or if at any time a relaxation takes
place, in most cases hilarity supervenes. The individuals are
dull or stern, dejected or unreasonably torpid…they also
become peevish, dispirited and start up from a disturbed sleep.
—Arateus (from: Taylor and Fink 2006)
Keywords Dopamine Depression Mood disorders Insomnia Circadian
rhythm Anhedonia Reward processing
The connection between depression and sleep has been described since antiquity.
Insomnia—a chronic sleep disorder characterized by difficulty initiating and/or
maintaining sleep—is such a fundamental feature of depression that some have
argued major depressive disorder (MDD) should not be diagnosed in the absence of
sleep disturbances (Jindal and Thase 2004; Nutt et al. 2008). Sleep is the
quintessential circadian behavior, driven by homeostatic and environmental forces,
and essential for survival. Disruption of circadian rhythms leads to numerous
metabolic, cardiovascular, and neuropsychiatric diseases and is a risk factor for
mortality (Yaggi et al. 2006; Cappuccio et al. 2010; Hoevenaar-Blom et al. 2011;
Landgraf et al. 2014; Zuurbier et al. 2015; Barandas et al. 2015).
Depression displays its own rhythmic pattern with recurrent episodes frequently
driven by environmental cues such as changes of season, dark-light patterns, and
hormonal fluctuations. Insomnia, defined as difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep
or non-restorative sleep that causes significant daytime impairment, affects nearly
80 % of individuals with depression (Tsuno et al. 2005; Yates et al. 2007).
Insomnia symptoms frequently persist even after remission from affective distur-
bances and are significant risk factors for recurrence (Nierenberg et al. 2010;
Baglioni et al. 2011). Additionally, depressed individuals with symptoms of
insomnia have worse clinical outcomes, attrition rates, and response to treatment
compared with good sleepers (Smith et al. 2005). Sleep disturbances are a common
prodromal symptom for depressive episodes and interepisode sleep symptoms are
correlated with future depressive episodes (Perlis et al. 1997; Jackson et al. 2003;
Eidelman et al. 2010; Kaplan et al. 2014).
While the association between sleep and depression has been noted for centuries,
it is only within the past few decades that work began in earnest to elucidate the
molecular mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of sleep disturbances and
depression. Half a century ago the monoamine hypothesis emerged, suggesting that
depletion of monoamines, particularly serotonin and norepinephrine, forms the
pathophysiological basis of depression (Hillhouse and Porter 2015). This led to the
development of our current pharmacological treatments, which act to block reup-
take or inhibit degradation of serotonin and/or norepinephrine at the synaptic cleft
and increase their transmission. However, clinical observations and epidemiological
studies reveal that there is a delayed onset before remission of depressive symptoms
is achieved, remission rates are low, and residual symptoms often remain. Insomnia
is one of the most prevalent residual symptoms, suggesting that the first line
treatments do not adequately address the interaction between sleep and mood
(Ohayon and Roth 2003; Manglick et al. 2013).
Depression, Sleep Disorders, and DA 193
Dopaminergic (DAergic) pathways in the brain are abundant, site specific, and
integral to affect, mood, motivation, and sleep. However, DAergic agents are not
first line treatments for mood disorders. In a recent theoretical review, Finan and
Smith posited that the pattern of DAergic changes observed under conditions of
sleep loss and depression was suggestive of a common pathophysiology whereby
elevations in tonic DA levels promote wake and, by virtue of inhibiting phasic
DAergic burst firing, promote anhedonic emotional states and behaviors (Finan and
Smith 2013). A comprehensive review of the role of DA in sleep and wake is
presented elsewhere in this volume. In the present chapter, our goals are to
(a) provide a brief overview of the role of DA in sleep and wake, with a focus on
sleep architecture; (b) describe the role of DA in depression; (c) discuss the possible
implications of sleep architecture-mediated DAergic changes for depression, and
(d) discuss the possible implications of circadian-mediated DAergic changes for
The sleep-wake cycle is centrally regulated by the interaction between sleep pro-
moting neurons in the hypothalamus and basal forebrain and wake promoting
neurons in the hypothalamus and brainstem (Schwartz and Roth 2008). DAergic
neurons are localized to specific regions of the brain including structures relevant to
the sleep-wake cycle. For example, DA receptors are abundant in key structures of
the ascending reticular activating system, including the dorsal and median raphe
nuclei and the ventral periaqueductal gray, which are critical in modulating sleep
(Bannon et al. 1983; Lu et al. 2006; Monti and Monti 2007).
The sleep-wake cycle is characterized by variations in electroencephalogram
(EEG) patterns, eye movements, and muscle tone. Human sleep is divided into two
broad categories, identified by the presence or absence of rapid eye movement
(REM). Non-REM (NREM) sleep is the period of rest and energy conservation
when physiological processes slow down, including respiration, blood pressure, and
heart rate. In NREM, eyes move slowly, if at all, and muscles are relaxed. NREM
sleep is made of 3 stages of progressively deeper sleep. Frequency of electrical
waves decreases among NREM stages 1–3 while the energy discharged at each
impulse increases. REM follows a complete cycle of these stages and is marked by
intense mental activity. In REM, dreaming occurs, cerebral metabolism is rapid and
diffuse, and large muscles are essentially paralyzed. REM sleep primarily takes
place toward the end of the night. In healthy individuals, slow-wave sleep pre-
dominates during the first part of the night when the need for sleep is high. Slow
wave activity diminishes throughout the sleep cycle as sleep debt is made up and
sleep drive is decreased.
194 T.J. Speed and P.H. Finan
Mice lacking the DA transporter gene show increased wakefulness and less
NREM sleep in a 24 h period, and in these knockouts, neither modafinil nor
amphetamines promote increased wakefulness (Wisor et al. 2001). Similarly,
knockout mice missing a key enzymatic precursor in DA metabolism, DA beta
hydroxylase, have increased total sleep and reduced latency to sleep after mild
stressors (Hunsley and Palmiter 2003). These studies suggest that adaptive DA
clearing is essential for normative progression through the sleep stages.
In rodent studies, systemic administration of DA receptor agonists increases time
spent awake and reduces both slow wave (i.e., stage NREM 3) and REM sleep
(Andersen et al. 2009). Comparatively, systemic administration of DA receptor
antagonists increases slow wave and REM sleep, and reduces time spent awake
(Trampus et al. 1990; Monti et al. 1990). DAergic effects on sleep and wake appear
to be dose-dependent and receptor-specific. For instance, low doses of D2 receptor
agonists induce sedation, possibly due to activation of presynaptic autoreceptors,
whereas higher doses of D2-specific agonists promote waking (Monti et al. 1989;
Python et al. 1996; Olive et al. 1998). However, comparable to amphetamine-like
stimulants or higher doses of D2 agonists, locomotor activities and motor stereo-
typies are not observed with lower doses of D1 agonists suggesting dose and
receptor-specific DAergic effects (Isaac and Berridge 2003).
EEG patterns change predictably from the slow waves and spindles of NREM to
the low voltage, fast activity of waking and REM. In almost all animals, sleep is
characterized by quiescence and increased arousal threshold. Increased arousal
threshold is most important in distinguishing sleep from rest, which suggests that
the reduced ability to respond to the environment is a requirement for the restorative
function of sleep (Cirelli and Tononi 2008). Despite evidence that DA plays a role
in arousal, the interaction of sleep architecture and DA has long been understudied.
This may be attributable to the results from early neurophysiological studies
demonstrating that DAergic cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and sub-
stantia nigra pars compacta did not display robust alterations in their firing rate
across the sleep-wake cycle (Trulson et al. 1981; Steinfels et al. 1983; Trulson and
Preussler 1984). Conversely, early studies demonstrated higher discharge rates of
serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons during wake relative to slow-wave sleep
(Vanderwolf 1988; Gillin et al. 1993). It is notable that despite invariability of DA
neuronal firing rate across sleep-wake state, in vivo electrophysiological studies
demonstrate fluctuations in post-synaptic release of DA in the caudate nucleus
across sleep-wake state (Trulson 1985). Indeed, converging evidence suggests that
increased extracellular DA levels occur with increased bursting activity indepen-
dent of the mean firing rate (Floresco et al. 2003). Additionally, evidence indicates
an increased burst firing activity of DA neurons during wake and REM stages with
simultaneous enhanced release of DA in the VTA and nucleus accumbens (NAcc)
(Léna et al. 2005). Electrophysiological studies in rats demonstrate that DAergic
neurons exhibit tonic irregular spike firing modulated by bursts of spikes of
decreasing spike amplitude and a brief silence during NREM stages. The DA firing
rate appears to be variable in NREM, the importance of which is underscored by
Depression, Sleep Disorders, and DA 195
DA was implicated in the etiology of MDD from observations that reserpine, which
reduces DA levels, induced depressed mood (Lion et al. 1975). Conversely, cocaine
and amphetamine, which increase DA levels, elevated mood (Coppen 1967).
However, studies investigating the role of DA in the pathophysiology of MDD have
been limited since the emergence of selective serotonin- and
serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs and SNRIs) as first-line
antidepressant treatment. Animal models have provided the most consistent evi-
dence for a role of DA in depressive phenotypes. Animals exhibiting learned
helplessness, a model of depressive-like behavior, show DA depletion in the cau-
date nucleus and NAcc (Anisman et al. 1979). Several clinically effective antide-
pressants produce reduced immobility in the rodent forced swim test, as evidenced
by studies involving tricyclic antidepressants, the DA reuptake inhibitor nomi-
fensine, and D2/D3 agonists (Basso et al. 2005). Compared to mice knockout
studies of the serotonin and norepinephrine transporter proteins, the effects of DAT
knockout produced greater changes in behavior sensitive to antidepressant-like
phenotypes, providing further evidence that DA may have a greater effects on MDD
pathophysiology than previously appreciated (Perona et al. 2008).
Studies of DA concentrations and receptor density in humans have been less
definitive. Evidence from postmortem studies in MDD is limited and complicated
by inclusion of victims of suicide (which is not pathognomonic for MDD), as well
as presence of psychotropic medications in many studies (Pare et al. 1969; Arranz
et al. 1997; Bowden et al. 1997a, b, c). However, one elegant postmortem study of
depressed individuals showed reduced DAT density and elevated D2/D3 receptor
binding in central and basal nuclei of the amygdala compared with healthy controls
(Klimek et al. 2002). Classical studies of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of
monoamines have demonstrated lower concentrations of homovanillic acid (HVA),
the major metabolite of DA, in depressed individuals compared to healthy controls
(Traskman et al. 1981; Asberg et al. 1984), suggestive of altered DA functions in
196 T.J. Speed and P.H. Finan
the CNS. While CSF HVA levels are not an effective biomarker to predict
antidepressant treatment response, numerous studies have demonstrated that
treatment-resistant depressed patients have significantly higher CSF concentrations
following ECT treatment (Rudorfer et al. 1991a, b; Mathe 1999; Nikisch and Mathe
2008). Taken together these studies suggest that reduced DAergic neurotransmis-
sion is involved in the pathophysiology of MDD.
Mounting evidence suggests that the depressive symptom complex known as
anhedonia is especially linked to DA neurotransmission. Anhedonia is the loss of
interest in or reduced pleasure from rewarding activities, and is a key feature of
MDD. There is growing interest in understanding reward processing in neuropsy-
chiatric disorders, as anhedonic symptoms appear to be more common than origi-
nally reported, negatively impact long-term functional outcomes, and increase risk
of mortality (Treadway and Zald 2011; Vrieze et al. 2013b). In a retrospective
meta-analysis of 811 adults with moderate to severe depression, symptoms of
anhedonia including loss of interest, diminished activity, and inability to make
decisions all predicted poor depression outcomes, even after adjusting for overall
depression severity and other covariates (Uher et al. 2011).
Anhedonia is robustly linked to dysfunction within the mesolimbic reward
pathway (Wise 2008). The reward pathway is a complex circuitry housed within the
limbic system. Our understanding of alterations in the reward pathway in neu-
ropsychiatric disorders such as depression comes from extensive studies in animal
models and pathophysiological and neuroimaging studies in humans. Several
neurotransmitters including norepinephrine (NE), oxytocin, serotonin (5-HT),
opioids and endocannabinoids (ECBs) play a role in reward mechanisms and are
beyond the scope of this chapter (Eppinger et al. 2011; Faulkner and Deakin 2014;
Proulx et al. 2014). DA is arguably the most well-known excitatory component of
behavioral reward signaling. Reward processing relies on a complex interaction of
signals across the brain coordinated in part by the hippocampus and the striatum,
which includes dorsal and ventral segments (Haber and Knutson 2009). The dorsal
striatum, thought to be the site of stimulus-directed behaviors, contains the caudate
nucleus and putamen. The ventral striatum houses the NAcc, and is thought to be
the site of goal-directed behaviors (Da Cunha et al. 2012). DAergic neurons project
from the brainstem into the striatum; mesolimbic DA projections arise from the
VTA and signal to the NAcc, and nigrostriatal DA projections arise from the
substantia nigra (SN) and signal to the dorsal striatum. Also of importance in
reward processing are the mesocortical DA projections, which arise from the VTA
and signal the prefrontal cortex (PFC) (Lammel et al. 2014). Reward processing is
under regulatory control from both glutamatergic projections, arising from the PFC,
amygdala and hippocampus, and GABAnergic projections in the brainstem via the
NAcc and the ventral pallidum (Nestler and Carlezon 2006; Heshmati and Russo
Clinically, individuals with anhedonic MDD demonstrate decreased motivation
to engage in goal-directed behaviors. Under controlled experimental settings,
researchers have demonstrated that diminished interest or pleasure is a function of
attenuated reward responsiveness (Der-Avakian and Markou 2012). Individuals
Depression, Sleep Disorders, and DA 197
In MDD, sleep continuity is impaired and sleep efficiency is reduced (Sutton 2014).
In terms of sleep architecture, REM latency is shortened, the duration of first REM
period is increased, and slow wave sleep is decreased among patients with
depression compared to controls (Thase et al. 1998). Furthermore, slow wave sleep
that normally occurs during this first non-REM period tends to shift into the second
non-REM period in patients with depression (Armitage et al. 2007). REM is dis-
tributed differently in depression, and has a greater distribution earlier in sleep cycle
(Paykel 2008). There is also evidence that shortened REM latency persists after
remission from an acute depressive episode (Giles et al. 1993; Tsuno et al. 2005).
As we have discussed, insomnia and depression are commonly comorbid.
Understanding the bidirectional association between sleep and depression and the
influence sleep disruption has on the trajectory of depression is essential for opti-
mizing treatment strategies for depression. An emerging view that insomnia is
comorbid with depression, rather than simply a symptom of depression warrants
treatment strategies which target both insomnia and depression. Disruption of
DAergic pathways in mesolimbic brain regions is implicated in the pathophysiol-
ogy of mood dysregulation and sleep disruption. Indeed, elucidating the common
DAergic pathways linking mood and sleep disorders may shed light on the
development and progression of common symptoms of both disorders and provide
targets for pharmacological interventions. Furthermore, nonpharmacological inter-
ventions for the treatment of insomnia and depression may reduce common
198 T.J. Speed and P.H. Finan
symptoms and prevent relapse. We turn here to the link between circadian rhythm
and depression.
Xenopus laevis demonstrated that both light and DA are able to phase shift the
retinal melatonin rhythm (Cahill and Besharse 1991). D2-like receptor activation
causes a decrease in cAMP levels (Vallone et al. 2000). Increasing cAMP in
Xenopus retina blocks DAergic-induced phase shifting, but not light-mediated
phase shifting (Hasegawa and Cahill 1999). Thus, light and DA cause phase
shifts via different second messenger systems (Steenhard and Besharse 2000).
Studies in Drosophila have also suggested that light modulates DAergic sig-
naling. In particular, environmental light suppressed the wake-promoting effects
of DA in fly brains via upregulation of inhibitory DA receptors (Shang et al.
Additional animal studies have demonstrated that hypothalamic DAergic neu-
rons are involved in light-dependent changes in affective states and furthermore that
photoperiodic changes in DA metabolism in the hypothalamus occur in species
with seasonal breeding patterns (Benson 1987; Deats et al. 2015). For instance,
differences in effect size and direction of DA levels in response to photoperiod
changes varies in chipmunks and mice (Goda et al. 2015). Additionally, micro-
dialysis studies of DA concentrations in rat models demonstrate that during the light
period, when rats typically sleep, extracellular DA levels in the striatum and pre-
frontal cortex are lower than during the dark period (Smith et al. 1992; Feenstra
et al. 2000). Taken together, these observations support the hypothesis that DA
neurotransmission is regulated by light, albeit in an apparent species-specific
Genetic and epigenetic studies of clock genes may shed light on the pathophysi-
ology of affective disorders. For instance, mouse models with mutations of the
clock gene result in behavioral changes resembling mania including hyperactivity,
decreased sleep, decreased anxiety to stress, and increased proneness for cocaine
(Roybal 2007). In human studies, polymorphisms in clock genes may have higher
occurrence of affective disorders, although there is no clear association (Lamont
et al. 2007). And individuals who do shift work have been shown to reveal
increased risk of metabolic and psychiatric diseases. Genetic variations have even
been noted in the clock genes, clock and per, for individuals with sleep disorders
and chronotype preferences. Clinically, shift workers have a higher prevalence of
mood disorders, which may represent a response to circadian disruptions presumed
to be due to a molecular clock that is not able to properly adapt to certain types of
environmental or other changes (McClung 2007; Barger et al. 2009).
Links between circadian rhythms and depression were first evidenced in 1960s
when it was discovered that depressive patients lose 24-h rhythmicity in cortisol
secretion, representing abnormal disinhibition of neuroendocrine processes (Sachar
1973). Indeed, blunted or abnormal circadian rhythms in physiological processes
200 T.J. Speed and P.H. Finan
Recent advances in understanding of the neural and genetic basis of sleep and
circadian rhythm is leading to greater understanding of the relationship of sleep and
mood. Over the past decade it has become clear that the SCN is not the only
circadian oscillator in mammalian systems. With the recent discovery of clock
genes, researchers are finally shedding light on the molecular mechanisms of cir-
cadian rhythms. Almost all circadian oscillators are regulated by a series of positive
and negative feedback mechanisms used to generate 24-h timing circuits
(Bell-Pedersen et al. 2005). Several regions of the brain besides the SCN have the
capacity to generate circadian oscillations and virtually all organs of the body
contain autonomous circadian oscillators (Dibner et al. 2010). The oscillators
outside the SCN use the same core clock genes as the SCN, and 5–10 % of the
transcriptome in peripheral tissues display circadian rhythms (Duffield 2003; Maret
et al. 2007; Barclay et al. 2012).
Given the role of the circadian clock, disruptions of the clock itself or down-
stream components including transcriptional regulation may explain pathological
changes in metabolism and physiology that are associated with sleep disruption.
The period gene has been shown to interact with DA D2/D3 receptors in Drosophila
(Andretic and Hirsh 2000). Discovery that mutations in the period gene modified or
eliminated circadian rhythmicity led to discovery of the core molecular clock genes
(Zheng et al. 1999). Generation of circadian oscillations in the SCN is due to two
interacting feedback loops that either stimulate or inhibit gene
transcription/translation (Bell-Pedersen et al. 2005). Four integrated clock proteins
form the core of the SCN molecular clock. CLOCK and BMAL1 activate PER and
CRY proteins. PER and CRY are negative regulators that repress their own tran-
scription by interacting with the CLOCK:BMAL1 complex. Once PER and CRY
proteins are degraded, repression on CLOCK:BMAL ends and the cycle begins
again (Takahashi et al. 2008). More recent studies have demonstrated that DA
receptor-mediated intracellular signaling differentially regulates neuronal clock
gene expression at the cellular level (Imbesi et al. 2009).
Clock gene mutations have serendipitously provided unexpected models of
mania. Clock mutant mice have mania-like phenotypes including hyperactivity,
decreased sleep, decreased depressive-like behaviors, and increase reward value
(Roybal 2007). Knockdown of the clock gene in the VTA, which gives rise to
DAergic neurons, can replicate these behaviors. Clock may also regulate the
expression of other VTA-specific genes (Sidor et al. 2015). For instance, genes
involved in DA synthesis are altered following clock knockdown (Mukherjee et al.
Converging evidence suggests that variations in DA availability modulate
affective state, depression, and reward processes (Haber and Knutson 2009; Felten
et al. 2011; Forbes and Dahl 2012). Neuroimaging studies of MDD probands have
demonstrated reduced reward-related ventral striatal activation (Gotlib et al. 2010;
Sharp et al. 2014; Whitton et al. 2015), which is predictive of increased depressive
202 T.J. Speed and P.H. Finan
symptoms in adolescents (Forbes et al. 2007; Morgan et al. 2013). At the same
time, altered circadian rhythms in probands predicts incident mood disorders
(Nurnberger et al. 1988; Ritter et al. 2012; Duffy et al. 2015; Ng et al. 2015).
Taking into account that depression probands have sleep disturbances and reward
disturbances, it seems likely that an exogenous stimulus, such as environmental
cue, or life stressors may further disrupt the system and lead to state of internal
desynchronization, along with disruption of hormonal and behavioral rhythms.
Neuroimaging studies of healthy individuals have demonstrated an association
between seasons and presynaptic striatal DA synthesis (Eisenberg et al. 2010).
Seasonal affective disorder, characterized by depressive symptoms in the winter
months, may arise from a failure to adapt to seasonal changes in the light-dark
cycle. In fact, the most effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder is bright
light therapy, which is hypothesized to advance the circadian clock to coincide with
the sleep-wake cycle.
There appear to be common and overlapping pathways linking circadian rhythm
abnormalities and depression. Both are associated with defects in DA neurotrans-
mission and common DA signaling pathways account for comorbidity of disorders.
However, DA remains a challenging target in the link between sleep and depres-
sion. Although studies in numerous animal species have demonstrated a link
between DA and light, and effects on circadian rhythm (e.g., Hasegawa and Cahill
1999; Steenhard and Besharse 2000; Besharse et al. 2004; Hirsh et al. 2010), we do
not yet have advanced technology to accurately detect changes in DAergic sig-
naling in humans.
Despite limitations in assessing the nuances of DAergic signaling, evidence
implicates a role of altered DAergic signaling in the pathogenesis of both circadian
rhythm disruption and depression. Given the complexity of the mesolimbic
DAergic system, studying the separate and combined effects of altered DAergic
signaling in circadian rhythm disruption and depression may advance our under-
standings of the pathophysiology of these disorders and provide novel therapeutic
targets in the treatment of depression.
that ketamine may enhance excitatory synaptic function in some brain regions (e.g.,
hippocampus and frontal cortex) while dampening excitatory connectivity in
regions that are overactive in MDD (e.g., affective and cognitive control networks).
Furthermore, ketamine increases slow wave sleep activity during NREM sleep
(Duncan et al. 2013). Of note, NMDA receptor antagonists are the only pharma-
cological treatments for MDD that exert rapid and robust antidepressant effects
within hours or days (Sanacora et al. 2008). Sleep deprivation therapy is the only
treatment for MDD that yields a comparably rapid and robust response.
Greater understanding of the common signaling pathways that mediate the rapid
antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation therapy and ketamine may enhance our
understanding of the sleep architecture-mediated and circadian-mediated DAergic
changes seen in depression. The mesolimbic DA system has been implicated
separately in insomnia, circadian rhythm disruption, and depression. Thus, there is
evidence that alterations in mesolimbic DAergic functioning may underlie the
comorbidity of insomnia and depression. Further investigations of the pathways
involved with DAergic signaling may provide more efficient and efficacious
pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment strategies for depression and
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Sleep in Schizophrenia Patients
and the Effects of Second Generation
Antipsychotic Drugs
Keywords Schizophrenia Second generation antipsychotics Insomnia disor-
der NREM sleep REM sleep Wakefulness
1 Normal Sleep
Sleep is closely connected to many facets of health and well-being and physical and
mental functioning. In this respect, disturbed sleep not only affects health-related
quality of life, but also causes significant public health concern worldwide. The
initial system for scoring sleep stages, based on polysomnography (PSG), as pro-
posed by Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968) recognized a waking (W) state,
non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and rapid-eye-movement (REM)
sleep. Accordingly, during NREM sleep four stages were distinguished. The young
adult spends 20–28 % of a night’s sleep (7–8 h) in REM sleep, 4–5 % in stage 1
sleep (S1-light sleep), 46–50 % in stage 2 (S2—intermediate sleep), 6–8 % in stage
3 (S3), and 10–16 % in stage 4 (S4) NREM sleep. Stages 3 and 4 have been
collectively known as slow wave sleep (SWS) or deep sleep. Total sleep time
(TST), sleep efficiency (SE), and percentage of SWS and REM sleep diminish
through maturity and old age, whereas percentage of S1 and S2 increases with age.
The American Academy of sleep Medicine (AASM) introduced new guidelines to
score all-night polysomnographic recordings (Iber et al. 2007), which differ from
those recommended by the Rechtschaffen and Kales rules in that light sleep (S1 vs.
N1) and deep sleep (S3 + S4 vs. N3) are significantly increased while intermediate
sleep (S2 vs. N2) is reduced (Moser et al. 2009). Sleep stages reported in recent
polysomnographic (PSG) studies that included either untreated or medicated
patients with a diagnosis of primary or comorbid insomnia were mostly based on
the sleep scoring rules and terminology developed by Rechtschaffen and Kales
beta2 (20.0–30.75 Hz) and gamma (35.0–45.0 Hz) spectral power compared to
healthy controls (Kemali et al. 1992; Hoffman et al. 2000; Tekell et al. 2005;
Sekimoto et al. 2007). Lower alpha and higher beta2 spectral amplitude have been
found also during REM sleep in patients with first-episode schizophrenia (Poulin
et al. 2008).
4 Pharmacotherapy of Schizophrenia
Quetiapine − + − ++ − − − +++ − ++ ++
Paliperidone + ++ + +++ + − − ++ ++ + −
From Horacek et al. (2006), Jarskog et al. (2007), Dolder et al. (2008), Shin et al. (2011)
+++ = high; ++ = moderate; + = low; − = minimal to none
220 J.M. Monti et al.
Most SGAs are highly lipophilic and tend to accumulate in the central nervous
system (CNS) and peripheral structures with a rich blood supply. The absorption,
metabolism and elimination of each of the SGAs in clinical use will be briefly
described (Table 2).
– clozapine’s oral bioavailability is only 60–70 % due to first-pass metabolism,
and the peak plasma concentration (Tmax) amounts to 2–5 h. Clozapine is
metabolized in the liver preferentially by the enzyme CYP1A2. The major
metabolite N-desmethylclozapine (norclozapine) is pharmacologically active.
The mean elimination half-life (t½) of clozapine and its active metabolite
amounts to about 12 h (Baldessarini and Tarazi 2001).
– risperidone is well absorbed, and its absolute bioavailability is 70 %. The
compound is metabolized in the liver by CYP2D6 to an active metabolite,
9-hydroxyrisperidone (paliperidone). Following oral administration of solution
or tablet Tmax of the parent drug occurs at 1 h, while this corresponding to
9-hydroxyrisperidone occurs at about 3 h in extensive metabolizers. The mean
t½ of both drugs amounts to 20 h. Risperidone’s active metabolite is excreted in
urine and feces (Heykants et al. 1994).
– olanzapine is well absorbed, with approximately 40 % of a therapeutic dose
being metabolized before reaching the systemic circulation. The compound
attains peak plasma levels (Tmax) at about 6 h after oral administration, and its
t½ ranges from 21–54 h. It is metabolized by hepatic CYP1A2 and CIP2D6 to
inactive metabolites that are excreted in urine and feces (Callaghan et al. 1999).
– quetiapine is rapidly absorbed after oral administration with median time to
reach Tmax ranging from one to two hours. The relative bioavailability from
orally given tablets compared with a solution is almost complete. The drug is
metabolized predominantly by hepatic CYP3A4 to its active metabolite
In all instances the study authors made use of a sleep laboratory to obtain objective
evidence of the effects of SGAs on sleep induction and continuity measures, and on
sleep architecture. The all-night PSG evaluation of sleep in schizophrenia patients
treated with SGAs was compared with that of drug-naïve patients, drug-free
patients, subjects with normal sleep, baseline, placebo or another antipsychotic
6:1 Clozapine is effective in treating treatment-resistant schizophrenia, and its use
requires regular white blood cell and absolute neutrophil counts (Meltzer
Wetter et al. (1996) compared the nocturnal EEG recordings of drug-naïve
schizophrenia patients with those of patients treated with clozapine
(348.0 ± 152.0 mg). Values corresponding to S2 sleep, TST and SE were signif-
icantly greater while SOL was smaller in the clozapine-treated group as compared
to the untreated patients. Values related to REM sleep variables showed no sig-
nificant changes (Table 3).
Hinze-Selch et al. (1997) conducted a two-week PSG study in long-term
drug-free schizophrenia patients. Clozapine administration
(170.0 ± 77.0/275.0 ± 122.0 mg) induced a significant increase of S2 sleep, TST
and SE from baseline to week one and again from week one to week two. In
contrast, WASO, S4 sleep and SWS decreased significantly (Table 3).
In the study by Tandon (1997), the sleep-EEG profile of schizophrenia patients
receiving clozapine was compared to that of drug-free patients. Clozapine induced a
significant decrease of S2 sleep latency whereas TST and REMS latency were
augmented (Table 4).
Lee et al. (2001) determined the effects of clozapine (200.0/350.0 mg) on
schizophrenia patients who were drug- free for periods ranging from 16 to 31 days.
Compared with healthy subjects, S2 sleep, TST and SE were significantly increased
during early and late clozapine therapy (Table 4).
222 J.M. Monti et al.
displays high affinity for 5-HT2A receptor. Following its blockade, however SWS
remained unchanged or even decreased.
6:2 Risperidone is used for the treatment of schizophrenia including relapse pre-
vention (Leucht et al. 2013). In addition, the antipsychotic is effective in the
treatment of manic symptoms in acute manic or mixed exacerbations of
bipolar disorder (Muralidharan et al. 2013).
224 J.M. Monti et al.
Olanzapine acts as an antagonist and exhibits high affinity for 5-HT2A, H1 and
m1 receptors, and moderate affinity for D2 and a1 receptors. As shown before,
olanzapine effects on sleep architecture (see above) in schizophrenia patients, may
be due to its inhibitory effect on receptor subtypes involved in the occurrence of W
(Monti 2013).
Sleep in Schizophrenia Patients and the Effects … 227
6:4 Quetiapine has been approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar
disorder, and combined with an antidepressant to treat major depressive dis-
order (Wine et al. 2009).
Keshavan et al. (2007) compared sleep variables of quetiapine-treated
schizophrenia patients with drug-naïve patients. The antipsychotic
(313 ± 229 mg) significantly prolonged SL, WASO, REM sleep latency and S2,
and decreased SWS and REM sleep. Total sleep time was not modified. (Table 8).
Loebel et al. (2014) determined the effect of quetiapine XR 600 mg given during
a six-week period on daytime sleepiness in patients with schizophrenia. Compared
to patients receiving a placebo, treatment with quetiapine XR was associated with a
significant increase in daytime sleepiness.
Quetiapine shows high affinity for a1 receptor and moderate affinity for 5-HT2A,
H1 and m1 receptors. The quetiapine-related increase of daytime sleepiness
observed in patients with schizophrenia could be related to its affinity to antagonize
a1, H1 and m1 receptors. However, regardless of its 5-HT2A antagonism, quetiapine
significantly decreased SWS in the schizophrenia patients. Clinical trials and
observations in case studies (Wine et al. 2009), tend to support quetiapine’s
improvement of TST, SE, and subjective sleep scores. Additional PSG studies are
228 J.M. Monti et al.
7 Conclusions
been observed with selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonists and inverse agonists in
sleep laboratory studies in subjects with normal sleep and patients with an insomnia
disorder (Monti 2011b).
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Monti JM (2013) The neurotransmitters of sleep and wake, a physiological reviews series. Sleep
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Monti JM, Jantos H (2008) The roles of dopamine and serotonin, and of their receptors, in
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Moser D, Anderer P, Gruber G, Parapatics S, Loretz E, Boeck M et al (2009) Sleep classification
according to AASM and Rechtschaffen & Kales: effects on sleep scoring parameters. Sleep
Müller MJ, Rossbach W, Mann K, Roschke J, Müller-Siecheneder F, Blümler M et al (2004)
Subchronic effect of olanzapine on sleep EEG in schizophrenic patients with predominantly
negative symptoms. Pharmacopsychiatry 37:157–162
Muralidharan K, Ali M, Silveira LE, Bond DJ, Fountoulakis KN, Lam RW et al (2013) Efficacy of
second generation antipsychotics in treating acute mixed episodes in bipolar disorder: a
meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials. J Affect Disord 150:408–419
Poulin J, Stip E, Godbout R (2008) REM sleep EEG spectral analysis in patients with first-episode
schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res 42:1086–1093
Rechtschaffen A, Kales A (1968) A manual of standardized terminology, techniques and scoring
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Psychiatry 46:141–143
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predicted a good clinical response to olanzapine administration in schizophrenic patients. Rev
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Sateia MJ (2009) Identification and management of insomnia. Chest 135:1370–1379
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of delta waves during all-night sleep in schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 33:1307–1311
Shin JK, Malone DT, Crosby IT, Capuano B (2011) Schizophrenia: a systematic review of the
disease state, current therapeutics and their molecular mechanisms of action. Curr Med Chem
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Sleep in Narcolepsy and the Effects
of Modafinil
Michel Billiard
Keywords Narcolepsy type 1 Narcolepsy type 2 Hypocretin Modafinil
Stimulants Sodium oxybate Novel therapies
1 Introduction
M. Billiard (&)
Department of Neurology, Gui de Chauliac Hospital,
80, Avenue Augustin Fliche, 34295, cedex 5 Montpellier, France
2 Epidemiology
The estimated prevalence of narcolepsy type I is 25–50 per 100.000 and its esti-
mated incidence of 0.74 per 100.000 person years (Silber et al. 2002; Longstreth
et al. 2007). Narcolepsy type 1 may be more frequent in Japan (Honda 1979) and
less frequent in Israel (Lavie and Peled 1987), but the design of these studies was
somewhat questionable. The prevalence of narcolepsy type 2 is uncertain, one of
the reasons being that in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study, 5.9 % of males and
1.1 % of females, all without cataplexy, had a mean sleep latency of 8 min or less
and two or more sleep onset REM periods (SOREMPs) on the multiple sleep
latency test (MSLT) (Mignot et al. 2006). The age of onset varies from childhood to
the 50s, with the main peak around the age of 15 and a second peak around the age
of 36 (Dauvilliers et al. 2001). Most studies have found a slight male predominance.
The condition remains often undiagnosed during many years.
3 Clinical Features
EDS is present in all patients and is usually the first symptom to appear and often
the most disabling one. EDS may manifest itself in different ways. Narcoleptic
patients experience a more or less permanent sleepiness facilitated by monotonous
sedentary situations such as reading, attending a meeting, being passenger in a car,
watching TV. This feeling is released by short naps which typically restore normal
wakefulness for a period ranging from one to several hours, depending on the
severity of the condition. This fact is of considerable diagnostic value. Sleepiness
may also manifest itself as irresistible waves, best described as sleep attacks. These
sleep attacks occur in unexpected circumstances such as in the middle of a con-
versation or a meal, while walking or riding a bicycle, or even while swimming.
They tend to be of short duration, from 15 to 30 min. Finally, EDS may lead to the
patient continuing his or her activity in a semi-conscious manner, hence the patient
writing incomprehensible phrases or speaking incoherently with somebody, a
phenomenon referred to as “automatic behavior.” EDS is sometimes accompanied
by other symptoms such as ptosis, blurred vision or diplopia. It typically develops
over weeks to months but may also start more acutely within days. It is accom-
panied by pronounced difficulty to concentrate and sustain attention leading to
Sleep in Narcolepsy and the Effects of Modafinil 237
4 Diagnosis
5 Course
The general course of narcolepsy is hard to systematize. The pattern tends to be for
EDS and irresistible sleep attacks to occur first and to persist throughout life, even if
improvements are commonly observed after retirement, partly due to a better
schedule of sleep and activity. Cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep
paralysis may disappear spontaneously after a variable number of years, while
disturbed nocturnal sleep does not tend to vanish.
Sleep in Narcolepsy and the Effects of Modafinil 239
6 Differential Diagnosis
7 Pathophysiology
Narcolepsy type I is linked to the loss of hypocretin neurons. This was first
demonstrated in two animal models (Lin et al. 1999; Chemelli et al. 1999) one year
after, the discovery of a novel hypothalamic peptide neurotransmitter by two inde-
pendent research groups in 1998 (De Lecea et al. 1998; Sakurai et al. 1998). This
neurotransmitter, referred to as hypocretin (De Lecea et al. 1998) or orexin (Sakurai
et al. 1998), is produced by neurons located in the postero-lateral hypothalamus and
projecting to the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus and
brainstem. All of these structures are important for sleep regulation. Several studies
have shown that the hypocretin system is a major excitatory system that affects the
activity of monoaminergic and cholinergic systems with major effects on wakeful-
ness (Willie et al. 2001; Sakurai 2002). The hypocretin (orexin) system includes two
peptides, hypocretin 1 (orexin A) and hypocretin 2 (orexin B), cleaved from a
common precursor, preprohypocretin. The actions of hypocretins are mediated via
two G-protein-coupled receptors named hypocretin receptor1 (Hcrtr 1) and
hypocretin receptor 2 (Hcrtr 2) also known as orexin-1 (OX1R) and orexin-2 (OX2R)
receptors, respectively. Hcrtr1 is selective for hypocretin-1, whereas Hcrtr 2 is
nonselective for both hypocretin-1 and hypocretin-2.
One year after the discovery of hypocretin, researchers in Stanford identified an
autosomal recessive mutation of Hcrtr 2 (OX2R) in two canine models of nar-
colepsy, Labradors and Dobermans (Lin et al. 1999). At the same time in Dallas,
researchers showed that pre-prohypocretin gene knockout mice were remarkable for
a narcolepsy phenotype with periods of immobility suggestive of cataplexy and
sleep fragmentation (Chemelli et al. 1999).
However, screening of patients with narcolepsy type 1 failed to identify an
hypocretin-related gene mutation, except in the case of a large kindred with familial
narcolepsy reported in Spain, in which a nonsense mutation in the second exon of
myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) was identified (Hor et al. 2011). On
240 M. Billiard
the other hand, type 1 narcoleptic patients exhibit low or absent CSF hypocretin-1
levels (Nishino et al. 2001) and the analysis of post mortem brain tissue by in situ
hybridization of the perifornical region and radioimmunological peptide assays
revealed almost complete hypocretin peptide loss in the hypothalamus of these
patients (Thannickal et al. 2000; Peyron et al. 2000). Today, it is thought that
symptoms of narcolepsy start to appear when half of hypocretin neurons have
disappeared and that the severity of the condition could depend on the number of
cells lost. In favour of this statement is the documentation of a loss of 90 % of
hypocretin neurons in patients with narcolepsy type 1 versus only 33 % of patients
with narcolepsy type 2 (Thannickal et al. 2009). The absence of other proteins,
dynorphin and neural activity-regulated pentraxin (NARP) co-expressed in a
majority of hypocretin neurons in narcolepsy type-1, suggests a mechanism of
hypocretin cell death as the cause of hypocretine deficiency (Crocker et al. 2005).
A tight association with the specific human leucocyte antigen class II HLA-DR2 (Juji
et al. 1984), later sublocalized to DQB1*0602 (Mignot et al. 1997), has been
demonstrated. About 98 % of type 1 narcolepsy patients carry this haplotype, com-
pared with only 20–25 % of the general population. Patients homozygous for HLA
DQB1*0602 exhibit a much higher relative risk of acquiring narcolepsy when
compared to heterozygous patients (Tafti et al. 2014), while risk in DQB1*0602
heterozygotes is modulated by the other DQB1 alleles, increased in DQB1*0602/
DQB1*0301 heterozygotes, and decreased in DQB1*0602/DQB1*0601 and
DQB1*0602/DQB1*0501 heterozygotes (Mignot et al. 2001).
Other genetic predisposing factors have been identified, notably genes involved
in the activation of the immune response, even if these associations remain limited
in comparison with HLA-DQB1*0602. Genome-wide association (GNA) studies
performed in various populations including a large number of patients with nar-
colepsy type 1, have shown various associations: a single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) rs 1154155 located on the locus coding for the receptor alpha of T cells
(TCRa) situated on chromosome 14 (Hallmayer 2009), a SNP rs 34593439 located
on the locus “cathepsine” (CTSH) on chromosome 15 and a SNP rs 7553711
located in the locus Tumor necrosis factor super family number 4 (TNFSF4) on
chromosome 1 (Faraco et al. 2013). In addition a technique of sequencing of exons
has identified the role of the gene DNMTI (DNA [cytosine-5]—methyltransferase
1), an ADN methylase involved in the process of differentiation of lymphocytes T
CD4* into T regulatory cells, in a rare autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia
associated with deafness and narcolepsy (ADCA-DN) (Winkelmann et al. 2012).
1–2 % of first degree relatives are affected with narcolepsy type1 while a larger
portion of relatives may have isolated excessive daytime sleepiness (Mignot 1998).
Sleep in Narcolepsy and the Effects of Modafinil 241
8.1 Behavioral
A combination of going to bed at the same hour each night and rising at the same
time each morning is recommended. However, the most efficient measure is to take
242 M. Billiard
8.2 Pharmacological
See Table 3.
8.2.1 Modafinil
Modafinil is a wake promoting drug which has transformed the treatment of EDS
associated with narcolepsy. It was identified in 1976, as an active metabolite of
adrafinil, a compound developed as a cognitive enhancer for the elderly (Duteil
et al. 1979). Like many compounds, modafinil was found to be clinically useful
long before its pharmacological target was known. Modafinil was originally
thought to be an alpha-1 adrenergic agonist due to the ability of central alpha-1
antagonists such as prazosin and phenoxybenzamine to antagonize the modafinil-
induced increase motor activity in mice (Duteil et al. 1990) and wakefulness in cats
(Lin et al. 1992). However, preclinical studies have shown that it is not a direct or
indirect alpha-1 adrenergic agonist and experiments in narcoleptic canines have
shown that the compound does not modify canine cataplexy even at doses pro-
moting alertness (Shelton et al. 1995).
Among other potential targets for modafinil were the cell membrane monoamine
transporters. Indeed, at the time when modafinil’s wake promoting effect was dis-
covered, various agents that bind to and inhibit the activity of monoamine trans-
porters, such as cocaine and amphetamines, were known to promote wakefulness.
The first evidence that modafinil binds competitively to a monoamine transporter,
specifically the dopamine transporter (DAT) came in 1994. In vitro, modafinil
competitively displaced the binding of 3H-WIN 35,428, a known DAT ligand, but
Table 3 Medications available for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness of narcolepsy
Medication FDA approval EMA approval
Modafinil Yes Yes
Armodafinil Yes No
Dextroamphetamine sulfate Yes No
Methylphenidate Yes Yes (immediate release only)
Selegiline No No
Mazindol No No (yes in France)
Atomoxetine No No
Sodium oxybate Yes Yes
Abbreviations: FDA Food and Drug Administration (in the US). EMA European Medicine Agency
Sleep in Narcolepsy and the Effects of Modafinil 243
did not displace the serotonine transporter (SERT) and the norepinephrine transporter
(NET) ligand (Mignot et al. 1994). In comparison with other dopamine reuptake
inhibitors such as nomofensine, cocaine, buproprion, the activity of modafinil for the
uptake site was very weak, but the compound was exceptionally selective for the
dopamine transporter (Mignot et al. 1994). Consistent with these data, modafinil
administration increases extra cellular levels of dopamine in brain as measured by
in vivo microdialysis (De Saint-Hilaire et al. 2001), wake-promoting actions are
absent in DAT-knock-out mice (Wisor et al. 2001) and it has been demonstrated, in
positron emission tomography (PET) studies, that modafinil causes the displacement
of the dopamine receptor ligand raclopride and the DAT ligand cocaine in the human
brain (Wolkow et al. 2009). Thus, the awakening effect of modafinil is indeed due to
the dopamine reuptake inhibition.
Nevertheless, modafinil has a number of non dopaminergic effects which include
activation of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors (Duteil et al. 1990), regulation of cortical
serotonergic transmission (Ferraro et al. 2000), inhibition of striato-pallidal GABA
release (Ferraro et al. 1998), increase of glutamate (Ferraro et al. 1997) and histamine
release (Ishizuka et al. 2003). However, these non-dopaminergic effects of modafinil
in vivo may be secondary to elevated extracellular dopamine (Wisor 2013).
Modafinil is available as a racemic mixture of the S and R enantiomers.
Regarding pharmacokinetics, modafinil is absorbed rapidly with a time to peak
concentration of 2–4 h. Approximately 60 % of the drug is linked to plasma pro-
teins and the main metabolic pathway is its transformation into inactive metabolites
at the hepatic level. Those are subsequently eliminated by the kidneys. The elim-
ination half-life is 14–16 h. The steady state is reached after 2–4 days. A limitation
in the use of modafinil is the possibility of induction of some cytochrome P450
(CYP) hepatic enzymes, which may reduce plasma levels of oral contraceptives and
other drugs such as calcium antagonists, statins and cyclosporine.
Modafinil may also inhibit certain CYP hepatic enzymes, with subsequent
increase in the level of some drugs including warfarine, phenytoin, propranolol.
Modafinil was first used to treat narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia, with
unexpected good results, in 1983 (Bastujji and Jouvet 1988). Following further open
label studies, a first multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial was performed
in 50 patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy (Billiard et al. 1994). Modafinil was
administered in a double-blind cross-over design, at a dosage of 300 mg versus
placebo and results judged through questionnaires, sleep log, polysomnography and
maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT). An overall clinical benefit was noted by
physicians as well as a significant improvement of the MWT for patients on mod-
afinil in comparison with placebo (p < 0.05). The adverse effects, headaches, irri-
tability and insomnia mainly occurred at the onset of treatment and were relatively
limited. Modafinil was officially registered for narcolepsy in France, in June 1992,
and was put on the market, also in France, in September 1994.
In June 1993, Cephalon, Inc, licensed the rights to modafinil in the USA from its
French developer in Paris, Lafon Ltd. From that time on, Cephalon conducted
additional preclinical and phase 1 studies on pharmacokinetics and mechanism of
action, while large scale clinical trials were performed. The first one was a class II
244 M. Billiard
8.2.2 Armodafinil
In 2007, the R-enantiomer of racemic modafinil was approved by the FDA for the
treatment of EDS associated with narcolepsy. The modes of action of armodafinil
are comparable to those of modafinil. Peak concentration is obtained after 2–4 h.
Armodafinil has an elimination half-life of 10–14 h, whereas the S-enantiomer has
an elimination half-life of 3–4 h. It is approximately twice more potent than
racemic modafinil per mg, once steady state is achieved. Doses of 150 and 250 mg
of armodafinil and placebo were tested in 196 patients with narcolepsy (Harsh et al.
Sleep in Narcolepsy and the Effects of Modafinil 245
2006). The MWT was the main endpoint. Significant improvements were seen at all
time points for the 150 mg dose, while statistical significance was not reached at 8
and 12 weeks for the 250 mg dose. In contrast to modafinil, armodafinil is taken
once a day. Headache is a common adverse effect, but is usually avoidable by
increasing the dose slowly.
8.2.3 Amphetamines
At low doses amphetamines increase dopamine release and, to a lesser extent, that
of noradrenaline and serotonin. At higher doses they provoke the inhibition of
reuptake and monoaminergic depletion. These effects are mediated by specific
catecholamine transporters, mainly the DAT. The primary action responsible for the
psychomotor stimulant effects appears to be the increased dopamine release
(Nishino and Mignot 1997).
Amphetamines were first used to treat narcolepsy in 1935 (Prinzmetal and
Bloomberg 1935). Both the L- and D-isomers have been used, either in isolation or
as a racemic mixture. The D-isomer is slightly more potent and is more generally
used, at a dose of 5–60 mg a day. The elimination half-life is 16–30 h depending on
the isomer. Adverse effects include increased heart rate and blood pressure, pal-
pitations and sweating (Mitler 1994). Increased anxiety may occur in predisposed
patients. Mood may be temporarily enhanced. Higher than recommended doses
(60 mg/day) may precipitate psychosis (Auger et al. 2005). Tolerance to
amphetamines may develop in one-third of patients (Guilleminault 1993).
Amphetamines can be addictive, although there is little or no evidence of abuse and
addiction in narcoleptic patients (Parkes and Dahlitz 1993).
8.2.4 Methylphenidate
Methylphenidate is primarily a DAT reuptake inhibitor, but it has also been shown
to increase dopamine release (Leonard et al. 2004). Methylphenidate is not fully
specific for dopamine transmission, also affecting more mildly other monoamines.
Methylphenidate is transformed into an inactive metabolite at the hepatic level,
which in turn is eliminated by the kidneys. Onset of action after oral administration
is 20 min, duration of action approximately 3 h and elimination half-life 6 h.
Methylphenidate was introduced for the treatment of narcolepsy in 1953 (Yoss
and Daly 1959). The usual daily dose is 10–60 mg a day. A study assessing
objectively the efficacy of methylphenidate, pemoline and protriptyline in nar-
coleptic patients showed that methylphenidate significantly improved the ability to
stay awake in comparison with the two other drugs (Mitler et al. 1986). Adverse
effects are the same as with amphetamines, but less frequent and less intense.
246 M. Billiard
8.2.5 Selegiline
8.2.6 Mazindol
8.2.7 Atomoxetine
9 Recommendations
JZP-110 was generally well tolerated. The most common adverse effects were
nausea, non cardiac chest discomfort and headache.
Based on the increased evidence that narcolepsy is of autoimmune origin,
individual patients have been given intravenous immunoglobulins close to disease
onset (Dauvilliers 2006; Knudsen et al. 2010). Beneficial effects have been claimed.
However these studies included a limited number of patients and were not blinded.
Finally, hypocretine receptor agonists are very attractive from a theoretical point
of view. Unfortunately, the hypocretin peptide does not cross the blood brain
barrier. However, some limited success have been obtained with hypocretin ago-
nists administered via the intranasal route (Baier et al. 2011).
11 Conclusion
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Long-Term Management Problems
in Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)/
Willis-Ekbom Disease (WED)
Sudhansu Chokroverty
Keywords Augmentation Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) Impulse Control
Disorder (ICD) Tolerance Dependence Drug diversion Rebound Sleep
attacks Opioid use disorder (OUD) Ventral tegmental area (VTA)
1 Introduction
There are four major problems for any discussion about long-term consequences of
drug treatment of RLS/WED: 1. Inadequate knowledge about the natural history of
untreated RLS and the incidence of the disease. Is it a chronic progressive disease or
does it ever remits completely? 2. Incomplete knowledge about long-term conse-
quences of the disease itself. 3. Long-term vexing consequences could be both
disease-related and medication-related; and 4. Incomplete knowledge about individual
variation and demographic characteristics (some of these could be genetically deter-
mined). Despite these problems it is not only relevant but is also necessary to have a
basic fundamental knowledge about long-term consequences of RLS and long-term
management issues to address these adequately and use alternative treatments for
S. Chokroverty (&)
NJ Neuroscience Institute at JFK, Edison, NJ, USA
S. Chokroverty
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
4 Long-Term Consequences
The long-term management of RLS/WED poses a serious challenge for the clini-
cian because of the emergence of long-term undesirable side effects (Box 3 and
Box 4), which compromise the efficacy of treatment and force some patients to
discontinue medication (Chokroverty 2011). Long-term consequences of manage-
ment can be broadly divided into two categories:
1. Disease-related and 2. Medication related (see Boxes 3 and 4), issues
A. Disease-related issues
augmentation in a 2008 report (Baldwin and Keating 2008), the authors suggested
that further evaluations are needed.
ii. Definition of Augmentation
The current definition of augmentation includes the National Institute of Health
(NIH) 2002 workshop (Allen et al. 2003) criteria which were later refined in a
WASM (World Association of Sleep Medicine)—IRLSSG—MPI (Max Planck
Institute) Consensus Conference in 2006 and published a year later
(Garcia-Borreguero et al. 2007) (Box 5). An augmentation severity rating scale
(ASRS) specifically designed to measure the severity of augmentation for clinical
trials has been subsequently developed and validated (Garcia-Borreguero et al.
2007). Briefly, augmentation is suspected when symptoms occur 2–4 h earlier than
when the medication was initially started, symptoms are more intense than before,
increasing drug dose is needed prior to developing earlier and more intense
symptoms, and RLS symptoms spread to other body parts (e.g., arms). Other
features of augmentation include shorter latency of onset of symptoms during
quiescence, decreased duration of efficacy of medication, and a paradoxical
response to drug (i.e., increasing the dose will enhance the symptoms while
decreasing the dose will decrease the intensity of symptoms which may take a few
days to few weeks because of drug withdrawal syndrome).
iii. Factors Predisposing to Augmentation
There are several factors predisposing to development of augmentation as listed
below (Box 6): Dose, duration and severity of symptoms, (Hogl et al. 2011; Allen
et al. 2014; Garcia-Borreguero et al. 2016) half-life of medication, iron deficiency,
(Frauscher et al. 2009; Trenkwalder et al. 2008) a positive family history of RLS
(Ondo et al. 2004; Sonka and Kemlink 2004), and individual patient characteristics
(to explain absence of augmentation in most of the RLS patients on dopamine
iv. Conditions Mimicking Augmentation
a. Disease progression or “break through” symptoms
Augmentation symptoms may fluctuate in course of time resembling acute
exacerbation, “break through” symptoms or natural progression of the disease
(Garcia-Borreguero et al. 2016) (see above in section A-3). RLS is considered to be
a chronic disease which shows rapid progression if the age of onset is after 45 years
but slow progression in earlier onset patients who are more likely to have a positive
family history (Allen and Earley 2000). In patients with disease progression any
reduction of medication dose will make the symptoms worse and not better in
contrast to symptoms of augmentation which will decrease with dose reduction but
will increase with increasing dose (See above). In addition, disease progression is
usually slow except for acute exacerbations or “break through” symptoms as dis-
cussed previously. On the other hand, augmentation could be dramatic with sudden
worsening of symptoms.
264 S. Chokroverty
b. Akathisia
The most severe form of augmentation may resemble akathisia, a condition
usually seen after ingestion of neuroleptics and hence it is known as
neuroleptic-induced akathisia (NIA) (American College of 1973). However, it
is interesting to note that the term akathisia was introduced by Czech physician,
Haskell in 1911 (Haskovec 1901) when neuroleptic medications were not
known to exist. NIA is characterized by an inner sense of generalized rest-
lessness with forced walking (“tasikinesia”) and other motor manifestations.
Patients cannot stand or sit still and are in constant motion. These movements
are present throughout the day and night, and may become worse in the evening
without any circadian pattern. Severe augmentation has all these features
including loss of circadian pattern, and lack of any relief from movements.
Patients with akathisia, however, have a history of exposure to neuroleptics,
may have mild extrapyramidal findings on examination, less PLMS and sleep
disruption than in augmentation. Finally, the inner restlessness of akathisia is
different from limb restlessness of augmentation.
c. Rebound
This refers to the end of-the-dose effect of dopaminergic drugs with short
half-lives (e.g., levodopa). Symptoms reappear in the early hours of the
morning (e.g., 3–4 a.m.) when blood levels fall. In contrast, augmentation
occurs in the afternoon or early evening, but not in the early morning.
Symptoms do not become more intense in rebound and after an initial period of
exacerbation patients remain symptom-free later in the morning. In augmen-
tation symptoms persist and may expand to other body parts; these do not occur
in rebound.
d. Tolerance
Many patients after responding satisfactorily initially require increasing doses
of dopaminergic medication for relief of symptoms due to wearing off of the
drug as a result of down regulation of dopamine receptors. This is known as
tolerance. It has been suggested that augmentation may go through a stage of
tolerance (Winkelman and Johnston 2004) which should serve as a warning
sign of augmentation (Allen 2013). In contrast to augmentation tolerance does
not cause increasing intensity of symptoms nor does it cause extension of
symptoms to other body parts.
Trenkwalder 2006), which may desensitize the receptors (receptor down regu-
lation). One theoretical possibility (not on valid scientific evidence) is excessive
orexinergic (hypocretinergic) stimulation via widespread anatomical projections
to the entire CNS including brain stem and spinal motor neurons causing a
hypermotor syndrome (resembling augmentation). In fact, there is one report of
increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hypocretin-1 levels in evening CSF samples
(Allen et al. 2002) obtained from RLS patients, but these findings have been
contradicted by a later report (Stiasny-Kolster et al. 2003). Another speculative
hypothesis not based on scientific data is dopamine receptor supersensitivity
(which completely contradicts receptor subsensitivity theory) based on the old
tardive dyskinesia theory of Klawans. Another possibility is an imbalance
between dopamine (excess) and acetylcholine (relative deficiency) in the basal
ganglia. Some suggested neural pathways possibly involved in explaining the
occurrence of augmentation (Box 8) include ventral tegmental area with its
connection to nucleus accumbens, diencephalo-spinal pathway, and both pre-
and post-synaptic dopamine receptor pathways.
• Reduce the dose or gradually taper off DA (e.g., reduce pramipexole by 0.25 mg
every 3–4 days; reduce ropinirole by 0.5 mg every 3–4 days).
• RLS symptoms will be severe initially but improvement will begin to occur in
5–6 days and significantly after about 10 days. During the withdrawal period of
DA, however, some patients may suffer from extremely severe RLS symptoms
with severe sleep disturbance.
• Continue non-drug therapy (see Box 9) during the withdrawal period.
Step 9. An alternative option is to follow this step (personal preference).
• Substitute DA drug partly with a different class of medication (e.g., gabapentin,
pregabalin or gabapentin enacarbil) along with gradual tapering of DA (for some
period patients will be on both medications.
Step 10. In some cases, substituting with a sustained release DA (e.g., rotigotia
patch) with or without an additional drug from a different class (e.g., alpha-2-delta
ligands) may help.
Step 11. If these measures fail to relieve the symptoms, use opioids (generally
medium to high potency agents [e.g., oxycodone, hydrocodone, methadone; see
Box 2] are needed but may try low potency drugs [e.g., codeine, propoxyphene,
tramadol] initially).
Step 12. Polypharmacy (two, three or even four drugs [e.g., opioids, DA,
alpha-2-delta ligands, oral iron] in divided doses) may be needed for relief of symp-
toms. With polypharmacy it may be possible to minimize doses and side effects.
Step13. Must watch for opioid side effects (e.g., severe constipation, sleep
apnea, tolerance, dependence, addiction, overdose, drug diversion, and
opioid-induced hyperalgesia [see further on]).
Step 14. Intravenous iron (if iron stores are low).
Step 15. If the above measures fail:
• Buprenorphine (sublingual) or
• Fentanyl patch
Step 16. If all measures fail:
• Intrathecal or Epidural morphine (Vahidi et al. 1994; Hornyak and Kaube 2012;
Lidvall et al. 2013; Jakobsson and Ruuth 2002),
• Deep brain stimulation (DBS) [see further on].
There are no guidelines or recommendations for these measures which remain
currently inconclusive.
Step 17. Finally, the role of “Drug Rotation” or “Drug Holidays” to prevent
“refractoriness” and “augmentation” remains unknown.
A note of caution is warranted for “Drug Holidays” or abrupt withdrawal of DA
medication because this may lead to neurologic malignant syndrome-like reaction,
although such an outcome has not been reported so far in RLS.
Long-Term Management Problems in Restless Legs … 267
that is harmful to the person or to others” (Evans et al. 2009). These have originally
been reported in certain percentage of PD patients on dopaminergic medications
(Evans et al. 2009). These behaviors were thought to be rare in RLS patients on
long-term DA treatment but several recent reports suggested their occurrence in
large number of RLS patients (7–17 %) (Earley and Silber 2010; Quckfall and
Suchowersky 2007; Tippmann-Peikert et al. 2007; Driver-Dunckley et al. 2007;
Provini et al. 2008; Cornelius et al. 2010; Ondo and Lai 2008; Pourcher et al. 2010;
Mestre et al. 2013; Dang et al. 2011; Voon et al. 2011; Bayard et al. 2013; Moore
et al. 2014; Abler et al. 2009). It has been suggested that these
impulsive-compulsive behaviors result from complex disinhibitory psychomotor
dysfunction related to an aberrant or excessive dopamine receptor stimulation
resulting in repetitive and reward-seeking behavior (Evans et al. 2009). The reward
and pleasure seeking brain circuits in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway (Fig. 1)
involving ventral tegmental area (VTA) with its connecting nucleus accumbens
(NA) (along with inputs from ventral striatum and connections to
orbitofrontal/ventromedial prefrontal cortex) are regulated by dopamine with
specific stimulation by dopamine D3 receptors (and concomitant down regulation
of (Evans et al. 2009) D2 receptors) (Mestre et al. 2013), Dopaminergic medica-
tions by inducing dopamine surges in the limbic system are believe to participate in
drug reward and natural motivational phenomena, such as food and sex (Evans
et al. 2009; Baler and Volko 2006). Some RLS patients on DA therapy may be
subjected to an excessive dopamine receptor stimulation of the limbic VTA-NA
regions causing a variety of ICDs (Box 10): compulsive gambling, shopping
nocturnal or binge eating, smoking, punding, compulsive medication use, and
hypersexuality (Earley and Silber 2010; Quckfall and Suchowersky 2007;
Tippmann-Peikert et al. 2007; Driver-Dunckley et al. 2007; Provini et al. 2008;
Cornelius et al. 2010; Ondo and Lai 2008; Pourcher et al. 2010; Mestre et al. 2013;
Dang et al. 2011; Voon et al. 2011; Bayard et al. 2013; Moore et al. 2014).
prescribing opioids for chronic pain—United States 2016). Physicians should first
carefully consider whether the benefits outweigh the dangers, and discuss with the
patients the pros and cons before prescribing opioids for long-term use. Next the
most important principle is to “Start low and go slow” (Frieden and Houry 2016).
Third, the prescriber should evaluate medication history including history of drug
abuse because such history should signal not to use opioids if at all possible. Also
physicians should monitor patients closely including urinary drug screening before
and periodically during treatment, and watch for adverse effects which are described
ii. Tolerance
(See also under “Long-term consequences of DA Treatment”). In a large per-
centage of patients the efficacy of medicine wears off requiring increasing dose
because of down regulation of opiate mu receptors (Frieden and Houry 2016; CDC
guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain—United States 2016). This may
depend on individual demographic characteristics and other factors not definitely
known at present.
iii. Dependence
This could be both physical and psychological, and is not an uncommon com-
plication of long-term opiate use. The prevalence of opioid dependence has been
reported to be as high as 26 % among primary care patients on opioid for
non-cancer-related pain (Frieden and Houry 2016; CDC guideline for prescribing
opioids for chronic pain—United States 2016). This generally disappears in course
of days to weeks after discontinuation of medication.
iv. Addiction
Addiction to opioids is a serious clinical and social problem. As a result of
widespread use of opioids there is an epidemic of opioid addiction and deaths from
overdose (Volkow and McLellan 2016). Addiction is noted in 2–6 % of patients on
long-term opioids. In contrast to dependence addiction is less common but more
difficult to treat. The craving for medication persists much longer than dependence
(e.g., weeks to months vs. days to weeks) after discontinuation of medicine. These
two adverse effects, dependence and addiction utilize different mechanisms for their
occurrence. The molecular mechanism of addiction evolves slowly and lasts longer
involving multiple brain regions. There is a tendency to overuse leading to overdose
and deaths in many patients.
v. Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
This is highly prevalent among long-term opioid user and is a serious psychiatric
illness resulting in antisocial behavior, socioeconomic hardship, physical and
sexual abuse, depression, and even deaths in may patients (American Psychiatric
Association 2013). The American Psychiatric Association listed diagnostic criteria
for OUD (American Psychiatric Association 2013). At least two of the 11 criteria
Long-Term Management Problems in Restless Legs … 271
within a 12-month period must be satisfied for diagnosing OUD. Some examples of
these criteria include the following: craving for opioids, recurrent use despite
problems at work or home and with social or interpersonal relationships, use of
medication under physically hazardous conditions, tolerance, characteristic opioids
withdrawal syndrome, etc. To relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms patient takes
the same opioid or substance closely related to this. The evaluation of patients with
OUD should follow the suggestions outlined in the beginning of this section (II.i)
under general comments. A detailed discussion about treatment of opioid-related
dependence, addiction, and OUD is beyond the scope of this chapter; however,
treatment of patients with buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist), methadone (a
full opioid agonist), or naltrexone (an opioid antagonist) has been shown to improve
outcomes (Frieden and Houry 2016).
vi. Drug Diversion
This simply means transfer of a legitimately prescribed substance from an
individual for whom it was prescribed to someone else for illicit use. Drug diversion
is on the rise among drug abusers, particularly among long-term opioid users
suffering from dependence, addiction, and OUD. Drug diversion is a growing risk
to safety of the patients, their friends, and families to whom the drug is illegally
diverted. Stealing the drug, doctor shopping, claiming not to have received pre-
scription in the mail are some of the measures used in getting the medication,
hoarding them, and later transferring to family members or friends. Drug diversion
also is a problem within health care facilities. There are rules, regulations and
preventive measures available to tackle this growing problem (CDC guideline for
prescribing opioids for chronic pain—United States 2016; Berger et al. 2012).
vii. Sleep Apnea
The true prevalence of sleep apnea in RLS is not known. Limited clinical and
polysomnographic studies raised the question of increasing prevalence of
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in RLS (Bianchi et al. 2016; Chokroverty and
Sachdo 1984; Schonbrunn et al. 1990). One study (Delgado et al. 2006) showed
that following treatment of OSA by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
titration patients with comorbid RLS and OSA showed improvement in both RLS
symptoms and OSA related symptoms. These findings remain controversial until
confirmed in a large number of patients in future studies Physicians treating RLS
patients with opioids or clonazepam should monitor these patients closely and pay
particular attention to possible adverse effects of opioids and clonazepam on
breathing. Opioids have a direct depressing effect on brain-stem respiratory neurons
and can cause central apnea including ataxic breathing (Fig. 2) or Cheyne-Stokes
breathing (Fig. 3). Patients on long-term opioids should be monitored periodically
by clinical evaluation and polysomnographic study to diagnose sleep apnea
(Walters et al. 2001). It is best not to use opioids and clonazepam both together in
the same patient to minimize their side effects.
Fig. 2 A 180-s excerpt taken from bilevel titration study in a 39 year-old man on large doses of opioids (oxycodone, morphine sulfate and
hydromorphone) for chronic severe low back pain and BiPAP for sleep apnea (mixed obstructive and central) is shown. This epoch shows episodes of
ataxic breathing (periodicbreathing with irregular pauses of respiratory effort and flow channels). Top eight channels: Electroencephalogram
(EEG) [International electrode placement; referential montage with connection to contralateral mastoid]; M2 Right mastoid; M1 Left mastoid; E1-M1
Left eye referenced to left mastoid; E2-M1 Right eye referenced to Left mastoid; Chin 1–Chin 3 Electromyogram (EMG) of the mentalis muscle; EKG
S. Chokroverty
Electrocardiogram; HR Heart rate; LTIB and RTIB Left and right tibialis anterior EMG; LGAST and R GAST Left and right gastrocnemius EMG;
CFlow BiPAP flow channel; ABD and Chest Respiratory effort channels from abdomen and chest; SaO2 Arterial oxygen saturation by finger oximetry
Long-Term Management Problems in Restless Legs … 273
Fig. 3 A 300-s excerpt showing crescendo-decrescendo pattern of classic Cheyne-Stokes (CSB) breathing from an overnight polysomnographic study during
stage N2 of a 72-year-old man with a history of heart failure. The CSB was present during most of the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep with marked
decrease or absence during REM sleep. Note longer duration of hyperventilatory than apneic phase and prolonged circulation time (measured form the
termination of apnea to the lowest oxygen saturation noted in the middle of next apneic phase. Top four channels: EEG (international nomenclature with
electrods referenced to contralateral ears [A2 right ear; A1 left ear]); LOC and ROC left and right oculograms; Chin mentalis EMG; EKG Electrocardiogram;
S. Chokroverty
LT and RT TIB left and right tibialis anterior EMG; ORONAS Airflow (thermistor); THORAX and ABDM Respiratory effort channels; SaO2 Arterial oxygen
saturation by finger oximetry
Long-Term Management Problems in Restless Legs … 275
5 Conclusion
• Depamine Agonists
– Pramipexole (approved)
– Ropinirole (approved)
– Rotigotine Patch (approved)
• Opioids
– Oxycodone
– Hydrocodone
– Hydromorphone
– Methadone
– Buprenorphine
– Oxycodone/naloxone (approved in Europe)
– Codeine
– Propoxyphene
Long-Term Management Problems in Restless Legs … 277
• Benzodiazepines
– Clonazepam
– Lorazepam
• Iron Therapy
– Oral iron with ascorbic acid (for those with low serum iron or ferritin level
below 50–70 ng/ml)
– Intravenous iron (those not responding to oral iron and showing iron
BOX 3. Disease-Related Issues
1. Impact of RLS on sleep and its consequences
2. Burden and course of the disease-impaired health and quality of life
3. Acute exacerbartion and “break through” RLS Symptoms
4. Depression and Anxiety (“AnxietasTibiarum”)
5. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular consequences
6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and RLS
BOX 4. Medication-Related Issues
A. Long-term consequences related to dopaminergic medication
• Augmentation, an iatrogenic side effect
• Rebound
• Tolerance
• Sleepiness and “sleep attacks”
• Impulse Control Disorders (ICDs)
• Fibrotic Complications
• Peripheral edema and weight gain
• Site reaction
B. Long-term consequences related to opioid ingestion
• Tolerance
• Dependence (Physical and Psychological)
• Addiction
• Opioid use Disorder (OUD)
• Drug Diversion
• Opiod-Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH)
• Sleep Apnea
BOX 5. Diagnostic Criteria for Augmentation
A. Prior response to dopaminergic medication
B. An increase of symptom severity 5/7 days for which no other cause is apparent
278 S. Chokroverty
Augmentation ¼ A þ B þ C;
¼ A þ B þ D;
¼ AþBþCþD
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