Reference Unloading JHA
Reference Unloading JHA
Reference Unloading JHA
Last Updated -26.12.2018
Department:- PPIC
Location Of Job:- Unloading Coil Point
Job Description:- Unloading Coil from truck
Team:- Mr.Bablu,Baba,Vishal
Sr. Sequence Of Basic Job Steps Potential Hazards Safeguard/Controls To Be Put In place Responsibility
1)Moving of truck while unloading. 1)Insure that driver applied hand break Mr.Bablu
Chances of hand wrist injury during unpacking coils 2)be away from truck during moments
from truck 3)Provide stoppers to back side and front side wheels
Park coil loaded truck outside of coil 4)Inform all near by persons that unloading is in process
unloading platform Use wrist guard
2 Unload a coil from loaded truck and 1) Stock movement and falling items. 1) Steel toe-cap footwear suitable head protection. Mr.Bablu
place on weighing scale platform with 2) Slips 2) Safety footwear with slip resistant soles.
the help of crane 3) Sharp edges 3) Read instructions which are shown in sop of coil loading -
4) Burris to hand unloading.
4) Restrict entry to any unauthorized person who is not in
recommend PPEs .
5) Use cut resistance hand-gloves.
3 Remove a coil from wheighing scale 1)Slips from coil edge. 1)Use safety helmet Mr.Bablu
after completion of weight 2)Undesirable moment of crane lifting slings due to 2)Use steel toe safety foot ware
measurment. heavy load. 3)Do not lift extreme load crane capacity.
3)Falling of coil due to improper lifting. 4)Work in under trained supervisor
4)Loose packing strip sudden removal 5)Take all precautions of work related hazards
6)While handling of coil keep safe distance from moments of coil.
Use safety grills for face protection
4 Stack a coil on coil yard . 1) Collision of coils 1)Use safety helmet Mr.Bablu
2) Trashed of coil stopper if that wooden 2)Use steel toe safety foot ware
3) Heavy load impact to other things 3)Do not lift extreme load crane capacity.
4)Work in under trained supervisor
5)Use a couple of a metal stopper for complete load division .
6)Give a training of safe material stacking to the workmen
5 Maintaining stack height of coils 1) Coils falling from height 1) While handling of coil keep safe distance from moments of coil. Mr.Bablu
2) Hazard of trauma ,up to fatality 2) Pay attention on your job
3) Fracture of workmen 3) Maintain stack height up to two layers .
4) Stopper failure if broken already 4) Be alert In emergency
5) Use all PPEs .
6) Provide Proper Stopper.
Special Skilled
Required PPE Required Tools & Equipments Required Training Employees
As per PPE Matrix Crane & Lifting tools Tackles Safety, Material Handling Mr.Bablu,Baba,Vishal