Breakthrough Japanese

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The book teaches basic Japanese for travelers and includes dialogs for common situations.

The book teaches basic Japanese for travelers and includes dialogs for common situations.

The book does not specify which other languages are covered.

Breakthrough Language Series

Noriko Takada and Hiroki Kato

General editor Brian Hill

Professor of Modem Languages, The University of Brighton

Actors: Tatsuyuki Ayoki, Keiko Tanabe, Ken'ichi Miura, Noriko Takada
Audio producer: Gerald Ramshaw, MAX II.
Illustrations: Ken'ichi Miura

We are grateful to the Japanese National Tourist Organization, USA,

for permission to reproduce photos on the following pages:
x,3, 19,21,39,41,49,58,69,81,83,85,86,95,97, 109,119,129,
139, 153, 157, 159, 162, 167, 172, 173, 175,209.

© Noriko Takada, Hiroki Kato and Brian Hill, 1994

All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission

of this publication may be made without written permission.

No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or

transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with
the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988,
or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying
issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court
Road, London WIP 9HE.

Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to

this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and
civil claims for damages.

First published 1994 by NTC Publishing Group, USA.

This edition first published 1995 by
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS
and London
Companies and representatives
throughout the world
ISBN 978-0-333-54183-8 ISBN 978-1-349-12081-9 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-12081-9
ISBN 978-0-333-59804-7 cassettes
ISBN 978-0-333-59805-4 book and cassette pack
A catalogue record for this book is
available from the British Library

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I
04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95

How to use this course vi

1 Talking about yourself 1
2 Yourself and others 15
3 Ordering drinks and snacks 33
4 Getting information 4 7
5 Directions 61
6 Time 77
7 Shopping (part 1) 93
8 Shopping (part 2) 107
9 Making travel arrangements 121
10 Food and drink 135
11 Likes and dislikes 149
12 The weather 163
13 More about yourself 175
14 Stating your intentions 189
15 Talking about the past 203
Numbers & Counters 216
Grammar Index 219
Japanese-English Vocabulary 221
Index 233
Following this course will help you understand and speak the kind of
Japanese that you are likely to need on vacation or business trips. The
course is based on recordings made in Japan of ordinary people in everyday
situations. Step by step you will learn first to understand what they are
saying and then to speak in similar situations yourself.

Before producing the course, we talked to hundreds of people about why

and how they learn a language. We know how important it is for learning to
be enjoyable-and for it to be usable as soon as possible. Again and again
people told us that there was not much point in knowing all the grammar if
they were unable, for example, to exchange simple greetings at different
times of the day. Therefore, the only explanations of grammar in this course
will be ones that actually help you understand and use the language.

Our main goal is to help you speak and communicate in Japanese. Since
Japanese is very different from most languages, we will demonstrate how
some conversations can be simplified and still convey the same idea. When
you arrive at Narita Airport and hear Japanese spoken by Japanese people,
you will be glad that you had familiarized yourself with native speaker
conversations as you prepared yourself for the trip by studying this course.

General hints to help you use the course

e Have confidence in us! Real language is complex, and you will find
certain things in every unit which are not explained in detail. Don't
worry about this. We will build up your knowledge slowly, selecting
only what is most important to know at each stage.
• Try to study regularly, but in short periods. 20-30 minutes each day is
usually better than 3lf2 hours once a week.
e To help yourself learn to speak, say the words and phrases out loud
whenever possible.
• If you don't understand something, leave it for a while. Learning a
language is a bit like doing a jigsaw or crossword puzzle: there are many
ways to tackle it, and it all falls into place eventually.
e Don't be afraid to write in the book and add your own notes.
• Revise frequently.
e It helps to get somebody to test you-even someone who does not know
e If you can study with someone else, you will be able to help each other
and practise the language together.
e Learning Japanese may take more time than you thought. Just be
patient with yourself.

Suggested study pattern

Each unit of the course consists of approximately 14 pages in the book and
12 minutes of recording. The first page of each unit will tell you what you
are going to learn and suggest what we think is the best method for going
about it. As you progress with the course, you may develop a method of
study which suits you better-that's fine, but we suggest you keep to our
pattern for at least the first two or three units, or you may find you are not
taking full advantage of all the possibilities offered in the material.

The book contains step-by-step instructions for working through the
course: when to use the book on its own, when to use the recording on its
own, when to use them both together, and how to use them. On the
recording our presenter Aoki Tatsu will guide you through the various
sections. Following is an outline of the study pattern proposed.

Dialogues Listen to any dialogue first without stopping the recording and get a feel for
the task ahead. Then go over it again in conjunction with the vocabulary
and the notes. Items marked with an arrow are most important and you
should concentrate on these particularly. Stop the recording to give yourself
time to think, and don't hesitate to go back to listen to the dialogue a
number of times. Don't leave a dialogue until you are confident that you
have at least understood it.

Practise what This section contains a selection of exercises which focus your attention on
important phrases in the dialogue. You will need to work closely with the
you have learned book and often use the recording. Sometimes you are asked to do a short
writing exercise and check your answers. Some exercises require that you
listen to the recording and fill in the answers in the book. In other exercises
you will be given opportunity to practise speaking what you have learned,
aided by prompts and directions on the recording.

Key words and Study this list of the most important words and phrases from the dialogues.
If possible, try to learn them by heart. They will be practised and used
phrases throughout the book.

Grammar Since Japanese grammar is very different from English, it will be helpful for
you to read through this section, even if you don't particularly care for
grammar as a subject of study. Only the most important points are
explained, and the explanations have been kept as simple and pertinent as

Read and Since the Japanese writing system is very different from the English
alphabet, you will not Jearn to read or write Japanese in this course.
understand However, in this section you will become familiar with signs, menus, etc.,
that you might come across in Japan and that it will be helpful for you to

Did you know? In this section you will be given practical background information on
Japanese customs and culture.

Answers The answers to all the exercises (except those given in the recording) can be
found on the last page of each unit.

If you haven't learned a language using a recording before, just spend a few
minutes on Unit 1 getting used to the mechanics: practise stopping the
recording and see how long it takes to recap different-length phrases, and so

Don't be shy-take every opportunity to speak and listen to the Japanese

language. Try talking to any Japanese people in your area, and watch any
TV programmes about Japan.

You will find ...
e a pronunciation guide for learning the sounds of Japanese and how they
are written in the Roman alphabet in this unit and at the end of Unit 1.
(pp. ix, 13 and on the recording at the end of Unit 1);
e a simple overview of the basics ofJapanese grammar (pp. 11, 31, 43,
57, 74, 103, 117, 131, 145, 159, 173, 185, 199 and 213);
e an introduction to the Japanese writing systems (p. 13);
• a concise listing of Japanese numbers and special "counters"
(pp. 216-218);
e an index of the grammar principles taught in the course and where to
find them in the text (pp. 219 and 220);

• a Japanese-English vocabulary list containing all the words presented in
the text (pp. 221-232).

Symbols and abbreviations

If you have a counter, set it at zero at the beginning of the recording. Check
the counter at the beginning of each dialogue and write that number in the
rectangle beside the number of that dialogue in the book. This will help you
find the right place quickly when you revise.

m. masculine speech
f feminine speech
Japanese nouns are not divided into masculine, feminine and neuter groups
as those in some European languages are. However, certain vocabulary and
verb forms are commonly used primarily by men or primarily by women.
These are noted by (m.) or (/.) wherever appropriate.

pol. polite
inf informaVcasual
Japanese speech patterns change according to the formality or informality of
the occasion, the relative social status of the speaker and listener, and the
relationship between them. These differences are noted by (pol.) or (inf.)
where appropriate and necessary.

humb. humble verb

nonn. normal-polite verb
exal. exalted verb
Similarly, certain verbs require that the subject be the person speaking;
these are noted as "humble" (humb.) verbs. Others require that someone
other than the speaker be the subject; these are noted as "exalted" (exal.)
verbs. In between these two types of verbs are verbs in the "normal-polite"
(nonn.) level of speech, which can have either the speaker or
someone/something else as the subject. These verbs are noted only when
the differentiation is deemed necessary.

die. the dictionary form of a verb or adjective

eq. equivalent (another way of saying the same thing)
or. origin (of a word borrowed from another language)
lit. literally (a more literal translation of the same phrase)
col. colloquial form
dim. diminutive (endearment) form

Pronunciation Guide
Japanese is fairly easy to pronounce. Unlike Chinese and some other Asian
languages, it has no "tones" that change the meaning of a word. It also does
not have accented syllables like English and other Western languages. Some-
times accent or emphasis may be put on a syllable or a word, but this is simply
to convey feeling or to give emphasis and does not change the basic meaning.
There are only 5 vowel sounds in Japanese, pronounced as follows:
A as in FATHER
U as in TUTU
E as inSET
0 asinDQG
With few exceptions, a consonant is always followed by a vowel. The charts below
show the basic Japanese "syllabary"-the Japanese equivalent of an alphabet.


WA (w)0 3

Pronunciation of these syllables is presented on the tape at the end of Unit 1.

'These are called "combination syllables" because they are written in the
Japanese script by combining the character for YA, YU or YO with a character
that represents a syllable that includes the vowel "I" (i.e., Kl, Gl, SHI, CHI,
etc.). The "Y" sound in the middle of these syllables is not a separate vowel
sound, but a soft sound connected with the consonant that precedes it. In other
words, the word KYAKU ("guest/customer") is two syllables (KYA-KU), not
three (KEE-YA-KU).
2Although the letter R is used to romanize these syllables, the Japanese "R"

sound is nothing like the English "R" of "rat", "rabbit", etc. It is the same as
the single-tap "R" of Spanish and some other languages (NOT the trilled"RR")
and is made by placing the TIP of the tongue at the top of the mouth and
flipping it downward. It occurs in American English in the middle of words like
"better", "little", "paddle", etc.

\w)O This sound sometimes is given the slightest hint of a "W" in front of it as
in the Irish pronunciation of "what" and "whether". This is not crucial,
however, and you will not go wrong if you always pronounce it "0". In the text
it will be represented simply as 0.

4N This is a soft, nasal sound, and it is the only consonant sound that is

considered a syllable by itself (except for double consonants, as noted

below). Occasionally it will be followed by a vowel or YA, YU or YO as a
separate syllable. When that occurs, it will be written as N' to distinguish it
from NA, NI, NU, NE, NO and NYA, NYU, NYO. (Ex.: HON'YA-
pronounced HO-N-YA.)

Other points to remember:

"Long" or Every sound/syllable of Japanese, as written in the Roman alphabet, is

pronounced. That means that when two or more vowels come together,
multiple words each is pronounced. For example, the word NAMAE ("name") is
pronounced NA-MA-E; OTOOSAN ("father") is 0-T0-0-SA-N;
ONEESAN ("older sister") is 0-NE-E-SA-N; etc. In this book, long
vowels are doubled in their written form (OHAYOO, SAYOONARA),
except in proper names where they are indicated by a vowel with a bar

Double Only certain consonant sounds ever occur as doubles in Japanese. They are
romanized as KK, SS, SSH, TT, TCH, PP, NN. When a word includes a
consonants double consonant sound, both consonants are pronounced, and each is
considered a separate syllable or part of a separate syllable. For example,
KEKKOO is four syllables (KE~K-K0-0), ISSHO is three (1-S-SHO),
KONNICHI is four (KO-N-NI-CHI), etc.
Note: To represent foreign words in Japanese-style romanization, some
other consonants may be doubled: BEDDO (bed), HOTTO DOGGU
(hot dog), etc.

Unstressed The vowels I and U are often unstressed, which makes them nearly silent,
especially when they come between two "voiceless consonants" (k, s, t, f, p)
vowels or at the end of a word, as in the following sentences:
(Underlined vowels are nearly silent.)
1. Ohayoo gozaimasy.
2. Watakyshi wa Shoda to mooshimasy.

Japan Rail Travel Service Centre in Tokyo Station


You will learn

e to exchange greetings
e to observe basic courtesies in addressing people
e to introduce yourself and your friends
e to answer simple questions about yourself
e something about the Japanese writing system and Japanese sounds

Before you begin

Read the introduction that begins on page vi. This gives some useful
advice on studying alone and details of a specific study pattern
recommended for this course.

Look at the Study guide below. It has been designed to help you make the
most effective use of the unit, so that you will progress from understanding
the gist of the recorded dialogues to understanding them in detail and
finally to being able to speak a number of key words, phrases and sentences

We will work to develop your ability to follow the gist of spoken Japanese
right from the start. Begin by listening to the first dialogue on the recording
without using your book and without worrying about the details of what is
being said.

Study guide
Keep tabs on your progress by checking off each task as you complete it.

Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned

Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Study: Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read and study: Introduction to Japanese writing
Read: Did you know?

If you have a recorder with a counter, set it at zero and write the counter
reading for each dialogue in the rectangle. This can help you find a dialogue
more quickly when you want to listen to it a second time.

n 1
Hello, my name is ...

Shoda Konnichiwa.
Miki Boku no namae wa Miki to mooshimasu.
Shoda A, watakushi no namae wa Shoda to mooshimasu.

boku I (m.linf)
namae name
Miki Japanese surname
watakushi I (eq. watashi)
Shoda Japanese surname

• Konnichiwa Hello. This greeting is used in the daytime.

boku no namae my name (m.linf) See the Grammar section at the end
of this unit for more on the grammar marker no.
to mooshimasu. I am called . Note that you normally only use
your surname when introducing yourself in Japanese.

2 UNIT 1
Practise what you have teamed
J Listen to the recording to hear how people introduce themselves and
exchange greetings. See if you can catch their names, and check them off
the following list as you hear them. (Answers p. 14)






2 Listen to the recording. Tanabe san will greet you and introduce herself to
you. Say hello and introduce yourself to her. (Answers p . 14)

UNIT 1 3
2 Greetings and goodbyes

Miki Kyoo wa ii o-tenki desu, ne.

Shoda Honto desu, ne. Atatakakute ...
Miki Sore dewa, chotto shitsurei itashimasu.
Shoda A, sayoonara.
Miki Sayonara.
kyoo today
ii o-tenki good weather
honto true (eq. hontoo)
atatakakute warm (and ... ) (die. atatakai)
sore dewa well, then

chotto a little bit
Shitsurei itashimasu. Excuse me for being rude. (humb.)

(eq. Shitsurei sh:itnasu.)
Sayoonara./Sayonara. Goodbye. (The latter is more common.)

Kyoo wa... The word wa is one of a number of grammar markers

sometimes called "particles" or "postpositions". This one means that the
word kyoo is the topic of the sentence--what you are talking about. Kyoo
wa means "as for today" or "I am talking about today". See the Grammar
section at the end of this unit for more about particles.
• n o-tenki desu, ne. It's a nice day, isn't it? The Japanese verb always
comes at the end of the sentence, with few exceptions. One such
exception is the tag question ne, meaning "right?" or "isn't it?" It is often
used as much to soften a sentence (make it less abrupt) as to ask for
The Japanese often exchange small "weather talk" instead of "Hello, how
are you?" or other greetings.
See the Grammar section at the end of this unit for more on the verb
Atatakakute... It is warm and ... The -kute at the end of this adjective
indicates that the thought is not complete. The implication is that the
weather is, perhaps, "warm, and that's good". The Japanese often leave a
sentence incomplete, assuming that the listener can complete the thought
• shitsurei shimasu Excuse me. (lit., "I am going to do something rude
[by leaving].") The implication is that the speaker is about to end the
conversation by leaving. The use of chotto here does not indicate that the
departure is temporary, but is only to make the apology less abrupt.
Chotto is frequently used as a softener.

4 UNIT 1
Practise what you have learned
3 Complete the sentences below with the appropriate numbered phrases.
(Answers p. 14)

(a) Watakushi no namae wa _______ (1) desu, ne.

(b) Ii o-tenki (2) Miki to


(c) Sore dewa, (3) shitsurei shimasu.

4 Read the ten phrases listed below, then listen to the conversation on the
recording. You will hear six of these phrases in the conversation. Put a
tick next to the phrases that you hear. (Answers p. 14) ·

(a) Konnichiwa (f) Shoda to mooshimasu.

(b) Kyoowa (g) Sayonara.

(c) Sore dewa, chotto (h) Samukatta desu, ne.

(d) Kinoo wa _(i) Shitsurei shimasu.

(e) Smith desu. (j) Ii o-tenki desu, ne.

5 On the recording you'll be invited to participate in a conversation using the

main words and phrases from the dialogues that you have learned. You will
introduce yourself and respond to small "weather talk", then say goodbye.
Aoki-san will guide you through the conversation. There are, of course, no
answers for this exercise. Now, enjoy speaking Japanese!

UNIT 1 5
n 3
Good morning

Ohayoo gozaimasu.
Miki A, ohayoo gozaimasu.
Shoda Mada, asa wa samui desu, ne.
Miki Soo desu, ne. Kyoo wa chotto samui desu, ne.
Shoda Ee. A, dochira ni o-dekake desu ka?
Miki Chotto kaisha no hoo e ... , shigoto de.
Shoda A soo desu ka. Itte irasshai.
Miki Hai, itte kimasu.

• Ohayoo gozaimasu. Good morning.

mada still, yet
asa morning
samui cold (weather)
• hai yes (pol.)
• ee yes (inf)
dochira? where? (pol.) (eq. doko?)
o-dekake departure (pol.)
kaisha company
hoo direction
shigoto work, job

• Soo desu, ne. That's right, isn't it? This phrase of agreement is
frequently used to make conversation flow smoothly.
Dochira ni o-dekake desu ka? Where are you going? (lit., In what
direction is your departure?) (eq. 0-dekake desu ka?) This is a greeting,
rather than a serious question, but the appropriate response is a simple
answer, such as the one given here. (See the Grammar section at the end
of this unit for more on ka and other grammar markers.)
Chotto kaisha no hoo e ••• , shigoto de. To the company ... on business.
Kaisha e would also indicate "to the company", but the longer phrase,
along with the word chotto again, is yet another way to make a sentence
less abrupt and, therefore, more polite.
• A soo desu ka? Oh, really? I Is that right?
• Itte irasshai. Hurry back. (lit., "Go and come back".)
• Itte kimasu. I'll be back. (lit., "I will go and come back".) These are
standard phrases used when someone parts company with someone else
temporarily, particularly when leaving one's home or neighbourhood.

6 UNIT 1
Practise what you have learned
6 Weather-related phrases are an important part of everyday life in Japan.
Some useful phrases are listed below. Listen to the recording and repeat
after Miura-san until these phrases become familiar to you.

(a) It's warm, isn't it? Atatakai desu, ne.

(b) It rains/snows a lot, doesn't it? Yoku furimasu, ne.

(c) It's hot, isn't it? Atsui desu, ne.

(d) It's cool, isn't it? Suzushii desu, ne.

(e) It's terrible weather, isn't it? Henna o-tenki desu, ne.

(f) It's cold, isn't it? Samui desu, ne.

Now, as prompted by Aoki-san, greet people appropriately during the rainy
season and on a beautiful October morning.

7 As in English, Japanese phrases such as Soo desu ka and Hontoo desu ka

can be taken as questions or as simple response statements, depending on
intonation. Rising intonation on ka indicates a question, and the listener
may respond with Hai, soo desu. Falling intonation indicates that no
response is expected.
Read the following short phrases through first, then listen to the recording
and write Q (for a question) or S (for a statement) in the blank.
(Answers p. 14)

(a) Hontoo desu ka.

(b) Samui desu ka.

(c) Mada desu ka.

(d) Hontoo desu ka.

(e) Atsui desu ka.

(f) Mada desu ka.

UNIT 1 7
n 4
Good evening, I want to introduce my friend.

A, konbanwa.
Skoda A, konbanwa.
Miki Kyoo wa atarashii yuujin o shookai shimasu. Yoshida-kun to
Shoda Yoshida-kun desu ka. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Yoshida Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
ShOda Hajimemashite.
Yoshida Hajimemashite. Konbanwa.

• Konbanwa Good evening .

atarashii new

yuujin friend (eq. tomodachi)
shookai shimasu introduce, make an introduction
Yoshida Japanese surname
-kun honorific suffix (m./inf.)

Atarashii yuujin o shookai shimasu. I will introduce (my) friend. The

grammar marker o here indicates that the word yuujin is the object of the
verb shookai shimasu. That is, the friend is what is being introduced.
For more on this grammar marker, see the Grammar section at the end of
this unit.
Yoshida-kun The suffix -kun is a casual way of showing respect for a
friend. In more polite or formal situations, or when talking with a stranger
or superior, the suffix -san would be used. This is part of the concept of
"honorifics", which is simply a way of giving respect to others by the
selection of words or the addition of prefixes (o- and go-, for example)
and suffixes (-kun, -san, -sama) to names or things belonging to people
other than oneself. (Never add -kun, -san or -sama to your own name!)
• Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. Happy to meet you. This phrase defies
direct translation into English, but more literally means something like
"Please accept my regards". The implication is that the speaker expects
this new relationship to continue and hopes that the listener agrees.
(eq. Doozo yoroshiku.)

• Hajimemashite. How do you do? (lit. "for the first time") This word
indicates that a new relationship is just beginning.
Unlike Western custom, the Japanese do not consider it necessary to
introduce people to others. You should not feel offended if your Japanese
friend does not formally introduce you to someone. You will soon be
included in the conversation without an introduction.

8 UNIT 1
Practise what you have teamed
8 Look at the illustrations and decide which phrase or greeting is best suited
for each one. (Answers p. 14)

(a) Konbanwa. 1. _ _ __ 2. _ _ _ __
(b) Shookai shimasu.
(c) Ohayoo gozaimasu. 3. _ _ _ __ 4. _ _ _ __
(d) Yoku furimasu ne.
(e) Yamada desu. 5. _ _ __ 6. _ _ __
(t) Smith desu Yoroshiku.

1. 2. I I I I I



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3. 5.

9 Listen to the recording and answer the following questions. You may want
to listen several times. (Answers p. 14)

(a) What time of day is this conversation taking place? _ _ _ _ __

(b) How is the w e a t h e r ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) What is the new friend's name? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) Is this friend going to go out today? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

UNIT 1 9
Key words and phrases
Here are the important words and phrases that you have studied in this
unit. You should make sure you know them well. Practise saying them

Konnichiwa. Hello. (daytime)

to mooshimasu. My name is _ _ __
;;;W;-;-at-:-ak--;-u-s~hi/Bokuno namae
wa desu. My name is --,-----o-~
Ii o-tenk.i desu, ne. It's a nice day, isn't it?
Henna o-tenki desu, ne. What an awful day!llt's terrible
weather, isn't it?
Yoku furimasu, ne? It rains a lot, doesn't it?
desu. It is
-;;Acct-a-,--takai--;----,.;-desu. It's w-arm--.- -
Suzushii desu. It's cool.
Atsui desu. It's hot.
Samuidesu. It's cold (weather).
Honto desu. It's true.
ne tag question ("right?"/"isn't it?")
Chotto shitsurei shimasu. Excuse me (I have to leave).
sore dewa well, then
Sayonara. Goodbye.
Ohayoo gozaimasu. Good morning.
Soo desu (ka?) That's right. (Is that right?)
Ee/hai Yes
Dochira ni o-dekake desu ka? Where are you going?
0-dekake desu ka? Are you going out?
Itte irasshai. Hurry back.
Itte kimasu. I'll be back.
Konbanwa. Good evening.
Yuujin o shookai shimasu. I will introduce my friend.
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu./
Doozo yoroshiku. Happy to meet you./Please accept
my regards.
Hajimemashite. How do you do?

10 UNIT 1
Here are some general rules you should keep in mind:

Sentence order
The verb is always placed at the end of the sentence.

Degrees of politeness
The Japanese will select vocabulary and verb forms according to the degree
of politeness required; that is, whether the speaker is talking to a close
friend or family member (informal), a stranger or acquaintance (normal
polite), or a superior or someone he wants to impress (exalted).
Verb endings usually grow in length with the degree of politeness. For
example, the question "Are you going?" can be translated: Iku no?
(informal), Ikimasu ka? (normal polite), 0-dekake desu ka? (formal!
traditional). This course identifies verb forms and certain vocabulary as
being specifically informal (inj.) or polite (pol.).

Nouns, articles, plurals

Japanese nouns are not divided into masculine, feminine and neuter. There
are also no articles ("a", "an", "the") in Japanese, and nouns do not change
for function or plurality. The word hon ("book"), for example, can be
translated "a book", "the book", or "books", depending on context.

There is no word for "it" in Japanese, so it is simply omitted in translation.
Personal pronouns are often omitted as well.

Grammar markers
These are short words that tell the relationship of a word or phrase to the
rest of the sentence. In some cases they are similar to English prepositions
("of', "by", "for", "to", etc.), except that they come after the words they
pertain to.
Here is a list of the most important markers for you to learn now. Most of
these have been introduced in the dialogues already.
wa topic marker-comes after the topic of the sentence. Ex.:
Watakushi wa =As for me or I'm talking about myself.
ga subject marker-replaces wa in certain situations.
o direct object marker-follows the direct object of the sentence. Ex.:
Yuujin o shookai shimasu. = I will introduce (my) friend.
no possession marker-comes in the same position as '"s" in English.
Ex.: Yoshida-kun no hon =Yoshida's book; boku no namae =
my name.
nile direction markers-follow the place to or towards which the subject
goes, comes, returns, etc. Ex.: kaisha ni or kaisha e = to the company.
ka question marker-follows a verb to make a statement into a question.
Ex.: Samui desu. = It's cold. I Samui desu ka? = Is it cold?
yo emphasis marker-follows a verb to add emphasis to a sentence.
(Other grammar markers will be explained as they are introduced in
later units.)

UNIT 1 11
The Japanese verb does not change for person, number or gender of the
subject. Also, there are only two basic tenses: present and past. (Future
intention is indicated by using the present tense.)

There are two kinds of adjectives:

1. Adjectives that can be inflected to show present or past tense and negative
or positive.
Examples: Samui desu. It is cold.
Samukatta desu. It was cold.
Atsui desu. It is hot.
Atsukatta desu. It was hot.

2. Adjectival Nouns that do not change, but require that the verb change to
show present/past/negative.
Examples: Hontoo desu. It is true.
Hontoo deshita. It was true.
Hendesu. It is terrible.
Hen deshita. It was terrible.

These adjectives must be followed by na or no when placed before a noun;

for example, hen na o-tenki unpleasant weather; hontoo no hanashi true

This is undoubtedly the most commonly used Japanese verb. It is also very
different from other verbs, and is usually treated separately. It means "is" or
"equals". The past tense of desu is deshita ("was"/"were"). (Negative and
other forms will be introduced in a later unit.) This verb is used to tell what
something is or what something is like; for example, Watakushi no namae
wa Smith desu. = My name is Smith. I Kyoo wa samui desu. =Today is

The aim of the Grammar section in each unit of this course is to give the
basics of the language, as a foundation to build on. Grammar explanations
will be kept as short, simple and pertinent as possible. You will not need
your tape recorder when you study this section.

Do not let yourself feel discouraged if you do not understand a grammar

principle at first. Language is learned by degrees, and it requires time to
become comfortable with it. Remember that making a mistake does not
matter, as long as you make yourself understood. The concept of the
"Breakthrough" method is that you learn more by listening to the language
than by memorizing rules of grammar.

Read and understand
Japanese writing
The Japanese writing system is made up of three kinds of symbols: Kanji,
Hiragana and Katakana. For convenience in this course, all material is
presented in the Roman alphabet (Roomaji). All Japanese students learn
Roomaji in school, but it is not used for general reading and writing, and
many Japanese have a hard time reading and understanding romanized
material. All books, newspapers and other printed matter utilize the three
kinds of Japanese symbols, as explained below:
Kanji was developed by and borrowed from the Chinese and adapted to fit
the Japanese language. Kanji characters are pictographs (symbols that
represent objects) and ideographs (representing concepts), which function
much like the symbols %, $, &, and so on. Each Kanji has a certain
meaning attached to it, but it may be pronounced any of several different
ways, depending on the exact concept, context and function of the word.
There are over 1800 Kanji in daily use by the Japanese.
The two other sets of symbols are strictly phonetic; that is, each character
represents a certain sound or syllable, with no specific meaning.
Collectively, they are called Kana. Each set represents the same syllables
presented on p. ix as the Japanese syllabary. Katakana is used primarily
for words of foreign origin and to call attention to a word; for this reason,
Katakana is used extensively in advertising. Hiragana is used to write verb
endings, grammar markers, and any word for which there is no Kanji or the
writer does not know the Kanji. For comparison, a few words are written
below in Roomaji, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.

Roomaji Hiragana Katakana Kanji

morning ASA h~ 7'1 -*/\

Japan NIH ON 1:: lit., -:t·
-''/ a-t.
t?~.t. 7 t- 1.-

To help you learn to read romanized Japanese, Tanabe-san will pronounce

all the basic syllables for you. Listen to the recording and practise saying
the syllables in order. Pay close attention to how each syllable is spelled in


A I u E 0
ZA Jl zu ZE zo JA JU JO

Did you know?
Bowing is one of the oldest customs used in greeting one another and
saying goodbye. While it is acceptable for the foreign visitor to observe this
custom, it should not be over-used, as there is a certain protocol that is
observed by the Japanese. The depth of the bow and how long one holds it
depend on the relative status of the people bowing. Many Japanese,
especially the younger generation, expect foreigners to shake hands rather
than bow. Businessmen also often follow this practice when greeting

Japanese people and the English language

Every child in Japan studies English from the age of thirteen.
Unfortunately, the knowledge of English and the ability to communicate in
English are two different matters. Many people can read English (if it's
written very carefully) much better than they can understand it when it is
spoken. Carry a small notebook and a pen with you for emergency
situations. People will understand HOSPITAL written on a piece of paper
much better than being asked, "Can you tell me where the hospital is?"
Young people are eager to hear spoken English. You will want to try out
your Japanese, but they will want to practise English.

The Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO)

These quasi-governmental agencies have offices in major cities throughout
the world. They provide free maps and brochures and assist in making
travel arrangements.

The Japan Travel Bureau (JTB)

Look for JTB signs for quick assistance in Japan.

Practise what you Exercise 1 (I) Nakayama (2) Tanaka (3) Nakagawa (4) Mori
have learned
Exercise 2 Konnichiwa. (Your name) to mooshimasu.

Exercise 3 (a) 2 (b) I (c) 3

Exercise 4 (a) (b) (j) (c) (i) (g)

Exercise 7 (a) Q (b) Q (c) S (d) S (e) Q (t) Q

Exercise 8 (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) I (d) 2 (e) 3 or 5 (t) 3 or 5

Exercise 9 (a) day time (b) hot (c) Yamamoto-san (d) He's going out

14 UNIT 1
You will learn
e to talk about your hometown/country
e to talk about your work
e to talk about your family
e to count from 1- 10 and 10-100 by tens
e the days of the week
e about the geography of Japan

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 5 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 6 + Practise what you have learned
Make sure you know the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Did you know?
Listen to all the dialogues once again without the book

UNIT 2 15
n 1
Can you count?

Maiko Kato Maiko.
Adult Mai-chan, ikutsu?
Maiko Jussai.
Adult 0-tanjoobi wa itsukara?
Maiko Ichigatsu hatsuka.
Adult Nani-yoobi datta?
Maiko Doyoobi.
Adult !chi kara juu made kazoete kureru?
Maiko Un. !chi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyuu, juu.
Adult Kondo ne, juu, ni-juu, tte iu fuu ni kazoete kureru ka na?
Maiko Juu, ni-juu, san-juu, yon-juu, go-juu, roku-juu, shichi-juu, hachi-
juu, kyu-juu, hyaku.
Adult Un, arigato.

Kato Japanese surname

Maiko girl's name (diminutive: Mai-chan)
ikutsu how old? (eq. nan-sai)

jussai ten years old (See p. 29 for age counters.)
tanjoobi birthday (o-tanjoobi =your birthday)
itsu? when?
Ichigatsu January (seep. 216 for names of months.)

hatsuka 20th day of the month (See p. 217)
naniyoobi what day of the week? (eq. nan'yoobi)
doyoobi Saturday (See p. 29 for days of the week.)
kara from I since

made up to I until
Arigato Thanks. (inj.) (eq. Arigatoo gozaimasu.)

(Note that the tone of this conversation is informal, as the speaker is an

adult talking to a child.)
• Namae wa (nan desu ka)? (What is) your name? (inj.) Simply bringing
up a topic is a casual way of asking a question. The question itself is
assumed by the listener. Note that the honorific prefix o- has been dropped
because the speaker is talking to a child. (Seep. 12 for more on desu.)
Kato Maiko The Japanese surname is given first, followed by the given
name. Most Japanese have no middle name.
Mai-chan The -chan suffix is a diminutive form of -san, used after the
name (or, as in this case, an abbreviated form of the name) of a child, a
close friend, or a younger sibling.
• Ikutsu (desu ka)? ••.Jussai (desu). How old (are you)? ... Ten years old.
The suffix -sai indicates age. (Seep. 29.)
Naniyoobi datta? What day of the week was it? (inj.) (eq. Naniyoobi
deshita ka?)
lchi kara juu made from 1 to 10. Seep. 29 for numbers. Note that kara
and made follow the numbers they refer to. (See Grammar section.)
Kazoete kureru? Will you please count (for me)? (inj.) The ending -te
kureru implies that a favour is being asked. (pol. eq. Kazoete kuremasu
ka?) (die. kazoeru)

16 UNIT2
Practise what you have learned
1 Rearrange the numbers in the box so that they will be in sequence from one
to ten. You won't need the recording to do this exercise. Check your
answers against the dialogue or p. 29.

roku hac hi ichi juu go

ni kyuu sbi shic:hi

(1) (6)

(2) (7)

(3) (8)

(4) (9)

(5) (10) - - - --

UNIT2 17

n 2
Days of the week

Takarabe Tsuyoshi.
Adult Nansai?
Tsuyoshi Nana-sai.
Adult Getsuyoobi, Kayoobi itte mite kureru?
Tsuyoshi Getsuyoobi, Kayoobi, Suiyoobi, Mokuyoobi, Kinyoobi, Doyoobi,
Adult Getsu-yoobi, Ka-yoobi itte mite kureru? Getsu, Ka de ii.
Tsuyoshi Getsu, Ka, Sui, Moku, Kin, Do, Nichi.

Takarabe Japanese surname

Tsuyoshi boy's given name
Nansai? What age (are you)? (eq. Ikutsu?) (pol. eq. Nansai desu ka? or
0-ikutsu desu ka?)
Nana-sai seven years old (See p. 29 for age counters.)
Getsuyoobi Monday (Seep. 29 for days of the week.)
Getsu, Ka Short forms of Monday, Tuesday (etc.)

(Note that the form of this conversation is informal, as the speaker is an

adult talking to a child.)
itte mite kureru? Will you try saying ... (for me)? (inf) The -te form of
any verb indicates that another verb follows, either immediately or later in
the sentence. (See Grammar section.) This phrase more literally means
"Will you say it and see?"
____ de ii (desu). Just ____ is okay.

18 UNIT 2
Practise what you have learned
2 Listen to Dialogue 2, Days of the Week. You will find that knowing the
days of the week is very useful when travelling. When you know them well,
you can turn off the recording and do the exercise below. The Japanese
Yoobi are jumbled in this exercise. Write the first two letters of the English
word for each day in the box provided. Check your answers against the
dialogue or p . 29.

D Mokuyoobi
D Getsuyoobi

D Nichiyoobi
D Doyoobi

D Kayoobi
D Kinyoobi

D Suiyoobi

3 Your turn to speak. Before turning on the recording again, prepare yourself
to (a) ask someone how old he is. (b) tell someone your age. (c) ask/say
what day of the week it is.
Listen to the recording and follow Aoki-san's prompting.

UNIT 2 19

n 3
W'here are you from?

0-kuni wa dochira desu ka?

Shoda A, Tochigi-ken desu.
Yoshida Tokyo e wa kankoo de koraretan desu ka?
Shoda lie, kankoo ja nain desu. Shigoto de ...
Yoshida A, soo desu ka. Sore ja, mata ... Sayonara.
Shoda Sayonara.

o-kuni (your) country/home place
dochira where? in what direction? (pol.) (eq. doko)

-ken prefecture (similar to a county)
kankoo sightseeing
koraretan desu (you) came (pol.) (die. korareru)
ja nain desu is not (eq. dewa arimasen)
iie no
• shigoto work, job
• sore ja Well then ...
• mata See you later. (lit. [See you] again.) (eq. Ja mata.)

Tokyo e wa to Tokyo. The topic marker wa here is almost a token,

since there is no grammatical need for it in this case. There are occasions,
however, when two particles together are needed for the sense of the
kankoo de for sightseeing
shigoto de for work/on business (See Grammar section.)
koraretan desu ka? Did you come? The -rare portion of this verb
form indicates that the subject is someone other than the speaker, who is
showing respect for the listener. A simple, casual way of asking the
question would be Kankoo desu ka?

20 UNIT2
Practise what you have learned
4 Read the phrases in the two columns below. Supply the most correct
response phrases from the numbered column. (Answers p. 32)

(a) 0-shigoto desu ka? (1) Amerika desu.

(b) 0-kuni wa? (2) Ja mata.

(c) Kankoo desu ka? (3) Honto desu, ne.

(d) Yoku furimasu, ne. (4) Ee, soo desu.

(e) Sayonara. (5) lie, kankoo ja nain desu.

Shigoto de ...

5 Your tum to speak. Think about what you would say in a casual
conversation that includes such things as greetings, weather talk and where
you are from. Then tum on the recording and, with Aoki-san's assistance,
carry on such a dialogue.

Narita lnternationa,
Airport, near Tokyc

UNIT 2 21
4 Are you married?

Yoshida Kekkon wa shite irassharun desu ka?

Shoda E? A! lie! Mada desu.
Yoshida A! Sore ja, o-sumai wa dochira no hoo ... ?
Shoda A! Anoo ... Nerima no hoo de ... Hitori de sunde imasu.
Yoshida A, soo desu ka.

kekkon marriage
E? Huh?
o-sumai your home
Anoo .•• Uh ..
Nerima a section of Tokyo
hitori de alone, by oneself
sunde imasu living/residing (die. sumu)

t Kekkon wa shite irassharun desu ka? Are you married? (pol.) The
irassharu portion of this verb form indicates that the subject is someone
other than the speaker. This will be explained further at the end of Unit 3.
t Mada desu. Not yet. (lit. "It is stilVyet".) Even though there is no
negative word in this phrase, the implication is as if there were.
t 0-sumai wa dochira no hoo ••. ? Where is your home? (pol.) (Eq. 0-
sumai wa doko desu ka?)
Nerima no hoo de ... It is (in) the area ofNerima. The de here is not a
grammar marker but the te- form of the verb desu, giving the impression
that the sentence is incomplete. (See the Grammar section.) (Eq. Nerima
no hoo desu.)

22 UNIT2
Practise what you have learned
6 Read and answer the following questions. You won't need the recording to
do this exercise. There are, of course, no set answers.

(1) 0-namae wa? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(2) 0-kuni wa doko desu ka? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(3) Kekkon wa shite irassharun desu ka? Hai, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

lie, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(4) 0-sumai wa dochira no hoo desu ka? - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(5) Kankoo desu ka? Hai, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

lie, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

7 Your turn to speak. Aoki-san will help you strike up a conversation with a
Japanese person. First think about how you would say the following. Then
turn on the recording.

(1) Say hello and comment on the weather.

(2) Say where you are from. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(3) Say "Yes, I am on tour", and ask if the other person is there on

business. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(4) A new phrase is Suki desu. "I like it". _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Australia Oosutorarai
England Igirisu
Britain Eikoku
Scotland Sukottorando
Ireland Airurando
Wales Ueeruzu
Canada Kanada

UNIT2 23

n Mrs. Furukawa
5 Family questions

0-taku wa o-kosan nannin desu ka?

Mrs. Ogino Sannin orimasu no.
Mrs. Furukawa A, soo desu ka. Uchi wa hitori nan desu yo.
Mrs. Ogino Uchi wa, ano ... ichiban ue ga otoko no ko de, mannaka ga onna de,
ichiban shita ga otoko desu yo.
Mrs. Furukawa Ja, o-tanoshimi desu ne. 0-taku no o-kosan o-ikutsu desu ka?
Mrs. Ogino Juugo-sai to juuni-sai to, ichiban shita ga nana-sai desu.
Mrs. Furukawa A, soo desu ka.

o-taku you/your home, household (pol.)

o-kosan your child/children (child= ko or kodomo)
nannin how many (people)?
sannin three people (See below for people counters.)
uchi me/my home, household
hitori one person (See below.)

ichiban ue eldest/uppermost
otoko (no ko) male (child), boy

mannaka middle
onna no ko female (child), girl
ichiban shita youngest/lowest
o-tanoshimi fun, pleasant (pol.) (eq. tanoshii)

0- The frequent use of the honorific prefix is typical of polite conversation between women.
• 0-taku wa o-kosan nannin desu ka? How many children are in your family? There are
actually two topics in this sentence-0-taku and o-kosan-but the second wa has been
0-taku vs. uchi These words literally mean "your home" and "my home", but are often
used instead of personal pronouns to refer to things/people that belong to you/your family
and me/my family. The use of these words emphasizes the feeling of respect for the listener
by the speaker.
Sannin orimasu no. The verb orimasu requires that the subject be a person other than
the speaker. The word no at the end is used by women to soften the sentence.
Hitori nan desu yo. The use of nan here before desu is to soften the sentence. Yo is a
grammatical marker that adds a feeling of emphasis to the sentence, similar to an
exclamation point but softer.
ga This marker sometimes replaces wa to point out the grammatical subject of the verb.
de This is the te-form of the verb desu. (See the Grammar section.)
0-tanoshimi desu ne. It's fun, isn't it? The implication here is that, with three small
children, the home must be a fun, happy place.
Juugo-sai to juuni-sai ... 15 years old and 12 years old. (Seep. 29 for ages.)

People counters: Nan-nin desu ka? Yonin desu.

1 person hitori
2 people futari
3 people sannin
4 people yonin
5 people gonin

24 UNIT2
Practise what you have learned
8 At restaurants and hotels, you might be asked, Nannin-sama deshoo ka?
(pol.) "How many people are in your party?" When speaking casually, you
might just say, "Nannin desu ka?" If there are 2 people in the party, the
response would be "Futari desu". Match numbers with people counters.
(Answers p. 32)

(a) sannin 1 person

(b) hitori 2 people

(c) yonin 3 people

(d) futari 4 people

9 The following exercise also will not require the recording. Read the
questions and answer them appropriately. There are, of course, no set
answers for this exercise.

(a) There are _ _ _ _ _ _ people in my family.

(Watashi no) kazoku (family) wa _ _ _ _ _ _ desu.

(b) I am yrs. old.

Boku/Watashi wa -sai desu.

(c) Last year I was yrs. old.

Kyonen watashi wa -sai deshita.

10 Listen to the recording as two people talk about their families. Jot down
what you find out. You will have to infer some of the answers.
(Answers p. 32)

(a) The woman is married. Yes No

(b) The man is married. Yes No

(c) The woman has children. boys girls

(d) The man has children. boys girls

The phrase lie, ie, sonna koto wa arimasen yo is equivalent to "No, no,
it's nothing like that". It is often used as a response to some kind of praise.
A phrase like this is used so that people will not think you are boastful.

UNIT2 25
n 6
Where do you work?

Shitsurei desu ga, donna o-shigoto o nasatte irun desu ka?

Shoda A, anoo ... hon'yaku jimusho ni tsutomete orimasu.
Yoshida Hon'yaku jimusho tte iu to ... nani-go no hon'yaku o nasatte
irundesu ka?
Shoda Soo desu nee ... Iroiro tori-atsukatte imasu kedo ... yappari, ichiban
ooi no wa eigo desu, ne.
Yoshida A, soo desu ka. Kaisha wa dochira no hoo ni ... ?
ShOda Anoo .. .ichiban chikai eki wa Otemachi desu.
Yoshida Otemachi desu ka.
ShOda Hai.

• Shitsurei desu. It is rude./Excuse me .

donna what kind of?
hon'yaku translation
jimusho office
nani-go what language?
iroiro various (kinds)
tori-atsukatte imasu handling, dealing with (die. tori-atsukau)
yappari as expected

ooi numerous, prevalent
eigo English

chikai near
eki train or subway station
Otemachi a section of Tokyo

• Shitsurei desu ga... Using this phrase before asking a question or

beginning a conversation is a common way of apologizing for the
inconvenience or interruption. Cf. "Excuse me, but ... "

• Donna o-shigoto o nasatte irun desu ka? What kind of work do you
do? The verb choice requires that the subject be someone other than the
speaker. A simpler way of saying the same thing would be Donna o-
shigoto desu ka?
Hon'yaku jimusho ni in a translation office
• tsutomete orimasu I am working. (humb.) Orimasu requires that the
subject be the speaker. The equivalent tsutomete imasu may have either
the speaker or someone else as the subject. (die. tsutomeru)
_ _ _ _ tte iu to... When you say _ _ _ _ , ...
nani-go no hon'yaku translation of what language(s)?
lroiro tori-atsukatte imasu kedo... We are dealing with various
(languages), but ...
ichiban This word literally means "number one", but is used to make a
superlative of an adjective that follows it, as in ichiban ooi no ("the most
common/numerous one") and ichiban chikai eki ("the closest station").
(See the Grammar section.)

26 UNIT2
Practise what you have learned
11 Here is a list of occupations. Before you start reading, CLOSE THE
BOOK and listen to the recording. After you listen to the recording for a
while, the words will become so familiar that you will be saying them
automatically. listening and saying will help develop better pronunciation
than reading words from the book and memorizing them.

(a) company employee kaisha-in (or: sararii-man)

(b) doctor isha (pol. eq.: o-isha-san)
(c) homemaker/housewife shufu
(d) nurse kangofu
(e) part-time worker paato
(f) retired mushoku
(g) sales clerk/shop assistant ten'in
(h) secretary/clerk oo-eru (Eng.) (0-UQffice lady)
(i) student gakusei
(j) teacher/instructor sensei!kyooshi
Follow the instructions on the recording and complete the exercise.

12 If your profession is not listed above, ask someone: Teacher wa nihongo

de nan desu ka? "How do you say "teacher" in Japanese?"
To talk about occupations, some useful phrases are:
(a) Donna o-shigoto desu ka? "What kind of work do you do?"

(b) (Watashi wa) desu. "I'm a

(c) ja nain desu. "I'm not a

(d) desu ka? "(Are you a) ?"

(e) 0-shigoto wa doko desu ka? "Where's your work?"

Now listen to the recording, and answer the questions below.
(Answers p. 32)
1. What is the woman's profession?
2. What is the man's profession?

13 Your tum to speak. Tum on the recording and Aoki-san will guide you in a
conversation about your profession.

UNIT2 27
Key words and phrases
(Question word)+ desu ka?
Ikutsu/Nansai How old are you?
ltsu When is it?
Naniyoobi/Nan'yoobi What day of the week is it?
Dochira/Doko Where is it?
Nannin How many people are there?
Nanigo What language is it?
Donna _______ What kind of is it?

People counters Seep. 217

Occupations Seep. 27

kankoo de for sightseeing

shigoto de on business
hitori de alone/by oneself
~~~-~~ ni (sunde imasu). (I am living) in._~---­
(ichi) kara (juu) made from (one) to (ten)

Arigato. Thanks. (eq. Arigatoo.)

Jamata. (See you) later.
iie no

otoko no ko male child/boy

onnanoko female child/girl
mann aka middle
ichiban most (+ adjective )/number one

The following phrases are short but polite in form because of the honorific
o- or go- used with each noun.

0-namaewa? Your name?

0-kuniwa? Your country/hometown?
0-sumai wa? (Where is) your home?
0-shigoto wa? Your work?
0-tanjoobi wa? Your birthday?
Go-kekkon wa? (Are you) married?

28 UNIT2
b zero 20 ni-juu
1 ichi 30 san-juu
2 ni 40 yon-juu
3 san 50 go-juu
4 shi/yon 60 roku-juu
5 go 70 nana-juu
6 roku 80 hachi-juu
7 shichi/nana 90 kyuu-juu
8 hachi 100 hyaku
9 kyuu
10 juu

IOOs: l,OOOs: lO,OOOs:

100 hyaku 1,000 sen 10,000 ichi-man
200 ni-hyaku 2,000 ni-sen 20,000 ni-man
300 san-byaku 3,000 san-zen 30,000 san-man
400 yon-hyaku 4,000 yon-sen 40,000 yon-man
500 go-hyaku 5,000 go-sen 50,000 go-man
600 rop-pyaku 6,000 roku-sen 60,000 roku-man
700 nana-hyaku 7,000 nana-sen 70,000 nana-man
800 hap-pyaku 8,000 has-sen 80,000 hachi-man
900 kyuu-hyaku 9,000 kyuu-sen 90,000 kyuu-man

11,000 ichi-man-sen

Age counters
Nansai desu ka? Nijuuyon-sai desu.
1 yr. old issai 21 yrs. old nijuuissai
2 yrs. old ni-sai 22 yrs. old nijuuni-sai
3 yrs. old san-sai 23 yrs. old nijuusan-sai
4 yrs. old yon-sai 24 yrs. old nijuuyon-sai
5 yrs. old go-sai 25 yrs. old nijuugo-sai
6 yrs. old roku-sai 26 yrs. old nijuuroku-sai
7 yrs. old nana-sai 27 yrs. old nijuunana-sai
8 yrs. old hassai 28 yrs. old nijuuhassai
9 yrs. old kyuu-sai 29 yrs. old nijuukyuu-sai
10 yrs. old jussai 30 yrs. old sanjussai
20 yrs. old hatachi/nijussai

Days of the Week

Nanyoobi desu ka? Getsuyoobi desu.
Monday Getsuyoobi Friday Kinyoobi
Tuesday Kayoobi Saturday Doyoobi
Wednesday Suiyoobi Sunday Nichiyoobi
Thursday Mokuyoobi

UNIT2 29





30 UNIT2
Grammar markers
Remember that grammar markers follow the words that they refer to. New
markers presented in Unit 2 are:
ga This marker sometimes replaces wa to point out the subject, to put
emphasis on the topidsubject, or when the subject happens to be an
interrogative. (question words such as nani, dare, dochira, etc.)
ni follows the location of certain verbs, including sunde imasu
("living"/"residing") and some others. Ex. Mori-san wa Tokyo ni
sunde imasu. =Mr. Mori is living in Tokyo.
de One of the uses for this particle is to indicate purpose, as in shigoto
de ("on business") and kankoo de ("for sightseeing"). When it
follows a people counter, it indicates how many people are involved
in whatever activity is referred to. Ex. Hitori de sunde imasu. = I
live alone. or Futari de Kyoto ni ikimashita. =We (the two of
us) went to Kyoto.
kara "from" or "since".
Amerika kara from America
Dooyoobi kara since Saturday
made "up to", "as far as", "until" ("not beyond")
juu made up to ten
Tokyo made as far as Tokyo
Kin'yoobi made until Friday (through the day, but not beyond)

Ichiban +an adjective

The word ichiban literally means "number one", but when it comes before
an adjective, it makes that adjective into a superlative. Here are some
examples using adjectives you learned in Unit 1:
ichiban samui coldest
ichiban atsui hottest
ichiban atarashii newest

Omission of words
The Japanese often leave out a word or phrase if it may be understood from
the context. Particularly in casual conversation, subjects, objects and even
verbs are frequently omitted. This is also true in English, though perhaps
not to the degree that it is practised by the Japanese. If you just cannot
figure out what a person is trying to tell you, be sure to ask questions.

Minimal use of pronouns

Personal pronouns are used sparingly by the Japanese. Instead, they use the
person's name (name + -san instead of anata, his name instead of kare,
etc.), or they may simply omit the personal pronoun if it is understood who
is being addressed or referred to.
You should also be aware that young people sometimes use kare and
kanojo in reference to their boyfriends and girlfriends.

Negative of desu
The negative of desu is dewa arimasen, meaning "is not", and the
negative past is dewa arimasen deshita, meaning "was not".

UNIT2 31
Did you know?
Japan is made up of four principal islands-Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu
and Shikoku-plus the smaller Ryukyu Island chain, better known as
Okinawa. These islands stretch in a north-to-southwesterly direction and
are accompanied by thousands of small, scattered islands especially in the
Inland Sea, an area between Honshu and Shikoku.

The total land mass of Japan is 1/zs the size of the United States and about
213 the size of California. The main island of Honshu is larger than England,
Scotland and Wales combined; however, a mountain chain traverses the
entire length, leaving only 25% of the land habitable. The population of
Japan is approximately one half that of the U.S. and twice that of the U.K.

Japanese countryside seen from the air

Practise what you Exercise 4 (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 5 (d) 3 (e) 2
have learned
Exercise 8 (a) 3 people (b) 1 person (c) 4 people (d) 2 people

Exercise 10 (a) No (b) Yes (c) 0 (d) 2, 2, 0

Exercise 12 (1) kaishain-company employee (2) gakusei-student

Exercise 13 police officer-keikan

32 UNIT2
You will learn
e how to order food
e what kinds of snacks and drinks are available in Japan
e how to take care of the bill at a restaurant

Before you begin

The study pattern for this unit is similar to those you followed in Units 1
and 2. Try to read aloud as much as possible so that you can actually use
these phrases in real life situations.

Remember that you do not have to do the whole unit in one sitting; in fact,
the best advice for language learners is "little and often"-ten minutes a day
is better than an hour once a week. Get into the habit of looking back over
what you have learned, and redo exercises until they become easy for you.

Study guide
To help you keep a check on your progress, mark off the various tasks as
you complete them.

Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned

Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Make sure you know the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?

UNIT3 33
n 1
What shall we have?

Irasshaimase. Go-chuumon wa nani ni nasaimasu ka?

Customer Eeto ... Soo desu, ne. Ja, nanka tsumetai mono itadakooka? Anata
mo aisu koohii de ii? Ja, aisu koohii to ... Keeki wa nani ga
Waiter E ... Ichigo no keeki to, e ... shooto keeki ga gozaimasu.
Customer Soo shitara ... watakushi wa ichigo no keeki ga iin da keredo, anata
nani ni nasaru? Shooto keeki no hoo ga ii? Sore ja, shooto keeki. Ja,
watakushi wa ichigo no keeki to achira ni shooto keeki. Desu kara,
aisu koohi futatsu to sorekara shooto keeki to ichigo no keeki to,
onegai shimasu.
Waiter Kashikomarimashita.

Irasshaimase Welcome (to a restaurant or store)

(go)chuumon (your) order (pol.)
tsumetai mono something cold
• aisu koohii iced coffee (Eng.)
ichigo no keeki strawberry cake
shooto keeki shortcake (Eng.)
soo shitara and in addition
achira ni to that person (pol.)
kara so/therefore
futatsu two (things) (Seep. 35 for classic counters.)
• sorekara and then/after that
• Onegai shimasu. Please (bring us .... )
Kashikomarimashita. I understand (your order.)/At your service (pol.)

Go-chuumon wa nani ni nasaimasu ka? What would you like to

order? (lit. As for your order, what will you decide on?) (pol.) The
expression ni nasaimasu means to decide on something. When the
customer asks his friend what he will decide on, he uses the same polite
verb but in a more casual form: Anata nani ni nasaru? The -masu
ending used by the waiter is more formal. (eq. Nani ni shimasu ka?)
itadakoo ka? Shall I have (lit. partake of) ? Itadaku is a
"humble" verb. The ending -oo ka? is used to mean "Shall!...?" or
"Shall we ... ?"
Anata mo aisu koohii de ii? Is iced coffee okay for you, too? The
marker mo means also/too/in addition. See the Grammar section for more.
Aisu koohii to... Iced coffee and ... See the Grammar section for more on
the marker to.
Keeki wa nani ga gozaimasu (ka)? What do you have in the way of
cake? (pol.) (eq. Keeki wa nani ga arimasu ka?)
Watakushi wa ichigo no keeki ga iin da keredo ••• As for me,
strawberry cake will be okay, but ... (eq. lchigo no keeki de ii desu.)
The -n da keredo ending here is used to soften the sentence.
Shooto keeki no boo ga ii? Do you prefer shortcake? (lit. is shortcake
better?) See the Grammar section for comparisons.
Achira ni•.• For/to that person ... (lit. "in that direction") Achira is a
polite way of saying "him/her".

34 UNIT3
Practise what you have learned
J The Japanese practice of using special suffixes to count items is similar to
the English use of such phrases as "two sheets of paper" or "four cups of
tea". You have already learned some of these counters in Unit 2-the age
counter -sai and the counter -nin for people. More on counters will be
presented in the Grammar section of this unit; however, below are the
"classic counters", which can be used for many things, including food
items. Tum on the recording and practise saying these words with Tanabe-

Classic counters
Ikutsu desu ka? How many are there?
1 hitotsu 5 itsutsu 9 kokonotsu
2 futatsu 6 muttsu 10 too
3 mittsu 7 nanatsu
4 yottsu 8 yattsu

For more than ten items, the cardinal numbers (juu-ichi, juu-ni,
juu-san, etc.) are used.

2 Now go over the food items illustrated below. Then, with Aoki-san's help,
place an order for yourself and two of your friends. The order will include
a) one pizza and two sandwiches, b) one iced tea, one iced coffee, one
regular coffee (hotto koohii), and c) three ice creams. Example: koohii
futatsu to keeki hitotsu, onegai shimasu. = "Please (bring) two coffees
and one piece of cake". (Answers p. 46)

1. 2. 3. 4.

pitsa aisu tii!koocha sandoitchi aisu kuriimu

pizza iced tea sandwich ice cream

UNIT 3 35
n 2
What shall we have for lunch?
Kyoo wa takusan aruita kara, tsukareta, ne.
Soo desu, ne. Moo honto ni sukkari tsukarechaimashita.
Husband Sorosoro hiru-gohan demo suru ka ne?
Wife Soo desu, ne. Demo ... chotto ... moo ... tsukareta kara, anmari onaka
ga suite nain desu kedo ...
Husband Demo tabeta hoo ga iin ja nai?
Wife Soo desu, ne
Husband Yooshoku ni suru? Soretomo, washoku ni shiyoo ka?
Wife Watakushi wa washoku no hoo ga ii kedo ...
Husband So, ja ... nan ni shiyoo ka
Wife Karui mono wa doo kashira?
Husband Soo dane. Ja ... o-chazuke demo suru kana?
Wife A, sore wa ii desu, ne.

• takusan a lot tabeta ate, from taberu/

moo already tabemasu (to eat)
• honto ni really yooshoku Western cuisine
sukkari completely, thoroughly • soretomo or/otherwise
sorosoro soon, right away • washoku Japanese cuisine
hiru-gohan lunch (hiru- karui light
gohan o suru = have lunch) doo how?
anmari hardly (at all)/ o-chazuke hot tea poured
particularly (eq. amari) over cold, cooked rice

(The tone of this conversation is informal, since it is between husband

and wife.)
Takusan aruita kara ... Since (we) walked a lot ...The -ta at the end of the
verb indicates a past tense form. Kara is placed at the end of a phrase to show
that it is the cause of something that follows in the sentence. (eq. Takusan
arukimashita kara ... ) See the Grammar section for more on kara.
Tsukareta, ne. (We) got tired, didn't we? (eq. Tsukaremashita, ne.)
Moo honto ni sukkari tsukarechaimashita. I am already really,
completely tired out. Changing the verb ending from -ta to -chaimashita
emphasizes the completeness or finality of the action.
Hiru-gohan demo suru ka ne? Maybe we should have lunch or
something, huh? Demo in this pattern indicates "even if it's only Ounch)"
and, along with the marker ka ne after the verb, implies that the speaker is
open to suggestion.
Anmari onaka ga suite nain desu. I'm not particularly hungry. (eq.
Onaka ga suite imasen. "I'm hungry" = Onaka ga suite imasu.)
Demo tabeta hoo ga ii(n), ja nai? But it would be better if we ate,
wouldn't it? See the Grammar section for more on -ta hoo ga ii. Ja
nai is a tag question, similar to ne.
Washoku ni shiyoo ka? Shall we make it (decide on) Japanese food? (inj.)
The-oo ka ending means "Shall we ... ?" (eq. Washoku ni shimashoo ka?)
Karui mono wa doo kashira? How about something light? Changing
the question marker ka to kashira softens the question and could be
translated "I wonder ... "

36 UNIT3
Practise what you have learned
3 To ask someone which of two or more choices he prefers, use the phrase
Dotchi (dochira) no boo ga ii desu ka? If there are only two possible
choices, you may mention them first, using the "and" marker to. For
example: Pitsa to sandoitchi to, dotchi no boo ga ii desu ka? = ''Which
do you prefer-pizza or a sandwich?" (For more on this form, see the
Grammar section.)
The pattern is: A to B to dotchi no boo ga ii desu ka?
Now listen to the recording and practise asking people for their preferences.
The pattern is: A no boo ga ii(n) desu bedo. fi desu ka?
Then Aoki-san will prompt you to ask people's preferences for the same
(a) aisu-koohii, hotto koohii (c) ichigo no keiki, shooto keiki
(b) washoku, yooshoku (d) Getsu-yoobi, Ka-yoobi

4 Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the following
questions. You'll find answers at the end of this unit.
(a) Are they making plans for lunch or an evening meal? _ _ _ _ __

(b) Are they having Western or Japanese cuisine? _ _ _ _ __

(c) What is Miura-san (man) having? _ _ _ _ __

(d) What is Tanabe-san (woman) having? _ _ _ _ __

5 Your turn to speak. Listen to the prompts and try your Japanese. After
each pause, Tanabe-san will model a phrase that you probably used.
Remember that there is more than one way to get the same idea across.

UNIT3 37
n 3
Talking to a waitress

Nani ni nasaimasu ka?

Customer Soo da ne ... Ano ... o-chazuke ga aru?
Waitress E ... ano, gozaimasu.
Customer Donna o-chazuke ga arimasu ka?
Waitress Ume-chazuke toka (ume-chazuke?) shake-chazuke toka ... .
Customer Jane. Ume-chazuke, hitotsu. Sorekara, kanai ni wa, ano ... shake-
chazuke o hitotsu, onegai shimasu.
Waitress Hai, kashikomarimashita.
Customer Jikan, dono kurai kakaru kashira?
Waitress Ee to, soo desu ne, ano ... juugo-roppun de ...

ume-chazuke chazuke with pickled plum

shake-chazuke chazuke with salmon
kanai my wife (m.)

jikan time
dono kurai about how much?
kakaru to take/require (as time)
-punl-fun suffix for minutes

0-chazuke ga aru? Do you have chazuke? (inf) (eq. 0-chazuke ga

arimasu ka?) (lit. "Is there chazuke?")
toka to ka ... Like or , for example ...
• Jikan, dono kurai kakaru kashira? I wonder about how much time it
will take. (lit. Time, about how much will it take, I wonder.) (eq. Jikan
wa dono kurai kakarimasu ka?)
Juugo-roppun de ... In about 15 to 16 minutes ... (Seep. 217 for minute

38 UNIT3
Practise what you have learned
6 Suppose you have just finished a nice meal with your friend. Now you
would like to order some dessert (dezaato) and coffee. Order for your friend
and yourself. listen to the recording. Aoki-san will give you assistance.

UNIT3 39
n 4
The bill, please.

Sumimasen. 0-kanjoo onegai shimasu.

Cashier Hai. Hassen-yonhyaku-kyuujuu-nana-en de gozaimasu.
0-shiharai no hoo, kaado ni nasaimasu ka? Soretomo, kyasshu ni
nasaimasu ka?
Customer Kyasshu de, onegai shimasu.
Cashier Hai. Ja, ichiman-en o-azukari itashimasu.
Sen-gohyaku-san-en no o-kaeshi de gozaimasu.
Customer Doomo arigatoo. Reshiito itadakemasu ka?
Cashier Hai.

•• Sumimasen. Excuse me .
o-kanjoo the bill (pol.)
en yen Q"apanese monetary unit)

o-shiharai payment (pol.)
kaado credit card (Eng.)
kyasshu cash (Eng.)

o-kaeshi your change (pol.)
Doomo arigatoo. Thank you very much .
reshiito receipt (Eng.)

0-shiharai no hoo ••• As for payment ... (lit. In the direction of your
payment ... ) (eq. 0-shiharai wa... )
-en de gozaimasu. It's yen. (pol.) (eq. -en desu.
Kaado ni nasaimasu ka? Soretomo, kyasshu ni nasaimasu ka? Will
(the payment) be by credit card or cash? (pol.) (Lit. Will you decide on
credit card? Or will you decide on cash?) When asking "either/or", the
Japanese often ask two separate questions. ("Is it this? Or is it that?")
Kyasshu de, onegai shimasu. By cash, please.
Ichiman-en o-azukari itashimasu. Out of 10,000 yen. (pol.) (Lit. I
accept 10,000 yen.) This phrase is used to acknowledge receipt of
• Doomo arigatoo. Doomo is an intensifier, giving the phrase the same
approximate meaning as "Thank you very much".
• Reshiito itadakemasu ka? Can I get a receipt? (pol.) (eq. Reshiito,
onegai shimasu.)

40 UNIT3
Practise what you have learned
7 In Japan the prices of items are marked as they are listed below in the left-
hand column. However, sales clerks will say the figures as listed in the right-
hand column. Read both columns and see if you can match the numbers
with the Japanese words. (Answers p. 46)
(a) ¥6,500 (1) nanasen-happyaku-en
(b) ¥300 (2) rokusen-gohyaku-en
(c) ¥12,300 (3) sanzen-en
(d) ¥7,800 (4) sanbyaku-en
(e) ¥3,000 (5) ichiman-nisen-sanbyaku-en
After you've finished Exercise 7, turn on the recording to hear how these
numbers are pronounced.

8 Listen to two friends talking about their dinner. After listening to the
recording, fill in the answers to the questions below. (Answers p. 46)
(a) What did he have for dinner?
(b) What did she have for dinner?
(c) How much was the meal?
(d) Did they charge it or pay cash?

9 In this speaking activity, you are going out to eat with a Japanese friend.
Aoki-san will prompt you. Some of the useful phrases are:
Nani ni shimashoo ka? What shall we have?
Nani ga ii desu ka? What would you like?
Watashi wa washoku I prefer Japanese cuisine.
no boo ga iin desu kedo ...
_ _ _ _ _ _ ni shimashoo. Let's have
_ _ _ _ _ _ ni shimasu. I'll have

Plastic replica
offood in a

UNIT3 41
Key words and phrases
Nani ni shimasu ka? What will you order?
Nani ga arimasu ka? What do you have?

Donna ga arimasu ka? What kind of do you have?

wa nani ga arimasu ka? What do you have in the way of

Onaka ga suite imasu. I'm hungry.

Onaka ga suite imasen. I'm not hungry.

(0-kanjoo) onegai shimasu. Please give me (the bill.)

(Reshiito) itadakemasu ka? Can I get a (receipt)?

Kaado!kyasshu ni shimasu. I will make it credit/cash.

Kaado!kyasshu de, onegai By credit card/In cash, please.

no boo ga ii desu. I prefer .( is better.)

Tsukaremashita. I am tired.
Irasshaimase. Welcome (to our store).
Onegai shimasu. Please. (I make a request.)
Doomo arigatoo. Thank you very much.
Sumimasen. Excuse me.
Kashikomarimashita. At your service.

washoku Japanese cuisine

yooshoku Western cuisine
o-shiharai your payment
o-kaeshi your change
takusan a lot
anmari/amari (not) panicularly/hardly
jikan time
en yen, Japanese monetary unit

42 UNIT 3
Degrees of politeness
On p. viii it was mentioned that the Japanese select vocabulary and verb
forms according to the degree of politeness required. By the same token,
they will choose certain verbs according to who is the subject. These verbs
can be divided generally into three categories: exalted verbs, normal-polite
verbs and humble verbs.
Exalted verbs require that someone other than the speaker be the subject.
For example, the exalted verb irasshaimasu means "go" and implies "you
go", but it can never be used to mean "I go". It is used to put the other
person on a higher level than the speaker.
Normal-polite verbs can be used with either the speaker or someone else
as the subject. They are polite and acceptable in most situations. The
normal-polite counterpart of irasshaimasu is ikimasu, which can mean
"I go", "you go", "he goes", "we go", etc.
Humble verbs require that the speaker be the subject. When a person uses
a humble verb, he puts himself on a lower plane than the other person. The
humble counterpart ofirasshaimasu is mairimasu, meaning "I go".
Since the use of exalted and humble verbs-along with other advanced
honorific concepts-requires considerable time and experience to master,
foreigners are not expected to use them, other than within the context of
certain set phrases and patterns such as Irasshaimase (exal.) and to
mooshimasu (humb.). You will hear them, however, and should try to
make yourself aware of how they are used, in preparation for learning to use
them yourself as you advance in your Japanese language ability.

Grammar markers
Remember that grammar markers always follow the word or phrase they
refer to. New markers presented in Unit 3 are:
mo "also", "too"
Example: anata mo you, too
Koohii mo, onegai shimasu. Please (bring me) coffee, also.
to "and" This marker may follow each item in a list of two or more, or the
last item in the list may be followed by some other appropriate marker.
Example: Keeki to aisu koohii to, onegai shimasu. Please (bring me) cake and
iced coffee.
Ichigo no keeki to shooto keeki ga gozaimasu. We have strawberry
cake and shortcake.
kara You have learned this previously as "from", as in ichi kara juu
made ("from one to ten"). It is also used to indicate a cause-and-effect
relationship between two parts of a sentence. In English we use a number
of words to do this, including "since", "because", "so", "therefore", etc., so
the example sentence below could be translated in several ways, as shown.
Example: Takusan aruita kara, tsukaremashita.
We got tired, because we walked a lot.
or We walked a lot, so we got tired.
or Since we walked a lot, we got tired.
or We walked a lot; therefore, we got tired.
Notice that in English the cause can come either before or after the result;
however, in Japanese the cause always comes first, as in the example given

UNIT3 43
In English the cardinal numbers--one, two, three, etc.-are used to count
anything from people to animals to buildings. In Japanese, however, special
words called "counters" are used, and counters differ according to the type
of item being counted. For example, the counter for people, as you learned
in Unit 2, is -nin, while the "classic counters" (hitotsu, futatsu, etc.) are
used to count most food items and things for which there is no special
There are many other counters, some of which will be introduced later in
this course. These include a counter for flat objects (-mai), a counter for
long objects (-bon), counters for hours of the clock (-ji), etc. If you can't
remember the appropriate counter for a particular item, usually the classic
counters will suffice.

Comparisons and preferences

The word boo literally means "direction", and you have used this word in
the phrase no boo nile ("towards/in the direction of ").It is also
used to indicate a preference when a choice is given and to make a
comparison between two or more things.
Dochira no boo ga tsumetai desu ka? Which one is colder?
Aisu tii no boo ga tsumetai desu. The iced tea is colder.

When ii ("good") is the adjective used in the comparison, the implication is

that there is a preference:
koohii to aisu tii to, dochira no boo ga ii desu ka?
Which do you prefer-coffee or iced tea?
Koobii no boo ga ii desu. I prefer coffee. (lit. Coffee is better.)

When boo ga ii desu follows a verb that ends in -ta (past tense), it
indicates that a specified action (the verb) would be better than some
Example: Tabeta boo ga ii desu. It would be better if we ate.

44 UNIT3
Read and understand


mooningu saabisu arimasu

Breakfast is served

Regular day off
tadaima junbi-chuu
Meals in preparation

honjitsu wa shuuryoo
Closed for the day

UNIT3 45
Did you know?
If you can be happy with a continental breakfast, take a stroll outside your
hotel along any busy street. Inevitably, you will find a small sunakku
(snack shop) that will have Mooningu Saabisu (Morning Service). You
can have a piece of buttered toast (extremely thick) with jam, and coffee for
a reasonable price. Coffee is generally stronger in Japan than in the U.K.

Orange and grapefruit lovers must also remember that these are very
expensive in Japan.

Kissaten (coffee houses) are everywhere in Japan, and a cup of coffee is

anywhere from about £1.25 to £3.00. Coffee drinking is very fashionable,
and many people are very particular about the blends they drink. The price
of a cup of coffee is high, because the customer is paying for atmosphere,
space and a place to relax. If you ask for Amerikan, the cup is larger, and
the brew is not as strong. Sometimes waitresses refer to a cup of hot coffee
as hotto koohii (hot coffee). You might not have been an iced coffee
drinker before, but during a hot and humid summer in Japan, you will find
a glass of aisu koohii to be very refreshing.

Tipping and Service Charges

The good news is that there is no tipping in Japan. Taxi drivers, waitresses,
hotel porters and such are not tipped. Hotels and inns automatically place
service charges on bills. In restaurants, when the bill exceeds a certain
amount, a service charge is assessed and included in the bill.

Practise what you Exercise 2 (a) pitsa hitotsu, sandoitchi futatsu (b) koocha hitotsu,
have learned aisu koohii hitotsu, hotto koohii hitotsu (c) aisu kuriimu

Exercise 4 (a) lunch (b) Western cuisine (c) sandwich (d) spaghetti

Exercise 7 (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1 (e) 3

Exercise 8 (a) spaghetti/wine (b) pizza/wine (c) ¥3,600

(d) charge (kaado)

46 UNIT 3

You will learn

e how to ask for a room
e how to register at a hotel
e how to ask where things are
e more numbers and counters
e about Japanese hotels

Before you begin

Conversations often involve asking for information of one kind or another.
With a foreign language it is important to develop the skill of listening for
the gist of what someone is saying. All too often people panic because they
don't understand every word they are hearing, when in fact, they really do
know enough to understand more than they realize.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Make sure you know the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?

UNIT4 47
n 1
Sorry, we have no rooms

A, sumimasen kedo ...

Reception Hai.
Guest Anoo ... futari nan desu kedo, kyoo o-heya arimasen deshoo ka?
Reception Ee ... mooshiwake gozaimasen ga ... honjitsu wa zenkan manshitsu ni
natte orimasu.
Eeto desu ne, kyoo wa mooshiwake gozaimasen ga ... Dantai-sama
de subete ippai nan desu, ne.
Guest Komarimashita ne ...
Nanka dokoka kyanseru demo arimasen deshoo ka?
Reception Soo desu ne ... Kyoo wa chotto o-heya no hoo ga ippai de ... oobaa
shite imashite .. .
Listening to this recording, you can sense the traveller's desperate need for
a place to stay. Many pauses by both parties show a Japanese way of
negotiation where neither side comes to a quick, clear resolution.

(o-) heya room (pol.)

• Mooshiwake gozaimasen. I apologize./1 am sorry. (pol.)
honjitsu today (pol.) (eq. kyoo)
zenkan the entire building
manshitsu fully occupied (rooms)
dantai (-sama) group/tour group (pol.)
subete all/everything
• ippai full
• Komarimashita. That's a problem. (Lit. I am perplexed.)
dokoka somewhere
kyanseru cancellation (Eng.)
oobaa shite overbooked (Eng.)

Futari nan desu ... There are two of us. (lit. It is two people.) nan
(desu) is sometimes added to a verb to soften the sentence. (eq. Futari
• 0-heya arimasen deshoo ka? Do you not have a room? (pol.) The use
of the negative arimasen + deshoo ka gives a soft, polite feeling to this
Manshitsu ni natte orimasu. [The hotel] is fully occupied. (humb.)
The speaker uses this humble verb form because he represents the hotel.
Dantai-sama de subete ippai nan desu, ne. [The rooms] are all filled
by tour groups.
• Komarimashita, ne. That's a real problem, [isn't it?] This phrase is
commonly used to express disappointment or to indicate that something
is an inconvenience or a more serious problem.
Nanka, dokoka kyanseru demo arimasen deshoo ka? Is there a
chance of some kind of cancellation somewhere? Again, the negative
arimasen + deshoo ka softens the question.
Oobaa shite imashite ... We are overbooked, and ... The use of the te-
form indicates an incomplete sentence, which softens the statement.

48 UNIT4
Practise what you have teamed
1 Suppose that you and your friend are away from the city and need a room.
Read the phrases, and match the appropriate English phrase with the
corresponding Japanese phrase. (Answers p . 60)
(a) Futari nan desu. (I) Yes, we have.

(b) Heya arimasu ka? (2) That's a problem!

(c) Hai, gozaimasu. (3) There are two of us.

(d) Sumimasen, manshitsu (4) Do you have a room?

desu ga ...
(e) Komarimashita, ne ... (5) I'm sorry, but we're all booked up.

2 We have not been successful in finding a room. We should try smaller

"business hotels" (bijinesu hoteru) that do not advertise or cater for
foreign tourists. Though rooms are small, they are adequate and the prices
are reasonable. First think about how you would say the following phrases;
then listen to the recording and give it a try.
(a) Do you have a room with 2 twin beds (tsuin betto futatsu)? _ _ __

(b) Well then, in that c a s e , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Do you have two r o o m s ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(d) That's a p r o b l e m . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tourist Information Centre, Tokyo office

UNIT4 49
2 Checking in
Kato Sumimasen, chekku-in shitain desu ga.
Reception A, irasshaimase. Ee, o-namae, kyooshuku de gozaimasu ga ...
Kato Kato to mooshimasu.
Reception Kato-sama. Shita no hoo no o-namae wa ... ?
Kato Hiroki desu.
Reception A, Hiroki-sama, hai, doomo arigatoo gozaimasu.
Kato Yoyaku ga aru to omoimasu ga ...
Reception Hai, o-shirabe itashimasu. Hai, doomo Kato-sama, o-matase
Ee to ... go-ippaku no o-tomari de yoroshuu gozaimashoo ka?
Kato Soo desu. Ashita dekakemasu.
Reception A, soo de gozaimasu ka ...

(Since Hotel Okura is one of the top echelon hotels in Tokyo, the language used by the receptionist
is in a very polite form. Did you notice that when the guest mentioned his name, the clerk repeated
it with -sama added to it ("Hai, Kato-sama")?

• chekku-in check in (Eng.)

Kyooshuku de gozaimasu. I am sorry (to have to ask) ... (pol.) (eq.
Kyooshuku desu.)
shita bottom, below
Hiroki Japanese given name
• yoyaku reservation
• 0-shirabe itashimasu. I will look it up. (humb.)
• 0-matase itashimashita. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (humb.)
go-ippaku your one-night stay (pol.)
o-tomari stay-over (pol.)
yoroshuu gozaimashoo ka? Would it be acceptable? (pol.) (eq. ii)
• ashita tomorrow
• dekakemasu to leave/depart (die. dekakeru)

• shitain desu ga... I want to , but ... The word ga at the end of this phrase is not
a grammar marker; this ga means "but" or "however" and is used in this case, like
keredomo, to soften the sentence. See the Grammar section for more on -tai(n desu).
Shita no (boo no) o-namae wa ••• (What is) your given name (lit. "bottom name")?
Japanese names, both written and orally, are given family name first, then the given
name--opposite to Western order. Since Japanese was originally written vettically, the family
name (ue no namae) would be on top, followed by the given name (shita no namae)
beneath. Nowadays it is common to write Japanese either vertically (right to left) or
horizontally (left to right).
• Yoyaku ga aru to omoimasu. I think I have a reservation. The phrase to omoimasu
following a verb means "I think (that) ... " This is often used not to express any particular
doubt, but to soften the sentence, even though the speaker may be quite certain about what
he is saying. (eq. Yoyaku shimashita. =I made a reservation.)
Go-ippaku no o-tomari de yoroshuu gozaimashoo ka? Is a one-night stay acceptable to
you? (pol.) (eq. lppaku wa ii deshoo ka?)
A, soo de gozaimasu ka? Oh, is that so? (pol.) (eq. A, soo desu ka?)
Hotel stay counters How many nights? Nan-paku? three nights san-paku
one night ippaku four nights yon-haku
two nights ni-haku

50 UNIT4
Practise what you have learned
3 A receptionist at a Japanese inn is helping you fill out a registration form.
Give the needed information. (There are no answers in the book for this
(a) 0-namae wa?

(b) 0-kuni wa?

(c) Pasupooto nanbaa wa? (Passport number)

Example: yon-hachi-ni san-kyuu-ichi yon-nana-go-go = 482-391-4755

(d) 0-tomari wa nan-paku deshoo ka? (How many nights' stay will it
be? (If it's more than four, write the number.)

4 It is your turn to check in. The reservation was made in advance. (Yoyaku
ga aru to omoimasu ga••• I think I have a reservation.) Aoki-san will
guide you through the exercise.

UNIT 4 51
n 3
What time will you be checking out?

Asu wa daitai, kyooshuku desu kedo, go-shuppatsu no o-jikan wa

nan-ji goro de .. .
Kato San-ji goro de .. .
Reception A, san-ji goro ni narimasu ka? (Chekku-in wa nan-ji desu ka?) Ee
to ... chekku-auto jikan wa juuni-ji de gozaimasu.
Kato A, chekku-auto wa juuni-ji desu ka ...
Reception Ha ... hai. Moshi, san-ji made go-taizai desu to, ichioo, anoo ... tsuika
ryookin ga kakatte shimaun desu kedo ... Yoroshuu gozaimashoo ka?
0-heya dai no sanbun no ichi hodo ni narimasu keredo ...
Kato A soo desu ka. Hai.

• asu tomorrow (eq. ashita)

• daitai approximately
(go-) shuppatsu your departure (pol.)
(o-) jikan time (pol.) (eq. jikan)
• nanji goro about what time?
• chekku-auto check out (Eng.)
-ji counter for time (See below.)
moshi if
made until
go-taizai your stay (pol.)
• tsuika ryookin additional charge
• o-heya dai room rate (pol.)
sanbun no ichi 1/3
hodo amount/degree

Go-shuppatsu no o-jikan wa nanji goro de... About what time will

your departure be? Note that the politeness level of the receptionist's
language is always higher than normal speech.
San-ji goro ni narimasu ka? Will it be (lit. become) about 3:00? (pol.)
(eq. San-ji goro desu ka?)
Moshi san-ji made go-taizai desu to ••• If your stay is until 3:00 ... The
marker to after a verb means "if... " (See the Grammar section.)
Tsuika ryookin ga kakatte shimaun desu kedo... There will be an
additional charge. (lit. An additional charge will be required, but ... ) The
verb ending -tte shimau indicates that an action is irrevocable or
complete. Comparable to "We'll have to (charge an additional amount.)"
This ending is sometimes casually shortened to -chau/-chaimasu. (Cf.
Unit 3 Tsukarechatta.)
0-heya dai no sanbun no ichi hodo ni narimasu. It will amount to
one third of your room rate. (See the Grammar section for more on
Time Counters
What time is it? Nan-ji desu ka?
1:00 ichi-ji 5:00 go-ji 9:00 ku-ji
2:00 ni-ji 6:00 roku-ji 10:00 juu-ji
3:00 san-ji 7:00 shichi-ji 11:00 juuichi-ji
4:00 yo-ji 8:00 hachi-ji 12:00 juuni-ji

52 UNIT4
Practise what you have learned
5 There are five English phrases listed below. Find corresponding Japanese
words in the box to fill in the blanks. (Answers p. 60)
(a) reservation

(b) no vacancy

(c) departure

(d) additional charge

(e) How many nights' stay?

(1) chekku-in (2) tsuika ryooki.n (3) heya-dai

(4) taizai (S) manshitsu (6) shuppatsu

(7) yoyaku (8) nan-paku (9) chekku-auto

6 Listen to the recording as Tanabe-san is checking into the Fujimi Hotel.

You already know enough words and phrases to understand what the
discussion is about. Listen several times and answer the questions.
(Answers p. 60)
(a) What is the Fujimi Hotel's regular check-out time? _ _ _ __ _ _

(b) What time does Tanabe-san want to check out tomorrow? _ _ __

(c) What time is Tanabe-san leaving the hotel tomorrow? _ _ _ _ __

7 With Tanabe-san's help, ask the hotel clerk when the check out time is.
Mention that it is earlier than you had planned to leave, and tell the clerk
that that presents a problem. The clerk suggests that the hotel hold your
luggage, o-nimotsu o-azukari shimasu, and you agree.
(a) When is the check-out time? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) You wish to leave at one.

(c) "Well, that's a problem".

(d) The front desk will keep your luggage until _ __ _ _ _ _ o'clock.

(e) You ask them to take care of it.

UNIT4 53
n 4
Your room number is 555

Ee to ... ano ... kagi wa doko desu ka?

Reception Hai, ee ... ja ... toriaezu, kochira ni go-tooroku negaimashite ... (Hai.)
Mooshiwake gozaimasen ga ... Hai, doomo arigatoo gozaimashita.
Sore ja ... honkan no gohyakugojuu-go-ban, go-yooi itashimashita
node, ima beru-booi ga go-annai itashimasu node, doozo, go-
yukkuri ... Arigatoo gozaimasu.
KatlJ Doomo. Arigatoo gozaimasu.

• kagi key
toriaezu first of alVin the meantime

kochira here (pol.) (eq. koko)
go-tooroku register (pol.)

honkan main building
ban number
go-yooi preparation (pol.)

beru-booi bellboy (Eng.)/porter
iina now
go-annai guide (pol.)
Go-yukkuri. Take your time.

Kochira ni go-tooroku negaimashite. •• May I ask you to register here?

(pol.) (eq. Go-tooroku, o-negai shhnasu.)
Doomo arigatoo gozaimashita. Thank you so much (for what you did).
Ja, yoroshiku. Take care of it, please. (eq. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Go-yooi itashimashita node. We prepared for you, so ... (pol.)
Beru-booi ga go-annai itashimasu node ••• (pol.) The porter will
show you to the room, so ... The humble verb itashimasu is used because
the bellboy represents the hotel, as does the speaker.
Doozo go-yukkuri. Please take your time. The implication here is
"enjoy a leisurely stay".

Ordinal Numbers
What number is it? Nan-ban desu ka?
first ichi-ban sixth roku-ban
second ni-ban seventh nana-ban
third san-ban eighth hachi-ban
fourth yon-ban ninth kyuu-ban
fifth go-ban tenth juu-ban

54 UNIT4
Practise what you have learned
Many hotel-related words are of foreign origin, but today they are truly
woven into the Japanese language. Following are some words that were
originally borrowed from English but are now in common use by the
Japanese. Listen and repeat each word as Miura-san and Tanabe-san
pronounce it for you. Be sure to close your book and listen to the recording.
(1) air conditioner (cooler)- (11) gym-jimu
kuuraa (12) radio--rajio
(2) bar-baa (13) sauna-sauna
(3) cancellation-kyanseru (14) swimming pool-puuru
(4) check-out-chekku-auto (IS) toilet-toire
(S) lift, elevator~rebeitaa (16) heater-hiitaa
(6) arcade-aakeido (17) room service-ruumu
(7) bellboy-beru-booi saabisu
(8) check-in-chekku-in (18) service charge-saabisu
(9) dining room---dainingu chaaji
ruumu (19) television-terebi
(10) Front Desk-furonto (20) wake-up call-mooningu

8 Some commonly used phrases are written below in English. Read the
Japanese phrases on the right and find the one that matches each English
phrase. You do not need the recording to do this exercise. (Answers p. 60)
(a) Do you have a swimming pool? (1) Sauna nain desu ka?
(b) Where is the lift? (2) Puuru arimasu ka?
(c) Don't you have a sauna? (3) Chekku-auto wa nan-ii
(d) I'd like to have some coffee. desuka?
(e) What is the check-out time? ( 4) Koohii, onegai shimasu.
(S) Erebeitaa wa doko desu ka?

9 Let's suppose you are travelling with a group. Listen to the recording as the
tour guide is assigning rooms. Jot down the room numbers in the spaces
given below. (Answers p. 60)
(a) Taylor and Johnson _ _ _ _ __

(b) Bennett and Lyons

(c) Smith and Brown

J0 You have just checked into a beautiful Japanese inn with a traditional
garden. The staff is showing you to your room through the sprawling
structure with several wings and multiple floors. Of course, you took your
shoes off and left them at the entry way as you entered the building as is
customary in Japan. Listen to the recording. List three specific pieces of
information you gathered from the staff's explanations. (Answers p. 60)

(b) _______________________________________

(c) ____________________________________________

UNIT4 55
Key words and phrases
0-heya arimasen deshoo ka? Do you not have a room?
Chekku-in shitain desu. I want to check in.
Chekku-auto shitain desu. I want to check out.
Yoyaku shimashita. I made a reservation.
Komarimashita, ne. That's a problem, isn't it?
0-mataseitashimashita. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
Doozo go-yukkuri. Take your time./Enjoy a leisurely stay.
(o-) heya dai (your) room rate
tsuika ryookin additional charge
manshitsulippai fully occupied, no vacancy/full
shita no namae given name
uenonamae family name
nan-paku how many nights' stay?
(Seep. 50 for hotel stay counters.)
ban number
daitai approximately
nanji goro about what time
(Seep. 52 for o'clock counters.)
tooroku registration
go-taizai/o-tomari your stay
go-shuppatsu your departure
dekakemasu to leave/depart
toriaezu first of alliin the meantime
honkan the main building
zenkan the entire building
Annai, negaimasu. Please show me the way.
arimasu ka? Do you have-----~-
doko desu ka? Where is ?
nain desu ka? Don't you have ?
nan-ji desu ka? What time is ?
nan-ban desu ka? What number is _______

56 UNIT4
There are several verb endings that convey the meaning "if/when". The first
one that has been introduced to you is to, as in the sentence sanji made
go-taizai desu to, tsuika ryookin ga kakatte shimaun desu (from
Dialogue No. 3), meaning "If your stay is until 3:00, it will cost an
additional fee". Study the following examples:
Manshitsu desu to, komarimasu.
If (the hotel) is full, it will be a problem.
Ashita hareru to, kaim.ono ni ikimasu.
If (the weather) clears up tomorrow, I'll go shopping.

eel want to ... "

The Japanese verb ending -tai(n) desu means "I want to (do something)".
This ending can also be -tai (inj.), -tai desu (norm.), or -tai to omoimasu
("I think I want to ... "). The-n desu after -tai softens the statement. Here
are some examples using words and phrases from this and previous units:
Chekku-in shitain desu. I want to check in.
Kekkon shitain desu. I want to get married.

To make this a question, of course, simply add ka after the verb:

Arukitain desu ka? Do you want to walk?

However, if the question "do you want to ... ?" is intended as an invitation or
a suggestion, or simply to soften the question, the Japanese will often use
the negative verb ending -masen ka? instead of the above form.
Arukimasen ka? Won't you walk?
Nanika tabemasen ka? Won't you eat something?

Study the following fractions:
I/3-san-bun no ichi one of three parts
2/3-san-bun no ni two of three parts
1/4-yon-bun no ichi one of four parts
3/4-yon-bun no san three of four parts

"One hair' is expressed by a special word: han-bun half of a part.

UNIT4 57
Read and understand
Registration at most Western-style hotels can be done smoothly, because
they will have a registration form prepared bilingually in Japanese and
English. Just remember to write neatly and carefully or, better yet, print
each letter carefully, because clerks are not too familiar with Western names
or overseas addresses.
Form (Bilingual

Taikanso, a Japanese inn in Atami

58 UNIT4
Read and understand

desk rest-room/WC
uketsuke tearai

reception gentlemen
annai-gakari danshi-yoo

cashier ladies
kaikei-gakari joshi-yoo

dining room in use

shokudoo shiyoo-chuu

bathroom vacant
yokushitsu-furo aki

UNIT4 59
Did you know?
You will be surprised to find many types oflodging in Japan.

Top-class hotels Major cities have top-class, Western-style hotels for international travellers
and for Japanese clientele with special events such as weddings and

Tourist hotels Both foreigners and Japanese people use this type of Western-style hotel for
vacations. These hotels are reasonably priced, and the accommodation is

Business hotels This type of no-frills establishment was developed to meet the Japanese
business person's needs. They are clean and comfortable, conveniently
(Bijinesu located and reasonably priced. These hotels usually have a Baikingu
Hoteru) ("Viking") buffet-style breakfast-with both Western and Japanese
traditional foods-at a reasonable price; however, we recommend for lunch
and evening meals that you take a stroll to nearby restaurants to try some
interesting, delicious foods.

Ryokan These Japanese-style inns vary in ranking and style. Unfortunately, only a
few traditional ryokan are still in operation. They are elegant in decor, and
the services are unbelievably good. Each one features its own cuisine and is
known for excellence. They are, however, extremely expensive. There are
also onsen (hot springs) ryokan, which are very popular among the
Japanese. Since Japan is full of hot springs, you might be able to include an
over-night stay at an onsen ryokan in almost any sight-seeing tour.
Kankoo-kyaku-yoo (tourist inns) can be found in numerous locations in a
wide price range. If you are interested in trying out Japanese-style
accommodation, you should discuss it with a travel agent.

Penshon This is a small, family-operated boarding house patterned after the

European "pension" and is very popular among women travellers and
young people. Meals are prepared by the owners and served "family-style".

Minshuku A popular type of accommodation often found in resort and tourist areas,
these are comparable to penshon but very Japanese in style. You will find
many customs that are quite different from the West, and an adventurous
person can enjoy a unique experience.

A word of Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will feel cramped for space and
be surrounded by people. Hotel rooms are small by Western standards and
caution: you will be reminded of the lack of space in Japan. If you are able to
overcome this feeling, you will fully enjoy the scenery, history and people.

Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 2
have learned ExerciseS (a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 2 (e) 8
Exercise 6 (a) 11:00 (b) 12:00 (c) 11:00
Exercise 8 (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) 4 (e) 3
Exercise 9 (a) Taylor/Johnson 532 Bennett/Lyons 534
Smith/Brown 536
Exercise 10 (a) swimming pool-yes (b) sauna-no (c) Check-out
time is 12:00. Luggage will be held until departure.

60 UNIT4
You will learn
e to ask for directions at the railway station
e to ask for information at the hotel information desk
e to ask for directions inside a building
e to ask for information at a cleaning establishment
e something about the Tokyo railway and subway systems

Before you begin

Asking for directions is relatively easy. It is understanding the answers that
proves more of a problem! The best way to prepare for this is to listen over
and over again to the directions given in the dialogues, so that you can pick
out key phrases ("go straight", "turn right/left", "go downstairs", etc.) even
when they are obscured by a lot of other words that you do not know. It is
usually a good idea to repeat directions when they are given to you, so that
you can be corrected if you have misunderstood something.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Make sure you know the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?
Listen to all the dialogues again without the book

n 1
W'here is the Yokosuka-line?

Yokosuka-sen ni noritain desu kedo, dotchi ni ikeba iin desu ka?

Passer-by Yokosuka-sen desu ka? (Hai.) Ja, soko ni kaidan ga aru kara, soko o
orite, hidari ni magatte, chikadoo o massugu doko made mo itte
kudasai. Soo suru tone, kaisatsuguchi ga arimasu node ... Anata,
kippu wa doko made motte irassharu no?
Student Tokyo eki desu.
Passer-by A, sore ja, ikkai kaisatsu-guchi no soto ni dete ... (Hai.) K.ippu o
kawanai to ikemasen, ne. Sore de mata, Yokosuka-sen no hoomu
no hoo ni orite kudasai.

(Yokosuka)-sen (Yokosuka) Line (of a railway or underground)
dotchi which way? (eq. dochira)
kaidan stairway

hidari ni to the left (rnigi ni to the right)
chikadoo underground street
massugu straight (ahead)

doko made mo as far as possible
kaisatsu-guchi ticket barrier/entry where tickets are punched
kippu ticket
(Tokyo) eki (Tokyo) station
ikkai once, one time

soto outside
hoomu platform (Eng.)

ni noritain desu. I want to get on

Dotchi ni ikeba iin desu ka? Which way should I go? (lit. In which
direction is it good/best to go?)
Soko o orite ••• Go down (descend) there and ... Soko (there) refers to
the stairway previously mentioned. Orite (die. oriru) is one of a series of
verbs in this sentence. Remember that the te- form indicates that at least
one other verb will follow, so the word "and" can be included in the
t Hidari ni magatte... Turn left and ...
Chikadoo o massugu doko made mo itte kudasai. Go straight as far
as you can on the underground street. The verb ending -te kudasai is a
way of making a request or giving instructions. (See the Grammar
Kippu wa doko made motte irassharu no? How far does your ticket
take you? (exal.) (lit. You are holding a ticket up to where?) The marker
no at the end of the sentence is typical of female speech.
Ikkai kaisatsu-guchi no so to ni dete... Go outside the ticket barrier
once, and ... The implication here is that the person will have to go to the
ticket vending machines, which are located outside the barrier.
Kippu o kawanai to ikemasen. You have to buy a ticket. The ending
-nai to ikemasen indicates an obligation to do something.
Yokosuka-sen no hoomu no hoo ni orite kudasai. Go down (the
stairs) in the direction of the Yokosuka Line platform.

62 UNIT 5
Practise what you have learned
1 Select the appropriate word and fill in the blanks with the appropriate
Japanese words. (Answers p. 75)
(a) to the right (1) kippu

(b) to the left (2) massugu

(c) go down the stairs (3) migi (ni magatte)

(d) ticket (4) hidari (ni magatte)

(e) straight (5) kaidan (o) orite

2 Let's suppose that you just came back from a Kamakura sight-seeing trip.
You are still on the Yokosuka-sen platform, and you need directions to get
to the Chuo Line towards Shinjuku, where your hotel is. Listen to Miura-
san and jot down the essential points of his directions. (Answers p. 75)
(Track 1 = Ichiban-sen Track 2 =Niban-sen)



3 Listen to the recording. Miura-san will ask you, Wakarimashita ka?

meaning "Did you understand it?" He wants to know if you understood the
directions from the passer-by and now know how to get to the Chuo Line
(Chuuoo-Sen) platform. You will be asked to describe it in your own

n 2
Shop assistant
Is there a post office around here?

Kono hen ni yuubinkyoku arimasu ka?

A, arimasu yo. Ee to desu ne, kono mae no rooka o desu ne,
anoo ... migi e zutto massugu ikimasu. Soo shimasu to,
anoo ... tsukiatari masu n'de, tsukiatarimashitara, kondo hidari e itte
Soo shimasu to, anoo ... kaidan ga arimasu node, anoo ... kaidan o
ano .. .ikkai made orite kudasai. De, kaidan ikkai orite, ano ... migi-
gawa e zutto itte kudasai. Soo shimasu to, kono tatemono no soto e
demasu node, e ... soto e demashitara, ano ... deta tokoro, chotto
migi ni ikimasu to ... oodanhodoo ga arimasu. De, oodanhodoo o,
ano ... watatte kudasai. E ... so suru to ... sono migite ni ... Chuo
Yubinkyoku tte, okkina yuubinkyoku ga arimasu.

kono hen ni in this area

• yuubinkyoku post office
kono mae before/in front of this place
• rooka corridor/hallway
• tsukiatarimasu to come to a dead end or a T -junction
kondo this time
• ikkai first (British: ground) floor (See p. 65 for floor counters.)
• migi-gawa right-hand side
zutto all the way
kono tatemono this building
demasu go out/exit (die. deru)
deta tokoro where you came out
• oodanhodoo pedestrian crossing
migite ni on the right hand
okkina big (inj.) (eq. ookii)

Kono mae no rooka o ••. migi e zutto massugu ikimasu. You go

straight as far as you can to the right along the corridor in front of us.
• Tsukiatarimasu n'de .•• You will come to aT-junction, so ... n'de here
is a short, casual form of node.
Tsukiatarimashitara••• When you get to (the T-junction) ... The
-tara ending here indicates "when/if".
Kaidan ikkai made orite, migi-gawa e zutto itte kudasai. Descend
the stairway to the first floor (ground floor in Britain), then go to the right
all the way (as far as it goes).
Kono tatemono no soto e demasu node... You will exit towards the
outside of this building, so ...
Oodanhodoo o watatte kudasai. Cross over the pedestrian crossing.
Chuo Yubinkyoku tte, okkina yuubinkyoku a big post office called
"Chuo Post Office". The tte here is a casual expression meaning "so-
called" or "quote-unquote".

64 UNIT5
Practise what you have teamed
4 Make good sentences by connecting phrases in the two columns below.
Write the numbers in the spaces provided. (Answers p. 75)
(a) Konohenni (1) magatte kudasai.

(b) Rooka o massugu (2) ikkai made orite kudasai.

(c) Oodanhodoo o (3) yuubinkyoku ga arimasu ka?

(d) Migi ni (tum) (4) itte kudasai.

(e) Kono kaidan o (5) watatte kudasai.

5 The counter for the floors of a building is -kai.

Floor Counters
What floor is it? Nan-gai (or Nan-kai)/desu ka?
1st (Brit.: ground) ikkai 6th (Brit.: 5th) rokkai
2nd (Brit.: 1st) ni-kai 7th (Brit.: 6th) nana-kai
3rd (Brit.: 2nd) san-gai 8th (Brit.: 7th) hakkai
4th (Brit.: 3rd) yon-kai 9th (Brit.: 8th) kyuu-kai
5th (Brit.: 4th) go-kai lOth (Brit.: 9th) jukkai

First, practise with the recording to say the floors in the building. Then
listen to Tanabe-san and Miura-san and fill in the blanks in the following
sentences. (Answers p. 75)
(a) Kato-san no heya wa _ _ _ _ _ _ desu.

(b) Tomodachi no kaisha wa _ _ _ _ _ _ desu.

(c) Yooshoku no resutoran wa _ _ _ _ _ _ desu.

(d) Kono tatemono wa _ _ _ _ _ _ desu.

6 Listen to the dialogue again, and draw a diagram showing how to get to the
Chuo Post Office according to directions given by the shop assistant.
Here's a clue: the clerk is on the second floor (British first floor) of the
Maru-Biru (Marunouchi Building), a large office complex with many
interesting stores) across from the Tokyo station.

n 3
How do I get to Meiji Shrine?

Sumimasen, Ano ... Meiji Jingli e ikitain desu kedo, doo ikeba ii
desu ka?
Clerk Hai, kochira kara de gozaimasu to, o-kuruma ka mata wa chikatetsu
ni narimasu ga, dochira ga go-kiboo de (irasshaimasu deshoo ka)?
Tourist Soo desu ne ... Chikatetsu da to ... chikatetsu no eki wa dochira desu
Clerk Chikatetsu no eki wa, Toranomon no eki ga chikoo gozaimashite,
e ... Ginza-sen ni narimasu. Ginza-sen no Toranomon no eki kara
Omote-Sando made o-de ni narimasu to ... sochira hara ...
Tourist Ee to, sono chikatetsu no eki made wa, aruku to nanpun gurai
kakarimasu ka?
Clerk Honkan no ikkai kara o-aruki itadakimashite, roppun, nanafun
gurai de gozaimasu.
Tourist A soo desu ka. Chikai desu, ne.

(Meiji) JingU. (Meiji) Shrine (of the Shinto religion)

• (o-) kuruma (your) car
mata wa or else/otherwise
• chikatetsu underground (railway)
go-kiboo your preference (pol.)
Toranomon, Ginza, Omote Sando sections of Tokyo
chikoo gozaimashite is nearby (pol.) (eq. chikai desu)
aruku walk
• nanpun gurai about how many minutes
(Seep. 217 for minute counters.)
kakarimasu to take/require (as time, money)
roppun, nanafun six (or) seven minutes (Seep. 217.)

• Doo ikeba ii desu ka? How do I get there? (lit. How is it best if I go?)
(Cf Dotchi ni ikeba ... )
Kochira kara de gozaimasu to... If it is from here/this direction ...
Note the very polite tone of the clerk. (eq. Koko kara desu to ... )
0-kuruma ka mata wa chikatetsu ni narimasu ga. •• (You have to go
by) car or underground, but ... (lit. It becomes car or underground.)
Dochira ga go-kiboo de (irasshaimasu deshoo ka)? Which way is
your preference? (pol.) (eq. Dotchi ga go-kiboo desu ka?)
irasshaimasu deshoo ka is implied.
Chikatetsu da to... If it is underground ... da (in/) =desu
Toranomon no eki ga chikoo gozaimashite, Ginza-sen ni narimasu.
The Toranomon station is nearby, so that is (becomes) the Ginza Line.
O-de ni narimasu to ... If you exit ... (pol.) (eq. Demasu to ... )
Honkan no ikkai kara o-aruki itadakimashite... If we have you walk
from the ground (Brit.: first) floor of this building ... (humb.)

Practise what you have learned
7 Select words from the box to fill in the blanks in the sentences, according to
the translations given. (Answers p. 75)

ka ? e to (direction)
bra from to and
de by (mode of transportation) made up to
donogurai abouthowlonwmuch?

(a) Meiji-Jingll Ueno Park---=,......-,:-:--- ikitain desu

ga ... (I want to go to Meiji Shrine and Ueno Park.)

(b) Kuruma -;----;---:::--- kakarimasu _ _ _ _ __

(About how long does it take by car?)

(c) Koko chikatetsu no eki chikai desu

ka? (From here to the underground station-is it near?)

8 Listen to Kato-san asking how to get to the Meiji Shrine. Answer the
questions listed below. (Answers p. 75)
(a) Where will he leave from?

(b) What type of transportation should he use?

(c) How long will it take? _ _ _ _ __

9 If you are in Tokyo during the cherry blossom season, you may enjoy a visit
to Ueno Park. First, visit the many museums there, and then wait for dusk.
Viewing the cherry blossoms in the evening is a special treat.
Find out how you can get to Ueno Park from your hotel in Shinjuku. Think
how you might say the following sentences. Then Tanabe-san will assist
you as you listen to the recording.
(a) I want to go to Ueno. - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -

(b) How can I get there?

(c) What line would be good?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

(d) Is it far? Approximately how long will it take? _ _ _ __ __ _ __

(e) Are there restaurants (resutoran) in Ueno? _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __

(f) Thanks. Well then, I'm leaving now. _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

n 4
At the cleaners

Kono burausu, ano ... sentaku onegai shitain da kedo, daitai dono
gurai jikan kakarimasu?
Cleaner Daitai isshuu-kan gurai desu, ne.
Customer A so ... moo chotto hayaku dekimasen?
Cleaner Soo desu ne ... soo suru to, daitai yokka gurai desu, ne.
Customer Yokka. A, so. Sore kara ... kotchi no sukaato wa, ne. Shimi-nuki
onegai dekimasu?
Cleaner Hai. Ee to. Nan no shimi deshoo ka?
Customer Tabun, tabemono daroo to omoun desu kedo ...
Cleaner A soo desu ka. (Un) Sore ja ... chotto shirushi o tsukete okimasu ne.
Customer Hai, hai. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. 0-taku wa teikyuubi wa itsu
desu ka?
Cleaner Nichiyoobi desu.
Customer A, soo desu ka.

•• sentaku laundry/cleaning (of clothes)

isshuu-kan gurai about one week's time
moo chotto a little more
hayaku quickly/early
dekimasuldekimasen It can/can't be done. (die. dekiru)
yokka four days (See p. 87 .)
kotchi no this (one) (eq. kono)
shimi-nuki stain removal
nan no what kind of

shimi stain
tabun perhaps/probably
tabemono food

shirushi sign/mark/symbol
teikyuubi a store's regular day off

• Daitai dono gurai jikan kakarimasu (ka)? Approximately how much

time will it take?

• Moo chotto hayaku dekimasen (ka)? Can't you do it a little faster?

Onegai dekimasu (ka)? Can I ask you (to do it)?
daroo to omoun desu kedo... I think it is probably , but ...
(eq. deshoo to omoimasu kedo ••• )
Shirushi o tsukete okimasu. I will put a mark on it. (lit. I'll attach a
mark.) The ending -te okimasu indicates that the action is being taken
for some later purpose--in this case, so that whoever handles the garment
later will easily find the stain.

68 UNIT5
Week Counters
How many weeks? Nan-shuukan?
I week isshuukan 6 weeks roku-shuukan

2 weeks ni-shuukan 7 weeks nana-shuukan

3 weeks san-shuukan 8 weeks has-shuukan

4 weeks yon-shuukan 9 weeks kyuu-shuukan

5 weeks go-shuukan 10 weeks jus-shuukan

Shopping in Tokyo

Practise what you have learned
Close the book and listen to the recording for the pronunciation of Japanese
words for various items of clothing. Follow the directions and then practise.

2. uwagi coat

3. zubon trousers

1. sebiro business suit

5. seetaa sweater (Eng.)

6. shitagi underwear

4. waishatsu white shirt (Eng.)

8. hankachi handkerchief (Eng.)

7. kutsushita socks
9. nekutai tie (Eng.)

10. oobaa overcoat (Eng.)
12. doresu dress (Eng.)

11. suutsu suit (Eng.)


I! I~ !)
'( II rV
13. sukaato skirt (Eng.)
): t
14. burausu blouse (Eng.)

15. pantaron women's slacks (Eng.)

17. sutokkingu stockings (Eng.)

16. janpaa windcheater/anorak (Eng.)

UNIT 5 71
10 Complete the following sentences. Review the week counters on p. 69 if
you need to. (Answers p. 75)
(a) Kono burausu no sentaku (one week) kakarimasu ka?
Will it take one week to clean this blouse?

(b) Tokyo no shigoto wa _ _ _ _ _ _ (five weeks) desu.

My work in Tokyo will take five weeks.

(c) Nihon no kankoo wa _ _ _ _ _ _ (three weeks) desu.

My sight-seeing trip in Japan is three weeks.

11 Tum on the recording and listen to the conversation that takes place at the
cleaners. Answer the following questions. (Answers p. 75)
(a) What items are to be c l e a n e d ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(b) How many days will it take? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) When will it be ready? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) On what day is the store c l o s e d ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12 It is your tum to take some things to the cleaners. Refer to the illustration
on the previous page for some of the Japanese words. You can also refer to
items as kore to kore to kore ("this and this and this"). Some of the useful
phrases are:
(a) Please take care of this and this and this. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) How long will it take? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Can't you do it a little faster? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(d) What day is the store closed? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Key words and phrases
ni noritain desu. I want to get on (a vehicle).
Dochira nildoo ikeba Hn desu ka? Which way should I go?
(Kaidan o) orite kudasai. Go down (the stairs). (die. oriru)
(Hidari ni) magatte kudasai. Tum (to the left). (die. magaru)
(Massugu) itte kudasai. Go (straight). (die. iku)
(Kippu o) katte kudasai. Buy (a ticket). (die. kau)
(Soto ni) dete kudasai. Exit (towards the outside).
(die. deru)
(Oodanhodoo o) watatte Cross over (the pedestrian
kudasai. crossing). (die. wataru)

(Migi ni) ikimasu to ••• If you go (to the right) ...

(Chikatetsu de) ikimasu to ••• If you go (by underground) ...
Tsukiatarimash itara••• When you reach (aT-junction) ...
Soto e demashitara••• When you exit (towards the outside) ...
Dono gurai jikan kakarimasu ka? About how much time will it take?
Nanpun gurai kakarimasu ka? About how many minutes will it take?
Itsu dekimasu ka? When can you do it?
Moo chotto hayaku dekimasen ka? Can't you do it a little faster?
Onegai dekimasu ka? Can I ask you to do it?

dokomademo as far as possible

matawa or else/otherwise
zutto all the way
tabun perhaps
-sen line (of a railway/undergrou nd railway)
-kai (Seep. 218 for counters for floors
of a building.)
-shuukan (Seep. 69 for counters for weeks.)
burausu (See pp. 70, 71 for clothing vocabulary.)

-·. -••--=m• • •A ••
,._ / P! •·-·~IB·-~··-
- • • .. • ~J.'O.
Btt.B• - .,'i••-•..J
12 era••"•"- •aifl rul&t\~~~1'-t83fl5577" r ~-·
• «-iil1t &

A subway map of Tokyo

Polite directives
The verb ending -te kudasai is used as a polite way to make a request or
give directions.
Juu made kazoete kudasai. Please count to ten.
Yuubinkyoku made aruite kudasai. Please walk up to the post office.
Washoku o tabete kudasai. Please eat Japanese cuisine.

Grammar markers
Remember that the te-form always indicates that another verb will follow
somewhere in the sentence. In the case of -te kudasai, the second verb is
kudasai, which indicates that a favour is being asked.
Remember that a grammar marker always follows the word or phrase it
refers to.
de "by/by means of'

Example: Kuruma de ikimasu. I will go by car.

Chikatetsu de ikitain desu. I want to go by subway.
Pen de kaite kudasai. Please write with (by means of) a pen.

Another way to express "if/when" (besides to, as presented in Unit 4) is by
the ending -tara, as in Tsukiatarimashitara, hidari e itte kudasai
("When you come to aT-junction, go to the left."-Dialogue 2). Study
the following examples:
Tatemono o demashitara, oodanhodoo ga arimasu.
If/when you exit the building, there will be a pedestrian crossing.
Aruitara, juppun gurai kakarimasu.
If/when you walk, it takes about 10 minutes.

Sentence softeners
As you have gone through the first few units of this course, you have
noticed the use of certain words and verb endings to "soften" a
sentence-that is, to make the sentence less abrupt and more polite or
diplomatic. Abruptness, along with frankness, candour, aggressiveness and
other characteristics considered positive in Western culture, can be seen as
rude or arrogant by the Japanese. It may seem impossible to you at this
point to remember all the different ways to soften your Japanese, but one
easy way to do so is to end your sentence with ga or keredomo ("but/
however") after the verb, making the sentence sound incomplete, as if you
were going to say something else. Other softeners will come to you with
time and experience.

74 UNIT5
Read and understand

~e. a , ') 'h':i..

i)q :ll!lf. il Underground
1~9 F1 \ tu ~til ;r•
~.,.._ ..., f)'z.
All others Tokyo only
Fare adjustment
~ DCDD D 1>1:1 ll



\ I
/(/// . . ,. / / . 1 / / / ' / / ..

Ticket machine


·'~t\:i~~~ --· t::::J

c::;-? ---.
u --

Bus stop Public phone Postbox

Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) I (e) 2
have learned Exercise 2 (1) Go up the stairs (2) Walk through the underground
passage-"chikadoo" (3) Chuo Line is Track 1 and Track 2
Exercise 4 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1 (e) 2
Exercise S (a) 4th floor (b) 17th floor (c) 8th floor (d) 36th floor
Exercise 7 (a) to, e, (b) de, dono gurai, ka (c) kara, made
Exercise 8 (a) Shinjuku (b) JR (c) 15 minutes
Exercise 10 (a) is-shuukan (b) go-shuukan (c) san-shuukan
Exercise 11 (a) strousers, sweater (b) four days (c) about 11:00 trhurs
(d) Sunday

Did you know?
Public transport
The metropolitan Tokyo area has one of the best-if not the best-public
transportation systems in the world. Four underground lines interweave
and connect at various points with the main railway lines, and buses also
connect and run on frequent schedules. Public transit is clean, fast, safe and
very efficient. When in a hurry, local people choose to take the train rather
than drive their own cars or go by taxi.

Each station has a large chart on the wall, indicating fares to all points, and
tickets are purchased from vending machines. Unfortunately, on most of
these charts station names are written only in KANJI, which presents a
problem to foreign travellers. When in doubt, we suggest that you buy a
ticket for the shortest distance and, when you arrive at your destination,
stop at the Fare Adjustment Office (Seisanjo) and pay the difference.
When you get your receipt, go through the kaisatsu-guchi. If you need
assistance, go to the green window (midori no madoguchi), where a
person will be available to help you.

All railway and underground lines require that you turn in your ticket at
your destination, when you go through the kaisatsu-guchi. If you should
lose your ticket, it is nearly impossible to convince anyone that you just got
on at the last station, even if that is true.

Once you are on the platform (hoomu), you will find signs with the station
name in Japanese and Roomaji (the Roman alphabet). These signs will
also show the names of the previous stop and the station coming up next.

The four underground lines (Chikatetsu) in Tokyo are popular among

foreign travellers because their colour-coded system is easy to follow, and at
each entrance there is a large Roomaji chart. By transferring from one line
to another, it is possible to cover much of Tokyo by underground.

Some helpful phrases are:

Norikae desu ka? Do I need to transfer?
Doko de norikae desu ka? Where do I transfer?
Nani-iro desu ka? What colour is it?
Nani-sen desu ka? What line is it?
Shinjuku wa ikutsu-me desu ka? How many more stops to Shinjuku?

Ask for a wallet-size romanized subway map (Roomaji no chikatetsu no

chizu) at the station or at any major hotel.

Dry cleaners
Dry cleaning shops (kuriiningu-ya) are everywhere in the city, so you
won't have any difficulty finding one. Many shops require prepayment
when you leave your clothes. Needless to say, the receipt is something you
should not misplace!

You will learn
e how to tell time
e the days of the week
e the months of the year
e other useful expressions of time
e about Japanese holidays

Before you begin

Being familiar with the Japanese words for time of day and days of the week
can be very important for everyday life. Asking questions like Itsu? (When?)
and Nan-ji ni? (At what time?), etc., is quite simple and will cover many
situations. There is little in the way of new grammar in this unit, but there
is a good deal of new vocabulary. Revise the days, dates and times
carefully, and learn the months of the year. You will find it helpful to
practise them aloud. For example, whenever you look at your watch, you
could try saying the time in Japanese. Similarly, for dates and days of the
week, you should revise/recite them from time to time until you become
comfortable with them.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Make sure you know the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?

UNIT 6 77
n 1
What-time is it now?

Sumimasen, ima nan-ji desu ka?

Kanada Ku-ji nijuu-hap-pun desu.
Miura Aa soo desu ka. Depaato wa nan-ji kara desu ka?
Kanada Ee to ...Juu-ji kara desu.
Miura Nan-ji made deshoo ka?
Kanada Saa, yoku wakaranain desu kedo, tabun ... hachi-ji goro made to
omoimasu yo.
Miura Aa soo desu ka. Doomo.

ku-ji nijuu-happun 9:28 (See below for minute counters.)

depaato department store (Eng.)
hachi-ji goro about 8:00
Doomo. Thanks. (inf) (eq. Doomo arigatoo.)

Depaato wa nanji kara desu ka? What time does the department store
open? (lit. The department store is from what time?)
Nan-ji made deshoo ka? What time does it close? (lit. Until what time
is it?)
Yoku wakaranain desu kedo ••. I don't know for sure. (lit. I don't know
well, but ... ) (eq. Yoku wakarimasen.)
Hachi-ji goro made to omoimasu yo. I think it is (open) until about
8:00. Remember that to omoimasu after a verb means "I think ... ". Yo at
the end of this sentence adds emphasis, indicating that the speaker is
reasonably sure of his answer.

Minute counters
How many minutes? Nan-pun desu ka?
1 ippun 11 juu-ippun 10 juppun
2 ni-fun 12 juu-ni-fun 20 nijuppun
3 san-pun 13 juu-san-pun 30 sanjuppun
4 yon-pun 14 juu-yon-pun 40 yonjuppun
5 go-fun 15 juu-go-fun 50 gojuppun
6 roppun 16 juu-roppun 60 rokujuppun
7 nana-fun 17 juu-nana-fun
8 happun 18 juu-happun 4:30 =yoji han
9 kyuu-fun 19 juu-kyuu-fun (half past four)
10 juppun 20 ni-juppun

78 UNIT 6
Practise what you have learned
J Close your book and listen as Tanabe-san reads the minute counters for
you. There will be pauses for you to repeat. After going over the section on
the recording several times, open the book and look at the "Minute
Counters" list again.

2 Fill in the blanks with the Japanese equivalents. (Answers p. 92)

(a) 7:30 (b) about 6:00 _ _ _ __

(c) 7:15 _ __ __ (d) from 10:00 _ _ _ __

3 With Aoki-san's prompting, ask your Japanese friend some time questions.
Basic sentence structures are:
(a) What time does start? wa nan-ji kara desu ka?

(b) What time does end? wa nan-ji made desu ka?

The kinds of questions you want to ask may be related to:

(a) gakkoo (school) (e) ko6o mise (this shop/store)
(b) shigoto (work) (t) paatii (a party)
(c) kaisha (your company) (g) eiga (a movie)
(d) jimusho (the office) (h) kaigi (a business meeting)

The 11. 00 a.m. train has just arrived in the station

UNIT 6 79
n 2
Asking for a date
Ano sa, kondo dokka ikoo ka.
Dokoka tte, doko yo.
Miki Deito ni .. .
Shoda Soo ne ... (Un) Watashi...bijutsu-kan nanka ii to omoun da kedo ...
Miki Bijutsu-kan ka ...Ja, itsu aite iru?
Shoda Ee to .. .ichiban chikai hi wa asatte ka na?
Miki Ja, asatte no, juu-ichi-ji, Gotanda eki no higashi-guchi de ... doo
Shoda E, wakatta wa.
Miki Ja, soo yuu koto de ...
ShOda Hai. Jane.
Miki Jane.
kondo next time
dokka somewhere (inf) (eq. dokoka)

deito ni on a date (Eng.)
bijutsu-kan art museum
nanka something (inf) (eq. nanika)

hi day
asatte day after tomorrow

Gotanda a section of Tokyo
higashi-guchi de at the east entrance

(Note that the tone of this conversation is very casual, since the speakers
are a young man and a young woman.)
Ano sa••. (m.) Comparable to "you know" or "by the way", this phrase is
often used at the beginning of a casual conversation as a way of simply
bringing up a subject. (eq. Ano ••• /Ano ne ••• )
Dokka ikoo yo. Let's go somewhere. (m./inf) (eq. Dokoka e ikimasen
Dokoka tte, doko yo. What do you mean "somewhere"? (inf)
Itsu aite iru? When are you free? (inf) (eq. ltsu aite imasu ka?)
Ii to omoun da kedo ••. I think it's okay, but ... (inf) (eq. Ii to
asatte ka na? maybe the day after tomorrow? The ka na marker is
similar to ne but with more uncertainty. In this and in Doo kana? (How
would that be?), the speaker indicates that he is open to suggestion.
Wakatta wa. Understood./Agreed. (f.linf) The marker wa after the verb
is what makes this phrase typical of feminine speech. (eq.
Ja, soo yuu koto de ••• Well, (let's do) that.llt's a date. (lit. Well, [let's
do] that sort of thing ... )
t Ja ne. Bye. (inf) This phrase is commonly used to signal the end of a
conversation, either in person or by phone. It is as if to say, "I am going to
leave/hang up now".

80 UNIT6
Practise what you have teamed
4 Read the following phrases and identify each as specifically male (M) or
female (F), or if it can be used by either gender (MF). (Answers p. 92)
(a) Dokoka ikimasen ka?
(b) Ashita ikitai no yo.
(c) Wakatta wa.
(d) Jane.
(e) Wakarimashita.

5 Miura san and Tanabe-san are making plans for a date. Usten to the
recording and answer the questions below. (Answers p. 92)
(a) Where are they going? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) What day of the week are they g o i n g ? - - - - - - - - - - - -
(c) What time are they meeting?

6 You would like to go to Kamakura to see the big statue of Buddha and visit
temples and shrines. Make plans to go with your friend. Usten to the
recording. Aoki-san will guide you through the conversation.

Open-air museum in Hakone

UNIT6 81
n 3
Let's go shopping

Ne, Yoshiko, Mokuyoobi ni kaimono ni ikanai?

Yoshiko Gomen ! Mokuyoobi wa o-keiko nano.
Junko Ja, Doyoobi wa?
Yoshiko Doyoobi mo o-keiko nano yo.
Junko Ja, itsu ni suru?
Yoshiko Watashi no aite iru no wa, Getsuyoobi, Kayoobi, Suiyoobi no
mikka dake ...
Junko Ja, Kayoobi ni shimashoo ka?
Yoshiko Ii wa ...

Yoshiko woman's given name
kaimono shopping
Gomen! Sorry! (inf.) (eq. Gomen nasai.)
o-keiko lesson
mikka three days (Seep. 87).
dake only

Ne, Yoshiko .•• Say, Yoshiko. When speaking to a close friend in a casual
setting, it is acceptable to use only the friend's first name.
Mokuyoobi ni kaimono ni ikanai? Won't you go shopping (with me)
on Thursday? (eq . ...ikimasen ka?)
0-keiko nano. (I have) a lesson. (f.linf.) (eq. 0-keiko desu.)
Itsu ni suru? When shall we make it? (inj.) (lit. When/what day shall we
decide on?) (eq. Itsu ni shimasu ka?)
Aite iru no wa.•• As for an open (day) ... The word no here is not a
grammar marker but refers to the thing or topic under discussion. It is
comparable to saying "as for an open one ... "
mikka dake only three days. See Grammar section for dake.

82 UNIT6
Practise what you have leamed
7 Read the dialogue and answer the following questions. (Answers p. 92)
(a) Junko-san wa doko ni ikitain desu ka?
(b) Itsu ikitain desu ka?
(c) Yoshiko-san no aite iru hi (day) wa itsu desu ka?
(d) Futari wa itsu kaimono ni ikimasu ka?

8 listen to the recording and describe briefly what the two people are talking
about. (Answers p. 92)
(a) Where does the young man want to go?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) What day do they decide on? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) How late does the young woman work tomorrow? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) What time will they meet?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(e) Where will they meet? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

9 Tell your friend that you want to go to Roppongi. Ask her/him if tomorrow
is okay. Your friend works late tomorrow. Suggest the day after tomorrow,
and ask what time you should plan to go. listen to the recording and work
through the conversation with Aoki-san's help.

Department stores in the Nihombashi district of Tokyo

UNIT6 83
n 4
When did you come to Tokyo?

Itsu Tokyo ni o-mie ni narimashita ka?

Takada Senshuu no Nichi-yoobi ni mairimashita.
Furukawa Tenki ga anmari yokunakute zannen desu, ne.
Takada E ... demo, Kayoobi totemo ii o-tenki datta node, shashin o tottari,
iroiro na tokoro ni ittari shite, totemo yokattan desu.
Furukawa Itsu Tokyo o o-tachi ni narimasu?
Takada Raishuu no Doyoobi ni iku tsumori de orimasu.
Furukawa Tenki ga ii to, ii desu, ne.
Takada Ee.

• senshuu last week

mairimashita I came. (humb.) (eq. khnashita)

yokunailyokunakute not good/not good, and ...
Zannen desu. It's too bad .

totemo very, extremely
shashin photograph

tokoro place
raishuu next week

(Note that the tone ofthis conversation is very polite and formal.)
• Itsu Tokyo ni o-mie ni narimashita ka? When did you arrive in
Tokyo? (exal.) (eq. Itsu Tokyo ni khnashita ka?)
Senshuu no Nichiyoobi ni mairimashita. I came on Sunday of last
week. (humb.) Mairitnashita can mean either "I came" or "I went".
Tenki ga anmari yokunakute zannen desu, ne. It's too bad the
weather isn't very good, isn't it? (lit. The weather is not very good, and
that's too bad, isn't it?)
Totemo ii o-tenki datta node ••• Since it was very good weather ... (eq.
li o-tenki deshita node ••• )
Shashin o tottari, iroiro na tokoro ni ittari shite, ••• We took pictures
and went to various places, and ... See the Grammar section for more on
Yokatta(n) desu. It was good.
ltsu Tokyo o o-tachi ni narimasu (ka)? When are you leaving Tokyo?
(exal.) (eq. Itsu go-shuppatsu desu ka?)
Raishuu no Doyoobi ni iku tsumori de orimasu. I intend to go on
Saturday of next week. (humb.) A verb followed by tsumori desu
indicates intention to do something. (eq. ••• iku tsumori desu.) See the
Grammar section for more on tsumori desu.

84 UNIT6
Practise what you have teamed
10 Listen to Dialogue 4 and fill in the blanks below. (Answers p. 92)
(a) Takada-san wa itsu Tokyo ni kimashita ka? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) Itsu shuppatsu suru tsumori desu ka? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) Kayoobi no tenki wa doo deshita ka? Yokatta desu ka, amari

yokunakattan desu ka? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11 Listen to Dialogue 4 and answer the following questions. (Answers p. 92)

(a) Takada-san wa nanyoobi ni Tokyo ni kimashita ka? _ _ _ _ __

(b) Itsu made Tokyo desu ka? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Tokyo no o-tenki wa doo desu ka? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) Takada-san wa Tokyo de nani o shite imasu ka

(What is Takada-san doing in Tokyo?)

The Ginza district of Tokyo

UNIT6 85
Your tum to speak
12 Suppose you meet a Japanese traveller in your city. Aoki-san is going to
help you ask the traveller some questions.

(a) Are you Japanese? (Nihon no kata desu ka?)

(b) Where's your hometown/home country? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) When did you come to _ _ _ _ _ _ ?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) Did you do some s i g h t s e e i n g ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(e) How long will you be in Rome? (itsu made?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

86 UNIT6
Key words and phrases
totemo very, really, extremely
shashin o toru to take a picture
dake only
(Kaimono ni iku) tsumori desu. I plan to (go shopping).
(Sore wa) yokatta desu, ne. (That) is great, isn't it!
Zannen desu. That's too bad.
Gomen nasai. I'm sorry.

Following are lists of time-related vocabulary for your reference.
itsu when? senshuu last week
atode later konshuu this week
kondo next time raishuu next week
kinoo yesterday sengetsu last month
kyoo today kongetsu this month
ashita/asu tomorrow raigetsu next month
asatte day after tomorrow

Months of the year: (nangatsu what month?)
lchigatsu January Shichigatsu July
Nigatsu February Hachigatsu August
Sangatsu March Kugatsu September
Shigatsu April Juugatsu October
Gogatsu May Juuichigatsu November
Rokugatsu June Juunigatsu December

Days of the month: (nannichi what day of the month?)
tsuitachi 1st juuroku-nichi 16th
futsuka 2nd juushichi-nichi 17th
mikka 3rd juuhachi-nichi 18th
yokka 4th juuku-nichi 19th
itsuka 5th hatsuka 20th
muika 6th nijuuichi-nichi 21st
nanoka 7th nijuuni-nichi 22nd
yooka 8th nijuusan-nichi 23rd
kokonoka 9th nijuuyokka 24th
tooka lOth nijuugo-nichi 25th
juuichi-nichi 11th nijuuroku-nichi 26th
juuni-nichi 12th nijuushichi-nichi 27th
juusan-nichi 13th nijuuhachi-nichi 28th
juuyokka 14th nijuuku-nichi 29th
juugo-nichi 15th sanjuu-nichi 30th
sanjuuichi-nichi 31st

Note: The words for the days of the month, as shown above, are also used
to indicate a period of days (three days, seven days, etc.), with one
exception: "one day" is expressed by the word ichi-nichi.

UNIT6 87
Hours of elapsed time: (nan-jikan how many hours?)
ichi-jikan 1 hour roku-jikan - 6 hours
ni-jikan 2 hours shichi-jikan 7 hours
san-jikan 3 hours hachi-jikan 8 hours
yo-jikan 4 hours ku-jikan 9 hours
go-jikan 5 hours juu-jikan 10 hours
Seep. 52 and p. 78 for o'clock counters and p. 29 for days of the week.

Grammar markers
Remember that grammar markers always follow the word/phrase they
refer to.

dake "only"

Example: Getsuyoobi dake aite irun desu. Only Monday is open.

Futari dake desu. There are only two of us.

ni after "specific" time words (hours of the clock, days of the

week/month, months, years)

Example: Ichigatsu ni kimasu. I will come in January.

Getsuyoobi ni iku tsumori desu. I plan to go on Monday.
Juuji-han ni eki ni ikimasu. I will go to the station at 10:30.

Note: This marker is not used after non-specific time-related words, such as
ima (now), ashita (tomorrow), konshuu (this week), etc.

The verb ending -tari is used when there is more than one activity referred
to, and not in any particular order. The last verb in a series of two or more
in the -tari form will usually be followed by some form of suru (shite,
shimasu, shimashita, etc.).

Example: Shashin o tottari, iroiro na tokoro ni ittari shite...

We took pictures and went to various places, and ...
Depaato ni ittari, iroiro mitari, kattari shimashita.
We went to department stores and looked at and bought various things.

tsumori ( desu)
A verb followed by tsumori desu indicates intention to do something.

Example: Ashita iku tsumori desu. I intend to go tomorrow.

Konban washoku o taberu tsumori desu.
I plan to eat Japanese food tonight.

88 UNIT6
Read and understand

kitaguchi higashiguchi
north entrance east entrance

minamiguchi nishiguchi
south entrance west entrance

iriguchi deguchi
entrance exit


Kanji 1-10

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

UNIT6 89
Did you know?
There are 13 national holidays during the year, which are observed
throughout Japan. On these days government and public offices, banks and
schools are closed. These national holidays are listed here chronologically.

January 1 New Year's Day (Ganjitsu). The beginning of the new year is celebrated as
the most important holiday. Most businesses are closed for several days,
and Tokyo suddenly becomes a rather quiet place as many people leave to
visit their home towns.

January 15 Adults' Day (Seijin no Hi). Youths who have reached the age of20 are
honoured and officially accepted as adults.

February 11 National Foundation Day (Kenkoku Kinenbi). According to tradition,

Jimmu became the first Emperor on this day in about 600 B.C.

March 20 or 21 Vema! Equinox (Shunbun no Hi). The first day of spring, when the
goodness of nature is celebrated.

April 29 Arbour Day (Midori no Hi). The period between April 29 and May 5 is
called Goruden Wiku (Golden Week). The three holidays that fall within
this period are interconnected in various ways, usually by including
weekends to extend the days off. People go on vacations, visit relatives and
are generally on the move. Making business appointments and hotel and
ticket reservations can be very difficult at this time.

May 3 Constitution Day (Kenpo Kinenbi). Anniversary of the post-Second

World War Constitution.

May 5 Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi).

September 15 Day of Respect for the Elderly (Keiro no Hi).

Sept. 23 or 24 Autumnal Equinox (Shubun no Hi). Ancestors are worshipped on this


October 10 Sports Day (Tai-iku no Hi). Sports as a means of maintaining physical

and mental health is celebrated.

November 3 Culture Day (Bunka no Hi). A day when the government honours those
who have made cultural contributions to the country.

November 23 Labour Appreciation Day (Kinro Kansha no Hi). The nation honours its

December 23 The Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjo no Hi).

In addition to the national holidays, there are festival days that have special
traditional meanings and are widely celebrated.

February 3/4 Bean-throwing ritual (Setsubun). Observed at shrines, temples and in the

March 3 Doll Festival (Hinamatsuri). A celebration for young girls.

April 8 Buddha's birthday (Hana matsuri).

90 UNIT6
May1 Workers' Day (Mei Dei) . This day is part of Golden Week, and the unions,
Communists and Socialists celebrate the day with marches, picnics and
political speeches.

July 7 Festival of Stars (Tanabata) .

July 15 All Souls' Festival (Obon). Everyone returns to their home town to
welcome the spirits of their ancestors. Tokyo again becomes virtually
empty, and all transportation facilities are extremely crowded during this
period. Rural regions celebrate Obon on or about August 15, according to
the lunar calendar.

November 15 7-5-3 Festival (Shichi-go-san). A special day for 3- and 7-year-old girls
and 3- and 5-year old boys to dress up in their best clothes and visit Shinto
shrines with their parents to give thanks for good health and receive
blessings for the future .

December The last two weeks in December are very busy as the Japanese wind up the
old year and prepare for the new. Merchants enjoy a brisk sale season, as
many company employees receive their year-end bonuses.

Doll Festival
March 3

Children's Day
May 5
Festival of Stars
July 7

UNIT 6 91
Practise what you Exercise 2 (a) shichi-ji han (b) roku-ji goro (c) shichi-ji juugo-fun
have learned (d) juu-ji kara

Exercise 4 (a) MF (b) M (c) F (d) MF (e) MF

Exercise 5 (a) Art Museum (b) Saturday (c) 10:30

Exercise 7 (a) kaimono (b) Mokuyoobi (c) Getsuyoobi, Kayoobi,

Suiyoobi (d) Kayoobi

Exercise 8 (a) to the art museum (b) Wednesday (c) 8:00 (d) 11:00
(e) Shinjuku Nishiguchi (West entrance ofShinjuku station)

Exercise 10 (a) senshuu no Nichiyoobi (b) raishuu no Doyoobi

(c) Totemo yokana desu.

Exercise 11 (a) Kayoobi (b) Nichiyoobi (c) Yoku furimasu ne

(d) shashin o tottari, iroirona tokoro ni ittari shite imasu.

92 UNIT6
You will learn
e to ask for items in a store
e to purchase medicine
e to get mailing information at the post office
e to say something is too big, too small, too expensive, etc.
e where you can get medical assistance and have prescriptions filled
e about Japanese telephone service

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Make sure you know the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?

UNIT7 93
n 1
I'll take this and this

Kore to kore kudasai.

Shop assistant Arigato gozaimasu. Kochira no ookii hoo ga yonsen-kyuuhyaku-
hachijuu-en. Chiisai hoo ga, sanzen-happyaku-en. Ryoohoo de
hassen-nanahyaku-hachijuu-en ni narimasu. Sore ni san-paasento
no shoohizei ga tsukimashite, nihyaku-rokujuu-san-en tashimasu.
Zenbu de kyuusen-yonjuu-san-en ni narimasu.
Student Ichiman-en de, onegai shimasu.
Shop assistant Hai, wakarimashita.

•• ookii hoo the big one

chiisai hoo the small one
ryoohoo de both together
shoohizei sales tax
tsukimashite adding (die. tsuku)

tashimasu totals (comes to a total of) (die. tasu)
zenbu de all together

• Kore to kore kudasai. Please give me this and this. The word kudasai
after a noun is used to ask for the thing mentioned. Compare this to the
use ofkudasai after the te-form of a verb to ask someone to do something.
Ryoohoo de 8, 780-en ni narimasu. Both together come to 8, 780 yen.
Sore ni 3-paasento no shoohizei ga tsukimashite, 263-en tashimasu.
Adding 3% sales tax to that, it totals 263 yen.
• Zenbu de 9,043-en ni narimasu. All together, it comes to 9,043 yen.
Ichiman-en de, onegai shimasu. Please take it out of 10,000 yen. (lit.
Please [take care of it] with 10,000 yen.)

94 UNIT7
Practise what you have learned
1 Read the dialogue and answer the following questions. (Answers p. 106)
(a) The student purchased two items. How much did the two items
cost together?

(b) How much did the smaller of the two items cost? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) What percentage is the sales tax in Japan? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Listen to the recording and find out how many things Miura-san is going to
buy at the Rainbow Sandwich shop. Answer in Japanese. (Answers p. 106)
(a) How many things will Miura-san buy altogether?
(Use the classic counters-hitotsu, futatsu, etc.) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) What is everyone going to drink?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 Now it's your tum to go to the store and buy. First read this section and
then listen to the recording. Someone will assist you by prompting in the
background. listen for the native speaker's response and check your own
answer against it.

Traditional Japanese folk-art shop (or Mingei shop) in Aizu-Wakamatsu City

UNIT7 95
2 Do you have another one?

Customer Gorufu no shoohin ni shitain desu ga, kore yori moo hitomawari
gurai ookii no arimasu ka?
Shop assistant Mooshiwake gozaimasen. Ima kirashite orimasu kedo, moo, raishuu
ni nattara hairimasu.
Customer Kekkoo desu. Onegai shimasu.
Shop assistant Ja, o-namae to denwa bangoo o, doozo.
Customer Hai, Ma-Su-Mo-To desu.
Denwa bangoo wa san-ni-ichi-ichi, ni-go-yon-kyuu desu.
Shop assistant Hai, kashikomarimashita.

• gorufu golf (Eng.)

shoohin prize

hitomawari one round, one notch, one increment
Kekkoo desu. That's okay/fine.
Doozo. Please./Go ahead .
~asunnoto Japanese surname

Gorufu no shoohin ni shitain desu ga ... I want to decide on (choose)

a golf prize, but ...
Kore yori (more) than this (See the Grammar section for more on this
~oo hitomawari gurai ookii no arinnasu ka? Do you have one about
one size larger? (eq. Moo chotto ookii no arinnasu ka? = Do you have
one a little bit larger?)
Inna kirashite orinnasu. We are out of it now. (humb.) (eq. Inna
kirashite innasu.)
Raishuu ni nattara, hairinnasu. We will have it as of next week. (lit.
When it becomes next week, it will come in.)
• 0-nannae to denwa bangoo o, doozo. Please (write) your name and
telephone number. (eq. 0-nannae to denwa bangoo o kaite kudasai.)
• San-ni-ichi-ichi, ni-go-yon-kyuu desu. It's 3211-2549. Note that
Japanese phone numbers may have 3- or 4-digit prefixes. The marker no
may be used between the prefix and the rest of the number or after the
area code, if one is given: san-ni-ichi-ichi no ni-go-yon-kyuu.

96 UNIT7
Practise what you have learned
4 Telephone numbers are given one numeral at a time, the way Mr.
Masumoto gave his at the store. Write out the following phone numbers in
Japanese. (Answers p. 106)
(a) (381) 475-6835-- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -

(b) (815) 204-7731 - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 Yamada-san and Tanaka-san will give you their phone numbers. Listen to
the recording and write down the numbers in numerals. (Answers p. 106)
Yamada-san no denwa bangoo wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _desu.
Tanaka-san no denwa bangoo wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _desu.

6 While sightseeing, you become friends with a Japanese person. You decide
to do some sightseeing together the next day. You need to exchange phone
numbers so you can make plans later. (Answers for a and b, p. 106)

(a) Hotel Koyo's phone number is (0467) 45-4141. _ __ _ __ __

(b) My room number is 864. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) What is your phone number? _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) Please write it down for me. (Sumimasen ga, kaite kudasai or
Sumimasen ga, kaite kudasailnasen ka? pol.)
(e) (Write your) name, too, please. Natnae mo, onegai shimasu.

Craftsperson handpainting wooden dolls

UNIT7 97
n 3
At the pharmacy

Ano ... shigoto de ikkagetsu gurai ryokoo ni detain desu keredo,

donna kusuri o motte ittara ii deshoo?
Pharmacist Kazagusuri. Kore wa, chintsuu no imi ni mo narimasu kara ... rna,
kyootsuu de tsukaimasu. Sore kara, choo no kusuri, ne. Geri-dome.
Sore to, ato wa ichoo-yaku; i-no-mukatsuki toka, shooka-furyoo
toka, sore kara, nomi-sugi toka ni nomu kusuri to, sono mittsu to,
ato wa, kizu-gusuri desu, ne.
Customer A, soo desu ka. Mizu wa doko de nondemo daijoobu desu, ne?
Pharmacist Nihon de wa, daijoobu desu, hai.
Customer Doomo arigatoo gozaimashita. Ja, sore o itadaite ikimasu.

•• ikkagetsu a period of one month (Seep. 102.)

ryokoo travel
kusuri medicine
kazagusuri cold medicine
chintsuu analgesic/pain killer
kyootsuu de for both purposes

choo intestines
geri-dome diarrhoea medicine (lit. diarrhoea-stop)
ato wa besides that

ichoo-yaku medicine for the stomach and intestines
i-no-mukatsuki nausea
shooka-furyoo indigestion

nomi-sugi over-drinking
kizu-gusuri antiseptic ointment (lit. medicine for wounds)

mizu water
Daijoobu desu. It's okay.

Ryokoo ni detain desu keredo .•. I want to leave on a trip, but ...
Donna kusuri o motte ittara ii deshoo? What kind of medicine should
I take? (lit. What kind of medicine would it be good if I took with me?)
Kore wa chintsuu no imi ni mo narimasu. This acts as an
analgesic also.
Kyootsuu de tsukaimasu. It is used for multiple purposes.
toka toka .•• (either) or , for example. See the
Grammar section.
ni nomu kusuri medicine that you take for . Putting a verb in
front of a noun makes the verb or verb phrase describe the noun. Also note
that, while in English we "take" medicine, the Japanese "drink/swallow"
(nomu) it.
Mizu wa doko de nondemo daijoobu desu. It's okay to drink the water
anywhere. (lit. As for water, it is okay even if you drink it anywhere.)
Sore o itadaite ikimasu. I will take it. (humb.) (lit. I will take that
and go.)

98 UNIT7
Practise what you have learned
7 Find the appropriate word from column B for the words in column A.
(Answers p. 106)
ColumnA ColumnB

(a) cold medicine (1) shooka furyoo

(b) medicine (2) nomi-sugi

(c) indigestion (3) geri-dome

(d) over-drinking (4) kusuri

(e) diarrhoea relief (5) kaza-gusuri

8 Listen to the recording and learn how to ask the following questions.
(Answers p. 106)
(a) Is there a pharmacy in this area? (pharmacy = kusuriya)

(b) Is the pharmacy far or near? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) Please give me a m a p . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(d) How many minutes does it t a k e ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9 Using the recording, practise with Miura-san how to ask for different types
of over-the-counter medicines at the pharmacy.
(a) Let me have some medicine for indigestion.

(b) Let me have something for diarrhoea relief.

(c) Let me have some medicine for a cold.

(d) I'll take that.

UNIT7 99
n 4
At the post office

Ano, gaikoku-muki no kookuubin o dashitain desu keredomo,

Yooroppa made tegami wa ikura desu ka?
Postmaster Hai, juu-guramu made hyaku-nijuu-en desu. Ato juu-guramu masu
goto ni, hyaku-en zutsu kasan saremasu.
Customer A, soo desu ka. Hyaku-nijuu-en no kitte o gomai kudasai. Sore
kara, Kanada wa ikura deshoo ka?
Postmaster Kanada wa juu-guramu made hyaku-en. Ato juu-guramu masu
goto ni nanajuu-en zutsu kasan saremasu.
Customer A soo desu ka. Hagaki wa ikura ni narimasu deshoo ka?
Postmaster Nanajuu-en de bankoku kyootsuu desu ga ... sentaa-rain oobaa shite
kakaremasu to, o-tegami no ryookin ni narimasu kara, go-chuui
Customer Doomo arigatoo gozaimashita.

• gaikoku-muki (going) Kanada Canada

overseas • hagaki postcard
• kookuubin air mail • bankoku kyootsuu world-
• Yooroppa Europe wide standard
• tegami letter sentaa-rain centre line (Eng.)
• ikura how much? oobaa shite go over (Eng.)!go
guramu grams (Eng.) beyond
masu a measure ryookin fee
-zutsu each • Go-chuui kudasai. Please be
kasan saremasu is added careful.
• kitte postage stamp

Gaikoku-muki no kookuubin o dashitain desu. I want to send an

international airmail letter.
Ato juu-guramu masu goto ni ... For every 10-gram measure after
that ...
Hyaku-en zutsu kasan saremasu. 100-yen is added to each.
Hyaku-nijuu-en no kitte o gomai kudasai. Please give me five 120-
yen stamps. The counter for flat objects is -mai. (See below.)
Nanajuu-en de bankoku kyootsuu desu. At 70-yen, it is the world-
wide standard (rate).
Sentaa-rain oobaa shite kakaremasu to... If/when you write over
(beyond) the centre line ... (exal.) (eq . ••• kakimasu to ... )
0-tegami no ryookin ni narimasu. It becomes letter-rate.

Counters for flat objects

(paper, postcards, stamps, pictures, clothing, biscuits, etc.)
Nan-mai desu ka? How many (sheets)?
ichi-mai roku-mai
ni-mai nana-mai
san-mai hachi-mai
yon-mai kyuu-mai
go-mai juu-mai

100 UNIT7
Practise what you have learned
10 Write the appropriate counters for the following items. (Answers p. 106)
(a) four postcards Hagaki kudasai.

(b) ham (hamu) 300 grams Hamu kudasai.

(c) seven ¥100 stamps Hyaku-en no kitte kudasai.

(d) ten ¥120 stamps Hyaku-nijuu-en no kitte kudasai.

11 Miura-san is going to the yuubinkyoku. Listen to the recording and fill in

the blanks. (Answers p. 106)
(a) Tegami o nan-mai kakimashita ka? (How many letters did
he write?)

(b) Hagaki mo kakimashita ka? (Did he write some postcards, too?)


(c) Kitte o nan-mai kaimashita ka? (How many stamps did he buy?)

(d) Zenbu de ikura deshita ka? (How much was it altogether?)

12 Let's suppose that you wrote 2 letters and 8 postcards. Are you ready to go
to the post office for the stamps? Tanabe-san will assist you. Think about
the following phrases, and then listen to the recording.
(a) How much is airmail to England?

(b) How much is a postcard to Australia? (Osutoraria)

(c) Well then, let me have two ¥120 stamps and ten ¥70 stamps.

(d) And give me ten ¥70 stamps.

UNIT 7 101
Key words and phrases
Kekkoo desu. That's okay. That's all right.
Daijoobu desu. That's okay. That's all right.
Go-chuui kudasai. Please be careful.

(Sore o) kudasai. Please give me (that).

(Kore to kore o) kudasai. Please give me (this and this).
(120)-en no kitte o _ __
mai kudasai. Please give me (120)-yen stamps.
(Tegami) o dashitain desu. I want to mail (a letter).
Ikura ni narimasu ka? How much does it come to?
-en ni narimasu. It comes to yen.
-en tashimasu. It adds up to-- yen.
-en de, onegai shimasu. Take it out of-- yen.
Moo chotto ookii/chiisai no Do you have one a little bit
arimasuka? larger/smaller?

ryoohoode both together

zenbude all together
tegami letter
hagaki postcard
kitte stamp
kookuubin airmail
-zutsu each

Elapsed Time Counters: Months

How many months? Nan-kagetsu desu ka?
ikkagetsu 1 month nanakagetsu 7 months
nikagetsu 2 months hachikagetsu 8 months
sankagetsu 3 months kyuukagetsu 9 months
yonkagetsu 4 months jukkagetsu 10 months
gokagetsu 5 months juuikkagetsu 11 months
rokkagetsu 6 months juunikagetsu 12 months

102 UNIT7
"It is okay if. .. "
A verb ending in -temo (or -demo) means "Even if... " When this is
followed by daijoobu desu or ii (iin) desu, the sentence takes on the
meaning "It is okay if... " or "It is okay to ... " Study these examples:

Mizu wa nondemo daijoobu desu ka?

Is it okay to drink the water?

Chikatetsu de ittemo daijoobu desu.

It is okay if you go by underground.

Sanji ni dekaketemo ii desu ka?

Is it okay to leave at 3:00?

Yooroppa de tsukattemo ii desu.

It is okay to use it in Europe.

The word yori after a noun means "more than ". What follows it is
usually an adjective or adjective phrase that completes the thought. Study
these examples:

Kore yori chiisai no arimasu ka?

Do you have one smaller than this?

Kono burausu wa sore yori takai desu, ne.

This blouse is more expensive than that one, isn't it?

Bijutsu-kan wa eiga yori ii to omoun desu.

I think the art museum would be better than a movie.

The word toka following each item in a series of items indicates that other
items could also be included in the list, similar to the use of "etc." or "and
things like that" in English. Study the following sentences:

Burausu toka, kutsu toka, iroiro kaimashita.

I bought various things-a blouse, shoes, and things like that.

Keiki wa iroiro arimasu--shooto keiki toka, ichigo no keiki toka ...

As for cake, we have various kinds-shortcake, strawberry cake, etc.

UNIT7 103
Read and understand

~ J. e.
~I" -~~/OJ
(T- ) yuubinkyoku
Post office




-tJ] .,. kitte


t 'n \S
Registered Mail

l!lt sokutatsu

~J' e kozutsumi
Parcel Post

104 UNIT 7
Did you know?
Telephone service
Telephone service in Japan is fast, courteous and efficient. Public phones
(koosbuu-denwa) are colour-coded: Red telephones are for local calls and
require ¥10 coins. A local call is ¥10 for 3 minutes. The line will
disconnect at the end of 3 minutes, unless you put in more ¥10 coins. For
an uninterrupted call longer that 3 minutes, put in as many as 6 coins.
Unused coins will be returned.
Blue telephones will accept up to ten ¥10 coins.
Yellow phones accept ¥10 coins and up to nine ¥100 coins, so they are
convenient for long distance calls.
Use the green .phones or those with golden-olive coloured panels to make
international collect calls or international credit calls. Dial 0051 for an
international operator. The green phone will accept both coins and
magnetic telephone cards (terebon kaado), which can be purchased from
vending machines or any stores that display the logo. They come in ¥500,
¥1,000 and ¥3,000 denominations.

English-language infonnation numbers

Green phone
Tokyo: 3502-1461 Kyoto: 371-5649
All others 106
(Say, "COLLECT CALL, T-1-C, please" (a reverse charge call).
Remember to speak s-1-o-w-1-y.)

Some things to remember

(a) The cost of having a telephone installed in a home in Japan is about
(b) Calls originating from Japan are more expensive than incoming calls
from overseas. Prearrange to receive calls when you can, or use
telegraph or telex.

If you need medical assistance

Medical and dental standards are high in Japan, and excellent care is
available throughout the country. Many of the major hotels provide clinics
for their guests.

Medical Centres (with English-speaking doctors)

• Eisei Byoin (hospital) (Member:
International Association for
Medical Assistance to Travellers) Tokyo 3392-6151
• Seruka Byoin (St. Luke's Hosp.) Tokyo 3541-5151
• Hibiya Clinic Tokyo 3502-2681
• Tokyo Medical & Surgical Clinic Tokyo 3436-3028
• The Bluff Hospital Yokohama 045-641-6961
• Japan Baptist Hospital Kyoto 075-781-5194
• Yodogawa Christian Hospital Osaka 06-322-2250

Dental care
• Kutani Dental Clinic Tokyo 3265-1111
• Olympia Ohba Dental Clinic Tokyo 3409-7156
• Japan American Dental Clinic Tokyo 3251-7555

UNIT 7 105
• American Pharmacy Tokyo 3271-4033
In the Hibiya Building near Yurakucho station.

Postcard regulations
Japanese picture postcards are exceptionally attractive and relatively
inexpensive. Japanese postal service regulations pertaining to postcard usage
are very strict.
(a) One half of the postcard must be used only for the name of the
recipient and the address.
(b) As the dialogue indicated, if the message crosses over the centre line
(sentaa-rain), it will be charged as a letter.


Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) ¥9,043 (b) ¥3,800 (c) 3%
have learned (a) itsutsu (b) aisu-tii, koohii sutoroberi miruku seiki
Exercise 2
Exercise 4 (a) San-hachi-ichi no yon-nana-go no roku-hachi-san-go
desu (b) Hachi-ichi-go no ni~zero-yon no nana-nana-
san-ichi desu.
Exercise 5 Yamada-san 3494-5050; Tanaka-san 3698-7704
Exercise 6 (a) Zero-yon-roku-nana no yon-go no yon-ichi-yon-ichi
(b) Hachi-roku-yon (c) Your own phone number
Exercise 7 (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 2 (e) 3
Exercise 8 (a) Kono hen ni kusuriya arimasu ka? (b) Kusuriya wa tooi
desu ka, chikai desu ka? (c) Sumimasen, chizu onegai
shimasu. (d) Nanpun gurai kakarimasu ka?
Exercise 10 (a) yon-mai (b) sanbyaku-guramu (c) nana-mai
(d) juu-mai
Exercise 11 (a) ni-mai (b) yon-mai (c) Hyaku-nijuu-en no kine
(o) ni-mai, nanajuu-en no kine (o) juu-mai (d) kyuuhyaku
yonjuu-en (¥940)

106 UNIT7
You will learn
e to buy clothes and specify colour
e to explain your ailments to the pharmacist
e to use credit cards and to have the store deliver your purchase
e to make a grocery list for a picnic
e something about shopping tips
e something about Japanese gift-giving practices

Before you begin

When you are shopping, you need not only to find what you want, but also
to know that you are getting the best value for your money. Units 7 and 8
will help you with your shopping and also help you meet some medical
needs that might occur.

Review a few of the helpful phrases you learned in previous units.

Kore (to kore) kudasai. I would like this (and this).

=---.,--::--o--arimasu ka? Do you have ?
0-negai shimasu. Please. (I request that you do that.)
Ikura desu ka? How much is it?

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Learn the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Did you know?
Listen to all the dialogues again

UNIT 8 107
n 1
Shop assistant
Can I have it wrapped?

Customer Kono burausu kirei desu, ne. Musume ni hoshiin desu keredomo,
hoka no iro arimasu kashira?
Shop assistant Eeto ... kono burausu desu to, hoka no iro wa pinku, kiiro, buruu,
guriin de gozaimasu.
Customer A so ... Dewa pinku o itadakitain desu keredo ...
Shop assistant Hai, wakarimashita.
Customer Tsutsunde itadakemasu ka?
Shop assistant Hai, wakarimashita. Purezento yoo ni o-tsutsumi itashimasu ka?
Customer Hai. Onegai itashimasu.
Shop assistant 0-ribon wa nani-iro o-kake shimashoo ka?
Customer Yahari, pinku ni shite kudasai.
kirei pretty/beautiful

musume daughter
iro colour
hoka no iro a different colour
kashira I wonder if...
pinku pink (Eng.)
kiiro yellow
buruu blue (Eng.)
guriin green (Eng.)

Onegai itashimasu. Please (do that). (humb.) (eq. Onegai shimasu.)
nani-iro what colour?
yahari of course/after all (eq. yappari)

Musume ni hoshii (n) desu. I want it for my daughter. Yet another use
for the marker ni is to indicate "to" or "for" someone. Hoshii desu
literally means "is desired".
Hoka no iro wa de gozaimasu. Other colours are . (pol.) (eq.
Hoka no iro wa desu.)
Dewa pinku o itadakitain desu ... Well, I want to take the pink
(one) ... (humb.) (eq. Pinku ga hoshii desu.)
• Tsutsunde itadakemasu ka? Can I have you wrap it for me? The te-
form of a verb followed by itadaku indicates that the speaker is politely
asking something to be done for him. This is a softer way of saying
Tsutsunde kudasai. The stem change from itadaki (as in itadakitain
desu) to itadake alters the meaning to "can (do)". See the Grammar
section at the end of this unit for more on this.
• Purezento yoo ni As a present. The word yoo here indicates manner or
purpose of the thing that precedes it.
0-tsutsumi itashimasu ka? Shall I wrap it? (humb.) (eq.
Tsutsumimashoo ka?)
0-ribon wa nani-iro o-kake shimashoo ka? What colour ribbon shall
I put on it? (pol.) The verb kakeru means to attach. (eq. Ribon wa nani-
iro kakemashoo ka?)

Practise what you have learned
J Match the English and Japanese colour words. (Answers p . 120)
(a) blue _ _ _ __ kiiro
(b) green _ _ _ _ __ pinku
(c) yellow _ _ _ __ buruu
(d) p i n k - - - - - guriin

2 Tanabe-san is shopping for someone's birthday present. (baasudei

purezento) Listen to the recording and answer the questions below.
(Answers p. 120)
(a) What colour blouse did she want?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) What was wrong with the one on display? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) What size did she buy?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) Did she find the colour she liked? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 You see a doll you want for a souvenir. Find out how much it is, and see if
it meets your budget. You might want a smaller doll. Listen to the
recording and complete the transaction with Tanabe-san's help.

Outdoor market

UNIT 8 109
n 2
I have a sore throat

Sumimasen, ni-san-nichi mae kara, chotto nodo ga itakute, atama

mo itain desu keredomo, nanika kazagusuri arimasu ka?
Pharmacist Hai, hai. Ano ... soo yuu baai desu to, ano ... ma, ima yoku dete
imasu no wa Korugen no kaisha, ne. Sore no Korugen no E.T. tte
yuu no ga saikin atarashikute, atama no itami desu, ne. Nodo no
itami mo toremasu shi ... sore kara, ato rna, ippan-teki na hanakaze
toka, soo yuu no o-kusuri mo, rna, ichioo soogoo de haitte orimasu.
Ichioo genetsu, chintsuu, enshoo to san-shurui kiku yoo ni natte
Customer A soo desu ka. Sorede wa, sore o itadakimasu.

ni-san-nichi mae kara from 2 or 3 days ago

• nodo throat
• itai desu hurts
• atama head
soo yuu baai a case like that
yoku often (lit. well)
Korugen no kaisha Korugen Company
saikin lately
itami pain
toremasu can take (away)
ippan-teki na common
• hana kaze head cold (lit. nose cold)
soo yuu no that kind of
soogoo de combined
genetsu fever reducer
enshoo inflammation
san-shurui three types
kiku to be good/effective for ...

• Nodo ga itakute, atama mo itai(n) desu. My throat hurts, and my

head also hurts. Although "my" is not stated here, it is assumed the
speaker is talking about his own body.
Ima yoku dete imasu no wa... Something that is popular now ... (lit.
One that comes out often now ... )
tte yuu no one called
Saikin atarashikute, atama no itami desu, ne. It is new these days
and is (for) headaches, you see. Similar to the te-form of verbs, the te-
form of an adjective indicates that another adjective or verb follows in the
Nodo no itami mo toremasu shi... It also can relieve sore throat, as
well. Shi after a verb indicates an incomplete sequence; in this case, the
implication is "in addition to (relieving headaches)".
Soo yuu no o-kusuri mo ... soogoo de haitte orimasu. That kind of
medication also is combined and included in it. The speaker uses the
humble orimasu because he is the one recommending the medication.
Genetsu, chintsuu, enshoo to san-shurui kiku yoo ni natte imasu.
It is good for fever reduction, pain relief and (reduction of)
inflammation-( those) three types.

Practise what you have learned
The simplest way to tell people which part of your body hurts is to point to
the spot and say:
Koko ga itain desu.
Then add, "Is there any medicine for it?" Nanika kusuri arimasu ka?

eye me head atama

ear mimi stomach o-naka

tooth ha lower back koshi
throat no do foot/leg ashi

4 Use the Japanese words shown in the illustration above to complete the
following sentences. Listen to the tape and tell the pharmacist:
(a) My head hurts. _ _ __ _ _ ga itain desu.

(b) My tooth hurts. _ _ _ _ __ ga itain desu.

(c) My back hurts. _ _ _ _ _ _ ga itain desu.

(d) My stomach hurts. _ _ __ _ _ ga itain desu.

5 Listen to the recording and find out how Tanabe-san is feeling. Describe
what is ailing her. Was she able to get some help? (Answers p. 120)
(a) What is ailing her? _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __

(b) When did the pain start? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) What was the cause of the pain? - - -- -- -- -- - -- --
(d) Did she buy anything other than nuri-gusuri (ointment)?_ _ _ __

6 With Aoki-san's help, go to the chemist and get some medicine for your
sore throat from the pharmacist.

UNIT 8 Ill
n 3
Can I use a cha7]Je card?

Kono o-sara o itadakitain desu keredo ...

Shop assistant Hai. Kashikomarimashita.
Customer Kokunai de wa haitatsu shite itadakerun desu, ne?
Shop assistant Hai. Kokunai wa Saga-Kyiibin de o-okuri shite orimasu.
Customer Kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?
Shop assistant Hai. Yon-shurui atsukatte orimasu. Dii-Shii, Masuta-kaado,
Bisa-kaado, Jei-Shii-Bii de gozaimasu.
Customer Dewa, Jei-Shii-Bii de, onegai itashimasu.
Shop assistant Hai. Kashikomarimashita.
Customer Sorekara, kaigai ni mukete no haitatsu wa onegai dekimasu ka?
Clerk Mooshiwake gozaimasen. Uchi de wa, kaigai wa atsukatte orimasen.

(o-) sara dish/plate
kokunai domestic (within the country)
haitatsu delivery

Dii-Shii Diner's Club ("D.C.")
Masuta-kaado Master Card
Bisa-kaado Visa Card

Jei-Shii-Bii Japan Credit Bureau ("J.C.B.")
kaigai overseas
uchi de wa at our place

Kokunai de wa haitatsu shite itadakerun desu, ne? I can have you

deliver within the country, can't I? (eq . ... itadakemasu, ne?)
Kokunai wa Saga-Kyiibin de o-okuri shite orimasu. Domestically,
we ship via Saga Kyubin. (humb.) (eq. Saga-Kyiibin de okurimasu.)
• Kaado wa tsukaemasu ka? Can I use a credit card? Again, the change
from tsukaimasu to tsukaemasu indicates "can use" instead of "will
use". See the Grammar section.
Yon-shurui atsukatte orimasu. We handle four types. (humb.) (eq .
... atsukatte imasu.)
• Jei-Shii-Bii de, onegai itashimasu. Please (let me pay) with J.C.B.
• Kaigai ni mukete no haitatsu wa ... As for international delivery ... The
phrase kaigai ni mukete literally means "facing overseas" or "towards
• Onegai dekimasu ka? Can I ask you to do that? (See Grammar section
for dekimasu.)
Uchi de wa, kaigai wa atsukatte orimasen. In this establishment we
do not handle overseas (delivery). (humb.)

Practise what you have learned
7 What are some of the international credit cards that can be used in this
store? (Answers p. 120)
(a) _ _ _ __ (b) _ _ _ __

(c) _ _ _ __ (d) _ _ _ __

8 Listen to the dialogue again and answer these questions. (Answers p. 120)
(a) What is the customer b u y i n g ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Is she going to take it with her or does she want it delivered?

(c) Which credit card does she u s e ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(d) Does the store deliver overseas? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9 Suppose you saw a plate that you wanted to buy, but you wouldn't be able
to take it with you because you are leaving on a sightseeing tour. Get the
point across to the shop assistant that you want to have it sent to room 555
at the Hotel Okura. Make sure that you will have it before leaving for Kyoto
on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow. Before you listen to the tape,
visualize the situation in your mind. The key to this exercise is how well you
can cut down sentences to bare essentials but still use culturally acceptable

n 4 Making a grocery list

Ms. Mushakoji is planning a picnic for a group of people. As she writes her
list, she thinks out loud.

Ms. Mushakoji Soo da ... ashita no pikunikku no tame no kaimono ni ikanakucha ...
Mazu wa, sandoitchi. Nani ni shiyoo ka na?
Hamu, yasai, roosuto-biifu, sorekara, tamago mo, ii ka na?
Sorekara ... tori-no-kara-age mo ireyoo.
Sooseiji mo, poteto-sarada mo, chiizu mo kawanakucha.
Soo da! Nomimono wa o-cha to koora, sore ni biiru ... Kore ja,
oosugiru ka na?

• kaimono ni iku to go shopping

mazu first of all
• yasai vegetable
• tamago egg
tori-no-kara-age fried chicken
ireru put in
• chiizu cheese (Eng.)
• nomimono beverage
• o-cha tea
• koora Cola (Eng.)
sore ni on top of that/plus
• biiru beer (Eng.)
oosugiru be too much

Ashita no pikunikku no taine no kaim.ono... shopping for tomorrow's

picnic. __ no taine means "for __ " or "on behalf of __ ". The no
markers here make each word or phrase describe the next.
Kabnono ni ikanakucha. I have to go shopping. (inf) lkanakucha is
an abbreviated form of the verb phrase lkanakutewa ikemasen, meaning
"I have to go ... "
Tori-no-kara-age mo ireyoo. Let's put in fried chicken, too. (inf)
The -oo ending (as in ireyoo, shiyoo, etc.) means "Let's (do
something)". The normal-polite equivalent of this ending is -mashoo
(iremashoo, shimashoo, etc.)
kawanakucha. I have to buy . (inf.) Kawanakucha is an
abbreviated form of Kawanakutewa ikemasen.

Practise what you have teamed
10 What does Ms. Mushakoji include in her shopping list? Write the English
word next to each item. Check your answers against the dialogue.
(a) roosuto-biifu (d) nomimono _ _ _ _ __

(b) tori-no-kara-age _ _ _ _ __ (e) o-cha

(c) yasai (t) tamago

11 Tanabe-san and Miura san are making a list for the picnic. What are some
of the things that they are taking with them? After listening to the recording
make a list for them in English. (Answers p. 120)
(a) (e)

(b)----- (t)

(c) (g)

(d)----- (h)

12 Listen to the recording and make a shopping list to fill your picnic basket.
(a) sandoitchi: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(b) yasai: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(c) nomimono:

UNIT 8 115
Key words and phrases
Onegai shitnasu. Please do it.
Onegai itashimasu. Please do it. (humb.)
Onegai dekimasu ka? Can I ask you to do it?

ga hoshii desu. I want

(Musume) ni hoshii desu. I want it for (my daughter).

0-tsutsumi itashimasu ka? Shall I wrap it? (humb.)

0-tsutsumi shitnashoo ka? Shall I wrap it? (pol.)

(Haitatsu shi)te itadakemasu ka? Can I have you (deliver it?)

(Haitatsu shi)te kudasai. Please (deliver it).
(Haitatsu shi)te itadakitain desu. I'd like to have you (deliver it).

Kaado wa tsukaemasu ka? Can I use a credit card?

Koko ga itai desu. It hurts here.

(Nodo ga) itai desu. (My throat) hurts.
(See p. 111 for other body parts.)

maekara from before

mazu first of all
yoku welVfrequently
saikin recently
oosugiru too much/too many

uchi I/me, we/us, our house, our

kokunai domestic (delivery)
kaigai internationaVoverseas

There are three types of Japanese verbs:
Irregular-There are only two irregular verbs: kuru (to come) and suru
(to do).
Type 1 Verbs-Most verbs fall into this category.
Type 2 Verbs-Verbs end in -iru or -eru in the basic dictionary form.

The stem of a verb (the part that is left when you take off the last syllable of
the dictionary form) never changes; however, the rest of the verb changes
according to what you want to say with the verb. Of course, it changes for
past/present tense and for negative and positive mood. It also changes for
many other functions; for example, when you need to express "want to",
"have to", "should", "can", etc.

In the normal-polite level of speech, a Japanese verb ends in -masu to

express "(I) do" or "(I) will do". In the case of the ending -masu, the last
syllable of the dictionary form of a Type 1 verb changes its vowel from u to
i, then -masu is added. (Aruku becomes arukimasu, tsukau becomes
tsukaimasu, etc.) For Type 2 verbs, the last syllable of the dictionary form
is simply dropped, and -masu is added. (Taberu becomes tabemasu,
miru becomes mimasu, etc.) The irregular verbs are kimasu and
shimasu in this normal-polite ending.

To express the idea "(I) can", the last syllable of the dictionary form of a
Type 1 verb changes to e instead of i, as follows:
aruku-arukemasu ("can walk")
tsukau-tsukaemasu ("can use")
itadaku-itadakemasu ("can partake")
kau-kaemasu ("can buy")

For Type 2 verbs the last syllable of the dictionary form is dropped, and
-raremasu is added:
taberu-taberaremasu ("can eat")
miru-miraremasu ("can see")
dekakeru--dekakeraremasu ("can go out")
oriru-oriraremasu ("can go down/descend")

The irregular verb kuru is similar to Type 2 verbs in this form, but the stem
changes to ko:
koraremasu ("can come").

The irregular verb suru is never used in this form but is replaced by dekiru
(dekimasu), which means "to be able to do". Two-word verbs using suru
also make this change:
shuppatsu shimasu--shuppatsu dekimasu ("can depart")
onegai shimasu-onegai dekimasu ("can request")
kaimono shimasu-kaimono dekimasu ("can go shopping")

UNIT 8 117
Did you know?
Foreign credit cards and travellers' cheques
Credit cards and travellers' cheques can be used at almost all major hotels
and restaurants. Establishments that accept credit cards will display the
types of cards that they will accept. Travellers' cheques are not as widely
accepted and should be changed to Japanese currency at a bank. (Take your
passport with you.) All banks, with the exception of small local banks or
savings and loans, will have a designated foreign exchange section. Look for
the sign as you enter the bank.

Shopping in arcades and department stores

Major hotel arcades offer shopping of great convenience to foreign
travellers. However, for those who wish to see more of everyday life in
Japan, a tour through department stores might be more interesting.
Japanese department stores are usually smaller in size than U.S. or U.K.
department stores, and the top floor of each department store building is
full of restaurants where you can try Western or Japanese meals for
reasonable prices. If you are interested in folk arts, ask for the kyoodo
zaiku or kyoodo miyage section.

In Kyoto look for the Handicraft Centre, where daily handicraft

demonstrations are scheduled. The centre is located near the Heian Shrine
(Heian JingO.).
/ ......--.......

r~~~~~~ 1\
~J:,..~I ~
II( -"'_"\ \ II
'~·II ~
~I '-,') I\ I oa
/ - Mingeihin
~ (folk arts)
Kyoodo zaiku

Handcrafted signs

Gift-giving is an important part of Japanese culture. Traditionally, gifts that

are often elaborate and extravagant by Western standards are given on
various occasions: births, passing school entrance examinations,
graduations, New Year's (for children), weddings and funerals. When a gift
is received, the custom is for the receiver to reciprocate with an equally
extravagant gift on the next appropriate occasion.

Other major social occasions are:

Chuugen and Seibo

These occasions are shortly before Obon in the summer and at the year's
end, when subordinates give gifts to their superiors, companies give to their
clients, and sometimes stores give to their major customers. The summer
gift is called o-chuugen, and the winter gift, o-seibo.

A person leaving on an extended trip receives o-senbetsu, money from
relatives, friends and co-workers. In turn, the person will reciprocate by
bringing them o-miyage (souvenir gifts).

Souvenirs brought back from a trip usually consist of local specialities:
foodstuff, folk arts and other gift items. When travelling in Japan, you will
see many miyage stores in and around the stations.

The Japanese almost never visit someone's home without taking a small
gift, called o-tsukaimono. It can be fruit, sweets, flowers, etc., which are
easily purchased at a store near the station of your destination.

By custom, the Japanese do not open gifts in front of the giver. This is
gradually changing, and a person might say, "I'll open it-American style",
then carefully remove the wrapping without tearing it. But don't be
offended if the gift you brought is placed on a table without being opened.
It is deeply appreciated.

UNIT 8 119
Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) buruu (b) guriin (c) kiiro (d) pinku
have learned
Exercise 2 (a) blue (b) too small (c) L-size (d) yes

Exercise 5 (a) koshi/ashi (back and legs) (b) kinoo kara (from
yesterday) (c) takusan aruita kara, (because she/he walked
a lot) (d) Hai, chintsuu no kusuri, (yes, pain reducing pills.)

Exercise 7 (a) Visa Card (b) D.C. (Diners Club) (c) Master Card
(d) J.C.B.

Exercise 8 (a) a plate (b) She wants it delivered. (c) J.C.B. (d) No.

Exercise 11 (a) ham sandwiches (b) roast beef sandwiches (c) tomato
(d) lettuce (e) celery (f) oranges (g) Japanese tea (h) beer

Exercise 12 (a) ham and roast beef (b) potato salad and vegetable
salad (c) tea and wine

120 UNIT 8
You will learn
e how to make long distance travel arrangements
e how to get to Akihabara using public transportation
e how to buy long distance tickets
e how to make a mini-vacation plan at a travel agency
e about staying at a Japanese-style inn

Before you begin

If you can, make your own travel arrangements, as you will have far more
independence and flexibility on your trip. It is also much easier when you
have to change your plans because of some unforeseen reason. Travel
arrangements involve times and dates, so you may find it helpful to revise
Unit 4 before going on with this unit.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Learn: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Granunar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know? and learn the new phrases

UNIT9 121
n Takada
1 I hear you went to Kyoto
Kyoto e irashitan desu tte.
Mushakoji E, sen-shuu.
Takada Doo deshita, o-tenki wa?
Mushakoji Ichinichi wa harete itan da kedo, ichinichi arne dana no yo.
Takada Kono goro Shinkan-sen ga konde irun desu tte, ne.
Mushakoji Soo na no. Moo o-yasumi-chuu dakara, moo taihen!
Takada Nan-ji goro no de?
Mushakoji Ano ne, juuyo-ji-hatsu Tokyo-eki hatsu no Hikari 234-goo de itta
no yo.
Takada A so. Kippu wa doo yatte, te ni irete ... ?
Mushakoji Mae motte Midori no Madoguchi de yoyaku shite, soshite kippu o
te ni ireta kara, daijoobu datta.
• 11111e rain Hikari express trains on the
• kono goro lately Shinkansen (Line)
• Shinkan-sen Shinkan Line 234-goo Number 234
("Bullet" train) • Midori no Madoguchi Green
• o-yasumi-chuu during the Window (Information Service)
holidays • yoyaku reservation
• taihen awful/terrible soshite andland so
juuyo-ji-hatsu 2:00 (1400 hours)
train (-hatsu = departure)

Kyoto e irashitan desu tte. They said you went to Kyoto. Irashita (n desu) is a more
casual form of the exalted verb irasshaimashita, which can mean either "you went" or
"you came". Tte is a casual way of reporting speech from some other source.
• Doo deshita (ka)? How was it?
lchinichi wa harete itan da kedo, ichinichi wa 11111e datta no yo. One day it was clear;
one day it rained. (in!) No yo at the end of a sentence is typical offeminine speech.
• Kono goro Shinkan-sen ga konde irun desu tte. I hear the Bullet train is crowded lately.
(eq. Shinkan-sen ga konde imasu.)
• Soo na no. That's right. (f.linf) (eq. Soo desu.)
Moo o-yasumi-chuu dakara, moo taihen! Since it's already the middle of the holidays,
it's awful! Moo is often used as a way of emphasizing a thought, rather than in its usual
meaning of "already". Dakara (inf) = desu kara.
Nan-ji goro no de? About what time (did you leave)? (lit. On about what time one/train?)
Juuyo-ji-hatsu no Hikari 234-goo de itta no yo. I went on the 2:00 (1400 hours) Hikari
No. 234. (inf.) (eq. de ikimashita.) The Hikari trains on the Shinkan Line are a little
faster than some of the other types of train, because they make fewer stops, comparable to
the difference between "regular" and "express" trains.
Kippu wa doo yatte, te ni irete... How did you get your ticket? (lit. As for the ticket, how
did you do it, getting it into your hands, and ... ?) The use of the -te form at the end of a
sentence makes it incomplete, a casual way of softening it, allowing the listener to assume
whatever may follow.
• Midori no Madoguchi de yoyaku shite... I made a reservation at the Information Service
window, and ... See Grammar section for this use of the marker de.
Soshite kippu o te ni ireta kara, daijoobu datta. And since I got the ticket into my
hands, it was okay. (inf.) (eq . ••• iremashita kara, daijoobu deshita.)

122 UNIT9
Practise what you have learned
1 Match the English words with the Japanese. (Answers p. 134)
(a) Midori no Madoguchi __ (1) "Bullet Train"

(b) yoyaku __ (2) 2:00 (1400 hrs.) departure

(c) Shinkan-sen (3) ticket

(d) nihyaku-sanjuu-yon-goo __ (4) Green Window

(e) juuyoji-hatsu (S) No. 234

(f) kippu __ (6) reservation

2 Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks below. (Answers on p. 134)
(a) Where is he going? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) When is he leaving? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) Shuppatsu jikan (departure time) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) The train name and number are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(e) Kippu wa doko de kaimashita ka? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 Suppose you wish to go to Kyoto on Wednesday of next week (raishuu no

Suiyoobi). Your preferred time of departure is around 10:00, so that you
can go sightseeing after you get there. Go to the Midori no Madoguchi and
see if you can reserve a seat. Ask how much it is. First think about this
scenario, then work through the exercise with Aoki-san's help on the

UNIT9 123
n Takada
2 How do I get to Akihabara?
Ano ne, chotto ... Akihabara made ikitain da kedo, koko kara wa nan
de iku no ga ichiban ii kashira?
Mushakoji Soo ne .. .ima michi ga konde iru kara, takushii wa takusan jikan ga
kakatchau wa. Dakara, yappari Jei-Aaru G.R.) ga hayai deshoo.
Takada Soo. Ja, Jei-Aaru de koko kara Shinjuku ni dete, Chao-sen?
Mushakoji Yamanote-sen de massugu ikeru wa yo. A, watakushi wa itsumo
densha shika tsukawanai wa yo. Takushii wa takai shi, ne ...
Akihabara de nani o o-kai ni naru no?
Takada Raji-kase kaoo to omotte ... iroiro mitain da keredo ...
Mushakoji Kono goro wa Shinjuku ya Shibuya ni mo takusan yasu-uri-shoppu
ga aru no yo.
Takada Namae shitte iru?
Mushakoji Yodobashi Kamera tte yuun da keredo, denki-seihin mo utte iru
no yo.
Takada A, sore Shinjuku deshoo?
Mushakoji Soo yo.

Akihabara, Shinjuku, shika except for

Shibuya sections of Tokyo raji-kase radio-cassette
nan de by means of what player (Eng.)
michi roads t yasu-uri-shoppu discount
t Jei-Aaru J.R. Gapan Railway) store (lit. cheap-sell-shop)
massugu straight/directly denki-seihin electrical
itsumo always appliances/equipment
t densha electric train utte iru selling

Nan de iku no ga ichiban ii desu ka? What's the best way to go? (by what kind of
transportation?) (eq. Nan de ikeba iin desu ka?)
Takushii wa takusan jikan ga kakatchau wa. A taxi will take a lot of time. (f.linf)
Kakatchau is an informal abbreviation ofkakatte shimau. Adding shimau to the te- form
of a verb is a way of emphasizing the finality or irrevocable nature of the action. Wa at the
end of the sentence is typical of feminine speech.
J.R. de koko kara Shinjuku ni dete, Chuo-sen (desu ka)? By J.R. from here, getting off
at Shinjuku, (is that) the Chuo Line?
Yamanote-sen de massugu ikeru wa yo. You can go directly (there) on the Yamanote
Line. (f.linf) (eq . ••• massugu ikemasu.)
Watakushi wa itsumo densha shika tsukawanai wa yo. I never use anything but the
trains. (f.linf) (lit. I always do not use [anything] but the trains.) (eq . ••• densha shika
Takushii wa takai shi, ne ••• Taxis are expensive (etc.), aren't they? Shi here implies that
there may be other reasons not to take the taxi.
t Akihabara de nani o o-kai ni naru no? What are you going to buy in Akihabara? (f.) (eq .
••• nani o kaimasu ka?)
kaoo to omotte... I'm thinking about buying
Shinjuku ya Shibuya ni mo... In Shinjuku and Shibuya and places like that ... See the
Grammar section for more on the marker ya.
t Namae shitte iru? Do you know the name? (inf) (eq. Namae shitte imasu ka?)

124 UNIT 9
Practise what you have learned
4 The four sentences below all mean "I want to ".Write the number of
the corresponding English sentence in the space given after each Japanese
sentence. (Answers p. 134)
(a) Kaimono ni ikitain desu. (1) I want to drink some water.

(b) Kippu o kaitain desu. (2) I want to walk a little.

(c) Chono arukitain desu. (3) I want to go shopping.

(d) Mizu o nomitain desu. ( 4) I want to buy a ticket.

5 Listen to the recording and answer the questions below. (Answers p. 134)
(a) Where did they decide to go?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) What station will they leave from? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) What train line will they take? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) What time will they leave?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6 Tell your Japanese friend that you want to go to Akihabara. (You heard that
Akihabara is the place to shop for sound systems, electronic equipment,
cameras, etc.) Before you start working with the recording, think about how
you might want to get your point across, then listen to the recording. Of
course, Aoki-san will give you assistance.
(a) I want to go to Akihabara. How can I get there?

(b) Which is better-cab or underground railway?

(c) Is it all right to go alone (hitori de)?

(d) How long will it take to get there?

UNIT 9 125

n 3
At the Travel Agency

Gomen kudasai.
Agent Irasshaimase.
Traveller Ano, watashi chotto Kyoto no hoo ni itte mitai to omotte irun desu
kedo ... Shinkan-sen no kippu wa atsukatte irasshaimasu ka?
Agent E, ano ... nan-nichi-ka saki no deshitara, go-yooi dekimasu ga ...
Traveller A, soo desu ka. Ano, Kyoto ni iku toki ni wa, yappari jiyuu-seki ja
nai hoo ga ii deshoo ka?
Agent Soo desu ne. Ano, notte, ni-jikan han gurai kakarimasu kara, ee,
shitei torareta hoo ga yoroshii to omoimasu.
Tada, Tokyo-eki ni itte, sanjuppun ijoo narabu kakugo de areba,
jiyuu-seki demo, mazu suwareru to omoimasu.
Traveller Hai, doomo.

• Gomen kudasai. Hello. Is anyone there? (Used when entering small

shops, etc.)
nannichi-ka saki a few days in advance (eq. nannichi-ka mae)

yooi preparation/arrangement
jiyuu-seki unreserved seating (lit. free/open seat)

-han half (an hour)/the half hour
shitei-seki reserved seat
yoroshii good (eq. ii)
tada only/however
ijoo more than/higher than
kakugo de areba if (you) are willing to

• Kyoto no boo ni itte mitai to omotte irun desu. I think I would like to
go and see the Kyoto area. (eq . ••• itte mitai to omoimasu.) See the
Grammar section for more on itte mitai.
Kyoto ni iku toki ni wa ••• When you go to Kyoto ... Following a verb
with toki (a "point in time") or toki ni is a way of telling when something
Jiyuu-seki ja nai boo ga ii deshoo ka? Shouldn't I buy a reserved seat?
(lit. Isn't it better not to sit in the unreserved seating?)
Notte, ni-jikan han gurai kakarimasu kara ••• Since it takes about 21/2
hours from the time you board ... (lit. Boarding, it takes about 21/2 hours,
so ... )
Shitei torareta boo ga yoroshii to omoimasu. I think it is best to have
made a reservation. (pol.)
Tokyo eki ni itte, sanjuppun ijoo narabu kakugo de areba ••• If you
are willing/prepared to go to Tokyo station and stand in line for more
than 30 minutes ...
Jiyuu-seki demo, mazu suwareru to omoimasu. I think you will be
able to get a seat even in the unreserved seating section.

126 UNIT 9
Practise what you have teamed
7 Find the English phrase to match the Japanese phrases below.
(Answers p. 134)
(a) Ni-jikan han kakarimasu. (1) reserved seat
(b) shitei-seki (2) It takes about 21/z hrs.
(c) Suwaremasu ka? (3) unreserved seating
(d) jiyuu-seki (4) 10:18 departure time
(e) juu-ji juuhappun hatsu (5) Will I be able to sit down?

8 Listen to the recording and write down the essentials of the conversation.
(Answers p. 134)
(a) Where does Kanada-san wish to go? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) What days of the week?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) About what t i m e ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(d) Is she going on the Guriin-sha (1st class?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(e) Is she going to buy a reserved or unreserved ticket?_ _ _ _ _ __

9 Some Japanese friends told you that the economical way of travelling is to
buy jiyuu-seki and ride the Kin'en-sha (No-smoking car), which usually
has seats available. However, you have to be willing to walk to the end of
the platform to get to it. Go to the Midori no Madoguchi and buy tickets to
Hiroshima. First go over some of the useful phrases listed below, and then
listen to the recording.
(a) I want to go to Hiroshima.
(b) I want to go on Wednesday or Thursday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) Well then, I've decided on that. Give me two tickets, please. (Use the
counter for flat objects.)

(d) How much is it?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

UNIT9 127

n 4
I want to go to a hot spring

Agent Irasshaimase.
Nakagawa Ni-haku-mikka gurai de onsen ni ikitain desu keredomo, ... Atami
toka Hakone toka ...
Agent Ano, heijitsu ni o-tomari desu yo, ne?
Nakagawa Soo desu.
Agent Nimei-sama?
Nakagawa Hai.
Agent Soo desu, ne ... Ano ... rna, yasui tokoro de, ichiman go-rokusen-en
kara, o-takai tokoro desu to, yonman-goman made go-yooi dekiru
to omoimasu.
Nakagawa Daitai chuugurai no tokoro de ikahodo gurai deshoo?
Agent Go-yosan-teki ni niman-en kara niman-ni-sanzen-en mite itadaku
to go-tehai dekiru to omoun desu ga ...
Nakagawa Zuibun takai desu, ne.
Agent A, ano ... mochiron, shokuji-tsuki ryookin desu n'de ...

ni-haku-mikka two nights and three days
onsen hot springs

Atami, Hakone areas famous for their hot springs
heijitsu weekday

nimei-sama two people (pol.) (eq. o-futari)
yasui cheap/inexpensive

daitai approximately
chuugurai about the middle
ikahodo gurai about how much? (pol.) (eq. ikura gurai)
go-yosan-teki ni within your budget
go-tehai arrangements (pol.)
zuibun quite/very

mochiron of course
shokuji-tsuki meals included

• Yasui tokoro de, ichiman go-rokusen-en kara ... At an inexpensive

place, (it will be) from 15-16,000 yen ...

• 0-takai tokoro desu to, yonman-goman made... If it's an expensive

place, up to 40-50,000 (yen) ...
Go-yooi dekiru to omoimasu. I believe we can provide (something).
(pol.) (See the Grammar section.)
Daitai chuugurai no tokoro de ikahodo gurai deshoo? About how
much would it be at about a mid-range place? (pol.)
Go-yosan-teki ni -en kara -en mite itadaku to... If we
have you look at (a place in the range of) from yen to yen,
according to your budget ...
Mochiron, shokuji-tsuki ryookin desu n'de ... Of course, since the fee
includes meals ... (eq. desu node)

128 UNIT 9
Practise what you have teamed
10 Select the appropriate matching phrases. (Answers p. 134)
(a) yasui tokoro (1) inexpensive place
(b) shokuji-tsuki (2) expensive place
(c) chuu-gurai no tokoro (3) approximately
(d) daitai (4) budget
(e) yo san (5) one night, two days
(t) ippaku-futsuka (6) mid-range place
(g) takai tokoro (7) meals included

11 Two people are making plans to go to a hot spring. Listen to the recording
and provide the information below. (Answers p. 134)
(a) When do they plan to go? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) How long will they be gone?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(c) About how much do they expect an inn will cost?_ _ _ _ _ _ __

12 It is your turn to stop at a travel agency to make arrangements for an over-

night trip to a hot spring in Atami. Listen to the recording and have Miura-
san help you.
(a) You wish to go to a hot spring in Atami. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) Find out how much it will b e . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Ask if the meals are i n c l u d e d . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Find out when chekku-in and chekku-out times are. _ _ _ _ __
(e) Make sure that the agency will get you the train ticket, as well.
_ _ _ _ _ _ JDo onegai dekilnasu, ne.)

Owakudani hot springs in Hakone

UNIT9 129
Key words and phrases
kono goro lately
(o-yasumi)-chuu during (the holidays)
(juuyoji)-hatsu (2:00) train
(234)-goo number 234 (train)
soshite and/and so

Midori no Madoguchi Green Window (Information Service)

shitei-seki reserved seating
jiyuu-seki unreserved seating
shokuji-tsuki meals included

Mochiron. Of course.
Gomen kudasai. Hello. Is anyone there? (when entering
a small shop)

Itsumo densha shika I never use anything but trains.

Itsumo densha dake I always use only trains.

(Akihabara) de nani o What will you buy at (Akihabara)?


(Suwareru) to omoimasu. I think (you'll be able to get a seat).

Go-yooi dekiru to omoimasu. I think we can make arrangements
for you.
Kyoto ni itte mitai to I think I want to go and see Kyoto.

Nan de (iku no ga) ichiban What is the best way (to go)?
ii desuka?
Densha ga ichiban hayai By train is probably fastest.
Basu ga ichiban yasui deshoo. By bus is probably cheapest.

130 UNIT9
You have learned in a previous unit that dake after a word means "only
". Shika after a word means "except for "or "(anything) but
". These two phrases can be used to express the same concept in
different ways:
Densha dake tsukaimasu. I use only trains.
Densha shika tsukaimasen. I don't use anything but trains.

Washoku dake tabemashita. I ate only Japanese food.

Washoku shika tabemasen deshita.
I didn't eat anything but Japanese food.

Note that dake is followed by a positive verb, and shika is followed by a

negative one.

Grammar markers
ya "and/etc." This marker is similar to to in that it means "and" when
placed after each word in a list. However, ya indicates that there may be
other things in the list that are not spoken. It compares with "etc." or "and
things like that". Here are some examples comparing ya with to:
Burausu to sukaato kaimashita.
I bought a blouse and a skirt (and that's all).
Burausu ya sukaato kaimashita.
I bought a blouse and a skirt (and other things).
Bisa-kaado to Masuta-kaado wa atsukatte orimasu.
We handle Visa and Master Card (only).
Bisa-kaado ya Masuta-kaado wa atsukatte orimasu.
We handle (cards like) Visa and Master Card.

de "at"/"in" Another use for this marker is to indicate where an action

takes place, as in Midori no Madoguchi de yoyaku shimashita ("I made
a reservation at the Green Window"). Compare this with ni, which
indicates where something is (imasu/arimasu), stays (tomarimasu) or is
living (sunde imasu). Study the following examples:
Resutoran de tabemashita. I ate at the restaurant.
Resutoran ni imashita. I was in the restaurant.
Akihabara de kaimono shimashita. I shopped in Akihabara.
Akihabara ni sunde imashita. I was living in Akihabara.

-te miru
The te-form of a verb indicates that another verb follows somewhere in the
sentence. In a series of verbs, "and" can be included in the translation.

If the verb miru (to see) follows the -te form, it can simply mean "and see"
(as in Itte mimasu, "I will go and see") or it can indicate a "try-and-see"
attitude. Study the following example sentences.
Washoku o tabete mimashita.
I tried Japanese food. (I "ate and saw" how I liked it.)
0-cha o nonde mitain desu.
I want to try Japanese tea. (I want to "drink it and see" what it tastes like.)

UNIT 9 131
to omou
This verb ending means "I think (that) ... " Study the following examples:
Ashita Kyoto ni itte miru to omoimasu.
Tomorrow I think he will go and see Kyoto.
Takada-san wa sengetsu kitan da to omoimasu.
I think Mr. Takada came last month.
Kyasshu ni shitai to omoun desu. I think I'd like to make it cash.

You should be aware that the use ofto omou by the Japanese does not
necessarily indicate uncertainty about something, but is often used to make
the sentence less abrupt.

Read and understand

1. ~IRwJII 7. tt11
Stop every station

2. Jt~ 8. ~tilt
Super Express One way

3. ~fT 9. ilitffll
Express Change machine

.rC.ll 10 • 5'7~--~t)tJ
Limited Express Taxi stand

5. ffilj!
Out of Service
11. a ra1 M!Iflit
Off hour extra charge

6. ilit
For hire

132 UNIT9
Did you know?
Japanese lnns-Ryokan
Staying at a Japanese inn (ryokan) for a couple of nights is a unique
experience that you will enjoy. Ryokan are still constructed in the
traditional architectural style, and the service will always be superb. Most
ryokan in tourist areas are expensive, and each one has its speciality: a
scenic view, hot springs, special cuisine, special decor, etc. Here are some
pointers that might help minimize the surprises you will probably encounter
in the traditional lodging style.

Shoes are removed as you enter the ryokan, just as in private homes. There
will be slippers for you at the entrance. Slippers are worn on any wood or
tile floor. Be sure to leave them at the doorway before entering any tatami
(straw-mat) room.

After you are settled in your room, the maid will bring tea and a bag for any
valuables you wish to keep in the vault. If your room has a mini-safe, that's
the best place to store your valuables.

Bath (o-furo) facilities are "common bath" or "family style". The maid will
inform you of bath hours: 0-furo no jikan wa ji kara ji made
ni natte orimasu. If you need to ask, then say: 0-furo wa nan-ji kara
nan-ji made desu ka?

Elaborate Japanese-style breakfasts and evening meals are usually served in

your room. The maid will ask, "0-shokuji (meal) wa nan-ji ni
itashimashoo ka?" To which you can reply: "Asa (morning) wa -ji
ni, onegai shimasu. Ban (evening) wa ji ni, onegai shimasu".
Meal hours are usually about 6:30 to 9:00 a.m. for breakfast and 6:00 to
7:00p.m. for dinner. Alcoholic drinks and beverages (nomimono) other
than tea are not included in the room charge, so you should give your
preference to the maid in advance. You can also buy what you need from
your room refrigerator or from the vending machines in the building.
Remember to stay with Japanese brands if possible, rather than buying
imported brands, as import duties are exorbitant.

UNIT 9 133
In your room there may be a small alcove (tokonoma)-an area that is
slightly raised and has a hanging scroll and flower arrangement. A seat
directly in front of the tokonoma is the best seat in the room. If you are
having guests, save the choice seats for them. If you should want to examine
the scroll closely, remember not to step onto the tokonoma. Also, you
must not sit on the tokonoma, even to stretch your legs.

The ryokan provides: 1) a cotton kimono (yukata) and sa h (obi) to relax

in or ro sleep in. When wearing a yukata, be di erect and keep the front
from flapping open. Fold in the right side first and then the left. (The
reverse is done for the dead only.) If you hould wam a yukata for a
ouvenir, you can buy one at a nearby hopping area. 2) toothpaste/
toothbrush, and soap. 3) a face towel (tenugui), which may double as a
bath towel. (You need to wring out the excess water repeatedly a you dry
yourself wtth it.) At the bath, you will fmd lotions, cream , hairspray and
other toiletrie , a well a a hair dryer for your u e.

Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) I (d) 5 (e) 2 (f) 3
have learned (a) Kyoto (b) the day after tomorrow (c) I3:05
Exercise 2
(d) Hikari 250 (e) Midori no Madoguchi
Exercise 4 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) I
Exercise 5 (a) to Nikko (b) Ueno station (c) Joban Line (d) 9:30
Exercise 7 (a) 2 (b) I (c) 5 (d) 3 (e) 4
Exercise 8 (a) Atami (b) Thursday-Saturday (c) about 10:00 (d) no
(e) unreserved ticket
Exercise 10 (a) 1 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 3 (e) 4 (f) 5 (g) 2
Exercise 11 (a) May (b) 2 days-Tuesday and Wednesday (c) ¥30,000

134 UNIT9
You will learn
e phrases used when offering and accepting food
e how to place an order by phone
e how to choose a dish from a restaurant food display
e about Japanese restaurants
e some tips on Japanese table manners

Before you begin

Revise Unit 3 for restaurant phrases.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Study: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Did you know?

UNIT 10 135
n 1
At a friend's house

0-koocha, doozo.
Takarabe A, doomo ...
Uchida 0-satoo to miruku o-ire ni naru?
Takarabe Ja, miruku dake itadaku wa.
Uchida Keiki mo arun da kedo ...
Takarabe Moo o-kamai naku. Sonna ni shinpai nasaranaide ...

•• koocha black tea

satoo sugar
miruku milk (Eng.)
0-kamai naku. Don't trouble yourself.
shinpai worry

0-satoo to miruku o-ire ni naru? Do you take sugar and milk? (pol.)
(lit. Do you put in sugar and milk?) It is common among women to
combine informal verb forms with more polite structures. In this sentence
the exalted form o- ni narimasu is combined with the informal use
of the dictionary form (naru).
Miruku dake itadaku wa. I'll have just milk. (j./inf) (eq. Miruku
dake itadakimasu.) The use of wa at the end of a sentence and the
frequent use of the honorific prefix o- (as in o-satoo and o-koocha) are
typical of feminine speech. Itadakimasu is a standard expression used
before eating a meal and literally means "I will partake".
• Moo o-kamai naku. Please don't trouble yourself further. This is a
standard phrase used to decline more food offered by a host.
• Sonna ni shinpai nasaranaide (kudasai). Please don't worry so much.
(f./pol.) This is also a standard phrase. (eq. Shinpai shinaide kudasai.)

136 UNIT 10
Practise what you have learned
J Listen to the dialogue until you can say it along with the recording
confidently. Then study the notes, paying particular attention to the
"standard" phrases presented. Select appropriate phrases to be used on
different occasions as follows. (Answers p. 148)
(a) What do you say before you partake offood offered to you?

(b) What do you say to decline the host's offer to replenish your plate?

(c) How do you tell the host not to worry so much?

2 Next on the recording is a dialogue consisting mostly of set phrases such as

those you will hear when invited to a meal. A good host coaxes a great deal
and sometimes makes standard comments like, "Perhaps this sort of food
doesn't suit your taste". Listen to these phrases on the recording. There will
be opportunity for you to practise, as well.
Hostess Sa, doozo. Nani mo arimasen ga... Go right ahead. It's nothing, but ...
Guest A, oishi-soo desu, ne! It looks delicious! (A phrase used before starting
the meal. Wait for the second nudging by the hostess.)
Hostess Sa, doozo. Enryo shinaide! Please, go ahead. Don't hesitate.
Guest Ja, itadakimasu. Lit., I will partake. This is a standard phrase spoken
before eating a meal.
Totemo oishii desu. It's very good.
Hostess Sa, motto, doozo, doozo ikaga desu ka? Have some more, please!
Guest lie, moo kekkoo desu. No, I have had enough.
Go-chisoo-sama deshita. Thank you for the meal. (A standard phrase to
indicate that the meal is finished.)
Hontoo ni oishikatta desu. It was really delicious.
Hostess Soo desu ka? Nanimo nakute... Really? It wasn't anything ...

3 Instead of inviting someone home for dinner, the Japanese often prefer to
entertain guests at a restaurant. Polite mealtime phrases are the same as the
ones used at someone's home. Tanabe-san will help you be a gracious
guest. Listen to the recording and follow Aoki-san's direction.

UNIT 10 137
n 2
Room service
Hotel guest
Calling room service
Ruumu-saabisu de gozaimasu.
Moshi moshi, ruumu-saabisu onegai shitain desu ga ...
Room service Hai, doozo.
Guest Ee to desu ne, koohii o sannin-bun, ...
Room service Koohii o sannin-mae.
Guest Sore kara, ano, fingaa sandoitchi ka nanika arimasu ka?
Room service Osore irimasu ga, sandoitchi no hoo wa, juuichi-ji han kara to natte
orimashite ...
Guest A, soo desu ka.
Room service Tadaima, chooshoku-nomi no menyuu ni natte orimasu.
Guest Hahaa ... nanika karui tabemono wa gozaimasen ka?
Room service Karui tabemono to iimasu to, toosuto desu toka ...
Guest Jaa ne, ano ... koohii dake, onegai shimasu .

• Moshi moshi Hello. (on the telephone)

sannin-bun portions for three people (eq. sannin-mae)
Osore irimasu ga,... I'm sorrry, but ...

tadaima just now/at this moment (eq. ima)
chooshoku breakfast
-nomi only (pol.) (eq. dake)
karui tabemono light food

• koohii o sannin-bun/sannin-mae coffee for three people. The use of

-bun is a little less formal than -mae.
(fingaa sandoitchi) ka nanika (finger sandwiches) or something like
11:30 kara to natte orimasu. It is from 11:30. (pol.) (eq. 11:30 kara
chooshoku-nomi no menyuu menu for breakfast only (pol.)
Hahaa... (m.) Mmm ... (a sound made while pondering)
Nanika karui tabemono to iimasu to ••• If you're talking about some
kind oflight food ...

138 UNIT 10
Practise what you have leamed
4 Complete the following sentences, using the words listed on the right.
(Answers p. 148)
(a) Koohii o _ _ _ __ _ onegai shimasu. (1) sannin-bun
(b) Ee to, sore kara _ _ _ _ _ _ futari-mae. (2) nan desu

(c) Chooshoku no menyuu wa _ __ _ _ _ ka? (3) toosuto

5 Listen to the recording and find out what Tanabe-san is ordering.

(Answers p. 148) New additional words you will hear are:
kudamono fruit
meron melon (Eng.)
tomato juusu tomato juice (Eng.)
hamu-eggu ham and eggs (Eng.)
beekon bacon (Eng.)

(a) no~ono _________________________

(b) chooshoku - - - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- -
(c) kudamono/juusu

6 With Miura-san's help, call Room Service. Your room number is 555.
Order three finger sandwiches, coffee for two and tea for one. Ask how long
it will take. Close your order with, Ja, onegai shimasu.

Suginoi Hotel in Beppu

UNIT 10 139
n 3
Let's have something to eat

Ne, onaka suita, ne. (Soo ne.) Nanika tabeyoo ka?

Shoda Un. Moo, ichi-ji da mono, ne.
Miki Soo da ne. Ja, nani-ryoori ga ii ka na?
ShOda Un, watashi ... kyoo wa, washoku ga tabetai, na.
Miki Washoku ka. Kono mise kana?
ShOda Soo ne. Kono mise oishi-soo ja nai? (Un.) Nani ni suru?
Miki Soo da ne. Ja, boku wa hidari kara ni-ban-me no tsukimi soba ni
ShOda A, ii wa ne. Ja, watashi wa asoko no tanuki-udon ni shiyoo.

• nani-ryoori what kind of cooking?

mise store/shop
oisbi-soo looks delicious

ni-ban-me the second one
soba buckwheat noodles
asoko over there
tsukimi soba soba with raw egg

tanuki udon udon in a particular style
udon noodles

•• O-naka suita. I'm hungry. (inj.) (eq. O-naka ga sukimashita.)

Nanika tabeyoo ka? Shall we eat something? (inj.) (eq. Nanika
tabemashoo ka?)

• Un. Yeah./U-huh. (inj.) (eq. Hai./Ee.)

Moo icbi-ji da mono ••• It's already 1:00. (inj.) Da mono is a casual
way of emphasizing a statement. (eq. desu)
Washoku ka. Japanese food, huh? (inj.) (eq. Washoku desu ka?)
Kono mise (wa) oisbi-soo ja nai? This shop looks good (delicious),
doesn't it?
Hidari kara ni-ban-me no tsukimi soba ni suru. I'll have the
"tsukimi" noodles, second from the left. (inj.) (eq . ••• ni shimasu.)

140 UNIT 10
Practise what you have learned
7 Match the phrases on the left with the corresponding casual phrases on the
right. (Answers p. 148)
(a) Kono mise doo desu ka? (1) Nani-ryoori ga ii kana?
(b) So desu, ne. (2) Oishi soo ja nai?
(c) Nani-ryoori ga ii desu ka? (3) Soo dane.
(d) Onaka ga sukimashita, ne. (4) Kono mise doo ka na?
(e) Oishi-soo desu, ne. (5) Onaka ga suita, ne.

8 You are standing in front of a restaurant where plastic food models are
displayed. Each dish is identified in Japanese. listen to the recording and
follow Aoki-san's directions.

UE (top)

HIDARI (left) ~ MANNAKA (centre) _ ___..,~ MIGI (right)

SHITA (bottom)


supagend ~
mikkusu sando piza
spaghetti mixed sandwiches
(S) (6)~

~~ ~
karee raisu
curried rice

pork with noodles



(II) ~

remoneido aisu kuriimu koora koocha koohii

lemonade ice cream Cola black rea coffee

9 Work out how to ask a passer-by for the name of a bowl of noodles on the
second shelf, on the right. Remember to start with a polite phrase, such as
Sumimasen, and don't forget to express thanks afterward. Tanabe-san will
assist you with this e x e r c i s e . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UNIT 10 141
n 4
How about going to dinner?

Kon'ya shokuji demo ikimasen ka?

Miki Soo desu ne.
Yoshida Chuuka-ryoori nanka doo desu ka?
Miki Chuuka-ryoori wa kinoo tabechattan desu yo.
Yoshida Sore ja, nani-ryoori ni shimashoo ka?
Miki Un, Itaria-ryoori nanka doo desu ka?
Yoshida Soo desu ne. Ii mise shine imasu ka?
Miki Ee, chotto ... shitte irun desu.
Yoshida Koko kara chikai desu ka? Dekireba, chikai tokoro no hoo ga iin
desu keredo ...
Miki Chikai tokoro wa amari shiranain desu.
Yoshida A soo desu ka. Sore jaa, boku no shitte iru Supein-ryoori no mise,
ikimashoo ka.

kon'ya this evening (eq. konban)
shokuji dinner

Chuuka-ryoori Chinese food
Itaria-ryoori Italian food

am.ari hardly/(not) particularly (eq. amnari)
Supein-ryoori Spanish food

• Shokuji demo ikimasen ka? Would you like to go to dinner? (lit. Won't
you go to dinner?) The use of demo here implies "(dinner) or something",
softening the invitation and leaving it open to suggestion.
Kinoo tabechattan desu yo. I ate (Chinese food) yesterday. Yo adds
emphasis. The ending -chattan desu implies finality or irrevocability.
li mise shitte imasu ka? Do you know a good shop? The use of mise
implies a casual meal at a small shop, as opposed to a larger restaurant
• Koko kara chikai desu ka? Is it near here? (lit. Is it near from here?)
• Dekireba... If it's possible .. ./ If we can ...
Chikai tokoro am.ari shiranain desu. I don't really know (any) nearby
places. (eq . ••• amari shirimasen.)
Boku no shitte iru Supein-ryoori no mise... A Spanish-cuisine shop
that I know ... The verb phrase Boku no shitte iru describes the noun
phrase that follows it, Supein-ryoori no mise.

142 UNIT 10
Practise what you have leamed
10 Match the English and Japanese words. (Answers p. 148)
(a) washoku (1) Italian cuisine
(b) Supein-ryoori (2) Chinese cuisine
(c) yooshoku (3) Japanese cuisine
(d) Furansu-ryoori (4) Spanish cuisine
(e) Itaria-ryoori (5) French cuisine
(f) Chuuka ryoori (6) Western cuisine

11 Listen to the recording and find out what Miura-san and Tanabe-san
decided to do. (Answers p. 148)
(a) When are they g o i n g ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(b) What time are they m e e t i n g ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Where are they meeting? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) What kind of food will they have?

12 Listen to the recording and invite a Japanese friend to go out to dinner with
you tomorrow night.
(a) How about dinner tomorrow night?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) Chinese? I had that yesterday.

(c) How about Mexican or Italian cuisine?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(d) Okay, let's make it Italian cuisine. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(e) What time and where shall we go? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New vocabulary: Mexico Mekishiko

Italy Itaria

Hachiko, the famous stone

dog at Shibuya Station

UNIT 10 143
Key words and phrases
0-kamai naku. Please don't trouble yourself.
Shinpai shinaide kudasai. Please don't worry.
ltadakimasu. I will partake. (spoken before a meal)
Go-chisoo-sama deshita. Thank you for the food. (after a meal)
Oishi-soo desu. It looks delicious.
Moshi moshi. Hello. (on the telephone)
Osore irimasu ga••• I'm sorry, but ...
O-naka suita./0-naka ga
sukimashita. I'm hungry.

Shokuji demo ikimasen ka? Would you like to have dinner?

(Chuuka-ryoori) nanka doo How about (Chinese food) or

desuka? something?
(Fingaa sandoitchi) ka nanika How about (finger sandwiches) or
doo desuka? something?

(li mise) shitte imasu ka? Do you know (a good shop)?

(Supein-ryoori no mise)
shitte imasu. I know (a Spanish cuisine place).
(Chikai tokoro) amari
shiranain desu. I don't really know (a place nearby).

(Yasui tokoro) shirimasen ka? Do you know a cheap place?

( nin) -bunt-mae portions (for people)

(ni)-ban-me the (second) one
chooshoku breakfast
shokuji dinner
tadaima just now/at the moment
nani-ryoori what kind of cooking/cuisine?
washoku Japanese cuisine
yooshoku Western cuisine
(Chuuka-)ryoori (Chinese) cuisine

144 UNIT 10
In the Grammar section of Unit 1, it was explained that there are two kinds
of adjectives-those that can be inflected and those that cannot.

Adjectives that can be inflected always end in the syllable -i (not just the
sound /if) in the dictionary form: atarashii, samui, ookii, yasui, etc.

Besides past/present and negative/positive inflections, these adjectives can

take on other changes to express certain concepts. In this unit the phrase
Oishi-soo desu ("It looks delicious".) was presented. Any inflectable
adjective can be changed in this way to mean "It looks " by dropping
the final syllable (-i) of the dictionary form and adding -soo (desu).

Examples: Samu-soo desu, ne? It looks cold (outside), doesn't it?

Sono koohii wa tsumeta-soo desu. That coffee looks cold (to the touch).
Sono burausu wa taka-soo desu. That blouse looks expensive.
Ano kuruma wa atarashi-soo desu. That car looks new.

One exception to this rule is the adjective ii ("good"), which becomes

yosa-soo desu ("It looks good").

The normal polite level of speech is sometimes called the Desu/masu
form, because most verbs at this level end in some form of desu or masu.

The ending -masu indicates present tense, but it is also used to show
future intention, as in Ashita ikimasu (I will go tomorrow). To show past
tense, -masu is changed to -mashita. Negative and negative past endings
are -masen and -masen deshita. The ending -mashoo means "Let's ... "
These endings are collectively called the Masu form.
ikimasu "(I) go/will go".
ikimashita "(I) went".
ikimasen "(I) do not/will not go".
ikimasen deshita "(I) did not go".
ikimashoo "Let's go".

The corresponding endings for the verb desu are similar, with some
interesting differences:
desu "is"
deshita "was"
dewa/ja arimasen "is not"
dewa/ja arimasen deshita "was not"
deshoo "probably/possibly is"

Future intention is not normally expressed by desu; instead, the verb naru
(narimasu) is usually used. Also, deshoo would never be used to mean
"Let's be ... "; again, narimashoo would take its place.

UNIT 10 145
Did you know?
Noren is a traditional, half-size curtain that hangs in the entry way of shops
that specialize in traditional goods and specific Japanese foods such as
sushi, soba, unagi, etc.

The noren is usually split into two or three sections, making it easy to push
one section aside with the back of the hand, rather than bending down to
walk under it. Tall foreigners should be especially careful, as a noren may
hide the actual height of the doorway, creating the danger of bumping one's
head on the door frame.


t: -~
------------ 1 itJ ,_ -
Restaurant procedure
With the exception of hotels and large restaurants, it is up to the customer
to find his own table. During busy hours you may have to share a table with
strangers. This system is called aiseki. If you should have to sit at an
occupied table, simply say, Shitsurei shimasu, and sit down wherever
there is an empty chair. You are not expected to strike up a conversation
with strangers.

Drinking etiquette
When drinking with friends, Japanese etiquette requires that you do not
pour your own drink but allow a friend to pour for you. If you are in the
middle of eating, quickly put your fork or chopsticks down and lift your
glass or cup, saying, A, doomo. Then you quickly fill your friend's glass.
When you are drinking sake (often called Nihon-shu-Japanese wine), a
tiny cup (o-choko) is used, and this pouring back and forth becomes
almost an art.

As soon as you take a sip of your drink, your glass will be filled again. To
signal that you have had enough, simply don't drink any more. If you have
already emptied your o-choko, tum it up-side down to show you have
reached your limit.

146 UNIT 10
Table manners
Chopsticks (o-hashi) are the preferred eating utensil in Japan, especially
when eating Japanese food. There are certain things that you should be
careful not to do when using chopsticks:
• Never play with your chopsticks. Using them to drum on the table,
gesturing or pointing with them is considered ill-mannered.
• Never leave your chopsticks sticking upright in your rice or other food.
This is part of a funeral ritual and should not be done at the dinner
• Never pass food from your chopsticks to someone else's or vice-versa.
• Never use your own chopsticks to take food from a common bowl. Use
the serving chopsticks that are provided. In some cases it may be
acceptable to tum your own chopsticks around and use the clean ends to
serve, but only as a last resort.
• Disposable wooden chopsticks (waribashi) that break apart are often
used, particularly at less expensive eating places. People sometimes rub
the two sticks together after breaking them apart, to remove any
splinters. This is considered discourteous. Also questionable form is the
practice of dipping the chopsticks into your water glass before eating
with them, so that food doesn't stick to them. See illustrations for other
"no nos".

You might notice that the Japanese use soy sauce (shooyu) more sparingly
than foreigners tend to do. Using too much soy sauce tends to obscure the
flavour of the food, rather than enhancing it as intended.

Also, we small dish of pickled vegetables (tsukemono) that you get with
/ your food should be eaten towards the end of the meal.

else up

Gesturing ...

Jabbing food

Examples of bad table manners

UNIT 10 147
Pracdse what you Exercise 1 (a) ltadakimasu. (b) Moo, o-kamai naku... (c) Shinpai
have learned shinaide kudasai.

Exercise 4 (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2

ExerciseS (a) coffee/hot tea (b) ham and eggs, bacon and eggs, toast
(c) tomato juice

Exercise 7 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 2

Exercise 10 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 5 (e) 1 (f) 2

Exercise 11 (a) Saturday (b) 7:00 (c) front of the statue ofHachikoo
(Shibuya) (d) Spanish cuisine

148 UNIT 10
You will learn
e to express likes and dislikes
e to describe a region/town/area
e to say what you enjoy doing
e the names of shrines, temples, universities you might want to visit
in Kyoto
e something about religion as you get ready to visit Kyoto.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Learn: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Did you know?

UNIT 11 149
n 1
I love to travel

Ano ... ryokoo ga shumi da tte kiitan desu kedomo ...

Yoshida Soo desu, ne. Ryokoo wa suki desu.
Miki Doo iu yoo na kuni e ikaremashita ka?
Yoshida Toku ni Higashi Yoroppa ga suki nan de, Porando ya Hangarii ya
Chekosurobakiya atari e itte kimashita.
Miki Dono kuni ga ichiban omoshirokatta desu ka?
Yoshida Soo desu, ne. Chekosurobakiya atari ga, machinami mo kirei de,
tottemo ii desu ne. Toku ni, chikaku ni Puraha-joo to iu o-shiro ga
atte, totemo soko wa kirei deshita .

shumi hobby, special interest
Suki desu. I like it .
Doo iu yoo na what kind of?
kuni country

toku ni especially
Higashi Yoroppa Eastern Europe

atari area/environs
omoshiroi interesting (omoshirokatta =was interesting)

machinami ambience of a town (as its "quaint appearance")
tottemo very (eq. totemo)
chikaku ni nearby (eq. chikai)
Puraha-joo Prague Castle
o-shiro castle

Ryokoo ga shumi da tte kiitan desu. I heard that travel is your hobby.
(eq. Ryokoo ga shumi da to kikimashita.) The Japanese word shumi
is a more casual concept than the English word "hobby", which indicates
a more or less organized activity. Although the Japanese usually use
"hobby" as a translation of shumi, a more accurate translation is "special
• Ryokoo wa (ga) suki desu. I like travelling. (lit. Travelling is liked.)
Doo iu yoo na kuni e ikaremashita ka? What kinds of countries have
you travelled to? (exal.) (eq. Donna kuni e ikimashita ka?)
Toku ni ga suki nan de(su). I especially like . de, as used in
this sentence in the dialogue, is the te-form of desu.--

• ya ya atari the area of

e itte kimashita. Lit. I went to
and and , etc.
and came (back). This form is
used to indicate that it was a short trip, as opposed to a long-range stay.
Puraha-joo to iu o-shiro ga atte... There was a castle called Prague
Castle, and ...
• Kirei deshita. It was pretty. Although the adjective kirei ends in the
syllable -i, it is not an inflectable adjective, so the past tense must be
indicated by the verb (deshita).

150 UNIT 11
Practise what you have teamed
1 Match the Japanese place names with their English counterparts.
(Answers p. 162)
(a) Higashi Y oroppa (1) Hungary
(b) Hangarii (2) Czechoslovakia
(c) Porando (3) Eastern Europe
(d) Chekosurobakiya (4) Poland

2 listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions.

(Answers p. 162)
(a) What does Yoshida-san like to do? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) How many countries did he visit?
(c) Which country did he like the best? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. shigoto
1. kaimono 3. shashin 4. ryokoo
shopping photos travel

S. supootsu 6. ryoori 7. bon 8. ongaku

sports cooking books music

3 To tell someone what you like, use the pattern ----~--o ga suki
desu. To say what you don't like, use ga kirai desu.
listen to the recording and familiarize yourself with these phrases. Then
practise with Miura-san.

(I) like _ _ _ _ _ ga suki desu.

(I) like very much. _ _ _ _ _ ga dai-suki desu.
(I love it.)
I don't like very much. _ _ _ _ _ ga amari suki ja nain
(I) like the most. _ _ _ _ _ ga ichiban suki desu.
(I) dislike the most. _ _ _ _ _ ga ichiban kirai desu.
(I) dislike _ _ _ _ _ ga kirai desu.
(I) dislike very much. _ _ _ _ _ ga dai-kirai desu.

UNIT 11 151
n 2
I hear it's a nice place!
Kondo shigoto de Kyoto ni iku koto ni nattan desu.
Yoshida A, soo desu ka. Boku no ryooshin wa Kyoto ni sunde irun desu yo.
Miki Kyoto wa ii machi rashii desu, ne.
Yoshida Soo desu ne. Chuugakusei toka kookoosei ga yoku kankoo ni
ikimasu, ne. Kondo wa nannichi kan gurai Kyoto ni irassharu no
desu ka?
Miki Ee to ... Mikka gurai ni naru to omoimasu.
Yoshida A, soo desu ka. Sore deshitara, zehi boku no ie ni yotte kudasai.
Miki E? lin desu ka?
Yoshida Juusho to denwa bangoo o watashimasu kara ...
Mikzki Chizu o kaite kudasaimasen ka?
Yoshida Wakarimashita.
ryooshin (both) parents
machi town
rashii desu looks like/appears to be

chuugakusei middle school student (junior high)
kookoosei high school student
kankoo ni iku go sightseeing
zehi certainly/for certain

ie house/home
juusho address

watashimasu give/present (to someone)
chizu map

Kyoto ni iku koto ni nattan desu. I'm going to Kyoto. The phrase koto
ni nattan desu after a verb indicates that something "has come to pass".
This is a way of indicating that the action was not necessarily planned by
the speaker. It is comparable to "It has been decided that I will go to
Kyoto". (eq . ••• iku koto ni narilnashita.)
t li machi rashii desu, ne. It looks like a good/nice town, doesn't it? (Cf
yosasoo desu.)
yoku kankoo ni ikimasu .... go sightseeing (there) a lot.
Nannichi kan gurai Kyoto ni irassharu no desu ka? About how many
days will you be in Kyoto? (exal.) (eq . ••• Kyoto ni imasu ka?)
Mikka gurai ni naru to omoimasu. I think it will be about three days.
(lit. I think it will become ... )
Sore deshitara ..• If that's the case ...
Zehi boku no ie ni yotte kudasai. Please visit my house without fail.
t Chizu o kaite kudasaimasen ka? Won't you draw a map for me? (pol.)
(eq. Chizu o kaite kudasai.)

152 UNIT 11
Practise what you have learned
4 The formula (noun) wa (adjective) rashii desu indicates the noun "seems
to be (adjective)". Translate the following sentences into English.
(Answers p. 162)
(a) Eki wa chikai rashii desu, ne. _________________
(b) Ashita wa samui rashii desu yo. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Kono mise wa oishii rashii desu.

5 Tanabe-san and Miura-san are talking about the places where their parents
live. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. (Answers p. 162)
(a) Where do Miura-san's parents l i v e ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) How far is their city from Nagoya?
(c) Does Tanabe-san like her hometown? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(d) What does Miura-san ask Tanabe-san to do? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6 Listen to the recording. With Miura san's help, practise how you can
exchange your address and phone number with a Japanese friend.

Narita International Airport

UNIT 11 153
n Furukawa
3 The place is convenient but noisy

Ima wa doko ni tomatte irasshaimasu?

Takada Ano, Shibuya no eki no wariai to chikai tokoro no hoteru o
mitsukete, soko ni tomatte orimasu.
Furukawa Totemo benri-soo de, ii desu ne.
Takada E, demo ne ... yahari, chotto, machi no oto ga kikoete urusain desu yo.
Furukawa A, soo desu ka.
Takada Demo, ano ... hooboo aruite shashin o tottari, o-mise ni ittari dekiru
kara, Shibuya mo waruku arimasen, ne.
Furukawa Hoka ni dokka ni ikaremashita?
Takada Ee, ano, Tokyo Tawii ni mo nobottari, kitto ii shashin ga toreta to
omotte, tanoshimi ni shite orimasu.
Furukawa Sore wa yokatta desu, ne.
wariai to somewhat
mitsukeru find
t benri-soo looks convenient
t oto sound
kikoete be audible, can hear (and ... ) (die. kikoeru)
t urusai noisy/bothersome
booboo everywhere/in all directions
t warui bad (waruku ariinasen = not bad)
hoka ni otherwise/other (places)
Tokyo Tawil Tokyo Tower
kitto certainly
Tanoshimi ni shite orilnasu. I'm looking forward to it. (humb.)
Yokatta desu. It turned out well. (lit. It was good)

Doko ni tomatte irasshaimasu ka? Where are you staying? (exal.)

Compare the response given: Soko ni tomatte orilnasu. (humb.) (nomz.
eq. ... tomatte imasu.)
wariai to chikai tokoro no hoteru a hotel that is fairly close
Benri-soo de, ii desu, ne. It looks good and convenient, doesn't it?
(lit. It looks convenient and [therefore] is good, isn't it?)
Machi no oto ga kikoete urusai(n) desu yo. You can hear the sounds
of the town, and (so) it is bothersome.
Booboo aruite ... Walking around everywhere ... (die. aruku)
Shashin o tottari, o-mise ni ittari dekiru kara... Because you can
take pictures and go to the shops ... (die. shashin o toru, o-mise ni iku)
The -tari ending is used when several actions are listed in a sentence, but
not in chronological sequence.
Shibuya mo waruku arimasen, ne. Shibuya isn't so bad, is it? See the
Grammar section.
Hoka ni dokka ni ikaremashita (ka)? Did you go any place else? (exal.)
(eq. ... dokoka ni ikimashita ka?)
Tokyo Tawa ni mo nobottari, ... I climbed Tokyo Tower and ... The
implication is that there were other things the speaker did that are not
mentioned. (die. noboru)
TokyoTawa ii shashin ga toreta to omotte... I think I took some good pictures and (so) ...

154 UNIT 11
Practise what you have learned
7 Match the English phrase with the Japanese. (Answers p. 162)
(a) Where are you staying? (lit. Where is your hotel?)

(b) It's in Shibuya.

(c) How is the hotel?

(d) (lit.) It's a bit noisy, but it's convenient.

(1) Hoteru wa doo desu ka?

(2) Chotto urusain desu kedo benri desu.
(3) Shibuya desu.
(4) Hoteru wa doko desu ka?

8 To make an inflectable adjective negative, drop the final -i and add -ku
arimasen or -ku nain desu. (inf)
Listen to the recording and practise changing the following adjectives to a
negative form.
chikai tooi

atsui samui

amai oishii

takai urusai

ureshii yasui

9 Tell your Japanese friend that you are staying at a small hotel near a railway
station. It is very convenient but a little noisy. It is a business hotel, so it is
not too expensive.

Listen to the recording and work through the dialogue.

UNIT 11 155
n 4
Female 1
What's your hobby?

0-keiko shite irasshaimasu?

Female 2 Ee ... anoo ... e o shite orimasu no yo.
Female 1 Ara soo? Doo iu e nan desu ka?
Female 2 Ano, abura-e desu.
Female 1 Abura-e? (E ... ) Anoo ... fuukei toka ... soo desu ne ... ? Doo iu mono o
kaite irassharun desu ka?
Female 2 Ichiban ooi no wa rafu nan desu kedo ...
Female 1 Rafu tte ... watakushi wakaranain desu kedo ...
Female 2 Nuudo nan desu.
Female 1 E? Nuudo? A ... so ...
Female 2 Sono hoka, seibutsu toka, fuukei toka o kaite orimasu keredo ...
Female 1 A, soo desu ka. Soo ... omoshiroi deshoo, nee.
Female 2 Soo desu ne. Ano .. .ironna o-keiko-goto shimashita kedo, ichiban,
ano ... watashi, daisuki desu. Nanika go-shumi wa?

o-keiko(-goto) lessons (arts and crafts)

e painting (art)
abura-e oil painting
fuukei scenery
ooi many
• Wakaranain desu. I don't understand. (eq. Wakaritnasen.)
rafu nude art (specifically female)
nuudo nude (Eng.)
sono hoka other than that
seibutsu stilllife
ironna various (eq. iroiro na)
go-shumi your hobby/special interest

E o shite orimasu no yo. I am taking an art class. (humb.) (lit. I am

doing pictures [drawings and paintings].) No yo at the end is typical of
feminine speech.
Doo iu e nan desu ka? What kind of pictures (are they)? (eq. Doo iu e
desu ka?) Nan in this case is short for na no and really has no
grammatical value but is a way of softening the sentence.
Doo iu mono o kaite irassharun desu ka? What kind of things do you
draw/paint? (exal.) (eq. Doo iu mono o kaite imasu ka?)
lchiban ooi no wa rafu nan desu kedo ... Most are nudes ...
• Rafu tte ... wakaranain desu. I don't understand (what you mean by)
"Rafu". Tte is a short, colloquial way of say "quote-unquote".
Ironna o-keiko-goto shimashita kedo, (kore wa) ichiban daisuki
desu. I have taken various classes, but (this) is my favourite. The use of
ichiban with daisuki is redundant but fairly common at the informal
level, particularly among women.
Nanika go-shumi wa (arimasu ka)? (Do you have) some kind
of hobby?

156 UNIT 11
Practise what you have leamed
10 Changing desu ne to deshoo ne adds emphasis to a statement.
Omoshiroi desu, ne. It is interesting, isn't it? Omoshiroi deshoo, ne. It
must be interesting!
Complete the following sentences with deshoo, ne. (Answers p. 162)
(a) The weather will be good tomorrow (for certain.)
Ashita no o-tenki wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) This must be expensive! Kore wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(c) The J.R. is faster. J.R. no hoo ga - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11 Listen to the recording and find out what Tanabe-san and Miura-san are
talking about. Answer the questions below. (Answers p. 162)
(a) What is the topic of conversation?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) What does Tanabe-san like?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(c) What is it that Miura-san doesn't like?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

12 Listen to the recording and hear how a man talks about his hobby. He is
going to ask you about your hobby.
(a) I like travelling. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Europe is very interesting.
(c) I went to Hawaii in December with a friend. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Learning the tea ceremony

UNIT 11 157
Key words and phrases
ga suki desu. I like
- - ga kirai desu. I disli~

ga omoshirokatta desu. was interesting.

- - ga ookatta desu. was plentifuVnumerous.

ga urusakatta desu. was noisy/bothersome.
ga warukatta desu. was bad.
ga kirei deshita. was pretty. (not inflectable)

e itte kimashita. I went to (for a short stay).

Tokyo ni sunde imasu. I live in (Tokyo).
(Hoteru) ni tomatte imasu. I am staying at (a hotel).
Nani o shite imasu ka? What are you doing?
(E o kai)te imasu. I am (draw)ing (a picture).
(Chizu o kai)te kudasai/ Please/Won't you please (draw me
kudasaimasen ka? a map)?

Tanoshimi ni shite imasu. I'm looking forward to it.

Doo iu (yoo na) ? What kind of ?

shumi special interest/hobby

mac hi town
ryooshin (both) parents
chuugakusei middle school student
kookoosei high school student

zehi certainly/for certain

kitto certainly
sonohoka other than that

158 UNIT 11
Standard request vs. polite request
Up to now in this course, the standard form used for making a request or
giving instructions has been the -te form of the verb, followed by kudasai.
To make the request more polite, change kudasai to kudasaimasen ka?,
as in the following example sentences:

Kuji ni kite kudasai. Please come at 9:00.

Kuji ni kite kudasaimasen ka? Won't you please come at 9:00?

Shashin o totte kudasai. Please take a picture.

Shashin o totte kudasaimasen ka? Won't you please take a picture?

Hoteru o yoyaku shite kudasai. Please make a reservation at the hotel.

(lit. Reserve the hotel.)

Hoteru o yoyaku shite kudasaimasen ka?

Won't you please make a reservation at the hotel?

Arakawa train line in Tokyo

UNIT 11 159
Past and negative of adjectives
You learned in Unit 1 that the past tense of inflectable adjectives is created
by dropping the final syllable ( -i) of the dictionary form and adding -katta
(desu). A negative adjective is created by changing the ending to -ku
aritnasen or -kunai (desu).

Waruku arimasen. It is not bad.

Warukunai desu. It is not bad.
Warukunai. It is not bad. (inf)

The endings -ku aritnasen and -kunai desu are both within the range of
normal-polite speech, -ku arimasen sounding a little more formal than
-kunai desu. Leaving off desu, however, makes the ending informal and
typical of casual speech. The same is true of the negative past endings:

Samuku arimasen deshita. It was not cold.

Samukunakatta desu. It was not cold.
Samukunakatta. It was not cold. (inj.)

Here are more examples of inflected adjectives:

Takai (desu). It is expensive.

Takakatta (desu). It was expensive.
Takaku aritnasen. It is not expensive.
Takakunai (desu). It is not expensive.
Takaku aritnasen deshita. It was not expensive.
Takakunakatta (desu). It was not expensive.

Oishii (desu). It is delicious.

Oishikatta (desu). It was delicious.
Oishiku aritnasen. It is not delicious.
Oishikunai (desu). It is not delicious.
Oishiku arimasen deshita. It was not delicious.
Oishikunakatta (desu). It was not delicious.

The adjective ii is inflected as follows:

li (desu). It is good.
Yokatta (desu). It was good.
Yoku arimasen. It is not good.
Yokunai (desu). It is not good.
Y oku aritnasen deshita. It was not good.
Yokunakatta (desu). It was not good.
Adjectival Nouns do not change, but require that the verb change to show

Kirei desu. It is pretty.

Kirei deshita. It was pretty.
Kirei dewa arimasen. It is not pretty.
Kirei dewa arimasen deshita. It was not pretty.

160 UNIT 11
Did you know?
From the year 794 A.D. to 1868, Kyoto was the capital city of Japan.
Today visitors can go from Tokyo to Kyoto in two hours and 43 minutes by
Shinkan-sen. There are over 1500 Buddhist temples and 200 Shinto shrines
in Kyoto. It is the centre of Buddhism, with headquarters for some thirty
sects located in the city. Among the "must see" spots are: the Gion area,
with the Gion comer offering traditional arts and performances; Kinkakuji
(the Golden Pavilion), Ryoanji rock and sand garden; the old Kyoto
Gosho (Imperial Palace); the Nijo Shogun Palace; Kyoto Daigaku (the
University of Kyoto) and Doshisha University; Daitoku-ji (Daitoku
Temple); Kiyomizu dera (Kiyomizu Temple); Sanjusan-gen-do; Koke
Dera (the Moss Temple); Ginkakuji (the Silver Pavilion); and the
Arashiyama area. Both Katsura RikyU. (Katsura Detached Palace) and
Shugakuin are also not to-be-missed places. Since the Katsura Rikyu is
still used by the Imperial Household, you will have to arrange for an entry
pass beforehand.

Religions in Japan
The spiritual life of the Japanese is derived from the various beliefs and
faiths held by the people. Shinto is the native religion, but Taoism and
Confucian teachings from China and Buddhism from India have solid roots
in the Japanese way of thinking.

Shinto (Shinto), lit. "the way of the gods" is the indigenous religion
stemming from nature worship. Shrines can be recognized by their torii, a
large open gateway. Originally a form .of animism, Shinto teaches that
certain mountains, trees, lakes, the sun, the sky and natural things are
endowed with the spirit of kami, supernatural gods. Revered places and
objects are marked off with shbnenawa, a sacred rope and special white

Bukkyo (Buddhism) originated in India and reached Japan in the sixth

century via China and Korea. There have been many periods in Japanese
history when Buddhism was actually considered the official national
religion. It has greatly influenced Japanese cultural life and social order,
adding much to the arts, government, education, literature, language and
behaviour of the people.

Kirisutokyo (Christianity), associated with Western culture and

spirituality, was first introduced in the Nagasaki area in 1549 by Francis
Xavier, a Spanish Basque Jesuit. Like Buddhism, Christianity was first
welcomed, but for nearly three hundred years Catholicism was officially
banned, and the practice of Christianity was punishable by death until the
Meiji Restoration (1876). Christianity was then re-introduced to Japan,
making contributions especially in the areas of education, hospital work and
social services. The Constitution drawn in 194 7, following the second
World War, guarantees religious freedom in Japan. Christians have
remained relatively small in number (approx. 2% of the population),
although the political and educational influence of Christianity has been
much greater than that number would indicate.

UNIT 11 161
In Japan it is no longer possible to separate pure Shintoism from pure
Buddhism, or the Taoist and Confucian ways of thinking from the Japanese
way of life. When asked, many Japanese respond that they are not members
of a specific religious institution, yet most are actively involved in
programmes fostered by shrines, temples and churches. It is not unusual for
a child to make his first visit to a Shinto shrine and later actively participate
in Buddhist temple festivities, attend the 7-5-3 Festival at a shrine, learn
foreign languages at a Christian Church, get married in Christian or Shinto
tradition, and be buried according to Buddhist rites.

How to find religious services

In large cities most religions, including Judaism and Islam, have services
available for foreign visitors. English language newspapers usually include a
list of religious services.

Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 2
have learned Exercise 2 (a) travel (b) at least 3 (c) Czechoslovakia
Exercise 4 (a) There seems to be a station nearby (b) It seems
tomorrow will be cold (c) This store (restaurant) seems
delicious ( .. .seems to have good food)
ExerciseS (a) Toyoda City of Aichi Prefecture (b) about 2 hours
(c) yes (d) visit her parents
Exercise 7 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2
Exercise 10 (a) ii deshoo ne (b) takai deshoo ne (c) hayai deshoo ne
Exercise 11 (a) music (b) rock/American jazz (c) heavy metal

162 UNIT 11
You will learn
e to ask about the weather
e to describe weather conditions in your country
e what a radio weather forecast is like
e about the climate in Japan

Before you begin

Temperatures are read on the Celsius scale in Japan. The conversion to
Fahrenheit, though not complicated, can be cumbersome. You simply
divide by 5, multiply by 9 and add 32. Here are a few converted values:

F c
98.4 36.9 (body temperature)
86 30
77 25
59 15
50 10
32 0
14 -10
5 -15
-13 -25

Since "weather-talk" is an important part of daily casual greetings and

conversation, revise Unit 1 before continuing.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Study: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grannnar section
Read: Did you know?

UNIT 12 163
n 1
It rains a lot, doesn't it!

Saikin arne ga yoku furimasu nee ...

Miki Soo desune.
Yoshida Tsuyu da kara, shiyoo ga nai no kamo shiremasen keredo ... Demo
iya desu, ne.
Miki Soto ni derarenakute, uzu-uzu shimasu yo.
Yoshida A, saikin, tenki-yohoo wa doo nan desu ka?
Miki Ashita mo kekkoo furu rashii desu yo.
Yoshida Aaaa ... Boku wa konshuu-matsu, gorufu demo ikoo to omottan
desu kedo, moo, kore jaa, dame desu ne.
saikin lately
• tsuyu rainy season
• Shiyoo ga nai. It cannot be helped.
• iya unpleasant/disgusting
Uzu-uzu shimasu. It frustrates (me).
• tenki yohoo weather forecast
• konshuu-matsu this weekend (shuu-matsu = weekend)
• dame hopeless/bad, unacceptable

• Shiyoo ga nai ka mo shiremasen. Perhaps it can't be helped. The

expression ka mo shiremasen always follows the word or phrase it refers
to and literally indicates "It cannot be known". (Cj. "for all we know")
Soto ni derarenakute... (One) can't go outside, and ...
Doo nan desu ka? How is it? (eq. Doo desu ka?)
Ashita mo (arne ga) kekkoo furu rashii desu. It looks like it will rain
quite a bit again tomorrow. There is no Japanese verb meaning "to rain";
instead the phrase arne ga furu (furimasu) is used, meaning literally
"the rain falls". Kekkoo in this sentence indicates "quite a bit", and
rashii desu means "it looks like ... " (See the Grammar section.)
Gorufu demo ikoo to omottan desu. I had thought about going golfing
or something. The ending -oo to omoimasu means "I think I might ... "
or "I'm thinking about (doing) ... "
• Moo, kore jaa••• dame desu, ne. Well, with things as they are .. .it's
impossible, isn't it? The phrase Moo, kore jaa is a casual expression
referring to the current situation and usually indicates a negative feeling.
Dame desu literally means "it's bad", but is used to express a range of
feeling from "Don't do that" to "It's no use".

164 UNIT 12
Practise what you have learned
1 Select the equivalent Japanese phrases from the box. (Answers p. 17 4)
(a) the rainy season (1) Yoku furimasu, ne.

(b) the weather forecast (2) lya desu, ne.

(c) It rains a lot, doesn't it? (3) tenki yohoo

(d) It is hopeless. (4) tsuyu

(e) I'm not pleased about it. (5) Dame desu, ne.
("It's unpleasant".)

2 Listen to Miura-san and Tanabe-san talk about the weather, and answer
the questions below. (Answers p. 174)
(a) What sort of weather are they having?

(b) What season is it?

(c) What is the forecast for the weekend?

3 Miura-san will ask you about the weather in your country. Read the
following phrases and think about them before you listen to the recording.
Of course, there are no answers in the book for this exercise.
(a) Watashi no kuni wa _ _ _ _ __

(b) Ima _ _ _ _ _ _ ni sunde imasu.

(c) (Place) no ichiban ii toki wa gatsu to gatsu desu.

(d) Ichiban samui toki wa gatsu kara gatsu made desu.

(e) Arne ga ooi toki (when it rains the most) wa gatsu desu.

(f) _____ ga suki desu. Or _ _ _ _ ga amari suki ja nain desu.

UNIT 12 165
n 2
When will you come back?

Kondo wa itsu irassharun desu ka?

Takada Nigatsu goro ni kitai to omotte irun desu kedo, Nigatsu no o-tenki
wa doo deshoo?
Ogino Samuin ja nain deshoo ka?
Takada Nigatsu wa, yahari, ichiban samui koro deshoo ka?
Ogino Soo desu ne. Shigatsu goro ga yoroshiin ja nain desu ka?
Takada Shigatsu ni wa, sakura no hana ga saite iru deshoo ka?
Ogino Soo desu ne. Ichiban, anoo, kisetsu to shite wa ii toki desu yo ne.
Takada Soo desu ne. Rokugatsu ni haitte shimau to, mata ne, tsuyu ni
narimasu kara ... Sore jaa, tabun, mata, Shigatsu goro ni dete
mairimasu kara, sono toki ni wa anoo, o-rne ni kakarimashoo.
Ogino Soo desu ne. Tanoshimi ni shite orimasu wa.
Takada Hai. Jaa, gomen kudasai.
Ogino Gomen kudasai.
koro approximate time
sakura cherry tree
hana flower, blossom
saite iru is blooming
kisetsu season (of the year)

toki point in time
tabun most likely
0-tne ni kakarimashoo. Let's meet. (pol.)
Gomen kudasai. Goodbye. (pol.)

• Nigatsu goro ni kitai to otnotte irun desu. I am thinking I would like

to come about February. (eq . ...kitai to otnotte itnasu.)
Satnui(n) ja nai(n) deshoo ka? Won't it be cold? The speaker is using
a long and redundant phrase as a tag question. (eq. Satnui, deshoo?)
Shigatsu goro ga yoroshii(n) ja nai(n) desu ka? About April would be
all right, wouldn't it? Again the speaker uses ja nain desu ka? as a tag
question where a simple ja nai or deshoo would have sufficed. Often the
Japanese will lengthen an expression to add to the feeling of politeness.
Kisetsu to shite wa... as a season .. ./as far as seasons go ...
Rokugatsu ni haitte shitnau to... When we get into June ...
Shigatsu goro ni dete tnairimasu. I'll come back in about April.
(humb.) (eq . ... dete kitnasu.) (lit. I'll go out and come.)
• Tanoshitni ni shite oritnasu wa. I'm looking forward to it. (f./humb.)
(eq. Tanoshitni ni shite itnasu.)

166 UNIT 12
Practise what you have learned
4 Complete the following sentences by inserting an appropriate month from
the box. (Answers p. 174)

I Rokugatsu Nigatsu Shigatsu goro

(a) Tokyo no ichiban samui kisetsu wa desu.

(b) Tokyo de sakura no hana ga sakimasu.
(c) Tokyo no tsuyu wa _ _ _ _ _ _ desu.

5 Listen to the recording and get the gist of what is being said.
(Answers p. 174)
(a) Where is the young fellow from? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) What is the weather like in the winter?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(c) What months does he like? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(d) Does he know when he is coming back to Japan?_ _ _ _ _ _ __

6 Before listening to the recording, prepare yourself to ask a Japanese friend

some questions. Ask when he/she is planning to visit Canada, where you
live. You may use, for example, Kanada ni itsu irassharun desu ka? or
Kanada ni itsu kimasu ka? Choose the verb form that suits you best,
depending on your age, the situation, and to whom you are speaking.
(a) When are you coming to Canada? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) I see. So it's in July? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(c) July is a good season. (ii kisetsu)
(d) Well, telephone me, all right?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(e) I'm looking forward to it, you know. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Listen to the recording and follow Aoki-san's prompts.

Bullet Train passing Mount Fuji

UNIT 12 167
n Announcer
3 Weather Forecast

Kanto Chiho no kyoo wa antei shita natsu-zora ga tsuzuku mikomi

Kono tame, kakuchi de wa 30-do o koeru manatsu-bi to naru
Asu no sora moyoo desu.
Oomune hare no mikomi desu ga, engan-bu de wa kumo ga de-
yasuku, gogo ni wa ichiji arne no tokoro ga arisoo desu. Nitchuu mo
kyoo dooyoo, atsusa ga kibishii deshoo.
Kanto-Chiho Kanto area
antei shita settled/stable
natsu-zora summer sky (summer weather)
tsuzuku to continue
mikomi prediction
kakuchi all areas
30-do thirty degrees
koeru to exceed

manatsu-bi mid-summer day (weather)
sora moyoo the weather (lit. condition of the sky.)

oomune mostly
hare clear

engan-bu coast-line area
kumo cloud

deyasui easily appear
gogo p.m./afternoon

ichiji for a while
nitchuu during the day time
kyoo dooyoo same as today
atsusa heat
kibishii severe/intense

-ga tsuuku mikomi desu. It is expected _ _ _ _ _ _ to continue.

-to naru deshoo. It will probably become _ _ _ _ __
ame no tokoro ga arisoo desu. There may be rain in places. (lit. It
looks like there will be places of rain.)

tenki yohoo hare ame kumori

weather forecast clear rain cloudy

yuki kyoo no tenki konya no tenki asuno tenki

snow today's weather tonight's weather tomorrow's weather

168 UNIT 12
Practise what you have learned
7 Here are some standard weather terms.

Hare Kumori Alne Yuki

(1) clear (2) cloudy (3) rain (4) snow

(a) hare nochi ame (clear followed by rain)

(b) ame nochi kumori (rain followed by cloudy skies)
(c) Alne no moyoo desu. ([it is] rainy conditions.)
(d) Hare no mikomi desu. (Clear weather is predicted.)
(e) tokoro ni yotte ame (rain in some areas)
After learning these expressions, describe today's weather.

8 Match the English and Japanese phrases. (Answers p. 174)

(a) It is expected to clear up. (1) Arne moyoo desu.
(b) It will be rainy. (2) arne nochi kumori
(c) rain followed by cloudy skies (3) hare nochi arne
(d) clear but turning to rain (4) Hareru mikomi desu.

9 Dialogue 3 is the only recording of real Japanese broadcasting that you will
hear while studying this book. The announcer's presentation is crisp, clear
and fast.
Weather terminology will become very familiar to you if you watch Japanese
TV. Japan being an island country, the weather may change suddenly,
especially during the typhoon (taifuu) season. Weathermen always use
many visual aids, so it is easy to grasp the important information.

ltra, ~l ~t !:. ti 1- 5l~il

shuukan tenki chuuihoo kiri haroo
weekly forecast warnings fog high waves

~tl)~~ itA ® @
nami no takasa kiatsu kookiatsu teikiatsu
wave height pressures high pressure low pressure

UNIT 12 169
n 4
When is the best time to visit Japan?

Gaikoku kara yuujin ga kitai tte itte irun desu keredomo, Rokugatsu
nanka ikaga deshoo ka?
Travel Agent Rokugatsu wa tsuyu desu kara, amari kankoo-kyaku ni wa mukanai
jiki desu ne.
Customer Soo suru to .. .itsu ga ii deshoo?
Agent Natsu wa ... Nihon no natsu wa atsu-sugimasu shi ... Yahari, aki no
Juugatsu, Juuichigatsu, akibare desu shi. .. momiji ga kirei na kisetsu
desu, ne.
Customer Soo shimasu to ... yappari, haru ka aki ...
Agent Soo desu ne. Shigatsu no sakura ga saku koro wa, gaikoku kara
irassharu o-kyaku-sama ni wa ichiban ii toki kamo shiremasen, ne.
Customer Aa soo desu ka. Doomo arigatoo gozaimashita.

yuujin friend
lkaga deshoo ka? How would it be? (pol.) (eq. Doo deshoo ka?)
kankoo-kyaku tourists
mukanai unsuitable
jiki season
• natsu summer
• Atsu-sugimasu. It's too hot.
• aki autumn
akibare clear skies (typical of autumn)
• haru spring
momiji coloured leaves (of autumn)
o-kyaku-sama guest

Yuujin ga kitai tte itte irun desu. A friend is saying that he wants to
come. Tte refers to reported speech. (eq. Yuujin ga kitai to itte imasu.)
Amari kankoo-kyaku ni wa mukanai jiki desu. It's a period (season)
that isn't particularly suitable for tourists.
Nihon no natsu wa atsu-sugimasu shi... Japanese summers are too
hot, and ... shi indicates that there may be other reasons unstated.
haru ka aki... spring or autumn ...
Shigatsu no sakura ga saku koro (at about the time) when cherry trees
blossom in April
Gaikoku kara irassharu o-kyaku-sama ni wa ... To/for guests who
come from foreign countries ... (exal.)
lchiban ii toki ka mo shiremasen. It may be the best time, for all
we know.

170 UNIT12
Practise what you have learned
10 To say something is in excess, drop the final -i from the adjective and add
Atsu-sugimasu. It's too hot.
Samu-sugimasu. It's too cold.
Taka-sugimasu. It's too expensive.
Convert the following adjectives into this form. (Answers p. 174)
(a) It's too heavy (omoi)

(b) It's too sweet (amai)

(c) It's too far (tooi)

11 Go back to the recording and listen again to the dialogues in the unit to see
how people describe different times of the year in Japanese. Then select an
appropriate phrase from the box that matches the sentences.
(Answers p. 174)
New words are, taifuu ga kuru (a typhoon comes) and Hachigatsu no
owari kara Kugatsu goro made (from the end of August to September).
(a) Tokyo no ichiban samui toki. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Tokyo no ichiban atsui toki.

(c) Otenki ga ichiban ii toki.

(d) Tokyo no ichiban arne ga ooi toki.

(e) Taifuu no ichiban kuru koro. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(1) Juugatsu to Juuicbigatsu

(2) Hachigatsu no owari kara Kugatsu made
(3) Rokugatsu
(4) Shichi-gatsu to Hachigatsu
(S) Nigatsu

12 Invite a Japanese friend to your home country. With Miura-san's help, tell
your friend when the best time for sightseeing is and when it is the best time
for you. Listen to the recording after thinking about how you would say the
(a) Won't you come to _ _ _ _ __
(b) How about (June or July)?
(c) Sorry, (August) is no good.
(d) Winter is too cold.
(e) (date) to (date) is okay for me.

UNIT 12 171
Key words and phrases
Sbiyoo ga nai. It can't be helped.
ka mo sbiremasen. It may be that
Tanoshimi ni sbite imasu. I'm looking forward to it.
Gomen kudasai. Goodbye. (pol.)
Damedesu. It's no good.llt's no use.
Uzu-uzu shimasu. It's frustrating.
lkaga deshoo ka? How would that be?
Yoroshii desu ka? Is it okay? (eq. Ii desu ka?)
(Ame ga furu) rashii desu. It appears that (it will rain).
(lkoo) to omoimasu. I think (I will go) .
(Kitai) to omoimasu. I think (I want to come) .
Nihon no natsu wa Japanese summers are too hot.
tsuyu rainy season
shuu-matsu weekend
iya unpleasant/disgusting
saikin recently
toki point in time
koro/goro period of time
kisetsu season of the year
haru spring
natsu summer
aki autumn
fuyu winter
yuujin friend
o-kyaku-sama guest/customer/patron
kankoo-kyaku tourist (lit. sightseeing guest)

A ryokan surrounded by summer foliage

172 UNIT 12
Adjective + sugimasu
As you have seen in the text, the concept "too (hot, cold, etc.)" is expressed
in Japanese by dropping the final -i of an adjective and adding sugimasu.
Study the following examples:
(Takai) Takasugimasu. It's too expensive.
(Samui) Samusugimasu. It's too cold.
(Muzukashii) Muzukashisugimasu. It's too difficult.

Adjectives such as kirei and henri can be followed by sugimasu with no

change to the adjective.
Kirei sugimasu. It's too pretty.
Benri sugimasu. It's too convenient.

- - - rashii desu
This expression means "It appears to be " or "It appears that "
and can follow a noun/noun phrase, a verb/verb phrase, or an adjective.
Look at the following example sentences:
li machi rashii desu. It appears to be a good town. (noun phrase)
Ame ga furu rashii desu. It looks as if it will rain. (verb phrase)
Totemo henri rashii desu. It looks very convenient. (adjective)

Verbs that describe nouns

In the sentence "The person who comes every day", the phrase "who comes
every day" describes or identifies "the person". The descriptive phrase
contains both a subject ("who") and a verb ("comes"). In Japanese such
descriptive phrases are placed before the nouns they describe. "The person
who comes every day" would be mainichi kuru hito. Following are some
examples from the dialogues in this unit:
Sakura ga saku koro about the time when the cherry trees blossom
Gaikoku kara irassharu o-kyaku-sama
Guests who come from foreign countries

Cherry blossoms

UNIT12 173
Did you know?
The four seasons
Although three of Japan's four main islands lie in the Temperate Zone,
there are significant differences in climate as the chain of islands stretches in
a bow shape from the northwest to the southeast. The northern-most area
experiences long winters and bitter cold, while palm trees and pineapples
grow in subtropical southern Kyushu and Okinawa. (See the map on page 30.)

With the exception ofHokkaido, Tsuyu (mid-June to mid-July) brings high

humidity and rainfall to Japan. In normal years there are continuously
cloudy skies and off-and-on drizzles throughout this period. Farmers plant
rice just before the Tsuyu season. When it is over, the very humid, hot
summer season begins. School children start their summer vacation from
about July 21, and the trains are crowded with families heading for tourist
spots or cooler resort areas.

From late August to September is the typhoon season. Everyone closely

follows the development of a taifuu (typhoon), its strength and its route,
fearful of the possible harm and damage it can cause to human lives,
homes, the rice harvest, etc.

October and November bring a celebration of clear blue skies, mild

temperatures, low humidity and beautiful changing colours (momiji) qn
the mountainsides. Since 75% of the Japanese land mass is mountainous or
hilly terrain, the views are magnificent. Two especially noted areas for
autumn colours are Arashiyama in Kyoto, and along the Oirase River in
Aomori Prefecture.

The winter climate (December to February) in the Temperate Zone is dry,

and the days are clear. People lament the harshness of winter days, when
the temperature may be in the low 30s (°F), each other with Samui desu
nee. Most private homes do not have central heating, so they can be quite
chilly. Of course, hotels, ryokan and other modem structures have
excellent heating systems. February is considered to be the coldest month
in most areas, but plum blossoms will begin blooming by the end of the
month, announcing the coming of spring.

On or around March 20 is the last day of school. Leaving and other school
ceremonies are held. After a short spring break (haru-yasumi) the new
school year begins around April 1, when cherry blossoms are just about in
full bloom.

Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 2
have learned
Exercise 2 (a) It rains every day (b) the rainy season (c) rain
Exercise 4 (a) Nigatsu (b) Shigatsu goro (c) Rokugatsu
Exercise 5 (a) Montreal, Canada (b) very cold (c) April/October
(d) not sure
Exercise 8 (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
Exercise 10 (a) omosugimasu (b) amasugimasu (c) toosugimasu
Exercise 11 (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 3 (e) 2

174 UNIT 12
You will learn
e to talk about daily routines
e to discuss sports
e to describe where you live
e to find a place to live in Japan
e about Japanese gestures and body language

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Study: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?

Skiing in Hakuba

UNITI3 175
n Takada
1 My daily routine

Mai-asa nanji goro okimasu ka?

Shiraishi Watashi desu ka? Roku-ji desu.
Takada E? Roku-ji? Hayai desu ne.
Shiraishi Ja, Takada-san wa nan-ji ni okirun desu ka?
Takada Watashi wa shigoto ga juu-ji kara desu. Dakara asa wa yukkuri
Shiraishi Ii desu nee. Sore ja, asa terebi-nyuusu o mitari, shinbun o yondari
dekimasu ne.
Takada Nyuusu wa mimasu kedo, shinbun wa densha no naka de yonde
i masu. Shiraishi-san wa itsu shinbun o yomun desu ka?
Shiraishi Shigoto de yondari, uchi de yondari kimatte inain desu. Watashi no
shigoto wa yo-ji made desu kara, tokidoki eiga e ittari, tomodachi
ni attari ...
Takada Sore wa ii desu ne. Urayamashii desu ne.

mai-asa every morning
okimasu wake up
okirun desu wake up (casual)

yukkuri leisurely (time spent)
nyuusu newscast
shinbun news bulletin

yondari read and (die. yomu)
densha train
naka inside
Shiraishi last name

kimatte inai not decided
tokidoki once in a while
eiga movies
ittari go and (die. iku)
attari meet and (die. au)
urayamashii envious

Ja Takada-san wa nan-ji ni okirun desu ka? Then what time do you

get up? Proper names are used wherever possible instead of 'you' as it is
considered more polite.
Nyuusu o mitari shinbun o yondari dekimasu ne. You can watch
news and read papers, etc., can't you?
densha no naka de... in the train (lit. inside the train)
kimatte inain desu. It's flexible. (lit. It hasn't been decided.)

176 UNIT 13
Practise what you have teamed
J Read the dialogue again and circle the appropriate responses below.
(Answers p. 188)
(a) Takada-san wakes up early every morning. Y N
{b) Shiraishi-san always reads her paper in the morning. Y N
(c) Takada-san's work begins early. y N
(d) Takada-san reads her morning paper at the office. y N
(e) Shiraishi-san goes to movies sometimes. y N

2 Listen to the recording for this exercise. Did you hear some of the
comments Miura-san made as he listened to Tanabe-san talk? What would
be your comments when someone tells you: (Answers p. 188)
(a) Mai-asa go-ji ni okirun desu.

(b) Mainichi nihongo o sanjup-pun benkyoo shite imasu.

(c) Erai desu, ne!

3 Listen to the recording. Aoki-san will assist you in completing this exercise.


UNIT 13 177
n 2
Do you like sports?
Nanika supootsu wa shimasu ka?
Soo desu ne, boku wa gorufu ga suki nan de, gorufu o yatte imasu
kedo ...
Miki Gorufu desu ka. Dono gurai joozu nan desu ka?
Yoshida lyaa ... naka-naka umaku naranakute, soko-soko desu.
Miki Soo desu ka. Boku wa tenisu o yoku shimasu kedo ...
Yoshida Tenisu desu ka. Tenisu wa kaiin-sei no kurabu ka nanka ni haitte
irarerun desu ka?
Miki Hai, haitte imasu.
Yoshida Haa. Boku mo gorufu o kaiin-sei no tokoro de yatte imasu.
Miki Aa soo desu ka.
Golf and tennis are popular sports; however, they are status sports and very
costly. Visitors to Japan find the fees prohibitively expensive.

• supootsu sports (Eng.)

yatte imasu doing (eq. shite imasu)
• dono gurai to what degree?/how much?
iya... no .. ./ well ...
naka-naka (not) easily, (not) readily
• joozu good/skilful
• soko-soko so-so
kaiin-sei no kurabu membership club (Eng.)

• Nanika supootsu wa shbnasu ka? Do you play any sports? (lit. Do you
do some kind of sports?) The Japanese do not use the word "play" to
refer to sports as in English. Instead, they "do" sports.
Dono gurai joozu nan desu ka? About how good are you?
Naka-naka umaku naranakute... I just don't seem to improve ... The
word naka-naka is comparable to "no matter what I do ... " Umaku is
from umai, meaning "skilful" (eq. joozu); umakunarimasu is "to
become skilful". (See Grammar section.) Literally, this phrase means
"Not becoming skilful no matter what I do, ... "
Tenisu o yoku shimasu. I play tennis often. Although yoku literally
translates as "well", joozu ni ("skilfully") is used more often to indicate
quality of performance.
Kurabu ka nanka ni haitte irarerun desu ka? Are you in a club or
something? (exal.) (eq. Kurabu ni haitte imasu ka?)
• Gorufu o (kaiin-sei no tokoro de) yatte imasu. I play golf (at a
membership place)

178 UNIT 13
Practise what you have learned

tennis jogging
golf skiing
tenisu joggingu
gorufu sukii


baseball football rugby
beisubooru futtobooru ragubii
(yakyuu) (Ame-futo =
American football)



4 Match the Japanese words on the left with their English counterparts.
(Answers p. 188)
(a) sukii (1) baseball
(b) beisubooru (2) American football
(c) Ame-futo (3) jogging
(d) joggingu (4) skiing

5 listen to the recording and practise saying the following frequently used
phrases. You are already familiar with most of them.
(a) Do you play some sports? Nanika supootsu o shimasu ka?
(b) You must be good at it. Joozu deshoo.
(c) I'm not that great, but ... Betsu ni joozu ja nain desu kedo ...
(d) It's interesting, you know. Omoshiroi desu yo.
(e) I like (it). Suki desu.
(t) I'm just so-so. Maa-maa desu.

6 Listen to the recording and answer the questions. You will be asked about
the sports you played in school. You will also be asked what kind of sports
you play now. Answers to the two questions below are on p. 188.
(a) What sport did Miura-san play when he was in school? _ _ _ _ __

(b) What kind of sports does he play now? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

UNIT13 179
n 3
Where do you live?

Anoo, ima doko ni o-sumai desu ka?

ShOda Aa, ima Suginami-ku ni sunde imasu.
Yoshida Aa, Suginami-ku tte yuu to, dokora hen desu ka?
Shoda lchiban chikai eki ga Ogikubo eki de, soko kara basu de go-fun
kurai desu.
Yoshida Aa, soo desu ka.
Shlida Ee ... desu kara, chotto fuben nan desu keredomo ne ...
Yoshida Go-kazoku to wa go-issho desu ka?
Shoda Anoo, sukoshi mae made wa issho deshita ga, ima wa betsu ni
sunde imasu.
Yoshida Demo, Tokyo de ie o sagasu no wa muzukashiin ja nain desu ka?
Shoda Soo desu ne. Hitori de sagasu no wa taihen na no de, fudoosan'ya-
san ni tanonde, sagashite moraimashita.
Yoshida Ie wa hiroi desu ka?
Shlida Ee, yahari Tokyo desu node, sukoshi semai desu, ne.

o-swnai your home

Suginami-ku Suginami Ward (section of a city)
dokora hen about what area?
kurai about (eq. gurai)
fuben inconvenient
(go-)kazoku (your) family (pol.)
go-issho together (pol.)
betsu ni separately
sagasu look for/seek
fudoosan'ya-san estate agent
tanonde/tanomu ask (someone to do something)
hiroi wide/spacious
semai narrow/small (in space)

Suginami-ku tte yuu to ••• When you say "Suginami Ward" ...
Soko kara basu de gofun kurai desu. From there it's about 5 minutes
by bus.
• Go-kazoku to wa go-issho desu ka? Do you live with your parents?
(pol.) (lit. With your parents, are you together?)
Sukoshi mae made wa issho deshita. We were together until a little
while ago (lit. until a little before).
Tokyo de ie o sagasu no wa muzukashii(n) ja nain desu ka? Looking
for a house in Tokyo is difficult, isn't it? The word no after a verb phrase
makes it into a noun phrase. See the Grammar section.
Hitori de sagasu no wa taihen na no de, ••• Looking (for a house) by
myself is awful, so ...
• Fudoosan'ya-san ni tanonde, I asked an estate agent, and ...
• Sagashite moraimashita. I had (him) look for me.
• hiroi/semai wide/narrow. Instead of "big" or "small", Japanese homes
and other spaces (countries, cities, etc.) are spoken of as "wide" or

180 UNIT 13
Practise what you have teamed
7 Match the English and Japanese phrases below. (Answers p. 188)
(a) Where do you live? (1) Ii tokoro deshoo, ne.

(b) About where is that? (2) Ie o sagasu no wa

muzukashii desu ka?
(c) Is it far from here? (3) Doko ni sunde imasu ka?

(d) Is it hard to look for a house? (4) Sore wa dokora hen desu ka?
(e) It must be a nice place. (S) Koko kara tooi desu ka?

8 Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. (Answers p. 188)

(a) It is a (smalVIarge) city. _ _ _ _ __

(b) It is (near to/far from) her work.

(c) It takes _ _ _ _ _ _ minutes by car.

9 Listen to the recording. It will help you have a conversation based on the
dialogue you just studied. It would be useful to revise the dialogue and
Exercise 7.

UNIT 13 181
n 4
I'm looking for an apartment

Anoo ... mansuri-manshon o sagashite irun desu keredo kono atari

ni nanika arimasu ka?
Estate agent Watakushi-domo no atsukatte iru apaatomento wa Roppongi ni
hitotsu mansuri-manshon ga arun desu keredomo ...
Takada 0-nedan wa dono kurai desu ka?
Estate agent Soo desu ne. Wan-beddo-ruumu kara tsuu-beddo-ruumu made
arimashite, maa ... daitai nijuu-hachi-man kara, yonjuu-gojuu-man
kurai made desu ga ...
Takada Ano, shiitsu ya nanika tsuite imasu?
Estate agent Hai. Beddo saabisu chaaji to shite, anoo ... ryookin ga kakarimasu
keredomo ... anoo ... shiitsu toka, ato ... taoru toka tsuite imasu.
Takada Aa soo desu ka. Anoo, ima aite imasu?
Estate agent Hai. lkutsuka no o-heya aite imasu.
Takada Ja, sore o misete itadakimasu.
Estate agent Hai.

•• mansuri-manshon rented flat (Eng. "monthly mansion")

kono atari ni around here

watakushi-domo we/us (humb.) (eq. watakushi-tachi)
apaatomento flat (Eng.) (eq. apaato)
dono kurai about how much? (eq. dono gurai)

Roppongi a section ofTokyo
(o-)nedan price
(wan-/tsuu-) beddoruumu (one-/two-) bedroom flat (Eng.)
yonjuu-gojuu-man 400-500 thousand (yen)
shiitsu sheets (Eng.)
beddo saabisu chaaji linen service charge (Eng.)
taoru towel (Eng.)
ikutsuka (no) some/several

Watakushi-domo no atsukatte iru apaatomento wa... The flats that

we are handling...
Wan-beddo-ruumu kara tsuu-beddo-ruumu made arimashite ...
We have from one- to two-bedroom (flats), and so ...
Nijuu-hachi-man kara, yonjuu-gojuu-man kurai made desu.
(Rents) are from 280,000 to 400-500,000 (yen).
Shiitsu ya nanika tsuite imasu (ka)? Are sheets and things like that
Beddo saabisu chaaji to shite... As a bed service charge ...
Ikutsuka no o-heya (ga) aite imasu. Several rooms are open.
Sore o misete itadakimasu. I will have you show them to me. (humb.)

182 UNIT 13
Practise what you have learned


(1) kagu (2) sbiitsu (3) taoru

O $ ,; ~ (!;
(4) daidokoro yoohin (S) denki (6) gasu (7) suidoo

When renting a mansuri manshon, it is important to find out what is

included and what there is an additional charge for. Look at the
illustrations, listen to the recording, and practise saying the words. Other
basic phrases you need when looking for a flat are listed here. Match the
Japanese and English phrases below. (Answers p. 188)
{a) Doko desu ka? {I) I am looking for a flat.
{b) ga tsuite imasu ka? (2) What is included?
(c) Mansuri-manshon o (3) Is included?
sagashite irun desu keredo ...
(d) }aa, sore o misete kudasai. (4) Where is it?
(e) Nani ga tsuite imasu ka? (S) About how much is it?
(f) Ikura gurai desu ka? (6) Please show it to me.

11 Listen to the recording and find out something about where the woman in
the dialogue lives. Put a cross by the correct statement in each pair below.
(Answers p. 188)
{Ia) Apaato wa Chiba desu.
{lb) Apaato wa Mejiro desu.
(2a) Hitori de sunde imasu.
(2b) Kazoku to sunde imasu.
(3a) Uchi wa shigoto made ichi-jikan.
(3b) Uchi wa shigoto made ichi-jikan-han.
(4a) Apaato wa henri desu.
(4b) Apaato wa chotto fuben desu.
(Sa) Apaato wa eki kara chikai desu.
(Sb) Apaato wa eki kara tooi desu.

12 Working with the recording, describe the wan-beddo-ruumu mansuri

manshon you heard about in the dialogue-its location, cost, what it
includes or does not include, and what you think of it (takasugimasu,
yasui, kirei, suki desu, etc.).

UNIT 13 183
Key words and phrases
Nanji-goro okimasu ka? What time do you wake up?
Nyuusu o mitari shinbun o I can watch news and read papers
yondari dekimasu. and such.
Densha no naka de yonde I read it in the train.
Kimatte inain desu. It's not decided.
Urayamashii desu ne! I envy you!

Supootsu o shimasu ka? Do you play sports?

(Tenisu) o yoku shimasu. I play (tennis) a lot.
Kurabu ni haitte imasu ka? Are you in a club?

Dono gurai joozu desu ka? How good are you?

Naka-naka umaku narimasen. No matter what, I don't get any better.
Soko-soko desu. I'm so-so.

Ie o sagasu no wa muzukashii Looking for a house is difficult.

Hitori de sagasu no wa taihen Looking by oneself is awful.

(Shiitsu) ga tsuite imasu ka? Are (sheets) included?

Ima aite imasu ka? Is one free now?
Misete itadakimasu. I will have you show it to me.

(o-)sumai (your) home

kazoku family
(Suginami)-ku (Suginami) Ward
fudoosanya-san estate agent
nedan price
hiroi wide
semai narrow
fuben inconvenient
ikutsuka (no) some/several

184 UNIT 13
AdJective + naru
To become (hot, expensive, etc.) is expressed in Japanese by changing the
last syllable of an inflectable adjective from -i to -ku and adding some form
ofnaru ("become"). Here are some examples:
(Takai) Nedan wa takakunarimashita.
The price became high.
(Umai) Naka-naka wnakunarimasen.
No matter what I do, I don't get any better.
(Sa111ui) Ashita sa111ukunaru deshoo.
Tomorrow it will probably get cold.

A non-inflectable adjective does not change in this form, but the marker ni
is added before naru:
Joozu ni narimashita, ne! He became good (skilful), didn't he?

Making a verb into a noun

When no (wa) is placed after a verb or verb phrase, it makes it into a noun
or noun phrase. Study these examples:
Hitori de tabemasu. I eat alone.
Hitori de taberu no wa iya desu. Eating alone is unpleasant.

Ie o sagashite imasu. I am looking for a house.

Ie o sagasu no wa taihen desu. Looking for a house is awful.

lssho ni ikimashoo. Let's go together.

lssho ni iku no wa ichiban ii to omoimasu. I think going together is best.

UNIT 13 185
Read and understand

1. ~~-ii Public phone

2. 00~-~ International call

3. fi:l!lt11~ Long distance call

4• fl~tii=FfA"~ Collect call

186 UNIT 13
Did you know?
Gestures and body language sometimes speak louder than words. It is not
necessary or advisable for non-Japanese to use them, but it is important to
know the messages.
e A circle made by the thumb and index finger refers to money-not an
"okay" sign.
e A raised thumb refers to one's boss or the "old man"-not a symbol for
"Right on!"
e A circling motion with the index finger near one's ear indicates that one
thinks the person under discussion is a lirtle bit crazy.
e An index finger pointing at one's own nose means "myself'.
e Giving a light tap on one's heart with an open palm means "Leave it up
to me. I'll handle it".
e A slight head bob and an open right hand moving up and down with
the thumb closer to the nose means "Excuse me".
e A raised right hand with the fingers flapping to indicate "bye bye", is
similar to the Japanese sign for "come here". The Western signal for
"come here", with a hooked index finger and palm up is a demeaning
sign for "come here".
e Gestures used by men to indicate embarrassment, hesitation,
awkwardness and dismay:
Inhaling air audibly through clenched teeth.
Scratching the back of the head lightly.
Hitting the forehead lightly with the open palm.
e Moving the open hand in fanning motion in front means "no, no" or
"Oh no, not me!"
e Often people nod their heads as they listen to someone speak. Nodding
is a signal that the person is listening to what is being said, and not
necessarily that he agrees with the speaker.
e Though silence is not a gesture in a strict sense, it needs to be
explained. To the Japanese, silence indicates thoughtfulness,
intelligence or deep appreciation. A "wise" person in Japan is expected
to speak slowly, calmly and with many pauses.

UNIT 13 187
Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) N (b) N (c) N (d) N (e) Y
have learned
Exercise 2 (a) Hayai desu ne (b) Erai desu ne (c) lie, iie ... betsu ni

Exercise 4 (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

Exercise 6 (a) None, but he watched rugby (b) He swims every day

Exercise 7 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2 (e) 1

Exercise 8 (a) small (b) near (c) about 20

Exercise 10 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 6 (e) 2 (f) 5

Exercise 11 (1) b (2) a (3) a (4) a (5) a

188 UNIT 13
You will learn
e how to ask someone his plan for the day
e how to plan a trip to Enoshima
e how to invite someone out for an evening
e how to make travel plans
e something about Kabuki theatre
e about the historical Ueno area
e something about the famous Kamakura area

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Learn: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Gramntar section
Read: Read and understand
Read: Did you know?

UNIT 14 189
n 1
What's your plan for the day?

Kyoo no yotei wa doo natte imasu ka?

Shoda Kyoo wa gogo kara Ueno no bijutsukan ni ikoo to omotte imasu.
Miki Bijutsukan ka ... Ii naa. Issho ni itte mo ii desu ka?
Shiida Ee, soo desu ne. Hitori yori mo futari no hoo ga tanoshii desu
kara, ne.
Miki Aa, Ueno wa ima sakura ga kirei deshoo, ne.
Shoda Soo desu ne.
Miki Ueno no Bijutsukan wa donna bijutsukan nan desu ka?
ShOda Seiyo Bijutsukan nan desu.
Miki Aa soo desu ka.
ShOda Kitto tanoshii to omoimasu yo.

• yotei plan/intention
issho ni together
tanoshii fun/enjoyable
Seiyo Occidental art

• Kyoo no yotei wa doo natte imasu ka? What is your plan for the day?
(lit. How is your plan for the day shaping up?)
Gogo kara in the afternoon (lit. from the p.m.)
ni ikoo to omotte imasu. I'm thinking of going to . See the
Grammar section.
li naa. That's nice, isn't it? (m.linf.) (eq. 1i desu, ne.)
• Issho ni itte mo ii desu ka? Is it okay if we go together? See the
Grammar section.
Hitori yori mo futari no hoo ga tanoshii desu. Two (people) are more
fun than one (person).

190 UNIT 14
Practise what you have teamed
1 Match the following Japanese expressions with their English counterpans.
(Answers p. 202)
(a) bijutsukan (1) Museum of Western An
(b) gogo kara (2) I think it will be fun.
(c) Seiyo Bijutsukan (3) an museum
(d) lssho ni itte mo ii desu ka? ( 4) in the afternoon
(e) Tanoshii to omoimasu. (5) May I go with you?

2 Listen to the recording and hear Miura-san and Tanabe-san making plans
for the afternoon. Answer the following questions. (Answers p. 202)
(a) What does Tanabe-san want to do tomorrow? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) Is Miura-san going with h e r ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Where is the store? (Circle one.) Ikebukuro Shinjuku
Harajuku Shibuya
(d) How are they going to get t h e r e ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 Suppose you are planning to go to Ueno. Ask a Japanese friend to go with

you. (Ueno e ikimasen ka?) Suggest going to Ueno by J.R. rather than by
taxi. You will be asked to reply. Before you begin, read the "Did you
know?" section of this unit to find out more about the area.

UNIT 14 191
n 2
Where should I go first?

Kondo Enoshima to Kamakura no Hachimang\1 e iku tsumori nan

da kedo ... dotchi e saki ni itta hoo ga ii ka na?
SkOda Soo desu ne ... Hachimang\1 wa totemo komu kara, saki ni itta hoo
ga ii to omoimasu yo. Sono ato de, Enoshima ni itte mo, Enoshima
wa yuuhi ga kirei da shi, ii to omoimasu.
Yoshida Soo ka ... Sore jaa, Yokosuka-sen de Kamakura made dete, sore kara
Hachimang\1 ni yotta ato ni, (Ee) Enoden de Enoshima e
SkOda Soo desu nee.
Tokoro de, kaimono nanka nasaru yotei wa arun desu ka?
Yoshida Soo desu ne. Hachimang\1 no mae no namiki-michi ni Kamakura-
bori no mise ga takusan aru nde, sokora hen no mise o mite arukitai
to omotte imasu.
Shoda Sore wa totemo ii to omoimasu.
Enoshima famous tourist spot
HachimangU. Hachiman Shrine
saki ni before/first
komu be crowded
yuuhi setting sun
• ato ni later (eq. ato de)
Enoden Enoshima tramcar
• tokoro de by the way
namiki-michi tree-lined road
Kamakura-bori Kamakura wood carving
sokora hen around there (eq. sono hen)
mite aruku browse around (lit. look and walk)

Dotchi e saki ni itta boo ga ii ka na? Which way would it be best if we

went first? (Cf Unit 3, Tabeta boo ga ii desu. "It would be better if we
• ate".) (eq. Dochira e itta boo ga ii desu ka?)
Enoshima ni itte mo .•• (Even) if you go to Enoshima ...
Yuuhi ga kirei da shi... The sunset is pretty, and ... Again, shi indicates
that there are other reasons unstated.
Kamakura made dete ••• (Go) as far as Kamakura and exit.
HachimangU. ni yotta ato ni. .. after going by Hachimang11 .
Kaimono nasaru yotei wa arun desu ka? Do you plan to go shopping?
(lit. Do you have plans to do [any] shopping?)
Takusan aru n(o)de ••• Since there are many ...

192 UNIT 14
Practise what you have teamed
4 When talking about sequential activities, there are short but useful phrases
that will connect sentences and make them flow smoothly.
(a) saki ni before (that)
(b) hajime ni at the beginning; at first
(c) sono ato after that
(d) sore kara and then; afterwards
Read the following sentences and use the above phrases as appropriate to
fill the blanks. (Answers p. 202)
Ashita Wada-san to issho ni kankoo suru tsumori nan desu.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Kokyo (Imperial Palace) o mimasu. _ _ _ _ __
Kamakura e ildmasu. _ _ _ _ _ _ shokuji o shite, _ _ _ _ __
Hachimangd e ildmasu.

5 To express a preference, use the following pattern:

Question: (Noun) to (noun) to dotchi no boo ga ii desu ka?
Which do you prefer, _ _ _ _ _ _ or _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ no boo ga ii desu.
Now listen to the recording and find out which item in each pair below is
preferred. Place a check mark by the preferred item. (Answers p. 202)
(a) washoku __ yooshoku
(b) ku-ji I __ kuji-han
(c) ima I ato
(d) chikatetsu I takushii

6 "Ko-So-A-Do" words. The words in the chart below are called Ko-So-A-
Do words because of their common first syllables. Many have been
presented in the dialogues and have been explained independently. Look at
them, then listen and work with the recording.

ore this uno +noun this+ noun

mre that mno +noun that+ noun
are that (over there) ano +noun that + noun over there
,dg_re which one? ,dg_no +noun which + noun?
lmko here )§gno hen around here
mko there mnohen around there
asoko over there ano hen around (over) there
,dg_ko where? ,dg_no hen around where?
utc1U/151lchira this way
mtchilmchira that way
atchilachira that way (in the distance)
,dg_tchi/,dg_chira which way?

7 Now listen to the recording as Aoki-san guides you in creating sentences

using the Ko-so-a-do words.

UNIT 14 193
n 3
Shall we go to see Kabuki?

Tokoro de, Kabuki nanka mi ni ikimasen ka?

Miki Kabuki desu ka.
Shoda Ee.
Miki Mi ni ikitai desu, ne.
Shoda Soo desu ka? Ima totemo ninki no aru dashimono o yatte irun desu
keredomo ... (Ee.) Ikaga desu ka?
Miki Ee, demo kippu arimasu deshoo ka?
Shoda Aa, mae-uri wa mada katte nain desu keredomo ...
Miki Mae-uri ga nai to, toojitsu kaemasu ka ne?
Shoda Soo desu ne ... totemo yuumei na hito desu kara, ne. Demo itte miru
kachi wa aru to omoimasu yo.
Miki Un, boku mo ichido mitain desu yo.
ShOda Jaa, ikimashoo ka.

tokoro de by the way ...
Kabuki Japanese traditional theatre (See "Did You Know?")
ninki no aru popular

dashimono performance
mae-uri advance (ticket) (lit. previous-sale)
toojitsu same day
yuumei na hito famous person
kachi wa/ga aru to be worth it/to have value
ichido one time/once

• Mini ikimasen ka? Won't you go and see? In this invitation mi is from
miru/mimasu, meaning "see", "watch", or "look at".
Dashimono o yatte irun desu. They are doing a performance.
(eq . ••• yatte imasu.)
Mae-uri wa mada katte inain desu. I haven't bought an advance ticket
Mae-uri ga nai to ... If there are no advance tickets ... Nai is an informal
form of arimasen.
Toojitsu kaemasu kane? We can buy one on the same day (of the
performance), can't we? Kane indicates uncertainty, similar to kana.
Itte miru kachi wa aru to omoimasu. I think it would be worth it to
go and see.

194 UNIT 14
Practise what you have teamed
8 Select the appropriate English words from the box to match the Japanese
words. (Answers p. 202)
(a) ichido (1) popular person
(b) toojitsu-uri no kippu (2) famous person
(c) yuumei na hito (3) advance ticket
(d) ninki no aru hito (4) once
(e) mae-uri kippu (5) Same-day ticket (bought at
the gate)

9 Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.

(Answers p. 202)
(a) When are they going to the Kabuki Theatre? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) Did someone buy the tickets already?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(c) Where are they going to meet?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(d) At what time? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

J0 With Aoki-san's prompting, ask a Japanese friend to go to see Kabuki with

you on Tuesday of next week. When your friend worries that tickets might
not be available, tell him that you are planning to buy them tomorrow.
Before you start, think about how you would say these phrases:
(1) I'm planning to ... (2) Tuesday of next week
(3) Would you like to go ... ? (4) I'm looking forward to it.
(polite invitation)

Kabuki theatre

UNIT 14 195
n 4
I want to plan a trip

Anoo ... Yoroppa-ryokoo o shitain desu kedo ne ... hitori de iku tte
yuu no wa muri deshoo ka?
Agent Hai. Anoo ... o-kyaku-sama wa Yoroppa e o-dekake ni natta koto ga
gozaimasu ka?
Customer lie, nain desu kedo ...
Agent Sore demo, daijoobu desu yo. Anoo, pakkeiji-tsuaa ni o-nori ni
nareba o-hitori-sama kara, sanka dekimasu.
Customer Soo desu ka? Jitsu wa ne ... kurashikku no ongaku ga kikitain desu
kedo, doko e ittara ii deshoo?
Agent Soo desu ne. Osutorii no Uiin, soshite Doitsu no Myunhen nado
wa ikaga de gozaimashoo? Ryokoo wa kugatsu, juugatsu,
juuichigatsu ga yokaroo to omoimasu.

• Yoroppa-ryokoo European travel

muri impossible

sore demo even so
pakkeiji-tsuaa package tour (Eng.)
o-hitori-sama one person (pol.)
sanka participation
Jitsu wa... To tell the truth ... ffhe fact is ...
kurashikku no ongaku classical music (Eng.)
Osutoriya no Uiin Vienna, Austria
Doitsu no Myunhen Munich, Germany
nado and so forth/and like that
yokaroo probably good (pol.) (eq. ii deshoo)

Hitori de iku tte yuu no wa muri deshoo ka? Would such a thing as
going alone be impossible?
0-dekake ni natta koto ga gozaimasu ka? Have you ever gone (to
Europe)? (exal.) (eq. Itta koto ga arimasu ka?) See the Grammar section.
• Nai(n) desu. I haven't. (eq. Arimasen.)
Pakkeiji-tsuaa ni o-nori ni nareba ••• If you get on a package tour.;.
(pol.) (eq. ••• ni norimasu to ••• )
0-hitori-sama kara, sanka dekimasu. You can participate, since you
are alone. (pol.) (eq. Hitori desu kara, ••• )
• Ongaku ga kikitai(n) desu. I want to listen to music.
Ikaga de gozaimashoo? How would it be? (exal.) (eq. Ikaga deshoo

196 UNIT 14
Practise what you have teamed
11 There are short but very useful phrases to express feelings. Select the
appropriate English phrase to match each Japanese phrase below. Some of
them are from other units, but they are included here because they are very
helpful to know. (Answers p. 202)
(a) Daijoobu desu. (1) Can you do it?/Can it be done?
(b) li to omoimasu yo. (2) Not yet.
(c) Dekimasu ka? (3) It is okay.
(d) Muri desu, ne. (4) I think it's fine.
(e) Dame desu, ne. (S) It can't be done. Impossible.
(f) Madadesu. (6) I have. There is.
(g) Arimasu. (7) I haven't. There isn't.
(h) Naindesu. (8) It's no good. It won't work.

12 Listen to the recording and practise the phrases from Exercise 11.

13 Suppose you wish to extend your trip to Hong Kong. Listen to the
recording and work through the phrases with Tanabe-san's help. The
following phrases may be helpful.
(a) I would like to go to Hong Kong. Is it all right to travel alone?
(b) Would a package tour be better?
(c) I prder going alone. ( no hoo ga iin desu keredo ... )
(d) Do you have a ticket?

UNIT 14 197
Key words and phrases
Yotei walga arimasu ka? Do you have plans?
Yotei wa nan desu ka? What are your plans?
Yotei wa doo desu ka? How are your plans?

(lk)oo to omotte imasu. I am thinking about (go)ing.

(lt)te mo ii desu ka? Is it okay ifl (go)?
Mi ni ikimasen ka? Won't you go and see?
(Mae-uri) ga nai to •• • If there are no (advance tickets) .
(lt)ta koto ga arimasu ka? Have you ever (gone)?

issho ni together
saki ni previously
ato ni afterwards
tokoro de by the way
sore demo even so
ichido one time/once
nado and so forth/and like that

ninki no aru popular

kachi ga aru valuable/worthwhile
muri impossible
mae-uri advance ticket
toojitsu same day

198 UNIT14
"I think I will... "
The verb ending -oo to omoimasu indicates that the speaker is thinking
about doing something. Look at the following examples:
Kyoto ni ikoo to omoimasu. I think I will go to Kyoto.
Kyoto ni ikoo to omotte imasu. I am thinking that I will go to Kyoto.

Asking/giving pemzission
To ask permission to do something, the te-form of a verb is followed by
mo ii desu ka? To give permission, simply leave off the marker ka.
Literally, this form means "Ifl do it, is it okay/good?" Look at the following
lssho ni itte mo ii desu ka? Is it okay if I go with you?
Mizu o nonde mo ii desu. It's okay to drink the water.
Moo notte mo ii desu ka? Is it okay to board already?
Soko de matte mo ii desu. It's okay to wait over there.

Ta-fomz + koto ga arimasu

TheTa-form of a verb looks like the Te-form except for the vowel, but its
purpose is totally different. When followed by koto ga arimasu ka, it
means "Have you ever (done something)?" A simple response to this
question would be either Hai, arimasu or He, arimasen. Look at the
following examples.
Yoroppa ni itta koto ga arimasu ka? Have you ever gone to Europe?
Washoku o tabeta koto ga arimasen. I have never eaten Japanese food.
Kabuki o mita koto ga arimasen ka? Haven't you ever seen Kabuki?
Hitori de ryokoo shita koto ga arimasu. I have travelled alone.

UNIT 14 199
Read and understand
Warning sings

No smoking

No photography

No swimming


Do not enter

Do not touch

200 UNIT 14
Did you know?
With three hundred years of tradition, this stage art is still by far the most
popular traditional Japanese theatre. When kabuki originated in the 17th
century, a troupe consisted entirely of women players. However, it was soon
prohibited by law, accused of contributing to the deterioration of public
morals. Kabuki later reestablished itself with all male players, some playing
the female roles (oyama), and it has developed into a rich and colourful
theatrical tradition.
Themes of the kabuki plays, which can last as long as six hours, are
feudalistic in setting and sentiment. Loyalty, love, sacrifice, revenge,
conflicts between clans and individuals are all common themes.
Kabuki attendance is a formal affair. There are avid followers with
season tickets, and there are others who will go to kabuki once in a life-
time. The play begins in the early afternoon, and a long interval is provided
for the audience to enjoy an elaborate box lunch (Makunouchi bentoo)
sold on the premises. (It is best to place an order before the play and pick it
up at the interval.)
The stage setting and costumes are colourful, dramatic and uniquely
Japanese. To help foreigners follow story lines, English translation ear-
phones are available for a small fee. Those who wish to have only a taste of
Kabuki can get tickets to watch only a portion of the performance. In
Tokyo the performances are held at the Kabukiza, in the east end of the
Ginza, or at the National Theatre, near the Imperial Palace.

Located in the northern section of Tokyo on the }.R. Line, Ueno is a busy
hub for railway services heading for northern Japan. The Tobu Line leaves
for Nikko from Ueno. It is also near Asakusa, the traditional
entertainment section of old Tokyo, where people today still come to visit
the temples and to enjoy the atmosphere.

Ueno Park (Ueno Koen)

Ueno Park, adjacent to the station, is famous for its historical significance.
The park houses numerous museums-Tokyo National Museum, the
Orient Museum, the National Museum of Western Arts, Tokyo Fine Arts
Metropolitan Gallery, the Old Tokyo Museum (Shitamachi) and the
National Science Museum-as well as the zoo. There are also the Kan'eiji
Temple built in 1625 to protect Edo (old Tokyo), ToshogU. shrine
dedicated to the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1627, and Horyii-ji
Homotsuden, the temple museum.

Located one hour from Tokyo by Yokosuka-sen, this was once the capital
of ancient Japan, and for the past century it has been enjoyed as a quiet
seaside resort. Many artists and novelists live there, as did the late
Kawabata Yasunari, the Nobel Laureate author. In recent years it has
become a popular dormitory town for those who commute to work in
metropolitan Tokyo. It is also a tourist resort area and, especially for foreign
visitors, the Great Buddha (Daibutsu) is of particular interest. This bronze
sitting figure of Amida is 38 feet tall and has been in the open site since
1369. Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gU. is one of the most popular shrines for
New Year's Day shrine visits. The colourful annual festival for this shrine is
held on September 15 and 16. In Kamakura there are 65 Buddhist
temples and 19 Shinto Shrines. Kamakura is also a walker's haven, so
weekend visits, especially in the summertime, will be very crowded.

UNIT 14 201
Pracdse what you Exercise 1 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 2
have learned
Exercise 2 (a) go to the art exhibition at Sibu Dept. Store (b) yes
(c) Ikebukuro (d) By J.R.

Exercise 4 b, c, a, d or b, d, a, c

ExerciseS (a) washoku (b) kuji-han (c) ima (d) chikatetsu

Exercise 8 (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 3

Exercise 9 (a) Saturday (b) yes (c) in front of the Kabuki Theatre
(d) 4:00

Exercise 11 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 8 (f) 2 (g) 6 (h) 7

202 UNIT 14
You will learn
e how to talk about past events
e how to talk about other foreign language learning experiences
e how to enquire "How was your day?" and to describe your day
e about Japanese customs and behaviour: omoiyari and enryo
e about "Yes" and "No" in Japanese

Before you begin

This is the last unit of the course. To get the most out of this course,
develop a habit of thinking in Japanese. For example, when you step out to
go shopping, you notice that it's a hot day and the traffic is heavy. You can
immediately make a couple of comments: Kyoo wa atsui desu ne or
Konde imasu ne! After a while, you can begin to develop your own
dialogue by asking a question and answering it: Tenki wa doo desu ka?
Samuin desu yo, and so forth.

Study guide
Dialogue 1 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 2 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 3 + Practise what you have learned
Dialogue 4 + Practise what you have learned
Learn: the Key words and phrases
Study: the Grammar section
Read: Did you know? and note the phrases

UNIT 15 203
n 1
Have you studied foreign languages?

Nani-go ga wakarimasu ka?

Shoda Soo desu ne ... Eigo wa hanasemasu kedo ... demo, ima daredemo
Eigo wa wakarimasu kara, ne.
Miki Soo desu ne.
SkOda Donna kotoba o o-hanashi dekimasu ka?
Miki Toruko-go ga sukoshi wakarimasu.
Shoda Toruko-go desu ka? Mezurashii desu nee. (Hai) Doko de benkyoo
shitan desu ka?
Miki Toruko ni ryokoo shita toki, benkyoo shimashita.
Shoda Aa, go-jibun de ... ?
Miki Hai.
Shoda Sugoi desu, ne!
Miki lie, iie. Anata wa donna kotoba ga wakarimasu ka? Hoka ni wa ... ?
SkOda Ee, watashi wa Furansu-go ga sukoshi yomemasu.
Miki Aa soo desu ka.

nani-go what language?
Eigo English language
hanasemasu can speak
daredemo anybody
kotoba words/language

Toruko-go Turkish language
sukoshi a little bit
mezurashii unusuaVrare
benkyoo study

go-jibun de by yourself (pol.)
Sugoi desu, ne. That's impressive!
Furansu-go Frenchlanguage
yomemasu canread

• Nanigo ga wakarimasu ka? What language(s) do you understand?

Donna kotoba o o-hanashi dekimasu ka? What kind of languages can
you speak? (pol.) (eq. Donna kotoba o hanashimasu ka?)
t Doko de benkyoo shitan desu ka? Where did you study? (eq. Doko de
benkyoo shimashita ka?)
Toruko ni ryokoo shita toki, benkyoo shimashita. When I travelled
to Turkey, I studied it. See the Grammar section.
Hoka ni wa... Other than (what we've talked about already) ...

204 UNIT 15
Practise what you have teamed
J Match the English phrases with their Japanese equivalents.
(Answers p. 215)
(a) What language(s) do you understand?
(b) Where did you study it?
(c) Can you read Japanese?
(d) You are good at it!
(e) No, I am not good at it yet.
(1) Joozu desu ne.
(2) Doko de benkyoo shirnashita ka?
(3) Nani-go ga wakarimasu ka?
(4) lie, iie, mada joozu ja nain desu.
(S) Nihongo ga yomemasu ka?

2 Listen to Miura-san and Tanabe-san talk about their experiences in

learning gaikoku-go (foreign languages), and answer these questions:
(Answers p. 215)
(a) What language(s) has she studied?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(b) How many years did she study?
(c) What language(s) has he studied? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(d) How is his G e r m a n ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 Talk to a Japanese person about foreign languages. In addition to what has

been introduced in this unit, you already know how to say, "I like ",
"It's difficult/easy/interesting", "I want to study", etc. Work through it with
Tanabe-san's assistance on the recording.

UNIT 15 205
n 2
How was your day?

Wife 0-kaerinasai.
Husband Kyoo wa daibu tsukareta.
Wife Kyoo wa jimusho ja nakatta no?
Husband Gozen-chuu wa jimusho ni itan da keredomo, gogo wa koojoo no
hoo ni itta wake.
Wife Michi wa konde imashita?
Husband lki wa, maa-maa dattan da keredomo, kaeri wa daibu komimashita.
Wife Kondo wa, koojoo wa itsu iku no?
Husband Raishuu no Kayoobi ni moo ichido ikimasu.
Wife Michi ga suite iru to, ii wa ne.
Husband Tabun Kayoobi wa daijoobu ja nai ka to omotte ...

Tadaima. I'm home.
0-kaerinasai. Welcome back.
daibu quite/mostly

jimusho office
gogo afternoon
gozen-chuu during the morning
koojoo factory

iki the trip there/(on) the way there
maa-maa so-so
kaeri the return trip
moo ichido one more time
suite iru is empty

• Tadaima./0-kaerinasai. These are standard phrases used when a

person returns home or to some other familiar place.
Kyoo wa jimusho ja nakatta no? Weren't you at the office today? (inf)
(lit. Wasn't it the office today?) (eq. Kyoo wa jimusho dewa arimasen
deshita ka?)
Gozen-chuu wa jimusho ni itan da keredomo... I was at the office in
the morning, but ... (inf) (eq . ... jimusho ni imashita ... )
Gogo wa koojoo no hoo ni itta wake. In the afternoon I went to the
plant. Wake at the end of this sentence implies "and that's why (I am so
t Maa-maa dattan da ... It was so-so. (inf) (eq. Maa-maa deshita.)
Koojoo wa itsu iku no? When will you go to the factory? (inf) (eq .
.. . itsu ikimasu ka?)
Michi ga suite iru to, ii wa ne. It'll be nice if the traffic is light, won't
it? (inf) (lit. If the roads are empty ... )
Kayoobi wa daijoobu ja nai ka to omotte (imasu). I'm thinking
Tuesday will probably be okay. (lit. I'm thinking, "Tuesday is okay,
isn't it?")

206 UNIT 15
Practise what you have learned
4 Read the Japanese phrases below and match them with their English
equivalents. (Answers p. 215)
(a) Konde imashita. (1) It was so-so.
(b) Kyoo wa suite imashita. (2) Oh, I'm tired.
(c) Aa ... tsukaremashita. (3) The traffic was heavy.
(d) Maa-maa deshita. (4) The traffic was light today.

5 Tadaima and 0-kaerinasai are two standard, paired greetings. When a

person comes home or returns to an inn, etc., he will say Tadaima, and
whoever welcomes him back says 0-kaerinasai and usually adds a phrase
equivalent to "How was the day?" (Doo deshita?) Read through the
following phrases and then listen to and practise with the recording. Some
frequently used phrases are listed below. (See also Did you know?)

Tadaima. I'm home.

0-kaerinasai. Welcome home.
Kyoo wa doo deshita? How was the day?
Konde imashita? Was traffic heavy?
Tsukareta deshoo. You must be tired.
Atsukatta deshoo. It must have been hot!
Samukatta deshoo. It must have been cold!
Tookatta deshoo. It must have been far.

6 Listen to the recording and practise some response phrases. You already
know most of these words, but a review might be in order. If you are in
agreement with what has been said, sayEe, daibu ... (Yes, quite a bit ... )
but if you want to minimize the problem, sayEe, chotto ... (Yes, a little ... )
If you want to say, "No, it wasn't so bad", say lie, daijoobu deshita.

UNIT 15 207
3 The room is too small!

Shoda Shiriai no gaikoku-jin ga Nihon ni kitan de, bijinesu hoteru, ii

tokoro o erande, tanondan desu. Demo, tonikaku, sono semasa ni
odoroichatte, konna ni semain ja nimotsu mo okenai tte itchatte ...
Tada-tada odoroite bakkari nandesu yo. Shiyoo ga nai kara, furonto
ni itte, watashi ga kooshoo shite, sagaku o haratte, anoo, futari-yoo
no heya ni kaete morattan desu. Maa, watashi nanka dewa, ano
heya wa futsuu ni kanjimasu kedo nee ... yappari chigau mono nan
desu ne.

shiriai an acquaintance • sagaku difference (monetary)

• gaikoku-jin foreigner • haratte pay (and ... )
• Nihon Japan (die. harau)
erande choose (and ... ) • futari-yoo no heya a double
(die. erabu) room
tonikaku anyhow kaete change (and ... )
semasa narrowness/small size (die. kaeru)
konna ni this much futsuu normaVordinary/
• nirnotsu baggage common
okenai cannot put down kanjimasu feeVseem
tada-tada just/absolutely (die. kanjiru)
(emphasizer) yappari/yahari after all
• furonto front desk chigau mono something
• kooshoo negotiation different

Shiriai no gaikoku-jin ga Nihon ni kitan de... A foreign acquaintance

came to Japan and ...
li tokoro o erande, tanondan desu. I chose a good place and asked for
(reserved) it.
Sono semasa ni odoroichatte, ••• Being shocked at its smallness ... (eq .
... odoroite shimatte = being completely shocked)
Konna ni semain ja If it's this small ... (eq. Konna ni semai to ... )
Nimotsu mo okenai tte itchatte... Saying right out that you can't even
put down your bags ... (itchatte itte shimatte)
Tada-tada odoroite bakkari nan desu yo. I was just completely
• Kooshoo shite, sagaku o haratte... I negotiated and payed the
difference ...
• Futari-yoo no heya ni kaete morattan desu. I had them change it to
a double room. (eq . ... kaete moraimashita.) See the Grammar section
for -te moraimasu.
Watashi nanka dewa ... As for me ...
Ano heya wa futsuu ni kanjimasu kedo... That room feels normal,
but ...
Yappari chigau mono nan desu. It is, after all, a different thing (for
foreigners). The implication here is that a foreigner would be accustomed
to more spacious hotel rooms.

208 UNIT 15
Practise what you have learned
7 Frequently sizes, quantities and food portions in Japan are smaller than they
are in the West. Accepting that fact, a person can negotiate as we saw done
in this dialogue, provided he is willing to pay the difference. Match these
useful negotiation phrases: (Answers p. 215)
(a) It is too small (size). (I) Sagaku o haraimasu.
(b) I would like to change it. (2) Chotto chiisa-sugimasu.
(c) It is a little small (narrow). (3) Chotto semai desu.
(d) I'll pay the difference. (4) Sumimasen ga, kaetain desu.

8 The room that your Japanese friend arranged for you is too small for
comfort. Go to the front desk to try to upgrade it. Listen to the recording
and, with Miura-san's help, make the necessary arrangements. You will
need some of the phrases listed below.
(a) My room is too small.

(b) I want to change i t . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Do you have a big(ger) room?
(d) Oh, there isn't? That's a problem. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(e) I will pay the difference. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

9 Listen to the recording and, with Tanabe-san's help, elaborate on the

previous exercise.
(a) As of when is the larger room available? - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) What is the difference (in the room charge)? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(c) What is the room number? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Room with a view, Shiroyama Kanko Hotel in Kagoshima

UNIT 15 209
n 4
At the noodle shop

Kinoo totemo omoshiroi koto ga attan desu yo. Shiriai no gaikoku-

jin, raamen'ya-san ni tsurete ittan desu. Menyuu o mite, wakaranai
n'de, ichiban futsuu no raamen o tanondan desu, ne.
Raamen ga kitan desu keredomo, o-hashi shika nai deshoo ... O-
hashi zenzen tsukaenai mono desu kara, o-mise no obasan ni,
"Anoo, fooku arimasu ka?" tte kiitan desu. Demo, fooku nanka
nakute, moo ... kare, taberu no ni, moo .. .ichi-jikan ijoo kakatchattan
desu yo. Nan de nafukin made oite nain da nante yutte tan desu yo.
Demo, tabe-owatta toki ni wa, "Totemo oishikatta" tte itte
koto thing (abstract idea)
• raamen'ya-san noodle shop
tsurete take along (and ... ) (die. tsureru)
• o-hashi chopsticks
zenzen (not) at all
tsukaenai cannot use
mono thing (tangible)
o-mise no obasan woman of the shop
• fooku fork (Eng.)
ijoo more than
• nafukin napkin (Eng.)
owatte finish, end (and ... ) (die. owaru)

Raamen'ya-san ni tsurete ittan desu. I took him along to a noodle

shop. (eq . ... tsurete ikimashita.)
• lchiban futsuu no raamen o tanondan desu. He asked for the most
common noodles. (eq . ••• tanomimashita.)
O-hashi shika nai deshoo. There's nothing but chopsticks, you know?
O-hashi zenzen tsukaenai mono desu kara... Chopsticks are
something he can't use at all, so ...
0-mise no obasan ni ..• kiitan desu. He asked the woman (lit. "aunt")
of the shop ... (eq.••• kikimashita.)
Fooku nanka nakute There not being such a thing as a fork ...
Taberu no ni .•. ichi-jikan ijoo kakatchattan desu. It took him over an
hour to eat. Taberu no ni = as for eating. Kakatchattan desu = kakatte
Nande nafukin made oite nain da nante yuttetan desu yo. He was
saying, "Why, they don't even have napkins!" (eq. Nafukin demo oite
inai to itte imashita.)
Tabe-owatta toki ni •.. When he finished ... (See the Grammar section.)
ltte kuremashita. He said (kindly). Kuremashita (die. kureru) after
the te-form of a verb indicates that something is done as a favour out of

210 UNIT 15
Practise what you have teamed
10 Read each conversational phrase and identify whether the sentence is in
present or past tense. Remember that the present tense is also used to
indicate future intention. (Answers p. 215)
(a) Totemo omoshiroi koto ga arun desu yo.
(b) Hoteru no furonto ni tanondan desu.
(c) Oishii raamen o tabetan desu.
(d) Kamakura ni ikun desu.
(e) Fooku ga nakattan desu.

11 Listen to the recording. Tanabe-san and Miura-san will change verbs to

past tense in two different ways. Practise with the recording.
Example: (He) speaks Japanese. (He) spoke Japanese.
Nihongo o hanashimasu. Nihongo o hanashimashita.
or Nihongo o hanasundesu. Nihongo o hanashitandesu.
(a) Japan Times o yomimasu. Japan Times o yo
(b) Tenki-yohoo o mimasu. Tenki-yohoo o mi
(c) Hoteru o yoyaku surundesu. Hoteru o yoyaku shi
(d) Yuujin ga kurundesu. Yuujin ga ki

12 Try putting the above phrases into present and past tense conversational
forms, as in the example. (Answers p. 215)
Example: (yomimasu)
Kyoo hoteru de Japan Times o yomun desu (present)
Kinoo hoteru de Japan Times o yondan desu (past)
(a) (mimasu)
Konban heya de tenki-yohoo o (present)
Kinoo no ban, heya de tenki-yohoo o (past)

(b) (shimasu)
Yuujin ga hoteru o yoyaku (present)
Kinoo yuujin ga hoteru o yoyaku (past)

(c) (kimasu)
Raishuu yuujin ga (present)
Kinoo yuujin ga ga (past)
Now go back to the recording and complete the exercise.

UNIT 15 211
Key words and phrases
Tadaima. I'm home.
0-kaerinasai. Welcome back.
Sugoidesu. That's great!

Nanigo ga wakarimasu ka? What language(s) do you understand?

Donna kotoba o What kind oflanguages do you speak?
hanashimasu ka?
Doko de benkyoo Where did you study?
shimashita ka?

Ryokoo shita toki••• When I travelled, ...

Tabe-owatta toki ni .•• When I finished eating, ...

(Kae)te moraimashita. I had them (change it).

ni tsurete ikimashita. I took (him) with me to
ni kikimashita. I asked
(lt)te kuremashita. (He) kindly (said).

iki (on) the way there

kaeri (on) the return trip

koto thing (abstract idea)

mono thing (tangible)

nani-go what language?

Eigo English
Nihon Japan
gaikoku-jin foreigner

o-hashi chopsticks
zenzen (not) at all
ijoo more than
daredemo anyone
mooichido one more time
tonikaku anyhow
konnani to this degree/this much
futsuu ordinary/usuaVcommon

212 UNIT 15
-te morau
-te morau (-te moraimasu) to have someone do something
Futari-yoo no heya ni kaete moraimashita.
I had them change it to a double room.
Yuujin ni nimotsu o hakonde moraimasu.
I will have a friend carry the baggage.

Verb+ toki
The word toki literally means "a point in time". When it follows a verb it
can be translated "when", as in the following examples:
Nihon ni sunde ita toki, ••• When I was living in Japan, ...
Eiga ga owatta toki, ••• When the movie ended, ...
Ashita iku toki, ••• When I go tomorrow, ...

-go and -jin

The suffix -go after the name of a country refers to the language spoken in
that country. The suffix -jin indicates a native of that country. Here, for
your reference, is a list of some country names, languages and peoples:

Country Language People

Nihon (Japan) Nihongo Nihonjin
Doitsu (Germany) Doitsugo Doitsujin
Supein (Spain) Supeingo Supeinjin
ltariya (Italy) Itariyago ltariyajin
Furansu (France) Furansugo Furansujin
Chuugoku (China) Chuugokugo Chuugokujin
Taiwan (Taiwan) Chuugokugo Taiwanjin or Chuugokujin
Kankoku (Korea) Kankokugo Kankokujin
Betonamu (Viemam) Betonamugo Betonamujin
Honkon (Hong Kong) Chuugokugo Chuugokujin
Mekishiko (Mexico) Supeingo Mekishikojin

Some notable exceptions are:

Igirisu or Eigo Igirisujin or Eikokujin
Eikoku (England)
Beikoku or Eigo Beikokujin or Amerikajin

UNIT 15 213
Did you know?
Omoiyari (lit. consideration)
Omoiyari is an action taken by a person anticipating another's need, and
this practice is taught from a young age as a preferred and virtuous act. The
Japanese may serve drinks without asking what their guests would like, or
they may even call a taxi for a departing business client before one is asked
for. When someone returns home, the phrase he usually hears is not the
question "How was the day?" but more often, "It must have been a hard
day!" or "It must have been hot!"
In Japan compliments on attire and jewelry are often low-key and general:
Ii desu ne. Kirei desu ne. A gushing remark such as, "Oh, I like it! That's
gorgeous!" is out of place and can cause the wearer to take it off and
present it to you.

Enryo (lit. reserve)

Somewhat related to omoiyari is the Japanese concept of enryo, hesitation
to express one's needs for fear of imposing on others, which is practised in
both business and social life. When someone gives a gift, the receiver may
refuse the gift several times before finally, with obvious reluctance,
accepting it. When two people are going through a doorway, it is not
unusual for each to insist that the other go through first, until one finally
breaks down and says, Ja, o-saki ni shitsurei shimasu ("Excuse me for
going ahead").
In Unit 10 Dialogue 1 the guest is going through the expected formality
when tea and cake are served, even though the two women are close
Neither omoiyari nor enryo is an alien concept in the West, but in Japan
they are sometimes taken to what Western cultures might consider

HAl and liE

There are instances in Japanese when a simple "yes" or "no" response to a
question or comment may require the opposite of what might be expected
in English. For example, in answer to the question Eiga ni ikimasen
deshita ka? ("Didn't you go to the movie?"), the response would be either
Hai, ikimasen deshita, or lie, ikimashita yo. In other words, a negative
question is often treated as if it were true/false. The above question, "Did
you not go to the movie?" is answered by "Yes, (true) I did not go" or "no,
(false) I did go."
Although the Japanese may respond to some negative questions according
to sense, as in English, you should be aware of this difference. When
someone asks you Ocha demo nornimasen ka? ("Won't you have some
tea?"), a simple hai or iie may be the wrong answer. 0-negai shimasu
("Please") or Kekkoo desu ("[No,] thanks") would be better choices for a
clear response.
Another important aspect in the use of hai and iie is the hesitancy of the
Japanese to make a clear refusal of an offer or suggestion. Instead of saying
an abrupt iie, they often will say Muzukashii desu ("It's difficult") or
Chotto wakaranain desu ("I don't really know").
When it comes to receiving compliments, however, a Japanese person will
not hesitate to deny his own accomplishments, abilities or qualities, no
matter how strongly someone may insist that the compliment is true.

214 UNIT 15
Practise what you Exercise 1 (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 1 (e) 4
have learned
Exercise 2 (a) Eigo/English (b) juuni-nen gurai/about 12 yrs. (c) Eigo
to Doitsu-go/Eng. and German (d) amari joozu ja nain
desu./not very good

Exercise 4 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1

Exercise 7 (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 1

Exercise 10 (a) present (b) past (c) past (d) present (e) past

Exercise 12 (a) mirun desu; mitan desu (b) surun desu; shitan desu
(c) kurun desu; kitan desu

Ja o-genki de.

Take care!

UNIT 15 215
Numbers & Counters
Cardinal numbers
0 zero/rei 10 juu 20 ni-juu
1 ichi 11 juu-ichi 21 ni-juu-ichi
2ni 12 juu-ni 22 ni-juu-ni
3 san 13 juu-san 23 ni-juu-san
4 shi/yon 14 juu-shil-yon 24 ni-juu-shi/-yon
5 go 15 juu-go 25 ni-juu-go
6 roku 16 juu-roku 26 ni-juu-roku
7 shichi/nana 17 juu-shichi/-nana 27 ni-juu-shichi/-nana
8 hachi 18 juu-hachi 28 ni-juu-hachi
9 kulkyuu 19 juu-ku/juu-kyuu 29 ni-juu-ku/-kyuu

10 juu 100 hyaku 1,000 sen/issen 10,000 ichi-man

20 ni-juu 200 ni-hyaku 2,000 ni-sen 20,000 ni-man
30 san-juu 300 san-byaku 3,000 san/zen 30,000 san-man
40 yon-juu 400 yon-hyaku 4,000 yon-sen 40,000 yon-man
50 go-juu 500 go-hyaku 5,000 go-sen 50,000 go-man
60 roku-juu 600 roppyaku 6,000 roku-sen 60,000 roku-man
70 nana-juu 700 nana-hyaku 7,000 nana-sen 70,000 nana-man
80 hachi-juu 800 happyaku 8,000 bas-sen 80,000 hachi-man
90 kyuu-juu 900 kyuu-hyaku 9,000 kyuu-sen 90,000 kyuu-man

Classic counters (Item counter)

1 (item) hitotsu 6 (items) muttsu
2 (items) futatsu 7 (items) nanatsu
3 (items) IDittsu 8 (items) yattsu
4 (items) yottsu 9 (items) kokonotsu
5 (items) itsutsu 10 (items) too
(Above 10 use cardinal numbers)

Days of the week

Monday Getsuyoobi Friday Kin'yoobi
Tuesday Kayoobi Saturday Doyoobi
Wednesday Suiyoobi Sunday Nichiyoobi
Thursday Mokuyoobi

Months of the year

January Ichigatsu July Shichigatsu
February Nigatsu August Hachigatsu
March Sangatsu September Kugatsu
April Shigatsu October Juugatsu
May Gogatsu November Juuichigatsu
June Rokugatsu December Juunigatsu


Hours (o'clock) and minutes
1:00 ichi-ji 1 minute ippun
2:00 ni-ji 2 minutes nifun
3:00 san-ji 3 minutes sanpun
4:00 yo-ji 4 minutes yonpun
5:00 go-ji 5 minutes gofun
6:00 roku-ji 6 minutes roppun/rokufun
7:00 shichi-ji 7 minutes nanafun
8:00 hachi-ji 8 minutes happun/hachifun
9:00 ku-ji 9 minutes kyuufun
10:00 juu-ji 10 minutes juppun
11:00 juuichi-ji (etc., in pattern)
12:00 juuni-ji

1 person hitori 3 people sannin 5 and up number+ nin
2 people futari 4 people yonin

Days of the month

1st tsuitachi 11th juuichi-nichi 21st nijuuichi-nichi
2nd futsuka 12th juuni-nichi 22nd nijuuni-nichi
3rd mikka 13th juusan-nichi 23rd nijuusan-nichi
4th yokka 14th juuyokka 24th nijuuyokka
5th itsuka 15th juugo-nichi 25th nijuugo-nichi
6th muika 16th juuroku-nichi 26th nijuuroku-nichi
7th nanoka 17th juushichi-nichi 27th nijuushichi-nichi
8th yooka 18th juuhachi-nichi 28th nijuuhachi-nichi
9th kokonoka 19th juuku-nichi 29th nijuuku-nichi
lOth tooka 20th hatsuka 30th sanjuu-nichi
31st sanjuuichi-nichi

1 yr. old issai 11 yrs. old juu-issai 21 yrs. old nijuuissai
2 yrs. old ni-sai 12 yrs. old juu-ni-sai 22 yrs. old nijuuni-sai
3 yrs. old san-sai 13 yrs. old juu-san-sai 23 yrs. old nijuusan-sai
4 yrs. old yon-sai 14 yrs. old juu-yon-sai 24 yrs. old nijuuyon-sai
5 yrs. old go-sai 15 yrs. old juu-go-sai 25 yrs. old nijuugo-sai
6 yrs. old roku-sai 16 yrs. old juu-roku-sai 26 yrs. old nijuuroku-sai
7 yrs. old nana-sai 17 yrs. old juu-nana-sai 27 yrs. old nijunana-sai
8 yrs. old hassai 18 yrs. old juu-hassai 28 yrs. old nijuhassai
9 yrs. old kyuu-sai 19 yrs. old juu-kyuu-sai 29 yrs. old nijukyuu-sai
10 yrs. oldjussai 20 yrs. old hatachi 30 yrs. old sanjussai


Floors* Train tracks
1st floor ikkai Track 1 ichi-ban-sen
2nd floor ni-kai Track 2 ni-ban-sen
3rd floor san-gai Track 3 san-ban-sen
4th floor yon-kai Track4 yon-ban-sen
5th floor go-kai Track 5 go-ban-sen
6th floor rokkai Track 6 roku-ban-sen
7th floor nana-kai Track 7 nana-ban-sen
8th floor hakkai Track 8 hachi-ban-sen
9th floor kyuu-kai Track 9 kyuu-ban-sen
lOth floor jukkai Track 10 juu-ban-sen

1st = ground floor in Britain

2nd = 1st floor in Britain

Hotel reservations
Days' stay Nights' stay
1 day ichi-nichi 1 night ippaku
2 days futsuka 2 nights ni-haku
3 days mikka 3 nights san-paku
4 days yokka 4 nights yon-haku
5 days itsuka 5 nights go-haku

Elapsed time
Weeks Months
1 week isshuukan 1 month ikkagetsu
2 weeks ni-shuukan 2 months ni-kagetsu
3 weeks san-shuukan 3 months san-kagetsu
4 weeks yon-shuukan 4 months yon-kagetsu
etc. (number + shuukan) etc. (number + kagetsu)

Hours Days
1 hour ichijikan 1 day ichinichi
2 hours nijikan 2 days and up-same as days
3 hours sanjikan of the month
4 hours yojikan
etc. (number + jikan)

Other counters
flat objects number+ mai
ordinal numbers number + ban/banme


Grammar Index
Unit 1
Sentence order, p. 11
Degrees of politeness, p. 11
Nouns/Articles/Plurals, p. 11
Pronouns, p. 11
Grammar markers (wa, ga, o, no, nile, ka, yo), p. 11
Verbs (no change for person, no gender, two tenses), p. 12
Adjectives (inflectable vs. adjectival nouns; present and past), p. 12
desu!deshita, p. 12

Unit 2
People counters, p. 24
Numbers 0-10, 10-100, 100s/1000s/10,000s, p. 29
Age counters, p. 29
Days of the week, p. 29
Grammar markers (ga, ni [location], de [pwpose], kara, made), p. 31
ichiban + adjectives, p. 31
Omission of words, p. 31
Minimal use of pronouns, p. 31
Negative of desu (dewa arimasen, dewa arimasen deshita), p. 31

Unit 3
Degrees of politeness (exalted/normaVhumble), p. 43
Grammar markers (mo, to, kara), p. 43
Classic counters (-tsu), p. 44
Comparisons and preferences ( no boo ga ), p. 44

Unit 4
Hotel stay counters (-haku!-paku), p. 50
Time counters (-ji), p. 52
Ordinal numbers (-ban), p. 54
"If/when" ( to), p. 57
"I want to ..."(-tain desu) vs. invitation (-masen ka?), p. 57
fractions, p. 57

Unit 5
Floor counters (-kai), p. 65
Week counters (-shuukan), p. 69
Polite directives (-te kudasai), p. 74
Grammar markers (de ["by"/"by means of'], p. 74
"If/when" (-tara), p. 74
Sentence softeners, p. 74

Unit 6
Elapsed time counters: minutes (-fun!-pun), p. 78
Months (-gatsu), p. 87
Days of the month (-ka!-nichi), p. 87
Elapsed time counters: hours (-jikan), p. 88
Grammar markers (dake, ni [specific time]), p. 88
-tari, p. 88
tsumori (desu), p. 88


Unit 7
Counters for flat objects (-mai), p. 100
Elapsed time counters: months (-kagetsu), p. 102
"It is okay if... ," p. 103
Comparisons ( yori +adjective), p. 103
toka, p.1ro
Verbs (Irregular, Type 1, Type 2) + -masu, p. 117
"can" (-emasu vs. -imasu, -raremasu, koraremasu, dekimasu), p. 117

Unit 9
shika/dake, p. 131
Grammar markers (ya ["etc."], de ["at/"in"]), p. 131
-te miru, p. 131
-to omou, p. 132

Unit 10
Adjective+ -soo (desu), p. 145
desu/masu form, p. 145

Unit 11
suki vs. kirei, p. 150
Standard request (-te kudasai) vs. polite request
(-te kudasaimasen ka), p. 159
Past and negative of adjectives (-kunai [desu]/-ku arimasen,
-kunakatta [desu]/-ku arimasen deshita), p. 160

Unit 12
Adjective + sugitnasu, p. 173
rashii desu, p. 173
Verbs that describe nouns, p. 173

Unit 13
Adjective+ naru, p. 185
Making a verb into a noun (no[wa]), p. 185

Unit 14
ko-so-a-do words, p. 193
"I think I will ... " (-oo to omoimasu), p. 199
Asking/giving permission (-te mo ii desu [ka]), p. 199
ta-form + koto ga arimasu, p. 199

Unit 15
Conversational present vs. past (yomun desu/yondan desu), p. 211
-te morau, p. 213
Verb+ toki, p. 213
-go and -jin, p. 213


A! expression of surprise beekon bacon (Eng.)
A, soo (desu ka)? Is that so ... ? beisubooru baseball (Eng.)
aakeido arcade (Eng.) benkyoo surulshimasu study
abura-e oil painting henri convenient
achira (pol.) that person, that beru-booi bellboy (Eng.) I
direction porter
agaru/agarimasu go up, ascend betsu ni separately
aisu koohii iced coffee (Eng.) biiru beer (Eng.)
aisu kuriimu ice cream (Eng.) bijinesu hoteru business hotel
aisu tii ice tea (Eng.) (Eng.)
aite iru open bijutsukan art museum
aki autumn Bisa Kaado Visa Card (Eng.)
akibare clear sky in autumn boku I (m.linf.)
Akihabara a section of Tokyo burausu blouse (Eng.)
amai sweet buruu blue (Eng.)
amari/anmari (not) too, (not) so
ame rain -chan diminutive of -san
ame-futo American football chashuumen noodles with
(Eng.) sliced pork
anata you chekku-auto check out (Eng.)
annai guide, guidance chekku-in check in (Eng.)
ano that over there Chekosurobakiya
ano sa... (casual) by the way... Czechoslovakia
chigau different
apaato(mento) flat, apartment
chiisai small
chiizu cheese (Eng.)
are that over there
chikadoo underground passage
arigato/arigatoo thanks
chikai/chikaku ni near/nearby
aru/arimasu there is/are; (we)
chikatetsu underground railway
have chikoo gozaimasu It is near
aruku/arukimasu walk (pol.)
asa morning chintsuu pain reduction
asatte the day after tomorrow chizu map
ashi foot/leg choo intestines
ashita tomorrow chooshoku breakfast
asoko over there chotto a little bit, a little while
asu tomorrow Chuo-Yubinkyoku Central Post
atama head Office
Atami a resort near Tokyo chuu-gurai about the middle,
atarashii new mid-range
atari vicinity chuugakusei junior student
atatakai warm Chuuka-ryoori Chinese cuisine
atchi/achira way over there chuumon order
ato de later
atsui hot daibu for the most part
atsusa heat daidokoro yoohin kitchen
au/aimasu meet/see (friends) utensils
daijoobu all right, fine, okay
baa bar (Eng.) daikirai dislike very much
baasudei birthday (Eng.) dainingu ruumu dining room
bakari only, nothing but (Eng.)
ban-/banme ordinal suffix (go- daisuki like very much
ban = number 5/the fifth) daitai approximately
bankoku kyootsuu world-wide dakara that's why/consequently
standard dake only
basu bus (Eng.) dame hopeless/no good

dantai-sama tour group (pol.) doresu dress (Eng.)
darede~o anybody dotchi? which way? (eq. dochira?)
daroo probably is (eq. deshoo) Doyoobi Saturday
dashimono performance
datta informal past tense of desu e direction marker to/towards
de by means of __ (J.R. de (Tokyo e ikimasu.)
ikimasu.) ee yes
de for the purpose of (Kankoo de eeto... let me see ... /Uh ...
kita.) eiga movie
de in/at (for action verbs: Eigo English language
Shinjuku de kaimasu.) eki station
de then, therefore; (te-form of en yen (monetary unit)
desu) enganbu coastal area
deito date (Eng.) Enoden Enoden Line (railway)
dekakeru/dekake~u go out Enoshima a sightseeing spot
dekiru/dekinlasu can do/can be near Kamakura
done Enryo shinaide! Please go
de~o however/but ahead. Don't hesitate.
de~o such a thing as enshoo inflammation
denki electricity erabu/erabinlasu choose
densha train erebeitaa lift, elevator (Eng.)
denwa telephone
denwa bangoo telephone fingaa sandoitchi finger
number sandwich (Eng.)
deshoo probably is fooku fork (Eng.)
desu is fuben inconvenient
Dii-Shii D.C. (Diners Club) fudoosan'ya-san estate agent
dochira? where?/which?/which -funl-pun counter for minutes
way?/who? (pol.) Furansu France
Doitsu Germany furonto reception. front desk
dokkaldokoka somewhere (Eng.)
doko where furu/fu~asu fall (rain or
doko ~ade? up to where?, how
futari two people
doko ~ade ~o as far as possible
futari-yoo no heya a room for
dokora hen? in what area?
(eq. dono hen?)
futatsu two (items)
donna? what kind of ?
futsuka 2nd day of the month/2
dono? which?
dono gurailkurai? about how days
much?/how long? futsuu normal
doo? how? futtobooru football (Eng.)
doo iu? what kind of? (eq. ame-futo)
doo iu yoo na? what kind of? fuukei scenery
Doo~o Thanks (inf.)
Doo~o arigatoo (gozailnasu/
ga subject marker (Heya ga
Thank you very much. arinlasu ka?)
gozailnashita.) gaikoku foreign country
Doozo please/go ahead gaikoku ~uki no (kitte)
Doozo go-yukkuri Please have a (stamps) for overseas mail
pleasant stay/Please take your gaikoku-go foreign language
time gaikoku-jin foreign person
dore? which one? gakkoo school
dore kurailgurai? approximately gakusei student
how long/how much? (eq. dono gasu gas (utility) (Eng.)
kurailgurai?) genetsu fever reduction

geri-dome diarrhoea medicine haraulharaimasu pay
Getsuyoobi Monday hare clear weather
Ginza a section of Tokyo ("The hareru/haremasu clear up
Ginza") haru spring
go five hatachi twenty years old
go- honorific prefix -hatsu departure: 12-ji-hatsu
-go (after name of country) hatsuka 20th day of the
language month/20 days
Go-chisoo-sama deshita Thank hayai fast/early
you for the meal hayaku quickly, soon, early
Go-chuui kudasai Please be heijitsu weekdays
careful (pol.) hen vicinity, neighbourhood
Go-gatsu May hen (na) strange
gogo p.m. heya room
go-jibun de by yourself (pol.) heya-dai room charge
go-kiboo your preference (pol.) hi day
Gomen kudasai Hello (when hidari left
entering a shop); Goodbye (pol.) hidoi terrible, awful
Gomen nasai I'm sorry Higashi-guchi East entrance
-goo number (of a train) Higashi-Yooroppa Eastern
goro about, approximately (time) Europe
gorufu golf (Eng.) hiitaa heater (Eng.)
Gotanda a section of Tokyo Hikari a Shinkansen train
go-yosan-teki ni to meet your hiroi spacious/wide
budget Hiroki (male) given name
gozaimasu (we) have/there is Hiroshima name of a
(pol.) (eq. arimasu); (it) is prefecture/city
(eq. desu) hiru-gohan noon mealllunch
gozen-chuu during the morning hito person
guramu gram (Eng.) hitomawari gurai about one
guriin green (Eng.) full size
hitori one person
ha tooth hitori de by oneself
hachi eight hitotsu one (item)
Hachigatsu August hiza knee
Hachimangll Hachiman Shrine hodo approximate amount
hagaki postcard hoka ni other than that
hahaa... expression of pondering hoka no other/another
hai yes (pol.) bon book
hairu/hairimasu enter, come in, honjitsu today (pol.) (eq. kyoo)
go in honkan main building
haitatsu suru/shimasu deliver honto/hontoo true
haitte imasu is included honto ni really/truly
hajime ni at the beginning hon'yaku translation
Hajimemashite How do you do? boo direction; (after an adj.) the;
Hakone a resort near Mt. Fuji (adj.) one
hamu ham (Eng.) booboo everywhere/(in) all
hamu-eggu ham and eggs (Eng.) directions
-han half, the half hour hoomu station platform (Eng.)
hana flower hoshii want
hanakaze head cold (lit. nose hyaku (one) hundred
hanasulhanashimasu speak i-no-mukatsuki nausea
Hangarii Hungary ichi one
hankachi handkerchief (Eng.) ichiban first/no. 1/most (before
Harajuku a section of Tokyo an adjective)

ichigatsu January itsuka 5th day of the month/5
ichigo strawberry days
ichiji for a while, one o'clock itsumo always
ichinchi/ichinichi one day itsutsu five (items)
ichioo for the time being ltte irasshai Hurry back
ichooyaku medicine for stomach Itte kimasu I'll be back
problem iya disgusting, unpleasant
ie house iyaa (expression) well ...
ii good/all right/okay
iie no ja then, well ...
ijoo in excess of, more than, ja nai(n desu) is not
above Jane (I'll) see you! (inf.)
ikaga? how?, how about? Jei Shii Bii J.C.B. (credit card)
ikahodo? about how much? (pol.) -ji (counter for hours) o'clock
lkebukuro a section of Tokyo jikan time
iki (on the way) going, the trip jiki a certain (period of) time, a
there season
ikkai once/first (ground) floor jimu gym (Eng.)
iktadaku/itadakim.asu partake jimusho office, agency
(humb.); (afterte-form verb) I will jitsu wa the truth is ... ;
have you (do something). actually ...
ikulikimasu go jiyuu-seki general seating
ikura? how much? joggingu jogging (Eng.)
ikutsu? how old?/how many? joozu good at (an activity),
ima now skilful
imi purpose, meaning J.R. Japan Railway system
ippai full Junko (female) given name
ippaku one night stay juu ten
ippan-teki (na) common, Juugatsu October
general Juuichigatsu November
ippun one minute Juunigatsu December
lrasshaimase Welcome/Come in juusho address
irassharu/irasshaimasu be (in a
place), go, come (exal.) -ka counter for days of the
(eq. iru/imasu, iku/ikimasu, month (also -nichi)
kurulkiinasu) ka? question marker: Kankoo
ireru/iremasu put in, insert, desuka?
include kaado credit card (Eng.)
iro colour Kabuki Kabuki Theatre
iroiro (na)/ironna various kaeri (on the way) back, the
iru/imasu be (in a place) return trip
(with person or animal as kaerulkaemasu change,
subject) exchange
isba medical doctor -kagetsu counter for months
isogashii busy (elapsed time)
issai one year old kagi key
issho (ni) together kagu furniture
ltadakimasu (a phrase used -kai counter for floors of a
before eating) I will partake building
itai (desu) hurts, is painful kaidan stairway
itami pain kaigai(ni) overseas
ltariya Italy kaigi business meeting
itasu/itashimasu do (humb.) kaiin-sei membership system
(eq. suru/shimasu) kaimono shopping
itsu? when? kaisatsuguchi entry where
itsuka sometime tickets are punched, turnstile

kaisha office/company kirei beautiful, pretty
kaisha-in company employee kisetsu season
kakarulkakarimau take, require Kita-guchi North entrance
(time or money) kitte stamps
kakulkakimasu write kitto for certain
kakugo determination kizu-gusuri antiseptic ointment
kakugo de areba if you're willing kochira (pol.) here/this person
to do (me)/this way/in this direction
Kamakura an ancient capital kochira no this one (pol.)
near Tokyo (eq. kono)
Kamakura-bori carvings done in koko here
Kamakura area kokonoka 9th of the month/9
kamo shiremasen (after a verb days
or soo) it may be kokonotsu nine (items)
Kanada Canada kokunai domestic
kangofu nurse Kokyo Imperial palace
kanjiru/kanjimasu feeVseem Komarbnashita It's a
kankoo sightseeing problem.ll'm perplexed
kankoo kyaku tourist komulkomimasu be crowded
kanojo she Konbanwa Good evening
kara from (Eki kara kondo this time/next time
arukitnasu.); since (Sanji kongetsu this month
kara•.. ); because, so konna ni like this, to this degree
kare he Konnichiwa Hello (day time)
karei raisu curried rice (Eng.) kono this
karui light-weight kono mae in front of here/
kasan sareru/saremasu be before
added konshuu this week
Kashikomarbnashita I konshuu-matsu this weekend
understand; At your service kon'ya tonight
kashira (after a verb) I wonder koocha black tea
if... koojoo factory
kata person (pol.) kookoosei high-school student
Kato family name kookuubin airmail
ka~su buy koora cola (Eng.)
Kayoobi Tuesday kooshoo negotiation
kazagusuri medicine for cold korarerulkoraremasu come
kazoku family (exal.)
kedo but ... (eq. keredomo) kore this
keeki cake (Eng.) koshi lower back
kekkon suru/shimasu be married kotchi this one, this way
kekkoo fine, okay, all right; quite (eq. kochira)
a bit (Kekkoo furu ••• ) kotoba language
keredo(mo) but, however -ku ward, district (of a
kibishii stem, severe metropolis)
kiiro yellow kudamono fruit
kikoerulkikoemasu be able to kudasai give me : noun +
hear; be audible (o) kudasai
kikulkikimasu hear kudasai (afterte-form verb)
Kimatte iru It has been decided please do
Kin'en-sha non-smoking car Kugatsu September
Kin'yoobi Friday kumo cloud
kippu ticket kumo ga deyasuku may become
kirai (desu) dislike cloudy
kirasulkirashimasu be out of kuni country/hometown
stock kurabu club (Eng.)

kurashikku no ongaku classical ~ta again
music (Eng.) ~tawa or
kure~ure~su (a~te-fonn mazu first of all
verb) Please (do); kindly (do) me eye
kurulkimasu come Meiji Jingd Meiji Shrine
ku~ carriage menyuu menu (Eng.)
kusuri medicine mezurasbdi unusual
kusuri o nomu/nomimasu take mi ni iku/~su go and see
medicine michl road/street/path
kutsusbdta socks Midori no Madoguchi Green
kuuraa air conditioner (Eng.) Window (information service)
kyanseru cancellation (Eng.) migi right
kyasshu cash (Eng.) migi-gawa right side
kyoo today migite right hand
kyoo dooyoo same as today mijikai short
kyoosbd teacher Miki family name
Kyooshuku de gozaimasu ga.•• mikka 3rd of the month/3 days
I'm sorry but ... (pol.) mikkusu sando mixed
kyootsuu de for a common sandwiches (Eng.)
purpose mikomi prediction
Kyoto ancient city of Kyoto mimi ear
kyuu nine Minami-gucbd South Entrance
miru/mimasu see, watch, look
~ so, well ... at/(after a te-fonn verb) try
~a-maa so-so and
~cbd town miruku milk (Eng.)
~cbd-nami ambience of town mise shop/store
~da stilVyet mise no obasan woman of the
Mada (desu) Not yet shop
~de until/up to/as far as Misete itadalrimasu I would
~e front/before like to have you show me
~e motte beforehand mitsukeru/mitsukemasu find
~e-uri advance ticket mittsu three (items)
m.agaru/~~u tum Miura family name
-mai counter for flat objects mizu water
Maiko (female) given name mo also, too, as well
mairu/mairim.asu come/go mochiron of course
(humb.) Mokuyoobi Thursday
man ten thousand momiji autumn colours
mannaka middle/centre mono thing
mansbdtsu fully occupied moo already
mansuri-manshon monthly moo ichldo one more time
rented flat mooningu kooru wake up call
massugu straight (Eng.)
-masu normal-polite verb ending Mooshlwake arimasen (polite)
-masu = present positive I am sorry
-masen = present negative morau/moraimasu (a~te­
-masbdta = past positive fonn verb) have someone (do
-masen deshlta = past negative something)
-mashoo ="Let's do ... " Mori family name
-~shoo ka? ="Shall we do ... ?" mosbd if
~su goto ni each time is moshl mosbd hello (telephone)
added motte iku/ikimasu take, carry
Masumoto family name (with)
Masutaa Kaado Master Card motte iru/imasu have, be in
(Eng.) possession of

motto more Nerima a section of Tokyo
muika 6th of the month/6 days neru/nemasu sleep
mukanai not suitable ni to/towards (direction marker:
muri not possible Tokyo ni ikimasu.)
mushoku retired/unemployed ni in/at (location marker: ni
musume my daughter imasu.)
muttsu six (items) ni at (specific time marker: Sanji
muzukashii difficult ni .•• )
Myunhen Munich ni two
-nichi counter for days of the
nafukin napkin (Eng.) month (also -ka)
nagai long Nichiyoobi Sunday
nai(n desu) is not (inf.) Nigatsu February
(eq. arimasen) Nihon Japan
naka in/inside nihonshoku Japanese food
naka-naka no matter what nihonshu Japanese rice wine
Nakagawa family name (eq. o-sake)
Nakayama family name nimei-sama two people (pol.)
namae name nimotsu luggage
namik.i-michi tree-lined road -nin counter for people
nanlnani? what? ninbun, -ninmae counter for
nan no? what kind of? servings of food
nana seven ninki no aru popular
nanatsu seven (items) nitchuu during the day
nanban? what number? niwaka-ame sudden shower
nangai/nankai? what floor? no possessive marker: watashi
nangatsu? what month? nonamae
nani-go? what language? no (after a verb) one (makes verb
nani-jin? what nationality? phrase into noun phrase)
nanika/nanka something noboru/noborimasu climb
nanimo nothing nochi later/afterwards
nani-ryoori? what kind of node because, so
cuisine? nodo throat
nani-sen? what (railway -notni only: chooshoku notni
/underground) line? (only breakfast)
nanji? what time? nomigusuri medication that is
nanjikan? how much time?, how taken orally
many hours? nomimono beverage
nanmai? how many (flat objects)? nomi-sugi over-drinking
nannichi? what day of the month? nomu/nomimasu drink
nannin? how many people? norulnorimasu get on (a
nanoka 7th day of the month/7 vehicle)/board
days nuudo nude (Eng.)
nanpaku? how many nights? nyuusu newscast (Eng.)
nanpun? how many minutes?
nan'yoobi? what day of the week? o object marker: Mizu o
narabulnarabimasu line up nomimasu.
naru/narimasu become, come to o- honorific prefix: o-cha
nasaru/nasaimasu do (exal.) 0-azukari shimasu I shall take
(eq. suru/shimasu) care of it (pol.)
natsu summer obasan aunt, old woman
ne? .. .isn't it?; ... right? (tag o-cha green tea
question) o-chazuke hot tea poured over
Ne... Say ... cooked rice
nedan price 0-dekake desu ka? Are you
nekutai tie (Eng.) going out? (pol.)

odorokulodorokimasu be orulorimasu (I) am (humb.)
surprised (eq. imasu)
o-furo bath o-sake rice wine
Ogikubo a section of Tokyo o-shiro castle
o-hashi chopsticks Osore irimasu ga... I am
Ohayoo gazaimasu Good terribly sorry, but ...
morning o-sumai your home (pol.)
oishii delicious Osutoriya Austria
Okaerinasai Welcome back o-tachi ni narulnarimasu leave
o-kaeshi your change (pol.) (pol.)
0-kamai naku Don't trouble o-taku you, your place (pol.)
yourself Otemachi a section of Tokyo
o-kanjoo bill o-tenki weather
o-keiko (-goto) (arts/crafts) oto sound, noise
lesson otoko no ko boy
okirulokimasu wake up, get up o-tomari your stay (pol.)
o-kosan your children (pol.) owari the end
okulokimasu put, place; (after o-yasumi-chuu during vacation
te-form verb) do something for a
later purpose paasento percentage(%) (Eng.)
okurulokurimasu send, ship paatii party (Eng.)
o-kyaku-sama visitor, guest pakkeiji-tsuaa package tour
(pol.) (Eng.)
0-matase itashimashita Sorry pantaron women's slacks (Pre.)
to have kept you waiting pasupooto nanbaa passport
0-me ni kakarimashoo Let's number (Eng.)
see each other (again) (pol.) pikunikku picnic (Eng.)
o-mie ni narulnarimasu arrive pinku pink (Eng.)
(pol.) pitsa pizza (Eng.)
omoi heavy Porando Poland (Eng.)
omoshiroi interesting, funny, poteto sarada potato salad (Eng.)
amusing Puraha-joo Prague castle
Omotesando a section of Tokyo purezento present, gift (Eng.)
omoulomoimasu think (that), puuru swimming pool (Eng.)
have an opinion
Onaka ga sukimashita I'm raamen'ya-san ramen noodle
hungry (inj.: Onaka suita.) shop
Onegai shimasu Please (take rafu nude art form
care of it) raigetsu next month
ongaku music raishuu next week
onna no ko girl raji-kase radio-cassette (Eng.)
onsen hot spring rajio radio (Eng.)
oobaa overcoat (Eng.) rashii (desu) (after adj., noun,
oobaa surulshimasu over-book, or verb) seems, seems to be,
go over, exceed (Eng.) seems like
oodanhodoo pedestrian remoneido lemonade (Eng.)
crossing reshiito receipt (Eng.)
oo-eru office lady, female office resutoran restaurant (Eng.)
clerk ribon ribbon (Eng.)
ooi many, plentiful roku six
ookii big (col. : okkii) Rokugatsu June
oomune mostly rooka corridor/hallway
oosugiru/oosugimasu betoo roosuto-biifu roast beef (Eng.)
much Roppongi a section ofTokyo
orirulorimasu go down, ruumu saabisu room service
descend, get off (a vehicle) (Eng.)

ryokoo trip shake-chazuke salmon o-
ryokoo ni deru/demasu go on a chazuke
trip shashin photograph
ryokoo suru/shimasu travel shashin o toru/torimasu take
ryoohoo both pictures
ryookin charge, fee, fare shi (after a verb) and, and so on
ryookin ga kakarulkakarimasu shi four
charge a fee Shibuya a section of Tokyo
ryoori cooking, cuisine shichi seven
ryooshin (both) parents Shichigatsu July
Shigatsu April
Saa Well ... shigoto work, job
saabisu chaaji service charge shiharai payment
(Eng.) shiitsu sheets (Eng.)
Saga-Kytibin Saga Delivery shika only, nothing but
Service shimau/sbimaimasu (after a te-
sagaku monetary difference form verb) do completely, finally
sagasu/sagashimasu look for shimi spot, stain
-sai counter for years of age shimi nuki spot remover
saikin recently shinbun newspaper
saikuringu cycling (Eng.) Shinjuku a section of Tokyo
saki e iku/ikimasu go first Shinkan-sen Bullet Train
saki ni at first, previously Shinpai shinaide kudasai
saki no the previous (one) Please don't worry
sakkaa soccer (Eng.) shinpai suru/sbimasu worry
saku/sakimasu bloom/blossom shiraberu/shirabemasu check
sakura cherry tree something; look up (in a
-sama honorific suffix after a dictionary)
name shiriai acquaintance
samui cold (weather) shiru/shitte imasu know
san three shirushi mark/symboVsign
-san honorific suffix, after a name shita younger (child)lbelow/
sanbun no ichi one third (113) underneath/lower
sando(itchi) sandwich (Eng.) shitagi underwear
Sangatsu March shitei-seki reserved seat
sanka participation shitsurei rude
sara plate, dish Shitsurei desu ga... Excuse me
satoo sugar but ...
sauna sauna (Eng.) Shitsurei shimasu Excuse me
Sayonara/Sayoonara Goodbye Shiyoo ga nai It can't be helped
sebiro man's suit Shoda family name
seibutsu still-life shokuji dinner/meal
Seiyo Bijutsukan Museum of shokuji-tsuki meals included
Occidental Art shoohin prize
semai small (space), narrow shoohizei sales tax
semasa smallness (space) shooka-furyoo indigestion
sen thousand shookai introduction
-sen line (railway/subway); track shookai suru/shimasu
(niban-sen = track no.2) introduce
sengetsu last month shooto keeki short-cake (Eng.)
sensei teacher/instructor shufu homemaker, housewife
senshuu last week shumi hobby, special interest
sentaa-rain centre line (Eng.) shuppatsu departure
sentaku laundry/cleaning shurui kind, species
sentaku suru/shimasu do the -shuukan counter for weeks
laundry/cleaning (elapsed time)

soba ·buckwheat noodles sumu!sumimasu live, reside
sochira that direction, that (sunde imasu =be living in a
person (pol.) place)
soko there supageti spaghetti (Eng.)
soko-soko so-so Supein Spain
sokora hen over there, that area supootsu sports (Eng.)
(col.) (eq. sono hen) surippa slippers (Eng.)
sonna ni like that, to that degree suru/shimasu do
sono that sutokkingu stockings (Eng.)
sono ato after that suutsu women's suit (Eng.)
soo so, in that way suwareru/suwaremasu can be
Soo desu That's right seated
-soo desu (after an adj.) looks suwaru!suwarimasu be seated,
; (after a casual verb form) sit down
I hear that... suzushii cool
soo shitara and then; in that
case tabemasu eat
soo suru to if that's the case, if tabemono foodstuff
you do that tabe-owaru/tabe-owarimasu
soo yuu baai in a case like that finish eating
soo yuu no something like that tabun most likely
soogoo de combined tada only
tada-tada just (emphasizer)
sooseiji sausage (Eng.)
Tadaima I'm back
sora-moyoo weather, condition
tadaima right now, just now
of the skies
-tai(n desu) (after a verb) want
sore that (one)
to (do something)
sore deshitara in that case, if
taifuu typhoon
that's so
taihen difficult/terrible
sore dewa/sore ja well then ... taizai stay, sojourn (pol.)
sore ni besides that takai expensive
sorede then, therefore, because Takarabe family name
of that takusan a lot
sorekara after that, then, takushii taxi (Eng.)
therefore tamago egg
soretomo or, or else, otherwise tame purpose ( no tame=
sorosoro soon, gradually for the purpose of , for the
sotchi that way (eq. sochira) )
soto outside Tanaka family name
soto ni deru/demasu go outside tanjoobi birthday
subete altogether, everything tanomu!tanomimasu please
-sugimasu (after an adj.) take care (of it) ./ask for/request
too tanoshii pleasant, fun
Suginami-ku Suginami Ward Tanoshimi ni shite imasu I'm
(in Tokyo) looking forward to it
sugoi impressive, great tanuki udon noodles with fried
suidoo water (utility) bean curd
suimingu swimming (Eng.) taoru towel (Eng.)
suite iru/suite imasu (traffic) is tasu!tashimasu add
light, (stomach) is empty tatemono building
Suiyoobi Wednesday te hand
sukaato skirt (Eng.) tegami letter
suki (desu) like tehai arrangements/preparations
sukii skiing (Eng.) teikyuu-bi store's regular day off
sukkari completely ten'in shop assistant
Sumimasen Excuse me tenisu tennis (Eng.)

tenki-yohoo weather forecast tsukiatarultsukiatarimasu
terebi television (Eng.) come to a dead end or T-
to and junction
-to mooshimasu I am called tsukimi soba buckwheat noodles
with an egg
to omoulomoimasu (after a verb) tsukultsukimasu arrive
I think that ... tsumetai cold (to the touch)
Tochigi-ken Tochigi prefecture tsumori (desu) (after a verb)
toire toilet (Eng.) intend to (do something)
toka (after a noun) for example; tsurete ikulikimasu take
and others (someone) along
toki point in timel(after a verb) tsutomerultsutomemasu work,
when (one does) have a job
toki doki once in a while tsutsumultsutsumimasu wrap
tokoro place Tsuyoshi (male) given name
tokoro de by the way tsuyu rainy season
tokoro ni yotte depending on the tte They said/l heard that ... (in.f.)
area tte yuu to... when you say
toku ni especially ,...
Tokyo Capital of Japan
Tokyo Tawa Tokyo Tower uchi our place/home
tomaru/tomarimasu stay (over) udon noodles
tomato juusu tomato juice ue above/top/over/older (child)
(Eng.) Ueno a section of Tokyo
tomodachi fiiend u-m Vienna
tonikaku anyhow ume-chazuke plum o-chazuke
tonkatsu pork cutlet un (casual) yes
too ten urayamashii enviable
toojitsu on the same day urusai noisy, bothersome
tooka 1Oth of the month/1 0 days uwagi man's sport coat
tooroku registration uzu-uzu surulshimasu be
toosuto toast (Eng.) frustrating
Toranomon a section of Tokyo
toreru/toremasu can be wa topic marker: Kyoo wa
removed samuidesu.
toriaezu first of all, in the waishatsu man's dress shirt
meantime wakarulwakarimasu I
toriatsukaultoriatsukaimasu understand
handle, deal with wake reason
tori-no-kara-age deep-Died wan-beddo-ruumu one-bed-
chicken room (Eng.)
Toruko Turkey wariai to rather
totemo very/quite warui bad
tsuika an addition washoku Japanese cuisine
tsuika ryookin additional charge watakushilwatashi I
tsuika surulshimasu add to watakushi-domo we (humb.)
tsuin twin room/bed (Eng.) watakushi-tachi we
tsuitachi first of the month watarulwatarimasu cross, cross
tsuite irultsuite imasu be over
included watasulwatashimasu (I) will
tsukarerultsukaremasu give to (you)
become tired
tsukaultsukaimasu use yahari/yappari as expected,
tsukerultsukemasu put on; tum after all
on (elec. appliance) Yamada family name
tsukiatari dead end Yamamoto family name

yasai vegetable Yoshiko (female) given name
yasui inexpensive yotei schedule, plan
yasu-uri-shoppu discount store Yotte kudasai Please call
yattsu eight (items) yottsu four (items)
yo emphasis marker: Soo desu yoyaku reservation
yo. yuki snow
yoi good (eq. ii) yukkuri leisurely (time spent)
yokaroo probably goodl(pol.) yuubin mail
(eq. ii deshoo) yuubin o dasuldashi~asu mail
Yokatta desu It turned out all a letter
right.; Thank goodness yuubinkyoku post office
yoku often, well yuuhi sunset
yo~ulyonni~asu read yuujin friend
yoohin utensils/paraphernalia yuu~ei(na) famous
yooi preparations
yooka 8th of the month/8 days Zannen desu It is disappointing/
yooshoku Western cuisine too bad
yori c~o) exceeding, in excess of zehi by all means
Yoroppa Europe zenbu de altogether
yoroshii good (pol.) (eq. yoi) zenkan entire building
Yoroshiku (onegai s~asu) zenzen not at all
I'm happy to meet you/Please zero zero (Eng.)
take care of it zubon men's slacks (Fre.)
Yoroshuu gozai~ashoo ka? zuibun quite a bit
Will that be all right? (pol.) -zutsu each (hyaku-en zutsu =
(eq. Ii desu ka?) 100 yen each)
Yoshida family name zutto all the way

adjective+ naru 185 past tense 206-11
adjective+ sugiru 114, 173 perfect tense 199
adjectives 12, 157 permission: asking/giving 199
adjectives: past and negative 160 pharmacy/medicine 11 0
age counters 18, 29 planning 190-96
alphabet 13 plurals/singulars 11
asking/giving 199 politeness, degrees of 43
post office 100, 104
body parts 111 preferences 44
professions 26-27
can be Iable to 11 7 pronouns 31
classic counters 35
cleaners 68, 72, 76 question words 28
clothing 70-71
colours 108-09 religions 161-62
comparatives 31, 103 restaurant 34-42, 138, 140-42,
countries 213 146
routine, daily 176
dates 87
days of the week 18, 29 seasons/climate 172, 174
-desu!-masu 12, 31, 145 sentence softeners 7 4
directions 62-67 shopping 93-116, 118
directives, polite 7 4 sports 178-79
superlatives 26, 31
flat hunting 180-81
food 114-15, 136-43 -ta koto ga aru 199
table manners 14 7
gestures/body language 14, 187 -tari: -tari 88, 154
gifts: giving/receiving 118-19 -te kudasai 7 4
grammar notes 11, 31, 43, 74 -temiru 131
greetings, basic Unit 1 -te morau 213
telephone 96-97, 105, 186
health 11 0-11 telling time 53, 78
hobbies 150, 156 time-related words 78, 87-88
holidays/festivals 90-91 -toka: toka 103
hotel 48-58, 60, 138 transportation 62-63, 75
travel Unit 9
I think I will... 199
if/when 57 Ueno area 201
inns 133
introduction 2, 8 verb+ toki 213
verbs 12, 117
Kabuki theatre 20 1 visiting 136
Kamakura 20 1
Kyoto 152, 161 weather 4-6, Unit 12
want to 57
languages 213 word order 11
let's 80-82
likes/dislikes 15 8 yes/no 214

medical assistance 105

negative 155
numbers 29, 216
numbers/counters 44, 65, 101,

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