Didacta - Catalogue 2016

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Didacta Italia since 1968

DIDACTA ITALIA S.r.l. - Strada del Cascinotto, 139/30 10156 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 2731708 - Fax. +39 011 2733088 - e.mail: info@didacta.it

Didacta Italia
SINCE 1968
High technology
educational equipment
for technical training,
vocational schools
and universities
since 1968

About Didacta 2

Products and Services 3

Hydraulics 4

Thermodynamics 14

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 24

Chemical Engineering 32

Ecology – Environment 40

Aerodynamics 46

Automation and Process Control 48

Agriculture 50

Food Technologies 52

Computerized systems & software 66

Commercial Organisation 68

Some Users 69
About Didacta

Didacta Italia is a world leader in the field of
technical education.

Since 1968 the Company has provided an effective response to the needs of technical
training by designing and manufacturing equipment for hands-on training programmes
where the students can learn by experimenting with “state of the art” industrial technologies.

The Factory, Offices and Laboratories are located in Turin, Italy but thanks to its international
Commercial Organisation Didacta can supply first rate Products and Services all over the

The Company has adopted a Quality System since 1998 and now is certified ISO9001.


Strada del Cascinotto, 139/30 - 10156 Torino - Italy didacta.it
Tel. +39 011 2731708 - Fax. +39 011 2733088 info@didacta.it / sales@didacta.it

Products and Services
Didacta Italia can supply demonstration apparatuses, study units, trainers, pilot plants or “turn-key”
laboratories. All training units are made of industrial components enabling the students to test the
same components they will actually find in the industry. This makes for superior reliability, facilitated
maintenance and more realistic measurements. Many units can be controlled through a Personal
Computer or can be supplied with a Data Acquisition System and suitable software for Windows.
All products are supplied with a technical reference manual and an exercise book, to assist both teachers
and students in their experimental work.

Software and manuals are avaible in four languages: English, Italian, French and Spanish.
Ideally suited for Vocational Schools, Industrial Training Centres, Technical Schools, and, in particular, for
Universities and Polytechnics, Didacta products are designed with the advice of experts and professors
from the most important Italian universities like the “Politecnico di Torino” and the “Politecnico di Milano”.
In addition to the products, Didacta supplies a variety of associated services, such as customisation,
installation, training courses and a 1, 2 or 3 years warranty.

Furthermore, Didacta’s organisation can supply a wide range of financial services, such as rent, leasing,
short and long term soft loans.

Didacta Italia
also provides training and study programs
for managers, technicians, students and
The training system offered includes training
needs analysis , personalized training activities,
organization of study visits, result evaluation,
client’s expectation and satisfaction analysis
Didacta Italia
offers a strong structure, able to organize and
develop training projects and operate in many
different areas: business management, technical
training, foreign languages etc, etc.


The laboratory has been designed for the
experimental study of the basic principles
of fluid-dynamics and of the most important
fluid machines including turbines, pumps,
flow channels.
It includes experimental benches, study
units on the different fluid machines and
cut-away components.
The most significant equipment can be
supplied with Data Acquisition System
for Personal Computer with Software for

More products available at www.didacta.it

H89.8D Basic Hydraulic Bench

The hydraulic bench with ancillary equipment have been developed to provide a
comprehensive range of experiments in fluid mechanics.
A reservoir with calibrated orifices enables continuous measurement of water
flowrate. Water is delivered to the bench by a motor-driven pump or by mains.
It is possible to determine the mechanical characteristic of the pump by
varying the flowrate.

Experimental units
Orifice tank
This apparatus consists of a cylindrical tank allowing to determine the flow
characteristics through two different orifices and to trace the trajectory of a
horizontal jet under different conditions of flow speed and head.
Impact of jets
This apparatus consists of a cylindrical tank in which a water jet coming out
from a nozzle hits a baffle. The reaction force is measured by an arm balancing
Hydraulic ram
This apparatus has been designed to demonstrate a typical system to pump Basic unit and determination of hydrostatic
water. A large quantity of water falling from low head is used to raise a small Pressure - Centre of pressure kit
quantity of water to a higher head.
Friction loss in pipes
This apparatus allows to study the head loss in pipes of different diameter and with
sudden change of section.
Bernoulli’s apparatus
This apparatus allows to study and demonstrate Bernoulli’s theorem. The equipment
comprises two graduated vessels connected by a convergent-divergent tube.
Piezo tubes allow showing the typical head distribution. Moreover, it is possible to
visualize the Osborne-Reynolds experiment. Impact of Jets Apparatus
Flow through Venturi
This apparatus is a convergent-divergent tube allowing for the study of a Venturi
tube and to observe the degree of pressure recovery at the end of the divergent
Stability of a floating body
This apparatus allows for the study of a floating body stability. A rectangular
pontoon is fitted with a bar on which a sliding weight can be used to indicate the
angle of heel on a graduated scale. The centre of gravity can be varied in order to
Determination of hydrostatic
check the effect on the stability conditions. pressure-Centre of pressure
Determination of hydrostatic pressure - Centre of pressure
The determination of the position of the center of pressure is easily obtained
thanks to toroidal sectors of different section connectable to a scale.
Apparatus for pressure gauge calibration
This apparatus can be used to calibrate the pressure gauge supplied with the basic
hydraulic bench or other pressure gauges of similar characteristics. It consists of a
stainless steel plunger with a weight carrier and a set of weights.
Series and parallel centrifugal pumps test set
The apparatus consists of a fixed speed pump which can be connected to the Apparatus for pressure gauge
bench feeding pump both in series and in parallel. Two flowmeters allow for the
direct reading of the flow rate of each pump; besides, additional mano vacuum
meter and manometer allow for the measurement of the delivery and suction
pressure of the pump itself.
Pelton turbine
The apparatus consists of a Pelton turbine mounted on bearings and fitted with
nozzle. Its front part is transparent so as to allow for the visualization of the flow. The
water inlet pressure is measured by means of a Bourdon gauge placed at the inlet
of the nozzle. The speed of the turbine is measured by means of a portable digital
tachometer, while the torque is measured by means of two spring dynamometers.
Francis turbine
The apparatus consists of a Francis turbine mounted on bearings. Its front part is
transparent so as to allow for the visualization of the flow. The water inlet pressure
is measured by means of a Bourdon gauge placed at the inlet. The speed of the
turbine is measured by means of a portable digital tachometer, while the torque is
measured by means of two spring dynamometers. Pelton Turbine

Vortex Apparatus

The apparatus can be easily connected to the

Basic Hydraulic Bench H89.8D or self-sufficient
with hydraulic feeding from mains and allows to
study both free and forced vortices. It is possible
to create a forced vortex putting a fixed amount of
water into a cylindrical vessel, rotating by means of
a variable speed DC motor.
Cavitation Demonstration Unit (H139D)
This demonstration unit is designed to demonstra-
te to students the phenomenon of Cavitation and
its association with the Vapour Pressure of a liquid. Vortex Apparatus
Water can be supplied from mains. Cavitation is
one of the most destructive forces created in a
liquid system – the large amounts of energy relea-
sed resulting in erosion of even the hardest metal
surfaces in real applications such as valve seats
and propeller blade.
Flow Measurements (H53D)
Made of transparent material, the unit allows to
study different types of devices for flowrate mea-
surements and their comparison. It allows to study
head losses due to sudden section widening and
Apparatus for pipe pressure losses
determination (H129D) Cavitation Demonstration Unit (H139D)
This apparatus has been designed to determine
the pressure loss in a pipe in which water is made
to flow. Hydraulic feed is obtained through an
adjustable height reservoir at constant hydraulic
head. Pressure losses are measured by means of
two U manometers, one water type (800 mm) and
the other mercury type (400 mm).
Mass Oscillations and Water Hammer Study
Unit (H130D)
The apparatus allows the analysis of two pheno-
mena: the mass oscillation and the water hammer Flow Measurements (H53D)
which are related each other but have different
characteristics. The unit is provided with a con-
stant level container connected to the water sup-
ply by means of a pipe. The oscillation test section
is made of stainless steel 3 m long provided with
the valves necessary for the flow control and with
two pressure measurement devices, the electric
signal of which is sent to a double trace memory
oscilloscope which allows to examine, in all the
phases, the phenomena of mass oscillation. For
the water hammer test, the unit is provided with a
quick closing valve with manual control in order to
obtain an immediate flow interruption.

Mass Oscillations and

Water Hammer Study Unit (H130D)

H65D Osborne-Reynolds Apparatus
The unit has been designed to study the turbulent and transient laminar flows
behaviour through a transparent calibrated tube into which a coloured solution is
injected. It is analytically shown that the physic meaning of the Reynolds’ number
is represented by the inertia ratio measure of the viscose forces which act on a
fluid. It can be supplied both from H89.8D and from mains.

H25DSU Study Unit on Piston and Diaphragm Pumps

The diaphragm and piston pumps study unit allows the student to understand
and to experiment the reciprocating pumps running.
The reciprocating pumps fitted with the bench are micrometrically regulated
by the piston upstroke.
The unit is completely self-sufficient and it is fitted with a wheeled frame; the
working liquid is the water.

H27D Study Unit on Gear Pumps

The gear pump study unit allows the student to understand and to experiment the
oil gear pumps running. The gear pump mounted onto the bench is characterized
by the possibility of regulating the delivered flow rate, keeping constant the
delivery pressure, changing the rotation speed of the operation electrical motor.

H42D Pump and hydraulic turbine study unit

This study unit allows to carry out a wide range of hydraulic
experiences. It allows to test a centrifugal pump and
to study the typical parameters of action and reaction
turbines. The plant needs a little periodic maintenance.
The measurements, which can be performed by varying
the operation conditions, can be easily compared with
data resulting from the theory. The plant allows to perform
experiments on turbine by turbine.

H91.8D Open-Surface Tilting Channels (3 - 5 - 10 - 12,5 - 15 - 20 m long)

This channel has been designed to study the hydrodynamic phenomena of the open surface
streams in variable inclination channels.
Six different versions are available:
• H91.8D/3 - Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 3 m long
• H91.8D/5 - Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 5 m long
• H91.8D/10 - Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 10 m long
• H91.8D/12 - Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 12.5 m long
• H91.8D/15 - Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 15 m long
• H91.8D/20 - Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 20 m long

The unit is transparent for a direct visualization of the hydraulic

phenomena; moreover it is self sufficient, since it includes a
water supply tank. The centrifugal pump draws the water from the
collection tank and transfers it to the still tank, where a manually
operated vertical gate allows to vary the height of the hydraulic
load. A throttle valve makes it possible to regulate the water flow
rate. A series of park-away threaded holes along the bottom of the
channel (spaced 250 mm apart) allows to fit the optional models.
This apparatus allows to study the head loss in pipes of different
diameter and with sudden change of section.
The body is made of tempered glass, the support frame and the
collection tanks are made of stainless steel.
Discharge gate is made of anodised aluminium and it is manually
The unit is equipped with an electrically controlled system to re-
gulate the slope of the channel.

On demand the unit can be provided

complete with one or more of the
following equipment:
• Water Speed Meter

• Spillways Water speed meter and spillways

• Balance lift and drag models

• Parshall channel

• Speed measurer with Pitot Tube

• Sharp edged broad-crested weir

Sharp edged broad-crested weir Immersion wave blade generator
• Trapezoidal flume

• Vertical sluice gate

• Circular and rectangular section pile

• Creagher profile weir

Sharp Edged Hydrodynamic shipon in action
• Sharp crested weir with rectangular section Broad-Crested weir in action

• Sharp crested weir with “V” Section

• Sharp crested weir with

free section and pressure tapping

• Broad-crested weir
Hydrodynamic siphon Parshall channel
• Venturi channel

• Siphon spillway

• Wave breaking and absorption beach

• Water level measuring apparatus

Syphon spillway Incoherent material channel bed
• Immersion wave blade generator

• Hydrodynamic siphon

• Projection flow meter

• Different roughness channel beds

• Incoherent material (sand) channel bed

Crump weir Vibratory hopper
• Erosion study pile

• Vibratory hopper for transport of solid material

• Crump Weir, made of PVC

Creagher profile weir Trapezoidal flume

H38D Study Unit on Head Losses in Pipes
The Study Unit combines all the elements necessary
to conduct extensive studies on head losses in pipes
and valves.
It is easy to handle and has different test shapes and
valves of different kinds.
The unit is fitted with contraction devices for the
determination of flow-rate, a Pitot tube to measure
the velocity of the fluid flow, and one manometers to
measure pressure differences.

H128D Study Unit on Water and Oil Pumps

This teaching unit is a modular group designed to
perform complete functional tests on a series of 4
water pumps of industrial type. Thanks to the group
modularity several configurations are possible, a.c. and
d.c. motors can be coupled with pumps having standard
or transparent head.

H35D Study Unit on Francis Turbine – Bench Top Model

The educational Mini-Francis reaction turbine allows to study the typical
parameters of reaction turbines. The plant is easy to control and needs a
little periodic maintenance. The measurements, which can be performed
varying the operation conditions, can be easily compared with data
resulting from the theory.

H41D Study Unit on Pelton Turbine – Bench Top Model

The educational Mini-Pelton action turbine allows to study the typical
parameters of action turbines. The plant is easy to control and needs
a little periodic maintenance. The measurements, which can be
performed varying the operation conditions, can be easily compared
with data resulting from the theory.

H43D Study Unit on Kaplan Turbine – Bench Top Model

The bench top Kaplan turbine study unit allows to study the typical
parameters of the axial turbines.
The unit needs a little periodic maintenance. The measurements,
which can be performed varying the operation conditions, can be
easily compared with data resulting from the theory.

H39D Study Unit on Francis Turbine

This study unit has been designed for a complete range of tests on Francis
type hydraulic turbines. It is perfectly self-sufficient, takes up little space
and can be easily moved. Fitted with a special “VISIFLOW’ version turbine
featuring a number of transparent parts enable to see very clearly the
hydrodynamic phenomena taking place inside it. The turbine is coupled to a
dynamometric braking unit which makes it possible to determine the torque
and power characteristics of the turbine.

H40D Study Unit on Pelton Turbine

This study unit has been designed for a complete range of tests on Pelton type
hydraulic turbines. The unit is perfectly self-sufficient, takes up little space and can
be easily moved. It is fitted with a special “VISIFLOW” version turbine featuring a
transparent end shield which makes it possible to see the hydraulic phenomena
taking place inside it. The turbine is coupled to a dynamometric braking unit
which makes it possible to determine its torque and power characteristics.

H46D Study Unit on Kaplan Turbine

This study unit has been designed for a complete range of tests on Kaplan
type hydraulic turbines. The unit is perfectly self-sufficient, takes up little space
and can be easily moved. It is fitted with a special “VISIFLOW’ version turbine
featuring a number of transparent parts which make it possible to see very clearly
the hydrodynamic phenomena taking place inside it. The turbine is coupled to
a dynamometric braking unit which makes it possible to determine the torque
and power characteristics of the turbine.

H23.8DSU Study Unit on Centrifugal Pumps

The trolley-mounted self-sufficient unit has been designed to study
the features of centrifugal pumps.
Equipped with all the instruments and controls necessary for
testing, it requires only to be connected to electrical supply and
filled with clean water.

H138D Adjustable Section Channel
This unit experimentally shows several fundamental fluid-
dynamic aspects. Indeed, the unit may visualize some physical
phenomena: the water current flow in an open channel, in an
enclosed duct (just placing a covering to turn the channel into a
duct) or in the presence of an obstacle (three different types of
weirs are supplied). Besides it introduces some concepts such
as the Bernoulli’s theorem, the energy equation and the channel
critical depth concept.

H136D Sediment transport visualization channel

This unit performs most of the experiments and demonstrations usually
undertaken in much larger laboratory flumes, but at much lower cost
and without the need for technician back-up. Sand is placed along the
channel bed, between the inlet tank and the overfall discharge weir.
Water is circulated around the system at a selected flow rate. The
channel slope is adjusted by means of a screw jack to which is attached
a slope indicator (0 to 10). The channel sides are transparent to observe
bed profile changes, A section of one side bears a graphical grid.

H134D Deep Bed Filter Column

This unit allows carrying out experiences on the filtering of suspended
particles by means of a deep bed column. A filter column with a diameter
bigger than 100 mm works as a deep bed filter of industrial type when
the depth and the kind of filtering material are the same. So, it is possible
to obtain an effective teaching unit to explain the treatment (even at a
low price) of the turbid waters and industrial sludge.

H171D Hydrogen Bubble Flow Visualization System

This visualization system is a bench top apparatus allowing the students
to observe the flow patterns associated with water streams in presence of
obstacles. Small hydrogen bubbles are generated by an interchangeable
platinum wire cathode and following the water stream show its direction
and its behaviour in presence of objects. A low voltage light source allows
for the flow visualization studies.

H172D Particle Drag Coefficients
This unit is designed to show to students the fundamental particle/fluid systems,
in particular the relationship between the drag coefficients of falling particles and
their Reynolds’ number value. Single particles are made to fall through a number of
different liquids contained in vertical glass tubes.

H173D Permeability & Fluidisation Study Apparatus

This apparatus is designed to allow understanding the flow through a bed of particles,
typical of ground water situations and of some process plant design. A demountable
tube containing a bed of granular medium is passed through by a flow of water
(either a downwards or upwards), which is controlled by hand with a valve and
measured by a variable area meter. A constant head tank feeds the water flow, and
allows which also allows air bubbles to be released.

MID10D Mini-Hydroelectric Power Station with PeltonTurbine

The Mini-Hydroelectric Power Station with Pelton turbine has been specially
designed to evaluate the possibilities of application of a hydroelectric
generator of small dimensions (500W). This plant allows the autonomous
production of quantities of electrical energy capable to meet the requirements
of individual users starting from hydric resources which would otherwise
be wasted. The plant is self-sufficient and consists of a stainless steel tank
from which a pump draws the water which is sent to the turbine, so creating
a suitable hydraulic head. An alternator connected to the turbine converts
the hydraulic energy into electric energy; the alternator is regulated by an
electronic control system which maintains the generator under a constant
load. The unit is fitted with a set of loads simulating the normal working
conditions of the plant and is completed with an accumulator which has the
function of storing any surplus of energy. The measuring instruments allow to
control and vary the plant operating mode, in order to evaluate which are the
best working conditions and, therefore, to evacuate the efficiency variations.

H26D Variable Displacement Vane Pumps Study Unit

The variable displacement vane pumps study unit allows the student to
understand and to experiment the oil vane pumps running. The vane pump fitted
in the bench is characterized by the possibility of regulating the delivered flow
rate, keeping constant the delivery pressure, changing the rotation speed of the
operation electrical motor. The group is completely self-sufficient and assembled
on a wheeled frame.


The laboratory has been designed for
the experimental study of different
components and systems, such as Heat
Exchangers, I.C. Engines, Gas Turbines,
Domestic Heating Plants, Steam Plants,
Solar Panels.
It includes measurement instruments,
study units, trainers, pilot plants and cut-
away components.
The exclusive use of industrial components
and advanced Data Acquisition System for
Personal Computer with Software for Windows ensures realistic and highly effective learning
This laboratory can be supplemented with units from the Automotive Technology line.

More products available at www.didacta.it

T113D Internal Combustion Engines Test Bed

The engine test bed is fully self-sufficient and
designed so as to allow an easy interchange
of the engine on the frame where braking dc
generator and internal combustion engines
up to 8 kW are coupled together. The braking
dc generator can operate both as a motor in
order to start the internal combustion engine
under test and as a brake in order to measure
its power output. A set of electrical resistances
will dissipate as heat the output power which
can be measured by means of a voltmeter and
an ammeter. Then, the torque at the engine
shaft will be calculated by measuring the
revolving speed. The coupling of the braking
dc generator to the internal combustion engine
is obtained through a driving belt.

T101D Automotive Engines Test Bed
This engine testing bench allows carrying out a vast
selection of tests on petrol and Diesel engines, with a
power output of up 81 kW.
The system includes a dynamometer with a control and
instrumentation panel, a service unit with instruments for
the measurement of air and fuel flow and a number of
optional kits to make additional tests.
The engines proposed with the testing bench are in
widespread use and are supplied on an independent trolley
mounted frame which can be easily connected to the

T100D Computerized Automotive Engine Test Bed

The computerized automotive engine test bed allows to carry out a vast
selection of tests on petrol and diesel engines, with a power output of
up to 80 kW. The system includes a dynamometer with a control and
instrumentation panel. The test bed is mounted on a wheeled frame
and includes:
• hydraulic dynamometric unit;
• control and instrumentation panel and service unit
with instruments for the measurement of fuel and air flow-rate;
• automotive engines to be tested.

SAD/CT Data Acquisition System for Survey of the I.C. Engines Thermodynamic Cycle
It allows studying in real time the thermodynamic cycle of petrol and Diesel engines.
It is based on the use of transducers to acquire the pressure inside the cylinder and the rotation angle of the
crankshaft (crank angle).

SAD/END Data Acquisition System for Endothermic Engines

This very powerful and highly flexible system allows forreal time data acquisition testing bench to obtain the
best training results. The system is based on the collection of the engine characteristic parameters through
suitable transducers, on the analog to digital conversion of the electrical signals provided by the transducers
and on the subsequent processing either by a PC.
T125D Heat Exchanger Bench Top Study Unit

Plate heat exchanger

Bench top service unit

This unit has been designed to carry out experiments

concerning the main techniques of heat transfer.
A bench top service unit makes it possible to supply
hot water to different types of heat exchangers,
which are small scale versions of the commonly
used industrial ones. Thus the student can compare
their performance, fully understand the importance
of a correct choice and, if possible, compare the
influence of co-current and counter-current heat
The following types of optional heat
Jacketed Vessel with Stirrer and Coil
exchangers can be utilized with the service
• Tubular heat exchanger: a small scale example
of the simplest form of heat exchangers allowing
to study co-current and counter-current flow
• Plate heat exchanger: a small scale example of
heat exchanger which is commonly used in food
and chemical processing plants.
• Shell and tube heat exchanger: a small scale
example of heat exchanger which is commonly
used in food and chemical processing plants; it Shell and tubes heat exchanger
allows to study co-current and counter-current flow
• Jacketed vessel with stirrer and coil: a small scale
example of heat exchanger which is commonly
used for continuous or batch industrial processes.

Tubular heat exchanger

T128D Heat Transfer Study Units

Main Unit and Radiant Heat Exchanger and Heat Trasfer Apparatus

Designed to carry out experiments concerning the basic modes of heat transfer.
A bench top service unit makes it possible to supply the electrical feedings and
measurement facilities. Thus the student can investigate conduction, convection,
radiation and their combined effects, non-steady state and measurement errors.

The following optional modules can be utilized with the service unit:
• Linear Heat Conduction Study Unit: to show the application of the Fourier
rate equation; it allows performing an experiment on the steady state
conduction in one dimension.
• Radial Heat Conduction Study Unit: to show the application of the Fourier
rate equation; it allows performing an experiment concerning the steady
state radial conduction. Linear Heat Conduction Study Unit
• Radiant Heat Exchange And Heat Transfer Study Unit to show the law of
radiant heat transfer and heat exchange.
• Combined Convection and Radiation Study Unit: to show the combined
effect of convection and radiation; the test allows comparing the practical
values to the theoretical expected ones.
• Extended Surface Heat Transfer Study Unit: to show the behavior of a
heated extended surface, resulting from the combined modes of free
convection and radiation.
• Radiation Errors in Temperature Measurements Study Unit: to show the
effect of radiation on temperature meters, especially when the instrument
sees the heat source; the student can realize how to reduce or eliminate the
errors due to this effect.
Radial Heat Conduction Study Unit
• Unsteady State Heat Transfer Study Unit: to show the temperature
distribution in solid samples which are subjected to convection with a fluid at
a constant temperature.

Radiation Errors in Temperature Unsteady State Heat Transfer Study Unit Combined Convection
Measurements Study Unit and Radiation Study Unit
Steam Generation and Utilization Plant

Reference picture about V10CFD3 Steam Generation and Utilization Plant (20kW)

It is of interest to follow the transformations of energy from fuel, in the form of overheated water
steam, into mechanical work, into electric energy. Of even greater interest is to discover the laws
governing these conversions, the accompanying phenomena, the methods by which they can
be brought about.
The aim of the Didacta Italia V10CFD steam Generation and utilization Plant is to give the
students an opportunity to test out these basic laws on industrial type apparatus, with the aid of
simple but complete equipment, and a set of sturdy but accurate instruments.
The steam generation and utilization plants are particularly interesting from the teaching point
of view because, due to their complexity they concern many subjects, such as thermodynamics,
electrotechnics and mechanics.
Didacta Italia has designed and developed the D0_1kW – D1_3kW – D2_7.5kW – D3_20kW
units which allow carrying out the main exercises for the utilization and the understanding of this
type of plants.
Their installation does not require building foundations, but only hydraulic and electric connections
to the distributing network.
The hot piping are insulated with industrial material.
The main components of V10CFD0/1/2/3 are:
• Steam generator
• Pressure reducing unit
• Steam utilization unit
• Recovery and condensation unit
• Water supply treatment unit
• Water supply unit
• Gas oil supply unit
• Steam rate measuring unit
• Control electric board
It is possible, moreover, to include
in the plants the following optional components:
• Cooling tower
• Surface de-super-heater
• Preheating unit
• Water injection de-super-heater
• Integrative didactic units

Coppus Turbine Coppus Turbine, Alternator and Cooling Tower

Steam Generator Unit

Control Electric Board Double Effect Evaporator Steam Bench Calorimeter

T200D Two Shaft Gas Turbine Study Unit
The unit consists of a wheeled frame made of steel, of a

panel with mimic diagram carrying the measurement

instruments and of a base where the main components are
installed, that is the combustion chamber, the turbocharger
assembly, the power turbine and the alternator. The exhaust
gases produced by the combustion of the compressed air/
gas mixture are made to expand first through the turbine
of the turbocharger assembly in order to supply the energy
necessary to compress the air and then through the power
turbine coupled to the alternator through a toothed belt.
The electric energy generated by the alternator is dissipated
on a resistive load.

T60D Heat Exchange Study Unit

This study unit represents a basic tool for the understanding of the phenomena
involved in the exchange of heat and the technology of industrial type heat
exchangers, through experimental measurements. The unit includes different
kind of heat exchangers such as water/air (liquid/gas) automatic radiator
type exchanger; Water/water (liquid/liquid) tube bundle type exchanger;
Water/water (liquid/liquid) double concentric tube type exchanger; water/
steam (liquid/steam) tube bundle type exchanger; water/water (liquid/liquid
plate type exchanger).

T157D Air/Water Heat Exchangers Study Unit

This unit has been realized to study the operation of an automotive type
air/water exchanger (radiator).
The exchanger consists of expanded aluminium pipes installed in a
painted sheet steel tunnel.
The air circulation is supplied by a changeable speed fan while the water
flow is supplied by a three-speed motor-driven pump. Water is heated by
an electric resistance mounted in the tank feeding.

T134D Air-water Heat Transfer Apparatus

The air-water heat transfer apparatus allows performing several experiments
relevant to the thermal exchange phenomena connected to convection and
conduction and some interesting experiments on fluid dynamics.
In particular, it is possible to study the thermal exchange between a gas (air) and
a liquid (water) and the thermal exchange between an air flow rate in a forced
motion and a wall at different temperature.

T138D Boiler Simulator with Checks and Fault Generator
The unit has been designed to study, on a functional simulated model

all parameters which regulate the utilization, conduction, maintenance
and repairs on a steam generator plant with water pipe boiler. The
simulator is equipped with all the typical checking and adjustment
devices generally employed in boilers. To facilitate the teaching process,
a mixed gas/gas-oil burner has been fitted, as well as four different
types of level regulators and a fault generating unit with warning lights.

T30D Oil Burner Study Unit

Didacta’s T30D study unit represents a basic tool for the understanding
of the phenomena involved in an oil burner and the exchange of heat.
The unit includes an oil burner and a boiler and a small oil tank fitted
on the lower shelf of the frame and allows the measurement of the
oil pressure at the burner (inlet and outlet), the combustion chamber
and preheating temperatures. Moreover the heat generated by the
burner can be dissipated using a plate heat exchanger and the four
temperatures of the water (inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger) are
visualized on digital instruments.

T150D/G Civil Heating Plant with Gas Fired Boiler

The heating modular plant shows the fundamental functions of a heating
system for civil use. It enables the student to compare different types
of circuit based solutions and to know deeply different kinds of heating
• Module A: radiator and fan coil;
• Module B: floor heating system
The student is provided with teaching and checkout means that allow him
to learn the fundamentals for a correct sizing of the heat production unit,
of the distribution circuit and of the radiators.

T150D/E Civil Heating Plant with Electrical Boiler

The heating modular plant shows the fundamental functions of a heating
system for civil use. It enables the student to compare different types of
circuit based solutions and to know deeply different kinds of heating systems:
• Module A: radiator and fan coil;
• Module B: floor heating system
The student is provided with teaching and checkout means that allow him to
learn the fundamentals for a correct sizing of the heat production unit, of the
distribution circuit and of the radiators.

T123D Bench Top Cooling Towers Study Unit
The self-sufficient unit allows to perform experiments
on water cooling by using 3 interchangeable cooling
towers having packings with different heat exchange
surface. This unit allows to test:
• Thermal balance in the tower
• Comparison for different packing
• Determination of the critical packing working
• Determination of the air head losses with changing
water flowrate.

T121D Nozzle Performance Test Unit

The unit has been designed to allow the study of the reaction of a compressed
air stream through different types of nozzles.
It is possible to utilize the unit in two different circuit configurations: the first
allows to study the speed of the jet coming out from the nozzle, the second
allows to study the thrust of the jet itself.
In the first configuration the air jet coming out from the nozzle hits a special
impact head mounted on a balance arm. In the second configuration, the air
jet comes out from the nozzle vertically upwards, pushing the balance arm
downwards.In both configuration, the forces generated are measured by a
mechanical micrometer fitted with an electric sensor.

T131D Thermal Conductivity of Building Materials Apparatus

The unit has been designed to carry out experiments
concerning the basic modes of thermal conductivity of
building non-metallic materials as polystyrene, PMMA, cork
or plaster.
Sample sheets have to be placed between a heater plate
and a water-cooled plate.
A clamping device ensures that the clamping pressure and
thermal contact are reproducible. A sensor measures the
heat transfer rate.
Electronic controllers keep the temperatures of the heater
plate and cooling plate constant within close limits.

T135D Marcet Boiler

This unit enables operators to determine the pressure and temperature
values of saturated wet steam at all pressure levels included between
atmospheric pressure and 17 bar. The cylindrical boiler is filled with a
known quantity of water, then heat is given through the resistance.
Heat is supplied to the water in the boeiler under steady-volume rather
than steady-pressure conditions.
The liquid gradual evaporation will thus cause pressure - and therefore
the saturation temperature - to increase in the boiler enclosed space and
the values are visualized on digital indicators.

T136D Junkers-Boys Calorimeter

This apparatus allows for the accurate determination of the calorific value of
the main fuel gases which are used in the industry, such as butane, propane
and methane.
The calorific value is obtained by utilizing a heat exchanger where the
products of combustion are cooled by a measured flow of water.
The burner is supplied with a complete set of interchangeable nozzles for
the different types of gases.

T151D Mahler Calorimeter

The Malher Calorimeter allows measuring the heat from combustion
of several substances such as both liquid and solid hydrocarbon
fuels with low and high volatility. It allows conducting test methods
according to ASTM standards.

T152D Pensky-Martens Flash Point Apparatus

This apparatus allows for the determination of the flash point up to 370 °C of
drying oils, solvent-type waxes, fuel oils, lube oils, suspensions of solids,
liquids that tend to form a surface film and other liquids.
The method utilized is in closed cup according to ASTM D93, E134,
IP34, DIN 51758 standards.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

This laboratory is meant for
the experimental study of
refrigeration and air conditioning
It includes study units, trainers
and cut-away components
suitable for different level
The most significant trainers can
be supplied with Data Acquisition
System for Personal Computer
with Software for Windows.

More products available at www.didacta.it

T108/1D Demonstrative Study Unit on Refrigeration

The unit is an extremely easy-to use and functional unit able to
clearly visualize all the determinant phases of a compression
frigorific cycle, particularly the condensation and evaporation
The main characteristic of the unit is that to enable the student
to observe the effect of the cooling fluid on the condenser and
the evaporator, being glass realized. A front panel with mimic
diagram and instrumentation allows keeping the most significant
thermodynamic quantities under control.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
T108/2D Unit on Refrigeration with Mass/Energy Balance
The unit is an extremely easy-to-use and functional unit able to permit the study of a
compression frigorific cycle and the evaluation of the cycle efficiency and the energy
balance at the evaporator and at the condenser. The unit allow the study of the main
thermodynamics quantities as a function of the thermal load at the evaporator and the
calculation of the power required at the compressor shaft. The main characteristic of
the unit is to enable the student to evaluate mass and energy flows, so that to verify
the frigorific cycles theory and the differences between the ideal and real cycles. A
front panel with mimic diagram and instrumentation allows keeping the most significant
thermodynamic quantities under control.

T108/3D Study Unit on Refrigeration with Heat Pump

The unit is an extremely easy-to-use and functional unit designed to allow the
understanding of the theoretical principles governing the frigorific cycles and their
problems. The unit allows studying of the frigorific cycle and its analysis on the
log(p) vs h diagram, the study of industrial components behavior and allows also
to simulate an heat pump. A front panel with mimic diagram and instrumentation
allows keeping the most significant thermodynamic quantities under control.

T108/4D Study Unit on Low Temperature Refrigeration with Calorimeter

The unit is an extremely easy-to-use and functional unit able to permit the study of
a low temperature refrigerating cycle (down to 250K, -20°C approximately) through
a simple compression refrigerating cycle. The main characteristic of the unit is that
to enable the student to study the low temperature refrigerating cycles, hence the
properties of the low temperature heat exchanges, particularly the non stationary
low temperature heat exchange, as a function of the temperature of the body to be
cooled. A front panel with mimic diagram and instrumentation allows keeping the most
significant thermodynamic quantities under control.

T108/5D Study Unit on Equipped Refrigerating Room for food preservation
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

The unit is an extremely easy-to-use and functional unit able to permit the study of the
characteristics of a refrigerating room to store supplies at low temperature. The main
characteristic of the unit is to enable the student to study the properties of the refrigerating
rooms, used to store supplies at low temperature and to point out the exhibitor benches
characteristics, being the unit equipped with instruments to control defrosting. The unit
allows the study of the refrigerating room behavior with open door, too. A front panel with
mimic diagram and instrumentation allows keeping the most significant thermodynamic
quantities under control.

T108/6D Study Unit on Absorption Refrigeration Cycle

The unit is an extremely easy-to-use and functional unit able to permit the study of an
absorption refrigerating cycle. The cycle peculiarity is to generate low temperature using
an heat source. The heat can be produced or by an electric source or by a gas burner.
Three different versions, with different energy source, are available:
• Electrical supply 220V A.C.
• Electrical supply 12V D.C. (without battery)
• GPL supply 30/50 mbar (without gas cylinder)
A front panel with mimic diagram and instrumentation allows keeping the most significant
thermodynamic quantities under control.

T108/7D Study Unit on Heat Pumps

The unit is an extremely easy-to-use and functional unit designed to allow the
understanding of the theoretical principles governing the frigorific cycles with heat
pump, both air/water and water/air. In the normal cycle, heat it is taken off to the
environment air, lowering its temperature and humidity (summer conditioning), and the
heat is given to the water, which warms up. In the reverse cycle, instead, heat is taken off
from water, which cools down, and the heat is given to the environment air, increasing its
temperature (winter conditioning). A front panel with mimic diagram and instrumentation
allows keeping the most significant thermodynamic quantities under control.

T108/8D Vapour Jet Refrigerator/Heat Pump

Didacta Vapour Jet Refrigerator/Heat Pump T108/8D is designed to show and investigate
the combined Rankine and vapour compression cycle. It is an example of a refrigerator/
heat pump operated by a heat source (hot water or steam). The transparent vessel allows
to observe the evaporation and condensation processes. All the components of the circuits
can be easily seen and controlled by the students.

T108/9D/C Computerized Boiling Point Heat Transfer Unit

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

The unit is designed to demonstrate the evaporation in a fire tube steam
boiler. The experiment is performed with environmentally-friendly, special
low boiling point liquid.
A transparent vessel allows observing the evaporation process at the
heated cylinder. The cylinder operates as a fire tube heated from the
inside. An integrated water-cooled condenser allows for a continuous
boiling process. The special liquid used evaporates at low temperatures.

T110D Trainer on Air Conditioning Techniques

The air conditioning and climatization study unit T110D has been developed for insertion in the most
advanced educational subjects. Simplicity and clearness are the basic requirements that permit the teacher
and students to operate without having to deal
first with complicated utilization procedures.
An air flow generated by a centrifugal fan
enters a tunnel passing through a fluid thread
rectifier. As the air passes through the tunnel
it undergoes a series of treatments, until it
arrives in the last chamber, which represents
the environment to be conditioned. The flow
is pre-heated, then moisturized by steam
diffusers; it is cooled through the evaporator
and sent to the final chamber. Before this last
stage it may be re-heated and moisturized
by water diffusers, to experiment on heating
environments and to have the opportunity to
vary as many parameters as possible for a
complete study on air conditioning.

T119/1D Trainer on Domestic Refrigerator, one Evaporator and Hermetic Compressor

This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted in the
normal domestic one-compartment refrigerator systems, fitted
with positive temperature evaporator and hermetic compressor.
The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC), CFC free, and the unit
includes the measuring instruments that are necessary to
survey operating parameters and to test the refrigerator circuit.
The student can rise his knowledge about the main
components of a refrigerator plant, experiment the problems
due to the filling and the emptying of the circuit and, at last,
simulate some simple faults.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

T119/2D Trainer on Domestic Refrigerators, two Evaporators and Hermetic Compressor

This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted in the
normal domestic refrigerators with freezing room, fitted
with positive temperature evaporator, negative temperature
evaporator and hermetic compressor.
The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC), CFC free, and the
unit includes the measuring instruments that are necessary
to monitor operating parameters and to test the refrigerator
The student can rise his knowledge about the main components
of a refrigerator plant, experiment the problems due to the
filling and the emptying of the circuit and, at last, simulate some
simple faults.

T119/2DS Trainer on Domestic Refrigerators,

two Evaporators and Open Type Compressor with Fault Simulation
This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted
in the normal domestic refrigerators with freezer
compartment, fitted with two parallel evaporators,
one with positive temperature, one with negative
temperature and an open-type compressor.
The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC), CFC free,
and the unit includes the measuring instruments
that are necessary to monitor operating parameters
and to test the refrigerator circuit. The student can
rise his knowledge about the main components of
a refrigerator plant, experiment the problems due to
the filling and the emptying of the circuit and, at last,
simulate some simple fault.

T119/3D Trainer on Industrial Refrigerators, one Evaporator

and an Hermetic Compressor with Fault Simulation
This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted in the normal
industrial one-compartment refrigerator systems, fitted with positive
temperature evaporator and hermetic compressor.
The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC), CFC free, and the unit includes the
measuring instruments that are necessary to survey operating parameters
and to test the refrigerator circuit.
The student can rise his knowledge about the main components of a
refrigerator plant, experiment the problems due to the filling and the
emptying of the circuit and, at last, simulate some simple fault.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
T119/4D Trainer on industrial refrigerators, one Evaporator
and Semi-hermetic Compressor with Fault Simulation
This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted in the normal
industrial refrigerators, fitted with positive temperature evaporator and
semi-hermetic compressor. The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC),
CFC free, and the unit includes the measuring instruments that are
necessary to survey operating parameters and to test the refrigerator
circuit. The student can rise his knowledge about the main components
of a refrigerator plant, experiment the problems due to the filling and
the emptying of the circuit and, at last, simulate some simple faults.

T119/5D Trainer on Industrial Refrigerators,

two Evaporators and Semi-hermetic Compressor
This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted in
the industrial refrigerators with two evaporators and semi-
hermetic compressor.
The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC), CFC free, and the
unit includes the measuring instruments that are necessary
to monitor operating parameters and to test the refrigerator
The student can rise his knowledge about the main
components of a refrigerator plant, experiment the problems
due to the filling and the emptying of the circuit and, at last,
simulate some simple faults.

T119/6D Trainer on industrial refrigerators with one evaporator

and an open-type compressor with fault simulation
This trainer allows studying the circuit layout adopted in the
normal industrial refrigerators, fitted with water evaporator and an
open-type compressor.
The refrigerant is Freon R134a (HFC), CFC free, and the unit
includes the measuring instruments that are necessary to survey
operating parameters and to test the refrigerator circuit. The
student can rise his knowledge about the main components of
a refrigerator plant, experiment the problems due to the filling
and the emptying of the circuit and, at last, simulate some simple

T140D Modular Trainer on Industrial Refrigerators with different types of compressors
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

The unit enables the study of refrigerator systems based

on different types of compressor (hermetic, semi-hermetic,
open) and expansion systems (thermostatic valve, thermo-
pressure valve, capillary tube).
It uses air condensers (one for each compressor) and an
air evaporator and includes a defrosting system based on
electric resistances operated by a timer. A system of solenoid
and manual valves enables the desired configuration to be
chosen, to simulate the most commonplace faults and to
section the circuit during maintenance operations.

T109D Air Distribution Study Unit

The unit has been designed to perform a complete
set of experiments concerning air distribution
in conditioning plants. The unit consists of a
centrifugal fan, driven by a v ble speed a.c. with
inverter electric motor that can be easily regulated.
A kit of ducts, bends and elbows of commercial
size is supplied with the unit to simulate an air duct
and to study its head losses.

T50.8D Trainer on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning with Heat Pumps

This study unit has been designed for
both theoretical and practical learning
of refrigeration techniques. The unit is
self-sufficient and provided with all the
instruments which are necessary to allow
a wide experimentation. On the front panel,
a synoptic diagram reproduces the plant
clearly showing each component and the
measurement points provided in the circuit.

LMC Air Conditioning Mobile Lab

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Compact laboratory designed for training of
14 years students and over. It is particularly
suitable to introduce the main and practical air
conditioning applications in both vocational
and technical schools.
The trolley is completely mobile and has 5
storage drawers, protecting the equipment in
shock-free, molded sponge pods.
You can organize the equipment according
to the subjects for quick and easy setup and
control of the equipment itself.
It is possible to compose the circuit on the
aluminum surface to place on the working top.
Opportunity of fault insertion and detection.
The Air Conditioning Mobile Lab is already
equipped with all the necessary feed fittings
according to the industrial standards.
It is ideal for all teaching environments and its modular design guarantees both flexibility
and adaptability for all the experiments.
The drawers can be pulled out in all its length to allow safe and easily accessible storage
of the valuable content.

LMR Refrigeration Mobile Lab

Compact laboratory designed for training
of 14 years students and over. It is
particularly suitable to introduce the main
and practical refrigeration applications
in both vocational and technical schools.
The trolley is completely mobile and has 5
storage drawers, protecting the equipment
in shock-free, molded sponge pods.
You can organize the equipment according
to the subjects for quick and easy setup
and control of the equipment itself.
It is possible to compose the circuit on the
aluminum surface to place on the working top.
Opportunity of fault insertion and detection.
The Refrigeration Mobile Lab is already
equipped with all the necessary feed
fittings according to the industrial standards.
It is ideal for all teaching environments and its modular design guarantees both flexibility and adaptability
for all the experiments.
The drawers can be pulled out in all its length to allow safe and easily accessible storage of the valuable

Chemical Engineering

The laboratory includes study units and pilot plants to study
evaporation, concentration, filtration, distillation, absorption
and other important chemical processes used in industry.
The pilot plants make it possible to observe the processes
underway, as the parts of greatest interest are made
of borosilicate glass and can be supplied with a Data
Acquisition System for Personal Computer with Software
for Windows.
This laboratory can be supplemented with units from the
Ecology-Environment or Food Technologies lines.

More products available at www.didacta.it

IC21D Double Multipurpose Distillation Plant

The Didacta‘s IC21D Double
Multipurpose Distillation
Plant can be used to perform
a wide range of tests on
binary, continuous or batch
distillation processes. It
consists of two basic plants
fitted with a double section
of Oldershaw perforated
plate column, which can
even operate under vacuum
conditions with the double
vacuum distillation device.
The two columns are studied
to operate both in series or
parallel and in the latter case
can work both with the head
or bottom product.

Chemical Engineering
IC17D Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Concentration Plants
The unit allows to carrying out a complete study on the
concentration and to produce small quantities of concentrate
for laboratory use. The plant, entirely made of AISI 304 stainless
material in order to guarantee a long duration, can be utilized for
concentration both at atmospheric pressure and under vacuum.
The plant is available in three different versions:
• IC17D/1 - Single-stage concentration plant: No. 1 evaporator,
feeding tank and concentrate collection tank, vacuum separation
tank, No. 1 water-cooled condenser, steam pre-heater.
• IC17D/2 - Two-stage concentration plant. No. 2 evaporators,
feeding tank and concentrate collection tank, vacuum separation
tank, No. 2 water-cooled condensers, steam pre-heater.
• IC17D/3 - Three-stage concentration plant: No. 3 evaporators, feeding tank and concentrate collection
tank, vacuum separation tank, No. 3 water-cooled condensers, steam pre-heater.

IC138D Top Bench Modular Reactor

The didactic unit allows carrying out the exercises on different type of reactors.
The Basic Unit provides water at constant temperature to perform the exercises
and allows dosing the reagents within the available reactors.
Then the student can compare the performance of the different reactors and fully
understand the importance of choosing the most suitable reactor according to
the needed result.
The Basic Unit can be used along with the following optional reactors:
• Stirred Tank Continuous Reactor • Tubular Reactor
• Batch Reactor • Cascade Stirred Reactors

TA114D Thin Film Evaporator/Concentrator

The evaporator plant was designed in order carry out test of concentration
of alimentary product such as fruit juice, milk, sugar solution, tomato sauce
or other liquid, under vacuum and thin film productions.
The process of concentration of above products is obtained by evaporation
of the solvent (water normally) with the result to increase the degree of
food conservation. With this plant it is possible to realise different process
continuous and batch concentration.
It is also possible to repeat the concentration step many times until a
desired concentration degree is reached.
IC18DV Multi-functional Distillation Column Plants
Chemical Engineering
This plant can be used to perform a wide range of tests on binary,
continuous or batch distillation processes.
Suitable options make it possible to process azeotropic mixtures, to carry
out the distillation under vacuum or in steam current (stripping).
Of modular design, the training set is very flexible and easy to use, and
can be integrated at a later stage with one or more of the many options
available. It consists of a basic plant fitted with a double section of plate
and bubble-cap type column.
The plant is available in two further different versions:
• IC18DV/92/C - Computerized Multipurpose Distillation Plant
• IC18DV/92/SCP - Multipurpose Distillation Plant with Automatic
The SCP control system interacts with the process, practicing a
computerized control. Therefore, it allows acquiring in real time the
characteristic data of the plant, plotting the curves on screen or printing
them out, storing the experimental data on the disk or printing them out.

IC47D Multi-functional Extraction Plant

This system allows the following extraction processes to be studied:
• liquid/solid extraction (D1 configuration)
• liquid/Iiquid extraction with heavier extracting solvent (D2 configuration)
• liquid/liquid extraction with lighter extracting solvent (D3 configuration)
Extraction is defined as a unit operation to transfer some compound (or
class of compounds) from one phase into a different one; the extracting
phase is usually a liquid. The three system configurations can be
implemented by means of the glass accessories.

IC57D Plant for the study of liquid-liquid extraction

The plant has been specially designed to allow the user to acquire the
principles governing the liquid-liquid extraction processes.
The mixture containing the liquid to be separated and the solvent are fed
in countercurrent into a rotating disk extraction column by means of a
double head metering pump.
For a better versatility of the plant, the rotating disk stirrer is driven by a
variable speed electric motor.

Chemical Engineering
IC108D Didactic Crystallisation Vessel
The study unit allows learning a basic knowledge of the crystallization
process and the principles underlying it.
It allows carrying out experiments concerning the separation of a
solidifying solute from a liquid solvent in which it is dissolved, either
by evaporating the solvent or by cooling down the solution.
That allows performing crystallization tests on salts with a positive or
negative solubility course according to the temperature.

IC61D Multifunctional Reaction Plant

This system is a highly versatile training unit which can be used as a
reaction set either for organic synthesis, or for one-directional distillation.
By fitting an optional unit, it can be used to perform the reaction process
in vacuum conditions, with or without the addition of liquid.
All the parts are made of borosilicate glass to be able to work with
a wide variety of products and make the system more versatile for
teaching purposes.

IC125D Fluid Mixing Studies Apparatus

The unit allows the students to be introduced to the factors affecting mixing;
it visualizes the physical phenomena and can be considered a useful aid to
prepare students for large scale mixers.
The fluids to be mixed are poured into a transparent vessel and are
continuously stirred: a variable speed motor drives a shaft where a set of
removable baffles can be easily assembled.
The shaft speed is electronically controlled and is monitored by an accurate
tachometer. The input power is measured by a suitable meter and thus the
shaft torque can be calculated.

IC40D Spray Drier for liquids, solutions or light sludge
Chemical Engineering

The spray dryer is suitable for research laboratories of pharmaceutical, alimentary

and chemical industries.
In fact, the drying process through nebulization allows obtaining an extremely
micronized and homogeneous product with a reduced working time.
All major components are housed within a stainless steel cabinet and the unit
can be used on a bench top. The system is designed to be conducted by a touch
screen and allows two operation modes: automatic mode and eye-monitored
mode to easily control the experimental process.

IC49D Batch Fluidized Bed Drier

The study unit is a small, but technologically advanced fluidized bed drier.
It is suitable to carry out research and small batch production in processes
on fluidized materials such as drying, granulation, coatings, etc. It allows
to directly obtain the characteristic drying curve (CDC), which is used to
preset precise parameters on industrial drying plants also of different type
such as: cabinets, conveyor plants, rotary. The main parts of the unit are
made of stainless steel and tempered borosilicate glass.

IC106D Drawers Drier Study Unit

The unit allows learning the basic knowledge concerning the
trays principles.
The most common industrial method to dry solid materials in
bulk consists in making a hot air stream pass over drawers full
of wet material.
The utilisation conditions may be modified to emphasise the
aspects of the industrial drying techniques from a theoretical
and practical point of view.

IC104D Vacuum Freeze Drier

The unit allows performing the entire freeze drying cycle, thus
enabling the student to fully understand both the process and the
problems involved in plant design.
Freeze drying is used to preserve foods such as fruit juices,
vegetables, meat, fish, etc.
The unit enables to analyse the influence of the operating
parameters such as the freezing temperature, the degree of
vacuum, the product heating temperature, the process time.

IC126D Fixed and Fluidised Bed Apparatus

Chemical Engineering
The unit allows the students to be introduced to the study of flow through
fixed and fluidized beds of solid particles and to observe the phenomenon
of “bubbling”. Besides it is possible to visualize simultaneously the behavior
of air and water systems, so that the difference between “aggregative” and
“particulate” fluidized bed characteristics can be emphasized. Fluids flow
upward through a bed of particles and this phenomenon is used in industry
to extract soluble components from raw materials and to exchange ions.

IC109D Tubular Flow Reactor

The unit allows studying the reactions which can occur in a tubular
reactor using the tubular flow method. The chemical tubular reactor
is widely used in the industrial practise. The unit has been designed to
realise an absolutely turbulent flow inside the reactor: two reagents
are continuously fed and the obtained reaction is homogenous and
approximately isothermal.

IC123D Flocculation Test Unit

The unit allows the students to conduct the “Jar Test” on samples
of water requiring treatment; moreover it allows to study the basics
of the kinetics of reaction. It is a laboratory scale equipment which
makes it possible to foresee the full-scale plant operation. The
bench top test unit has been designed to simultaneously carry
out six tests. The vessels are made of transparent glass, are
fitted with a variable speed stirrer and are illuminated so that the
process visualization is easier.

IC136D Corrosion Study Kit

This kit allows studying the corrosion
phenomenon. The corrosion is a very important
factor to determine a material quality and life;
therefore, it is fundamental to understand its
basic principles and know how to prevent it. The
study unit is compact, easy to use and requires
very little maintenance. Besides, it is designed in order to allow two students to work together.
The kit is composed of a series of pyrex glass beakers that allow the simultaneous study of eight cells. A
pH-meter, supplied with the unit, allows to measure the strength of the initial solution; a quantity of known pH
sample powders is also included.

IC124D Expansion Processes of a Perfect Gas
Chemical Engineering
The unit introduces to a wide range of thermodynamic experiments; air is
the working fluid and is considered as a perfect gas. It is composed of two
interconnected vessels made of transparent plastic; a set of valves and an air
pump enable to perform tests in pressurized and depressurised conditions.
The changes in the properties of air are monitored and measured by pressure
and temperature sensors.

IC131D Plant for the study of the gas absorption process

The study unit allows to study the absorption process by means of a packed
column operating in counter-current. The absorption consists of melting a gas
into a liquid. This operation allows to separate one or more components of a
gaseous mixture and to produce a liquid containing a desired quantity of a gas.

IC134D Wetted Wall Gas Absorption Column

The unit studies how a deoxygenated water flow rate absorbs
oxygen from air by using a wetted wall absorption column. It
has been designed to allow the student to understand the basic
principles of the chemical-physical process called absorption; these
concepts are very important to learn how to calculate gas/liquid
mass transfer coefficients.

IC51D Fixed Bed Plant for gas adsorption and de-adsorption

Unit for the development of gas adsorption and deadsorption processes.
It may check all the process characteristic parameters by realizing work
complete cycles. Made of stainless steel and borosilicate glass. Supplied with
an adsorption column with a stainless steel coil connected to an external
refrigeration or heating circuit according to the process to be realized.

TA10D Press Filter Unit

Chemical Engineering
This type of plant is particularly suitable to
filter both milk and fruit juices and it can
be generally employed for any liquid-solid
mixture (not soluble).
It is complete with a support frame made
of AISI 304 stainless steel, filtering panels,
single screw volumetric pump, pressure
gauge, and all other components necessary
to perform the suitable filtration.

IC135D Mass Transfer and Diffusion Coefficients

The IC135D Unit allows studying the gaseous and liquid
diffusion phenomena. It is very simple to use and requires
very little maintenance; besides it is composed of two
distinct apparatuses which can be separately supplied:
• IC135D/G
Apparatus for the study of the gaseous diffusion coefficient
• IC135D/L
Apparatus for the study of the liquid diffusion coefficient.

IC145D Ion Exchange Apparatus

It has been designed for softening and demineralisation of water.
It is supplied with typical commercial cation and anion resins, but
different ion exchange materials are used in the tubes so that the
characteristics such as the exchange capacity of the various materials
may be measured and compared.
A portable conductivity meter provides the measurements of the
progress of demineralisation; whereas a portable pHmeter provides
those of water acidity.

IC146D Aeration Apparatus

It has been designed to measure the rate of oxygen transferred
into water under various conditions.
It is fitted with a paddle stirrer. The air is supplied by an electrically
driven pump through a control valve and flow meter to a variety of
diffusers adjustable for position within the tank.
The dissolved oxygen content of the water in the tank is measured
by means of an oxygen electrode and dissolved oxygen meter.

Ecology / Environment

The laboratory includes pilot plants
which reproduce on a small scale the
most advanced plants designed to
solve the problem of water, air and soil
The pilot plants makes it possible to
observe the processes underway, as the
parts of greatest interest are made of
borosilicate glass and can be supplied
with a Data Acquisition System for
Personal Computer with Software for

More products available at www.didacta.it

IC14D Water Conditioning Plant

The plant has been designed to perform practical experiments of water
conditioning. The realization of this equipment allows the treatment up to
170 litres of polluted water. The plant is very flexible and can be used for
the treatment of water containing different kinds of pollutant substances.
The quantity of pollutant substances can vary within the values that are
normally shown in the industrial wastewaters.
The industrial wastewaters can be splitted in a first classification, into
the ones containing organic products, determining a decrease of oxygen
dissolved in the rivers where they flow and into wastes containing
inorganic products whose toxicity is typical of the dissolved compounds.
Other kinds of pollution are caused by sedimentary and suspension

Ecology / Environment
IC130D Activated Sludge Sewage Treatment Pilot Plant
The activated sludge pilot plant allows
for the study and the comprehension
of sewage treatment by activated
sludge. This treatment is an intermediate
stage between the physical treatments
or gridiron, deoliation and primary
sedimentation and the final sterilization
and chlorination stage, in a sewage
treatment station.Its purpose is to
eliminate the contaminated organic
substances which are present in
the sewage water after the above
mentioned physical treatment.
The conditioning process takes place
in a tank where the organic load is
removed by micro-organisms which are
cultivated under aerobic conditions.

IC46D Ionic Exchange Demineralization Plant

The plant is an automatic single-column resin demineralizer.
It is utilized for the production of demineralized water for
laboratory purposes in the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetical
and alimentary field.
The plant is available in two versions:
• IC46D/500 with 500 l/h max output
• IC46D/700 with 700 l/h max output

Ecology / Environment
IC56D Saline Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant
Equipment for water desalination by reverse osmosis
with a capacity of 60 l/h. Osmosis is a natural
phenomenon that takes place when two solutions with
different concentrations, such as pure water and saline
water are separated by a semi-permeable diaphragm.
Reverse Osmosis Osmosis can be reversed and we
can submit the more concentrated solution (such as
saline water) to a pressure that is higher than the
osmotic pressure and in this case obtain a reverse
flow where the diaphragm will block all the dissolved
mineral salts, bacteria, micro-organisms and all
suspended solids. This is called “reverse osmosis”.
In this way we shall obtain water with a good chemical
and bacteriorlogic purity at a low cost and without using chemical reactives such as hydrochloric acid and
caustic soda used in ion exchange resin regeneration.

ER7D Pilot Plant for Hydrogen and Biogas Production

The Pilot Plant allows the laboratory
testing of different kinds of biomasses
(such as organic residuals, lignin and
cellulose residuals, industrial and
zootechnical wastes) in order to produce
hydrogen and biogas.
Hydrogen production is the main
purpose of the plant, whilst biogas
production allows valorising as much as
possible the sewage and supporting the
plant from an energetic point of view.
The process in question involves
hydrogen and biogas production and
purification by means of biomass
The plant has been designed to operate
The prototypal plant is fitted with
analytical instrumentation which allows
monitoring the main process parameters
in order to optimise its productivity and, when necessary, highlighting its problems.
The main components include automatic checks and alarms, so that the plant is user-friendly and safe.
The operating procedure is the following:
• inlet biomass chipping (sewage and solid components);
• biomass pre-treating and homogenizing;
• hydrogen production in bioreactor, gas blow-by, purification and stocking;
• biogas production in bioreactor, purification and stocking;
• exhaust sewage drainage.

Ecology / Environment
RE-BIOMAS Pilot Plant for the Production of Biogas from Biomass
The Re-Biomas plant has been
specially designed for the study
of the anaerobic fermentation
process resulting in the formation
of methane gas (biogas) from
organic waste material (biomass).
In the field of the so-called
“soft technologies”, anaerobic
fermentation plays a primary role
on account of the contribution it
can make to the solution of major
problems to do both with the
energy crisis and with the disposal
of organic waste materials.
The Re-Biomas pilot plant has
been conceived so as to illustrate
effectively the functional parameters which determine the quantity and properties of the biogas produced
as well as the criteria governing system operation, in particular in terms of safety.
Thus, this unit can be viewed as a valuable teaching tool for the understanding of both the processes and the
technology adopted in the design of real systems. The system is equipped with all the necessary instruments to
carry out the tests. Besides the basic system can be implemented with several optional instruments.

IC137D Bench Top Aerobic Digester

The unit is designed as a comprehensive study facility
of biological water treatment process by means of the
continuous activated sludge. A synthetically prepared
waste water may be used to gain a working knowledge
of the operational parameters and purification

IC139D Bench Top Anaerobic Digester

The unit is designed as a comprehensive study facility of
water treatment process involving bacteria in absence of air.
These processes allow to reduce the sludge production and
to produce fuel gas.

Ecology / Environment
LMER Renewable Energy Laboratory
Compact mobile laboratory designed to introduce the
students to the main renewable energy sources and
their practical utilization.
Furthermore, the Mobile Renewable Energy Laboratory
easily allows both the students and the teachers to
understand the principles and apparatus of innovative
techniques for electricity and hydrogen production.
It is particularly suitable for training of 14 years students
and over, in both technical schools and universities.
The unit is composed of:
• Solar Energy Training System allowing the student
to approach to the photovoltaic technology by
understanding the relevance of different technical
and practical aspects.
• Wind Energy Training System to get deeper to the
wind technology and make the students understand its very basic physical aspects
• Fuel cell regular type, Microbial (MFC) and hydrogen production training system to carry out experiments
in the field of fuel cells for production of electricity and electrolyzers for hydrogen production (H2).
• Tools
• Supports
Each component can be provided separately or all together fitted in a trolley.

ER2D Photovoltaic Panels Study Unit

The photovoltaic panels study unit is composed of basic panel mounted
on a stand which allows any type of orientation, a movable electric
equipment complete of voltmeter and ammeter, and a light source.

T108/10D/C Unit Thermal Solar Refrigeration Cycle

This unit is one of the most interesting applications of solar thermal energy
because it is able to use the solar energy and, via an absorption cycle, to
convert the energy in a source of cold that can be used for food conservation
chain, air conditioning, chilling water and in general in all the applications of
refrigeration and conditioning purposes without the use of electrical energy.
It allows the experimental study of an absorption refrigeration plant using
solar energy as energy source. The solar energy is captured by a cylindrical
parabolic solar concentrator in which the parabola axis is constituted by
a high thermal conductivity tube and black color containing an adequate
liquid able to capture the solar energy increasing its temperature. The heat
is transferred to the generator of a refrigeration absorption cycle running
with ammonia/water solution. The plant is fully equipped and permits to
understand the thermal solar energy conversion principles by a parabolic
structure as well as the conversion of the heat to cold via the absorption
cycle that is able to run with any sort of quality of energy.

Ecology / Environment
ER1D Solar Panels Study Unit
This highly versatile trainer makes it possible to study
solar manifolds as a function of different atmospheric/
environmental conditions, and to determine their
efficiency in relation to the incidence of both the
solar and the simulated source (as determined by
the variable inclination of the manifold) for an infinite
number of temperature gradients between the ¡n
put and output. Furthermore, it can be used to carry
out tests on heat exchange and load losses.
The ER1D system consists of three basic units:
• solar manifold featuring total interior circulation;
• Control unit complete with solar boiler, water-
water exchanger, thermostat, meters and gauge;
• mobile solar simulator to perform laboratory tests
in the absence of solar radiation.

ER150D Wind Generation and Photovoltaic Panels Trainer

The unit is designed for the study of the both the wind
and solar energies. It consist of a main unit composed of a
buffer battery and battery charger, an inverter for converting
DC to AC, users simulation (throngh switches 5 electric
users of 230V and service socket 220V), multifunction
instruments for voltage, current, frequency. Wind generator
The wind generator is available in two versions:
• Outdoor Wind Generator (composed of wheeled support
base for generator and battery and extension for telescopic
generator positioning h 1.5m to 3 m)
• Indoor unit for alternative service to the outdoor one (atmospheric wind). Photovoltaic panel
The unit consists of a photovoltaic panel mounted on a swinging frame and of an electric equipment which
allows for its utilization with the main unit.

ER103D Fuel Cell: Energy Balance

ER103D is an educational laboratory unit to understand the overall
efficiency of a fuel cell system.
It allows observing and experimenting the use of all the components
involved in a hydrogen chain.
A metal hydride gas cylinder provides hydrogen by a specific
connecting set for a safe system running.
Hydrogen is fed to a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell.
The unit allows a complete analysis of fuel cell phenomena as well as to
make possible to make a whole energy balance of the system.
The system allow understanding how the fuel cell works and to
experiment the efficiency in different conditions selected by the user
of the system.
The laboratory includes a DC converter to supply 48V DC current being constant if compared to the
fluctuating one produced by the cell and a DC electric load simulator to test the cell under different


The laboratory includes a wide range of
training sets to study industrial machines
operating with compressible fluids, such
as fans, compressors, wind tunnels.
Besides, a complete set of cut-away
pneumatic components is available.
The most significant equipment can be
supplied with Data Acquisition System
for Personal Computer with Software for

More products available at www.didacta.it

PN64D Study Unit on Centrifugal Fans

The centrifugal fan study unit allows for the study of
typical parameters of an industrial centrifugal fan.
Measurements can be performed varying the working
conditions and compared with data resulting from the

PN71D Study Unit on Axial Fans

The axial fan study unit allows for the study of typical
parameters of an industrial axial fan. Measurements
can be performed varying the working conditions and
compared with data resulting from the theory.

PN62D Subsonic Wind Tunnel
The wind tunnel allows for the study of the behavior
of various kinds of aerodynamic models in a fluid
vein under subsonic conditions. The equipment
is easy to operate and, consequently, it suits
experiments on every kind of aerodynamic model
compatible with the size of its test chamber (290
mm diameter).

PN65D Fluid Threads Visualizer

This unit has been designed in order to visualize the
fluid threads in a low-turbulence wind tunnel. It consists
of a transparent illuminated test chamber where the
aerodynamic models are mounted and of a smoke

PN74D Compressible Flow Unit

The unit is a bench top unit designed to teach to
students the basic of compressible flow; it is based
on a variable speed multi-stage air compressor. The
available optionals allow to increase the experiments
which can be performed and to determine the
characteristic curve of the compressor.

Automation and Process Control


All proposed systems use industrial components and

are supplemented by instruments of general use (PLC’s,
controllers...), whilst more complex systems, such as CAD/
CAM tools, work islands and FMS can be provided according
to the final customer’s specifications.

More products available at www.didacta.it

PN67D Modular pneumological tutor

The modular pneumological tutor PN67D has been designed to study and
experiment the fundamental pneumatics, the pneumological techniques and the
cascade pneumatic circuits. It consists of the following parts:
• Support panel
• Module BPN for the study of the fundamental pneumatics
• Module LPN for the study of the pneumatic logic
• Module EPN for the study of the electropneumatics

AI400D Transducers and Automation Modular Laboratory

It is an extremely flexible and efficient modular training system for the study of industrial transducers and relevant
electronic circuits of signal conditioning and conversion. A Personal Computer Data Acquisition System is also
available in order to allow the computerized measurements to determine the transducer characteristics. By means
of its modular composition, it is possible to choose the optimal configuration according to any specific educational
requirements and available budget. The possibility of further integrations or updating in the future is obviously ensured.

Automation and Process Control
MPCT Modular Process Control Trainer
Solution for the study of process control techniques. The MPCT
system is a modular trainer whose basic module includes the
electrical equipment and the components for the Level control.
Some additional kits allow to fulfill the Flow, Pressure,
Temperature, pH and conductibility control by using most of the
basic module components. An A/D-D/A card and an extremely
evolved software allow to carry out the control, and to introduce
disturbances via software in real time, to set PID or ON-OFF
control parameters, to set the level or typology of the Set-Point
and of the disturbance, to monitorize the quantities involved etc. The unit can be completed by the
CRSS, an application software which simulates the industrial processes.

KOF-025/H40 PLC Programmable Logic Controller and

Automation Training System
The PLC Programmable Logic Controller and Automation Training System is today
the core of most of the control systems. In fact, very often in any automated
system the commands and controls are processed and executed by PLC. It has
a built-in powerful industrial PLC employing the latest technology features which
allows the management of all the typical variables of an industrial process.
The unit makes available in a single structure all the equipment required to carry
out exercises at any level of complexity, from the simplest to the most demanding.

H118D Modular Oil Power Hydraulic Trainer

It is a modular system specially designed to test out the techniques for
the transfer of fluid power and electro-hydraulic control techniques. It
is suitable for technical and professional training at different levels. It
consists of a trolley mounted structure with a hydraulic power supply
unit and two panels, one for the basic oil power components and one
for On/Off and proportional electrical control. The two panels are
functionally independent, but can be coupled so as to form a double-
faced structure, which is installed on the trolley mounted frame. The
panels can be used independently, using an external hydraulic power
supply with suitable characteristics.


The laboratory includes study
units on Hydrology and Soil
Permeability, irrigation systems
and computerised green houses.
Units belonging to the Hydraulics
line can be added to complete the
irrigation laboratory.

More products available at www.didacta.it

H117D Hydrology Study Unit

The unit has been designed in order to carry
out some simulations and measurements on
the phenomena concerning rainfall catchment
and drainages from water beds by means of
pumping. It enables to examine, experimentally,
what happens in the real situations in which
the permeable or impermeable ground of a
hydrologic basin is subject to of various intensity and duration giving conditions of absorption, bunching and
superficial runoff given by saturation.
For what is concerned to the aspects of the motion phenomena of the water in the subsoil, a single well
feeding during pumping is carried out and also the interaction of water depression cones for two neighboring
we//s during is pumping.

H115D - H115D/E Soil Permeability Study Unit
The unit has been designed to allow to study and experiment
the phenomena connected to the effects of water filtration into
permeable media and to determine the relevant characteristics.
The measurements performed in the various conditions can be
easily compared with the theoretical results.
The unit can be provided in two versions:
• H115D – Self-sufficient
• H115D/E – Feeding from the mains

IC111D Sedimentation Tank

The unit allows to study the hydraulic and efficiency characteristics of the
sedimentation by means of a special rectangular section tank.
The sludge, which is kept in suspension in the preparation tank by a stirrer,
is sent to the sedimentation tank by a variable speed peristaltic pump
together with a water flow rate adjusted through a manual valve.
The unit is fitted with an ink injecting device in order to visualize the flow
lines obtained in the settling tank.

H121D Educational Computerized Greenhouse

The equipment’s goals have to do with the following tutoring topics:
• Collection and interpretation of the environmental data inside a greenhouse
in order to determine and perform the needed operations.
• Approach to a computer-based management; on the basis of humidity, temperature and light level
measurements, the computer determines which operations are needed, and carries them out.
• Drop-irrigation and recirculating subirrigation methods as seen from the greenhouse cultivations mainly.
• Irrigation management and computer-management of watering and of the supporting techniques (fertilizer
irrigation and atomization);

Food Technologies

Modular and Flexible Pilot Plants for the study
of processing techniques for milk, fruit, citrus
fruit, tomato, meat and fish, wheat, cocoa, etc.
The units have the same features as industrial
use machinery, with the following differences:
• they are more flexible (the same equipment
can be used for different lines);
• they can be used to process smaller quantities
of product;
• they have more instruments;
• they include exercise books with experiments.

More products available at www.didacta.it

The following processing lines are available:

Milk Line For the production of Pasteurised Milk,

Homogenised Milk, Butter, Cheese and Yogurt

Fruit Line For the production of Juice, Nectar, Puree,

Concentrate, Ketchup and Jam

Meat Line For the production of Minced Meat,

Sausages, Meat Balls, Hamburgers, Smoked
Meat, Ham and Tinned Meat

Wheat Line For the production of Fresh and Dried Pasta,

52 Bread, Pizza, Biscuits, Stuffed Pasta.
Food Technologies
Wine Line For the production of Wines.

Fish/Tuna Line For the production of Processed Fish.

Beer Line For the production of Beer.

Oil Seeds Line For the production of Seed Oil.

Water Line For the production of Mineral Water.

Dried Fruit Line For the production of Dried Fruits

(both tropical and common).

Green Coffee Line For the production of Roasted Coffee.

Cocoa Line For the production of Cocoa Liquor

and Confectionery.

Honey Line For the production of Honey.

Food Technologies



1 2 3 4 5
(TA499D) (TA499D) (TA499D) (TA499D) (TA499D)
(TA20D) (TA20D) (TA20D) (TA20D) (TA20D)
(TA18D) (TA61D) (TA61D) (TA281D) (TA18D)
(TA13D) (TA18D) (TA490D) (TA273D) (TA197D)
(TA75D) (TA13D) (TA129D) (TA54D) (TA559D)
(TA98D) (TA75D) (TA685D)


Complete configuration
TA13D Piston Batching Machine
T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production
TA18D Homogenizer
TA98D Pasteurizing Cooling Tunnel
TA20D Pasteurizer
TA273D Cheese Maturing Room
TA29D Cutting Table
TA281D Minicheese Making Vat
TA31D Cold Storage Room +2° C
TA490D Churn
TA34D Basic Plant Washing Unit
TA499D Stocking Refrigerated Tank
TA38DNT Trolley Mounted Centrifugal Pump
TA538D Densimeter with Thermometer
TA39D Single-Screw Pump
TA539D Milk Acidimeter
TA43D Portable pH-meter
TA542D Aluminum Conical Sieve
TA61D Centrifugal Separator
TA559D Yogurt Production Vat
TA64/1D Freezing Water Production Unit
TA197D Mini Processor
TA75D Capping Unit for Crown Caps

Food Technologies




Food Technologies



1 2 3 4 5
(TA1D) (TA1D) (TA1D) (TA682D) (TA682D)
(TA15D) (TA15D) (TA15D) (TA61D) (TA10D)
(TA16D) (TA16D) (TA16D) (TA270D) (TA270D)
(TA17D) (TA17D) (TA17D) (TA18D) (TA18D)
(TA270D) (TA61D) (TA62D) (TA13D) (TA13D)
(TA18D) (TA270D) (TA270D) (TA75D) (TA75D)
(TA13D) (TA18D) (TA18D) (TA98D) (TA98D)
(TA75D) (TA13D) (TA13D)
(TA98D) (TA75D) (TA75D)
(TA98D) (TA98D)


Complete configuration
TA1D Hammer Mill TA39D Single-Screw Pump
TA10D Press Filter Unit TA40D Consistometer
TA13D Piston Batching Machine TA43D Portable pH-meter
TA15D Screw Cooking Machine TA45D Portable Refractometer
TA16D Pulper and Refiner TA56D Manual Capper Machine
TA17D Thermostated Tank TA61D Centrifugal Separator
TA18D Homogenizer TA62D Concentration Boule
TA22D Sterilization Surge Tank TA64/1D Freezing Water Production Unit
TA24D Seamer TA75D Capping Unit for Crown Caps
TA29D Cutting Table T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production
TA31D Cold Storage Room +2° C TA682D Citrus Fruit Juice Extractor
TA34D Basic Plant Washing Unit TA98D Pasteurizing Cooling Tunnel
TA35D/1 Trolley Mounted Tank with Motor Stirrer TA114D Thin Film Evaporator/Concentrator
TA38DNT Trolley Mounted Centrifugal Pump TA270D Concentric Tubes Pasteurizer
Food Technologies



Food Technologies



1 2 3 4 5
(TA330D) (TA330D) (TA330D) (TA330D) (TA330D)
(TA29D+TA102D) (TA29D+TA102D) (TA29D+TA102D) (TA29D+TA102D) (TA29D+TA102D)
(TA97D) (TA97D) (TA97D) (TA100D) (TA97D)
(TA57D) (TA57D) (TA57D) (TA101D) (TA57D)
(TA236D) (TA236D) (TA236D) (TA99D) (TA236D)
(TA487D) (TA487D) (TA486D) (TA476D) (TA25DNT)
(TA483D) (TA476D) (TA25DNT) (TA54D) (TA13D)
(TA54D) (TA476D) (TA54D) (TA24D)
(TA54D) (TA22D)



Complete configuration
TA13D Piston Batching Machine TA99D Cooking Vessel
TA22D Sterilization Surge Tank TA100D Multi-Needle Injector
TA23D Thermometric Equipment TA101D Meat Massager
TA24D Seamer TA102D Set of Meat Cutting Machine
TA25DNT Steam Basin TA103D Set Cooking Dies (tot.n.8)
TA29D Cutting Table TA108D Flakey Ice-Maker
TA31D Cold Storage Room +2° C TA236D Mixer/Blender
TA54D Vacuum Welding Machine TA330D Electronic Balance
TA57D Meat Grinder TA406D Hydraulic Vertical Sausagefiller
T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production TA476D Forced Air Baking Oven
TA94D Meat Stocking Cell TA483D Sausage Drying and Seasoning Cabinet
TA97D Meat Cutter TA487D Hydraulic Horizontal Sausage Filler
Food Technologies
TA100D TA483D



Food Technologies



1 2 3 4 5
(TA233D) (TA233D) (TA233D) (TA233D) (TA233D)
(TA3D) (TA3D) (TA3D) (TA3D) (TA3D)
(TA156D) (TA160D) (TA156D) (TA156D) (TA156D)
(TA157D) (TA161D) (TA158D) (TA6D) (TA6D)
(TA159D) (TA159D) (TA526) (TA683D) (TA28D)
(TA54D) (TA54D) (TA54D) (TA54D) (TA99D)




Complete configuration
TA3D Dough Kneader TA159D Rotative Oven for Bread
TA6D Extruder for Pastas TA160D Automatic Breaker for Pizza
TA28D Cutter TA161D Roller type Pizza Forming Device
TA29D Cutting Table TA232D Oscillating Hammer Mill
TA31D Cold Storage Room +2° C TA233D Vertical Stone Grinder Mill
TA54D Vacuum Welding Machine TA234D Centrifugal Pulsing Drum
TA99D Cooking Vessel TA526D Baking Oven
TA156D Automat. Volumetric Dough Divider for Bread TA157D Dough Moulder for Bread
TA158D Dough Sheeter for Bread and Biscuits


Food Technologies

Wine Line - Complete configuration Champagne type Line - Complete configuration

TA63D Grape Stalk Removal Press TA63D Grape Stalk Removal Press
TA64/1D Freezing Water Production Unit TA64/1D Freezing Water Production Unit
TA65D Revolving Cage Hydraulic Press TA65D Revolving Cage Hydraulic Press
TA67D Cardboard filter TA67D Cardboard filter
TA68D Single Screw Pump for Must and Wine TA68D Single Screw Pump for Must and Wine
TA70D Bottle Rinsing Machine TA70D Bottle Rinsing Machine
TA71D Linear Filler TA71D Linear Filler
TA72D Semiautomatic Corking Machine TA75D Capping Unit for Crown Caps
TA73D Red Wine Storage and Production Tank TA76D Bottle Rack
TA74D Oak Cask TA77D Sparkling Wines Pressure Checking Inst.
TA85D White Wine Storage and Stabilisation Tank TA78D Bottle Neck Freezer
TA162D Grape-Container TA82D Manual Corking Device Mushroom Shaped
TA163D Grape-Stalks Container TA83D Manual Cage Fitting Unit
TA543D Red and White Wines Fermentation Tank TA84D Bench Capsuling Unit for Champagne
EC24D Electric Compressor with 24 l Tank TA85D White Wine Storage and Stabilisation Tank
TA162D Grape-Container
TA163D Grape-Stalks Container
TA768D Disgorging-Dosing-Level. machine
EC24D Electric Compressor with 24 l Tank


Food Technologies



Sardine Processing Line Tuna Fish Processing Line

Complete configuration Complete configuration

TA688D Vat for Curd abd Brine Soaking TA689D Stainless Steel Vat
TA689D Stainless Steel Vat TA690D Perforated Crate for Food
TA690D Perforated Crate for Food TA691D Draining Table
TA691D Draining Table TA692D Set of Knives for Fish
TA692D Set of Knives for Fish TA693D Fish Freshness Meter
TA693D Fish Freshness Meter TA694D Fish Fat Meter
TA694D Fish Fat Meter TA697D Set of Jars
TA695D Semiautomatic Entrails Remover TA709D Fast Defroster
TA142D Fryer TA710D Single-tank Sink
TA181D Plate Freezer TA712D Set of Cans for Tuna Fish Packaging
TA330D Electronic Balance TA713D Set of Clothing for Work
TA476D Forced Air Baking Oven TA714D Battering-Breadcrumbing Machine
TA510D Low Temperature Preserving Refrigerator TA181D Plate Freezer
TA511D Cold Storage Cabinet +2°C TA330D Electronic Balance
TA696D Set of Cans TA476D Forced Air Baking Oven
TA697D Set of Jars TA510D Low Temperature Preserving Refrigerator
TA129D Vacuum Packing Machine TA520D Electronic Balance - 150 kg
TA13D Piston Batching Machine TA13D Piston Batching Machine
TA22D Sterilization Surge Tank TA22D Sterilization Surge Tank
TA23D Thermometric Equipment TA23D Thermometric Equipment
TA24D Seamer TA24D Seamer
TA29D Cutting Table TA31D Cold Storage Room +2° C
TA35D/1 Trolley Mounted Tank with Motor Stirrer TA35D Trolley Mounted Tank
T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production
TA108D Flakey Ice-Maker EC24D Electric Compressor with 24 l Tank
EC24D Electric Compressor with 24 l Tank


Food Technologies

Complete configuration
TA44D Water Treatment Unit TA71/2D Dropping Filler for Liquids
TA263D Educational Pilot Brewery TA64/1D Freezing Water Production Unit
TA264D Malt Mill



Complete configuration
TA474D Continuous Press for Oily Seeds
TA699D Vibrating Screen
TA700D Screw with Hopper
TA701D Linear Filler for Oil
TA702D Warm Squeezing Press
TA703D Settling Tank - 200 liters
TA704D Filter Press for Oil
T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production
TA39D Single-Screw Pump
TA29D Cutting Table

Food Technologies





Complete configuration
TA413D Hot Air Roaster TA419D Heat Sealer for Bags
TA414D Smoke Burner TA420D Coffee Doser-Grinder
TA415D Roasted Coffee Conveyor System TA421D Professional Coffee
TA416D Battery of Siloses for Roasted Coffee Maker Espresso Coffee
TA417D Industrial Coffee Grinder TA422D Coffee Percolator
TA418D Weighing/Dosing Machine EC24D Electric Compressor with 24 l Tank


Food Technologies

Complete configuration
TA438D Cocoa Bean Roaster TA748D Laboratory type Coating Pan
TA439D Cocoa Granulator-Shelling Machine TA29D Cutting Table
TA440D Cocoa Butter Extraction Press TA720D Pen Style Thermometer
TA441D Grinder/Mixer TA749D 10 kg Capacity Electronic Scale
TA442D Refiner TA750D Viscosimeter
TA443D Concher TA751D Equipment for Cocoa Line
TA444D Heated Chamber T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production
TA445D Chilled Chamber TA34D Basic Plant Washing Unit
TA446D Tempering Machine EC150D Electric Compressor,150 l Tank
TA447D Counter Machine



Complete configuration
TA723D Bench Disoperculator TA734D Die for Foundation
TA724D Uncapping Bench TA735D Solar Wax Extractor
TA725D Motorized Honey Extractor TA736D Honey Grading Glass
TA726D Honey Dehumidifier TA737D Honey Meter
TA727D Heated Honey Decantation Tank TA738D Honey Refractometer
TA728D Honey Ripener TA708D Manuel Labelling Machine
TA729D Double Bag Honey Strainer TA39D Single-Screw Pump
TA730D Electronic Batching Machine T71D/40/S Electric Boiler Steam Production
TA731D Set of Glass Containers for Honey TA29D Cutting Table
TA732D Beekeeper Equipment TA34D Basic Plant Washing Unit
TA733D Hive for Bees
Computerized Systems & Software

The most significant equipment can
be supplied with Process Control and
Data Acquisition System for Personal
Computer with Software for Windows.
Besides a wide range of simulation
software is also available in many
fields of Didacta’s production.
Besides Didacta Italia provides a
series of systems allowing up to 30
students to work simultaneously in a
local net or remotely.

More products available at www.didacta.it

SAD Didacta Data Acquisition System

The Data Acquisition System makes it possible to
acquire the main process parameters on a Personal
Computer, in real time, and to obtain the greatest
possible learning advantages from the plant. The
data acquisition and analysis software runs in the
MS-Windows environment and makes it possible to
acquire on a Personal Computer all the quantities
considered during the tests, to process them and
to produce diagrams for a thorough understanding
of the process and the problems associated with
system operation. Furthermore, it makes it possible
to save the data and the diagrams obtained on a
disk, or to print them out.

Computerized Systems & Software
DNS Didacta Net System
It permits to view and acquire data from the units remotely, from any
PC integrated in the local net (LAN) through a Server connected with
each Didacta unit. Each student can acquire the data from the units and
perform the described exercises, save the data and print the diagrams.
Moreover, if the units are not connected to the server, each student can
simulate the process carried out by the units themselves, using the supplied
software, by simply inserting numerical values through the keyboard. This
useful tool allows students to perform exercises in complete autonomy,
without the supervision required when units are in operation. In this
configuration it is even possible to recall the experimental data previously
acquired for a better analysis or a refresher Moreover, if the units are not connected to the server, each
student can simulate the process carried out by the units themselves, using the supplied software, by simply
inserting numerical values through the keyboard. This useful tool allows students to perform exercises in
complete autonomy, without the supervision required when units are in operation. In this configuration it
is even possible to recall the experimental data previously acquired for a better analysis or a refresher and
in case of remote learning it is a rather useful feature.
It is of course possible to deploy the system working in remote to different locations for each of them
having a PC Master with a DNSR system. Each PC Master, along with its local net, works exactly as
previously described.
Didacta Italia will supply both PC master and software licenses for 30 computers, while the customer must
have internet connection on both sites, his own local net and student PCs.

DNSR Didacta Net System Remote

In order to meet the needs of customers the basic system described
above can also be expanded to distance learning with the Didacta Net
System Remote in addition to DNS.
A PC master, connected through internet, can acquire the data from the
units and perform the exercises, while all the student (up to 30 PCs),
connected through the LAN, can visualize the acquired data, see the
calculation results and the diagrams. Obviously, in the case of teaching
laboratory at a distance, must be present in the place where are located
the equipment trained personnel for their operation in such a way as to
allow the acquisition of data by the user in remote.

Commercial Organisation


America Africa Europa Asia

Argentina Algeria Albania Armenia

Brazil Congo Belgium Bangladesh
Bolivia Egypt France China
Chile Ethiopia Germany Cambodia
Colombia Ivory Coast Greece Hong Kong
Costa Rica Libya Hungary India
Dominican Rep. Morocco Italy Indonesia
Ecuador Mozambique Poland Iran
Honduras Nigeria Portugal Iraq
Mexico Tunisia Rumania Japan
Panama South Africa Russia Jordan
Peru Sudan Spain Kazakhstan
Puerto Rico Uganda Switzerland Kuwait
Uruguay Turkey Korea
U.S.A U.K. Laos
Venezuela Lebanon
Sri Lanka
Saudi Arabia
68 Vietnam
Some Users
Albania Cambodia Ethiopia
Technical University of Tirana Technical Institute – Phnom Penh EMPDA - Addis Ababa
Chad Ministry of Education Procurement
Algeria Technical High School - N’djamena Service Enterprise – Addis Ababa
Professional School of Ministry Addis Ababa University Ministry
of Education - Algeria Chile of National Defence
Enset - Laghouat Universidad Arturo Prat - Iquique
Vocational School - Blida Universidad del Bio-Bio Concepción de France
E.N.E.F.P - Algeria Santiago de Chile Ecole Militaire - Ministère de la
Marine – Brest et Toulouse
Argentina Colombia Centre de Formation aux Métiers de
Universidad De Santo Tomas la Chimie - Grenoble
Buenos Aires University
Ministry of Petroleum - Buenos Aires - Bogota’
Training Centers “Sena” (5) Greece
(Lab. Alimentos Convenio Sena) Ministry of Education - Athens
Ijevan State College – Ijevan
Croatia Guatemala
Knin University Universidad de San Carlos
Ministry of Defence - Jessore
Cuba Honduras
Ministry of Defence - Chittagong
Technological Institutes - La Havana Instituto de Agricultura – Macuellilo
Proyecto AFOPH
Ecuador Instituto Nacional Formación
Institut Technique d’Enseignement
Universidad Catolica de Guayaquil Profesional Tegucigalpa
Supérieur - Mons
– Guayaquil y Particular de Loja UNITEC Universidad Technologia
Universidad Tecnica Particular Centroamericana
de Loja - Loja
Pontificia Universidad Catolica Haiti
Secap - Centro de Guayaquil
Universities and High Schools in Saint Paul, Université d’Etat d’Haïti
Institute “Gerolamo Benzoni”
Campinas and Belo Horizonte
- Guayaquil – Port au Prince
Technical Schools (22) Ministerio
Da Educacao e do Desporto - Brasilia
Egypt Hong Kong
Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubà
Canal and Port Said University Hong Kong University
Comunidade Evangelica
- Port Said
Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA)
Ministry of High Education - Cairo
Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie
Salesian Institute “Don Bosco” - Cairo
Mansoura and Cairo University
- Cairo

Some Users

India Ivory Coast Morocco

College of Eng. and Technology Lycee Le Man, San Pedro, Odienne Centrale Laitière El Jadida
Bathinda - Casablanca
Technical Colleges (27) Jordan Office de la Formation
Regional Engineering College University of Science and Technology Professionnelle et de la Promotion
- Srinagar Mu’tah University - Amman du Travail (O.F.P.P.T.) - Casablanca
Jamia Millia Islamia College of Yarmouk University - Irbid Ecoles Professionnelles de
Engineering & Technology Réfrigération et Conditionnement
Applied Science University - Amman
- New Delhi de l’Air.

Indonesia Nepal
Pristina University
L.P.P - Jogyakarta Tribhuvan University - Lalitpur
I.T.B - Bandung
Polytechnical Institute - Bandung Nigeria
Kuwait University - Kuwait
Udayana University - Bali Agip Oil Company
Public Authority for Applied
I.P.B. - Bogor Education and Training (P.A.A.E.T.)
- Kuwait Oman
Iran Hadramout University Sohar College
N.I.O.C. – Tehran Libya Waljat College of Applied Sciences
University of Tehran Higher Petroleum Institute - Tobruk
Azad University - Tehran Libyan Institute of Petroleum - Tripoli Pakistan
Amir Kabir University Al Faateh University - Tripoli GIK Swabi
of Technology-Tehran Secretariat of Formation and University of Engineering and
Razi University - Kermanshah Vocational Training - Tripoli Technology of Faisalabad
Mazandaran University- Mazandaran
Iran Air Training Centre - Tehran Lithuania Paraguay
Ferdowsi University- Mashhad Horticulture Institute – Kaunas Universidad Nacional Asunción
Sharif University of Technology -
Tehran Malaysia Perù
University of Technology Universidad Nacional de San Agustin
Iraq - Johor Bahru - Arequipa
Saladdin University – Erbil UPM – Kuala Lumpur Universidad Nacional de Piura
Technological Institute – Bassora Polytechnic Universidad de Lima
Ministry of Higher Education – Kuantan, Ipoh, Port Dickson Universidad Tecnologica
Kufa University Universidad Andina de Cusco
Italy Comite Administrador del Programa Philippines
Politecnico di Milano Federal de Construccion de Escuelas Salesian Institute “Don Bosco”
Politecnico di Torino Universidades: de las America, Unam, - Manila
Università di Trento Tecnologica de Puebla, Instituto
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Superior de Monterey Poland
- Albenga (SV) Technical High School “Conalep” Ship Design and Research Centre
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Lirelli” Guadalajara
– Borgosesia (VC) Centro de Ciencias de Sinaloa Portugal
Istituto Tecnico Industriale - Crotone Universidad de Aveiro
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Natta” Escola Secundária Técnica
– Padova – Viano do Castello
Istituto Tecnico Industriale
– Sciacca (AG)
Istituto Tecnico Industriale
- Tortolì (NU)
Some Users
Puerto Rico Sudan U.A.E
Universidad Politecnica University of Khartoum American University of Ras al Kaimah
de Puerto Rico United Arab Emirates University
Syria – Al Ain
Qatar Ministry of Education - Damascus Petroleum Institute of Abu Dhabi
Qatar University - Doha University of Sharjah
Taiwan HTC - Abu Dhabi
Romania National Taiwan Institute of
Tecnoimportexport Technology - Taipei Uganda
- Polytechnic Bucuresti Huafan Institute of Technology - Kampala-Makerere/Botany
Aircraft Institute – Bucuresti Taiwan Kampala-Makerere/Chemis
Technical University – Timisoara National Chiao Tung University - Kampala-Makerere/M.Eng
Technical University – Petrosani Taiwan
Russia Thailand Consejo de Educación
Energetics Polytechnic Institute Kasetsart University - Bangkok
– Moscow Military Technical Training School Usa
JSC – Samara - Bangkok Philadelphia – Temple College
Vladivostok University Ubon Ratchathani University - Ubon of Philadelphia New Jersey
Chemical Eng. Dept.
Saudi Arabia Mahidol University - Bangkok Uzbekistan
King Faisal University Civil Eng. Dept. Thammasart Bukara College
University of Najran University - Bangkok
Navoi College
Aramco - Dammam Mechanical Div. Chulalongkorn
Samar Kand College
University - Bangkok
Yambu Petromin Refinery - Yambu Djizak College
Rajamangala Institute
M.O.D.A (Ministry of Defence Teshkent College
of Technology - Bangkok
and Aviation) - Qassim Turin Polytechnic University
Maejo Inst. of Agricult. Techn.
Yambu Technical Institute
- Chang Mai
King Abdallah University - Ryadh Venezuela
Suranaree University of Technology
TVTC - Ryadh - Korat Este’s Pedagogical Institute
- Caracas
Singapore Trinidad & Tobago Polytechnic Institute Armies Iupfan
Ngee Ann Polytechnic University of West Indies - Caracas
Ministry of Education - Caracas
Somalia Tunisia Ministry of Defence - Escuela Militar
Mogadishu University - Mogadiscio de la Marina - La Guaira
Centre National Pedagogique - Tunis
Ministère de la Défense Nationale -
Spain Académie Militaire Fonodouk Djedid Vietnam
Technological Institutes - Madrid Institut National Agriculture - Tunis Hanoi University of Technology
Professional Training Center - Gijon Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs - Gabès Hanoi University of Agriculture
Ecole Nationale Supérieure University Mining & Geology Hanoi
Sri Lanka d’Ingénieurs - Tunis Danang University
Ministry Higher Education N. 8 Ecole Supérieure de Sfax Nga Trang University
Polytechnics - Colombo Thai Nguyen University
Switzerland University of Ankara – Ankara Yemen
E.T.H. - Zurich Ministry of Labour – Sana’a
Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan
– Ashgabat
Didacta Italia since 1968
DIDACTA ITALIA S.r.l. - Strada del Cascinotto, 139/30 10156 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 2731708 - Fax. +39 011 2733088 - e.mail: info@didacta.it

Didacta Italia
SINCE 1968

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