Field Trip ĐLat
Field Trip ĐLat
Field Trip ĐLat
Writing the report took an immense amount of work and it would not exist
without the invaluable support and assistance of our teachers and classmates.
Firstly, we would like to thank our supervisor Dr. Nguyen Huynh Thong,
and Dr. . Their expertise was invaluable in formulating the research questions
and methodology. Your insightful feedback pushed us to sharpen our thinking
and brought us work to a higher level. They not only persuade us when we
encounter difficulties but also provide counsel to us amid the subject and this
field trip.
Then, we would like to thank Bach Khoa university (HCMUT) and faculty
of Geology and Petroleum Engineering for supporting the necessary equipment
for us during the research and preparation of the report or the field trip from 25
to 28 January 2021.
Finally, we could not have completed this dissertation without the support
of our friends, and some anonymous, who supported and provided stimulating
discussions as well as happy distractions to rest my team's mind outside of
Table - figure
Table 1. Introduction to the schedule of the field trip
Figure 2. The line chart illustrates the distance and elevation of outcrops.
Day 4 _ Jan 28th At the end of the field trip: we come back to HCMUT
campus 1.
Figure 1. Make a connecting rod line of 10 points on Google Earth
Figure 2. The line chart illustrates the distance and elevation of outcrops.
1.1.1 Description of the regional geology
Google Earth Pro is the essential application. We use that to exploit
outcrops’ information. Positioning outcrops include the position on the
surface-coordinates (X,Y,Z) and the height from the geoid.
No. Point xxxxxx mE yyyyyy mN Elevation (km) on
Campus 1 A2
1 681434.61 1191268.31 8m 0km
Campus 2 H2
2 697311.16 1203371.75 20m 25,5km
3 Long An Lake 695762.95 1212451.99 5m 30,7km
Tri An reservoir
4 716689.79 1228398.14 5m 62,2km
5 Dinh Quan town 755909.79 1238420.60 144m 119km
6 Bao Loc city 809175.00 1280884.00 842m 197km
7 Pongour waterfall 201868.01 1293427.44 807m 267km
8 Prenn waterfall 224406.55 1314166.48 1127m 293km
9 Dalat city 223170.08 1321236.31 1515m 303km
Van Thanh village
10 218234.00 1322022.94 1498m 305km
Table 2. Coordinates in Google Earth Pro (UTM, unit meter)
The table outlines the data of focuses in our whole field trip. We marked
Bach Khoa university campus 1 as the original point at the distance of 0
kilometers and the end point of Dalat city at approximately 300 kilometers from
HCMUT campus 1.
Along highway 20, there is an increase in elevation from campus 1 to Da
Lat city, at 8 and 1515 kilometers respectively.
To begin with, the four first locations are HCM city or nearly the space of
HCM city. The range of outcrops is less than 100 kilometers and their elevation
is a stable fluctuation. The outcrop of Long An lake and Tri An reservoir dam
has the same figure, 5 kilometers above mean sea level. HCMUT campus 2 is
higher at 20 kilometers.
The height reaches the peak of nearly 100 times compared to the original
point, that is Lam Dong Province. Besides, the altitude of Da Lat city is at the
top and twice as high as that of Bao Loc city at 842 meters.
1.2.2 Lam Dong Province:
Lam Dong is a mountainous province located in South Central Highland
Region, between geographic coordinates:
X = 11012 '- 12015' northern latitude
Y = 107015 '- 108045' E ° eastern longitude.
The area of Lam Dong province is 9764.8 km2, about 2.9% area of the
nation. Lam Dong is located entirely in the inland of Vietnam, without a
national border and national shoreline. According to climate classification, Lam
Dong province’s climate belongs to area No 4 of Central Highlands with
monsoon tropical climate. On the whole territory, due to complex terrain, it has
differences of height and cover rate of vegetation. However, Lam Dong has a
temperate climate, it is warm around the year and rarely changes yearly.
Economic growth (GRDP) 8.5% with the GRDP per capita 66.7 million
đồng (2.858USD/person/year). Economic structure: Agriculture forestry
seafood 44.4%; Industry – Construction 17.9%; Services 37.7%. The total
budget revenue within the province is 8,298 billion đồng (356 million USD).
Total export revenue is about 720 million USD. Tourist arrivals: in 2019:
7,160,000, of which international tourists accounting for 533,000.
Habits and customs are important factors creating the specific cultural
aspect of each ethnicity and local. Therefore, when mentioning the manners and
customs of ethnics in Lam Dong, firstly we should mention the manners and
customs of the indigenous ethnic minorities, then the Vietnamese thought they
have only settled in Lam Dong from the early twentieth century but the
population is the largest in Lam Dong at the present.
In addition to the three indigenous groups (the Co Ho, Ma, Chu Ru) and
the Viet, there are 40 other ethnic groups in Lam Dong in small numbers (only
around 15% of the total population of the province). They live equally,
alternatively in remote areas with the Viet and the indigenous groups in Lam
in mining and exploring potentially natural resources but also make a
contribution to modernizing as well as growing a prosperous nation.
After 1975, along with basic aspects, geological-mineral investigations in
Lam Dong province had been invested and developed significantly from two
sides : central and local. Period with history of geological mineral research of
the area is studied in a diverse and rich way
In the 1980s, the works of measuring and drawing geological maps at the
scale of 1/200000 nationwide, along with geological mapping, also established
geomorphological maps of the same scale.
The research works on the basis of geological documents at the scale of
1/500000 and 1/200000, but with different perspectives and perspectives have
explained the process of formation and development of geology, tectonic,
bio-mineralogy .
1. PGS. TS. Đỗ Cảnh Dương. “75 năm phát triển ngành địa chất Việt
Nam (1945-2020).” Bộ Tài Nguyên Và Môi Trường (2020).
2. Phạm Thái. “Khoáng sản trên cao nguyên Lâm Đồng.” Thông tin khoa
học và công nghệ tỉnh Lâm Đồng (1995).