Rediscovering India For Indians
Rediscovering India For Indians
Rediscovering India For Indians
Volume - 1
When I don’t learn this , how will the next Gen Learn? If the
Real history of Bharath are taught at schools, kids will be
inspired and a lot more of inventions and discoveries will
happen from Indian Kids.
Please spend time in going through the details. Research
and Discuss on these details with your kids and Family.
I have Presented mixed details, without any pattern, to
avoid any boredom during the reading. And that is also the
reason to keep it at 50 Facts per volume.
P. R. Chithambaran
Re-Discovering India
All these details are compiled, based on the details available in the Internet and various
textbooks from various times. However, I have taken enough time to ascertain the
information's provided. Still this compilation assumes no responsibility or liability for
any errors or omissions in the content of this book.
Self Published by Chithambaran.P.R
Translation : The soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be
burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.
It just leaves old body and finds new body.
Removing Footwear outside: (Vibrations) In olden days, temples were built in such a
way that the floor at the centre of the temple were good conductors of these positive
vibrations allowing them to pass through our feet to the body.
Ringing Bell: (Hearing Sense) These bells are made in such a way that when they
produce a sound it creates a unity in the Left and Right parts of our brains. The duration of
echo of the bell is good enough to activate all the seven healing centres in our body. This
results in emptying our brain from all negative thoughts.
Lighting camphor: (Sight Sense) Usually main Gabhara is dark and This light seen
inside the dark activates your sight sense.
Offering Flowers : (Smell Sense) The fragrance of the flower, camphor and instance
sticks all together have the strong essence to keep your smell sense active and pleasant
giving calmness to the mind.
Tilak / Kumkum : On the forehead, between the two eyebrows, is a spot that is
considered as a major nerve point in human body since ancient times. While applying
Kumkum the points on the mid-brow region and Adnya-chakra are automatically pressed.
This also facilitates the blood supply to the face muscles.
Coconut & Banana: Coconut and Banana are the only two fruits in this world which are
considered to be “Sacred fruits”. All other fruits are tainted fruits (partially eaten fruits).
For example, the apple tree grows from the seed of another eaten fruit and that fruit is
treated as tainted.
Temple is just a guiding place for people on a path. Lets understand
our Science. Start Visiting Temples often
Re-Discovering India
The Ancient Indian Philosophies
1. Samkhya: 1 BC
It postulates that everything in reality stems from Purusha (Self or Soul or
mind) and Prakriti ( Matter, energy, creative agency)
2. Yoga: 2BC
Yoga sutras, accepts the Samkhya Philosophy and meta physics, but is, more
theistic with the addition of a divine entity to Samkhya’s 25 elements of
reality, The relatively brief yoga sutras are divided in to 8 ashtangas( Limbs)
3. Nyaya 2 BC
Nyaya believe that obtaining valid knowledge ( the four sources of which are
perception, interference, Comparison & testimony) is the only way to gain
release from suffering.
4. Vaisheshika: 6 BC
The basis of the schools philosophy is that all objects in the physical universe
are reducible to finite number of atoms and Brahman is regarded as the
fundamental force that cause consciousness in these atoms.
5. Purva Mimamsa:
The school began to teach the doctrines of Brahman and Freedom, allowing
for the release or escape of the soul from its constraints through enlightened
6. Vedanta:
This school concentrates on the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads.
The Vedanta focus on Meditation, Self Discipline and Spiritual Connectivity.
Indians had never read about these philosophies in their text books.
These are the Philosophies, which the world learnt from us.
1. Yamas
Yamas are ethical rules and can be thought of as moral imperatives.
2. Niyama
This includes virtuous habits, behaviours and observances (the "dos")
3. Āsana
A posture that one can hold for a period of time, staying relaxed, steady,
comfortable and motionless.
4. Prānāyāma
The practice of consciously regulating breath (inhalation and exhalation).
5. Pratyāhāra
A process of retracting the sensory experience from external objects
6. Dhāraṇā
Holding one's mind onto a particular inner state, subject or topic
7. Dhyāna
If the concentration was on one object, Dhyana is non-judgmental,
non-presumptuous observation of that object
8. Samādhi
Putting together, joining, combining with, union, harmonious whole, trance.
Samadhi is oneness with the subject of meditation.
1. Helps digestion
When you sit on the floor and eat, you sit in sukhasana or the cross-
legged position. This one is a yogic position which is known to induce
better digestion.
3. Improved flexibility
It stretches your knees, hips, spine, chest, and ankles, thereby making
them more flexible.
6. Improved circulation
Sitting on the floor improves blood circulation in Stomach .Sitting on a
chair and eating makes blood circulation going in the opposite direction.
And Ancient Indians where Intelligent to Know this. But Modern Indians
Never studied this anywhere??? Who will teach this to Future Indians??
Re-Discovering India
Ancient Indians – Leaf Plates
1. Banana Leaves
Packed with plant-based compounds called
polyphenols, which are the natural antioxidants.
,warm food served on the plantains stimulates the
polyphenols which gets absorbed in the food. Also,
antibacterial properties and contain Vitamin A,
Citric acid, Calcium and Carotene.
This leaf has is the phytonutrient. Consuming a
diet rich in phytonutrients seems to be an
“effective strategy” for lowering risks for
cancer and heart disease, says the research
from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
The leaves also help in detoxification, controlling diabetes and even
improving your immune system, when food served on this.
Rich in natural fibre, and astringent
property, they are very good for the skin.
Also Have natural form of glucose which
gets absorbed in food.
The alkaloids present in the leaves gets
absorbed and are a natural cure for
diarrhoea, while also helping improve
heart function and blood circulation
These leaf plates are good for Recycling as well…But Where do our
Children learn about this…No one taught us and we don’t teach
Re-Discovering India
Ayurveda – What is it ???
5 BC
427 TO 1197 CE
600 AD TO
1200 AD
1077 TO
1120 AD
800 AD TO 1200 AD
800 AD TO 1200 AD 2 BC
The Photos are the remains..
How many of us had read about them in our History books?
Re-Discovering India
Great Queen Warriors of India
Rani Lakshmibai
1828 – 1858
Varanasi, Jhansi
Rani Padmini
13th -14th Centuary
Rani Ahilyabhai
1725 – 1795
Rani Chennamma
1778 – 1829
Rani Avanti Bhai
1831 to 1858
Madya Pradesh
Though Vaastu as art and science has its concrete origin on the Indian
subcontinent, the applied principles are universal. One can find the
application of them in all cultures of the world
Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of
nature and balances them with the man and the material.
But Westernized Curriculum ignores a great Science and calls it as
Myth… When can our Children learn about this in Schools???
Re-Discovering India
Guru Poornima – What is the Fact??
1. Guru Purnima occurs on the 1st full moon
in the lunisolar month of Ashadha.
This falls after the summer solstice, when sun
has already started southwards journey.
And earth is in its receptive phase. This is
Ideal time for receiving knowledge or wisdom
4. In the solar system, objects like probes, satellites sent to outer planets
(Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) so far, have used gravity assist of
Jupiter. Without which it may not been possible for those objects to
transcend the gravity of sun starting from earth!!Jupiter is also famous
for protecting earth from the impact of long term comets. Thus a Guru or
a Teacher helps us to go Beyond our Basic abilities and Protect us, with
their teachings.
Eating Home
Kaalinga Mardhan made Cheese
“Save Rivers “Eat Home made
Do not Pollute” Nutritious foods.
No Junk Foods”
Plastic surgery isn’t the modern luxury and its roots date back
more than 1 BCE in India. But Which Student learns about this
and in Which text book???
The wife of the teacher, elder women in the community, the wife of the local
political leader, the cow, the nurse, and the earth provide the same affection,
instruction, and variegated care that originally came from the mother of
India, is the only land, with so many Diversities, still united , because of
the Various teachings and Philosophies of “Sadhus” we had ,even before
1500 BCE till Now. Which Text book, explains this Concept to the Next
Generation in the Right Way?
Slowly , Over the time, we see, Chinese Feng shui is Present at every home
Its time to Rediscover our own Vastu Sastra, and Replace Feng Shui..
There are many such things in our Vastu than the Feng Shui..
Re-Discovering India
United India..
As different countries today, with the same underlying culture, the Separation
was an effect of British ruled India..
With all of them, together, How strong , could have been India and the idea of
United Bharath or “Akhand Bharat”
How many history books, even, taught us or our Kids, about this Idea..
What was the force behind hiding these realities to the younger
Then What is the Concept of India and is it Right to get Aligned with it , even
Now… About 1500 BCE, in Rig Veda, also in Maha Upanishad, a Verse
ayaṃ nijaḥ paro veti gaṇanā laghucetasām।
udāracaritānāṃ tu vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam॥
Approx , between 1st BCE and 5th BCE, a Tamil Literature, “Purananuru”
“Yaadhum Oore, Yaavarum Kelir”
“Every Place is my Place and Every Person is My Relative”
So, its never Wrong to Align to the Concept of Ancient India, which teaches
Universal Brother Hood. Its Right to Be RIGHT
Indian Independence ,
started, in the Mid 1800 or
Even before that..
But Just few years or even less , before the official Independence, of
India, from where did the idea of Partition came in???...
Until then, the whole of today’s India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, was Only
India and we fought the British for Independence together..
Just before the Golden Moment, India was torn in to Pieces, and
the Brothers were divided..
Who was responsible for this..
Who was Behind this…
Why No great men we had, did not stop this Partition…
And is this the reason, till today, we are facing aggression internally
and externally???
What is Not taught in our Books, are the Major reasons, that had Divided
a great Culture... United we stand, Divided we fall… How many of us
Know the real reason???
•वेगः संयोगववशेषववरोेी |
Translation : Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
The Categories or Padārtha
Now lets get to Dasavathar; Fish in the water, then the Turtle an
Amphibian, then the Boar in the land, the Narasimha, half human
and the Vamana, Short ape like man , Parasuraman, the Early
man with weapons and Ram, Krishna, Balram or Buddha and
Kalki…the evaluation of intellectual Human beings
How many of these details, we have learnt as kids? And how much
will our Kids Learn from their books??
Re-Discovering India
Who invented Flights?
Just recollect, how much had we known about Netaji, from the
text books from our Schools. A great history was hidden to Indian
kids. If this would have been detailed, How great each kid, who
studied it, would become.
Re-Discovering India
1500 BC to 1500 AD – Where is that Indian History??