Lord Lawson Letter Attachment
Lord Lawson Letter Attachment
Lord Lawson Letter Attachment
There has been no global warming since the turn of the century – even
though carbon dioxide emissions have been rising faster than ever.
It is true that global average temperature has remained roughly constant over
the past decade, but this in no way undermines the evidence that greenhouse
gases are causing warming. The key point is that short-term temperature
trends are meaningless in the context of global warming, because global
average temperature fluctuates from year to year and from decade to decade
due to natural, internal processes in the climate system, such as the ‘El Niño
Southern Oscillation’ (ENSO). Over a short number of years, the variability
caused by these processes is large compared to the changes expected due to
greenhouse gases, so it is not at all surprising when the temperature trend is
constant or negative over a period of a decade or so (close examination of the
temperature record reveals that this has been the case many times during the
20th century). In order to see the effects of greenhouse gases, it is necessary
to examine the long-term trend, which has clearly been upward (global
average temperatures are now about 0.75°C warmer than they were 100
years ago, and the last decade has been the hottest since records began).
Global average temperature change (relative to the 1961-1990 average) from 1850
until 2009. Blue line represents the smoothed data series. Grey bars represent the
95% uncertainty range on the annual averages.
the climate system is chaotic1. This is why scientists have more confidence in
projections of temperature change over several decades than they do in
projections of temperature change from one year to the next. It is also why
they are not surprised when decadal-scale predictions are ‘wrong’, but would
be extremely surprised if temperatures weren’t warmer than today in 30 years
time. Our ability to make accurate decadal-scale predictions is improving all
the time, as our understanding of the climate system improves.
Global average temperature was higher in 1998 than during any year
between 2001 and 2007.
It is meaningless to compare global average temperature in any two years
within a period of a decade or two, because natural climate variability can
cause temperatures to fluctuate by up to about 0.3°C from year to year,
meaning that it is very likely that a particular year will be cooler than a
preceding year over such a short time period. 1998 was an unusually warm
year, largely due to a natural climate phenomenon known as an El Niño
event, so it is not surprising that the following years were cooler. It is the long-
term trend in temperature that reflects increasing greenhouse gas
concentrations, and this remains upward. As noted above, the decade 2000-
2009 has been warmer, on average, than any other decade in the previous
150 years.
much of the developing world and the former Soviet Union, particularly
before the past few decades.
Global average temperature is calculated from measurements taken at over
4,000 land-based weather stations and over 3,000 free-floating buoys, as well
as ships and moored buoys. Scientists who calculate global average
temperature from these measurements are well aware of the issues involved
in doing so, including incomplete coverage and the fact that some
temperature measurements are less accurate than others. They use
advanced statistical techniques to provide robust estimates of global
temperatures with error bars that factor in uncertainties from these sources.
The temperature increase over the twentieth century greatly exceeds these
Independent estimates of air temperature near the surface over land, sea
surface temperatures and air temperatures measured from the decks of ships
at night all show a similar global trend in warming (with a slightly greater
warming over land, as expected from both basic physics and model
simulations). Measurements of atmospheric temperatures over the last few
decades also show warming.
Furthermore, the evidence that the world is warming does not rest solely on
the robustness or otherwise of the direct temperature record. Warming can be
seen in a range of other variables: the extent of summer minimum Arctic sea
ice has decreased by 0.6 million km² each decade since the 1970s, spring
now arrives on average about ten days earlier in the UK than it did in the early
1970s, and global sea level has increased by about 10 cm in the last 50
The expansion of urban areas can explain recent warming.
The effect of urban areas on temperature has been examined thoroughly and
found to have a negligible effect on the global temperature record. Urban
areas do affect temperature locally, but climate scientists are well aware of
this effect and account for it in datasets of land temperatures. It is also worth
noting that urbanisation cannot have had any effect on the widespread
warming observed in rural areas and over the ocean.
Water vapour is far and away the most important greenhouse gas
Water vapour is indeed the most important contributor to the ‘greenhouse
effect’ – the natural warming of the Earth’s surface caused by greenhouse
gases, which keeps the planet about 30°C warmer than it would be otherwise.
However, this in no way undermines the conclusion that human emissions of
CO2 and other greenhouse gases are the main cause of recent warming – for
two reasons. First, human activities are not directly adding significant
quantities of water vapour to the atmosphere. Second, the concentration of
water vapour in the atmosphere is determined mainly by temperature, with
any excess ‘raining out’ within a few days – so even if human activities were
adding more water vapour to the atmosphere, it would not accumulate there
(in contrast, CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted by human activities
have relatively long lifetimes – decades or longer – in the atmosphere and so
accumulate, causing warming). It is worth noting that although water vapour
is not a direct cause of global warming, it does play a significant role as a
‘feedback’ effect, because the atmosphere can hold more water vapour at
higher temperatures, which in turn causes more warming.
CO2 is not pollution — plants need it to survive, and the more there is,
the more plants will grow.
Plants do indeed need CO2 to survive, and increasing levels of CO2 can
stimulate plant growth. This is known as the ‘CO 2 fertilisation effect’,
and it may increase the productivity of some plants if CO2
concentrations continue to rise. However, scientists have shown that
increases in productivity caused by this effect will not be universal
because other conditions (such as nutrient availability)
quickly become limiting. In addition, climate changes caused by
increasing CO2 concentrations are likely to decrease productivity in
many regions.
It is true that it is difficult to represent clouds in climate models (although there
is no compelling evidence that they introduce a warm bias) and that both the
response of clouds to climate change and the associated feedbacks are not
fully understood. However, climate modellers are well aware of the
uncertainties these issues introduce and factor them into the uncertainties
associated with model simulations. Furthermore, some attribution studies rely
on the pattern (in time and space) of the observed and simulated changes in
climate and so are insensitive to errors in the magnitude of model simulations.
The IPCC took these factors into account when it concluded that most of the
observed increase in global temperatures since the mid-20th century is “very
likely” (i.e. more than a 90% probability) due to the human-induced increase in
greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere – so the uncertainties certainly don’t
undermine this conclusion.
such as the body temperature of the instrument and satellite drift in orbit,
which need to be accounted for correctly.
The ‘hockey stick’ curve, which was included in the IPCC’s Third
Assessment Report, has been comprehensively discredited.
The ‘hockey stick’ graph was the result of the first comprehensive attempt to
reconstruct the average Northern Hemisphere temperature over the past
1,000 years. It was based on a number of different temperature indicators,
including ice cores and tree rings. The graph indicates that the average
Northern Hemisphere temperature remained relatively constant until the last
part of the 20th century, when it increased relatively suddenly. The methods
(particularly the statistical methods that underpin it) and data used to
construct the graph have been criticized, and most climate scientists agree
that the original graph can be, and has been, improved. However, most
scientists also agree that the main conclusion drawn from the graph — that
the warming of the late 20th century is unprecedented in the past 1,000 years
— is likely to be true3.
Climate change varies across the world — for example, the Greenland
ice sheet is melting at its edges but thickening at its centre — allowing
climate-change alarmists to ‘cherry pick’ the examples they use to
support their position.
Climate change due to greenhouse gases is not expected to be uniform
around the world. All the examples presented are consistent with our
understanding of how greenhouse gases affect climate. Specifically, high
latitudes warm faster than low latitudes due to feedback effects associated
with the retreat of snow and ice. Glaciers have advanced in some regions
because glacier extent is determined by the amount of snowfall as well as
temperature and climate change has increased snowfall in some regions
(though overall the trend is for an accelerating rate of mass loss). Similarly,
snowfall has increased over the cold interior of the Greenland ice sheet,
increasing its thickness there, but rising temperatures have increased melting
around the ice sheet’s edge.
Sea levels have been rising very gradually for as long as records exist
and there is little sign of any acceleration so far. Indeed one study 4
indicates that the rate may have been lower in the second half of the 20 th
century than during the first. Over the last few decades sea level has
been falling in the Maldives sea level rise has been negligible in Tuvalu.
In contrast to the assertions made, the best available records of global sea
level change indicate that the rate of sea level rise accelerated between the
late 19th century (when reliable records began) and the late 20 th century,
reaching an average of 1.8 mm yr-1 over the period 1961-2003. Geological
records indicate that over the previous 2,000 years, sea level change was
small, ranging from 0.0 to 0.2 mm yr-1.
Sea level change is not expected to be uniform around the world because
factors such as ocean temperature, salinity, winds and ocean circulation all
affect sea level at regional scales, particularly on short timescales. Satellite
measurements indicate, for example, that between 1993 and 2003 the rate of
sea level rise was several times the global mean in some regions, while it fell
Note that this is a much weaker conclusion than that based on the instrumental temperature
record over the last 100 years which was assessed to be “unequivocal”, reflecting the poorer
quantity and reliability of palaeo-reconstructions, particularly in the earlier years.
Holgate, S.J. 2007 On the decadal rates of sea level change during the twentieth century.
GRL, 34 (1).
in the eastern Pacific and western Indian Oceans. A recent study by Church
et al. (2006)5 estimated sea level rise at Tuvalu to be 2.0±1.7mm/yr from the
two available records starting in 1977 and 1993.
There is no evidence that the Greenland ice sheet is experiencing net ice
loss. This is not surprising because the 1930s and 1940s were the
warmest decades on record in Greenland. 90% of the Antarctic ice sheet
is increasing in size.
There is strong evidence that the Greenland Ice Sheet has decreased in size
over the last 10-15 years, with thickening in central regions due to increased
snowfall more than offset by increased melting in coastal regions (it is difficult
to tell how the mass changed before the early 1990s due to a lack of
observations). Temperatures in the high Arctic are indeed thought to have
been similar to today in the 1930s, but this in no way undermines the
conclusion that recent changes are due to greenhouse gas emissions. The
pattern of warming in the 1930s (which was localised at high latitudes) shows
that the high temperatures in the Arctic were caused by a natural, internal
process in the climate system known as the “Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation”,
Church et al, 2006, Sea level rise at tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean islands. Global Planet.
Change, 53, 155-168.
whereas the widespread warming observed over recent decades is consistent
with it being the result of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.
There is considerable uncertainty about recent changes in the total size of the
Antarctic ice sheet. Recent work indicates that it has been roughly neutral to
slightly negative over recent years. What is important to note here, however,
is that we would not expect the size of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to have
decreased significantly, partly because atmospheric circulation around the
continent prevents warmer air from reaching it. There has also been a small
increase in Antarctic sea ice extent since the satellite record began in 1978.
This small change is consistent with the combined effects of greenhouse gas
increases and reductions in the ozone layer, which cause increases in some
regions, such as the Ross Sea, and decreases in others, such as the
Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea.