Redesign and Manufacturing by Using Dmad
Redesign and Manufacturing by Using Dmad
Redesign and Manufacturing by Using Dmad
The cost of poor Quality would help in analyzing the operating costs for effective and profitable business management. . In the era
of cut throat competition, especially in automobile sector, success of an organisation resides in its ability to respond quickly to the
needs of its customers. These customer needs must be attended with minimum manufacturing costs, minimum lead time to launch
the product in market and delivering better performance than the existing competitors in the market.success achieved by market
leaders is credited to their improvement initiatives. The customer needs must be attended with minimum manufacturing costs, and
delivering better performance than the existing competitors in the market. Therefore, Indian companies in order to compete with
global companies, it is very much essential to be at par, in all spheres of business aspects. Cost and Quality are two very
important aspects to be globally competitive, to capture market share, to retain customers to be in business and to achieve
business excellence. In the present times Six Sigma Methodology and QC Story are very famous and powerful tools and are widely
used in the global industries. The increase in demand of the growing customer looking for a better quality of product has
compelled corporations to adopt Six Sigma in order to improve the quality for enhanced competitive advantage. Therefore, it is
very much essential to understand relation between six sigma and cost of quality and its application in automobile industry.
To understand how Six Sigma methodology supports Define the project goals and customer (internal and
Knowledge Management. external) deliverables
To understand the synergic effect of the combination Measure and determine customer needs and
of two powerful methods Lean and Six Sigma and its specifications
positive impact in increasing speed and effectiveness Analyze the process options to meet the customer
of any process within the organization. needs
To study various applications and benefits of Design (detailed) the process to meet the customer
implementing Six Sigma. needs
Verify the design performance and ability to meet
3. METHODOLOGY customer needs
Six Sigma is a management strategy that maximizes
4.1 Define Problem or Opportunity
customer satisfaction and minimizes the defects that create
customer dissatisfaction. Six sigma methodologies can be Problem is identified from voice of customer or from voice
used for improvement of process (called DMAIC) and also of process. Voice of customer could be customer complaint
is a powerful tool for new product design or improvement in for performance / defect, field failure, critical customer
the existing product design (called DMADV). The five step issues, etc. Voice of business could be internal defects, re-
DMAIC approach of Six Sigma reduces the defects in work, internal rejections, internal quality issues, other
process, product or service. Flow charts, Pareto analysis, business issues etc. Define the goals of the new process.
Cause & Effect diagrams are the most frequently used basic Identify exactly what is being designed or changed. Why is
analysis and measurement tools by Six Sigma the change being made? Using the Quality Function
implementation teams. Investigation as regards application Deployment (QFD) or Analytic Hierarchical Process tools to
of Six Sigma methodology for process improvement in insure that the goals are compatible with consumer demand
Indian automobile industry is done and complete framework and the company’s overall strategy.
is prepared and illustrated.
Organizations may use right from 7 QC tools, Quality
Circles, Kizens, Small Group Activities to the modest tools
like Six Sigma Methodology or QC Story Approach for
problem solving depending upon the nature and complexity
of the problem. Where problem is chronic in nature and
problem is known, however, reasons are not known,
everything seems to be right, however, defects are getting
generated, and such complex problems are solved using Six
Sigma Methodology.
Fig-1: Six Sigma Methodology
Summary of Define Phase is as follows select the best components and develop the best available
Identify the projects which are linked to big Y. design. Analyse the alternatives available for meeting
Select the team which is ready to contribute. project aims. Identify the behaviour of comparable best-in-
Prepare team charter and get it approved. class designs.At this stage it is important not to miss out any
Train team members. possible cause. If an important X is missed out, it will never
Map the process be analyzed for validation.
Carry out value analysis.
Walkthrough process. The tools used for listing Xs are:
Analyze the past data from various view points. Brainstorming
Identify quick wins and implement. Process map
Record results of quick wins. Cause effect diagram
Why-Why analysis
4.2 Measurement Phase
Prioritize Xs - After the Xs have been listed using process
In this phase data is gathered and analyzed that describes map or cause effect diagram, these need to be prioritized.
with precision and accuracy. What is happening? What is The tools used to prioritize Xs are as follow
current or baseline, level of performance of the process that Cause- Effect Matrix
creates the problem? It also produces some preliminary Pareto analysis
ideas of possible causes for problem. Identify the Pugh Matrix
measurement standards that are important to stakeholders.
Convert customer needs into project objectives. Validate Xs - There are three steps to validate Xs. They are
as follow.
The goals of the measure phase are as follow Scatter Plot
Identify customers and their needs Tolerance stack up analysis
Derive specific requirements to the system Design failure made & effects analysis
Determine the corresponding output measures and
their target values and tolerances.
4.4 Design New Product
The significant improvement could be accomplished by: This stage of DMADV includes both a detailed and high
Reduction of cycle time, level design for the selected alternative. The elements of the
Reduction of control time, design are prioritized and from there a high level design is
Reduction of tool costs, and developed. Once this step is complete, a more detailed
Minimizing or eliminating scrap. model will be prototyped in order to identify where errors
may occur and to make necessary modifications. Develop a
4.3 Analyze Phase high level design, Develop exact specifications, Develop
detailed component designs, Develop related processes,
The analysis phase deals with identifying the critical factors Optimize design. Design the new product, service, or
embedded in the current operation that could be improved to process. Utilize prognostic modelling, simulation,
minimize waste. Prior to starting this phase, the project prototypes, pilot trials, and other techniques in order to
champion reviewed the collected data to filter out any type confirm the design’s ability to meet the established aims of
of noise and disturbance. Data mining is then used to the project.
identify main types of wastes for each machine to perform
the corrective actions. Develop design alternatives, identify
the best combination of requirements to provide value
within constraints, develop conceptual designs, evaluate,
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 146
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Nominal is best ratio- applies to variables where deviations from a target value are undesirable
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 148
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Devendra Gajanan Pendokhare
currently pursuing Masters Degree
Program in Manufacturing System
from Saraswati college of engineering,
Kharghar, New Mumbai, Maharashtra,
India, also working as Lecturer in
Government Polytechnic, Vikramgad in Mechanical
Engineering Department. BE in Mechanical Engineering
from Nagpur University.
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 149