Propylene Glycol FFG

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HO – CH2 – CH - OH

DESCRIPTION Propylene Glycol – Food Flavour Grade meets the requirement of the Propylene
Glycol – Food Flavour Grade IS 13702:1993. It is a clear, colourless liquid with slight characteristic
taste. A solvent for flavours, extracts, drug and food anti-oxidants; a heat transfer medium; an
emolient and humectant and plasticizers for tobacco products, baked foods, coconut, cellophane,
adhesives and paper products. It is used as an inhibitor of fermentation and mold growth.


Characteristics Unit Specification

Description -- Clear, colourless, odourless, viscous liquid with
slight characteristic taste.
Identification -- To answer ISI tests

Specific gravity at 25°C -- 1.035 – 1.037

Purity (as C3H8O2) % w/w 99.50 Min

Distillation range °C 185 – 189
Moisture % w/w 0.2 Max
Arsenic (as As) mg/kg 3 Max
Heavy metals (as Pb) mg/kg 10 Max
Acidity %w/w 0.01 Max
Sulphated ash % w/w 0.007 Max

Revision No: 6 Date of Issue: Jan 2015

Presence of other -- Absent
Polyhydroxy compounds
(by GLC)

Ethylene glycol (by GLC) -- Absent

The above specification is as per IS :13702-1993

PACKING SIZE 215 kg nett.

STORAGE AND HANDLING PROPYLENE GLYCOL – FFG is stable over long periods of
storage. Store in dry cool locations. Being a hygroscopic material it should be kept air tight. Shelf
life is 2 year.

The information in this data sheet is believed to be accurate but all recommendations are made without warranty,
since the conditions of use are beyond the company’s control. MPL disclaims any liability in connection with the
use of the information, and does not warrant against infringement by reason of the use of any of its products in
combination with other materials or in any process.

Revision No: 6 Date of Issue: Jan 2015

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