Propylene Glycol FFG
Propylene Glycol FFG
Propylene Glycol FFG
HO – CH2 – CH - OH
DESCRIPTION Propylene Glycol – Food Flavour Grade meets the requirement of the Propylene
Glycol – Food Flavour Grade IS 13702:1993. It is a clear, colourless liquid with slight characteristic
taste. A solvent for flavours, extracts, drug and food anti-oxidants; a heat transfer medium; an
emolient and humectant and plasticizers for tobacco products, baked foods, coconut, cellophane,
adhesives and paper products. It is used as an inhibitor of fermentation and mold growth.
STORAGE AND HANDLING PROPYLENE GLYCOL – FFG is stable over long periods of
storage. Store in dry cool locations. Being a hygroscopic material it should be kept air tight. Shelf
life is 2 year.
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