Managerial Skills For Interpersonal Dynamics

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Managerial Skills for Interpersonal Dynamics

Professor Santosh Rangnekar

Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Lecture - 46
Anger, Anxiety and Depression - 2

In the last session we have discussed about the Anger and Anger Management and that is how
the anger is harmful at the workplace and there are the different ways to express the anger that is
the active anger and the passive anger, and then we have to also understand that is the how to
judge others and then decide the what action is to be taken, and we should have the healthy mind
rather than the mild serious and the extreme anger. After anger now I will talk about another
negative emotion that is about the anxiety and then the third one that is about the depression.

(Refer Slide Time: 1:18)

So, in this case we will find that is the when we talk about the, in here I will discuss the anxiety,
then in anxiety I will also discuss the why people are having the anxiety that is a causes of
anxiety, types of anxiety and then the depression, that is the why people are having the
depression and the, then how to make the treatment for the depression or control the depression
on the as in HRM aspect.
(Refer Slide Time: 2:00)

So, firstwe will try to understand the anxiety, why there is an anxiety? Now, first what is an
anxiety? Anxiety is an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by the nervous
behavior such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints and rumination. So, it becomes very-
very important that is the internally, internally there is a unrest and this is because why it is there
because of the nervous behavior is there.

And then there will be the always there will be these complaint of the irregular sleeps and then
having the very negative thoughts and totally against the what we have discussed in the hope the
anxiety will be totally against the hope. It is thus objectively unpleasant feelings of the dread
over something unlikely to happen.

So, we have talked about the hope and optimism, hope and optimism where they were the
positive emotions are there but when we talk about the anxiety and therefore, it is totally against
the hope that is optimism that is a something unlikely to happen. And therefore, the person is
into the fear.

Anxiety is not the same as fear which is felt about something realistically. So, because they, it is
totally inner turmoil. So, one sort of fear will be created but on the unrealistic rate. So, therefore,
it is really intimating a dangerous and is an appropriate response to a perceived threat. So, in the
fear we will find that is the there is something realistically something is there.
And therefore, in that case we find it is dangerous to me and an appropriate response to a
perceived threat. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry and uneasiness. Usually generalized and
unfocused as an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively seen as the menacing. So,
therefore, in that case basically the person himself is perceiving that, it is not really something
which is likely to happen but the person is having the perception that unlikely to happen.

He will be having a perception of the fear and the worry and uneasiness. So, therefore, this
anxiety will create the negative, negative thoughts in the mind and as a result of which the person
will having the feeling of the fear also but on the unrealistic base. Anxiety is not considered to be
a normal reaction, so to a perceived stress or although many feel it occasionally.

So, therefore, (anxiety) as I mentioned that is, it is not the something which is the really is cause,
real cause, rather than it is the perception or feeling of the individual that is something unlikely
to happen. So, this type of the negative feeling that is unlikely to happen and that will create the
anxiety in the person.

(Refer Slide Time: 5:29)

So, there are the different causes of the anxiety, one is the gender socialization, learning
experiences, person’s own pessimistic outcome expectancy, and the increased tendency to take
proactive action. So, whenever we are talking about these certain particular causes of anxiety that
is the normally, for example, the Indian culture, right from the childhood the girl child will be
being given a treatment with the special protection.

And therefore, when this girl child it goes to the colleges or the at the workplace and therefore, in
that case that socialization process as compared to the boys it is totally, now many times not
totally, it is many times, it is different. And therefore, if this type of the socialization process is
there in any family so the girls will be having the more anxiety as compared to boys.

So, therefore, then that is also very important that is the how gender has been treated in the
society, if the gender is treated society equally like in many families nowadays we find that is the
whether it is the girl child or it is the boy child you will find, that is equal treatment is there.
Then there will be not this sort of the negative emotions will be there.

So, we have to treat them equally and therefore, in that case when we treat them equally and
therefore, they feel the equal rights and they have equal rights in positive thinking, then there is
no fear and there is no threat in mind. But if the special protection is given, then there will be
always a fear in the mind and there will be always an anxiety in the mind that is the unlikely
something can happen to me and therefore feeling of unsafe will be there.

So, we the society, society should play a role to treat them the boys and girls equally and then let
them understand that is the, they can also they conquer and they lead their life a very
successfully as the boys can. So, therefore, in that case that type of the socialization process that
will create the confidence to interact with others, to talk to others, to raise the questions. So,
there, these to minimize the anxiety, society also can play a role on the basis of the gender

Now, the person who has tried many times and not have been achieved the results as per his
expectations and then in that case it is possible that is they will having this type of the
experiences, learning experiences. And the learning experiences will be that is the , I cannot
successful. Maybe there is a past I have failed, I may fail here, I cannot do. This type of the
feeling for the self when one person perceives then in that case he learn and that is called the
concept ‘learned helplessness’.
So, many times the anxiety leads to the learned helplessness. Learned helplessness means a
person has learned to be helped, to be helpless, he is not helpless, he can but he has learned to be
the helpless. And therefore, at the workplace you will find that many times you find the
colleagues those who can but they are not trying.

And the reason is that is they have developed this type of the learned helplessness concept. Now,
whenever we are talking about this type of the learned helplessness concept, then these learning
experiences it will be negative and person will be have more anxiety because now he is having
that fear, a psycho fear that is I cannot.

Now, here also I want to mention that is whenever this type of experiences are there, I will talk
about the treatment also. And so then that is it will be always better that is the, we from the past
we learn and perform better. Person’s own pessimistic outcome expectancy. So, therefore,
always when the person thinks, no, even we try to encourage. For example, ever children, when
we say no you can, then the mother says to a child you came, but the child says no I cannot, you
do not know mother that they are different.

So, this perception that ‘they are different’ that is a pessimistic outcome expectancy. Because I
am not the winner, winners are the different, they are somebody those who are very special. So,
therefore, in that case it becomes important that is the person have a tendency for the anxiety.
Increased tendency to take proactive actions. So, taking lot of precautions like I have talked that
is the checking the lock and then when the person is checking the lock again and again, because
the fear is there that is that there may not be the security.

So, therefore, in that case that is the there is a tendency, increasing tendency. Once you check the
lock that is fine, but if you are checking the lock again and again and then definitely it is the
increasing tendency to take proactive actions. And if this type of the tendency is there, then
definitely it will cause the anxiety.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:51)

Now, here when we talk about the different types of the anxiety and then first is the test and
performance anxiety. So, for example, many people are having the examination phobia, and they
feel that is no I will, I may get the tough questions in the exam and then I will not be able to

So, therefore, this type of the filling, if it is deep-rooted, one is a natural everybody like the
healthy, healthy symptom is that yes, once we will have this type of feeling but what he will do?
He will prepare more. But here the test of performance anxiety that I do not appear, I get fever, I
get shivering, many students they get the fever during the examination time.

So, why? Because that is about the performance anxiety, whether I will be able to perform or I
will not able to perform, and if I do not able to perform, what will happen? And that type of the
negative feeling and that will be creating the anxiety is there.

Second is the stranger and social anxiety. As I mentioned that is if the person from the childhood
is not allowed to interact with others then they always have the fear of the that is I do not know
how is this stranger will behave with me and whether he is reliable or unreliable and then if he is
unreliable what will happen to me and if he attacks me physically or verbally, then how I will
respond, and the person will start crying.
So, therefore, in that case this is becoming the stranger and society anxiety is there. Like
interaction with the relatives, meeting to relatives, talking to the people and then even if you are
surrounded by people you are feeling lonely. So, therefore, why? Because there is no
socialization, there is no social interaction or that process of socialization, now I will take the
example of for the organization.

In the organization, orientation program or during training program we conduct the micro lab.
So, why we conduct the micro lab? We conduct the micro lab so that there should not be the
social anxiety, who is who the person is known with whom he is getting the training and during
the training even training they know each other and everybody is not bad.

But if we are having that type of the learning process that there will be stranger and social then
there will be the always anxiety will be there. Another with the strangers is that that is the as I
mentioned that is if unreliable stranger or reliable stranger, the stranger like a boss, boss is a
stranger on the first day.

Then how the person communicates, interacts, what type of fear he has? And therefore, in that
case that will be the stranger and social anxiety will be there. Then there will be generalized
anxiety, generalized anxiety will be that is the it is not based on the any for a particular task or
activity but always feeling the anxiety.

And when the person is having the this type of the feeling that is the generalized anxiety then
that is the fear is there, negative perceptions is there then definitely in that case the person's life
will be more stressful. Because in generalized anxiety there is always the same reaction for the
even favorable conditions or unfavorable conditions. Even there is a favorable conditions but
because of the generalized anxiety the person will be having that type of, sort of the feeling.

Then there will be trait anxiety. Trait anxiety will be that is the personality trait is there, in the
personality trait you will find that is the person is having this type of the generalized anxiety.
And trait anxiety because of the personality traits. Then there are the choice or decision anxiety
and therefore, person will be having this type of the choice or decision anxiety will be there.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:20)

Now, here we can discuss in detail and for example, here you find according to Yerkes–Dodson
law, an optimal level of arousal is necessary to best complete at task such as an exam,
performance, or competitive event. However, when the anxiety or level of arousal exceeds that
optimum, that is a result is a decline in performance and this is the what is actually in the same,
into the stress level.

So, Yerkes–Dodson law talks about that is the when, there also the performance and here was the
stress. So, here performance is weak and strong, here is the arousal is there for the low and high
because it is about the anxiety. So, when it is low, performance is low, so anxiety has to be there,
it is called eustress.

So, that optimal arousal, optimal performance will be there when they will be anxiety. If the
person will be casual or may go totally the careless about the examination then definitely this
optimal arousal will not be there because there is no anxiety. So, that anxiety is required and here
I will also talk that is how to treat the anxiety and but the question is how to arouse the anxiety?

So, now I am talking in the different context. So, one side we have to see that is this optimal
anxiety should not go to the impair performance because of the strong anxiety, but we have to
also ensure that there is a arouse of the anxiety. Now, dear friends please try to understand that is
the anxiety up to the certain extent is good.
So, let your children have the certain anxiety, it means that fear of failure in examination has to
be there but that fear should not cross the optimum level and if there will be no fear, you are too
relaxing, then this diagram will be like this. An optimum level performance will not be here and
optimal performance will be here and the child will not perform at all.

So, therefore, in that case it becomes very important that is the up to certain extent give an
environment to your subordinate that is there is a requirement of performance and if they do not
perform then please have a stress amongst them. So, therefore, please this figure please have the
resemblance with this figure.

So, if you will not create the stress there will be no performance. So, here will be like this and
therefore the performance will be like this, it is low, this is high, this is weak, this is strong. So,
whenever there will be low anxiety the performance will be weak, when there will be the low
stress then in that case the performance will be also low.

So, this Yerkes–Dodson law talks about a competitive event when you are facing a competition
their anxiety level of arousal exceeds that has to be there. However, you know question will
arise. How will you decide? Suppose, this is from 10 to 100 and it is the 80 so for an individual it
will be 80, for another individual it may be 70, maybe 90.

So, if it is 90 and we are creating an anxiety up to the 70, so how will be the graph? Then in that
case the graph will be like this, lesser than this and we want 90, the person can go up to 90. So,
therefore, it becomes very-very important that is we should know the capacity and capability of
an individual.

At workplace when you know the capacity and capability of an individual then in that case you
will be able to raise that particular level of anxiety so that maximization of the capability can be
done. So, one has to be very clear that is the, they are having the maximization of this particular
and these arousal and then they will be successful in the test in performance anxiety.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:27)

Stranger and social anxiety, anxiety during social interactions particularly between strangers is
common among young people and it may persist into adulthood and become social anxiety, so
that is why many times you will find that is the people are having the hesitation in socialization
process and the reason is that that is right from the childhood and the person has been brought up
in a special protection way, so it may persist even at the workplace.

In adults, an excessive fear of other people is not a develop mentally common stage it is called
social anxieties there. According to the Cutting, social phonics do not fear the crowd but the fact
that they may be judged negatively. So, therefore, there is no negative feeling but rather than that
they may be judged negatively, this may cause and the particular feeling about the individual.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:27)

Generalized anxiety, overwhelming anxiety, if not treated early, can become a generalized
anxiety disorder that is GAD. Symptoms of the GAD are exaggerated and excessive worry,
chronic anxiety and constant and irrational thoughts that may arise and that will be always. These
anxious thoughts and feelings are difficult to control and can cause serious mental anguish that
interferes with the normal, daily functioning and that is why one has to be very careful in this.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:01)

Anxiety can be either a short-term “state” or a long-term “trait”. So, therefore trait anxiety
reflects a stable tendency to respond with the state anxiety in the anticipation of the threatening
situations and that will become a constant behaviors that will become a trait. It is closely related
to the personality trait of the neuroticism, such anxiety may be conscious or the unconscious may
be there.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:26)

Choice or decision anxiety. Anxiety induced by the need to choose between similar options is
increasingly being recognized as a problem for individuals and for organizations. So, if there are
two appointment of offers which one we will choose and therefore, that will be the choice or
decision anxiety.

In a decision context unpredictability or uncertainty may trigger emotional responses in the

anxious individual did systematically alter decision-making process? So, therefore, if the person
is properly trained then in that case he will not have that anxiety and he will work in a right, in
taking the right decision.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:06)

So, what is the treatment of anxiety? Cognitive behavior therapy is required. The most notable
treatment for anxiety is cognitive behavioral therapy - CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy
involves the changing of one's thought by the therapist. So, when he is having that learned that is
the people are bad or I cannot, so therefore, that ‘I cannot’ concept slowly and slowly by
consoling that can be changed.

Patients are asked to explain their feelings towards certain things or things and incidents that
cause their anxious behavior and therefore, and why they are having so much anxiety? Like you
talk to someone, so there is an anxiety, so why there is an anxiety to talk to someone? Because it
is not practice, but slowly and slowly by giving the opportunity by entering and reducing the
stress level it can be done. Parental anxiety management. Studies show that parental variables are
sometimes involved in cases of anxiety thus parental anxiety management is also a viable
treatment option is there.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:01)

Caffeine elimination is there. Anxiety may be reduced by eliminating the caffeine consumption,
anxiety can temporarily increase during caffeine withdrawal. Combined treatments: a
combination of CBT and parental anxiety management has been proven by psychologists and
psychiatrists alike to be more effective then administering this treatment separately. So, many
times when you, we have combination of that is the CBT and parental anxiety management that
is becoming the successful.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:31)

Many times the herbal treatments are there, traditional herbal remedies have been used for
centuries to treat the anxiety but many lack strong evidence of efficacy. So, other treatments used
in treating anxiety that is the electroconvulsive therapy ECT, transcranial magnitude stimulation
TMS, and the psychosurgery. Psychosurgery is used in every extreme cases only very extreme
cases when other treatment techniques do not work and that way we can overcome that particular

(Refer Slide Time: 26:00)

The last concept that again I will talk about the depression. Depression is a state of low mood
and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-
being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless,
guilty, irritable, hurt or restless and therefore, that will be the depression.

They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable. So, therefore, they are shifting.
Experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details or
making decisions and may contemplate or attempt this even our ultimate may be the suicide also.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:42)

Depressed mood is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder. It may be a normal reaction to a certain
life events. A symptom of some medical conditions or a side effect of some drugs or medical
treatment that may also cause the depression. So, many times when the nervous system treatment
is there and the medicines are given that may also cause the depression. Depressed mood is also
a primary or associated with failure of certain features of certain psychiatric syndrome such as
the clinical depression is also there and that may be the cause of the depression.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:16)

So, life events may be or medical treatments which are the tablets are there that may cause the
depression, non-psychiatric illnesses may be there or the psychiatric syndromes are may be there
as I mentioned. So, finally I will like to take the treatment that is the how we can go for the
treatment of these on depression. And as I mentioned earlier also during the anxiety also and in
the anger also some part in anger also that is a psychotherapy.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:43)

So, psychotherapy is to be there and the person is to be talked and discussed and find out that is
why there is a depression, why the person is feeling? Because you see that is as I was a simple
example was this medication, another in a treatment is medication and because in the medication
there may be the doses to be very relevant dose and many times if the dose is the not relevant in
case of the any earlier previous disease then that will also cause the this type of the depression
amongst the employees and people.

Many times the flower remedies is also there. Like when you see the particular flower or color
and then you will find that your mood is changing and you are coming out of the depression is
there. For example, when we talk about the red rose is there and that you will giving the filling of
the love and when you are talking about the white roses there that is a peace and calm.

So, therefore, whenever you go to meet a particular patient and then that time you choose the
white flowers, white color flowers so the reason is that is the person will feel the peace and calm.
And the music therapy is there, it is a wonderful treatment and therefore many people they
overcome their depression by listening their favorite songs or certain songs they will always
make their mood very happy.

And finally, if you are having the sound sleep, then definitely in that case and the person will be
having a healthy mind. So, this is all about the treatment of this depression. So, in the anxiety
depression and anger and negative emotions at the workplace. Now, I would like to say that is at
the workplace we should have to develop a good relationship that is the low these negative
emotions that is about the anxiety or anger or the depression is there.

In case you find this type of the traits into your colleagues then you should be very careful and
then try to help him by going through the certain suggested, the interactions, and some moments
or by this certain therapy also or maybe by counseling. So, therefore, when we having this type
of these the observations and then when we control these negative emotions I am sure the
workplace that will be a healthy workplace, thank you.

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