Lecture 2. Modern Methods of Construction

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Overview of Traditional and Modern Methods of

Construction Methods and Technology
Methods of Construction

Although Modern Methods of Construction are taking building practices into the future, traditional brick and
block methods still remain one of the most widely used build types.

The term ‘traditional’ is often used to describe the types of linear construction, where each individual
step is not only constructed entirely (or largely) on site, but also needs to be completed before the project
can move on to the next phase.
Traditional Methods

There are many varied forms of construction and blocks take many
different forms:
(1) Dense Concrete Blocks
Dense Concrete Blocks have a high strength factor and are therefore
used for foundations, external leafs of walls that are to be rendered
and for internal load bearing partitions. They do not, however, have
a very high insulation value or acoustic rating.

(2) Lightweight Aerated (Aircrete) Blocks

Lightweight Aerated (Aircrete) Blocks are suitable for foundations,
internal and external leaves of cavity walls, solid walls, internal walls
and party walls. They provide a far greater thermal efficiency but
usually require the application of an external wall insulation system
to achieve current building regulations.
Traditional Methods

(3) Thin Joint Systems

Thin Joint Systems (which are actually classed as an MMC due to the innovative process) have been designed to
speed up the build process. The blocks are laid using a proprietary mortar (instead of sand / cement) which is
applied using a special scoop. The system allows a single leaf to be taken up to roof height without waiting for
the external leaf offering a similar construction speed of panellised systems.


► Ever increasing demand for Housing the Growing Population

► Shortage and high cost of Land availability for construction

► Shortage of required Skilled Manpower

► Quest for Improved / Modern Life Style

► Growing concern for the Quality of Construction

► Revision of Building Regulations : (Initially these related to Health and Safety Norms, recently the

Regulations have been broadened to cover the performance of buildings, particularly their thermal
and acoustic performance).
► Increased cost of Building Materials : Conventional construction leads to higher wastage

► Environment Performance of Buildings : Typical Site Construction entails Noise, dust and Traffic

congestion. MMC leads to benefits particularly for manufactured dwellings because much of the work
is conducted in a factory; therefore the impact on the local community in terms of noise, dust and
traffic movements associated with conventional construction sites is reduced.
Drivers for building with modern methods of construction

Reasons for adoption of MMC:

• Shortage in housing supply: The rate of housing supply in areas of the UK, such as the South East where considerable growth
is forecast, is lower than Government would prefer. High demand for housing in these areas is pushing up prices, making it
more difficult for key workers and those on low incomes to find suitable accommodation. The development of affordable
private sector dwellings is outside the control of Government so the focus has been on stimulating the development of MMC
capacity as a means of increasing the rate of housing supply.

• Skill Shortage: Under-investment in training in the building industry in recent years has led to overall skill levels decreasing
with potential implications for quality. The situation has been made worse by the greater use of contract, as opposed to direct,
labour. Procurement is often on the basis of lowest tender/fixed price meaning there is little incentive for contractors to do
more than the minimum required. It is also difficult for main contractors to predict the calibre of operative used on a job.

• Concerns of Housing Quality: It is difficult to draw firm conclusions about whether construction quality is getting better or
worse. There is a perception that build quality is declining, but that is probably due more to high profile media coverage of a
few examples of poor practice and increasing customer expectations, than to an overall decline.

Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf
Drivers for building with modern methods of construction

Reasons for adoption of MMC in developed countries including UK:

• Revisions to Building Regulations: When the Building Regulations were introduced, they were concerned only with the health
and safety of people in and around buildings. More recently the Regulations have been broadened to cover the performance
of buildings, particularly their thermal and acoustic performance.

• Environmental Performance: Increasing emphasis is being placed on the environmental performance of buildings, not only in
use but also during construction, and the environmental credentials of the materials being used. One aspect of the construction
process that is criticised on conventional sites is the level of wasted material, either through damage or profligacy. On
conventional sites, materials are normally purchased in bulk and contractors are hired to fit them. There is little incentive for the
contractor (who is usually on a fixed-price contract) to economise on the use of materials. With MMC, suppliers usually quote a
price for manufacture or supply that includes the cost of the materials, so there is a much greater incentive for them to minimise

Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf

► Modern methods of construction is a collective term used to describe a number of construction methods


1. Off-site manufactured – Volumetric
2. Off-site manufactured – Panellised
3. Off-site manufactured – Hybrid
4. Off-site manufactured – Sub-assemblies and components
5. Non off-site manufactured modern methods of construction


 Factory built/assembled
 Industrialised construction
 Innovative systems constructed on-site
 Off-site assembly
 Off-site construction
 Off-site manufacture
 Modular construction
 Pre-fabricated construction
 System building
Types of Modern Methods of Construction

There are five categories used by the Housing Corporation to classify an MMC (housing) construction system:
• Off-site manufactured - volumetric (three-dimensional units produced in a factory, fully fitted out before being
transported to site and stacked onto prepared foundations to form dwellings).
• Off-site manufactured - panelised (flat panel units built in a factory and transported to site for assembly into a
three-dimensional structure or to fit within an existing structure).
• Off-site manufactured - hybrid (volumetric units integrated with panelised systems).
• Off-site manufactured - sub-assemblies and components (larger components that can be incorporated into
either conventionally built or MMC dwellings).
• Non-off-site manufactured MMC (innovative methods of construction used on-site and the use of conventional
components in an innovative way).

Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf

► VOLUMETRIC CONSTRUCTION: Three-dimensional units produced in a factory, fully fitted out before being
transported to site and stacked onto prepared foundations to form the dwellings.

1. Consult the manufacturer early in the development of the design – designing with the manufacturing process in
mind can lead to manufacturing efficiencies.
2. Due to the size and weight of a volumetric unit, early consideration of transportation and erection logistics is
necessary. Storage of the units on-site before erection is not recommended or practical.
3. Accurate foundations (eg ±5 mm on flatness) are essential due to tight tolerances of the units. Connections
between units must also be carefully considered.
4. Design freeze (particularly of services) is essential before manufacture begins – any late design changes will be
5. Ensure units are inspected both in the factory and on-site.
6. Consider the building control process. If the factory is remote from the site, one building control authority may
undertake inspections in the factory, and another on-site.
Video Description

► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz2t8JUI5V4
Panellised Construction System

Flat panel units built in a factory and

transported to site for assembly into a three-
dimensional structure or to fit within an
existing structure Systems can include wall,
floor and roof panels to create the complete
structural shell.
Factory-made structural floor and roof panels
are known as ‘cassettes’

Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf
Panellised construction systems
► Flat panel units built in a factory and transported to site for assembly into a three-dimensional
structure or to fit within an existing structure.

 Open Panels

 Closed Panels

 Concrete Panels

 Composite Panels

 Structural Insulated Panels

 Infill Panels

 Curtain Walling

► OPEN PANELS : panels delivered to site where insulation, windows, services and linings are fitted. All
structural components are visible. Panels can be structural (transmitting load to the foundations) or
non-structural (used as non-loadbearing separating walls and partitions).
► CLOSED PANELS: Panels based on a structural framing system (such as the type used for open panel

systems), which can have factory fitted windows, doors, services, internal wall finishes and external
cladding. The internal structural components can only be seen around the perimeter of the panel.
► CONCRETE PANELS: structural wall panels, which can include cladding (often bricks or brick slips),

insulation materials, windows and doors.

► STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS (SIPS): Sandwich construction comprising two layers of sheet

material bonded to a foam insulation core. They do not rely on internal studs for their structural
performance. Used primarily as wall and roof panels.
► INFILL PANELS: Non-loadbearing panels inserted within a structural frame. Any type of panel can be

used although framed panels are more common. Masonry can also be used.
► CURTAIN WALLING: Vertical building enclosure system that supports no loads other than its own
weight and the environmental loads that act upon it.

Volumetric units integrated with panellised systems

► Hybrid construction is also referred to as semi-volumetric construction. Highly serviced areas such as kitchens or bathrooms can
be constructed as volumetric units, with the rest of the dwelling constructed with panels.
1. If different materials are used for the volumetric and panellised units, care is needed in the design detailing.
2. Ensure detailed design has been carefully considered at the interface between the volumetric unit and panellised system. This
is especially important if different manufacturers’ products are being used.
3. Hybrid construction combines the best elements of volumetric and panellised construction. High value-added materials and
fittings can be factory fitted into the volumetric units in controlled conditions, and panellised construction increases flexibility
of layout.
4. Establish effective communication early between the manufacturer(s) and the project architect to optimise the design for the
manufacturing process.
Sub-assemblies and components
• Pre-assembled roof structure: roofs assembled at ground
level before constructing the shell of a dwelling. The roof can
be craned into place as soon as the rest of the superstructure
is in place, creating a weathertight structure more quickly than
assembling the roof in situ. There are also health and safety
benefits resulting from the workforce not undertaking all the
work at height.
• Pre-fabricated dormers: factory made dormers can speed up
the process of making the roof watertight.
• Pre-fabricated chimney stacks: factory made lightweight
chimney stacks (often clad with brick slips) for mounting on a
roof structure without the need for a masonry flue, make them
suitable for lightweight frame constructions. The stacks can
accommodate flue liners and so function with combustion
appliances. Wiring looms: cabling systems manufactured so
that they can be assembled quickly with relatively unskilled
labour. Cables are manufactured in various lengths and
terminated with plugs that simply plug into sockets and other
electrical items.

Prefabricated roof structure

Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf
Sub-assemblies and components
• Pre-fabricated plumbing: pipework and fittings pre-
assembled for use in volumetric units to facilitate the
rapid throughput of units in the factory.
• Timber I beams: lightweight joists, studs or rafters
manufactured with solid or composite timber flanges
with timber sheet material web to form an I beam.
The beams are very stiff for their weight and
manufactured in a range of lengths and depths. The
beams can be used to create structures with large
unsupported spans giving flexibility in layout.
• Metal web joists: lightweight joists comprising two
timber flanges separated by light gauge steel lattice
webs. As with timber I beams, large spans are
Metal web joists

Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf
Site-based modern methods of construction
Innovative methods of construction used on-site and the
use of conventional components in an innovative way.
A variety of systems are available which include:
• Tunnel - form in situ concrete: concrete bays cast
between ‘L’-shaped steel shutters. The ends of the bays
are infilled with other materials (eg masonry, light gauge
steel or timber frame panels) to create a habitable
• Insulating formwork: insulation in the form of hollow
blocks or sheets used as permanent shuttering for
concrete to create the external walls of a dwelling. Very Tunnelform
airtight and thermally efficient dwellings are created
using this system.
• Aircrete: aerated concrete products (thin joint blockwork
or aircrete planks) used to form the major elements (ie
walls, roof and floors) of a structure.
Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf
Site-based modern methods of construction
Innovative methods of construction used on-site and the
use of conventional components in an innovative way.
A variety of systems are available which include:
• Tunnelform in situ concrete: concrete bays cast
between ‘L’-shaped steel shutters. The ends of the bays
are infilled with other materials (eg masonry, light gauge
steel or timber frame panels) to create a habitable
• Insulating formwork: insulation in the form of hollow
blocks or sheets used as permanent shuttering for
concrete to create the external walls of a dwelling. Very
airtight and thermally efficient dwellings are created
using this system.
• Aircrete: aerated concrete products (thin joint blockwork
or aircrete planks) used to form the major elements (ie
walls, roof and floors) of a structure.
Sources: http://newsandviews.zurich.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Risk-Insight-Modern-Methods-of-Construction.pdf
Need for Mechanization in the
Construction Industry

1. The work can be done speedily.

2. The work can be done in time.
3. Large quantity of materials can be handled , so the size of the project can be
4. The complex projects involving high grade material.
5. High quality standards can be maintained.
6. Time schedule can be kept.
7. Optimum use of material ,man power and finance.
8. Due to shortage of skilled and efficient man power.
Emerging Technologies
• Monolithic Concrete Construction System using Plastic - Aluminium Formwork
• Monolithic Concrete Construction System using Aluminium Formwork
• Technology Using Expanded Steel Mesh Panels, Polystyrene Beads &
Alleviated Concrete
• Pre-stressed Precast Prefab Technology Using Hollow Core Slab, Beams, Columns,
Solid Walls, Stairs, etc.
• Precast Concrete Panels Using Concrete, Welded Mesh And Plates, Polystyrene Core
Onsite + Offsite
• Panel Building System using Steel Mesh, Polystyrene Core and Chipping Concrete
(evaluated through PACS)
• Industrialized 3-S System Using Cellular Light Weight Concrete Slabs & Precast
Monolithic Concrete Technology Using Plastic / Aluminium
Composite Formwork (evaluated through PACS)
 Walls and slabs are cast in one
operation in specially designed light
weight form/ moulds in concrete.
 Concrete is poured in the forms &
forms are removed after the setting
of concrete takes place, resulting in
box like cubical structure of
required architectural design.
 The pre-designed formwork also
acts some sort of assembly line
production and enables rapid
construction of multiple units of
repetitive type.
Monolithic Concrete Technology Using Plastic / Aluminium
Composite Formwork (evaluated through PACS)
Monolithic Concrete Technology Using Plastic / Aluminium
Composite Formwork (evaluated through PACS)
 Materials used: Primarily M20 grade concrete walls, slabs & HYSD reinforcement of
Fe 415/ Fe500 grade.
 Specification:
 Foundation : Strip footing based on SBC of soil. Foundation & plinth wall to be 150 mm thick.
 Work above Plinth: load bearing cement concrete of M20 Grade walls with single layer of
vertical & horizontal reinforcement.
 Slab & Staircases: 100 mm thick M20 Grade concrete slabs. Plain soffit staircase with
concrete/masonry riser.
 Reinforcement: HYSD reinforcement of Fe 415/ Fe500 grade
 Shuttering/Form works : PVC-Aluminium Formwork with minimum propping
 In addition, IPS/Ceramic Tile flooring in rooms, dado in WC & bath. Metal doors for main &
internal walls, PVC doors for bath & WC etc.
 As indicated, the specifications/items are indicative & can be changed to suit the needs of users
as per local conditions/practices.
 Evaluation: CEPT University, Ahmadabad
Monolithic Concrete Technology Using Plastic / Aluminium
Composite Formwork (evaluated through PACS)

 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:

 Construction of 5008 houses at Kanjhawala, Narela, Ghoga in Delhi (2008-
09) for DSIIDC
 512 houses in Bawana industrial complex, Delhi (2008-09) for DSIIDC
 Construction of 6745 houses in Ahmedabad Gujarat for AUDA
 6 projects with Monolithic Construction Technology System have been
reported to be under execution in various parts of the country.
Monolithic Concrete Construction using
Aluminium Formwork
 In the Monolithic concrete construction with
aluminium forms system, Concrete walls and slabs
are cast monolithically at one pour.
 The system allows reduction in thickness of concrete
members below the minimum value than the
conventional construction, thus reducing the
consumption of natural resources.
 Single floor with built up area of about 300 sqm.
can be completed in two days using the aluminium
formwork system.
 The technology reduces the cost of repair and
maintenance compared to conventional system.

Monolithic Concrete Construction using
Aluminium Formwork
Monolithic Concrete Construction using
Aluminium Formwork

 Materials used: Cement, aggregate, sand, steel and aluminium formwork

 Salient features: Structurally sound, safe, durable against earthquakes,
cost effective technology, resistant to fire etc.
 Evaluation: Wind Engineering Research Deptt., Texas Technical University,

 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:

 Construction of houses using monolithic construction technology for slum
renewal projects for KSCB at Bangalore and Mysore under JNNURM.
Technology Using Expanded Steel Mesh Panels,
Polystyrene Beads & Alleviated Concrete

 The system is entirely a “on-site” construction

 The houses are entirely, including the roof, made up
of structure panels assembled with Beams.
 Alleviated concrete, a special mix of concrete and
expanded polystyrene beads, hence incorporating U.K.
both the thermal and the sound insulation, is injected
into a steel structure made of panels reinforced with
beams (galvanized steel wire studs / steel rods).
 The Concrete base and the foundations of the houses
are prepared in a conventional manner. The panels
are tied to the soldered wire mesh and to the iron
rods in the base and in the foundations and
assembled in accordance with the design of the
Technology Using Expanded Steel Mesh Panels,
Polystyrene Beads & Alleviated Concrete

 Materials used: Expanded steel type of galvanized steel mesh panels, cast and expanded in
continuous process from a 1.6 mm thick and 30 cm wide galvanized steel sheet coil and
Alleviated concrete made up of cement; fiber; sand and expanded polystyrene beads(1-4
 Salient Features: Well insulated, earthquake/hurricane/tornado resistant, fire and termite
resistant, built on site in less time, minimal manpower, equipment and logistics, high quality and
durability, cost effective, sound, safe, healthy, energy efficient, environment friendly,
architectural flexibility, higher strength of walls and roof, wires and pipes embedded in the
walls, no forms, shuttering frames or casings. The system is composed of tri-dimensional panels,
realized without welding in one piece, without any loss of materials by special cutting process
and using galvanized steel plates. It is made of two sides of longitudinal ribs which are linked
together at the knots by jambs. The layout of jambs in relation to the ribs defines the sides.
 Evaluation: Thermal, sound and structural certification by GINGER-CEBTP, France; fire
resistance certification by EFECTIS, France; Certification by CSTB, SOCOTEC, VERITAS
Technology Using Expanded Steel Mesh Panels,
Polystyrene Beads & Alleviated Concrete

 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:

 Houses in Paris,Toulon, French Riviera, Morocco, Peru, New Caledonia, Vietnam, Rambouillet-
 Buildings in Disneyland-Paris, Japan tower in Paris.
 Besides the above, the reinforcement of damaged walls and houses, construction of special
purpose walls, construction of roads, Tunnels, conduits, vaults, arches, bridges and
stabilization of soils have been carried out using the technology in various parts of the
 Constructing houses near Mumbai for private organisation
 Constructing houses near Kolkata for Government of west Bengal
Technology Using Expanded Steel Mesh Panels,
Polystyrene Beads & Alleviated Concrete
Pre-stressed Precast Prefab Technology Using Hollow
Core Slab, Beams, Columns, Solid Walls, Stairs, etc.
 Pre-stressed precast RCC technology using hollow core slabs,
beams, columns, solid walls, stairs etc. are designed and
manufactured in factory, shipped and erected at site.
 Multi-storey precast concrete frames are constructed with
columns and beams of different shapes and sizes, stair and
elevator shafts and floor slabs.
 The joints between the floors elements are executed in such a
way that concentrated loads are distributed over the whole
floor. This system is widely used for multi storey buildings.
 The structural frame is commonly composed of rectangular
columns of one or more storeys height. The beams are
normally rectangular, L-shaped or inverted T-beams. They
are single span or cantilever beams, simply supported and
pin-connected to the columns. Hollow core floor slabs are by
far the most common type of floor slabs in this type of
Pre-stressed Precast Prefab Technology Using Hollow
Core Slab, Beams, Columns, Solid Walls, Stairs, etc.
Pre-stressed Precast Prefab Technology Using Hollow Core
Slab, Beams, Columns, Solid Walls, Stairs, etc…contd.

 Materials used: Cement concrete, steel strands, reinforcing steel.

 Salient features:
 Saving in Cost: Precast Prefab buildings can be constructed in less than half the time it
takes to construct using conventional construction.
 Material Savings: Precast pre-stressed technology results in 40% reduction in slab
 Savings in Exterior Painting & Finishing: All exterior surfaces can be provided with
aggregate or other such colored finishes which require no additional painting.
 Increased Carpet Area: Because of the high strength of the concrete structure small
sized walls can be used in lieu of thicker ones.
Pre-stressed Precast Prefab Technology Using Hollow Core
Slab, Beams, Columns, Solid Walls, Stairs, etc…contd.

 Salient features contd.

 Energy Savings: Hollow core slabs act as a natural insulator & thereby result in savings
in air conditioning cost. Additionally, walls can have in-built foam insulation resulting in
increased savings.
 Environmental Benefits: Prefab concrete can have fly ash as a ingredient in the concrete
mix. This results in higher strength concrete while at the same time utilizing an otherwise
waste product.
 Long Life Cycles: As buildings components are manufactured & cured in controlled
conditions the resulting elements have better strength & durability. This results in
buildings having much longer life cycles than conventional in-Situ construction
 Water Savings: Water requirement for curing of elements is minimal as compared to in-
situ construction. Also in the factory the water is recycled thereby saving this precious
Pre-stressed Precast Prefab Technology Using Hollow Core
Slab, Beams, Columns, Solid Walls, Stairs, etc…contd.

 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:

 Multi story residential housing in Finland
 4 works in Finland and Sweden are in hand having value 1739 lakhs.
 No construction work undertaken in India.
 Established a complete manufacturing plant in Khapoli, near Mumbai
Precast Concrete Panels Using Concrete,
Welded Mesh And Plates, Polystyrene Core
 Pre-cast concrete load bearing panels are made of
reinforced concrete with a polystyrene insulated
core that varies in size from 40mm to 200mm
depending upon the insulation requirements.
 The reinforced concrete panels are moulded in
specially designed steel moulds under controlled
factory conditions.
 The buildings and houses can be designed to suit
any geographical position or environment and can
withstand wind speed in excess of 285km/hr.
 The system does not impose any design restrictions
Due to cohesive structural design, the system requires
only strip foundation for most buildings.

New Zealand
Precast Concrete Panels Using Concrete,
Welded Mesh And Plates, Polystyrene Core
Precast Concrete Panels Using Concrete,
Welded Mesh And Plates, Polystyrene Core
 Materials used: Cement, aggregates, sand with additives, Welded mesh and
plates, polystyrene core
 Salient features: Reduced labour cost due to quicker/easier assembly, in some
cases no mason is required; tornado/hurricane damage resistance, fire, termite
and dry rot resistance; requires less insulation; low maintenance and improved
sound proofing; can be erected in cold temperature, preventing concrete pour
delays; buildings constructed using the system are resistant to earthquakes
measuring up to 6 on Richter Scale; save air conditioning energy; higher upfront
cost, requires on-site crane including certified installer sometimes; offers a 10
year warranty on the structure using the technology.
 Evaluation: Building Research Association of New Zeeland (Fire Rated and
structural load testing), Structural Engineering Research centre, Chennai and
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
Precast Concrete Panels Using Concrete,
Welded Mesh And Plates, Polystyrene Core

 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:

 Construction of houses New Zealand, Maryland, Delaware
 Construction of demonstration houses in Hyderabad for APSHCL
 Constructing houses in different parts of Andhra Pradesh for
 Established a full-fledged manufacturing unit in Hyderabad
Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG)/ Rapidwall
Building System Technology (evaluated through PACS)
 Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG)/
Rapidwall is a building panel product,
made essentially of gypsum plaster,
reinforced with glass fibres.
 Used since 1990 in Australia. Although its
main application is in the construction of
walls, it can also be used in floor and roof
slabs in combination with reinforced
 The panels may be unfilled, partially filled
or fully filled with reinforced concrete as
per the structural requirement.
Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG)/ Rapidwall Building
System Technology (evaluated through PACS)..contd.
Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG)/ Rapidwall Building
System Technology (evaluated through PACS)..contd.

 Materials used: Gypsum plaster reinforced with glass fibres.

 Salient features: Substantial reduction in the structural weight of the
building, no plastering requirement for walls and ceiling, increased speed
of construction with less manpower, saving of cement, steel, river sand,
burnt clay bricks/concrete blocks and hence saving of energy and reduced
CO2 emissions, contributing to environment protection and mitigate climate
change, use of reprocessed/recycled industrial by product, waste gypsum,
to manufacture GFRG panel, helping to abate pollution and protect the
 Evaluation: IIT Madras and SERC Chennai, Building Materials & Technology
Promotion Council (BMTPC), New Delhi. Detailed design manual has been
developed for construction of buildings using GFRG panel.
Light Gauge Structure System (Jindal)

 Frame is made of cold rolled high strength steel

sections and EPS panels for walling.
 Internal walls covered with gypsum and India
cementitious board. Exterior wall Sprayed with
cementitious material directly onto the studs.
 Faster construction by prefabricated panels. All
structural components are precisely pre-
manufactured and simply assembled on site.
 Enhanced Thermal & Acoustic insulation with
Boarding/Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
/Rockwool/Vapour Barrier.
 Eco friendly structure. Superior and sustainable
performance. Minimum Impact on natural resources.
Speed Floor System (Jindal)

 The heart of the system is a roll-formed, galvanised

high tensile steel joist 3mm thick.
 The joist is manufactured by roll-former in a single
integrated operation. India

 The joists are Punched, pressed, pre-cambered and

cut to length at a fast production rate.
 Slab is made of concrete.
 By using the steel structures as main frame, there
are so many advantages. Few of them are
 Cost savings, Faster in completion, Quality,
Sustainable construction, Early occupancy, Easy
(Synergy Thrislington) (evaluated through PACS)

 Steel tubular pillars made up of square tube using

fasteners with nut and bolts.
 MS Steel prefabricated modules of Hot rolled U India

sections including plates used for aligning the

 Walls of EPS Panels made up of 60 mm thick with 3
dimensional wire mesh and 35 mm thick concrete /
form work both side.
 Light Weight Panels generate minimal inertia force
& therefore contributes to greater stability. Unique
Tongue & Groove System permits local adjustments
for shock absorption.
 Eco-friendly and faster construction.
Panel Building System using Steel Mesh, Polystyrene
Core and Chipping Concrete (evaluated through PACS)

 Panel Building system is a load bearing wall construction

which is seismic resistant and thermally insulated.
 Buildings of any typology or architectural structure, ranging
from most simple to the most complex one, could be
 The base element of the building system is a modular panel
composed of two electro-welded galvanized steel meshes, Malaysia
reciprocally joined by connectors , in the middle of which is a
suitably shaped foam polystyrene plate.
 High resistance steel meshes composed of bars having dia.
2.5 to 5 mm. are made in factory. Panels could be supplied
with meshes having different dia. and different geometrical
Panel Building System using Steel Mesh, Polystyrene
Core and Chipping Concrete…contd.
Panel Building System using Steel Mesh,
Polystyrene Core and Chipping Concrete…contd.

 Materials used: Meshes manufactured using high resistance steel bars of dia. 2.5 –
5mm, Self - extinguishing Polystyrene core (min density 15 kg / m3), Chipping Concrete
having characteristic strength 30 Mpa
 Salient features: Good heat and sound insulation properties, versatility in construction,
lightweight but strong, resistance to seismic, hurricane/tornado forces including blast
explosion of 50 psi, fire rating of 60 min, cost effective building system utilizing local
raw materials and labour force, speed of construction (30% less than conventional
construction system), environment friendly being, CFC free and non-toxic, energy
 Evaluation: Wind projectile resistance test – Wind Science and engineering, Texas Tech
University, Texas; Fire resistance test - Centro Technologico De La Madera, spain;
Dynamic Tests – RITAM-ISRIM-Universita Di Perugia- CSM; Sound insulation test- SIRIM
QAS International Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia
Panel Building System using Steel Mesh,
Polystyrene Core and Chipping Concrete…contd.

 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:

 Construction of 1820 units in 6 storey at Bangi, Selangor, 89.2 crore
 Construction of 50 units at Hulu Langar Distt. Selangor, Malaysia. 17.8
 Construction of 6 storey private hospital with 3 basement car park at
Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 220.5 crore
 Construction of 1002 units in 4 storey at Selangor, 11.75 crore
 Constructing houses near Kolkata for Government of west Bengal
Industrialized 3-S System Using Cellular Light
Weight Concrete Slabs & Precast Columns
 The industrialized total open prefab construction
technology is based on factory mass manufactured
structural prefab components conforming to norms of IS
standards and BIS Certification mark.
 In this system Dense Concrete hollow column shell of
appropriate size are used in combination with pre -
cast dense concrete rectangular T Shape/L shape
beams and lightweight reinforced autoclaved cellular
concrete slabs for floors and roofs. India

 The hollow columns are grouted with appropriate

grade of in–situ concrete. All the connections and
jointing of various structures are accomplished through
in situ concreting along with secured embedded
reinforcement of appropriate size, length and
configuration to ensure monolithic continuous resilient
ductile behavior.
Factory set-up at Delhi
Precast yard and factory set-
up at Delhi
Industrialized 3-S System Using Cellular Light
Weight Concrete Slabs & Precast Columns…contd.
Industrialized 3-S System Using Cellular Light
Weight Concrete Slabs & Precast Columns…contd.
 Materials used: Concrete, Cellular light weight concrete Slabs, Precast
 Salient features: As per relevant Indian Standards; IS 2185-Part 3
specification for autoclaved cellular concrete blocks, IS 6041 construction
of autoclaved cellular concrete block masonry, IS 6072SP autoclaved
reinforced cellular concrete wall slab, IS 6073 autoclaved reinforced
cellular concrete floors and roof slab.
 Evaluation: Stanford University, USA; IIT, Mumbai; CBRI, Roorkee; SERC,
Chennai; TSRF, Bangalore. It is mentioned that all the above Institutions
have concluded that the 3 S prefab System satisfies all the technical
parameters, codal requirements and most suitable for mass housing
Industrialized 3-S System Using Cellular Light
Weight Concrete Slabs & Precast Columns…contd.
 Details of construction of buildings using the technologies:
 Construction of Transit/sale tenements at Goregaon, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 78.73 crore
 Construction of 56 MIG, 1624 HIG, 98 Row houses, 40 shops at Dindoshi, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 168.5 crore
 Construction of 1255 transit tenements at Pratiksha Nagar, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 21.77 crore
 Construction of 200 transit, 407 LIG, 588MIG houses at Jogeshwari, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 43.75 crore
 Construction of 62LIG, 8 MIG, Kannaamwar Nagar, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 10.83 crore.
 Construction of 640 transit, 564 LIG, 217 LIG -1, 714 MIG, 196 HIG houses, 10 shops at Sion, Mumbai using Prefab
technology, 76.5crore.
 Construction of Transit, LIG, MIG, RIG houses, at Chembur, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 63.00 crore
 Construction of 1210 transit tenements at Malad, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 47.62 crore
 Construction of 2768 transit tenements at Dharavi, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 60.48 crore
 Construction of 1088 HIG tenements at Andheri, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 108.70 crore
 Construction of 1405 transit, 620 LIG, 784 MIG, 504 HIG houses at Sion, Mumbai using Prefab technology, 126.24 crore.
 Constructing 28068 houses in Mumbai using 3 S prefab system, 1609.3 crore.
 Constructing 3488 houses in Navi Mumbai using 3 S prefab system, 263.61 crore
 Constructing 6216 houses in Hyderabad using 3 S prefab system, 786.27 crore
 Constructing Houses for DDA at Dwarka
Light-weight Wall Panel Forming System (Reliance)

 Steel reinforced partition wall panels are

manufactured using the insulating capabilities of
modified EPS and steel inserts.
 These are pre-engineered, pre-labled and pre- Italy

fabricated lightweight insulated panels.

 Panels provide rapid assembly, integral insulation
for energy efficiency and sound dampening and
are used in curtain walls, interior and exterior non-
load bearing wall applications.
 Patented process: Self supporting, steel beams and
furring strips
 Fast, flexible and safe method to build concrete
floor or roof.
Light Gauge Steel Frame Construction System
 Frame is made of cold rolled high strength steel
 Structure is erected by joining these sections, using India
patented ‘Dipple Klick’ technology which reduces
number of nuts and bolts.
 Roof is made of GI roofing sheets placed upon
equi-distant purlins in the truss.
 Walls are made of cement bonded particle boards
with polymer plaster on both sides and insulated
with mineral wool.
 Eco-friendly and earthquake & fire resistant
 Single house can be built in 9 days.

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