Capstone Log Brewer

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Capstone Log
Instructional Technology Department

Candidate: Mentor/Title: School/District:

Jana Brewer Madison Lockridge/Teacher Pepperell Middle/Floyd County
Capstone Title:
Interactive Technology in the Science Classroom

You are not required to reflect after each entry. Reflections can address one or more
entries in the log.
Just delete the reflection row if you do not use it.

Date Activity/Amount of Time PSC/ISTE Standards

(Please total the time after the last entry.)
6/3/2020 Created survey and shared with teachers to see what they PSC 5.1, 5.2
understood about using virtual reality in the classroom ISTE 4a, 4b
Used results from survey to plan a professional
development workshop (3.5 hours)
Reflection: After sharing the survey I developed with 6th & 7th grade science teachers, I found they did not
know much about using virtual reality headset or using virtual reality as a learning experience for
students. The information I found from this survey helped me as I developed a professional development
working I would use with these teachers during pre-planning to help prepare them for using virtual reality
learning experiences in their classrooms over the course of the upcoming school year.
6/8 – Designed a workshop series that will be used with teachers PSC 2.1, 5.2
6/26/2020 including intro to virtual reality, benefits of using virtual ISTE 2a, 4b
reality with students, handouts for teachers, “explore”
activities, resource list, and lesson plan templates (32
Reflection: I had to begin at a very basic level with these teachers since they did not have experience
using virtual reality (VR) as a means of learning. In this workshop, I shared an introduction to virtual
reality where I taught them what VR headsets were, how they could be used, and the benefits of using VR
as a learning opportunity for students. In this development, I also created several handouts for teachers,
activities that we would use to explore VR for content area learning, a resource list, and lesson plan
templates for them to use. The development of this workshop was time consuming, required lots of
research and time to plan, and allowed me to develop my skills and knowledge as a technology leader.
7/28-7/31/ Implemented workshop with sixth and seventh grade PSC 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 5.2
2020 and science teachers ISTE 2b, 2c, 2d, 2f, 4b
8/3/2020 Teachers completed survey about their new understanding
of VR, how to use VR with students, and questions they
still had (16.5 hours)
Reflection: The implementation of this workshop was certainly a challenge to begin. While I quickly got
the interest of the teachers I would be working with, some took much more convincing than others and
some required a lot more time to learn how to use the VR headsets than others. After implementing the
workshop, I shared another survey with teachers that would allow them to share their new understanding
or VR, how it can be used with students, and the questions they still had about virtual reality and VR in
the classroom. I used this information to guide my upcoming coaching sessions with teachers.
8/10/2020 Students completed pretest to determine content PSC 2.1, 2.7
knowledge (1 hour) ISTE 2a, 2g

8/24 & Teachers videoed their classes to gain a clear picture of the PSC 2.8, 3.1
8/25/2020 current reality that would be reviewed by the coach and the ISTE 2h, 3a
teacher (4.5 hours)
8/31-9/2/2 Individual coaching sessions with each sixth and seventh PSC 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5
020 grade science teacher at PMS to discuss identify questions ISTE 1b, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2e
from Jim Knight’s The Impact Cycle (2018)
(4.5 hours)
Reflection: In each of the coaching sessions, we used the videos teachers had taken to get a clear picture
of the current reality in each classroom. Some of the teachers viewed their video separately from me and
several viewed their videos with me. All teachers answered the identify questions that I provided them
and we discussed the answers to these questions in the coaching sessions.
9/7-9/9 Created Google Drive folder with resources and PSC 3.2, 3.6, 4.2
and screencasts for teachers to reference throughout the school ISTE 3b, 3f, 5b
9/15-9/19/ year (11.5 hours)
Reflection: The Google Drive folder I created provided teachers with resources we used in our workshop
as well as resources for teachers to use based on their survey responses as well as information I collected
in each of the coaching sessions. This Google Drive proved to be beneficial for teachers as they
implemented VR learning experiences and developed their own lesson plans using VR in their
11/10/202 Group coaching session: discussion of data from student PSC 2.8
0 formative assessment scores after the first virtual reality ISTE 2h
lesson with sixth and seventh grade science teachers (2.5
11/12, Used information from coaching session to develop PSC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
11/15, and workshop for teachers that helps improve areas of struggle ISTE 3c, 3d, 3e
12/1-12/3/ or where they feel they need more assistance
2020 Implemented workshop with teachers and worked
alongside them to develop their final 3 lessons that will be
implemented in spring (16 hours)
Reflection: This coaching workshop was challenging for me because teachers had already had the
opportunity to use VR with their students and begin developing their own lesson plans. Since we met as a
group, it was difficult for me to ensure I was answering everyone’s questions and providing sufficient
support as they began developing their final 3 lesson plans to implement. After this workshop, I shared a
sign up sheet for teachers to meet with me after Christmas break to ensure I answered all questions and
adequately prepared them to complete and implement their final 3 VR lessons.
1/12/2021 Met with each individual sixth and seventh grade science PSC 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
teacher to discuss continuing implementation of virtual ISTE 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b
reality lessons (3.25 hours)
Reflection: After these meetings, I felt much better about the December workshop and my ability to
prepare everyone appropriately. Each of the teachers I met with had fully developed, well prepared
lessons and all said they felt ready to implement them throughout the semester.
5/9/2021 Created student survey and teacher survey so thoughts on PSC 6.1, 6.2
and impact of virtual reality teaching and learning could be ISTE 6a, 6b, 6c
shared (2 hours)
5/17/2021 Students completed post-test to determine content PSC 6.1, 2.7
knowledge ISTE 6a, 6b, 2g
Students and teachers completed virtual reality surveys
(4 hours)

5/28-5/29/ Coach read surveys and reflected upon information PSC 6.1, 6.2
2021 provided to work on making changes for future ISTE 6a, 6b, 6c
implementation (7 hours)
Reflection: Upon reading the surveys from both teachers and students, I was able to reflect on the
experience and opportunities I had provided for these teachers and how well this impacted student
learning throughout the school year. I found that the workshops and coaching sessions, while some felt
they were tedious, were overall very beneficial in providing teachers what they needed to develop lesson
plans that allowed students to learn in new ways and develop their content knowledge. I also found that
most students really enjoyed this type of learning and wish they were able to participate in these types of
learning opportunities in their other courses. After reading these responses, I decided to develop a short
professional learning opportunity for teachers of all content areas to learn how to use VR with their
Total Hours: [## hours ]: 108.25

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this capstone.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Black X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X X
Multiracial X
Students with Disabilities X
Limited English Proficiency X
Eligible for Free/Reduced X

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