Dental Lab Form

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Dental lab Form

Facility Name: Date Of Visit:

Contact No.: Reason for Visit:

The following conditions must be met in the dental lab:

1. Area sufficient space so that the technicians can move easily
2. Equipment The equipment necessary to operate it as a dental laboratory.
3. Metals / Gypsum / Allocation of isolated places from the rest of the laboratory for the dental technician
Wax to perform the following tasks: melting of metals, casting gypsum and waxing.

4. Storage Refrigerators, cabinets and suitable storage areas as needed.

Should have natural ventilation through doors, windows or roof openings
5. Ventilation and mechanical ventilation by fans, air conditioners and air suction fans.
The floor of the room must be smooth and easy to clean, and the walls shall
6. Laboratory Rooms be coated with antibacterial paint that allows for easy and repeated cleaning.
7. Fire extinguisher Provide a fire extinguisher that is usable and has expiry date.
Special chimney to withdraw the gases from the smelting of metals out of
8. Chimney the laboratory.
9. The existence of an Must Provide an area for eyewash.
area for washing the eye
10. Laboratory Record
1. The name of the owner of the impression and the CPR / ID number.
2. Name of the treating dentist who sent the impression and his address.
3. The type of work required and the date of receipt.
4. The date of sending the impression to the dentist concerned.



Head of Department Approval:


............................................... .3 ..................................... .2 .................................. .1 : ‫اسماء المفتشين‬

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