Multiple Streams of Income
Multiple Streams of Income
Multiple Streams of Income
How to Generate a
Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth
ROBERT ALLEN teaches people how to accumulate wealth through seminars, books and audio programs.
He is the author of Nothing Down and Creating Wealth, both of which were New York Times #1 bestsellers.
Mr. Allen is also a regular guest on Larry King Live and Good Morning America. He has been featured in the
Wall Street Journal, Barron‟s, Parade, People and Reader‟s Digest. Mr. Allen is a graduate of Brigham Young
University, where he earned an MBA. His Web site is at
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To achieve financial independence (however you may personally define it), learn and apply the seven essential money skills:
#1 – Value it
#4 – Invest it #6 – Shield it
#2 – Control it
#5 – Make it #7 – Share it
#3 – Save it
Phase 1 – Starting Out Phase 2 – Accumulate Phase 3 – Legacy
Learn how to control your Develop and grow a portfolio Learn and then apply the
personal cashflow and develop of income streams from varied strategies by which wealth can
good habits for handling it and sources – providing security be retained and passed on as a
investing it effectively. and flexibility in results. legacy in the future.
“What will all of this get for you? A lifestyle that gives you the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want.
There is a Spanish saying that captures the essence of this lifestyle: „Salud, Dinero y Amor y Tiempo para disfrutarlo‟ – health, money
and love, and the time to enjoy them. Some of life‟s greatest enjoyments and most of life‟s greatest disappointments stem from your
decisions about money. Whether you experience great piece of mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under
– Robert Allen
8 Become an “Infopreneur”
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Phase 1 – Starting Out Now, assuming you’re managing to increase the amount of cash
Main Idea you have available to save and invest, there is an order in which
#1 – Value it you should move forward:
#2 – Control it When first starting out:
#3 – Save it
The first three money skills lay a foundation for all future financial
success. Until you value money, you won’t make any serious
effort to control it. If you can’t control your money, you’ll never be Savings and investments
able to save and invest it. And unless you develop saving habits,
you’ll never have surplus funds to invest. 10% 90%
Supporting Ideas
The process of accumulating wealth and achievement of
financial freedom is always built on a foundation of sound External retirement Emergency fund
financial management skills. Until those skills are in place, any account (3-6 months cash)
income generated by multiple revenue streams will simply pass
through your hands with minimal benefit.
Before commencing on building multiple streams of income, get Once your emergency fund has been put in place
some perspective of where your current cashflow goes. you’re then ready to start investing:
Generally speaking, your finances will probably look something
like this:
10% 90%
Cash Flow
further ahead in accumulating wealth – you’ll just have a lifestyle E – Enthusiasm – sell what you love with a passion.
that consumes more cash.
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flow of business. Instead, your focus should be on buying more years.
stock, and holding it for as long as possible.
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on paper rather than continuing to lose money. that can be resold for equity profits within the following 12- to
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Since real estate is not a liquid investment, from time to time It’s possible to generate an income stream earning 18- to
people get into tight financial situations. When that happens, 50-percent interest – with the returns guaranteed by the
short-term bargains can materialize which can form the basis for government – by buying tax lien certificates.
an additional income stream. Tax lien certificates are issued by the 3,300 separate counties
The two short-term real estate bargains are: and local governments throughout the United States. They are
1. Foreclosures secured by the overdue and outstanding taxes owed by property
Around 33,500 homes go into foreclosure every month in owners. Since local governments require funds to pay for
America. If you can buy and sell just one of these each year, essential services, they create and sell tax lien certificates. That
you could realistically generate an income stream that way, the government gets the cash they need, while the tax lien
exceeds your normal annual salary. And every once in a certificate holder gets the interest paid in the form of late fees
while, you may even come across a bargain that’s good and penalties.
enough to set you up for life. In effect, tax lien certificates are comparable to municipal bonds
Foreclosures can be purchased: and Treasury bills. As an investor, you buy the certificates and
• Before the default notice has been filed at the courthouse. when the government collects the past-due taxes, it sends you a
• Once the foreclosure notice becomes public knowledge. guaranteed government check for your investment plus the
• At the formal foreclosure sale. interest.
• After a foreclosure sale. Tax lien certificates come in almost any size, from $10 to more
Each phase has its advantages and disadvantages, but than $1 million. The return on each is mandated by law, and
generally speaking, the greatest flexibility occurs if you wait varies from state to state and county to county. These
until after the foreclosure sale has taken place. At that point, certificates are sold at public auctions, so you don’t have to
mortgage holders become very keen to move the item off become a licensed dealer to purchase them.
their books. The only problem is that if you wait that long on In some states, tax lien certificates are called tax deeds. The
most properties, someone else will snap them up. only difference is that with tax deeds, the property owner’s real
Keep in mind the fact that the more desperate anyone estate is actually transferred to the deed purchaser free and
becomes, the quicker they will need to move and therefore clear of any mortgages or other liens. That means the tax deed
the more flexible they’re likely to be. They really only have purchaser has to sell the real estate to generate their return. That
two options: shouldn’t be too difficult, however, since any property acquired
• Drop their price until a buyer commits. this way would have been purchased for pennies on the dollar.
• Come up with better financial terms. In short, tax lien certificates or tax deeds offer an outstanding
In short, foreclosures are exceptionally fertile territory for opportunity to establish another income stream because:
outstanding real estate bargains. Start cultivating your own You can get started with a small amount of money.
information sources on the types of local opportunities that You can succeed regardless of what your credit rating or past
are available with foreclosures, and get actively involved. business history is.
2. Purchase Offers You can earn passive, government guaranteed interest rates
Any property owner can, at any time, enter into a legally of 22-percent or greater.
binding agreement to sell you their real estate at an agreed
upon price on an agreed upon date. This is called an offer to You have at least a small chance of being able to purchase
purchase. real estate for pennies on the dollar. You can then sell your
real estate to generate an immediate and impressive capital
So long as when you enter into the agreement, you specify gain, or rent your property out to generate an ongoing
that it may be executed by yourself or by someone you revenue stream for yourself.
assign it to, you can actually generate income by selling your
option to someone else. (You legally allow for this by adding You can enjoy tax deductible travel to tax lien auctions held all
the words “and/or assigns” after your name on the offer to around the United States.
purchase agreement). The government does all the work in collecting the unpaid
In essence, you can earn a nice finder’s fee for yourself by taxes and paying you your return on investment.
using purchase offers. All you need to do is ramp up your You need no experience, special skills, qualifications,
marketing program and get out and find people who are licenses, training or certification to participate.
willing to take over your position and complete the purchase. You’ll know, going in, exactly what your return will be on every
There are a vast number of ways these transactions can be tax lien certificate or tax deed you purchase.
structured so they end up being win-win situations for
You’ll come to understand why this has been described as the
everyone involved.
best-kept secret in America, and why those “in the know”
In summary, most people think of real estate as being a have previously been limited to a select few of the nation’s
long-term investment which will gradually but steadily increase wealthiest and smartest investors.
in value. It’s true that’s one way to invest in real estate, but it isn’t In addition to being fun, tax lien certificates and tax deeds
the only way. Foreclosures and purchase offers represent viable genuinely and legitimately make money.
ways short-term revenue streams can be generated from real
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Network marketing has become more sophisticated and Information marketing is the most exciting business opportunity
powerful with the introduction of computers to track results more of the new millennium. By selling information profitably, you can
efficiently. It now represents a genuine opportunity to establish turn your passion or expertise into lifetime cash flow streams.
an income stream. The three key skills necessary to succeed in marketing
To succeed at network marketing: information profitably are:
1. Select the right company. 1. Target an area people are intensely interested in.
To choose from the hundreds of network marketing Smart infopreneurs are constantly on the outlook for ideas
programs available, look for someone that offers: that appeal to the immediate needs of large numbers of
• Products and services you personally use. people in the marketplace. Once they identify a target
• A compensation plan where you can earn ongoing income. market, they work on creating, packaging and marketing an
• A sound company and management team. immediate solution to the problem shared by the overall
There’s actually only one question you need to ask market.
specifically before deciding whether or not to join a network Actually, this is not as hard as it might appear at first glance.
company: “How many customers do I need to enroll to be Any type of expertise has market value if it is packaged
able to earn $500 a month in extra income?” The lower the properly and presented in a unique way. The main point of
number, the better. If it is relatively easy for an average focus in this step is to determine how many people place a
person to earn a steady income, everything else about the similar value on that expertise, and whether or not they could
business will fall into place. reasonably be enticed to pay for acquiring that know-how
2. Use the best marketing system. and knowledge.
Instead of trying to sell products to everyone you know, make 2. Develop irresistible ongoing marketing programs.
a list of 21 people you think may want to earn some extra To market solutions, information marketers use a broad
money. Send each of them an information kit and then follow range of lead generation systems, including:
through. Your goal should be to get one of those people to • Print – reports, newsletters, brochures, mailers
agree to join your network. • Multimedia – audio tapes, video tapes, CDs
Once you get one person aligned with you, then help that • Telemarketing
person recruit one or two people from the 21 people they • Digital – Internet Web sites
know. And so on. Think small. Build your network slowly. • In-person appeals – interviews, speeches, seminars
Don’t try and generate thousands of dollars a month right The best marketing programs are focused around just one
away, just try and earn a few hundred extra dollars each compelling competitive advantage or unique selling
month while you learn the system. proposition – which is a specific, highly motivational promise
Supplement and accelerate your team building efforts by you make to potential customers that nobody else can
running inexpensive, small classified ads in the local match. Good marketing focuses on the ease and speed of
newspaper. These ads should emphasize the opportunity to results while at the same time causing people to act.
build a low-cost, high-return home business. Send anyone 3. Establish long-term relationships with your clients.
who responds an information kit. Once customers are obtained, good information marketers
3. Use the right leadership system. then work to move each customer progressively through a
The key to long-term success in network marketing is to spectrum of allied products and services in different price
manage people effectively and develop leaders. Therefore, bands:
you need to: • Up to $20 – Tapes, videos, seminars, books
• Hold weekly training sessions for your leaders. • $21 - $100 – Manuals, newsletters, tape sets, CDS
• Hold weekly training meetings for new team members. • $101 - $500 – Live training, hotlines, teleconferencing
• Hold weekly recruiting conference calls to support the team. • $500 plus – Home study courses, interactive coaching
• $1,000 plus – Personalized hands-on intensive training
By doing these things, you build and strengthen the skills and
expertise within the group. Over time, your network By and large, the emphasis of this natural progression cycle
marketing organization can then become more self-sufficient is to maximize the lifetime value of each client, moving them
and self-sustaining. from low cost materials to the progressively more expensive
back-end products and services. By selling information in as
In essence, network marketing is an effective way to leverage many formats as possible, the profit of any one idea is
and derive benefits from word-of-mouth endorsements. It’s the maximized.
ultimate application of relationship marketing – where you can
establish a revenue stream for yourself based on the personal Information marketing is an exciting business opportunity simply
recommendations you’ve made. In addition to the leverage because intellectual property is emerging as the real wealth
created by having so many people involved in generating driver of the economy. Anyone who has a good idea, a good way
income for you, one of the key features of a good network to package their idea, a good business plan and some
marketing program is the residual nature of the revenue stream persistence can succeed in establishing a lifetime stream of
– you earn ongoing income in the future as a result of your efforts income selling information.
in the past.
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Licensing intellectual property is big business, and an excellent Pure and simple, the commercialization of the Internet is the
way to create another stream of income. The basic concept is most influential business innovation in history. Everyone should
simple – you sell the rights to use your idea or image to someone be thinking about how they can use the Internet to derive a
else who then does all the manufacturing, marketing and long-term revenue stream for themselves.
commercialization of the product or service while sending you an The three keys to success in an Internet business are:
ongoing royalty.
1. Strategizing your launch.
The four basic approaches to licensing are: Successful online businesses are built around one of three
1. Come up with your own idea that you license to others. generic business models:
(Example: Walt Disney conceived the character Mickey • Information marketing – selling information for a fee.
Mouse from his own imagination). • Network marketing – building an organization.
2. Develop your own brand or logo, and license others to • Affiliate programs – referrals generating commissions.
manufacture products under that brand or logo. Therefore, instead of simply building an electronic version of
(Examples: Hang Ten, the NFL, the Olympics and even your existing sales materials on the Internet, develop a
Gold’s Gym generate revenues mainly from licensing others separate online business around one of those three general
to use their logo). approaches. In other words, get a strategy for what you’ll do
3. Acquire a license for someone else‟s idea and grow a on the Internet to generate revenues before plunging into it.
business around that idea. For example, a chiropractor won’t generate many more
(Example: Bill Gates acquired DOS from another company appointments by having a Web site. But he could make
and then built Microsoft around the cashflow generated by money by selling an online book targeting aging baby
licensing deals). boomers with sore backs. Or he might be able to develop and
4. Sell a license for something that will enhance someone market a “Business Success Kit for Chiropractors” to teach
else‟s products. others how to build their practices. Or he might even develop
(Example: the inventor of the small battery testers built into an online referral network to help people find a good
packages of Duracell batteries approached the company chiropractor near them.
unsolicited and sold them on the idea of building his product 2. Automating everything.
into their packaging – after being rejected by their largest Instead of paying employees to do your marketing, inventory
competitor). control, shipping, customer service and record keeping, you
To develop an income stream from a licensing idea: can automate everything via a Web site on the Internet. This
is really quite straightforward using tools like:
Saturate your thinking with “tollgate” concepts. • Stats programs – that analyze your site traffic.
Try and come up with ways you can become the gatekeeper • E-mail templates and autoresponders.
for specific information that people want. You then just have • List servers – databases of names and e-mail addresses.
to charge a small fee to everyone who passes through that
gate. In essence, by using technology in smart and effective ways,
your Internet business doesn’t need any employees. You
Act as if you were already a successful licensor. can use technology to do everything that’s required.
Be on the lookout for new trends and ideas. Whenever you
identify one, look at who will be well positioned to benefit from 3. Marketing for traffic.
that trend. Approach those parties, and ask whether This is the make-or-break point for Internet business
worldwide licenses are available for their products and success. To develop good marketing ideas, try thinking like
services. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by just how many your potential customers. To figure out how they would most
viable business opportunities are available. likely try and find your site:
• Go shopping using search engines.
Spend a day at your local library or bookstore. • Immerse yourself in everything they would read.
Look through patent records or the New York Times
bestseller lists for inventors or authors who have not yet fully Supplement that perspective by talking to owners of other
exploited their ideas. Contact them directly, and ask whether Web sites and find what worked for them. You can then use
they would be willing to grant licensing rights for their all of those ideas to develop a game plan for generating
information or products. traffic to your online business. Most likely, that will entail:
• Using your Web site address in offline ads.
Once you have a license, find a manufacturer quick. • Registering your site with every search engine.
If the idea is a good fit with their existing business and a • Joining newsgroups and posting messages.
win-win agreement can be structured, manufacturers will • Renting e-mail lists and sending out invitations.
provide all the seed capital, inventory and channels of • Taking advantage of free Internet classifieds.
distribution you need. • Using free banners, links and cross promotions.
Grow your royalty revenue. • Using paid online advertising.
Look into other avenues and opportunities to license your • Using traditional offline direct marketing techniques.
intellectual property in other commercial areas.
It is already clear the Internet will have a major impact on the way
Most people in business fail to fully exploit all of the licensing business is done in the future. Therefore, everyone should be
opportunities available to them. Just by spotting and filling some actively involved in developing and building an online business.
of the more obvious gaps, you can readily create an income Over time, this will come to be more and more important as an
stream that will endure around the licensing idea. income stream.
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Phase 3 – Legacy The final challenge in being able to create a legacy of wealth is to
Main Idea be as efficient as possible. To manage your time effectively, use
#6 – Shield it these strategies:
#7 – Share it Remind yourself constantly that time is money. Always keep
in mind the opportunity cost of your time, and invest your time
The last two money skills address your complete financial wisely in areas that bring you closer to your life’s objectives.
objectives. Once you’ve succeeded in accumulating wealth, you Use the Pareto or 80-20 principle. Every day, focus
need to understand how to shield your wealth and use it to create exclusively on the 20-percent of activities which create
a legacy. 80-percent of the results. And, be perfectly willing to
Supporting Ideas procrastinate on the 80-percent of the activities that produce
Once you’ve successfully established your multiple streams of the trivial 20-percent of the results.
income, you then have to find effective ways to shield it. In other Throw away your “To-Do List”. Replace it with a “Power List” –
words, you have to structure your finances so your tax liability is which separates trivial items from the critical few that produce
at least minimized and ideally eliminated. 80-percent of the results. Increase the amount of time spent
Keeping in mind the fact tax codes change constantly, some on those critical activities every day.
useful general principles in this area are: Practice positive reinforcement. In other words, when you do
The opportunities to build wealth through retirement plans like something right, reward yourself. Since everyone in business
401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, SIMPLEs and SEPs are greater knows that whatever you measure and reward always get
now than at any other time in history. Therefore, sit down with done, you’ll be building up a track record of success.
someone who is knowledgeable in this area and discuss the Always do whatever you fear most at the start of each day
best mix of these plans that fit your personal financial while you’re fresh. Get that out of the way and everything else
circumstances. will be easy.
Take advantage of some new financial innovations which are Take a few minutes every day (about 15 minutes, in fact) to
becoming available – like variable insurance which changes plan your day. Then go to work making your life conform to
its cash value in response to how and where you choose to your vision, rather than meandering along in every direction.
invest your money. Do some physical exercise every day. It will help you work
Put together a viable plan to protect your assets should you harder and longer. You’ll also be able to think more clearly.
become the subject of litigation. Keeping in mind the fact Find ways to use waiting time productively. You’re sure to
94-percent of all lawsuits filed in the world originate in the strike it, so be prepared.
United States, you should look carefully into the use of legal
entities like: Set specific goals for each income stream each year and then
• Nevada corporations – offering total privacy and no taxes. review those goals daily. Schedule activities aligned with
• Family limited partnerships – which limits liabilities. those goals.
• Limited liability companies – again for liability limitation. Focus. Give 100-percent attention to anything you’re working
• Living trusts – which avoids probate. on, and then move on to something else.
Don’t forget to address your estate planning adequately and Learn how to delegate effectively.
thoroughly. This will be another part of the way you structure Get into the habit of doing things immediately, while the
your finances to shield the multiple streams of income you motivation is still fresh.
Be perfectly willing to say no to activities that don’t take you in
Assuming that you’ve managed to establish multiple streams of the right direction.
income that generate wealth throughout your lifetime, and that
Don’t wait until everything is perfect before acting. Be
you’ve also managed to shield and protect your wealth. The
prepared to fail your way to success.
question then becomes very personal – why have you worked so
hard throughout your life? In other words, now you’ve Take a few minutes every day to review what went well and
accumulated some wealth, what do you want to do with it? where improvements need to be made.
Some of the most successful business people in history, when Challenge yourself to be productive at the start of every day.
faced with the same decision, have decided to become Keep a good balance between the six important areas of life:
philanthropists. They have set up foundations and trusts that do 1. Your brain.
many good and impressive things around the world. Perhaps 2. Your physical body.
you aspire to do something similar. 3. Your spirit, soul or being.
Or maybe you would settle for simply setting up income streams 4. Your time.
that will flow onwards – producing revenue that future 5. The important people in your life.
generations of your own family can use whatever way they see 6. Your money.
fit. Work hard at striking the right balance in all six areas of your
life and you’ll be a success.
Regardless of how you decide to apply your wealth, that’s a
great position to be in.
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