Bangladesh Statistics 2019
Bangladesh Statistics 2019
Bangladesh Statistics 2019
Key Indicators
Chapter I General Characteristics 1
Chapter II Environment and Disaster 5
Chapter III Population, Household and 9
Housing Characteristics
Chapter IV Education and Health 13
Chapter V Agriculture 17
Chapter VI Labour and Manpower 19
Chapter VII Industry and Energy 23
Chapter Transport, Communication, 29
VIII Tourism and IT
Chapter IX Foreign Trade 33
Chapter X National Accounts, Finance and 38
Chapter XI Price and Wages 43
Chapter XII Poverty and Inequality 45
Bangladesh Statistics 2019 is a booklet which provides important
demographic and socio-economic data as well as statistical
indicators of Bangladesh for the year 2019.
This booklet is an extraction of information from various statistical
publications and reports compiled by BBS, other Ministries,
Departments and Agencies.
These statistics give an indication of current social and economic
trends in the country. Some of the latest figures are provisional and
subject to revision.
Publication in recognizing the inputs used in the compilation of
this booklet, BBS would like to thank all organization in the
Government, Departments and Agencies and private sectors.
BBS is very much thankful for your continued support and
cooperation for the compilation of the future editions of this
booklet and other statistical report.
Views and feedbacks are welcome from users in all sectors so as to
enrich the next edition of the Bangladesh Statistics.
The document can also be obtained from the website;
Key Indicators
Indicators 2018
Total Population (Million) 164.6
Male 82.4
Female 82.2
Growth rate 1.37
Total fertility rate (15-49 years) 2.05
Life expectancy at birth (years) 72.3
Male 70.8
Female 73.8
Literacy rate of population (7+ years) 73.2
Source: MSVSB, 2018
Economic indicators
Indicators 2018-19
GDP at current market price (billion tk.) 25425
GDP at constant market price (billion tk) 11058
Per capita GDP in current market prices (in 1828
Per capita GNI at current market prices (in 1909
Growth rate at constant prices 8.15
Investment at current prices (billion tk) 8026.69
Inflation rate (%), General 5.48
Poverty rate for April-June, 2016 23.2
Extreme poverty rate for April-June, 2016 12.9
Total number of establishment 78,18,565
Total persons engaged 2,45,00,850
Indicators 2018-19
Total export (Million in TK) 3481620
Total import (Million in TK) 5722675
Share of ready made garments in national 84.21
Economically active population (15+), 62.1
Employed population (15+), million 60.8
Unemployed population, million 2.6
Unemployment rate 4.2
Chapter I
General Characteristics
Capital: Dhaka
Nationality: Bangladeshi
West : India
South : Bay of Bengal
Principal seasonal
Principal exports: Readymade garments & knitwear,
frozen fish, jute & jute goods, pharmaceutical products, tea,
leather products, handicrafts, chemicals.
1.1 Administrative Units and others, 2019
Unit Number
Division 8
Region 20
Zila 64
City Corporation 19
Pouroshava 330
Upazila 492
Police Station 650
Union 4571
Mauza 56348
Population (million)* 164.6
Household ** 32173630
Life Expectancy at birth* 72.3 years
Source: LGRD and BBS
Note: * SVRS 2017
** Population and Housing Census 2011
Chapter II
Environment and Disaster
2.1 Climatic Variations (Average)
2.3 Highest and Lowest temperature of Bangladesh
from 2015-17
2.5 Disaster related statistics (Disaster prone area of
Chapter III
Population, Household and Housing Characteristics
3.4 Age Specific Fertility Rates (per 1000 women in the
age group)
3.6 National Growth Rate of Population
2015 2016 2017 2018
National 1.37 1.36 1.34 1.37
Male 1.19 1.19 - -
Female 1.48 1.52 - -
Source: MSVSB 2018, BBS.
Chapter IV
Education and Health
4.1 Number of Institutions, Teachers and Students by type of
Education 2018
4.4 Secondary and tertiary hospitals/ health centers under
DGHS, with the number of functional beds (as of December
4.5 Primary healthcare centers run by the DGHS at the
Upazila level and Below, 2018
Chapter V
5.3 Species/Group-wise Annual Fish Production
SL. Species/Group 2015-16 2016-17
1 Major Carp 750880 811588
2 Other Carp 80647 100730
3 Exotic Carp 357933 409801
4 Pangas (cat fish) 504674 510097
5 Other Cat Fish 65130 66646
6 Snake Head 70106 72991
7 Live Fish 136113 127120
8 Tilapia 377346 370017
9 Other Inland fish 568446 598923
10 Hilsa 394951 496417
11 Shrimp/Prawn 234188 246774
12 Crab 13160 14421
13 Sardine 44386 48704
14 Bombay Duck 58545 69230
15 Indian Salmon 895 775
16 Pomfret 10593 10686
17 Jew Fish 31894 33768
18 Sea Cat Fish 8695 8424
19 Sharks Sjates & Ray 4622 4495
20 Other Marine Fish 165120 132827
Total 3878324 4134434
Source: Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Department of Fisheries
Chapter VI
Labour and Manpower
6.1 Key Findings of Labour Force Surveys
(In million)
Labour force characteristics 2010 2013 2015 2016-17
Economically active 56.7 60.7 62.1 63.5
population (15+)
Employed Population (15+) 54.1 58.1 59.5 60.8
Unemployed Population 2.60 2.6 2.60 2.7
Source: Labour force survey 2016-17, BBS.
Major Occupation Bangladesh
Male Female Total
Total 42182 18646 60828
Source: Labour force survey Bangladesh, 2016-17, BBS.
Sl. Characteristics 2002-03 2013
No Male Femal Total Male Female Total
hazardous work
Chapter VII
Industry and Energy
7.1 Quantum Index of Industrial Production (Manufacturing)
(Base: 2005-06)
Group 2017-18 2018-19
General Index of Manufacturing 342.47 562.70
Food products 501.16 272.74
Beverages 240.41 138.59
Tobacco products 138.51 200.27
Manufacture of textile 195.19 443.05
Wearing apparel 388.62 348.58
Leather and related products 292.22 356.42
Wood and products of wood and cork 339.52 187.58
Paper and paper products 185.38 109.74
Coke and refined petroleum products 100.80 133.22
Mfg. of chemicals and chemical products 100.50 670.41
Pharmaceuticals and medicinal chemical 507.53 442.63
Rubber and plastic products 411.94 443.72
Other non-metalic mineral products 381.85 188.14
Basic metals 185.27 298.00
Fabricated metal products except 274.34 246.05
Computer, electronic and optical products 178.57 366.35
Electrical equipment 337.58 641.00
Machinery and equipment n.e.c 548.73 614.11
Motor vehicles,trailers and semi trailers 438.44 607.53
Other transport equipment 604.43 193.84
Furniture 184.81 178.89
Printing and reprod. of recorded media 162.22 -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
7.2 Production of Natural Gas and Fertilizer
C. Import of Lube Base Oil
Qnty in MT
Grade 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2018-19
SN-150 729 0 0 0
SN-500 2615 0 0 0
SBS-150 1509 0 0 0
Total 4853 0 0 0
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
Chapter VIII
Transport, Communication, Tourism and IT
Sl. Name of District Geo- Distance Sl. Name of Geo- Distance
No. code from Dhaka No. District code from Dhaka
(in KM) (in KM)
7. Mymensingh 61 122 39. Bogra 10 197
8. Kishoregonj 48 117 40. Joypurhat 38 249
9. Netrokona 72 158 41. Rangpur 85 304
10. Tangail 93 92 42. Gaibandha 32 268
11. Jamalpur 39 179 43. Kurigram 49 348
12. Sherpur 89 188 44. Lalmonirhat 52 343
13. Faridpur 29 101 45. Dinajpur 27 338
14. Madaripur 54 90 46. Nilphamari 73 359
15. Gopalgonj 35 127 47. Panchagarh 77 443
16. Rajbari 82 118 48. Thakurgaon 94 407
17. Shariatpur 86 101 49. Khulna 47 180
18. Chattogram 15 242 50. Bagerhat 01 178
19. Cox's Bazar 22 391 51. Satkhira 87 240
20. Noakhali 75 158 52. Jashore 41 164
21. Laxmipur 51 137 53. Magura 55 150
22. Feni 30 149 54. Narail 65 304
23. Cumilla 19 96 55. Kushtia 50 183
24. Chandpur 13 115 56. Jhenaidah 44 178
25. Brahmanbaria 12 109 57. Chuadanga 18 215
26. Rangamati 84 293 58. Meherpur 57 240
27. Khagrachhari 46 259 59. Barishal 06 169
28. Bandarban 03 316 60. Jhalakati 42 182
29. Sylhet 91 241 61. Pirojpur 79 185
30. Sunamgonj 90 296 62. Bhola 09 205
Source: LGED and BBS.
8.3 Key findings in Computer Software Industry
Indicators Year
2013-14 2014-15
Total employment size in computer 21514 23478
software manufacturing companies
Male 18801 20656
Female 2713 2822
Total employment cost (million tk) 16486.65 22506.16
Total sales value of packaged software 10162.25 11629.80
produced in the country by types of
clients (million tk)
Sales to individuals and households 709.06 836.24
Sales for embedding in computer 124.25 196.58
Sales to government and semi 547.42 2036.42
government organization
Sales to other business organization in 4867.61 3940.19
Total sales value of customized software 15594.61 23482.76
produced in the country (million tk)
Sales to government and semi 205.17 268.65
government organization
Sales to other business organization in 4188.64 6565.82
Sales to clients outsideBangladesh 11200.80 16648.29
Total gross output of computer software 26334.12 35630.96
(million tk)
Gross value added 20658.84 28210.08
a. Compensation of employees 16486.65 22506.16
b. Operating Surplus 4172.19 5703.91
Intermediate Consumption 5675.28 7420.88
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) in 11379.94 16086.14
Indicators Year
2013-14 2014-15
Computer software (million tk)
Export earnings (million tk)** 15115.05 21268.65
GFCF in Computer software as percent of 0.30 0.37
total GFCF
Gross value added (GVA) associated with 0.15 0.19
computer software as percent of total
* Employment size is only for computer software manufacturing
companies (establishment based only)
* Export includes only for packaged and customized software
produced by computer software manufacturing companies
(establishment based only)
Source: Report on private sector gross fixed capital formation in
software survey 2016, BBS
Chapter IX
Foreign Trade
9.1 Indicators of the Foreign Trade Sector
9.5 Export of Principal Commodities
(Million Tk.)
Commodities 2017-18 2018-19
Value % of total Value % of total
Readymade garments 2513449 89.19 2867433 90.71
Made up textile articles 82085 2.91 78501 2.48
Vegetable textile 74119 2.63 61665
fibre/yarn 1.95
Shrimps and prawn 35094 1.25 34244 1.08
Foot wear 66367 2.36 73819 2.34
Hides, skins and leather 15118 0.54 13961 0.44
Raw jute 12781 0.45 9451 0.30
Special Woven fabrics 4037 0.14 4759 0.15
Fertilizer 1 0.00 - 0.00
Hats and other headgear 15075 0.53 17358 0.55
Total 2818126 100.0 3161191 100.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
9.7 Imports of Principal Goods
(Million Tk.)
Principal Commodities 2017-18 2018-19
Value % of Value % of
total total
Milk and cream 28639 0.82 31900 1.37
Sugar 78171 2.24 70714 3.03
Rice 136048 3.89 10113 0.43
Wheat 124791 3.57 12363 0.53
Raw cotton 272378 7.79 31330 1.34
Petroleum oil (crude) 29925 0.86 34881 1.49
Petroleum products 502620 14.37 331251 14.19
Fertilizer 90271 2.58 11919 0.51
Plastics and articles 191460 5.48 220707 9.45
Edible oil 283464 8.11 246829 10.57
Iron & steel 234569 6.71 276335 11.83
Machinery equipment 979686 28.02 967987 41.45
Textile yarn 150738 4.30 88877 3.81
Textile fabrics 393775 11.26 - -
Total 3496535 100 2335206 100
9.8 Quantity of Import of Selected Items
(In ‘000’ MT)
Items 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Rice 298 3840 311
Wheat 6164 6265 5528
Edible oil 4621 4759 4665
Milk powder 120 130 150
Fertilizer 2907 3508 3736
Petroleum: crude 1687 1209 1385
Raw cotton 1481 1662 342
Pharmaceutical Prod 4 2 2
Coal 3395 5754
Sugar 2468 2442 2332
Cement 17669 17391 19793
Pig Iron 75 92 129
Old garments 16 15 23
Dyes 241 89 103
Chemical Products 87 1499 14035
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Source: Export Promotion Bureau
Chapter X
National Accounts, Finance and Banking
10.1 Indicators of National Accounts
Indicator 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1. GDP at current market prices 19758 22504 25425
(billion Tk.)
2. GDP at constant market prices 9479 10224 11058
(billion Tk.)
3. GNI at current market prices 20607 23531 26561
(billion Tk.)
4. Per capita GDP at current market 122152 137518 153578
prices (Tk.)
5. Per capita GNI at current market 127401 143789 160440
prices (Tk.)
6. Per capita GDP at current market 1544 1675 1828
prices ( in US$)
7. Per capita GNI at current market 1610 1751 1909
prices ( in US$)
8. Growth rate at constant prices 7.28 7.86 8.15
9. Sectoral shares of GDP at constant
prices (%)
Agriculture 14.74 14.23 13.65
Industry 32.42 33.66 35.00
Services 52.85 52.11 51.35
10. Consumption at current prices 14754 17365 19131
(billion Tk.)
11. Investment at current prices 6028 7029 8027
(billion Tk.)
12. Domestic savings at current prices 5005 5139 6294
(billion Tk.)
13. National savings at current prices 5857 6170 7500
(billion Tk.)
Indicator 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
14. Consumption as % of GDP 74.67 77.17 75.25
15. Investment as % of GDP 30.51 31.23 31.54
16. Domestic savings as % of GDP 25.33 22.83 24.75
17. National savings as % of GDP 29.64 27.42 29.50
18. Revenue receipt as % of GDP 11.06 11.53 13.34
Tax 9.73 10.32 12.03
Non-Tax 1.33 1.21 1.31
19. Total Government expenditure as 16.05 15.95 17.62
% of GDP
P-denotes Provisional
10.3 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure
(Million Tk).
Principal Heads 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Total Receipts 3246840 3809680 4751420
Revenue Receipts 2185000 2594540 3392800
Other internal Receipts 699030 660170 712260
Foreign grants and loan receipts 362810 554970 646360
Total Expenditure 2939440 3588838 4413727
Revenue Expenditure 1898860 2105780 2824150
Development Expenditure 1040580 1483058 1589577
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
10.5 Deposit and Credit Disbursement
(Billion Tk.)
Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Demand Deposit 897.59 1018.85 1132.17 1182.18
Time Deposit 7039.47 7759.98 8550.87 9463.18
Domestic Credit 8012.8 8906.7 10216.26 11468.85
Source: Economic Trend, Bangladesh Bank
Chapter XI
Price and Wages
11.2 Wage rate Indices by Major Sector in Bangladesh
(Base: 1969-70=100)
Period 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
General 141.46 150.59 160.23
Agriculture 141.22 150.27 159.92
Industry 140.27 149.45 158.74
Service 145.01 154.44 164.78
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.
Chapter XII
Poverty and Inequality
Duration Percentage
Poverty rate for 2016 24.3
Extreme poverty rate for 2016 12.9
International Extreme poverty 14.8
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016
*PovCalNet, WB, 2016
Household Expenditures
Distribution of average monthly expenditure in household
consumption (%)
Indicators 2000 2005 2010 2016
Food and Beverage 54.60 53.81 54.81 47.69
Cloth and Footwear 6.28 5.51 4.95 7.12
Housing and House 9.00 12.25 9.95 12.43
Fuel and Lighting 6.81 5.98 5.63 6.07
Household Effect 1.41 2.05 1.68 2.93
Medical - - 3.79 4.54
Education - - 5.68 5.42
Miscellaneous 20.32 20.37 13.53 13.80
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016