Lesson 1. EMOTION: Desirable Things Are Wanted, But Only One Option Can Be Chosen)
Lesson 1. EMOTION: Desirable Things Are Wanted, But Only One Option Can Be Chosen)
Lesson 1. EMOTION: Desirable Things Are Wanted, But Only One Option Can Be Chosen)
Lesson 1. EMOTION
Theories of Emotion
Lesson 2. CONFLICT
Conflicts are the result of the presence of two opposing or incompatible drives or action
system. It also refers to the simultaneous arousal of two or more incompatible motives
resulting in unpleasant emotions. It is the most common of the four sources of frustrations.
Types of Conflict
Depression is an illness that causes a person to feel sad and hopeless much of the time.
Types of Depression
Lesson 4. STRESS
Stress is a term in psychology and biology, first coined in the 1930s which has in more
recent decades become a common place of popular parlance. It refers to the consequence of the
failure of an organism- human or animal- to respond appropriately to emotional or physical
threats, whether actual or imagine.
Two types of Stress
1. Eustress (Positive)
The prefix derives from the Greek eu meaning either “well or good”. When
attached to the word stress it literally means “Good Stress”.
A stress that is healthy, or gives one a feeling of fulfilments or other positive
2. Distress (Negative)
It is known as the negative stress. Persistent stress that is not resolved through
coping or adaptation, deemed distress, may lead to anxiety or withdrawal behaviour.
1. Alarm- is the first stage. When the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the body’s
stress response is a state of alarm. During this state adrenaline will be produced in
order to bring about the flight - or- flight response.
2. Resistance- the second stage. If the stressor persists, it becomes necessary to attempt
some means of coping with the stress. Although the body begins to try to adapt to the
strains or demands of the environment, the body cannot keep this up indefinitely, so its
resources are gradually depleted.
3. Exhaustion- it is the third and final stage in the Gas model. At this point all of the body
resources are eventually depleted and the body is unable to maintain normal function.
It refers to the unpleasant feelings that resulted from the blocking of motive
satisfaction- that is, the feelings we experience when something interferes with our wishes,
hopes, plans and expectation. It is considered as universal experience.
Defense Mechanism
The purpose of the Ego Defense Mechanisms is to protect the mind/ self/ ego form
anxiety, social sanctions or to provide a refuge from a situation with which one cannot
currently cope.
Classifications Defense Mechanism
1. Aggressive Reaction
These takes form of destructive or hostile attacks, done physically or verbally,
and directly on the obstacle blocking him.
2. Withdrawal Reactions
This involves retreating or running away from threatening situations. This is not
wholesome reaction to frustration, but persistent failure to resolve conflict may give rise to
withdrawal techniques.
3. Compromise Reactions
These involve the lowering of one’s level of aspiration of the acceptance of a substitute
goal for one that is desired. In this reaction to frustration, the person partially gives into the
frustrating barrier but does not give completely his original devices for goals. Compromise may
take the following nature:
a. Sublimation- forbidden impulses are directed toward the pursuit of socially desirable
b. Compensation- a constructive defense mechanism whereby a person attempts to
overcome what he feels is personal limitation by emphasizing the desirable ones.
c. Intellectualization- is a compromise reaction in which the individual escape from
threat into words.
c.1 Rationalization- a defense mechanism in which plausible but false reason are
devised by the individual to explain and justify his behaviour that is deemed to result in
loss of self- esteem or social approval.
c.2 Isolation- a form of reaction frustration whereby a person avoids conflict between
two opposing desires or attitudes by keeping them apart in consciousness.
c.3 Undoing- form of intellectualization in which the individual divests himself of
painful feelings by making use of cleansing ritual after doing something which causes
him to feel guilty.