ME 2202 - PPP Casting-03
ME 2202 - PPP Casting-03
ME 2202 - PPP Casting-03
ME 2202: PrimaryProduction
Primary Production Processes
Prof. S.K.Sahoo
It refers to the passage way through which molten metal
passes to enter mould cavity.
It consists of :
1. Pouring cup or
2. Sprue or
3. Sprue base well
4. Skim bob
5. Runner
6. Runner extension
7. Gate or ingate
8. Riser
Requirements of a good gating system
•It must introduce metal into the mold cavity with minimum turbulence.
•It should help to promote temperature gradient favorable for proper
directional solidification.
•It must prevent slag, dross or inclusions in ladle to reach the mold
•It must avoid aspiration of air and mold gases in metal stream.
•The mold should completely filled in the optimum time, to avoid cold-
shut due to slow rise or erosion due to fast rise.
•It must not cause mold or core erosion.
•Ensures that enough molten metal reaches the mold cavity.
•Economical, practicable & easily to finish after casting.
•Maximize casting yield
Actual mass of metal in mold cavity
Total mass of metal poured into mold
•Pouring basin
•Act as a molten metal reservoir from
which it moves smoothly into the sprue.
•Prevent the slag to enter the mold cavity
by providing a skimmer or skim core.
•Molten metal in the pouring basin should
be full during the pouring operation, to
avoid aspiration effect i.e. a funnel shape
passage will from to drag air/slag into the
mold cavity.
•It controls the metal flow rate that enters into the runner &
gates to ultimately reach the mold cavity.
•Molten metal gains velocity when moves
downward, hence require small area of cross
section for same material to flow. If sprue cross
section is cylindrical throughout then low pressure
will be create at bottom & air will be sucked from
outside. Hence to make the sprue full i.e. to avoid
aspiration effect it should be made tapered.
•Strainer may be provider to trap slag, dross,
•Sprue base well
•Act as reservoir at the bottom of sprue to reduce momentum/
turbulence of molten metal to decrease the chance of erosion.
•Also it entraps the heavy solid impurities to settle at bottom.
•Shape of Sprue:
From Bernoulli's 1
P3 V32 P2 V22
h2 hc
equation, w 2g w 2g 2
In limiting cases, P2 P3 0 V32 V22 Practical profile
h2 (Straight taper)
2g 2 g ht h2
Ideal profile
•Applying continuity condition (parabolic)
between 2 and 3 , A2V2 = A3V3
A3 A3 h2 = Height of sprue
It gives, V2 V3 A RV3 where, R A
ht = Height of pouring basin
2 2
V32 V 2 2 gh2
h2 R 2 3 R 2
V 2 We have, V3 2 ght
2g 2g 3
2 gh2 h2 ht h2 hc A3 hc
R 1 1 R
2 ght ht ht ht It gives, A2 ht
• Square root suggest that profile of sprue should be parabolic in nature.
For easy maintenance and manufacturing, straight taper sprue is used.
•It is the channel generally located in the
horizontal plane (parting line) to distribute
metal from sprue to different regions of
casting by gates controlling rate of flow.
•It is trapezoidal in cross section, cut in the
cope side & gate in the drag half.
•It should run full so as to trap the slag, preventing them to flow into
cavity as slag (lighter in weight) are compelled to flow on the top of the
•Skim bob may be provided to trap slag on top & heavy particle at
•Runner Extension
•Trap the impurities & reduce the momentum when there is a change in
flow direction.
•Gates / ingates
•These are the opening through which the molten metal entry into the
mould cavity.
•The shape & cross sectional should be such that it allows the molten
metal to enter the cavity without turbulence.
Type of gates / Ingates:
•Depending on the method & location of entry point to cavity. These are:
1. Top gating:
The molten metal is poured down through the
strainer & it enter direction or through riser to
the mold cavity at the top surface. Choke
•Quick filling, Sprue can act as riser
Mold cavity
•Favorable temperature gradient towards gate.
Disadvantage: Mold erosion due to turbulence & momentum.
2. Bottom gating:
Molten metal flows down to the bottom of the mold & enters
the cavity at bottom & rises gently in the mold. It uses a core
gate to flow the metal down to minimize heat loss.
•Avoid any mold erosion, less turbulence.
•Less gas / slag entrapment. Mold
Disadvantage: cavity
•Time to fill up more.
•Unfavorable temperature gradient & cold shut core gate
•Special sprue / core for location sprue in drag.
3. Horn gate:
It is another type of bottom gating when metal enters into
mold cavity through a horn gate at bottom producing a
fountain effect.
•It is a bottom gating without the necessity of a core for gate.
•Less turbulence.
•Unfavorable temperature gradient.
•Difficult to horn design.
4. Parting line gating:
Metal enters the mold cavity along the parting line separating
the cope and drag. The sprue is connect to mold through a gate
in a horizontal direction. So there is possible to provide skim
bob or skim gate to trap slag.
• Skim bob can be given to trap slag
• Easy / economy to prepare.
• If the drag portion is deep,
it is likely to cause mold erosion.
5. Side or step gating:
The metals enters at the side of the mold cavity, first near
the bottom and then progressively movers to the higher gates.
The size of the ingates are normally decreases from bottom to
• Gradual filling without mold
erosion to produce a sound casting.
• Temperature gradient can be
Most metal will try to enter
through the lowest gate.
•It is Area ratio of Choke : Runner : Gate
Selection of gating ratio depend on;
•Characteristic of molten metal i.e., fluidity, slag formation tendency,
pouring temperature.
•Mold material Characteristic i.e., resistance to erosion, type of mold
sand etc.
• The base of the Sprue and Choke are the same.
• The ratios among cross-sectional area can be grouped into either
Pressurized or Unpressurized.
• Pressurized: A system where the gate and runner cross-sectional
areas are either equal or less than the choke cross-sectional area.
• Example: 1 : 0.75 : 0.66, 1:0.85:0.85 , 1:1:1 , 1:1:0.85
•Back pressure reduces aspiration as the sprue always runs full,
but leading to more turbulence and chances of mold erosion.
• The Runner must have a cross sectional
area greater than the Choke, and the
Gate(s) would equal or be larger than
the Runner(s). Example: 1 : 2 : 4 , 1 : 3 : 3
•Aspiration of gas occur as the system never runs full, but less
For aluminum casting in green sand molding it is 1:2:4
For steel casting in dry-sand molding it is 1:2:1.5
For iron casting in dry-sand molding it is 1:4:4
Simple Design Principle for Gating System
•The liquid metal flow from pouring basin to mold cavity through sprue,
runner & ingate. Simple calculation based on the principle of fluid flow
can be used to find out the different dimension & filling time.
•Bernoulli theorem: The total energy head remain constant at any
section of fluid flow,,E.(Head) + Press.+ Kinetic E. + Fric. =constant
w= specific weight of liquid
Mathematically, P1 V12 P2 V22
h1 F1 h2 F2 g=acc. due to gravity
w 2g w 2g F=friction head
•Law of continuity: Volume of metal flow at any h=potential head
section in the mold is constant. (Volumetric flow rate) *
Q V1 A1 V2 A2
Where, Q = rate of flow m3/s
A = area of CS, m2
V = velocity, m/s
mold 2
It may not be applicable as metal flow with heat loss & heavy *
friction loss.
Mold filling time (MFT)
MFT = Mold filling time (sec)
Vc V c = Volume of mold cavity (m3)
Q Q = Volumetric flow rate
1. Top gating system:
Applying Bernoulli’s equation:
P1 P2 0 (Atmospheric pressure) F1 F2 0 (Neglected) Choke
V1 0 h2 0 Base (Datum) point When h2=0 ⇒ h1=h 2
Speed at the Choke: V22 Top gating
h1 V2 2 gh
A2=A = Area of cross section of gate/choke
Vc Vc Vc
MFTTop gating
Q A2V2 A 2 gh
2. Bottom gating system: 1
T MFTbottom gating
H (H H m )
Mold of 50 X 25 X 15 cm is filled by a top gating system with cross-
section area of gate is 5cm2 . Find mold filling time.
As per Bernoulli equation, Velocity at choke/throat 2 gh
2 98115 171.6 cm / sec
Volume of mold, V =50X25X15 cm2
Volume of casting 50 25 15
Filling time 21.86 sec
velocity gate area 5 171.6
A mold 60 × 30 × 16 cm is to be filled by liquid metal in sand casting
process. Determine the time taken to fill up the mold when area of gate is
6.0 cm2 & height of gate from top of pouring basin is 16 cm.
(a) Top gating, (b) Bottom gating system.
60 Bottom gating
Top gating
•Top gating:
Vmold = 60 × 30 × 16 = 28800cm2
Vg = Velocity at gate 2 gh 2 98116 177.2 cm / sec
Volume of mold cavity 28800
T 27 sec
v g Ag 6 177.2
•Bottom gate:
Am = 60 × 30 = 1800
Ag = 6, H = 16, Hm = 16 = Height of mold.
Tbottom gating
H (H H m )
16 (16 16)
= 54.2 sec.
Example: The downsprue leading into the runner of a certain mold
has a length = 175 mm. The cross-sectional area at the base of the
sprue is 400 mm2. The mold cavity has a volume = 0.001 m3.
Determine: (a) the velocity of the molten metal flowing through the
base of the downsprue, (b) the volumetric flow rate, and (c) the time
required to fill the mold cavity.
(a) Velocity v = (2gh)0.5 = (2 x 9810 x 175)0.5= 1853 mm/s
(b) Volume flow rate Q = vxA= 1853 x 400 = 741,200 mm3/s
(c) Time to fill cavity MFT = V/Q =106/741,200=1.35s
Riser or Feeder
Risers are reservoirs of liquid metal that feed extra metal to
the mold to compensate for volumetric shrinkage of the
casting over the total solidification period
•Thermally adequate i.e., metal in the riser
should solidify in the end.
•Volumetrically adequate; i.e., sufficient for
compensation the shrinkage in the casting.
•Adequate feeding range, i.e., riser should cover the entire
casting to eliminate center line shrinkage, promote directional
solidification. Two or more riser can be provided.
•Top riser (open)
•Side riser (open)
•Blind risers ( Can be top or side)
•Top risers are most common & also most efficient,
provided on casting where hot spots are accessible
from top directly. Act efficiently by gravitational
force and also help to exhaust mold gases.
•Where hot spots are not accessible directly from
top side risers are provided.
•Blind risers are used to feed localized hot spots
which are not accessible to top & side risers. These
riser remain inside of mold. It reduced the
requirement of feed metal, otherwise need excessive
height of open risers. William or wash burn core is
used to connect it to atmosphere.
Solidification Process
• Solidification occurs in two stages
– Nucleation
– Growth
• It is influenced by
– Material
– Cooling rate
– Pouring temperature (amount of super heat)
– Design and location of riser
• Most of the metallurgical defects occur
because of improper solidification design
• It is the formation of the new stable solid particle from the
liquid metal when there is a net release of energy from the
• Nucleation generates surface which required energy. As a
result, nucleation occurs at a temperature below
equilibrium melting temperature.
• The difference between the melting point and the
temperature at which nucleation occurs is called
• In most situations, nucleation starts from mold walls, ie,
relatively cold surface.
• Some time solid particles (impurities) are added
deliberately for uniform solidification within the molten
liquid. It is called inoculation, it promotes nucleation.
Grain Growth
• Grain growth occurs as the heat of fusion is continuously extracted
from the liquid
• Direction of growth, rate, and type of growth can be controlled by
– The way in which fusion heat from liquid is removed
– Control rates of nucleation and growth for the size and shape of
the crystals
– Faster cooling rates generally produce finer grain sizes (better
mechanical properties)
• Directional instead of progressive solidification, in which molten
metal get solidify and its shrinkage compensated continually is most
required for production of a soud casting.
• when cooling rate is stable columnar crystal growth occur
• For alloy metals because of irregular temperature gradient ahead of
solid surface, dendritic crystal growth occur.
Directional vs. Progressive solidification
Directional solidification
Source of
molten metal
Progressive solidification
A nucleating agent
(inoculant) is a substance
that induces grains to
nucleate and form at the
same time throughout
the structure.
Grain Growth in Metal Solidification
•For pure metal and when cooling rate is stable
columnar crystal growth occur.
•For alloy metals and because of irregular
temperature gradient ahead of solid surface,
dendritic crystal growth occur.
•Tree-like structures that form during the solidification of alloys.
•Slow cooling rates produce dendrites with larger branch spacing; faster
cooling rates produce finer spacing; very fast cooling rates produce no
Internal chills
Pieces of metal that are placed
in the mold cavity and promote
rapid solidification
Ultimately diffused and become
part of the cast part
Find the diameter of the riser to be used for a casting of 200 X 100 X 18
mm rectangular plate. Assume height of riser equals to that of diameter.
Riser takes 25% longer time to solidify
Hot spot
concentration at
cavity may cause
Porosity: caused by shrinkage or trapped gases, or both
Types: A. Solidification defects
B. Trapped gases
C. Residual air
Microporosity: too rapid solidification
seen as small irregular voids, dendritic
shrinkage during solidification
Pin hole porosity-tiny spherical voids, cause
due to release of entrapped gases while
Hot spot
Uniform wall
wall thickness
Corners : Round corners (Fillet) to reduce stress concentrations
and fracture
•Inner radius should be at least the thickness of the walls
Poor Good
Staggered ribs to be used to prevent cracking during cooling
Poor Good