Ifsp Ei Worddoc 1
Ifsp Ei Worddoc 1
Ifsp Ei Worddoc 1
July 2019
Sensitivity: Public
Child’s name EIDS number
Initial Eligibility
Your child is eligible for Ohio Early Intervention (EI) due to:
Developmental delay, as determined by EI evaluation team, on (date). See section 3B for the
summary of eligibility.
Diagnosed physical or mental condition with a high likelihood of resulting in a developmental delay.
Annual Eligibility
Developmental delay, as determined by EI evaluation team, on (date). See section 3B for the summary of
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Child’s name EIDS number
Below is a summary of your child’s current level of functioning in all developmental domains. The evaluation team explains
what was learned about your child’s development through the evaluation process.
I. Tool administration: In this section, the evaluation team documents what tool was used, the date(s) of administration,
and results (including whether a delay is present based on scores or clinical opinion) in all developmental domains
(adaptive, physical [gross and fine motor, vision, hearing], communication, social emotional and cognition). The
location of testing and notations of any adaption to the tool or environment (adaptive equipment, interpreter, sign
language) are included.
II. Review of your child’s history: This is a summary of what the evaluation team learned through parent interview and
reviewing health (such as medical, vision, hearing, nutrition, genetics, and specialized clinic) and education records
(such as early head start and childcare providers).
III. Personal observation of your child: This is a summary of what the evaluation team learned from observing your child
during the evaluation. This includes the type of activities your child participated in, with whom your child interacted,
and your child’s reaction to new and familiar situations and people, including the evaluation team.
IV. Information from other sources as necessary to obtain an understanding of your child’s unique development: Any
other type of information that you shared but was not documented elsewhere may be included here.
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Child’s name EIDS number
Family resources: The people most important and routinely in our child’s life and the role they play in our family:
The agencies, organizations, services, and activities that are most important to our family’s life right now:
Family routines: Our family enjoys participating in the following routines and activities:
Family concerns: The concerns, difficulties, or challenges that our family experiences during daily routines and activities that
would be helpful for the EI team to address:
Family priorities: These are the resources that our child and family need, including family support, activities, programs and
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Child’s name EIDS number
For children to be active and successful participants at home and in their communities, they need to develop skills in three
functional areas: (1) developing positive social-emotional skills; (2) acquiring and using knowledge and skills; and (3) taking
appropriate action to meet their needs. Your team uses information about your child’s present levels of development, your
family’s concerns, resources and priorities, and your daily routines to understand your child’s individual needs in relation to
same age peers. This information supports the development of meaningful outcomes for your child and family.
Child’s strengths
Child’s needs
Child Outcome Summary (COS) Statement: Relative to same age peers, our child
has all of the skills that we would expect of a child his or her is not yet using skills expected of his or her age. He or she
age in the area of this outcome. does use many important and immediate foundational skills to
build upon in the area of this outcome.
has the skills that we would expect of his or her age in regard is showing some emerging or immediate foundational skills,
to this outcome; however, there are concerns. which will help him or her to work toward age appropriate
skills in the area of this outcome.
shows many age expected skills, but continues to show some might be described as like that of a much younger child. He or
functioning that might be described like that of a slightly she shows early skills, but not yet immediate foundational or
younger child in the area of this outcome. age expected skills in this outcome area.
For annual IFSP and at exit. Has our child shown any new skills or behaviors related to
Yes No
developing positive social-emotional skills since the last child outcome summary rating?
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Child’s name EIDS number
Child’s strengths
Child’s needs
Child Outcome Summary (COS) Statement: Relative to same age peers, our child
has all of the skills that we would expect of a child his or her is not yet using skills expected of his or her age. He or she
age in the area of this outcome. does use many important and immediate foundational skills to
build upon in the area of this outcome.
has the skills that we would expect of his or her age in regard is showing some emerging or immediate foundational skills,
to this outcome; however, there are concerns. which will help him or her to work toward age appropriate
skills in the area of this outcome.
shows many age expected skills, but continues to show some might be described as like that of a much younger child. He or
functioning that might be described like that of a slightly she shows early skills, but not yet immediate foundational or
younger child in the area of this outcome. age expected skills in this outcome area.
For annual IFSP and at exit. Has our child shown any new skills or behaviors related to
Yes No
acquiring and using knowledge and skills since the last child outcome summary rating?
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Sensitivity: Public
Child’s name EIDS number
Child’s strengths
Child’s needs
Child Outcome Summary (COS) Statement: Relative to same age peers, our child
has all of the skills that we would expect of a child his or her is not yet using skills expected of his or her age. He or she
age in the area of this outcome. does use many important and immediate foundational skills to
build upon in the area of this outcome.
has the skills that we would expect of his or her age in regard is showing some emerging or immediate foundational skills,
to this outcome; however, there are concerns. which will help him or her to work toward age appropriate
skills in the area of this outcome.
shows many age expected skills, but continues to show some might be described as like that of a much younger child. He or
functioning that might be described like that of a slightly she shows early skills, but not yet immediate foundational or
younger child in the area of this outcome. age expected skills in this outcome area.
For annual IFSP and at exit. Has our child shown any new skills or behaviors related to
using appropriate action to meet needs since the last child outcome summary rating?
Yes No
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Sensitivity: Public
Child’s name EIDS number
Outcome addresses
This child Acquiring and using Outcome
Outcome Developing positive Taking action to family participation,
outcome social relationships
new skills and
meet own needs family well-being, or
number knowledge transition
addresses information
Given what you’ve shared about your family’s daily life, what would you like to see happen within your family’s activities as a result of EI
supports and services. How will we know when it is accomplished?
Strategies: What steps and activities, including who and when, will help us meet the IFSP outcome?
Supports that we currently have available to help us with this outcome (formal and natural, including services not provided by EI).
Review of this outcome: A review of the IFSP must occur at least every six months, but may occur sooner. You may
request an IFSP review at any time.
Result of review
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Sensitivity: Public
Child’s name EIDS number
Outcome addresses
This child Acquiring and using Outcome
Outcome Developing positive Taking action to family participation,
outcome social relationships
new skills and
meet own needs family well-being, or
number knowledge transition
addresses information
Given what you’ve shared about your family’s daily life, what would you like to see happen within your family’s activities as a result of EI
supports and services. How will we know when it is accomplished?
Strategies: What steps and activities, including who and when, will help us meet the IFSP outcome?
Supports that we currently have available to help us with this outcome (formal and natural, including services not provided by EI).
Review of this outcome: A review of the IFSP must occur at least every six months, but may occur sooner. You may
request an IFSP review at any time.
Result of review
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Sensitivity: Public
Child’s name EIDS number
Outcome addresses
This child Acquiring and using Outcome
Outcome Developing positive Taking action to family participation,
outcome social relationships
new skills and
meet own needs family well-being, or
number knowledge transition
addresses information
Given what you’ve shared about your family’s daily life, what would you like to see happen within your family’s activities as a result of EI
supports and services. How will we know when it is accomplished?
Strategies: What steps and activities, including who and when, will help us meet the IFSP outcome?
Supports that we currently have available to help us with this outcome (formal and natural, including services not provided by EI).
Review of this outcome: A review of the IFSP must occur at least every six months, but may occur sooner. You may
request an IFSP review at any time.
Result of review
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Child’s name EIDS number
Early Intervention services: Using all of the information available, the IFSP team has identified the
following EI services to support our outcomes.
Method: Direct (D); Joint (J) ● In-person: (P); Technology (T) Location: Home (H); Community (C); Other (O)
For each EI service that will not be provided in our child’s natural environment, an explanation of why the
outcome(s) cannot be achieved in a natural environment is provided.
List steps that the service coordinator and family will take, including projected date, for moving the service into a
natural environment.
Steps that the service coordinator will take to coordinate the needed EI service(s).
Timely receipt of
services (TRS) due by
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Child’s name EIDS number
We acknowledge that the outcomes reflect the family’s priorities and concerns and the EI services support
those outcomes. We agree to carry out the plan in a manner that supports the family’s ability to help their child
participate in and learn from their everyday activities whenever possible.
Signature Name, role, and agency method Date
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Child’s name EIDS number
IFSP Overflow
When it is not possible to provide all relevant information within the allotted space on the previous pages, type see “See
attached” in that section and write the information for that specific section on this page. Be sure to include the IFSP section