Prepare For Earth Changes

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Prepare for Earth Changes



The current threats of global (cyclical) climate change are neither

hoax nor exaggeration. Earth's oceans today are increasingly warming, ice
shelfs are rapidly melting and the magnetosphere shield is weakening, in
turn heating and destabilising the core below. Consequently, weather
patterns are developing in extremes as disasters increase in frequency and

The cause of these intensifying changes may disturb you, for it is a difficult to

comprehend scenario that most would much rather deny as fantasy. However
the planetary changes now taking effect are only going to build up and deliver
effects that many will not likely anticipate. I encourage you to read the entire
page to help grasp the 'bigger picture', as ignorance and denial of coming
events will not benefit when the time comes to deal with the realities at hand. I
strongly advise readers to undertake their own thorough research after
reading the following information as truths can be told, but essentially have to
be realised for ones self. Your true power lies in understanding what is going
to ultimately happen, why it is happening and preparing accordingly.

I have felt deeply urged to share this received knowledge as I recognise that

all I have learned, had scientifically and spiritually
verified, and been personally shown of events to come has occurred
for the purpose of awakening not only myself, but many others. I prefer
that you already possess an inner resonance with the following message, as
opposed to outright mock, shock or disbelief- though what you choose to
embrace or reject is of your own granted will. I am simply a messenger,
revealing what I feel I must during times of great change. I provide these
statements with all notion of sincerity and intent based on a love for the
spiritual wellbeing and development of all. I have nothing worldly to gain from
this disclosure, as I am well aware that many will be quick to ridicule and/or
attack for such statements. In spite of this, I will attempt to awaken as many
souls as possible to recognise truth in a world full of lies, oppression, deceit
and suppression of true knowledge.

A major Earth change event is set to occur. That event is a geophysical pole

shift of planet Earth relating to the arrival of a celestial body referred
to by many as 'Nibiru', along with the passage of incoming asteroids and a
Brown Dwarf star biblically referenced as 'Wormwood' in the Book of


AS A ‘SECOND SUN' in the daytime sky. It's existence and arrival has been
scientifically verified via an Australian astrophycisist
source contractually bound by national secrecy laws. Knowledgable 'insiders'
are well aware that any information deemed as violating national security will
never be exposed by mainstream media sources and will in turn place
themselves in position for persecution. Incidentally, I did not seek this
scientific disclosure as I already possessed my own faith in coming events via
revelations already shown to me in ongoing visions received. However this
unsought scientific confirmation served to dispel any shred of doubt within my
own being and was the final catalyst for creating this website. The pending
situation calls for awareness of the times and paying attention to the emerging
signs that will manifest on Earth and in the heavens.

The Mayan Council of Elders, after hundreds of years silence have also at this

time chosen to disclose to the public that the shifting of Earth's
physical poles WILL take place with the process of renewal already in motion.
During this current transition period, permission is being granted by the
High Councils to release such sensitive information for the purpose of raising
awareness and preparing the mass consciousness for these events

Government authorities and their media too are beginning to provide 'clues' of

what is coming, although they will not make outright disclosures. The links
below are fitting examples of authorities both consciously and subconsciously
conditioning people for the events to come. You will be required to actively
seek and 'connect dots' yourself to discover the truth of these revelations. This
site aims to assist in that endeavour of awareness and preparation for the
genuine seekers among you.

*Article (cover story) released JAN 2011 priming citizens for the reality of what
they will eventually be viewing in the sky. The 'second sun' will prove to be an
omen signifying great changes AS WARNED ABOUT HERE PRIOR TO THIS

Solar activity is expected to intensify throughout this period, altering Earth

climate and causing likely power disruptions/outtages. It is advised citizens
prepare for this and intensifying environmental events.

The first YouTube video on the link below shows the 'second Sun' as

reportedly recorded in Chkalovsy, Russia. I cannot confirm it's authenticity. I
can only state that the image is virtually identical to what I was
shown in dream vision outlined further below.

Any attempts to deny the existence and incoming passage of the Brown Dwarf
star and it's accompanying bodies and objects are a delibrate cover
up by power factions that aim to keep you in the dark and by those in
turn deceived. Do not anticipate long-range warnings from NASA,
observatories, mainstream media or other corporate and government
agencies. This is highly classified knowledge impacting the state of globalist
power and security. Specific warnings will be unlikely to come from official
sources until the signs of great change are glaringly obvious to all--and by
then it will likely be too late to implement thorough preparation
planning. However from an eternal perspective, your path is divinely
guided and you will be where you need to be. When one comes to realise the
'grander' aspects of soul journey outlined on this page, it will be better
understood these events are not to be feared.

Watch for an increase in:

Sudden large rogue waves in new places
Sudden Hurricanes in unusual places
Sudden tornadoes out of season
More extremes in drought, heavy rains, out of season snows, flooding, severe
Booms, methane flashes, odd underground whomping sounds, increased
sinkholes, landslides
Disrupted cell phone, television and radio signals
Unusual animal behavior, disrupted migration patterns
Unusual increases in violent behavior in human beings
Increasingly severe earthquakes
Rising Sea Levels
Storm surge on coastlines with no storm apparent

I understand it is easy to dismiss this all as paranoid fear mongering and deny

such dramatic notions of reality, however you will witness the signs of change
and realise something is 'not right' with the world around you. Trust that
intuition, for this is on a much larger scope than just soft touted ‘climate
change' that governments have conditioned us to accept. This is the REAL
'inconvenient truth'. The binary star will arrive from the Southern Hemisphere,
where it is currently being closely monitored by various scopes such as
Hubble and the South Pole infrared/UV telescopes in Antarctica. Infrared
satellites are now also active monitoring incoming space bodies and objects. 

It is also understood that false dates for catastrophic events have

been revealed previously and have proved to be false flags such as theY2K
DELIBRATE PSYOP hoax, false prophecies from organized control
cults/sects etc). This has served to manipulate and blindside people to ignore
and be highly skeptical of genuine warnings that 'elites' KNOW will be
coming in at this time. There is a vast disinformation agenda currently in place
to keep people confused in order to retain the current way of things i.e
materialism, grip of corporate economic power structure, continuing work,
sporting and social distractions etc. Prepare though for difficult times ahead,
including release of genetically engineered bioweapons, growing food
shortages, increased cost inflation, famines, economic hardships as corrupt
systems collapse and the outbreak of increasing military and
social conflicts prior to and after the shift.

It has been revealed there will be several events occurring, including

meteorite impacts and atmospheric changes as celestial alignments occur
influencing our Sol (Sun). This knowledge has justified why trillions of
dollars have been spent over decades constructing and continuously
expanding miles deep underground bases worldwide into virtual cities. I
encourage prayer and meditation as an outlet of peace, calm and connection
to the Creator Source during this transition period. It is in the best interests
of your being to embrace a level of acceptance of the impending situation and
potential outcomes, as manic fear, panic and harm you may inflict on yourself
or others during the build up and after events, will not aid the process of your
spiritual progression.

Place your faith in the Heavenly Creator and strive to follow the unconditional
love teachings of Yeshua Christ, as now is the time to seek divine knowledge,
search within and repent, redeem and aim for a life of love with purity of mind,
body and spirit. Love in the divine spirit of Oneness/connection to all living
beings and you will in turn be provided the Graces of the Holy Spirit.

It is important to understand that these events are not to be feared, as

they form part of a grand cycle of cosmic evolution. They do not signify the
end of the world or extinction of humanity,
though they will transform civilisation as we know it. In this
current world system of much suffering, poverty, greed, conflict/bloodshed,
selfishness, ego dominance, cruelty to nature and animals, poisons abound in
the air, ground, oceans, food, medicines and water, our living Earth cannot
sustain these burdens much longer. 

I am under no illusion of the gravity of the message I am conveying and have

thus aimed to be as transparent as possible throughout this venture. To
embrace the message and fully comprehend the changes at hand (by
essentially discovering the truth for yourself and recognising the
signs) is understandably truly life altering and consciousness shifting. I speak
from personal experience in the knowledge I am far from alone in awareness
of these rapidly changing times. Increasingly, more souls are becoming aware
of the coming changes. Below is a link to a notable example. The author
provides readers with a primary message for humanity to prepare- foremost
spiritually for the coming changes. Recommended reading (follow the thread
contributions by Chris a.k.a ET_MAN). He elaborates on the 'bigger
picture' regarding life purpose/existence beyond/agendas/opposition forces
etc, well beyond the scope of this website. Valuable wisdom generously
shared. Sincere thanks for your ongoing efforts towards awareness.

Warnings from the Benevolents
Awaken Your Consciousness-Open Your Minds

The exact timing of the impending passage is irrelevant in the eternal scheme

of things. My main focus in these efforts is to assist others to spiritually,
mentally and physically anticipate the build up of Earth changes
and deceptions to come. As the transition process is already underway, it is
important One use the relative 'calmer' state of today to ready and
develop their mind, body, spirit potential to best deal with the greater changes
when they occur and focus energies as positively/lovingly/without fear as
possible with that forewarned preparation. Whatever situation faced, all that
matters is the love inside a person's being and working towards letting go of
the negativity, resentment and pain that blocks from loving ourselves and
others on this journey. Our 'contained' embodiedment was never designed to
be an easy undertaking. It would totally defeat the purpose of incarnating in
the first place to not be challenged. Peace to all. You are watched over and
guided every step of the way, loved and never alone.

I will leave you with a post by 'ET_MAN' on where our energies should be
focused at this stage of the journey. A highly relevant and inspired message.

"I've been assured that things will work out for the Infinite/Eternal betterment
of everyone-1 according to earths temporal/existence- school time
experience/recess breaks based on eternal progression.

There is nothing to fear, but fear is one-1 of the most difficult obstacles for
most to overcome whether they can admit it or not.

It's time to let go of all fear:

Attachment to
materialistic possessions!

It's time where there is no time to start thinking about the Infinite/Eternal
outcome of your infinite one-1 eternal soul.

It's time to prepare to get ready to meet the Family of Light being in their
presence unashamed knowing that you lived your life to the best of your ability
in the best way you knew how.

It's time to STEP IT UP and help out a neighbor in need.

It's time to be more loving to your family and let them know how much you
love them every single day.

It's time to start getting the act together a little more and forgiving everyone
making amends with people that you've wronged in the past asking
forgiveness of them.

It's time to drop the macho man cool Joe attitudes a little that goes along with
temporal 3D personality ego with pride in the mix and embrace all things with
acceptance, appreciation, thankfulness/gratefulness in heart. Let go of all and
any shame that you have about yourself. Do not be afraid of what other
people think and dis-attach yourself from worry about what others think being
comfortable with who you truly/really are knowing that you are an Infinite/One-
1 Eternal Super-Star!

It's time to start viewing everyone as equals and that includes the people you
pass up all the time. Stop and say hello, drop someone a gift or card. Do
something special for someone that will uplift them and make their day.

It's time to pray/meditate/connect however you choose to your Parents/Family

in Utopia/Heavens above making a connection with that infinite one-1 Love &
Light---> Answering service with the Eternal Family.

The Infinite Family of One-1 Light is there waiting on you to make the call and
have been nudging many but not everybody is paying attention or listening to
those nudges.

It's time to start tuning in a little more to the spirit within and feel with your
heart the communications coming your way...Listen to that still small voice
within, take a time out in a nice quiet place and start connecting through
prayer/meditation/pondering however you want to do it and make that
connection with your Infinite one-1 self and Family of Light.

It's time to dis-attach yourself to the materialistic things of the world and start
focusing/concentrating on that which is eternal.
It doesn't mean throw away the technology and toys, it means to dis-attach
your heart from these possessions and if something were to ever happen you
could let them all go and it wouldn't affect you since you value more the
spiritual things coming from within your infinite one-1 eternal heart/soul rather
than the temporal materialistic things on the outside that are always left

YOU did it YOUR way.

I did it MY way.
WE all did it OUR way."

During this transition period, it is extremely important to learn to live with

positive loving intent in all that we think, say and do. It is a time for searching
within and understanding all the Creator wants from us is love for ourselves
and all life. May you turn to the Creator Source as your guide in faith and
strength during this vital karmic cleansing period. Discover and develop
a loving bond with your spirit guides today. Attempt to right wrongs, seek
forgiveness from our Heavenly father and Earth Mother, from those you have
wronged and forgive others that have wronged you. Truly feel unconditional
love for all and understand that we are all connected regardless of race,
colour or creed. Love your neighbour and enemy alike, for many do not know
what they do. We are all sinners, flawed and fallible, and that is what binds us
equally on this soul journey. Choose to be the light that absolves the darkness
as your bio-frequency influences the energies of your environment. Learn to
appreciate every day and give thanks for every blessing from our Heavenly
Family and our Earth Mother.  

Over a year prior to receiving scientific confirmation of our binary sun, I

witnessed a strikingly vivid series of prophetic dreams that clearly
displayed the nature of events that will be taking place. As
the transition period approaches nearer, many others will receive such
indicators from the Creator sources. I have never experienced visions so
colourful, linear (like a movie playing) and emotionally present/real-like in all
my years on Earth. I intuitively possessed a deep knowing that I would
someday witness these world-changing events and was profoundly affected,
my spiritual being deeply enhanced as a result. I cannot state that the vision
of events will occur in order as seen, however I strongly feel asteroid/meteor
strikes will be the first major cosmic signs of great change ahead;
a warning from the Heavens of the times at hand. For the record, I am an
Australian resident living in the southern states.
Vision 1---I am laying on the grass outside my front yard. The air is mild as
I gaze up at an almost dusk sky. Suddenly, there is a burst of fire in the
Heavens. I am stunned as I watch a long red tail of fire streak furiously across
the sky (east to west). I try to shout out to warn everyone inside my house, but
I am so in shock that the words don't come out. I run inside, where there are a
lot of unfamiliar people  gathered socially. I can tell they are aware of
the meteor because thay are all scrambling outside in
panic. I get outside again and quickly take a lady friend by the hand. I am
trying to run as fast as I can with her, however she has another friend in tow
slowing us down and I feel I won't be able to get to safety fast
enough. Then the anticipated moment comes, and in the distance
I see floodwaters rushing in towards us. The incoming tide is steaming. A
sense of great dread comes over me as I find myself desperately clambering
for safety, jumping residential fences and seeking leverage to avoid the
dangerous flow. Somehow the tidal surge does not manage to reach me.

The vision forwards in time and I find myself in the aftermath of the event
amongst dishelved and disoriented looking people scattered in an urban
centre. I see men with shirts off walking aimlessly in shock and amongst the
chaos, there is a man with a large video camera filming the commotion . I walk
up to him, look directly into the lens and say in great frustration "I told you this
was going to happen.You didn't listen!"
Vision 2--- I am standing alone in a vast dark cavern. Suddenly the ground at
my feet begins to literally split open. I am terrified as it feels like the ground
is going to sink around me. I run to the cave entrance and realise I have
nowhere to go as a massive hurricane wind is raging outside in a world of
eerie darkness. I view a windspeed of such tremendous force you could not
comprehend exposing yourself to it's sheer power and surviving intact. I felt
hopeless as there seemed to be no safe avenue. *I cannot recall if I awoke at
this point, but the vision jumpcuts to my close friend and I attempting to
escape from a shallow underground shelter that is collapsing around us in
sections from tremors. Several others are sheltered there and there is much
commotion as I hear the crumbling of our surroundings. My friend and I
manage to exit and join a band of others outside in what looks to be
school/college site in a remote country area. Nobody is sure of where to go or
what to do, and I suggest we head north. I am told by a lady in the group
"Darwin's Gone" (a city in Northern Australia), and I took this to mean it had
been inundated by water.
Vision3---Amongst torn and desolate surroundings, the daytime weather calm.
I am sheltering within a heavily battered industrial type building. I can hear
others inside in another section of the building. I manage to pry open a cavity
in the roof and peer out to view the sky. I watch in awe as the atmosphere
begins to alter before my eyes. The energy in the air feels strange as I view
the sky distort in movement very rapidly. I then turn my head to see
a massive tsunami incoming. I realise my impending fate, though strangely I
am not as fearful as would be expected, as if I was accepting of the event.
Before waking, I see a large red celestial body in the sky. This vision was a
highly emotional experience as I finally came to fully acknowledge the huge
scope of the events that will take place and realised that the world as I knew it
would cease to exist after these events. The experiences in these dream
visions were all too real to ignore. 

*A few months after these visions, I was visiting a friend at his business

premises. A few doors away was a charity store that had recently closed
down. There were bags of goods still outside and I decided to have a look at
the last minute before leaving. I came across a bag full of books and right on
top of the pile I noticed a title that grabbed my attention. I had never seen or
heard of this book or author before in my life. Later that night
I opened the newly acquired title and begin to read. I am in shock at the
words in front of me as chills travel through my whole body, as just a few
pages in, I am reading a detailed description of events experienced in my
visions. The book in mention is titled 'Return of the Gods' by Erich von
Daniken, and the events being described are the physical shifting of the poles
as experienced by the ancients.

Vision 4---I am a passenger in a vehicle travelling up a steep multi-lane

highway busy with traffic.  I am shown only the view ahead, and as the
vehicle travels up the peak of the slope, the horizon comes into full view. What
is revealed is the sight of two suns in the sky; our sun, and another right
beside it, about a quarter smaller in size, though shining equally bright. This
dream felt incredibly real and played out in as striking detail as the
others, although brief. 

Historical references for our binary star 

The Babylonians and Mesopotamians called it Marduk, The King of The
Heavens and The Great Heavenly Body.
The ancient Hebrews referred to it as the Winged Globe because of its long
orbit high among the stars.
The Greeks called it Nemesis.
Prophets have named it The Blue Star, The Red Star, The Fiery Messenger,
Hercobulus and The Comet of Doom among others.
The Sumerians also had a name for its approximate 3600-year orbit (a Shar). 

The ancient Hindu astronomers named Treta Yuga (3600 years) and the
destruction it causes Kali Yuga.
It is mentioned in Bible Revelation as Wormwood for its’ dusty passage
caused the waters to be bitter.

*The evidence supporting the existence of the Brown Dwarf sun is extensive
once researched and understood. No matter what the name used, it is the
same object that has the same destructive effects during it's passage of Earth.

 Aligned Cultural Prophesy:

 Hopi Predict a 25yr period of purification followed by End of Fourth
World and beginning of the Fifth.
 Mayans Call it the end days or the end of time as we know it.
 Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the
physical & spiritual worlds.
 Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.
 Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical
mass of Enlightened Ones.
 Incas Call it the Age of Meeting Ourselves Again.
 Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation.
Creation of new race.
 Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in
the form of a blue star.
 Pueblo Acknowledge it'll be the emergence into the Fifth World.
 Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the
Mayan calendar.
 Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting
Coming of the Golden Age.
Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time
cycle ends in year 2012 AD.

The primary intention of this undertaking is to help prepare and awaken

souls to enable understanding of this temporal experience on Earth and
aiding realisations that every thought and action both positive and
negative are accounted for and measured throughout our ongoing
spiritual journey. In that knowledge, it is important to keep spiritually
as pure as possible (via divine awareness, expressions of unconditiional
love, compassion and forgiveness) as we face great spiritual

As a result of these realisations, I am working to focus less on day to

day worries, petty ego based conflicts and self-centred material desires
that prove detrimental to unlocking 'higher self' potential. Furthermore I
am working on developing virtues of service to others, patience,
compassion and forgiveness in the knowledge that we are here
to spiritually awaken and remember our true unified state to love all as

No human here is without flaw, therefore we cannot judge others on this

shared and equal journey. We are best served aiming to act according
to our true divine loving nature to advance beyond this 3D state of
being and evolve accordingly to a 'better place' for it certainly does exist
beyond the imagination.

Remember always: As you do unto others, so you do to yourself. 


Spirit In Universe: A Summary of Divine Truth and Hidden Knowledge

Truth be known, you are a divine part of the fabric of an interconnected
universe, all soul beings sacredly linked equally to the Creator source of light
and unconditional love. We exist as an energetic being in the Creator's image,
an extension of divine wisdom and perfection. In pure disembodied state, we
are light energy consciousness beings, spiritually advancing as co-creators,
operating under the Law of Free Will (with a Law of Consequence attached) to
achieve our spiritual objectives towards unconditional love. 
 Our virtually infinite universal framework consists of multidimensional physical
and spiritual planes of existence, many unbound by laws of space-time which
is beyond most human comprehension of cellestial mechanics. What we
experience on Earth as ‘time’ is in universal reality an illusionary perception
of a dense third-dimensional energy matrix construct. It was formed via
intelligent design that created and seeded all forms of life and matter in our
galaxy and beyond, and has often been influenced by both positive
and negative extraterrestrial races throughout history and today.
The purpose of our soul creation is spiritual evolution, achieved via numerous
life cycles experienced as incarnations on the dimensional planes. The
process exists in order to eventually attain the level of unconditional love and
being as intended by the Creator. To eventually become as The One.
As part of this process of evolution on Earth, we are assigned angels, spirit
guides and malevolent demons, that act as agents of the light and dark
influences of the human condition. Our angels and advanced soul guides are
ever present as their purpose is to assist our souls on our spiritual objectives.
Our guides hear all thoughts and prayer and are aware of the intent of all your
endeavours. They often intervene on our behalf  as necessary to protect,
nurture and heal us without imposing on free will as that is our most sacred
gift by the Creator source.
Earth is considered one of the tougher ‘schools’ of spiritual advancement for
the amount of mental and physical hardship that occurs as part of its dense
vibrational energy construct. Therefore it is encouraged to call on the
Creators for additional support of light, healing, guidance and protection. They
will act on your behalf without exception or judgement, subtly influencing
thought in positive ways to help us make the right decisions towards love, joy
and spiritual growth.
In opposition to your goal of soul evolution, darkness (negative entities) will
attempt to exert manipulation via the lower ego self, as it is an ideal vehicle
incorporating all the carnal and fallible qualities of embodied humanity that
tends to separate us from total unconditional love (Christ Consciousness).

It is questioned why a loving Creator would allow the influence of negativity. It

is simply because without the existence of such forces, we would not
recognise the light and what it represents. It was created as a necessary part
of the balance of the 'Law of Opposition' evolutionary framework and essential
as means for learning and growth. It is nothing to fear, as 'darkness' can never
overcome the Light; it all just forms part of the testing ground and experience
required for embodied souls whilst in this dimension. The law of free will has
always been our greatest gift to what we allow to affect our consciousness,
whether positively or negatively. Unfortunately today, many souls exist
unaware and confused of the Creator Source, their divinity and potential for
enlightenment, therefore blocking the greatest power vested in them—the
divine power to discover within their true 'Creator-connected self'. However,
this has always required conscious effort with positive intent to seeking
divine 'Truth' and awakening to the delibrate distracting and inhibiting illusions
of this world. For too long we have been falsely led, tempted and distracted
to great spiritual disconnectedness by negative spiritual forces that
have greatly influenced/manipulated the collective consciousness to help
manifest the negativity that is rife today, though not for much longer. The
coming events will soon place our very purpose for existence into perspective.
When material goods are stripped away, when money and class status no
longer serve, through suffering and subsequent removal of boastful pride and
the material focused way of life, humanity will be forced to reconsider
what truly matters in this world. Take nothing for granted today, even the
steady ground at your feet!

By incarnating, you have agreed to adhere to the Law of Consequence

(karma) on Earth and is why good intent is paramount at all times in all that
you think, say and do. Thoughts and intention contain conscious energies that
carry much power and influence, so whether it is positive or negative is your

Your spirit can be placed in lower astral levels if you accumulate highly

negative karma during your incarnation which is contrary to 'graduating' to a
higher existence. This is what can be termed as a hell-like realm of existence,
where all the pain you inflicted on others is experienced and felt by your spirit
in turn. This is not written to generate fear. It is simply how the dimensional
'matrix' operates and is necessary for teaching and evolution towards Light.
What you choose to embrace or ignore is up to you and always has been.
There are seekers and non-seekers, believers and non-believers. This life
is essentially a spiritual testing ground. If you are not sure of what by now,
then it likely time you started asking the right questions and searching. You
are here for a reason.

Establishing connection to the 'higher self' is enabled by the altering of your

frequency. This is aided via practices such as meditation, dedicated and
thankful prayer, vegetarianism (meat carries a negative energy force that
lowers bio-frequency), detoxification methods that include fasting, a sugar
(refined) and toxin limited diet and lifestyle (toxins block energy pathways and
suppress pineal gland function--fluoride is a major suppressor), avoidance of
ALL vaccines (various toxins contained such as mercury and squalene very
harmful and suppressing to biology), avoiding or minimizing electromagnetic
manipulation on your bio-frequency (exposure to televisions, mobile
phones/tower signals etc), and the development of unconditional love for all
life. When the temple of our spirit (body) is clean, it allows the divine Holy
Spirit to better work through it.

Religion and Disempowerment

Over the ages many original teachings and texts of sacred spiritual truth have
been suppressed, destroyed, altered and otherwise manipulated as means of
disempowerment and control over individuals. There are many half-truths and
distorted interpretations of historical events that make up many of today’s
teachings. This has resulted in mass confusion via contradictions and false
doctrine amongst the various religions, congregations and sects. Many have
turned away from faith in confusion while others blindly follow oppressive
religious law written by man that incorporates divisive and fear based doctrine.
This has led to a form of separation from the Creator via the negative teaching
and thought forms it shapes in minds. Such false teaching has been designed
to keep the flock subservient and contained to a groups’ organisational
system of authority and rules. Sadly, retention on this deceitful path blocks
true awareness of your divine  nature and true spiritual potential for
unconditional love.

A contribution to the distortion of sacred theology over the ages is also linked
to corruptive influences and infiltration at the highest level of religious
hierarchies by members and agents of the Illuminati (Cult of the Serpent)—a
secretive Luciferic group of power factions, whom represent the dark
adversaries against mankind's mission of spiritual ascension. The apostasy
and sabotaging elements within these organisations have contributed gravely
to the apostasy on Earth. A corrupted leadership has often misguided the
faithful and resulted in a spiritually, morally and ethically challenged race. This
is of course what the dark elements have always desired to disempower as
many souls as possible, and is why it has always been so important for
humanity to empower themselves and seek their own truth within. Today, we
live in a world delibrately suppressed, kept busy and full of worldly distractions
to deter from such a purpose.

True empowerment knows the direct pathway to the True Creator has always
been within you.The most essential sacred law of the universe is simply that
of peace and unconditional love towards the Creator and every living being. It
is the true path of Godliness, your real power and the ultimate goal in the
universe that binds us all, for that is our shared purpose.

Notably, the negativity/division we experience in today’s society is essentially

what the collective consciousness of humanity has wilfully allowed through our
fears, selfishness, ignorance, apathy, anger and other ego blocks to divine
love energies. It is this collective karma that has returned via disease, war,
conflict, disasters etc. However the long period in Earth history of oppression,
greed, war, famine, disease and suffering will soon be over. Have no fear,
for you are guided on this soul journey and always have been. Choose the
path of guided Light (Divine Love and Truth) and fear nothing. 

Let thy will of the Creator be done. Eternal love, grace and blessings to All.

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