Q2, WEEK-6-SF10FE-IIEe-f-49 - IIg-50

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TIME AND DATE Week 6-Day 1 QUARTER Quarter 2

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The learners should be able to explain the effects of EM
radiation on living things and the environment.

49.9 Explain the effects of ultraviolet rays on living things and

SPECIFIC environment.
49.10 Suggest ways on how to lessen the effects ultraviolet


Topic/title Effects of Ultraviolet Rays on Living Things and the
Unit/module: Unit II – Module 2
Time allotment: 1 hour
1. Curriculum Guide p. 183
2.Learner’s Materials p. 161-163
3. Teachers’ Guide p.127-128
4.Additional materials
from the LR portal
B. Other Learning
Let the student play the “2-PICS-1-WORD” using the following



Let the students describe the picture in relation to the effect of
ultraviolet radiation.


Photo credit: Janine Bañaria April, 2019

Divide the class into five groups to perform Activity 6. “Screen

the UV Out” in LM page 161.

Guide Questions:
How does the newsprint vary in the three divisions of the
The newsprint in the fully exposed part of the newspaper
faded more dramatically than the other parts.

What does this indicate?

It indicates that sunlight, specifically UV rays affect the

EXPLORE pigments of different objects.

How does this realization affect your personality?

Example answer:

I realized that we need to protect our skin from UV rays by

using protective clothes or lotion that can block sunlight.

Perform the same activity
during a cloudy day or inside
the house. Observe and
compare the degree of effect to
that during a bright sunny day.


Presentation of group output.

 Ultra-violet light (UV) is electromagnetic radiation invisible

to human eyes. The sun is the natural source of UV
radiation. The ozone layer absorbs the harmful ultraviolet
radiation and protects the earth’s surface from exposure.
According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the
ozone layer is depleting due to the presence of certain
chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which
means that higher levels of UV radiation will reach the
Earth's surface. Other sources include halogen lights,
fluorescent and incandescent sources, and some kinds of
lasers. Overexposure to UV radiation may cause skin
cancer, damage of the eye and the suppression of
immune system.

 UV is an environmental human carcinogen. 
Research shows that as many as 90% of skin cancers are
due to UV radiation.

 Many polymers used in consumer items (including

plastics, nylon and polystyrene) are broken down or lose
strength due to exposure to UV light. Fabrics, furnishings
and paintings need protection from UV (fluorescent lamps
as well as sunlight) to prevent colour change or loss.

 UV-B light may affect marine plankton, which resides in

the top 2 meters of ocean water, according to NASA.
Harmful UV rays cause 6 percent to 12 percent reduction
in the growth rate of phytoplankton. UV exposure also
reduces the reproduction rate.

The teacher may present a video about the effects of

ultraviolet radiation to living things and environment.

1. List down three effects of ultraviolet radiation to living things

and the environment?

They can cause skin cancer, damage of the eye and the
suppression of immune system.

2. Give at least two ways on how to lessen/avoid the effect of

ultraviolet radiation to human and environment.

-Use of sunblock lotions, umbrella, sun glasses.

-Avoid exposure to the heat of the sun from 10:00 am to 3:00

With your group, make a simple Make a slogan on the effects of

EXTEND flyer to inform your community ultraviolet radiation.
on the risk and danger of the
ultraviolet radiation.



TIME AND DATE Week 6-Day 2 & 3 QUARTER Quarter 2

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
A. CONTENT different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The learners should be able to explain the effects of EM
radiation on living things and the environment.

49.11 Explain the effects of x-rays and gamma rays on

living things and the environment.
49.12 Cite ways on how to reduce/avoid the effects x-rays
and gamma rays.


Topic/title Effects of Ultraviolet Rays on Living Things and the
Unit/module: Unit II – Module 2
Time allotment: 1 hour
1. Curriculum Guide p. 183
2.Learner’s Materials p. 161-163
3. Teachers’ Guide p.127-128
4.Additional materials
from the LR portal
B. Other Learning
Ask students to play the game “What’s the word? That’s the

Clue no. 1: Discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Clue no. 2: Used to help doctors look inside the body.
Clue no. 3: Used to diagnose bone fractures and tumors.

Have you seen an x-ray machine?
Answers may vary.
Did you experience getting an x-ray examination? What did you
Answers may vary.
What are the reminders given to you by the radiologist before
the x-rays procedure?
To remove the clothes, jewelry, watch and other metal
objects attached to your body.

Divide the class into five groups to perform Activity “Getting to
Know the X-rays and it’s Effects” (see attachment) and
answer the guide questions:
1. What are the use of x-rays and gamma rays?

X-rays are used to view images of the bones and

other structures in the body. Because Gamma rays
can kill living cells, they are used to kill cancer cells
without having to resort to difficult surgery. Gamma
rays kill microbes, and are used to sterilize food so
that it will keep fresh for longer. Gamma rays are
also used to sterilize medical equipment.

2. Is it safe for the pregnant and lactating mothers to

undergo x-rays procedures?

It is not safe to undergo x-ray examination when you

are pregnant because babies are considered to be
more sensitive than adults or children to potential
adverse radiation effects. It is safe to have X-ray
tests while breastfeeding. The radiation does not
affect the milk or the baby, and breastfeeding is safe
after a regular X-ray.

3. Explain how an x-rays procedure is done.

To obtain an X-ray image of a part of the body, a

patient is positioned so the part of the body being X-
rayed is between the source of the X-ray and an X-
ray detector. As the X-rays pass through the body,
images appear in shades of black and white,
depending on the type of tissue the X-rays pass

4. What are the harmful and useful effects x-rays and

gamma rays?

X-rays have also been linked to cataracts in the eyes

and skin burns, but only at extremely high levels of
radiation. Things that are risk factors for X-ray damage
- A higher number of X-ray exams
- Receiving X-rays at a younger age
- Being female (women have a slightly higher lifetime
risk than men for developing radiation-associated
Exposure to gamma radiation can cause a number of health
effects, some of which accumulate over time, and others of
which are acute. They may develop a mild case of radiation

Gamma rays are also used to sterilize medical equipment.
X-rays are used to view images of the bones and other
structures in the body.

5. What are the things that you can do to reduce

radiation risks from x-rays and gamma rays?

- Keep track of your X-ray history and make sure your

doctors are aware of it
- Ask your health-care professional if there are
alternative tests to X-ray exams
- If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, tell
the X-ray technician or radiologist
- Avoid exposure to radioactive materials.

EXPLAIN Presentation of group output.

- X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can

pass through solid objects, including the body. X-rays
penetrate different objects more or less according to their
density. In medicine, X-rays are used to view images of
the bones and other structures in the body.
- Gamma radiation is a form of nuclear radiation produced
by certain radioactive elements as they decay. In
particular, gamma radiation is ionizing radiation, meaning
that it is sufficiently energetic to break bonds in genetic
material, structural components of cells and other
biological molecules. For this reason, exposure to
gamma radiation can cause a number of health effects,
some of which accumulate over time, and others of which
are acute. While the body has the ability to repair
damage, its ability to repair radiation-related damage can
be overwhelmed at high doses or if radiation
accumulates over many years.
Optional: The teacher may present a video about the effects
of x-rays and gamma rays to living things and environment.

1. List down three effects of x-rays and gamma
radiation to living things and the environment?

2. Give at least two ways on how to lessen/avoid the

x-rays and gamma radiation to living things and
the environment?

What are the possible Differentiate x-rays and

EXTEND researches that can be made gamma ray through an
using x-rays and gamma rays? illustration.



Appendix a
Read the given information carefully about X-rays and gamma rays and answer the guide questions.

Gamma radiation is a form of nuclear radiation produced by certain radioactive elements as they decay.
In particular, gamma radiation is ionizing radiation, meaning that it is sufficiently energetic to break bonds in
genetic material, structural components of cells and other biological molecules. For this reason, exposure to
gamma radiation can cause a number of health effects, some of which accumulate over time, and others of
which are acute. While the body has the ability to repair damage, its ability to repair radiation-related damage
can be overwhelmed at high doses or if radiation accumulates over many years.

Gamma rays are given off by stars, and by some radioactive substances. They are extremely high
frequency waves, and carry a large amount of energy. They pass through most materials, and are quite difficult
to stop - you need lead or concrete in order to block them out. Because Gamma rays can kill living cells, they
are used to kill cancer cells without having to resort to difficult surgery. Gamma rays kill microbes, and are used
to sterilize food so that it will keep fresh for longer. This is known as "irradiated" food. Gamma rays are also
used to sterilize medical equipment.
X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can pass through solid objects, including the
body. X-rays
Mild Radiation penetrate different objects more or less according to their density. In medicine, X-rays are
used to view images of the bones and other structures in the body. X-rays were first discovered by Wilhelm
If an individual is exposeda to
Conrad Roentgen, small doses
German physics of professor.
gamma radiation,Roentgen or very
also small
studied doses
X-raysof gamma
and theirradiation
ability toregularly
for some time, they may develop a mild case of radiation poisoning.
through human tissues to produce images of the bones and metals visible on developed film. While radiation can kill any body cell, the
most susceptible
To obtain ancells X-rayareimage
the fastest-growing
of a part of theones, body,since theirisgenetic
a patient material
positioned so theis most exposed.
part of the bodyAs a result,
being X-
the skin, hairisand
rayed gastrointestinal
between the sourcetract of the cells are and
X-ray mostanlikely
X-ray todetector.
be affected As first in radiation
the X-rays passexposures.
through theAccording
to the images
Mayo Clinic,
appear symptoms
in shadesofofmild blackradiation poisoning
and white, include
depending onnausea
the typeand vomiting,
of tissue the progressing
X-rays pass to through.
generalized weakness and fatigue several weeks later.
For example, the calcium in your bones makes them denser, so they absorb more radiation and appear
Severewhite on X-rays.
Radiation Thus when a bone is broken (fractured), the fracture line will appear as a dark area within
the lighter bone on an X-ray film.
Larger acute doses The riskof gamma radiation,
of side effects of an or X-ray
dosesyou thatare pregnant is
accumulate over time, can
extremely lead tobut
minimal, muchit ismore
symptoms. These may
to protect include diarrhea,
the developing headache,
fetus from harm. You hairshould
loss, skin burns
always telland
your poor healing, according
health-care professionalto if
the Mayo
you Clinic.
are or A 2007
think you study
be pregnant in “Health
if an X-ray Physiology” also reports that severe radiation sickness can
exam is prescribed.
result in death,Iteither
is safeimmediately
to have X-ray or within months. The study notes
tests while breastfeeding. that delayed
The radiation doesradiation
not affectdeaths
the milkwereor the
baby, attributable to bone marrow
and breastfeeding is safe failure. Since the
after a regular boneThe
X-ray. marrow, likeX-rays
risk from skin, contains
comes fromrapidly
radiation cells,
it’s quite vulnerable
produce, which tocan
radiation. The marrow
harm living tissues.isThisresponsible for producing
risk is relatively bothit red
small, but and white
increases withblood cells—the
red cells carry oxygen
exposure. That is,to the
the more
youand arethe white cells
exposed are partover
to radiation of the immune
your lifetime, system. Failure
the higher yourofrisk
the ofbone
marrow to proliferate
from the radiation.blood cells properly is fatal.
There is a slight increased risk of developing cancer later in life after X-ray exposure. X-rays have
Cancersalso been linked to cataracts in the eyes and skin burns, but only at extremely high levels of radiation.
Individuals whothatare
risk factors for X-ray
to gamma damageeven
radiation, include:
if they recover from the acute and chronic effects of
- A higher
radiation sickness, are atnumber
increasedof X-ray
risk exams
for cancer, notes the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA. While
body cells-thatReceiving
divide slowly X-rays are at
nota nearly
younger asage
susceptible to radiation as those that divide more rapidly, their
- Being
genetic material can female (women have
still be damaged a slightlyAs
by radiation. higher
when therisk cells
than domen for developing
divide, the daughterradiation-
cells may
contain damaged associated
copies of cancer)
genetic material, which is then passed on to the next generation of cells, and so
forth. Over youthe
time, canproliferation
do to reduce of radiation
faulty geneticrisks material
from X-rays:can create an aberrant cell mass that does not
function like normal tissue, and may divide rapidly. make
Keep track of your X-ray history and sure your doctors
This represents a neoplasm,are aware
or new ofgrowth,
it which may be
cancerous-andAsk spread
health-carethe professional
body. if there are alternative tests to X-ray exams
- If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, tell the X-ray technician or radiologist
There is no special preparation needed for a regular diagnostic X-ray. You may be asked to strip down and
wear a hospital gown, or at least remove clothing on the part of the body that needs to be X-rayed. You
may be asked to remove any metal objects such as eyeglasses, jewelry, or watches that may interfere. If
you are getting an X-ray with contrast such as barium or iodine, you may be given a liquid to swallow, an
injection, or enema with the agent prior to the X-ray. If you are getting an X-ray of your gastrointestinal tract
you may be told not to eat or drink anything for 8 or more hours before the procedure so your stomach is
empty. Your doctor will tell you if you need to do this.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the use of x-rays and gamma rays?

2. Is it safe for the pregnant and lactating mothers to undergo x-rays
3. Explain how an x-rays procedure is done.
4. What are the harmful and useful effects x-rays and gamma rays?
5. What are the things that you can do to reduce radiation risks from x-rays and
gamma rays
WEEK 6-Day 4

Unit 2. Module 1. Electromagnetic Spectrum


I. MULTIPLE CHIOCE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What other term is synonymous to infrared?
a. heat waves c. red waves
b. visible waves d. mechanical waves
2. What electromagnetic wave has the frequency rang of 7.5 x 10 14Hz - 3 x 1016 Hz?
a. microwave c. x-ray
b. UV radiation d. gamma radiation
3. All electromagnetic waves carry energy. Which of the following EM wave carries
the least energy?
a. infrared c. radio waves
b. microwave d. gamma ray
4. In which of the following frequency range our eyes are sensitive to?
a. 4 x 1014 Hz - 7.5 x 1014 Hz c. 3 x 1016 Hz - 3 x 1019 Hz
b. 7.5 x 1014 Hz - 3 x 1016 Hz d. > 3 x 1019 Hz

5. What is the frequency of the wave with a wavelength of 2 x 10 -6 m?

a. 6.6 x 10-15 Hz c. 6.6 x 1015 Hz
b. 1.5 x 10-14 Hz d. 1.5 x 1014 Hz

6. Which of the following describes the relationship between wavelength and

frequency of an EM wave?

a. As wavelength decreases, the frequency increases.
b. As wavelength decreases, the frequency decreases.
c. As wavelength increases, the frequency increases.
d. None of the above.

7. Why do microwave in a microwave oven interferes with WiFi signal?

a. Microwave oven heats up WiFi router destroying its electronic parts.

b. The microwave produced by a microwave oven is greater in
frequency than the frequency of a WiFi signal.
c. Both microwave oven and WiFi router operates on the same
e. Microwave in microwave oven does not interfere with WiFi signal.

8. What will happen if radio stations airs on the same frequency?

a. The radio station nearest to the listener will be broadcasted.

b. Overlapping broadcasts or a static broadcast will be heard.
c. The radio station farthest from the listener will be broadcasted.
d. None of the above

9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the colors of light when arranged
according to decreasing frequency?

a. Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-Violet
b. Violet-Indigo-Blue-Green-Yellow-Orange-Red
c. Red-Green-Blue-Yellow-Orange-Green-Violet
d. Violet-Green-Orange-Yellow-Blue-Green-Red

10. Ultraviolet radiation produces vitamin D that is good for our skin. What is the
main source of ultraviolet radiation?

a. Sun
b. Lamps
c. Hospitals
d. Vitamin Supplements

II. Below are the applications of electromagnetic waves. State the type of
electromagnetic wave used in each application.

1. Satellite communications
2. Texting
3. TV broadcasting
4. Radar
5. Checking bankbook signature
6. Remote controls
7. Two-way radio (Walkie-talkie)

8. Night-vision goggles
9. Production of Vitamin D in the skin
10. Autofocus camera

III. Match the terms in column A with its corresponding description in column B.
1. Microwave a. has the longest wavelength
2. Electromagnetic wave b. discovered by Sir Frederick William
3. Ultraviolet radiation c. the only EM wave that can be seen by
the human eye
4. Radio wave d. gives the skin a tanning effect
5. James Clerk Maxwell e. discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
6. Visible light f. has the highest amount of energy
7. Gamma ray g. has an electric field that travels
perpendicular with the magnetic field.
8. Infrared h. formulated the Electromagnetic Wave
9. Heinrich Hertz i. used in satellite communications
10. X-ray j. discovered radio waves

Answer Key: (I) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5d, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9b, 10.a

(II) 1. microwaves, 2. microwaves, 3. Radio waves, 4. microwaves, 5. Ultraviolet

rays, 6. infrared, 7. radio waves, 8. infrared, 9. ultraviolet rays, 10. infrared

(III) 1.i, 2.g, 3.d, 4.a, 5.h, 6.c, 7.f, 8.b, 9.j, 10.


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