Aircraft Systems: Auto Flight - Aoc Functions
Aircraft Systems: Auto Flight - Aoc Functions
Aircraft Systems: Auto Flight - Aoc Functions
Flight Plan Initialization Function.............................................................................................................................B
Takeoff Data Function............................................................................................................................................. C
Wind Data Function.................................................................................................................................................D
Flight Reports...........................................................................................................................................................E
Ident.: DSC-22_45-00001402.0001001 / 17 FEB 11
Applicable to: ALL
The FMS AOC function gives an interface between a ground station and one onboard FMGEC,
allowing data transmission between these two computers via the ACARS Management Unit or the
Two different sets of message can be exchanged:
‐ UPLINK messages from the ground station. They consist in reception of data requested or directly
sent to the crew
‐ DOWNLINK messages from the FMGEC (master). They consist in reports or requests sent to the
ground station.
The FMGES/ACARS or FMGES/ATSU interface enables the following AOC capabilities.
‐ F-PLN initialization (flight plan and performance data)
‐ Takeoff data
‐ Wind data
‐ Flight reports
‐ Broadcast data.
Crews can send message using ACARS FUNCTION pages or relevant MCDU pages.
Only one FMGEC talks to the ground station. This FMGEC is called FMGEC “master”.
NOT XMITTED TO : A crew request or report was sent to the ground but the
ACARS communication was not established or not acknowledged.
NO ANSWER TO : A crew request was previously sent to the ground and no answer
REQUEST (uplink message) was received within 4 min.
This function enables lateral and vertical flight plan data as well as performance data to be
exchanged between the aircraft and a ground station. The aircraft may send flight plan requests
for active and secondary flight plan. (downlink messages). The ground station may send flight plan
and performance data (uplink messages) either under aircraft request or automatically without any
Each uplink message concerns either the active or secondary flight plan but never both flight plans at
the same time. The data sent to the aircraft are checked for flight plan consistency.
A MCDU message comes up when an uplink message is received. “ACT (or SEC) RTE UPLINK”.
If an error prevents the decoding process of the message, “INVALID RTE UPLINK” is displayed on
An uplink message can be routed to the active flight plan if no engine is started and no active flight
plan exists. Otherwise, it is routed to the secondary. The crew will insert it into the secondary flight
plan or will reject it using the CLR key.
Note: The flight plan may also be initialized using the ACARS FUNCTION page selected from
On ground and before engine start, the ground station may also send performance data to the
Performance data are always associated with the uplink flight plan. It is either automatically
inserted with the active flight plan data, or stored in the secondary with the corresponding flight
This message contains part or all of the following data:
ZFW, ZFWCG, taxi fuel, block fuel, cruise flight level, tropopause altitude, cruise temperature,
transition altitude, cost index, performance factor.
Note: After engine start an uplink performance data message is rejected automatically without
any scratchpad message.
INVALID RTE UPLINK An error is detected, the uplink message is rejected.
ACT or SEC RTE UPLINK A F-PLN is stored in the active or secondary flight plan.
FLT NUMBER UPLINK FLT NBR has been initialized within a F-PLN message without
previous request.
CHECK FLT NUMBER The uplinked FLT NBR differs from the one specified in the request.
CHECK CO RTE The uplinked CO RTE ident differs from the one specified in the
INVALID FLT NBR UPLINK The uplink contains a valid F-PLN but the FLT NBR is invalid.
PERF DATA UPLINK Performance data is received
INVALID PERF UPLINK Performance uplink message has been rejected
RTE DATALINK IN PROG A flight plan modification is performed after a F-PLN INIT request has
been sent; this message is displayed until the uplink is received.
UPLINK INSERT IN PROG This message is displayed during insertion of a Flight Plan.
The takeoff data function is available for the active flight plan only. It is used to request to the ground
station, information data for up to 2 runways and to receive this data for up to 4 runways.
The crew sends a request indicating the departure airport, runway idents, CG, GW and weather
conditions (such as BARO setting wind, temperature...). In response he receives the takeoff speeds
for up to 4 runways but only one set of data may be inserted in the active flight plan for the selected
active runway.
Takeoff speeds are computed for MAX and flex takeoff.
The takeoff data function has required the modification of the standard PERF TAKEOFF page and
the addition of 2 news pages:
‐ UPLINK TO DAT REQ page that enables the crew to specify a request to the ground.
These 2 pages are accessed from the PERF TAKEOFF page in PREFLIGHT and DONE phase only.
This function enables the crew to request and to receive forecasted winds associated to the active or
secondary flight plan.
The uplink message (ground station to aircraft) may be received upon crew request or automatically
without crew request.
The request is initiated from WIND pages or from AOC FUNCTION page.
The uplink wind data when received are directly displayed on the wind pages but not inserted in the
flight plan, one set for each flight phase: CLIMB, CRUISE, DESCENT. The alternate wind at alternate
cruise flight level is displayed on DESCENT page.
When uplink winds are deleted, the wind page reverts to the previous status.
The flight crew can modify the wind data of the F-PLN B page, only after the uplink wind data has
been inserted. AOC uplink winds are then considered as crew manual entries (large font).
INVALID WIND UPLINK An error is detected, the uplink is rejected.
WIND DATA UPLINK Uplinked winds are received.
WIND UPLINK EXISTS A F-PLN modification (active or secondary) is attempted when uplink
winds are not inserted. This message disappears automatically when
the wind uplink is inserted or deleted.
CHECK DEST DATA The aircraft is at 180 NM from destination, and the destination QNH,
TEMP or WIND displayed on the PERF APPR page was received by
AOC uplink or, if following insertion of a descent wind uplink, a conflict
concerning the above parameters exists.
CHECK ALTN WIND The uplinked alternate cruise flight level differs from the default
alternate cruise flight level.
Ident.: DSC-22_45-00001406.0001001 / 17 FEB 11
Applicable to: ALL
Flight reports provide real time information to the ground concerning the aircraft current situation and
Several types of flight reports are available:
‐ The Position report : Provides current aircraft position
‐ The Progress report : Provides data relative to the destination
‐ The Flight-Plan report : Provides the active route
‐ The Performance Data report : Provides performance data currently used by
These reports may be manually initiated via a dedicated prompt or automatically sent in response to
a ground request or upon specific conditions.
This report is sent:
‐ Manually via a MCDU prompt, or
‐ Following a ground request, or
‐ Automatically upon sequencing a designated reporting fix (designated by the ground in a uplink
The manual POSITION REPORT downlink prompt is displayed on the REPORT page POS
Note: Position report are initiated from active flight plan only.
The downlinked message contains exactly the REPORT page data.
A progress report contains data relative to the aircraft arrival time and EFOB at destination for the
active F-PLN.
This downlink message is automatically sent following:
‐ A ground request, or
‐ A change of destination, or
‐ A change of runway, or
‐ A specific event. The possible events that can be selected in the navigation database policy file
• X minutes to Top of Descent
• Z minutes to Destination
• ETA changes more than W minutes from the previous report.
X, Z and W are minutes of time set in the navigation database policy file.
The progress report cannot be manually sent by the crew via a dedicated MCDU prompt.
‐ Flight Number
‐ Arrival Airport Ident
‐ Destination Runway Ident
‐ Predicted remaining fuel
‐ ETA at destination
‐ Reason for report (specific event, ground request...).
The F-PLN report broadcasts flight plan data to the ground. Only data from the active flight plan
can be sent.
This downlink message is sent to the ground:
‐ Automatically following a ground request
‐ Manually by the crew using a prompt displayed on the ACARS FUNCTION page. (Refer to
ACARS page description). This prompt may be invalidated through the navigation database
policy file.
The Flight Plan report can be downlinked either while on ground or in flight during any flight phase.
The report contains the active and alternate flight plan.
The Performance Data report is a downlink message that allows the transmission of performance
data (GW, FUEL, CG...) relative to the active F-PLN.
This message is automatically sent following a ground request. Manual sending is not possible.
Sends to the ground:
‐ Current GW
‐ Cruise Altitude
‐ Current CG
‐ Fuel on Board
‐ Block Fuel
‐ Reserve Fuel
‐ Cost Index
‐ Top of Climb Temperature
‐ Climb Transition Altitude
‐ Tropopause Altitude
‐ Taxi Fuel
Print Function...........................................................................................................................................................A
AOC/Printer Programming Options......................................................................................................................... B
Ident.: DSC-22_46-00001407.0004001 / 01 MAR 18
Applicable to: ALL
The print function enables several types of data and report to be printed:
‐ Flight plan initialization data
‐ Takeoff data
‐ Wind data
‐ Preflight report
‐ In flight report
‐ Post flight report
The 3 first reports may differ when automatically or manually printed for the following reason:
‐ The automatic process prints the uplink message although the manual process prints the current
active data as displayed on the relevant MCDU pages.
‐ The last 3 reports being processed from the same sources are identical in automatic or manual
Note: AOC is not necessary linked to printing process. The printing function may be activated
within the FMGES and selected independently from the AOC.
‐ One or several print functions may be deactivated.
‐ If an AOC function is not active, (not selected in the NAV database policy file) the printing process
is invalidated for this specific AOC function.
Option programming for the AOC/PRINTER functions is obtained through the Navigation Data Base
policy file or the Airline Modifiable Information (AMI) file.
The list summarizes the possible options :
Data Link (ACARS or AOC) Disables AOC functions
F-PLN Data Request Inhibit Disables uplink and downlink requests of F-PLN initialization data
Performance Data Request Disables uplink and downlink requests of Performance Initialization
Inhibit data
Takeoff Data Request Inhibit Disables uplink and downlink request of Takeoff Initialization data
Wind Data Request Inhibit Disables uplink and downlink request of predicted wind data
Flight Number Enable Flight Number is included within the F-PLN Request or Progress Report