M. O. Shabani, A. Mazahery

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Volume 56 2011 Issue 3

DOI: 10.2478/v10172-011-0073-1






In order to predict the mechanical properties of A356, a relatively new approach is presented in this paper using finite
element technique which combines mechanical properties data in the form of experimental and simulated microstructures.
In this work, the comparison of this model’s predictions with the ones in the literature is presented. It is revealed that
predictions of this study are consistent with the other works and experimental measurements for A356 alloy. The results of this
research were also used in order to form an analytical equations followed with solidification codes for SUT (Sharif University
Technology) software.
Keywords: A356, mechanical, Dendrite arm spacing, Prediction

W celu prognozowania właściwości mechanicznych stopów A356, w pracy przedstawiono stosunkowo nowe podejście
przy użyciu metody elementów skończonych, które łączy w sobie dane właściwości mechanicznych w formie badań ekspery-
mentalnych i symulacji mikrostruktur.
W pracy przedstawiono porównanie przewidywań tego modelu z danymi literaturowymi i stwierdzono, że są one zgodne
z innymi pracami i danymi eksperymentalnymi dla stopu A356. Wyniki tej pracy zostały również wykorzystywane do sformu-
łowania równań analitycznych następnie użytych do programowania krzepnięcia w oprogramowaniu SUT (Sharif University of

1. Introduction stituents are dispersed more finely and evenly which also
enhances the mechanical properties [1, 6-11].
In 1966, Oldfield proposed that the heat source term,
Cast aluminum–silicon alloys have an excellent com- in the heat transfer equation could be represented by the
bination of castability and mechanical properties, as well function of nucleation rate and growth velocity of crys-
as good corrosion resistance and weldability [1-3]. Suc- tal grain, and he attempted to simulate the solidification
cessful development of application of aluminum casting microstructure of gray casting iron. Yet the micro sim-
parts needs high strength and elongation. There are a ulation had been developed slowly, confined by the cor-
number of effective parameters, which control mechani- responding macro simulation during the followed years
cal properties of casting parts including grain size, den- [12].
drite arm spacing (DAS), size and distribution of sec- It is well established that under most conditions of
ondary phases [4, 5]. The refinement of the microstruc- solidification, the dendritic morphology is the dominant
ture leads to substantial improvement in mechanical characteristic of the microstructure of off-eutectic alloys.
properties. The secondary dendrite arm spacing controls Fine dendritic microstructures in castings, characterized
the size and the distribution of porosity and intermetallic by the dendrite arm spacing, are recognized to have supe-
particles in the casting. Chemical composition, melting rior mechanical properties than coarser ones, particularly
process, casting process and solidification rate determine when considering the tensile strength and ductility. Much
the quality of the microstructure of aluminum parts. As more research has been devoted to the definition of the
DAS becomes smaller, porosity and second phase con- factors affecting the fineness of the dendritic structure.


Numerous solidification studies have been reported with A side view and top view of the step castings are shown
a view to characterize the primary and secondary den- in Fig. 1. The casting was gated from the side of the
drite arm spacing as a function of alloy solute concentra- riser. The casting was then sectioned and samples were
tion, tip growth rate and temperature gradient ahead of extracted from steps 1 to 5. Transverse specimens were
the macroscopic solidification front [13]. A eutectic con- cut from the castings and prepared for tensile testing
stituent, comprising of aluminum-rich and silicon phases according to specifications of ASTM Standard B577M.
grows between the aluminum-rich dendritic networks. To In order to ensure the persuasion of results, five spec-
describe the mechanical properties, we need parameters imens were cut for each step and yield stress, ultimate
such as SDAS, yield stress (by ), ultimate tensile strength tensile strengths and elongation percentage have been
(UTS) and elongation percentage. In this paper, each determined at each position.
of these length scales is discussed in detail. Analytical For microstructural study, specimens were prepared
equations, generated for these length scales can be in- by grinding through 80, 120, 200, 400, 800, 1000 and
corporated in the commercial software for prediction of 2000 grit papers followed by polishing and etched with
microstructure in shape castings [14]. HF % 4. Then images from each sample were taken by
optical microscope. The A356 alloy is a hypo-eutectic
alloy consisting of primary α-Al dendrite and eutectic
2. Experimental procedure Si particles. These images were then analyzed using a
commercial image-analysis software package. Quantita-
In this study, approximately 4.5 kg of A356 was tive metallography was conducted by a Clemex Image
charged into the crucible made from cast iron, heated up Analysis system (Clemex CIRTM 3.5). The secondary
to above 720◦ C, and then the step casting was poured dendrite arm spacing was obtained by a linear intercept
into the sand mould. The chemical analysis of the ingot method where the line is chosen to intersect a series of
used to make the step castings is presented in Table 1. well-defined secondary dendrite arms. Most of the im-
Fifteen thermocouples were implemented to determine ages were taken at the magnification of 50x, 100x and
the experimental cooling rate. These thermocouples were 200x. Then experimental SDAS was gained in different
located in 10, 40 and 75 mm from the side of each step. cooling rate and compared with simulated results.

Chemical analysis of the ingot used for the step castings

Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti Cr Ni Pb Sn
6.91 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.33 0.31 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.1 < 0.01

Fig. 1. Scale drawing for step castings


3. Prediction

A relation between microstructure and mechanical

properties of A356 alloy is required for prediction of the
mechanical properties. In this research, mechanical prop-
erties are considered as a function of secondary dendrite
arm spacing.

3.1. secondary dendrite arm spacing

Numerous solidification studies have been developed

with a view to characterize dendrite arm spacing under
experimental circumstances involving solidification in Fig. 2. Secondary dendrite arm spacing as a function of cooling rate
the steady-state heat flow and those in the unsteady-state for A356 alloy
regime. The later case is of prime importance, since this
class of heat flow regime encompasses the majority of Equation 3 can be extracted from this curve regard-
industrial solidification processes. In this case, which is ing ∆T = 60◦ C:
the focus of this article, secondary dendrite arm spac- 60
tf = (2)
ing (SDAS), is usually expressed as a function of local R
solidification time (t f ), Where M and K are constants SDAS = 10.4(t f )1/3 (3)
3.2. Mechanical properties
SDAS = K(Mt f ) (1)
Variations of yield stress (by ), ultimate tensile
strength (UTS), maximum force (Fmax ) and elongation
In this research, dendrite arm spacing was obtained in percentage (∆l) with secondary dendrite arm spacing are
different casting temperature using image analysis tech- exhibited in Figure 3. These results are used to predict
nique. The variation of SDAS with cooling rate (R) is the mechanical properties and extract the following equa-
presented in Fig. 2. tions.

Fig. 3. Variation of yield stress (a), ultimate tensile strength (b), maximum force (c) and elongation percentage (d) with secondary dendrite
arm spacing

by = -9.52ln (SDAS) + 115.8 (4)

UTS = −36.0ln(SDAS) + 293.5 (5)

Fmax = −4.178ln(SDAS) + 35.067 (6)

∆l = 181.4(SDAS)−0.88 (7)

Equations 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are incorporated in the soft-

ware as solidification code for prediction of mechanical
properties in modeling. Fig. 4. Comparison of the model’s predictions with experimental
measurements of secondary dendrite arm spacing for A356 alloy

Figure 5 shows the variations of yield stress, ul-

4. Validation of the model timate tensile strength, elongation percentage and Fmax
with cooling rate. It is revealed that predictions of this
Comparison of the model’s predictions with experi- study are consistent with the experimental measurements
mental measurements of secondary dendrite arm spacing of these properties for A356 alloy.
for A356 alloy is displayed in Fig. 4. The higher consis- In order to predict the mechanical properties of
tency of this model with experimental measurement in A356, The UTS distribution and the yield stress dis-
relative to other models can be easily observed. tribution in this model are displayed in Figure 6.

Fig. 5. Variation of yield stress (a), ultimate tensile strength (b), Fmax (c) and elongation percentage (d) with cooling rate

Fig. 6. The UTS distribution (right) and the yield stress distribution (left) in this model

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Received: 10 February 2011.

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